1 /*   gphview.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  gphview.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Jonathan Kans
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   2/5/97
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.69 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date     Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 *
41 *
42 * ==========================================================================
43 */
45 #include <bspview.h>
46 #include <fstyle.h>
47 #include <txalign.h>
48 #include <drawseq.h>
49 #include <drawingp.h>
50 #include <viewerp.h>
51 #include <mapgene.h>
52 #include <saledit.h>
53 #include <vsmpriv.h>
54 #include <edutil.h>
55 #include <gphdraw.h>
57 extern SegmenT VSMEntityDraw PROTO((ObjMgrDataPtr omdp, VSMPictPtr vsmpp, VSeqMgrPtr vsmp));
59 static void InitSelectGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp);
60 static void InitSelectDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp);
61 static void DrawSelectionRange (VieweR viewer, SegmenT segment);
62 static void PopulateDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp);
66 static Int4  zoomScaleVal [MAXZOOMSCALEVAL] = {
67   1L, 1L, 2L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 50L, 100L, 200L, 500L,
68   1000L, 2000L, 5000L, 10000L, 20000L, 50000L,
69   100000L, 200000L, 500000L, 1000000L, 2000000L, 5000000L
70 };
Find_segment_IDs(VieweR viewer,PoinT pt,Uint2Ptr entityID,Uint4Ptr itemID,Uint2Ptr itemType)72 static Boolean Find_segment_IDs (VieweR viewer, PoinT pt, Uint2Ptr entityID,
73                                  Uint4Ptr itemID, Uint2Ptr itemType)
74 {
75   SegmenT seg, pseg;
76   Uint2 pID, sID, primID, primCt;
78   if (entityID == NULL || itemID == NULL ||itemType == NULL) return FALSE;
80   seg = FindSegment (viewer, pt, &sID, &primID, &primCt);
81   if (seg == NULL || sID == 0 || primID == 0) return FALSE;
82   pseg = ParentSegment (seg);
83   if (pseg == NULL) return FALSE;
84   pID = SegmentID (pseg);
85   if (pID == 0) return FALSE;
87   *itemType = pID;
88   *entityID = sID;
89   *itemID = primID;
90   return TRUE;
91 }
get_viewer_position(VieweR viewer,Int4Ptr x,Int4Ptr y)93 static void get_viewer_position (VieweR viewer, Int4Ptr x, Int4Ptr y)
95 {
96   Int4 scale_x, scale_y;
97   BoxInfo port, world;
98   RecT v_iew;
100   ViewerBox (viewer, &world, &port, &v_iew, &scale_x, &scale_y);
101   *x = (port.left + port.right) / 2;
102   *y = (port.top + port.bottom) / 2;
103 }
105 typedef struct makemultidata {
106   ValNodePtr  slp_list;
107   Int4        len;
108 } MakeMultiData, PNTR MakeMultiPtr;
MakeMultiSlpList(SeqEntryPtr sep,Pointer mydata,Int4 index,Int2 indent)110 static void MakeMultiSlpList (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer mydata,
111                               Int4 index, Int2 indent)
113 {
114   BioseqPtr     bsp;
115   Int4          len;
116   MakeMultiPtr  mmp;
117   SeqLocPtr     slp;
119   if (sep != NULL && sep->choice == 1 && mydata != NULL) {
120     mmp = (MakeMultiPtr) mydata;
121     bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
122     if (bsp != NULL && ISA_na (bsp->mol)) {
123       len = bsp->length;
124       slp = SeqLocIntNew (0, len-1, Seq_strand_plus, SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0));
125       ValNodeAddPointer (&(mmp->slp_list), 0, (Pointer) slp);
126       mmp->len = MAX (mmp->len, len);
127     }
128   }
129 }
FindAlignment(SeqEntryPtr sep,Pointer mydata,Int4 index,Int2 indent)131 static void FindAlignment (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer mydata,
132                            Int4 index, Int2 indent)
134 {
135   SeqAlignPtr   align;
136   BioseqPtr     bsp;
137   BioseqSetPtr  bssp;
138   SeqAnnotPtr   sap;
139   SeqAlignPtr   PNTR  sapp;
141   if (sep != NULL && sep->data.ptrvalue != NULL && mydata != NULL) {
142     sapp = (SeqAlignPtr PNTR) mydata;
143     sap = NULL;
144     if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
145       bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
146       sap = bsp->annot;
147     } else if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
148       bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
149       sap = bssp->annot;
150     } else {
151       return;
152     }
153     while (sap != NULL) {
154       if (sap->type == 2) {
155         align = sap->data;
156         if (align != NULL && *sapp == NULL) {
157           *sapp = align;
158         }
159       }
160       sap = sap->next;
161     }
162   }
163 }
CommonFrameProc(VieweR vwr,BioseqViewPtr bvp)165 static void CommonFrameProc (VieweR vwr, BioseqViewPtr bvp)
167 {
168   RecT  dr;
169   RecT  or;
170   RecT  r;
172   if (vwr == NULL || bvp == NULL) return;
173   Dotted ();
174   ObjectRect (vwr, &or);
175   InsetRect (&or, 2, 2);
176   LoadRect (&r, bvp->pnt_start.x, bvp->pnt_start.y,
177             bvp->pnt_stop.x, bvp->pnt_stop.y);
178   SectRect (&r, &or, &dr);
179   FrameRect (&dr);
180 }
ClickMap(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)182 static void ClickMap (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
184 {
185   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
187   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
188   if (bvp == NULL) return;
189   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
190   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
191   if (bvp->old_rect_shown) {
192     InvertMode ();
193     CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
194   }
195   bvp->old_rect_shown = FALSE;
196   bvp->pnt_start = pt;
197   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
198   InvertMode ();
199   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
200 }
DragMap(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)202 static void DragMap (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
204 {
205   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
207   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
208   if (bvp == NULL) return;
209   if(bvp->wasDoubleClick || bvp->wasShiftKey) return;
210   InvertMode ();
211   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
212   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
213   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
214 }
ReleaseMap(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)216 static void ReleaseMap (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
218 {
219   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
220   Uint2          entityID;
221   Uint4          itemID;
222   Uint2          itemtype;
223   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
224   PntInfo        start_info, stop_info;
226   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
227   if (bvp == NULL) return;
229   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
230     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
231       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
232       if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
233         WatchCursor ();
234         Update ();
235         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
236         ArrowCursor ();
237         Update ();
238       } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
239         WatchCursor ();
240         Update ();
241         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
242         ArrowCursor ();
243         Update ();
244       }
245       return;
246     }
247     if (! bvp->sendSelectMessages) return;
248     if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
249       ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
250     } else {
251       ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
252     }
253   } else if (bvp->sendSelectMessages) {
254     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
255       if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
256         ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
257       } else {
258         ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
259       }
260     } else if (! bvp->wasShiftKey) {
261       ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
262     }
263   }
264   if (bvp->gdraw_p != NULL) {
265     bvp->old_rect_shown = TRUE;
266     if (bvp->slp_list != NULL) {
267       free_slp_list (bvp->slp_list);
268     }
269     bvp->slp_list = NULL;
270     if (bvp->anp_node != NULL) {
271       FreeAlignNode (bvp->anp_node);
272     }
273     bvp->anp_node = NULL;
274     bvp->scaleNotCalculated = TRUE;
275     MapViewerToWorld(bvp->vwr, bvp->pnt_start, &start_info);
276     MapViewerToWorld(bvp->vwr, bvp->pnt_stop, &stop_info);
277     bvp->slp_list = find_map_pos (bvp->gdraw_p, start_info, stop_info);
278   }
279 }
PopulateMap(BioseqViewPtr bvp)281 static void PopulateMap (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
283 {
284   Uint2        entityID;
285   Int2         oldstyle;
286   RecT         r;
287   SeqEntryPtr  sep;
288   Int2         style;
290   if (bvp == NULL) return;
291   WatchCursor ();
292   oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
293   style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
294   SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
295   ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
296   InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
297   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
298   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (bvp->bsp);
299   sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
300   if (bvp->gdraw_p == NULL) {
301     bvp->pict = SequinGlobalPicture (sep, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top,
302                                      bvp->g_list, &(bvp->gdraw_p), FALSE);
303   } else {
304     bvp->pict = GlobalPictureUpdate (bvp->gdraw_p, bvp->g_list,
305                                      r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);
306   }
307   if (bvp->gdraw_p != NULL && bvp->pict != NULL) {
308     if (bvp->gdraw_p->is_circle) {
309       AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, 0, 0, UPPER_LEFT, 1, 1, NULL);
310     } else {
311       AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, INT4_MIN, 0, UPPER_LEFT, 1, 1, NULL);
312     }
313     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickMap, DragMap, ReleaseMap, NULL);
314   }
315   SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
316   ArrowCursor ();
317 }
ClickGraphic(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)319 static void ClickGraphic (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
321 {
322   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
324   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
325   if (bvp == NULL) return;
326   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
327   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
328   bvp->old_rect_shown = FALSE;
329   bvp->pnt_start = pt;
330   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
331 }
ReleaseGraphic(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)333 static void ReleaseGraphic (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
335 {
336   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
337   Uint2          entityID;
338   Uint4          itemID;
339   Uint2          itemtype;
340   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
342   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
343   if (bvp == NULL) return;
345   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
346     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
347       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
348       if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
349         WatchCursor ();
350         Update ();
351         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
352         ArrowCursor ();
353         Update ();
354         return;
355       } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
356         WatchCursor ();
357         Update ();
358         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
359         ArrowCursor ();
360         Update ();
