1 /*  $Id: annot_object.cpp 618511 2020-10-21 16:04:06Z grichenk $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author: Aleksey Grichenko, Eugene Vasilchenko
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 *
30 */
32 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
33 #include <objmgr/impl/annot_object.hpp>
34 #include <objmgr/impl/handle_range_map.hpp>
35 #include <objmgr/impl/seq_entry_info.hpp>
36 #include <objmgr/impl/bioseq_base_info.hpp>
37 #include <objmgr/impl/seq_annot_info.hpp>
38 #include <objmgr/impl/tse_chunk_info.hpp>
39 #include <objmgr/impl/annot_type_index.hpp>
40 #include <objmgr/objmgr_exception.hpp>
41 #include <objmgr/error_codes.hpp>
43 #include <objects/seqset/Seq_entry.hpp>
44 #include <objects/seq/Seq_annot.hpp>
45 #include <objects/seq/Annotdesc.hpp>
46 #include <objects/seq/Annot_descr.hpp>
48 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_interval.hpp>
49 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
51 #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_diag.hpp>
52 #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_seg.hpp>
53 #include <objects/seqalign/Std_seg.hpp>
54 #include <objects/seqalign/Packed_seg.hpp>
55 #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align_set.hpp>
56 #include <objects/seqalign/Spliced_seg.hpp>
57 #include <objects/seqalign/Spliced_exon.hpp>
58 #include <objects/seqalign/Product_pos.hpp>
59 #include <objects/seqalign/Prot_pos.hpp>
60 #include <objects/seqalign/Sparse_seg.hpp>
61 #include <objects/seqalign/Sparse_align.hpp>
62 #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align.hpp>
64 #include <objects/seqfeat/Seq_feat.hpp>
66 #include <objects/seqres/Seq_graph.hpp>
68 #include <objects/general/User_object.hpp>
69 #include <objects/general/User_field.hpp>
70 #include <objects/general/Object_id.hpp>
73 #define NCBI_USE_ERRCODE_X   ObjMgr_AnnotObject
BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)79 BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)
81 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 //
83 //  CAnnotObject_Info::
84 //
87 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
88                                      TIndex index,
89                                      const SAnnotTypeSelector& type)
90     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
91       m_ObjectIndex(index),
92       m_Type(type)
93 {
94     m_Iter.m_RawPtr = 0;
95 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TFtable::iterator iter)98 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
99                                      TIndex index,
100                                      TFtable::iterator iter)
101     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
102       m_ObjectIndex(index),
103       m_Type((*iter)->GetData().GetSubtype())
104 {
106     m_Iter.m_Feat.Construct();
107 #endif
108     *m_Iter.m_Feat = iter;
109     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
110     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
111 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TAlign::iterator iter)114 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
115                                      TIndex index,
116                                      TAlign::iterator iter)
117     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
118       m_ObjectIndex(index),
119       m_Type(C_Data::e_Align)
120 {
122     m_Iter.m_Align.Construct();
123 #endif
124     *m_Iter.m_Align = iter;
125     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
126     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
127 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TGraph::iterator iter)130 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
131                                      TIndex index,
132                                      TGraph::iterator iter)
133     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
134       m_ObjectIndex(index),
135       m_Type(C_Data::e_Graph)
136 {
138     m_Iter.m_Graph.Construct();
139 #endif
140     *m_Iter.m_Graph = iter;
141     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
142     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
