1 /*   cn3dxprt.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  cn3dxprt.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Christopher Hogue
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   1/31/96
31 *
32 * File Description: Cn3d file export to Kinemage / PDB sub menu...
33 *
34 * Modifications:
35 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 * $Log: cn3dxprt.c,v $
37 * Revision 6.9  2000/07/28 21:05:56  lewisg
38 * more c++ fixes
39 *
40 * Revision 6.8  2000/03/24 20:34:58  lewisg
41 * add blast from file, bug fixes, get rid of redundant code, etc.
42 *
43 * Revision 6.7  2000/01/07 16:28:37  thiessen
44 * fixed broken header conflicts
45 *
46 * Revision 6.6  1999/12/17 20:25:00  thiessen
47 * put in preliminary PNG output (for Cn3D)
48 *
49 * Revision 6.5  1999/11/22 14:46:45  thiessen
50 * moved _OPENGL code blocks to only vibrant and ncbicn3d libraries
51 *
52 * Revision 6.4  1999/10/29 14:15:32  thiessen
53 * ran all Cn3D source through GNU Indent to prettify
54 *
55 * Revision 6.3  1999/04/06 20:19:26  lewisg
56 * more opengl
57 *
58 * Revision 6.2  1999/03/12 18:37:30  kans
59 * fixed ErrPostEx problems
60 *
61 * Revision 6.1  1999/02/25 23:14:32  ywang
62 * move around menu item and callback function, change menu item names
63 *
64  * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25  18:13:54  madden
65  * Revision changed to 6.0
66  *
67 * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28 14:05:44  ostell
68 * Set to revision 5.0
69 *
70  * Revision 1.2  1996/04/26  18:43:07  vakatov
71  * CN3D sources ported to MS-Windows;
72  * the portability errors and warnings fixed, etc.
73  *
74  * Revision 1.1  1996/02/01  18:47:38  kans
75  * Initial revision
76  *
77 *
78 * ==========================================================================
79 */
81 #include <vibrant.h>
82 #include <mmdbapi.h>
83 #include <cn3dxprt.h>
84 #include <cn3dmsel.h>
85 #include <cn3dmain.h>
86 #include <cn3dshim.h>
88 #if defined(_OPENGL)
89 #include <shim3d.h>
90 #endif
92 static Boolean Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
94 static WindoW Cn3D_wPDBSave;
95 static TexT Cn3D_tPDBSave;
96 static ButtoN Cn3D_bPDBBrowse;
97 static ButtoN Cn3D_bPDBOk;
100 static WindoW Cn3D_wKinSave;
101 static TexT Cn3D_tKinSave;
102 static ButtoN Cn3D_bKinBrowse;
103 static ButtoN Cn3D_bKinOk;
104 static ButtoN Cn3D_bRender[6];
105 static GrouP Cn3D_gColorAtoms;
106 static GrouP Cn3D_gRenderOpts;
Cn3D_PDBEnableProc(TexT t)108 static void Cn3D_PDBEnableProc(TexT t)
109 {
110     Char str[32];
111     GetTitle(Cn3D_tPDBSave, str, sizeof(str));
112     if (StringLen(str) == 0) {
113         Disable(Cn3D_bPDBOk);
114     } else {
115         Enable(Cn3D_bPDBOk);
116     }
117     return;
118 }
Cn3D_PDBBrowseProc(ButtoN b)120 static void Cn3D_PDBBrowseProc(ButtoN b)
121 {
122     Char dfault[32];
123     Char path[256];
125     path[0] = '\0';
126     dfault[0] = '\0';
127     if (GetOutputFileName(path, sizeof(path), dfault)) {
128         SetTitle(Cn3D_tPDBSave, path);
129         Cn3D_PDBEnableProc(NULL);
130     }
131     return;
132 }
Cn3D_ExportPDBNow(ButtoN b)134 static void Cn3D_ExportPDBNow(ButtoN b)
135 {
137     Char path[256];
138     FILE *pFile;
139     Int2 iTest;
140     Int4 iCount = 0;
141     PDNMS pdnmsMain = NULL;
143     Int2Ptr i2Vec = NULL;
146     i2Vec = PickedModels(&iCount);
147     if (iCount == 0) {
148         ErrClear();
149         ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO, 0, 0, "Nothing to save!");
150         ErrShow();
151         Disable(Cn3D_bPDBOk);
152         return;
153     }
155     GetTitle(Cn3D_tPDBSave, path, sizeof(path));
156     pdnmsMain = GetSelectedModelstruc();
157 #ifdef WIN_MAC
158     FileCreate(path, "TEXT", "ttxt");
159 #endif
160     WatchCursor();
161     pFile = FileOpen(path, "w");
162     if (pFile) {
163         iTest = WritePDBModelList(pdnmsMain, pFile, iCount, i2Vec);
164         I2VectorFree(i2Vec, 0);
165         if (!iTest) {
166             ErrClear();
167             ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0,
168                       "Unable to Export\nPossibly Corrupt Data in Memory!\n");