361         return;
362       } else if (bvp->launchEditors) {
363         WatchCursor ();
364         Update ();
365         GatherProcLaunch (OMPROC_EDIT, FALSE, entityID, itemID,
366                           itemtype, 0, 0, itemtype, 0);
367         ArrowCursor ();
368         Update ();
369         return;
370       } else {
371         return;
372       }
373     }
374     if (! bvp->sendSelectMessages) return;
375     if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
376       ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
377     } else {
378       ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
379     }
380   } else if (bvp->sendSelectMessages) {
381     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
382       if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
383         ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
384       } else {
385         ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
386       }
387     } else if (! bvp->wasShiftKey) {
388       ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
389     }
390   }
391 }
DrawCompressNoAlignment(SeqLocPtr m_loc,ValNodePtr PNTR anp_list,Uint2Ptr seq_entityID,Boolean flat_insert,Int4 width,Int4Ptr p_scale,Int4Ptr p_maxwidth)393 static SegmenT DrawCompressNoAlignment (SeqLocPtr m_loc, ValNodePtr PNTR anp_list,
394                                         Uint2Ptr seq_entityID, Boolean flat_insert,
395                                         Int4 width, Int4Ptr p_scale, Int4Ptr p_maxwidth)
397 {
398 	Int2 styleNum;
399 	CharPtr old_style;
400 	Int4 scale;
401 	SegmenT pic;
402 	ValNode vn;
403 	Int4 max_width;
404 	Int4 y_pos;
405 	ValNodePtr anp_node;
406 	Int4 len;
407 	Uint2 entityID;
410 	anp_node = collect_alignnode_from_slp(m_loc, &entityID, flat_insert);
411 	if(anp_node == NULL)
412 		return NULL;
414 	vn.data.ptrvalue = m_loc;
415 	vn.next = NULL;
416 	max_width = CountMaxSeqLabel(&vn);
417 	scale = FigureMaxScale(&vn, (Int2)width, max_width);
418 	if(scale <=0)
419 		return NULL;
421 	pic = CreatePicture();
422 	len = slp_list_len(m_loc);
424 	/*set up the sepcial style */
425 	styleNum = GetMuskCurrentSt();
426 	old_style = GetMuskStyleName(styleNum);
427 	SetMuskCurrentSt("StyleX");
429 	y_pos = 0;
430 	DrawMPAlignment(anp_node, 0, len-1, m_loc, entityID, scale, &y_pos, MSM_MPAIR, FALSE, pic);
432 	*p_scale = scale;
433 	*p_maxwidth = max_width;
434 	SetMuskCurrentSt(old_style);
436 	if(seq_entityID != NULL)
437 		*seq_entityID = entityID;
438 	if(anp_list != NULL)
439 		*anp_list = anp_node;
440 	else
441 		FreeAlignNode(anp_node);
442 	return pic;
443 }
PopulateCompressedNoAlignment(BioseqViewPtr bvp)445 static void PopulateCompressedNoAlignment (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
447 {
448   ValNodePtr  anp_list = NULL;
449   BioseqPtr   bsp;
450   Uint2       entityID;
451   SeqLocPtr   m_loc;
452   Int4        max_width;
453   RecT        r;
454   Int4        scale = 0;
455   Int4        X_VIEW;
457   if (bvp == NULL) return;
458   bsp = bvp->bsp;
459   if (bsp == NULL) return;
460   m_loc = SeqLocIntNew (0, bsp->length - 1, 0, bsp->id);
461   ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
462   InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
463   X_VIEW = r.right - r.left;
464   bvp->pict = DrawCompressNoAlignment (m_loc, &(anp_list), &(entityID), FALSE,
465                                        X_VIEW, &scale, &max_width);
466   if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
467 	max_width += 2;
468 	max_width *= scale;
469     AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, INT4_MIN, 0, UPPER_LEFT, scale, 1, NULL);
470     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickGraphic, NULL, ReleaseGraphic, NULL);
471   }
472   FreeAlignNode (anp_list);
473   SeqLocFree (m_loc);
474   ArrowCursor ();
475 }
PopulateCompressed(BioseqViewPtr bvp)477 static void PopulateCompressed (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
479 {
480   ValNodePtr   anp_list;
481   BioseqPtr    bsp;
482   Uint2        entityID;
483   SeqLocPtr    m_loc;
484   Int4         max_width;
485   RecT         r;
486   Int4         scale;
487   SeqEntryPtr  sep;
488   Int4         X_VIEW;
490   if (bvp == NULL) return;
491   WatchCursor ();
492   Reset (bvp->vwr);
493   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
494   bsp = bvp->bsp;
495   if (bsp == NULL) return;
496   sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
497   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
498   if (! SeqEntryHasAligns (entityID, sep)) {
499     PopulateCompressedNoAlignment (bvp);
500     return;
501   }
502   anp_list = MakeCompressAlignList (bvp->bsp, NULL, &entityID);
503   if (anp_list == NULL) {
504     PopulateCompressedNoAlignment (bvp);
505     return;
506   }
507   m_loc = SeqLocIntNew (0, bsp->length - 1, 0, bsp->id);
508   ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
509   InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
510   X_VIEW = r.right - r.left;
511   bvp->pict = DrawCompressAlignment (anp_list, m_loc, X_VIEW, &scale,
512                                      &max_width, entityID, NULL);
513   if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
514 	max_width += 2;
515 	max_width *= scale;
516     AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, INT4_MIN, 0, UPPER_LEFT, scale, 1, NULL);
517     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickGraphic, NULL, ReleaseGraphic, NULL);
518   }
519   FreeAlignNode (anp_list);
520   SeqLocFree (m_loc);
521   ArrowCursor ();
522 }
524 typedef struct gphfinddata {
525   ValNodePtr  vnp;
526   SeqLocPtr   slp;
527   Int4        start;
528   Int4        stop;
529   BioseqPtr   bsp;
530 } GphFindData, PNTR GphFindPtr;
GraphFindFunc(GatherContextPtr gcp)532 static Boolean GraphFindFunc (GatherContextPtr gcp)
534 {
535   GphFindPtr   gfp;
536   SeqGraphPtr  sgp;
537   Int4         left;
538   Int4         right;
540   if (gcp == NULL) return TRUE;
542   gfp = (GphFindPtr) gcp->userdata;
543   if (gfp == NULL ) return TRUE;
545   if (gcp->thistype == OBJ_SEQGRAPH) {
546     sgp = (SeqGraphPtr) gcp->thisitem;
547     if (sgp != NULL) {
548       if (SeqIdForSameBioseq (SeqLocId (sgp->loc), SeqLocId (gfp->slp))) {
549         left = GetOffsetInBioseq (sgp->loc, gfp->bsp, SEQLOC_LEFT_END);
550         right = GetOffsetInBioseq (sgp->loc, gfp->bsp, SEQLOC_RIGHT_END);
551         if (left == -1 || right == -1) return TRUE;
552         if (left >= gfp->start && right <= gfp->stop) {
553           ValNodeAddPointer (&(gfp->vnp), 0, (Pointer) sgp);
554         }
555       }
556     }
557   }
558   return TRUE;
559 }
CollectGraphs(Uint2 entityID,BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 start,Int4 stop)561 static ValNodePtr CollectGraphs (Uint2 entityID, BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 start, Int4 stop)
563 {
564   GphFindData  gfd;
565   GatherScope  gs;
566   ValNode      vn;
568   gfd.vnp = NULL;
569   vn.choice = SEQLOC_WHOLE;
570   vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) bsp->id;
571   gfd.slp = &vn;
572   gfd.start = start;
573   gfd.stop = stop;
574   gfd.bsp = bsp;
575   MemSet ((Pointer) (&gs), 0, sizeof (GatherScope));
576   gs.seglevels = 1;
577   MemSet ((Pointer) (gs.ignore), (int)(TRUE), (size_t) (OBJ_MAX * sizeof (Boolean)));
578   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;
579   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ_SEG] = FALSE;
580   gs.ignore[OBJ_SEQGRAPH] = FALSE;
581   gs.ignore[OBJ_SEQANNOT] = FALSE;
582   GatherEntity (entityID, (Pointer) &gfd, GraphFindFunc, &gs);
583   return gfd.vnp;
584 }
PopulateSimpleGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp)586 static void PopulateSimpleGraphic (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
588 {
589   BoxInfo        box;
590   BioseqPtr      bsp;
591   Uint2          entityID;
592   GeneDataPtr    gdata;
593   ValNodePtr     graphs;
594   Int2           i;
595   Int4           labelWid;
596   Int4           len;
597   Int4           max;
598   Int4           min;
599   MakeMultiData  mmd;
600   SeqEntryPtr    oldscope = NULL;
601   Int2           oldstyle;
602   RecT           r;
603   Int4           scaleX;
604   Int4           scaleY;
605   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
606   SeqGraphPtr    sgp;
607   ValNodePtr     slp_list;
608   SeqLocPtr      slp;
609   Char           str [32];
610   Int2           style;
611   ValNodePtr     vnp;
612   Int4           vwr_x;
613   Int4           vwr_y;
614   Int2           vwr_align;
616   if (bvp == NULL) return;
617   WatchCursor ();
618   vwr_x = INT4_MIN;
619   vwr_y = INT4_MAX;
620   vwr_align = UPPER_LEFT;
621   if (bvp->moveToOldPos) {
622     if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
623       get_viewer_position (bvp->vwr, &(vwr_x), &(vwr_y));
624       vwr_align = MIDDLE_CENTER;
625     }
626     bvp->moveToOldPos = FALSE;
627   }
628   Reset (bvp->vwr);
629   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
630   Update ();
631   if (bvp->isGenome && bvp->slp_list == NULL) return;
632   bsp = bvp->bsp;
633   if (bsp != NULL) {
634     scaleY = 1;
635     len = 0;
636     if (! bvp->isGenome) {
637       slp_list = NULL;
638       sep = NULL;
639       len = 0;
640       if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
641         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
642         entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
643         sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
644         mmd.slp_list = NULL;
645         mmd.len = 0;
646         BioseqExplore (sep, (Pointer) &mmd, MakeMultiSlpList);
647         slp_list = mmd.slp_list;
648         len = mmd.len;
649       } else {
650         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
651         len = bsp->length;
652         slp = SeqLocIntNew (0, len-1, Seq_strand_plus, SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0));
653         ValNodeAddPointer (&slp_list, 0, (Pointer) slp);
654       }
655       if (bvp->slp_list != NULL) {
656         free_slp_list (bvp->slp_list);
657         bvp->slp_list = NULL;
658       }
659       bvp->slp_list = slp_list;
660     }
661     oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
662     style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
663     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
665     if (bvp->scaleNotCalculated) {
666       SafeHide (bvp->scale);
667       Reset (bvp->scale);
668       ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
669       InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
670       labelWid = CountMaxSeqLabel (bvp->slp_list) + 2;
671       if (r.right - r.left < 2 * labelWid) {
672         labelWid = 0;
673       }
674       if (bvp->isGenome) {
675         slp = (SeqLocPtr) bvp->slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
676         len = slp_list_len (slp);
677       }
678       max = (Int4) MAX (len / (Int4) (r.right - r.left - labelWid), 1) + 2;
679       max = (Int4) MIN (max, 50000L);
680       min = (Int4) MAX (len / 320000L, 1L);
681       bvp->maxScale = max;
682       i = 1;
683       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && min > zoomScaleVal [i]) {
684         i++;
685       }
686       bvp->minIndex = i;
687       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && max > zoomScaleVal [i - 1]) {
688         sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) (zoomScaleVal [i]));
689         if (max < zoomScaleVal [i]) {
690           sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) zoomScaleVal [i]);
691         }
692         PopupItem (bvp->scale, str);
693         i++;
694       }
695       SetValue (bvp->scale, MAX (i - bvp->minIndex, 1));
696       bvp->scaleNotCalculated = FALSE;
697     }
698     SafeShow (bvp->scale);
699     i = GetValue (bvp->scale) - 1 + bvp->minIndex;
700     if (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && i > 0) {
701       scaleX = MIN (zoomScaleVal [i], bvp->maxScale);
702     } else {
703       scaleX = bvp->minIndex;
704     }
706     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