143 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TLocs::iterator iter)146 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
147                                      TIndex index,
148                                      TLocs::iterator iter)
149     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
150       m_ObjectIndex(index),
151       m_Type(C_Data::e_Locs)
152 {
154     m_Iter.m_Locs.Construct();
155 #endif
156     *m_Iter.m_Locs = iter;
157     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
158     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
159 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TFtable & cont,const CSeq_feat & obj)162 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
163                                      TIndex index,
164                                      TFtable& cont,
165                                      const CSeq_feat& obj)
166     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
167       m_ObjectIndex(index),
168       m_Type(obj.GetData().GetSubtype())
169 {
171     m_Iter.m_Feat.Construct();
172 #endif
173     *m_Iter.m_Feat = cont.insert(cont.end(),
174                                  Ref(const_cast<CSeq_feat*>(&obj)));
175     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
176     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
177 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TAlign & cont,const CSeq_align & obj)180 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
181                                      TIndex index,
182                                      TAlign& cont,
183                                      const CSeq_align& obj)
184     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
185       m_ObjectIndex(index),
186       m_Type(C_Data::e_Align)
187 {
189     m_Iter.m_Align.Construct();
190 #endif
191     *m_Iter.m_Align = cont.insert(cont.end(),
192                                   Ref(const_cast<CSeq_align*>(&obj)));
193     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
194     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
195 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TGraph & cont,const CSeq_graph & obj)198 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
199                                      TIndex index,
200                                      TGraph& cont,
201                                      const CSeq_graph& obj)
202     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
203       m_ObjectIndex(index),
204       m_Type(C_Data::e_Graph)
205 {
207     m_Iter.m_Graph.Construct();
208 #endif
209     *m_Iter.m_Graph = cont.insert(cont.end(),
210                                   Ref(const_cast<CSeq_graph*>(&obj)));
211     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
212     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
213 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info & annot,TIndex index,TLocs & cont,const CSeq_loc & obj)216 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CSeq_annot_Info& annot,
217                                      TIndex index,
218                                      TLocs& cont,
219                                      const CSeq_loc& obj)
220     : m_Seq_annot_Info(&annot),
221       m_ObjectIndex(index),
222       m_Type(C_Data::e_Locs)
223 {
225     m_Iter.m_Locs.Construct();
226 #endif
227     *m_Iter.m_Locs = cont.insert(cont.end(),
228                                  Ref(const_cast<CSeq_loc*>(&obj)));
229     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
230     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
231 }
CAnnotObject_Info(CTSE_Chunk_Info & chunk_info,const SAnnotTypeSelector & sel)234 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(CTSE_Chunk_Info& chunk_info,
235                                      const SAnnotTypeSelector& sel)
236     : m_Seq_annot_Info(0),
237       m_ObjectIndex(eChunkStub),
238       m_Type(sel)
239 {
240     m_Iter.m_Chunk = &chunk_info;
241     _ASSERT(IsChunkStub());
242     _ASSERT(m_Iter.m_RawPtr != 0);
243 }
~CAnnotObject_Info()246 CAnnotObject_Info::~CAnnotObject_Info()
247 {
248     Reset();
249 }
CAnnotObject_Info(const CAnnotObject_Info & info)253 CAnnotObject_Info::CAnnotObject_Info(const CAnnotObject_Info& info)
254     : m_Seq_annot_Info(info.m_Seq_annot_Info),