169             ErrShow();
170         }
171         fflush(pFile);
172         fclose(pFile);
173     } else {
174         ErrClear();
175         ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO, 0, 0, "Sorry, Unable to Open File:\n %s",
176                   path);
177         ErrShow();
178         Disable(Cn3D_bPDBOk);
179         I2VectorFree(i2Vec, 0);
180         SetTitle(Cn3D_tPDBSave, "\0");
181         ArrowCursor();
182         return;
183     }
184     Remove(Cn3D_wPDBSave);
185     Cn3D_EnableFileOps();
186     Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
187     ArrowCursor();
188     return;
189 }
Cn3D_CancelPDB(ButtoN b)191 static void Cn3D_CancelPDB(ButtoN b)
192 {
193     Remove(Cn3D_wPDBSave);
194     Cn3D_EnableFileOps();
195     Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
196     return;
197 }
Cn3D_ExportPDB(IteM i)200 static void Cn3D_ExportPDB(IteM i)
201 {
202     PDNMS pdnmsThis = NULL;
203     PMSD pmsdThis = NULL;
204     Char pcSavestr[60];
205     Char pcSavename[32];
206     CharPtr Cn3D_pcPDBName;
207     GrouP g, g2, g3, g4;
208     GrouP gMS;
209     ButtoN b;
211     if (Cn3D_Export_InUse)
212         return;
213     else
214         Cn3D_Export_InUse = TRUE;
216     pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();
217     if (!pdnmsThis) {
218         Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
219         return;
220     }
221     pmsdThis = (PMSD) pdnmsThis->data.ptrvalue;
223     Cn3D_wPDBSave = ModalWindow(-20, -13, -10, -10, NULL);
225     /* set up a group encolosing structures - models selection lists and - "info strings" */
226     Cn3D_pcPDBName = StringSave(GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis, PDB_ACC));
227     sprintf(pcSavestr, "Save %s As a PDB Formatted File ...",
228             Cn3D_pcPDBName);
229     g = HiddenGroup(Cn3D_wPDBSave, 0, 3, NULL);
230     SetGroupMargins(g, 10, 10);
231     SetGroupSpacing(g, 10, 5);
232     StaticPrompt(g, pcSavestr, 0, 0, systemFont, 'l');
233     g2 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
234     SetGroupMargins(g2, 10, 10);
235     SetGroupSpacing(g2, 10, 5);
236     StringNCpy(pcSavename, Cn3D_pcPDBName, 8);
237     StringCat(pcSavename, ".pdb");
238     Cn3D_tPDBSave =
239         DialogText(g2, pcSavename, 18, (TxtActnProc) Cn3D_PDBEnableProc);
240     MemFree(Cn3D_pcPDBName);
242     Cn3D_bPDBBrowse =
243         PushButton(g2, " browse...", (BtnActnProc) Cn3D_PDBBrowseProc);
244     g3 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
245     gMS = Cn3D_ModelSelect(g3, FALSE); /* no vector models for PDB files saves */
246     g4 = HiddenGroup(g3, 0, 2, NULL);
247     SetGroupMargins(g4, 10, 10);
248     SetGroupSpacing(g4, 10, 5);
249     Cn3D_bPDBOk = PushButton(g4, "OK", Cn3D_ExportPDBNow);
250     b = PushButton(g4, "Cancel", Cn3D_CancelPDB);
251     Cn3D_PDBEnableProc(NULL);
252     Select(Cn3D_bPDBOk);
253     /* disable appropriate stuff here */
254     Cn3D_DisableFileOps();
255     Show(Cn3D_wPDBSave);
257     return;
258 }
Cn3D_KinEnableProc(TexT t)264 static void Cn3D_KinEnableProc(TexT t)
265 {
266     Char str[32];
267     GetTitle(Cn3D_tKinSave, str, sizeof(str));
268     if (StringLen(str) == 0) {
269         Disable(Cn3D_bKinOk);
270     } else {
271         Enable(Cn3D_bKinOk);
272     }
273     return;
274 }
Cn3D_KinBrowseProc(ButtoN b)276 static void Cn3D_KinBrowseProc(ButtoN b)
277 {
278     Char dfault[32];
279     Char path[256];
281     path[0] = '\0';
282     dfault[0] = '\0';
283     if (GetOutputFileName(path, sizeof(path), dfault)) {
284         SetTitle(Cn3D_tKinSave, path);
285         Cn3D_KinEnableProc(NULL);
286     }
287     return;
288 }
Cn3D_ExportKinNow(ButtoN b)290 static void Cn3D_ExportKinNow(ButtoN b)
291 {
293     Char path[256];
294     FILE *pFile;
295     Int2 iTest;
296     Int4 iCount = 0;
297     PDNMS pdnmsMain = NULL;
298     Int2 iColor = 0;
299     Byte bRender = 0;
300     Int2Ptr i2Vec = NULL;
303     i2Vec = PickedModels(&iCount);
304     if (iCount == 0) {
305         ErrClear();
306         ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO, 0, 0, "Nothing to save!");