707     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
708     if (entityID > 0) {
709       sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bsp);
710       oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep);
711     }
713     gdata = make_gene_data (bvp->g_list);
714     bvp->ftype_list = ValNodeFree (bvp->ftype_list);
715     bvp->pict = DrawSequinMapEx (bvp->slp_list, sep, scaleX, gdata,
716                                  &(bvp->ftype_list), FALSE, bvp->tempResultList);
717     GeneDataFree (gdata);
719     graphs = CollectGraphs (entityID, bsp, 0, bsp->length - 1);
720     if (graphs != NULL) {
721       SegmentBox (bvp->pict, &box);
722       for (vnp = graphs; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
723         sgp = (SeqGraphPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
724         AddGraphSentinelToPicture (sgp, bsp, bvp->pict, scaleX,
725                                    box.bottom - 10, 0, NULL);
726       }
727     }
729     if (entityID > 0) {
730       SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
731     }
733     AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, vwr_x, vwr_y, vwr_align, scaleX, scaleY,
734                    bvp->highlightSelections ? DrawSelectionRange : NULL);
735     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickGraphic, NULL, ReleaseGraphic, NULL);
736     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
737     InitSelectGraphical (bvp);
738   }
739   ArrowCursor ();
740 }
742 /* functions copied from glbpic.c */
get_min_size(Int4 seq_len)744 static  Int4 get_min_size(Int4 seq_len)
745 {
746 	if(seq_len <= 350000)
747 		return seq_len;
749 	return MAX(350000, seq_len/8);
750 }
load_seq_loc(Int4 val_1,Int4 val_2,Int4 seq_len,Boolean has_zero,SeqIdPtr sip,BoolPtr show_msg,Boolean add_interval)752 static SeqLocPtr load_seq_loc(Int4 val_1, Int4 val_2, Int4 seq_len, Boolean has_zero, SeqIdPtr sip, BoolPtr show_msg, Boolean add_interval)
753 {
754   Int4 m_start, m_stop;
755   Uint1 m_strand = Seq_strand_plus;
756   SeqLocPtr slp = NULL, loc;
757   Int4 min_len;
758   Int4 temp;
759   Int4 len;
761 	min_len = get_min_size(seq_len);
764 	if(has_zero)
765 	{
766 		if(val_1 < val_2)
767 		{
768 			temp = val_2;
769 			val_2 = val_1;
770 			val_1 = temp;
771 		}
772 		if(add_interval)
773 		{
774 			val_1 -= seq_len/20;
775 			val_2 += seq_len/20;
776 		}
777 		len = (seq_len - 1 - val_1 +1 + val_2 +1);
778 		if(len > min_len)
779 		{
780 			if(*show_msg)
781 				Message(MSG_OK, "The selected region is too large. Reduced to %ld base pairs", min_len);
782 			val_1 = seq_len - 1 - min_len/2;
783 			val_2= min_len/2 -1;
784 		}
785 		m_start = val_1;
786 		m_stop = seq_len -1;
787 		loc = SeqLocIntNew(m_start, m_stop, m_strand, sip);
788 		m_start = 0;
789 		m_stop = val_2;
790 		loc->next = SeqLocIntNew(m_start, m_stop, m_strand, sip);
791 		slp = loc;
792 	}
793 	else
794 	{
795 		m_start = MIN(val_1, val_2);
796 		m_start = MAX(0, m_start);
798 		m_stop = MAX(val_1, val_2);
799 		m_stop = MIN(seq_len-1, m_stop);
800 		len = m_stop - m_start + 1;
801 		if(add_interval)
802 		{
803 			len += seq_len/10;
804 			m_start = MAX(0, (m_start - seq_len/20));
805 			m_stop = m_start + len -1;
806 		}
808 		/* if(len > min_len)
809 		{
810 			if(*show_msg)
811 				Message(MSG_OK, "The selected region is too large. Reduced to %ld base pairs", min_len);
812 			center = (m_start + m_stop)/2;
813 			m_start = center - min_len/2;
814 			m_stop = m_start + min_len -1;
815 		} */
816 		slp = SeqLocIntNew(m_start, m_stop, m_strand, sip);
817 	}
818 	*show_msg = FALSE;
819 	return slp;
820 }
822 typedef struct sentineldata {
823   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
824   SegmenT        seg;
825   PrimitivE      snt;
826   Int4           start;
827   Int4           stop;
828   Boolean        fetched;
829 } SentinelData, PNTR SentinelPtr;
AddToEntityList(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)831 static Boolean AddToEntityList (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
832                            Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
834 {
835   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
836   BaseFormPtr    bfp;
837   Uint2          entityID;
838   OMUserDataPtr  omudp;
840   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) userdata;
841   entityID = segID;
842   if (bvp == NULL || entityID == 0) return TRUE;
843   bfp = (BaseFormPtr) GetObjectExtra (bvp->form);
844   if (bfp == NULL || entityID == bfp->input_entityID) return TRUE;
845   if (! InBioseqViewEntityList (entityID, bvp)) {
846     ValNodeAddInt (&(bvp->entityList), 0, (Int4) entityID);
847     omudp = ObjMgrAddUserData (entityID, bfp->procid, OMPROC_VIEW, bfp->userkey);
848     if (omudp != NULL) {
849       omudp->userdata.ptrvalue = (Pointer) bfp;
850       omudp->messagefunc = BioseqViewMsgFunc;
851     }
852   }
853   return TRUE;
854 }
GenomicSentinelProc(BigScalar calldata,PrimDrawContext pdc)856 static void GenomicSentinelProc (BigScalar calldata, PrimDrawContext pdc)
858 {
859   BoxInfo        box;
860   BioseqPtr      bsp;
861   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
862   ValNodePtr     curr;
863   Uint2          entityID;
864   Boolean        forceSeglevelsTo1 = TRUE;
865   GlobalBspPtr   gbp;
866   ValNodePtr     graphs;
867   /* SeqEntryPtr    oldscope; */
868   Int2           oldstyle;
869   SegmenT        pic;
870   BasePPtr       prim;
871   Int4           scaleX;
872   Int4           scaleY;
873   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
874   Int4           seq_len;
875   SeqGraphPtr    sgp;
876   Boolean        show_msg = FALSE;
877   ValNodePtr     slp_list;
878   SeqLocPtr      slp;
879   SentinelPtr    sp;
880   Int2           style;
881   ValNodePtr     vnp;
882   BoxInfo        world;
884   sp = (SentinelPtr) calldata;
885   if (sp == NULL) return;
886   if (sp->fetched) return;
887   sp->fetched = TRUE;
888   bvp = sp->bvp;
889   bsp = bvp->bsp;
890   slp_list = NULL;
891   if (bvp->isGenome && bvp->gdraw_p != NULL) {
892     slp_list = NULL;
893     for (curr = bvp->gdraw_p->gbp_list; curr !=NULL; curr = curr->next) {
894       gbp = curr->data.ptrvalue;
895       bsp = gbp->bsp;
896       seq_len = bsp->length;
897       slp = load_seq_loc (sp->start, sp->stop, seq_len, FALSE,
898                           SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0), &show_msg, FALSE);
899       if (slp != NULL) {
900         ValNodeAddPointer ((Pointer) &slp_list, (Uint1) (gbp->priority), slp);
901       }
902     }
903   } else {
904     bsp = bvp->bsp;
905     slp = SeqLocIntNew (sp->start, sp->stop, Seq_strand_plus, SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0));
906     ValNodeAddPointer (&slp_list, 0, (Pointer) slp);
907   }
908   oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
909   style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
910   SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
912   bsp = bvp->bsp;
913   sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
914   if (IsADeltaBioseq (sep)) {
915     forceSeglevelsTo1 = FALSE;
916   }
917   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
918   if (entityID > 0) {
919     sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bsp);
920     /* oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep); */
921   }
923   ViewerBox (bvp->vwr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &scaleX, &scaleY);
924   pic = DrawSequinMapEx (slp_list, sep, scaleX, NULL, NULL, forceSeglevelsTo1, bvp->tempResultList);
925   ChangeAddPrimOrder (ADD_TO_TAIL);
926   prim = (BasePPtr) pic;
927   prim->code = SEGMENT;
928   OffsetSegment (pic, sp->start, 0);
929   ExploreSegment (pic, (Pointer) bvp, AddToEntityList);
931   graphs = CollectGraphs (entityID, bsp, sp->start, sp->stop);
932   if (graphs != NULL) {
933     SegmentBox (pic, &box);
934     for (vnp = graphs; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
935       sgp = (SeqGraphPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
936       AddGraphSentinelToPicture (sgp, bsp, pic, scaleX,
937                                  box.bottom - 10, /* sp->start */ 0, NULL);
938     }
939   }
941   LinkSegment (bvp->pict, pic);
942   RecalculateSegment (pic, scaleX, scaleY);
944   ViewerBox (bvp->vwr, &world, NULL, NULL, &scaleX, &scaleY);
945   for (vnp = bvp->sentinelList; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
946     sp = (SentinelPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
947     if (sp != NULL) {
948       if (PrimitiveBox (sp->snt, scaleX, scaleY, &box)) {
949         ChangeSentinelRectangle (sp->snt, box.left, world.top, box.right, world.bottom);
950       }
951     }
952   }
954   /*
955   if (entityID > 0) {
956     SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
957   }
958   */
959   SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
960 }
PopulateGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp)962 static void PopulateGraphic (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
964 {
965   BioseqPtr      bsp;
966   BioseqSetPtr   bssp;
967   DeltaSeqPtr    dsp;
968   Uint2          entityID;
969   Int2           i;
970   Boolean        isGenome;
971   Int4           labelWid;
972   Int4           len;
973   SeqLocPtr      loc;
974   Int4           max;
975   Int4           min;
976   MakeMultiData  mmd;
977   Int2           oldstyle;
978   RecT           r;
979   Int4           scaleX;
980   Int4           scaleY;
981   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
982   SeqLocPtr      slp;
983   ValNodePtr     slp_list;
984   SentinelPtr    sp;
985   Int4           start;
986   Char           str [32];
987   Int2           style;
988   ValNode        vn;
989   ValNodePtr     vnp;
990   Int4           vwr_x;
991   Int4           vwr_y;
992   Int2           vwr_align;
993   SeqViewProcsPtr  svpp;
995   if (bvp == NULL) return;
996   sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bvp->bsp);
997   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
999   svpp = (SeqViewProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("SeqDisplayForm");
1000   if (svpp != NULL && svpp->lockFarComponents) {
1001     sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1002     LookupFarSeqIDs (sep, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
1003   }
1005   sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bvp->bsp);
1006   if (! bvp->hasTargetControl) {
1007     PopulateSimpleGraphic (bvp); /* Nentrez should do this until more work is done */
1008     return;
1009   }
1010   isGenome = FALSE;
1011   if (IsAGenomeRecord (sep) ||
1012       IsSegmentedBioseqWithoutParts (sep)) {
1013     isGenome = TRUE;
1014     if (bvp->isGenome) {
1015       if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
1016         bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
1017         if (bssp != NULL && bssp->_class == BioseqseqSet_class_equiv) {
1018           PopulateSimpleGraphic (bvp);
1019           return;
1020         }
1021       }
1022     }
1024   } else if (IsADeltaBioseq (sep)) {
1025     /*
1026     isGenome = FALSE;
1027     if (bvp->isGenome) {
1028       if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
1029         bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
1030         if (bssp != NULL && bssp->_class == BioseqseqSet_class_equiv) {
1031           PopulateSimpleGraphic (bvp);
1032           return;
1033         }
1034       }
1035     }
1036     */
1037     PopulateSimpleGraphic (bvp);
1038     return;
1040   } else {
1041     PopulateSimpleGraphic (bvp);
1042     return;
1043   }
1044   WatchCursor ();
1045   vwr_x = INT4_MIN;
1046   vwr_y = INT4_MAX;
1047   vwr_align = UPPER_LEFT;
1048   if (bvp->moveToOldPos) {
1049     if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
1050       get_viewer_position (bvp->vwr, &(vwr_x), &(vwr_y));
1051       vwr_align = MIDDLE_CENTER;
1052     }
1053     bvp->moveToOldPos = FALSE;
1054   }
1055   Reset (bvp->vwr);
1056   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
1057   Update ();