255       m_ObjectIndex(info.m_ObjectIndex),
256       m_Type(info.m_Type)
257 {
258     if ( info.IsRegular() ) {
259         if ( info.IsFeat() ) {
260             m_Iter.m_Feat.Construct();
261             *m_Iter.m_Feat = *info.m_Iter.m_Feat;
262             _ASSERT(IsFeat());
263         }
264         else if ( info.IsAlign() ) {
265             m_Iter.m_Align.Construct();
266             *m_Iter.m_Align = *info.m_Iter.m_Align;
267             _ASSERT(IsAlign());
268         }
269         else if ( info.IsGraph() ) {
270             m_Iter.m_Graph.Construct();
271             *m_Iter.m_Graph = *info.m_Iter.m_Graph;
272             _ASSERT(IsGraph());
273         }
274         else if ( info.IsLocs() ) {
275             m_Iter.m_Locs.Construct();
276             *m_Iter.m_Locs = *info.m_Iter.m_Locs;
277             _ASSERT(IsLocs());
278         }
279         _ASSERT(IsRegular());
280     }
281     else {
282         m_Iter.m_RawPtr = info.m_Iter.m_RawPtr;
283         _ASSERT(!IsRegular());
284     }
285 }
operator =(const CAnnotObject_Info & info)288 CAnnotObject_Info& CAnnotObject_Info::operator=(const CAnnotObject_Info& info)
289 {
290     if ( this != &info ) {
291         Reset();
292         m_Seq_annot_Info = info.m_Seq_annot_Info;
293         m_ObjectIndex = info.m_ObjectIndex;
294         m_Type = info.m_Type;
295         if ( info.IsRegular() ) {
296             if ( info.IsFeat() ) {
297                 m_Iter.m_Feat.Construct();
298                 *m_Iter.m_Feat = *info.m_Iter.m_Feat;
299                 _ASSERT(IsFeat());
300             }
301             else if ( info.IsAlign() ) {
302                 m_Iter.m_Align.Construct();
303                 *m_Iter.m_Align = *info.m_Iter.m_Align;
304                 _ASSERT(IsAlign());
305             }
306             else if ( info.IsGraph() ) {
307                 m_Iter.m_Graph.Construct();
308                 *m_Iter.m_Graph = *info.m_Iter.m_Graph;
309                 _ASSERT(IsGraph());
310             }
311             else if ( info.IsLocs() ) {
312                 m_Iter.m_Locs.Construct();
313                 *m_Iter.m_Locs = *info.m_Iter.m_Locs;
314                 _ASSERT(IsLocs());
315             }
316             _ASSERT(IsRegular());
317         }
318         else {
319             m_Iter.m_RawPtr = info.m_Iter.m_RawPtr;
320             _ASSERT(!IsRegular());
321         }
322     }
323     return *this;
324 }
326 #endif
Reset(void)329 void CAnnotObject_Info::Reset(void)
330 {
332     if ( IsRegular() ) {
333         if ( IsFeat() ) {
334             m_Iter.m_Feat.Destruct();
335         }
336         else if ( IsAlign() ) {
337             m_Iter.m_Align.Destruct();
338         }
339         else if ( IsGraph() ) {
340             m_Iter.m_Graph.Destruct();
341         }
342         else if ( IsLocs() ) {
343             m_Iter.m_Locs.Destruct();
344         }
345     }
346 #endif
347     m_Type.SetAnnotType(C_Data::e_not_set);
348     m_Iter.m_RawPtr = 0;
349     m_ObjectIndex = eEmpty;
350     m_Seq_annot_Info = 0;
351 }
GetObject(void) const354 CConstRef<CObject> CAnnotObject_Info::GetObject(void) const
355 {
356     return ConstRef(GetObjectPointer());
357 }
GetObjectPointer(void) const360 const CObject* CAnnotObject_Info::GetObjectPointer(void) const
361 {
362     switch ( Which() ) {
363     case C_Data::e_Ftable:
364         return GetFeatFast();
365     case C_Data::e_Graph:
366         return GetGraphFast();
367     case C_Data::e_Align:
368         return &GetAlign();
369     case C_Data::e_Locs:
370         return &GetLocs();
371     default:
372         return 0;
373     }
374 }
GetMaps(vector<CHandleRangeMap> & hrmaps,const CMasterSeqSegments * master) const377 void CAnnotObject_Info::GetMaps(vector<CHandleRangeMap>& hrmaps,
378                                 const CMasterSeqSegments* master) const
379 {
380     _ASSERT(IsRegular());
381     switch ( Which() ) {
382     case C_Data::e_Ftable:
383         x_ProcessFeat(hrmaps, *GetFeatFast(), master);
384         break;
385     case C_Data::e_Graph:
386         x_ProcessGraph(hrmaps, *GetGraphFast(), master);
387         break;
388     case C_Data::e_Align:
389     {
390         const CSeq_align& align = GetAlign();