307         ErrShow();
308         Disable(Cn3D_bKinOk);
309         return;
310     }
311     GetTitle(Cn3D_tKinSave, path, sizeof(path));
313     iColor = GetValue(Cn3D_gColorAtoms);
314     bRender = KIN_DEFAULT;
315     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[0]) == TRUE)
316         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_VIRTUAL;
317     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[1]) == TRUE)
318         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_BACKBONE;
319     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[2]) == TRUE)
320         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_RESIDUE;
321     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[3]) == TRUE)
322         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_HET;
323     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[4]) == TRUE)
324         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_ALTCONF;
325     if (GetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[5]) == TRUE)
326         bRender = bRender | (Byte) KIN_MULTANIM;
327     pdnmsMain = GetSelectedModelstruc();
328 #ifdef WIN_MAC
329     FileCreate(path, "TEXT", "ttxt");
330 #endif
331     WatchCursor();
332     pFile = FileOpen(path, "w");
333     if (pFile) {
334         iTest = WriteKinModelList(pdnmsMain, pFile, iColor, bRender,
335                                   iCount, i2Vec);
336         I2VectorFree(i2Vec, 0);
337         if (!iTest) {
338             ErrClear();
339             ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0,
340                       "Unable to Export\nPossibly Corrupt Data in Memory!\n");
341             ErrShow();
342         }
343         fflush(pFile);
344         fclose(pFile);
345     } else {
346         ErrClear();
347         ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO, 0, 0, "Sorry, Unable to Open File:\n %s",
348                   path);
349         ErrShow();
350         Disable(Cn3D_bKinOk);
351         I2VectorFree(i2Vec, 0);
352         SetTitle(Cn3D_tKinSave, "\0");
353         ArrowCursor();
354         return;
355     }
356     Remove(Cn3D_wKinSave);
357     Cn3D_EnableFileOps();
358     Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
359     ArrowCursor();
360     return;
361 }
Cn3D_CancelKin(ButtoN b)363 static void Cn3D_CancelKin(ButtoN b)
364 {
365     Remove(Cn3D_wKinSave);
366     Cn3D_EnableFileOps();
367     Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
368     return;
369 }
Cn3D_ExportKin(IteM i)372 static void Cn3D_ExportKin(IteM i)
373 {
374     PDNMS pdnmsThis = NULL;
375     PMSD pmsdThis = NULL;
376     Char pcSavestr[60];
377     Char pcSavename[32];
378     CharPtr Cn3D_pcKinName;
379     GrouP g, g2, g3, g4;
380     GrouP gMS;
381     ButtoN b;
382     Int2 iCount;
384     if (Cn3D_Export_InUse)
385         return;
386     else
387         Cn3D_Export_InUse = TRUE;
389     pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();
390     if (!pdnmsThis) {
391         Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
392         return;
393     }
394     pmsdThis = (PMSD) pdnmsThis->data.ptrvalue;
396     Cn3D_wKinSave = ModalWindow(-20, -13, -10, -10, NULL);
398     /* set up a group encolosing structures - models selection lists and - "info strings" */
399     Cn3D_pcKinName = StringSave(GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis, PDB_ACC));
400     sprintf(pcSavestr, "Save %s As a Kinemage Rendered File ...",
401             Cn3D_pcKinName);
402     g = HiddenGroup(Cn3D_wKinSave, 0, 5, NULL);
403     SetGroupMargins(g, 10, 10);
404     SetGroupSpacing(g, 10, 5);
405     StaticPrompt(g, pcSavestr, 0, 0, systemFont, 'l');
406     g2 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
407     SetGroupMargins(g2, 10, 10);
408     SetGroupSpacing(g2, 10, 5);
409     StringNCpy(pcSavename, Cn3D_pcKinName, 8);
410     StringCat(pcSavename, ".kin");
411     Cn3D_tKinSave =
412         DialogText(g2, pcSavename, 18, (TxtActnProc) Cn3D_KinEnableProc);
413     MemFree(Cn3D_pcKinName);
415     Cn3D_bKinBrowse =
416         PushButton(g2, " browse...", (BtnActnProc) Cn3D_KinBrowseProc);