1058   if (bvp->isGenome && bvp->gdraw_p == NULL) {
1059     PopulateMap (bvp);
1060     Reset (bvp->vwr);
1061     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
1062     Update ();
1063   }
1064   bsp = bvp->bsp;
1065   if (bsp != NULL) {
1066     scaleY = 1;
1067     len = 0;
1068     if (bvp->sentinelList != NULL) {
1069       bvp->sentinelList = ValNodeFreeData (bvp->sentinelList);
1070     }
1071     if (bvp->sentinelList == NULL) {
1072       sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1073       if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw) {
1074         sp = MemNew (sizeof (SentinelData));
1075         if (sp != NULL) {
1076           sp->bvp = bvp;
1077           sp->start = 0;
1078           sp->stop = bsp->length - 1;
1079           sp->fetched = FALSE;
1080           ValNodeAddPointer (&(bvp->sentinelList), 0, (Pointer) sp);
1081         }
1082       } else if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) {
1083         vn.choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
1084         vn.next = NULL;
1085         vn.data.ptrvalue = bsp->seq_ext;
1086         start = 0;
1087         slp = SeqLocFindNext (&vn, NULL);
1088         while (slp != NULL) {
1089           if (slp->choice != SEQLOC_NULL) {
1090             len = SeqLocLen (slp);
1091             if (len > 0) {
1092               sp = MemNew (sizeof (SentinelData));
1093               if (sp != NULL) {
1094                 sp->bvp = bvp;
1095                 sp->start = start;
1096                 sp->stop = start + len - 1;
1097                 sp->fetched = FALSE;
1098                 ValNodeAddPointer (&(bvp->sentinelList), 0, (Pointer) sp);
1099                 start += len;
1100               }
1101             }
1102           }
1103           slp = SeqLocFindNext (&vn, slp);
1104         }
1105       } else if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_delta && bsp->seq_ext_type == 4) {
1106         dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr) bsp->seq_ext;
1107         loc = DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs (dsp);
1108         start = 0;
1109         slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, NULL);
1110         while (slp != NULL) {
1111           if (slp->choice != SEQLOC_NULL) {
1112             len = SeqLocLen (slp);
1113             if (len > 0) {
1114               sp = MemNew (sizeof (SentinelData));
1115               if (sp != NULL) {
1116                 sp->bvp = bvp;
1117                 sp->start = start;
1118                 sp->stop = start + len - 1;
1119                 sp->fetched = FALSE;
1120                 ValNodeAddPointer (&(bvp->sentinelList), 0, (Pointer) sp);
1121                 start += len;
1122               }
1123             }
1124           }
1125           slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, slp);
1126         }
1127         SeqLocFree (loc);
1128       } else if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_map) {
1129         if (bsp->length > 100000000) {
1130           len = 10000000;
1131         } else if (bsp->length > 10000000) {
1132           len = 1000000;
1133         } else if (bsp->length > 1000000) {
1134           len = 100000;
1135         } else if (bsp->length > 100000) {
1136           len = 10000;
1137         } else {
1138           len = bsp->length;
1139         }
1140         start = 0;
1141         while (start < bsp->length) {
1142           sp = MemNew (sizeof (SentinelData));
1143           if (sp != NULL) {
1144             sp->bvp = bvp;
1145             sp->start = start;
1146             if (start + len - 1 > bsp->length) {
1147               len = bsp->length - start;
1148             }
1149             sp->stop = start + len - 1;
1150             sp->fetched = FALSE;
1151             ValNodeAddPointer (&(bvp->sentinelList), 0, (Pointer) sp);
1152             start += len;
1153           }
1154         }
1155       }
1156     }
1158     len = 0;
1159     if (! bvp->isGenome) {
1160       slp_list = NULL;
1161       sep = NULL;
1162       len = 0;
1163       if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
1164         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1165         entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1166         sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1167         mmd.slp_list = NULL;
1168         mmd.len = 0;
1169         BioseqExplore (sep, (Pointer) &mmd, MakeMultiSlpList);
1170         slp_list = mmd.slp_list;
1171         len = mmd.len;
1172       } else {
1173         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1174         len = bsp->length;
1175         slp = SeqLocIntNew (0, len-1, Seq_strand_plus, SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0));
1176         ValNodeAddPointer (&slp_list, 0, (Pointer) slp);
1177       }
1178       if (bvp->slp_list != NULL) {
1179         free_slp_list (bvp->slp_list);
1180         bvp->slp_list = NULL;
1181       }
1182       bvp->slp_list = slp_list;
1183     }
1185     if (bvp->scaleNotCalculated) {
1186       SafeHide (bvp->scale);
1187       Reset (bvp->scale);
1188       ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
1189       InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
1190       oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
1191       style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
1192       SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
1193       labelWid = CountMaxSeqLabel (bvp->slp_list) + 2;
1194       SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
1195       if (r.right - r.left < 2 * labelWid) {
1196         labelWid = 0;
1197       }
1198       if (isGenome) {
1199         if (bsp->length > 100000000) {
1200           max = 49999L;
1201         } else if (bsp->length > 10000000) {
1202           max = 4999L;
1203         } else if (bsp->length > 1000000) {
1204           max = 499L;
1205         } else if (bsp->length > 100000) {
1206           max = 49L;
1207         } else if (bsp->length > 10000) {
1208           max = 19L;
1209         } else if (bsp->length > 1000) {
1210           max = 9L;
1211         } else {
1212           max = 4L;
1213         }
1214         min = (Int4) 1;
1215       } else {
1216         max = (Int4) MAX (len / (Int4) (r.right - r.left - labelWid), 1) + 2;
1217         max = (Int4) MIN (max, 50000L);
1218         min = (Int4) MAX (len / 320000L, 1L);
1219       }
1220       bvp->maxScale = max;
1221       i = 1;
1222       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && min > zoomScaleVal [i]) {
1223         i++;
1224       }
1225       bvp->minIndex = i;
1226       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && max > zoomScaleVal [i - 1]) {
1227         sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) (zoomScaleVal [i]));
1228         if (max < zoomScaleVal [i]) {
1229           sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) zoomScaleVal [i]);
1230         }
1231         PopupItem (bvp->scale, str);
1232         i++;
1233       }
1234       SetValue (bvp->scale, MAX (i - bvp->minIndex - 3, 1));
1235       bvp->scaleNotCalculated = FALSE;
1236     }
1237     SafeShow (bvp->scale);
1238     i = GetValue (bvp->scale) - 1 + bvp->minIndex;
1239     if (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && i > 0) {
1240       scaleX = MIN (zoomScaleVal [i], bvp->maxScale);
1241     } else {
1242       scaleX = bvp->minIndex;
1243     }
1245     bvp->pict = CreatePicture ();
1246     for (vnp = bvp->sentinelList; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
1247       sp = (SentinelPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
1248       if (sp != NULL) {
1249         sp->seg = CreateSegment (bvp->pict, 0, 0);
1250         sp->snt = AddSntRectangle (bvp->pict, sp->start, -35, sp->stop, -40,
1251                                    GenomicSentinelProc, (BigScalar) sp, NULL, 0);
1252         /* AddRectangle (bvp->pict, sp->start, -35, sp->stop, -40, 0, FALSE, 0); */
1253       }
1254     }
1256     AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, vwr_x, vwr_y, vwr_align, scaleX, scaleY,
1257                    bvp->highlightSelections ? DrawSelectionRange : NULL);
1258     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickGraphic, NULL, ReleaseGraphic, NULL);
1259     /* InitSelectGraphical (bvp); */
1260   }
1261   ArrowCursor ();
1262 }
ClickAlignment(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)1264 static void ClickAlignment (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
1266 {
1267   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1269   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
1270   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1271   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
1272   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
1273   bvp->old_rect_shown = FALSE;
1274   bvp->pnt_start = pt;
1275   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
1276   InvertMode ();
1277   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
1278 }
DragAlignment(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)1280 static void DragAlignment (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
1282 {
1283   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1285   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
1286   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1287   if(bvp->wasDoubleClick || bvp->wasShiftKey) return;
1288   InvertMode ();
1289   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
1290   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
1291   CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
1292 }
ReleaseAlignment(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)1294 static void ReleaseAlignment (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, PoinT pt)
1296 {
1297   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1298   Uint2          entityID;
1299   FILE           *fp;
1300   Uint4          itemID;
1301   Uint2          itemtype;
1302   Int4           left, right;
1303   Uint4          option = TXALIGN_MISMATCH;
1304   Char           path [PATH_MAX];
1305   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
1306   SeqLocPtr      slp;
1307   PntInfo        start_info, stop_info;
1308   Char           title [64];
1310   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
1311   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1313   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
1314     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
1315       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1316       if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
1317         WatchCursor ();
1318         Update ();
1319         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1320         ArrowCursor ();
1321         Update ();
1322       } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
1323         WatchCursor ();
1324         Update ();
1325         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1326         ArrowCursor ();
1327         Update ();
1328       } else if (bvp->launchEditors) {
1329         WatchCursor ();
1330         Update ();
1331         GatherProcLaunch (OMPROC_EDIT, FALSE, entityID, itemID,
1332                           itemtype, 0, 0, itemtype, 0);
1333         ArrowCursor ();
1334         Update ();
1335         return;
1336       } else {
1337         return;
1338       }
1339     }
1340     if (! bvp->sendSelectMessages) return;
1341     if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1342       ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1343     } else {
1344       ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1345     }
1346   } else if (bvp->sendSelectMessages) {
1347     if (Find_segment_IDs (vwr, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
1348       if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1349         ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1350       } else {
1351         ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1352       }