391         // TODO: separate alignment locations
392         hrmaps.clear();
393         x_ProcessAlign(hrmaps, align, master);
394         break;
395     }
396     case C_Data::e_Locs:
397     {
398         _ASSERT(!IsRemoved());
399         // Index by location in region descriptor, not by referenced one
400         const CSeq_annot& annot = *GetSeq_annot_Info().GetCompleteSeq_annot();
401         if ( !annot.IsSetDesc() ) {
402             break;
403         }
404         CConstRef<CSeq_loc> region;
405         ITERATE(CSeq_annot::TDesc::Tdata, desc_it, annot.GetDesc().Get()) {
406             if ( (*desc_it)->IsRegion() ) {
407                 region.Reset(&(*desc_it)->GetRegion());
408                 break;
409             }
410         }
411         if ( region ) {
412             hrmaps.resize(1);
413             hrmaps[0].clear();
414             hrmaps[0].SetMasterSeq(master);
415             hrmaps[0].AddLocation(*region);
416         }
417         break;
418     }
419     default:
420         break;
421     }
422 }
424 /* static */
x_ProcessFeat(vector<CHandleRangeMap> & hrmaps,const CSeq_feat & feat,const CMasterSeqSegments * master)425 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_ProcessFeat(vector<CHandleRangeMap>& hrmaps,
426                                       const CSeq_feat& feat,
427                                       const CMasterSeqSegments* master)
428 {
429     hrmaps.resize(feat.IsSetProduct()? 2: 1);
430     hrmaps[0].clear();
431     hrmaps[0].SetMasterSeq(master);
432     CHandleRangeMap::ETransSplicing mode = CHandleRangeMap::eNoTransSplicing;
433     if ( feat.IsSetExcept_text() &&
434          feat.GetExcept_text().find("trans-splicing") != NPOS ) {
435         mode = CHandleRangeMap::eTransSplicing;
436     }
437     hrmaps[0].AddLocation(feat.GetLocation(), mode);
438     if ( feat.IsSetProduct() ) {
439         hrmaps[1].clear();
440         hrmaps[1].SetMasterSeq(master);
441         hrmaps[1].AddLocation(feat.GetProduct(), mode);
442     }
443 }
444 /* static */
x_ProcessGraph(vector<CHandleRangeMap> & hrmaps,const CSeq_graph & graph,const CMasterSeqSegments * master)445 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_ProcessGraph(vector<CHandleRangeMap>& hrmaps,
446                                        const CSeq_graph& graph,
447                                        const CMasterSeqSegments* master)
448 {
449     hrmaps.resize(1);
450     hrmaps[0].clear();
451     hrmaps[0].SetMasterSeq(master);
452     hrmaps[0].AddLocation(graph.GetLoc());
453 }
GetSeq_entry_Info(void) const455 const CSeq_entry_Info& CAnnotObject_Info::GetSeq_entry_Info(void) const
456 {
457     return GetSeq_annot_Info().GetParentSeq_entry_Info();
458 }
GetTSE_Info(void) const461 const CTSE_Info& CAnnotObject_Info::GetTSE_Info(void) const
462 {
463     return GetSeq_annot_Info().GetTSE_Info();
464 }
GetTSE_Info(void)467 CTSE_Info& CAnnotObject_Info::GetTSE_Info(void)
468 {
469     return GetSeq_annot_Info().GetTSE_Info();
470 }
GetDataSource(void) const473 CDataSource& CAnnotObject_Info::GetDataSource(void) const
474 {
475     return GetSeq_annot_Info().GetDataSource();
476 }
479 const CTempString kAnnotTypePrefix = "Seq-annot.data.";
GetLocsTypes(TTypeIndexSet & idx_set) const481 void CAnnotObject_Info::GetLocsTypes(TTypeIndexSet& idx_set) const
482 {
483     const CSeq_annot& annot = *GetSeq_annot_Info().GetCompleteSeq_annot();
484     _ASSERT(annot.IsSetDesc());
485     ITERATE(CSeq_annot::TDesc::Tdata, desc_it, annot.GetDesc().Get()) {
486         if ( !(*desc_it)->IsUser() ) {
487             continue;
488         }
489         const CUser_object& obj = (*desc_it)->GetUser();
490         if ( !obj.GetType().IsStr() ) {
491             continue;
492         }
493         CTempString type = obj.GetType().GetStr();
494         if (type.substr(0, kAnnotTypePrefix.size()) != kAnnotTypePrefix) {
495             continue;
496         }
497         type = type.substr(kAnnotTypePrefix.size());
498         if (type == "align") {
499             idx_set.push_back(CAnnotType_Index::GetAnnotTypeRange(
500                 C_Data::e_Align));
501         }
502         else if (type == "graph") {
503             idx_set.push_back(CAnnotType_Index::GetAnnotTypeRange(
504                 C_Data::e_Graph));