417     g3 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
418     gMS = Cn3D_ModelSelect(g3, FALSE); /* no vector models for Kin files saves */
419     g4 = HiddenGroup(g3, 0, 2, NULL);
420     SetGroupMargins(g4, 10, 10);
421     SetGroupSpacing(g4, 10, 5);
422     Cn3D_bKinOk = PushButton(g4, "OK", Cn3D_ExportKinNow);
423     b = PushButton(g4, "Cancel", Cn3D_CancelKin);
425     Cn3D_gColorAtoms =
426         NormalGroup(g, 2, 2, " color by...", systemFont, NULL);
427     SetGroupMargins(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, 10, 10);
428     SetGroupSpacing(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, 10, 5);
429     RadioButton(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, "Molecule number");
430     RadioButton(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, "Secondary Structure & Residue Type");
431     RadioButton(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, "Thermal Factors");
432     RadioButton(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, "Element");
433     SetValue(Cn3D_gColorAtoms, 1);
435     Cn3D_gRenderOpts =
436         NormalGroup(g, 2, 3, " viewable subsets...", systemFont, NULL);
437     Cn3D_bRender[0] = CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "Virtual Backbone", NULL);
438     Cn3D_bRender[1] = CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "Real Backbone", NULL);
439     Cn3D_bRender[2] = CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "Residues", NULL);
440     Cn3D_bRender[3] = CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "Heterogens", NULL);
441     Cn3D_bRender[4] =
442         CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "Alternate Conformations", NULL);
443     Cn3D_bRender[5] = CheckBox(Cn3D_gRenderOpts, "NMR Animations", NULL);
444     for (iCount = 0; iCount < 6; iCount++)
445         SetStatus(Cn3D_bRender[iCount], TRUE);
447     Cn3D_KinEnableProc(NULL);
448     Select(Cn3D_bKinOk);
449     /* disable appropriate stuff here */
450     Cn3D_DisableFileOps();
451     Show(Cn3D_wKinSave);
453     return;
454 }
456 #ifndef _OPENGL
Cn3D_GifSaveProc(IteM i)457 static void Cn3D_GifSaveProc(IteM i)
458 {
459     Char fname[PATH_MAX];
460     Char defname[32];
461     PDNMS pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();
463     fname[0] = '\0';
464     defname[0] = '\0';
466     if (pdnmsThis == NULL)
467         StringNCpy_0(defname,
468                      pdnmsThis ? GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis,
469                                                  PDB_ACC) : "cn3d",
470                      sizeof(defname) - 4);
471     StringCat(defname, ".gif");
473     if (GetOutputFileName(fname, sizeof(fname), defname)) {
474         SaveImageGIF(Nlm_GetViewerImage3D(Cn3D_v3d), fname);
475     }
476 }
478 #else
480 #if defined(_PNG)
Cn3D_PNGSaveProc(IteM i)481 static void Cn3D_PNGSaveProc(IteM i)
482 {
483     Char fname[PATH_MAX];
484     Char defname[32];
485     PDNMS pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();
487     fname[0] = '\0';
488     defname[0] = '\0';
490     if (pdnmsThis == NULL)
491         StringNCpy_0(defname,
492                      pdnmsThis ? GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis,
493                                                  PDB_ACC) : "cn3d",
494                      sizeof(defname) - 4);
495     StringCat(defname, ".png");
497     if (GetOutputFileName(fname, sizeof(fname), defname)) {
498         Nlm_SaveImagePNG(fname);
499     }
500 }
501 #endif /* _PNG */
Cn3D_GetCurrentOGLData(void)503 TOGL_Data * Cn3D_GetCurrentOGLData(void)
504 {
505     return Cn3D_ColorData.OGL_Data;
506 }
509 #endif /* _OPENGL */
Cn3D_ExportSub(MenU m)511 MenU LIBCALL Cn3D_ExportSub(MenU m)
512 {
513     IteM i;
514     MenU s;
516     s = SubMenu(m, "Export");
517     i = CommandItem(s, "PDB File...", Cn3D_ExportPDB);
518     i = CommandItem(s, "Kinemage File...", Cn3D_ExportKin);
519 #ifndef _OPENGL
520     i = CommandItem(s, "GIF.../S", Cn3D_GifSaveProc);
521 #endif
522 #if defined(_OPENGL) && defined(_PNG)
523     i = CommandItem(s, "PNG...", Cn3D_PNGSaveProc);
524 #endif
525     return s;
526 }