1353     } else if (! bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1354       ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
1355     }
1356   }
1357   if (bvp->slp_list != NULL && bvp->anp_node != NULL) {
1358     InvertMode ();
1359     CommonFrameProc (vwr, bvp);
1360     bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
1362     if (ABS (bvp->pnt_start.x - bvp->pnt_stop.x) > 5) {
1363       WatchCursor ();
1364       Update ();
1365       GetTitle (ParentWindow (vwr), title, sizeof (title) - 1);
1366       MapViewerToWorld(vwr, bvp->pnt_start, &start_info);
1367       MapViewerToWorld(vwr, bvp->pnt_stop, &stop_info);
1368       left = MIN(start_info.x, stop_info.x);
1369       right  = MAX(start_info.x, stop_info.x);
1370       StringCat (title, " alignment");
1371       TmpNam (path);
1372       fp = FileOpen(path, "w");
1373       if (fp != NULL) {
1374         slp = bvp->slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
1375         if (ShowAlignNodeText (bvp->anp_node, -1, 40, fp, left, right, option, NULL, NULL))
1376           FileClose(fp);
1377         else
1378           FileClose(fp);
1379       }
1380       LaunchGeneralTextViewer (path, title);
1381     }
1382     FileRemove (path);
1383     ArrowCursor ();
1384     Update ();
1385   }
1386 }
DrawAlignOnAllSequences(BioseqViewPtr bvp,SeqAlignPtr align,Int2 scaleX)1388 static void DrawAlignOnAllSequences (BioseqViewPtr bvp, SeqAlignPtr align, Int2 scaleX)
1390 {
1391 	ValNode vn;
1393 	Int4 y_pos = 0;
1394 	Int4 value, style;
1395 	SeqIdPtr m_sip;
1396 	BioseqPtr mbsp;
1397 	SeqLocPtr m_loc;
1398 	Int4 start, stop;
1399 	CollectSeqOption cs_option;
1400 	CollectAlignOption ca_option;
1401 	SeqEntryPtr sep;
1402 	Uint2 entityID;
1405 	if (bvp == NULL || align == NULL) return;
1406 	sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bvp->bsp);
1407 	entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1409 	m_sip = make_master(align);
1410 	if(m_sip == NULL)
1411 	{
1412 		Message(MSG_ERROR, "Fail to get the master id");
1413 		return;
1414 	}
1416 	mbsp = BioseqLockById(m_sip);
1417 	if(mbsp == NULL)
1418 	{
1419 		get_boundary(m_sip, &start, &stop, align);
1420 		m_loc = SeqLocIntNew(start, stop, Seq_strand_plus, m_sip);
1421 	}
1422 	else
1423 		m_loc = SeqLocIntNew(0, mbsp->length-1, Seq_strand_plus, m_sip);
1424 	vn.data.ptrvalue = m_loc;
1425 	vn.next = NULL;
1426 	if(scaleX <=0)
1427 	{
1428 		if(mbsp != NULL)
1429 			BioseqUnlock(mbsp);
1430 		SeqLocFree(m_loc);
1431 		return;
1432 	}
1435 	style= GetMuskCParam(MSM_ALIGNMENT, 0, MSM_STYLE);
1436 	if(style== MSM_MDIM)
1437 	{
1438 		if(!use_multiple_dimension(align))
1439 			style= MSM_MPAIR;
1440 	}
1441 	else
1442 		style= MSM_MPAIR;
1445 	load_align_option_for_graphic(&ca_option, &cs_option, style, FALSE);
1446 	if(mbsp == NULL)
1447 		ca_option.show_mismatch = FALSE;
1448 	ca_option.csop = &cs_option;
1450 	if(style== MSM_MDIM)
1451 		value = COLLECT_MD;
1452 	else
1453 		value = COLLECT_MP;
1454     if (bvp->anp_node != NULL) {
1455       bvp->anp_node = FreeAlignNode (bvp->anp_node);
1456     }
1457 	bvp->anp_node = collect_anpnode_with_option(&ca_option, m_loc, entityID,
1458 	                                            value, OBJ_SEQALIGN, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
1459 	if(bvp->anp_node == NULL)
1460 	{
1461 		if(mbsp != NULL)
1462 			BioseqUnlock(mbsp);
1463 		SeqLocFree(m_loc);
1464 		return;
1465 	}
1467 	bvp->pict = CreatePicture();
1468 	DrawMPAlignment(bvp->anp_node, 0, SeqLocLen(m_loc)-1, m_loc, entityID,
1469 	                scaleX, &y_pos, (Uint1)style, FALSE, bvp->pict);
1470 	if(mbsp != NULL)
1471 		BioseqUnlock(mbsp);
1472 	SeqLocFree(m_loc);
1473 }
PopulateAlignment(BioseqViewPtr bvp)1475 static void PopulateAlignment (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
1477 {
1478   SeqAlignPtr    align;
1479   BioseqPtr      bsp;
1480   BioseqSetPtr   bssp;
1481   Uint2          entityID;
1482   Int2           i;
1483   Int4           labelWid;
1484   Int4           len;
1485   Int4           max;
1486   Int4           min;
1487   MakeMultiData  mmd;
1488   SeqEntryPtr    oldscope = NULL;
1489   Int2           oldstyle;
1490   RecT           r;
1491   Int4           scaleX;
1492   Int4           scaleY;
1493   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
1494   ValNodePtr     slp_list;
1495   SeqLocPtr      slp;
1496   Char           str [32];
1497   Int2           style;
1498   Int4           vwr_x;
1499   Int4           vwr_y;
1500   Int2           vwr_align;
1501   Int4           y_pos = 0;
1503   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1504   WatchCursor ();
1505   vwr_x = INT4_MIN;
1506   vwr_y = INT4_MAX;
1507   vwr_align = UPPER_LEFT;
1508   if (bvp->moveToOldPos) {
1509     if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
1510       get_viewer_position (bvp->vwr, &(vwr_x), &(vwr_y));
1511       vwr_align = MIDDLE_CENTER;
1512     }
1513     bvp->moveToOldPos = FALSE;
1514   }
1515   Reset (bvp->vwr);
1516   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
1517   Update ();
1518   if (bvp->isGenome && bvp->slp_list == NULL) return;
1519   bsp = bvp->bsp;
1520   if (bsp != NULL) {
1521     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1522     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1523     sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bsp);
1524     if (sep != NULL && sep->choice == 2) {
1525       bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
1526       if (bssp != NULL && bssp->_class == 10) {
1527         ArrowCursor ();
1528         return;
1529       }
1530     }
1531     scaleY = 1;
1532     len = 0;
1533     slp = NULL;
1534     if (! bvp->isGenome) {
1535       slp_list = NULL;
1536       sep = NULL;
1537       len = 0;
1538       if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
1539         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1540         entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1541         sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1542         mmd.slp_list = NULL;
1543         mmd.len = 0;
1544         BioseqExplore (sep, (Pointer) &mmd, MakeMultiSlpList);
1545         slp_list = mmd.slp_list;
1546         len = mmd.len;
1547       } else {
1548         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1549         len = bsp->length;
1550         slp = SeqLocIntNew (0, len-1, Seq_strand_plus, SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0));
1551         ValNodeAddPointer (&slp_list, 0, (Pointer) slp);
1552       }
1553       if (bvp->slp_list != NULL) {
1554         free_slp_list (bvp->slp_list);
1555         bvp->slp_list = NULL;
1556       }
1557       bvp->slp_list = slp_list;
1558     }
1559     oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
1560     style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
1561     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
1563     if (bvp->scaleNotCalculated) {
1564       SafeHide (bvp->scale);
1565       Reset (bvp->scale);
1566       ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
1567       InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
1568       labelWid = CountMaxSeqLabel (bvp->slp_list) + 2;
1569       if (r.right - r.left < 2 * labelWid) {
1570         labelWid = 0;
1571       }
1572       if (bvp->isGenome) {
1573         slp = (SeqLocPtr) bvp->slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
1574         len = slp_list_len (slp);
1575       }
1576       max = (Int4) MAX (len / (Int4) (r.right - r.left - labelWid), 1) + 2;
1577       max = (Int4) MIN (max, 50000L);
1578       min = (Int4) MAX (len / 320000L, 1L);
1579       bvp->maxScale = max;
1580       i = 1;
1581       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && min > zoomScaleVal [i]) {
1582         i++;
1583       }
1584       bvp->minIndex = i;
1585       while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && max > zoomScaleVal [i - 1]) {
1586         sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) (zoomScaleVal [i]));
1587         if (max < zoomScaleVal [i]) {
1588           sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) zoomScaleVal [i]);
1589         }
1590         PopupItem (bvp->scale, str);
1591         i++;
1592       }
1593       SetValue (bvp->scale, MAX (i - bvp->minIndex, 1));
1594       bvp->scaleNotCalculated = FALSE;
1595     }
1596     SafeShow (bvp->scale);
1597     i = GetValue (bvp->scale) - 1 + bvp->minIndex;
1598     if (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && i > 0) {
1599       scaleX = MIN (zoomScaleVal [i], bvp->maxScale);
1600     } else {
1601       scaleX = bvp->minIndex;
1602     }
1604     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1605     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1606     if (entityID > 0) {
1607       sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bsp);
1608       oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep);
1609     }
1611     if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
1612       align = NULL;
1613       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1614       SeqEntryExplore (sep, &align, FindAlignment);
1615       DrawAlignOnAllSequences (bvp, align, scaleX);
1616     } else if (bvp->anp_node == NULL) {
1617       Reset (bvp->vwr);
1618       bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
1619       slp = (SeqLocPtr) bvp->slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
1620       bvp->pict = DrawSeqHistoryAlignment (slp, scaleX,
1621                                            &(bvp->anp_node),
1622                                            &(bvp->seq_entityID),
1623                                            FALSE);
1624     } else if (bvp->seq_entityID > 0) {
1625       bvp->pict = CreatePicture ();
1626       slp = (SeqLocPtr) bvp->slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
1627       DrawMPAlignment (bvp->anp_node, 0, SeqLocLen (slp), slp,
1628                        bvp->seq_entityID, scaleX, &y_pos,
1629                        MSM_MPAIR, FALSE, bvp->pict);
1630     } else {
1631       if (entityID > 0) {
1632         SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
1633       }
1634       ArrowCursor ();
1635       return;
1636     }
1638     if (entityID > 0) {
1639       SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
1640     }
1642     AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, vwr_x, vwr_y,
1643                    vwr_align, scaleX, scaleY, NULL);
1644     SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickAlignment, DragAlignment, ReleaseAlignment, NULL);
1645     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
1646     InitSelectGraphical (bvp);
1647   }
1648   ArrowCursor ();
1649 }
ClickSalsa(PaneL pnl,PoinT pt)1651 static void ClickSalsa (PaneL pnl, PoinT pt)
1653 {
1654   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1656   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (pnl);
1657   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1658   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
1659   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
1660 }
ReleaseSalsa(PaneL pnl,PoinT pt)1662 static void ReleaseSalsa (PaneL pnl, PoinT pt)
1664 {
1665   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1666   Uint2          entityID;
1667   Uint4          itemID;
1668   Uint2          itemtype;
1669   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
1671   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (pnl);
1672   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1674   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
1675     if (FindIdsInSalsaPanel (pnl, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
1676       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1677       if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
1678         WatchCursor ();
1679         Update ();
1680         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1681         ArrowCursor ();
1682         Update ();
1683         return;
1684       } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
1685         WatchCursor ();
1686         Update ();