505         }
506         else if (type == "ftable") {
507             if ( obj.GetData().size() == 0 ) {
508                 // Feature type/subtype not set
509                 idx_set.push_back(CAnnotType_Index::GetAnnotTypeRange(
510                     C_Data::e_Ftable));
511                 continue;
512             }
513             // Parse feature types and subtypes
514             ITERATE(CUser_object::TData, data_it, obj.GetData()) {
515                 const CUser_field& field = **data_it;
516                 if ( !field.GetLabel().IsId() ) {
517                     continue;
518                 }
519                 int ftype = field.GetLabel().GetId();
520                 switch (field.GetData().Which()) {
521                 case CUser_field::C_Data::e_Int:
522                     x_Locs_AddFeatSubtype(ftype,
523                         field.GetData().GetInt(), idx_set);
524                     break;
525                 case CUser_field::C_Data::e_Ints:
526                     {
527                         ITERATE(CUser_field::C_Data::TInts, it,
528                             field.GetData().GetInts()) {
529                             x_Locs_AddFeatSubtype(ftype, *it, idx_set);
530                         }
531                         break;
532                     }
533                 default:
534                     break;
535                 }
536             }
537         }
538     }
539 }
x_Locs_AddFeatSubtype(int ftype,int subtype,TTypeIndexSet & idx_set) const542 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_Locs_AddFeatSubtype(int ftype,
543                                               int subtype,
544                                               TTypeIndexSet& idx_set) const
545 {
546     if (subtype != CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_any) {
547         size_t idx =
548             CAnnotType_Index::GetSubtypeIndex(CSeqFeatData::ESubtype(subtype));
549         idx_set.push_back(TIndexRange(idx, idx+1));
550     }
551     else {
552         idx_set.push_back(
553             CAnnotType_Index::GetFeatTypeRange(CSeqFeatData::E_Choice(ftype)));
554     }
555 }
558 /* static */
x_ProcessAlign(vector<CHandleRangeMap> & hrmaps,const CSeq_align & align,const CMasterSeqSegments * master)559 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_ProcessAlign(vector<CHandleRangeMap>& hrmaps,
560                                        const CSeq_align& align,
561                                        const CMasterSeqSegments* master)
562 {
563     //### Check the implementation.
564     switch ( align.GetSegs().Which() ) {
565     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_not_set:
566         {
567             break;
568         }
569     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Dendiag:
570         {
571             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDendiag& dendiag =
572                 align.GetSegs().GetDendiag();
573             ITERATE ( CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDendiag, it, dendiag ) {
574                 const CDense_diag& diag = **it;
575                 int dim = diag.GetDim();
576                 if (dim != (int)diag.GetIds().size()) {
577                     ERR_POST_X(1, Warning << "Invalid 'ids' size in dendiag");
578                     dim = min(dim, (int)diag.GetIds().size());
579                 }
580                 if (dim != (int)diag.GetStarts().size()) {
581                     ERR_POST_X(2, Warning << "Invalid 'starts' size in dendiag");
582                     dim = min(dim, (int)diag.GetStarts().size());
583                 }
584                 if (diag.IsSetStrands()
585                     && dim != (int)diag.GetStrands().size()) {
586                     ERR_POST_X(3, Warning << "Invalid 'strands' size in dendiag");
587                     dim = min(dim, (int)diag.GetStrands().size());
588                 }
589                 if ((int)hrmaps.size() < dim) {
590                     hrmaps.resize(dim);
591                 }
592                 TSeqPos len = (*it)->GetLen();
593                 for (int row = 0; row < dim; ++row) {
594                     const CSeq_id& id = *(*it)->GetIds()[row];
595                     TSeqPos from = (*it)->GetStarts()[row];