1687         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1688         ArrowCursor ();
1689         Update ();
1690         return;
1691       } else if (bvp->launchEditors) {
1692         WatchCursor ();
1693         Update ();
1694         GatherProcLaunch (OMPROC_EDIT, FALSE, entityID, itemID,
1695                           itemtype, 0, 0, itemtype, 0);
1696         ArrowCursor ();
1697         Update ();
1698         return;
1699       } else {
1700         return;
1701       }
1702     }
1703     if (! bvp->sendSelectMessages) return;
1704     if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1705       ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1706     } else {
1707       ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1708     }
1709   } else if (bvp->sendSelectMessages) {
1710     if (FindIdsInSalsaPanel (pnl, pt, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype)) {
1711       if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1712         ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1713       } else {
1714         ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1715       }
1716     } else if (! bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1717       ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
1718     }
1719   }
1720 }
PopulateSalsa(BioseqViewPtr bvp)1722 static void PopulateSalsa (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
1724 {
1725   BioseqPtr    bsp;
1726   Uint2        entityID;
1727   Uint1        numbering;
1728   Int2         oldstyle;
1729   RecT         r;
1730   SeqEntryPtr  sep;
1731   Uint1        sequence_shown;
1732   Uint1        show_feat;
1733   Int2         style;
1734   WindoW       tempPort;
1735   Int2         val;
1737   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1738   WatchCursor ();
1739   Reset (bvp->pnl);
1740   SetPanelClick (bvp->pnl, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1741   Update ();
1742   bsp = bvp->bsp;
1743   if (bsp != NULL) {
1744     oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
1745     style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
1746     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
1747     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1748     if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
1749       entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1750       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1751     }
1752     val = GetValue (bvp->seqControl);
1753     switch (val) {
1754       case 1 :
1755         sequence_shown = SEQ_SHOW1;
1756         break;
1757       case 2 :
1758         sequence_shown = SEQ_SHOWALG;
1759         break;
1760       default :
1761         sequence_shown = SEQ_SHOW1;
1762         break;
1763     }
1764     val = GetValue (bvp->featControl);
1765     switch (val) {
1766       case 1 :
1767         show_feat = SEQ_FEAT0;
1768         break;
1769       case 2 :
1770         show_feat = SEQ_FEAT1;
1771         break;
1772       case 3 :
1773         show_feat = SEQ_FEATALL;
1774         break;
1775       default :
1776         show_feat = SEQ_FEAT1;
1777         break;
1778     }
1779     val = GetValue (bvp->numControl);
1780     switch (val) {
1781       case 1 :
1782         numbering = SEQ_NUM0;
1783         break;
1784       case 2 :
1785         numbering = SEQ_NUM1;
1786         break;
1787       case 3 :
1788         numbering = SEQ_NUM2;
1789         break;
1790       default :
1791         numbering = SEQ_NUM2;
1792         break;
1793     }
1794     PopulateSalsaPanel (bvp->pnl, sep, bvp->viewWholeEntity,
1795                         sequence_shown, show_feat, numbering,
1796                         bvp->displayFont);
1797     SetPanelClick (bvp->pnl, ClickSalsa, NULL, NULL, ReleaseSalsa);
1798     SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
1799     if (Visible (bvp->pnl) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->pnl)) {
1800       tempPort = SavePort (bvp->pnl);
1801       ResetClip ();
1802       Select (bvp->pnl);
1803       ObjectRect (bvp->pnl, &r);
1804       InsetRect (&r, 1, 1);
1805       InvalRect (&r);
1806       RestorePort (tempPort);
1807     }
1808   }
1809   ArrowCursor ();
1810 }
1812 #define VSM_PICT_UP_BUTTON  65001
1813 #define VSM_PICT_DOWN_BUTTON 65002
ClickDesktop(VieweR vwr,SegmenT s,PoinT pt)1815 static void ClickDesktop (VieweR vwr, SegmenT s, PoinT pt)
1817 {
1818   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1820   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
1821   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1822   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
1823   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
1824 }
ReleaseDesktop(VieweR vwr,SegmenT s,PoinT pt)1826 static void ReleaseDesktop (VieweR vwr, SegmenT s, PoinT pt)
1828 {
1829   BioseqPtr      bsp;
1830   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
1831   Uint2          entityID;
1832   Int2           expand = 0;
1833   Uint4          itemID;
1834   Uint2          itemtype;
1835   Uint2          primID;
1836   SegmenT        seg;
1837   Uint2          segID;
1838   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
1840   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
1841   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1842   bsp = bvp->bsp;
1843   if (bsp == NULL) return;
1844   sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1845   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1847   seg = FindSegment (vwr, pt, &segID, &primID, NULL);
1848   itemID = primID;
1849   itemtype = segID;
1850   if (primID == 0 || segID == 0) {
1851     if (! bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1852       ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
1853     }
1854     return;
1855   }
1856   if (itemID == VSM_PICT_UP_BUTTON) {
1857     expand = 1;
1858   } else if (itemID == VSM_PICT_DOWN_BUTTON) {
1859     expand = -1;
1860   }
1861   if (expand != 0) {
1862     bvp->expansion += expand;
1863     Hide (vwr);
1864     ResetClip ();
1865     Update ();
1866     PopulateDesktop (bvp);
1867     Show (vwr);
1868     Update ();
1869     return;
1870   }
1871   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
1872     sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
1873     if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
1874       WatchCursor ();
1875       Update ();
1876       LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1877       ArrowCursor ();
1878       Update ();
1879       return;
1880     } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
1881       WatchCursor ();
1882       Update ();
1883       LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
1884       ArrowCursor ();
1885       Update ();
1886       return;
1887     } else if (bvp->launchEditors) {
1888       WatchCursor ();
1889       Update ();
1890       GatherProcLaunch (OMPROC_EDIT, FALSE, entityID, itemID,
1891                         itemtype, 0, 0, itemtype, 0);
1892       ArrowCursor ();
1893       Update ();
1894       return;
1895     } else {
1896       return;
1897     }
1898   } else if (bvp->sendSelectMessages) {
1899     if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
1900       ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1901     } else {
1902       ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
1903     }
1904   }
1905 }
PopulateDesktop(BioseqViewPtr bvp)1907 static void PopulateDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
1909 {
1910   BioseqPtr      bsp;
1911   Uint2          entityID;
1912   Boolean        oldExtraLevel;
1913   ObjMgrDataPtr  omdp;
1914   SegmenT        seg;
1915   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
1916   FonT           tempfont;
1917   VSeqMgrPtr     vsmp;
1918   VSMPictPtr     vsmpp;
1919   Int4           vwr_x;
1920   Int4           vwr_y;
1921   Int2           vwr_align;
1923   if (bvp == NULL) return;
1924   WatchCursor ();
1925   vwr_x = INT4_MIN;
1926   vwr_y = INT4_MAX;
1927   vwr_align = UPPER_LEFT;
1928   if (bvp->moveToOldPos) {
1929     if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
1930       get_viewer_position (bvp->vwr, &(vwr_x), &(vwr_y));
1931       vwr_align = MIDDLE_CENTER;
1932     }
1933     bvp->moveToOldPos = FALSE;
1934   }
1935   Reset (bvp->vwr);
1936   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
1937   Update ();
1938   bsp = bvp->bsp;
1939   if (bsp != NULL) {
1940     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
1941     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
1942     omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
1943     vsmpp = MemNew (sizeof (VSMPict));
1944     if (vsmpp != NULL) {
1945       vsmpp->expansion = bvp->expansion;
1946       vsmp = VSeqMgrGet ();
1947       if (vsmp != NULL) {
1948         oldExtraLevel = vsmp->extraLevel;
1949         vsmp->extraLevel = TRUE;
1950         tempfont = vsmp->font;
1951         if (bvp->displayFont != NULL) {
1952           vsmp->font = bvp->displayFont;
1953         }
1954         SelectFont (vsmp->font);
1955         vsmp->lineheight = LineHeight();
1956         vsmp->leading = Leading();
1957         vsmp->charw = MaxCharWidth();
1958         seg = VSMEntityDraw (omdp, vsmpp, vsmp);
1959         vsmp->font = tempfont;
1960         SelectFont (vsmp->font);
1961         vsmp->lineheight = LineHeight();
1962         vsmp->leading = Leading();
1963         vsmp->charw = MaxCharWidth();
1964         SelectFont (systemFont);
1965         vsmp->extraLevel = oldExtraLevel;
1966         bvp->pict = CreatePicture ();
1967         LinkSegment (bvp->pict, seg);
1968         AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, vwr_x, vwr_y, vwr_align, 1, 1, NULL);
1969         SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickDesktop, NULL, ReleaseDesktop, NULL);
1970       }
1971     }
1972     MemFree (vsmpp);
1973     InitSelectDesktop (bvp);
1974   }
1975   ArrowCursor ();
1976 }
1978 static ParData  geneParFmt = {FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, 0};
1980 typedef struct geneinputdata {
1981   GrouP              geneGrp;
1982   TexT               geneText;
1983   DoC                geneList;
1984   Int2               clickedItem;
1985   Int2               clickedRow;
1986   Int2               selectedItem;
1987   Int2               selectedRow;
1988 } GeneInputData, PNTR GeneInputDataPtr;
1990 typedef struct genechoicedata {
1993   BioseqViewPtr      bvp;
1994   GeneInputData      geneData1;
1995   GeneInputData      geneData2;
1996   Int2               numItems;
1997   Int2               geneIdxNum;
1998   CharPtr PNTR       geneListIdx;
1999 } GeneChoiceData, PNTR GeneChoiceDataPtr;
CopyField(CharPtr str,size_t max,CharPtr source,Int2 col)2001 static void CopyField (CharPtr str, size_t max, CharPtr source, Int2 col)
2003 {
2004   Char     ch;
2005   size_t   count;
2006   CharPtr  ptr;
2008   if (str != NULL && max > 0 && source != NULL) {
2009     MemSet (str, 0, max);
2010       ptr = source;
2011       ch = *ptr;
2012       while (col > 1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
2013         while (ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
2014           ptr++;
2015           ch = *ptr;
2016         }
2017         if (ch == '\t') {
2018           ptr++;
2019           ch = *ptr;
2020         }
2021         col--;
2022       }
2023       count = 0;
2024       ch = ptr [count];
2025       while (ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') {
2026         count++;
2027         ch = ptr [count];
2028       }
2029       max = MIN (max, count);
2030       StringNCpy (str, ptr, max); /* remains StringNCpy, not _0 */
2031   }
2032 }
CopyStrFromGeneList(GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp,CharPtr str,size_t max,Int2 row)2034 static void CopyStrFromGeneList (GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp, CharPtr str, size_t max, Int2 row)
2036 {
2037   CharPtr  source;
2039   if (gcp != NULL && str != NULL && max > 0) {
2040     MemSet (str, 0, max);
2041     if (gcp->geneListIdx != NULL && row > 0) {
2042       source = gcp->geneListIdx [row - 1];
2043       CopyField (str, max, source, 1);
2044     }
2045   }
2046 }
FindGeneName(GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp,CharPtr text)2048 static Int2 FindGeneName (GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp, CharPtr text)
2050 {
2051   Int2  compare;
2052   Int2  left;
2053   Int2  mid;
2054   Int2  right;
2055   Char  str [256];
2057   mid = 0;
2058   if (gcp != NULL && text != NULL && gcp->geneIdxNum > 0) {
2059     left = 1;
2060     right = gcp->geneIdxNum;
2061     while (left <= right) {
2062       mid = (left + right) / 2;
2063       CopyStrFromGeneList (gcp, str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid);
2064       compare = StringICmp (text, str);
2065       if (compare <= 0) {
2066         right = mid - 1;
2067       }
2068       if (compare >= 0) {
2069         left = mid + 1;
2070       }
2071     }
2072     if (left <= right + 1) {
2073       CopyStrFromGeneList (gcp, str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid);
2074       str [StringLen (text)] = '\0';
2075       compare = StringICmp (text, str);
2076       if (compare > 0) {
2077         mid++;
2078         if (mid <= gcp->geneIdxNum) {
2079           CopyStrFromGeneList (gcp, str, sizeof (str) - 2, mid);
2080           str [StringLen (text)] = '\0';
2081           compare = StringICmp (text, str);
2082           if (compare > 0) {
2083             mid = 0;
2084           }
2085         }
2086       }
2087     }
2088   }
2089   return mid;
2090 }
AutoScrollGeneName(GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp,TexT t)2092 static void AutoScrollGeneName (GeneChoiceDataPtr gcp, TexT t)
2094 {
2095   GeneInputDataPtr  gdp;
2096   Boolean           goOn;
2097   Int2              item;
2098   Int2              itm;
2099   Int4              line;
2100   Int2              num;
2101   Int2              numRows;
2102   Int2              oldItem;
2103   Int2              oldRow;
2104   Int2              row;
2105   Int4              startsAt;
2106   Char              str [256];
2107   Char              txt [256];
2109   if (gcp != NULL && t != NULL && gcp->geneListIdx != NULL) {
2110     if (t == gcp->geneData1.geneText) {
2111       gdp = &(gcp->geneData1);
2112     } else if (t == gcp->geneData2.geneText) {
2113       gdp = &(gcp->geneData2);
2114     } else {
2115       return;
2116     }
2117     GetTitle (t, str, sizeof (str) - 2);
2118     num = 0;
2119     oldItem = gdp->selectedItem;
2120     oldRow = gdp->selectedRow;
2121     line = FindGeneName (gcp, str);
2122     if (line > 0 && line <= gcp->geneIdxNum) {
2123       item = 0;
2124       row = 0;
2125       itm = 1;
2126       goOn = TRUE;
2127       while (goOn && itm <= gcp->numItems) {
2128         GetItemParams4 (gdp->geneList, itm, &startsAt, &numRows, NULL, NULL, NULL);
2129         if (line > startsAt + numRows) {
2130           itm++;
2131         } else {
2132           item = itm;
2133           row = line - startsAt;
2134           goOn = FALSE;
2135         }
2136       }
2137       if (! RowIsVisible (gdp->geneList, item, row, NULL, NULL)) {
2138         SetOffset (gdp->geneList, 0, line - 1);
2139       }
2140       CopyStrFromGeneList (gcp, txt, sizeof (txt) - 2, line);
2141       if (StringICmp (txt, str) != 0) {
2142         gdp->selectedItem = 0;
2143         gdp->selectedRow = 0;
2144         InvalDocRows (gdp->geneList, oldItem, oldRow, oldRow);
2145         return;
2146       }
2147       if (oldItem != item || oldRow != row) {
2148         gdp->selectedItem = 0;
2149         gdp->selectedRow = 0;
2150         InvalDocRows (gdp->geneList, oldItem, oldRow, oldRow);
2151         gdp->selectedItem = item;
2152         gdp->selectedRow = row;
2153         InvalDocRows (gdp->geneList, item, row, row);
2154       }
2155     }
2156   }
2157 }
GeneNameText(TexT t)2159 static void GeneNameText (TexT t)
2161 {
2162   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2164   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (t);
2165   if (gcp != NULL) {
2166     AutoScrollGeneName (gcp, t);
2167   }
2168 }
dup_slp_list(ValNodePtr slp_list,Int4 window_size)2170 static ValNodePtr dup_slp_list(ValNodePtr slp_list, Int4 window_size)
2171 {
2172 	ValNodePtr head = NULL;
2173 	SeqLocPtr slp;
2174 	SeqLocPtr dup_slp;
2175 	Int4 start, stop;
2176 	Int4 offset;
2177 	SeqIntPtr sint;
2179 	while(slp_list)
2180 	{
2181 		slp = slp_list->data.ptrvalue;
2182 		if(slp->choice == SEQLOC_INT)
2183 		{
2184 			sint = slp->data.ptrvalue;
2185 			start = MIN(sint->from, sint->to);
2186 			stop = MAX(sint->from, sint->to);
2187 			offset = window_size - (stop - start);
2188 			if(offset > 0)
2189 			{
2190 				start -= offset/2;
2191 				stop += offset/2;
2192 				if(start < 0)
2193 					start = 0;
2194 			}
2196 			dup_slp = SeqLocIntNew(start, stop, Seq_strand_plus, sint->id);
2197 			ValNodeAddPointer(&head, 0, dup_slp);
2198 		}
2199 		slp_list = slp_list->next;
2200 	}
2202 	return head;
2203 }
get_default_window_size(GlobalDrawPtr gdraw_p)2205 static Int4 get_default_window_size(GlobalDrawPtr gdraw_p)
2206 {
2207 	GlobalBspPtr gbp;
2208 	ValNodePtr curr;
2209 	Int4 max_len = 0, val;
2211 	for(curr = gdraw_p->gbp_list; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next)
2212 	{
2213 		gbp = (GlobalBspPtr)(curr->data.ptrvalue);
2214 		max_len = MAX(max_len, gbp->bsp->length);
2215 	}
2217 	val = MIN(max_len, 10000);
2218 	return MAX(max_len/20, val);
2219 }
AcceptGeneName(ButtoN b)2221 static void AcceptGeneName (ButtoN b)
2223 {
2224   BioseqViewPtr      bvp;
2225   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2226   GeneDataPtr        gdata;
2227   ValNodePtr         old_g_list = NULL;
2228   RecT               r;
2229   Char               str [64];
2230   CharPtr            txt;
2231   ValNodePtr         vnp;
2232   WindoW             w;
2233   Int4               window_size;
2235   w = ParentWindow (b);
2236   Hide (w);
2237   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2238   if (gcp != NULL && gcp->bvp != NULL) {
2239     bvp = gcp->bvp;
2241     str [0] = '\0';
2242     txt = GetDocText (gcp->geneData1.geneList, gcp->geneData1.selectedItem,
2243                       gcp->geneData1.selectedRow, 1);
2244     SafeSetTitle (gcp->geneData1.geneText, txt);
2245     MemFree (txt);
2247     GetTitle (gcp->geneData1.geneText, str, sizeof (str));
2248     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2249     ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
2250     InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
2251     if (StringHasNoText (str)) {
2252       old_g_list = bvp->g_list;
2253       bvp->g_list = NULL;
2254     } else {
2255       vnp = ValNodeNew (NULL);
2256       old_g_list = bvp->g_list;
2257       if (vnp != NULL) {
2258         vnp->data.ptrvalue = StringSave (str);
2259       }
2260       bvp->g_list = vnp;
2261       if (Visible (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp)) {
2262         str [0] = '\0';
2263         txt = GetDocText (gcp->geneData2.geneList, gcp->geneData2.selectedItem, gcp->geneData2.selectedRow, 1);
2264         SafeSetTitle (gcp->geneData2.geneText, txt);
2265         MemFree (txt);
2266         GetTitle (gcp->geneData2.geneText, str, sizeof (str));
2267         if (!StringHasNoText (str)) {
2268           ValNodeCopyStr (&(bvp->g_list), 0, str);
2269         }
2270       }
2271     }
2273     gdata = NULL;
2274     if (map_gene_location (bvp->gdraw_p, bvp->g_list, &gdata, NULL, FALSE)) {
2275     }
2277     PopulateMap (bvp);
2279     if (old_g_list != NULL) {
2280       ValNodeFreeData (old_g_list);
2281     }
2282     if (bvp->gdraw_p != NULL) {
2283       if (bvp->slp_list != NULL) {
2284         free_slp_list (bvp->slp_list);
2285       }
2286       bvp->slp_list = NULL;
2287       window_size = get_default_window_size (bvp->gdraw_p);
2288       bvp->slp_list = dup_slp_list (bvp->gdraw_p->slp_list, window_size);
2289     }
2290   }
2291   Remove (w);
2292 }
HighlightGeneName(DoC d,Int2 item,Int2 row,Int2 col)2294 static Boolean HighlightGeneName (DoC d, Int2 item, Int2 row, Int2 col)
2296 {
2297   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2298   GeneInputDataPtr   gdp;
2300   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2301   if (gcp != NULL) {
2302     if (d == gcp->geneData1.geneList) {
2303       gdp = &(gcp->geneData1);
2304     } else if (d == gcp->geneData2.geneList) {
2305       gdp = &(gcp->geneData2);
2306     } else {
2307       return FALSE;
2308     }
2309     return (Boolean) (item == gdp->selectedItem && row == gdp->selectedRow);
2310   } else {
2311     return FALSE;
2312   }
2313 }
ClickGeneName(DoC d,PoinT pt)2315 static void ClickGeneName (DoC d, PoinT pt)
2317 {
2318   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2319   GeneInputDataPtr   gdp;
2320   Int2               item;
2321   Int2               oldItem;
2322   Int2               oldRow;
2323   Int2               row;
2325   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2326   if (gcp != NULL) {
2327     if (d == gcp->geneData1.geneList) {
2328       gdp = &(gcp->geneData1);
2329     } else if (d == gcp->geneData2.geneList) {
2330       gdp = &(gcp->geneData2);
2331     } else {
2332       return;
2333     }
2334     MapDocPoint (d, pt, &item, &row, NULL, NULL);
2335     if (item > 0 && row > 0) {
2336       gdp->clickedItem = item;
2337       gdp->clickedRow = row;
2338       oldItem = gdp->selectedItem;
2339       oldRow = gdp->selectedRow;
2340       if (gdp->selectedItem != item || gdp->selectedRow != row) {
2341         gdp->selectedItem = 0;
2342         gdp->selectedRow = 0;
2343         InvalDocRows (d, oldItem, oldRow, oldRow);
2344         gdp->selectedItem = item;
2345         gdp->selectedRow = row;
2346         InvalDocRows (d, item, row, row);
2347       }
2348     }
2349   }
2350 }
ReleaseGeneName(DoC d,PoinT pt)2352 static void ReleaseGeneName (DoC d, PoinT pt)
2354 {
2355   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2356   GeneInputDataPtr   gdp;
2357   Int2               item;
2358   Int2               row;
2359   CharPtr            str;
2361   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
2362   if (gcp != NULL) {
2363     if (d == gcp->geneData1.geneList) {
2364       gdp = &(gcp->geneData1);
2365     } else if (d == gcp->geneData2.geneList) {
2366       gdp = &(gcp->geneData2);
2367     } else {
2368       return;
2369     }
2370     MapDocPoint (d, pt, &item, &row, NULL, NULL);
2371     if (gdp->clickedItem == item && gdp->clickedRow == row && item > 0 && row > 0) {
2372       str = GetDocText (d, item, row, 1);
2373       SafeSetTitle (gdp->geneText, str);
2374       Select (gdp->geneText);
2375       MemFree (str);
2376     }
2377   }
2378 }
ShowSecondGroup(GrouP g)2380 static void ShowSecondGroup (GrouP g)
2382 {
2383   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2385   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) GetObjectExtra (g);
2386   if (gcp != NULL) {
2387     if (GetValue (g) == 2) {
2388       SafeShow (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp);
2389     } else {
2390       SafeHide (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp);
2391     }
2392   }
2393 }
CleanupGeneChoiceForm(GraphiC g,VoidPtr data)2395 static void CleanupGeneChoiceForm (GraphiC g, VoidPtr data)
2397 {
2398   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2400   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) data;
2401   if (gcp != NULL) {
2402     gcp->geneListIdx = MemFree (gcp->geneListIdx);
2403   }
2404   StdCleanupFormProc (g, data);
2405 }
DisplayGeneChoiceWindow(CharPtr path,BioseqViewPtr bvp)2407 static void DisplayGeneChoiceWindow (CharPtr path, BioseqViewPtr bvp)
2409 {
2410   ButtoN             b;
2411   GrouP              c;
2412   Char               ch;
2413   Pointer            dataptr;
2414   GrouP              g;
2415   GeneChoiceDataPtr  gcp;
2416   CharPtr PNTR       geneIdx;
2417   ValNodePtr         g_list;
2418   GrouP              h;
2419   Boolean            hasTwoGenesSelected;
2420   Int2               idx;
2421   Int2               item;
2422   GrouP              k;
2423   Int2               numItems;