596                     TSeqPos to = from + len - 1;
597                     ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
598                     if ( (*it)->IsSetStrands() ) {
599                         strand = (*it)->GetStrands()[row];
600                     }
601                     hrmaps[row].SetMasterSeq(master);
602                     hrmaps[row].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
603                 }
604             }
605             break;
606         }
607     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Denseg:
608         {
609             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDenseg& denseg =
610                 align.GetSegs().GetDenseg();
611             size_t dim    = size_t(denseg.GetDim());
612             size_t numseg = size_t(denseg.GetNumseg());
613             // claimed dimension may not be accurate :-/
614             if (numseg != denseg.GetLens().size()) {
615                 ERR_POST_X(4, Warning << "Invalid 'lens' size in denseg");
616                 numseg = min(numseg, denseg.GetLens().size());
617             }
618             if (dim != denseg.GetIds().size()) {
619                 ERR_POST_X(5, Warning << "Invalid 'ids' size in denseg");
620                 dim = min(dim, denseg.GetIds().size());
621             }
622             if (dim*numseg != denseg.GetStarts().size()) {
623                 ERR_POST_X(6, Warning << "Invalid 'starts' size in denseg");
624                 dim = min(dim*numseg, denseg.GetStarts().size()) / numseg;
625             }
626             if (denseg.IsSetStrands()
627                 && dim*numseg != denseg.GetStrands().size()) {
628                 ERR_POST_X(7, Warning << "Invalid 'strands' size in denseg");
629                 dim = min(dim*numseg, denseg.GetStrands().size()) / numseg;
630             }
631             if (hrmaps.size() < dim) {
632                 hrmaps.resize(dim);
633             }
634             for (size_t seg = 0;  seg < numseg;  seg++) {
635                 for (size_t row = 0;  row < dim;  row++) {
636                     if (denseg.GetStarts()[seg*dim + row] < 0 ) {
637                         continue;
638                     }
639                     const CSeq_id& id = *denseg.GetIds()[row];
640                     TSeqPos from = denseg.GetStarts()[seg*dim + row];
641                     TSeqPos to = from + denseg.GetLens()[seg] - 1;
642                     ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
643                     if ( denseg.IsSetStrands() ) {
644                         strand = denseg.GetStrands()[seg*dim + row];
645                     }
646                     hrmaps[row].SetMasterSeq(master);
647                     hrmaps[row].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
648                 }
649             }
650             break;
651         }
652     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Std:
653         {
654             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TStd& std =
655                 align.GetSegs().GetStd();
656             ITERATE ( CSeq_align::C_Segs::TStd, it, std ) {
657                 size_t dim = size_t((*it)->GetDim());
658                 if (hrmaps.size() < dim) {
659                     hrmaps.resize((*it)->GetDim());
660                 }
661                 ITERATE ( CStd_seg::TLoc, it_loc, (*it)->GetLoc() ) {
662                     CSeq_loc_CI row_it(**it_loc);
663                     for (size_t row = 0; row_it; ++row_it, ++row) {
664                         if (row >= hrmaps.size()) {
665                             hrmaps.resize(row + 1);
666                         }
667                         const CSeq_id& id = row_it.GetSeq_id();
668                         TSeqPos from = row_it.GetRange().GetFrom();
669                         TSeqPos to = row_it.GetRange().GetTo();
670                         ENa_strand strand = row_it.GetStrand();
671                         hrmaps[row].SetMasterSeq(master);
672                         hrmaps[row].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
673                     }
674                 }
675             }
676             break;
677         }
678     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Packed:
679         {
680             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TPacked& packed =
681                 align.GetSegs().GetPacked();
682             size_t dim    = size_t(packed.GetDim());
683             size_t numseg = size_t(packed.GetNumseg());
684             // claimed dimension may not be accurate :-/
685             if (dim * numseg > packed.GetStarts().size()) {
686                 dim = packed.GetStarts().size() / numseg;
687             }
688             if (dim * numseg > packed.GetPresent().size()) {
689                 dim = packed.GetPresent().size() / numseg;
690             }
691             if (dim > packed.GetLens().size()) {
692                 dim = packed.GetLens().size();
693             }
694             if (hrmaps.size() < dim) {
695                 hrmaps.resize(dim);
696             }
697             for (size_t seg = 0;  seg < numseg;  seg++) {
698                 for (size_t row = 0;  row < dim;  row++) {
699                     if ( packed.GetPresent()[seg*dim + row] ) {
700                         hrmaps[row].SetMasterSeq(master);
701                         const CSeq_id& id = *packed.GetIds()[row];
702                         TSeqPos from = packed.GetStarts()[seg*dim + row];
703                         TSeqPos to = from + packed.GetLens()[seg] - 1;
704                         ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
705                         if ( packed.IsSetStrands() ) {
706                             strand = packed.GetStrands()[seg*dim + row];
707                         }
708                         hrmaps[row].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
709                     }
710                 }
711             }
712             break;
713         }
714     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Disc:
715         {
716             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDisc& disc =
717                 align.GetSegs().GetDisc();
718             ITERATE ( CSeq_align_set::Tdata, it, disc.Get() ) {
719                 x_ProcessAlign(hrmaps, **it, master);
720             }
721             break;
722         }
723     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Spliced:
724         {
725             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TSpliced& spliced =
726                 align.GetSegs().GetSpliced();
727             const CSeq_id* gen_id = spliced.IsSetGenomic_id() ?
728                 &spliced.GetGenomic_id() : 0;
729             const CSeq_id* prod_id = spliced.IsSetProduct_id() ?
730                 &spliced.GetProduct_id() : 0;
731             hrmaps.resize(2);
732             ITERATE ( CSpliced_seg::TExons, it, spliced.GetExons() ) {
733                 const CSpliced_exon& ex = **it;
734                 const CSeq_id* ex_gen_id = ex.IsSetGenomic_id() ?
735                     &ex.GetGenomic_id() : gen_id;
736                 if ( ex_gen_id ) {
737                     const CSeq_id& id = *ex_gen_id;
738                     TSeqPos from = ex.GetGenomic_start();
739                     TSeqPos to = ex.GetGenomic_end();
740                     ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
741                     if ( ex.IsSetGenomic_strand() ) {
742                         strand = ex.GetGenomic_strand();
743                     }
744                     else if ( spliced.IsSetGenomic_strand() ) {
745                         strand = spliced.GetGenomic_strand();
746                     }
747                     hrmaps[1].SetMasterSeq(master);
748                     hrmaps[1].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
749                 }
750                 const CSeq_id* ex_prod_id = ex.IsSetProduct_id() ?
751                     &ex.GetProduct_id() : prod_id;
752                 if ( ex_prod_id ) {
753                     const CSeq_id& id = *ex_prod_id;
754                     TSeqPos from =
755                         (ex.GetProduct_start().IsNucpos() ?
756                          ex.GetProduct_start().GetNucpos() :
757                          ex.GetProduct_start().GetProtpos().GetAmin());
758                     TSeqPos to =
759                         (ex.GetProduct_end().IsNucpos() ?
760                          ex.GetProduct_end().GetNucpos() :
761                          ex.GetProduct_end().GetProtpos().GetAmin());
762                     ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
763                     if ( ex.IsSetProduct_strand() ) {
764                         strand = ex.GetProduct_strand();
765                     }
766                     else if ( spliced.IsSetProduct_strand() ) {
767                         strand = spliced.GetProduct_strand();
768                     }
769                     hrmaps[0].SetMasterSeq(master);
770                     hrmaps[0].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
771                 }
772             }
773             break;
774         }
775     case CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Sparse:
776         {
777             const CSeq_align::C_Segs::TSparse& sparse =
778                 align.GetSegs().GetSparse();
779             // consensus sequence row + one row for each sub-alignment
780             size_t dim = sparse.GetRows().size() + 1;
781             if (hrmaps.size() < dim) {
782                 hrmaps.resize(dim);
783             }
784             size_t row = 0;
785             hrmaps[0].SetMasterSeq(master);
786             ITERATE ( CSparse_seg::TRows, it, sparse.GetRows() ) {
787                 const CSparse_align& aln_row = **it;
788                 size_t numseg = aln_row.GetNumseg();
789                 if (numseg != aln_row.GetFirst_starts().size()) {
790                     ERR_POST_X(9, Warning <<
791                         "Invalid size of 'first-starts' in sparse-align");
792                     numseg = min(numseg, aln_row.GetFirst_starts().size());
793                 }
794                 if (numseg != aln_row.GetSecond_starts().size()) {
795                     ERR_POST_X(10, Warning <<
796                         "Invalid size of 'second-starts' in sparse-align");
797                     numseg = min(numseg, aln_row.GetSecond_starts().size());
798                 }
799                 if (numseg != aln_row.GetLens().size()) {
800                     ERR_POST_X(11, Warning <<
801                         "Invalid size of 'lens' in sparse-align");
802                     numseg = min(numseg, aln_row.GetLens().size());
803                 }
804                 if (aln_row.IsSetSecond_strands()  &&
805                     numseg != aln_row.GetSecond_strands().size()) {
806                     ERR_POST_X(12, Warning <<
807                         "Invalid size of 'second-strands' in sparse-align");
808                     numseg = min(numseg, aln_row.GetSecond_strands().size());
809                 }
811                 hrmaps[row+1].SetMasterSeq(master);
812                 for (size_t seg = 0; seg < numseg; ++seg) {
813                     TSeqPos len = aln_row.GetLens()[seg];
814                     {
815                         const CSeq_id& id = aln_row.GetFirst_id();
816                         TSeqPos from = aln_row.GetFirst_starts()[seg];
817                         TSeqPos to = from + len - 1;
818                         // consensus sequence goes to the first row
819                         hrmaps[0].AddRange(id, from, to);
820                     }
821                     {
822                         const CSeq_id& id = aln_row.GetSecond_id();
823                         TSeqPos from = aln_row.GetSecond_starts()[seg];
824                         TSeqPos to = from + len - 1;
825                         ENa_strand strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
826                         if ( aln_row.IsSetSecond_strands() ) {
827                             strand = aln_row.GetSecond_strands()[row];
828                         }
829                         hrmaps[row+1].AddRange(id, from, to, strand);
830                     }
831                 }
832                 row++;
833             }
834             break;
835         }
836     default:
837         {
838             ERR_POST_X(8, Warning << "Unknown type of Seq-align: "<<
839                        align.GetSegs().Which());
840             break;
841         }
842     }
843 }
x_SetObject(const CSeq_feat & new_obj)846 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_SetObject(const CSeq_feat& new_obj)
847 {
848     x_GetFeatIter()->Reset(&const_cast<CSeq_feat&>(new_obj));
849     m_Type.SetFeatSubtype(new_obj.GetData().GetSubtype());
850 }
x_SetObject(const CSeq_align & new_obj)853 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_SetObject(const CSeq_align& new_obj)
854 {
855     x_GetAlignIter()->Reset(&const_cast<CSeq_align&>(new_obj));
856     m_Type.SetAnnotType(C_Data::e_Align);
857 }
x_SetObject(const CSeq_graph & new_obj)860 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_SetObject(const CSeq_graph& new_obj)
861 {
862     x_GetGraphIter()->Reset(&const_cast<CSeq_graph&>(new_obj));
863     m_Type.SetAnnotType(C_Data::e_Graph);
864 }
x_MoveToBack(TFtable & cont)867 void CAnnotObject_Info::x_MoveToBack(TFtable& cont)
868 {
869     _ASSERT(IsFeat() && IsRegular() && m_Iter.m_RawPtr);
870     TFtable::iterator old_iter = *m_Iter.m_Feat;
871     *m_Iter.m_Feat = cont.insert(cont.end(), *old_iter);
872     cont.erase(old_iter);
873 }
876 END_SCOPE(objects)