2424   Int4               numLines;
2425   Int2               numRows;
2426   PrompT             p;
2427   Char               str [64];
2428   CharPtr            tmp;
2429   WindoW             w;
2431   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2432   gcp = (GeneChoiceDataPtr) MemNew (sizeof (GeneChoiceData));
2433   if (gcp == NULL) return;
2434   gcp->bvp = bvp;
2435   w = MovableModalWindow (-50, -33, -10, -10, "Gene and Product List", NULL);
2436   SetObjectExtra (w, gcp, CleanupGeneChoiceForm);
2437   k = HiddenGroup (w, 2, 0, ShowSecondGroup);
2438   SetObjectExtra (k, gcp, NULL);
2439   RadioButton (k, "Find Single Gene");
2440   RadioButton (k, "Enter Gene Range");
2441   SetValue (k, 1);
2442   h = HiddenGroup (w, -2, 0, NULL);
2444   str [0] = '\0';
2445   if (bvp->g_list != NULL) {
2446     g_list = bvp->g_list;
2447     StringNCpy_0 (str, (CharPtr) g_list->data.ptrvalue, sizeof (str));
2448   }
2449   gcp->geneData1.geneGrp = HiddenGroup (h, -1, 0, NULL);
2450   g = HiddenGroup (gcp->geneData1.geneGrp, 4, 0, NULL);
2451   p = StaticPrompt (g, "First Symbol", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2452   gcp->geneData1.geneText = DialogText (g, str, 10, GeneNameText);
2453   SetObjectExtra (gcp->geneData1.geneText, gcp, NULL);
2454   gcp->geneData1.geneList = DocumentPanel (gcp->geneData1.geneGrp, 15 * stdCharWidth,
2455                                            10 * stdLineHeight);
2456   SetObjectExtra (gcp->geneData1.geneList, gcp, NULL);
2457   AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) gcp->geneData1.geneList, NULL);
2458   SetDocProcs (gcp->geneData1.geneList, ClickGeneName, NULL, ReleaseGeneName, NULL);
2459   SetDocShade (gcp->geneData1.geneList, NULL, NULL, HighlightGeneName, NULL);
2460   DisplayFancy (gcp->geneData1.geneList, path, &geneParFmt, NULL, systemFont, 4);
2462   str [0] = '\0';
2463   if (bvp->g_list != NULL) {
2464     g_list = bvp->g_list;
2465     g_list = g_list->next;
2466     if (g_list != NULL) {
2467       StringNCpy_0 (str, (CharPtr) g_list->data.ptrvalue, sizeof (str));
2468     }
2469   }
2470   hasTwoGenesSelected = (Boolean) (str [0] == '\0');
2471   gcp->geneData2.geneGrp = HiddenGroup (h, -1, 0, NULL);
2472   g = HiddenGroup (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp, 4, 0, NULL);
2473   p = StaticPrompt (g, "Second Symbol", 0, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
2474   gcp->geneData2.geneText = DialogText (g, str, 10, GeneNameText);
2475   SetObjectExtra (gcp->geneData2.geneText, gcp, NULL);
2476   gcp->geneData2.geneList = DocumentPanel (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp, 15 * stdCharWidth,
2477                                            10 * stdLineHeight);
2478   SetObjectExtra (gcp->geneData2.geneList, gcp, NULL);
2479   AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) gcp->geneData2.geneList, NULL);
2480   SetDocProcs (gcp->geneData2.geneList, ClickGeneName, NULL, ReleaseGeneName, NULL);
2481   SetDocShade (gcp->geneData2.geneList, NULL, NULL, HighlightGeneName, NULL);
2482   DisplayFancy (gcp->geneData2.geneList, path, &geneParFmt, NULL, systemFont, 4);
2483   if (hasTwoGenesSelected) {
2484     Hide (gcp->geneData2.geneGrp);
2485   } else {
2486     SetValue (k, 2);
2487   }
2489   gcp->geneIdxNum = 0;
2490   gcp->geneListIdx = NULL;
2491   gcp->numItems = 0;
2492   c = HiddenGroup (w, 4, 0, NULL);
2493   SetGroupSpacing (c, 10, 3);
2494   b = DefaultButton (c, "Accept", AcceptGeneName);
2495   SetObjectExtra (b, gcp, NULL);
2496   PushButton (c, "Cancel", StdCancelButtonProc);
2497   AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) k, (HANDLE) h, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
2498   GetDocParams4 (gcp->geneData1.geneList, &numItems, &numLines);
2499   if (numItems > 0 && numLines > 0 && numLines < 32000) {
2500     gcp->numItems = numItems;
2501     geneIdx = MemNew (sizeof (CharPtr) * (size_t) (numLines + 3));
2502     gcp->geneListIdx = geneIdx;
2503     if (geneIdx != NULL) {
2504       gcp->geneIdxNum = numLines;
2505       idx = 0;
2506       for (item = 1; item <= numItems; item++) {
2507         GetItemParams4 (gcp->geneData1.geneList, item, NULL, &numRows, NULL, NULL, &dataptr);
2508         if (dataptr != NULL && numRows > 0 && idx < numLines) {
2509           tmp = (CharPtr) dataptr;
2510           ch = *tmp;
2511           geneIdx [idx] = tmp;
2512           while (ch != '\0') {
2513             if (ch == '\n') {
2514               idx++;
2515               tmp++;
2516               ch = *tmp;
2517               geneIdx [idx] = tmp;
2518             } else {
2519               tmp++;
2520               ch = *tmp;
2521             }
2522           }
2523         }
2524       }
2525       GeneNameText (gcp->geneData1.geneText);
2526     }
2527   }
2528   Show (w);
2529   Select (w);
2530   Select (gcp->geneData1.geneText);
2531 }
CompareValNodeStrings(VoidPtr ptr1,VoidPtr ptr2)2533 static int LIBCALLBACK CompareValNodeStrings (VoidPtr ptr1, VoidPtr ptr2)
2535 {
2536   CharPtr     str1;
2537   CharPtr     str2;
2538   ValNodePtr  vnp1;
2539   ValNodePtr  vnp2;
2541   if (ptr1 != NULL && ptr2 != NULL) {
2542     vnp1 = *((ValNodePtr PNTR) ptr1);
2543     vnp2 = *((ValNodePtr PNTR) ptr2);
2544     if (vnp1 != NULL && vnp2 != NULL) {
2545       str1 = (CharPtr) vnp1->data.ptrvalue;
2546       str2 = (CharPtr) vnp2->data.ptrvalue;
2547       if (str1 != NULL && str2 != NULL) {
2548         return StringICmp (str1, str2);
2549       } else {
2550         return 0;
2551       }
2552     } else {
2553       return 0;
2554     }
2555   } else {
2556     return 0;
2557   }
2558 }
2560 typedef struct getgenesdata {
2561   SeqEntryPtr  nsep;
2562   BioseqPtr    segbsp;
2563   Boolean      dirty;
2564   MonitorPtr   mon;
2565   Int2         count;
2566 } GetGenesData, PNTR GetGenesPtr;
GetGenesOnParts(GatherContextPtr gcp)2568 static Boolean GetGenesOnParts (GatherContextPtr gcp)
2570 {
2571   BioseqContextPtr  bcp;
2572   BioseqPtr         bsp;
2573   Int4              from;
2574   GetGenesPtr       ggp;
2575   GatherRangePtr    grp;
2576   Int2              i;
2577   SeqFeatPtr        newsfp;
2578   Boolean           noLeft;
2579   Boolean           noRight;
2580   Boolean           partial5;
2581   Boolean           partial3;
2582   SeqFeatPtr        prot;
2583   ProtRefPtr        prp;
2584   SeqIdPtr          sip;
2585   SeqFeatPtr        sfp;
2586   Int4              to;
2587   SeqFeatXrefPtr    xref;
2589   if (gcp == NULL) return TRUE;
2590   ggp = (GetGenesPtr) gcp->userdata;
2591   if (ggp == NULL) return TRUE;
2592   switch (gcp->thistype) {
2593     case OBJ_BIOSEQ_SEG :
2594       (ggp->count)++;
2595       MonitorIntValue (ggp->mon, ggp->count);
2596       break;
2597     case OBJ_SEQFEAT :
2598       sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) gcp->thisitem;
2599       if (sfp != NULL) {
2600         if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_GENE || sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION) {
2601           CheckSeqLocForPartial (sfp->location, &noLeft, &noRight);
2602           ggp->dirty = TRUE;
2603           newsfp = AsnIoMemCopy (sfp, (AsnReadFunc) SeqFeatAsnRead,
2604                                  (AsnWriteFunc) SeqFeatAsnWrite);
2605           if (newsfp != NULL) {
2606             newsfp->location = SeqLocFree (newsfp->location);
2607             for (grp = gcp->rdp, i = 0;  grp != NULL && i < gcp->num_interval; grp++, i++) {
2608               if (grp->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
2609                 from = grp->right;
2610                 to = grp->left;
2611                 partial5 = grp->r_trunc;
2612                 partial3 = grp->l_trunc;
2613               } else {
2614                 from = grp->left;
2615                 to = grp->right;
2616                 partial5 = grp->l_trunc;
2617                 partial3 = grp->r_trunc;
2618               }
2619               AddSeqFeatInterval (newsfp, ggp->segbsp, from, to, partial5, partial3);
2620             }
2621             FreeAllFuzz (newsfp->location);
2622             SetSeqLocPartial (newsfp->location, noLeft, noRight);
2623             newsfp->partial = (newsfp->partial || noLeft || noRight);
2624             CreateNewFeature (ggp->nsep, NULL, sfp->data.choice, newsfp);
2625             if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION) {
2626               sip = SeqLocId (newsfp->product);
2627               if (sip != NULL) {
2628                 bsp = BioseqFind (sip);
2629                 if (bsp != NULL) {
2630                   bcp = BioseqContextNew (bsp);
2631                   prot = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat (bcp, SEQFEAT_PROT, NULL, NULL, 0);
2632                   BioseqContextFree(bcp);
2633                   if (prot != NULL) {
2634                     prp = (ProtRefPtr) prot->data.value.ptrvalue;
2635                     if (prp != NULL) {
2636                       xref = SeqFeatXrefNew ();
2637                       if (xref != NULL) {
2638                         xref->data.choice = SEQFEAT_PROT;
2639                         xref->data.value.ptrvalue = AsnIoMemCopy (prp,
2640                                                       (AsnReadFunc) ProtRefAsnRead,
2641                                                       (AsnWriteFunc) ProtRefAsnWrite);
2642                         xref->next = newsfp->xref;
2643                         newsfp->xref = xref;
2644                       }
2645                     }
2646                   }
2647                 }
2648               }
2649               newsfp->product = SeqLocFree (newsfp->product);
2650             }
2651           }
2652         }
2653       }
2654       break;
2655     default :
2656       break;
2657   }
2658   return TRUE;
2659 }
FetchGenesFromParts(Uint2 entityID,SeqEntryPtr nsep,BioseqPtr segbsp)2661 static Boolean FetchGenesFromParts (Uint2 entityID, SeqEntryPtr nsep, BioseqPtr segbsp)
2663 {
2664   GetGenesData  ggd;
2665   GatherScope   gs;
2666   Int2          num;
2667   ValNode       vn;
2669   if (nsep == NULL || segbsp == NULL || segbsp->repr != Seq_repr_seg) return FALSE;
2670   ggd.nsep = nsep;
2671   ggd.segbsp = segbsp;
2672   ggd.dirty = FALSE;
2673   ggd.count = 0;
2674   MemSet ((Pointer) (&gs), 0, sizeof (GatherScope));
2675   gs.seglevels = 2;
2676   gs.nointervals = FALSE;
2677   gs.get_feats_location = TRUE;
2678   MemSet ((Pointer) (gs.ignore), (int)(TRUE), (size_t) (OBJ_MAX * sizeof (Boolean)));
2679   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;
2680   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ_SEG] = FALSE;
2681   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ_DELTA] = FALSE;
2682   gs.ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ_MAPFEAT] = FALSE;
2683   gs.ignore[OBJ_SEQFEAT] = FALSE;
2684   gs.ignore[OBJ_SEQANNOT] = FALSE;
2685   vn.choice = SEQLOC_WHOLE;
2686   vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) segbsp->id;
2687   gs.target = &vn;
2688   num = get_seg_num ((SeqLocPtr) (segbsp->seq_ext));
2689   ggd.mon = MonitorIntNew ("Searching components", 0, (Int4) num);
2690   GatherEntity (entityID, (Pointer) &ggd, GetGenesOnParts, &gs);
2691   MonitorFree (ggd.mon);
2692   return ggd.dirty;
2693 }
ShowGeneList(ButtoN b)2695 extern void ShowGeneList (ButtoN b)
2697 {
2698   BioseqPtr      bsp;
2699   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
2700   Uint2          entityID;
2701   FILE           *fp;
2702   ValNodePtr     g_list;
2703   SeqEntryPtr    nsep;
2704   Char           path [PATH_MAX];
2705   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
2706   CharPtr        str;
2707   ValNodePtr     vnp;
2708   ValNodePtr     vnpn;
2710   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (b);
2711   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2712   WatchCursor ();
2713   TmpNam (path);
2714   entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (bvp->bsp);
2715   sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
2716   nsep = FindNucSeqEntry (sep);
2717   if (nsep == NULL) return;
2718   bsp = (BioseqPtr) nsep->data.ptrvalue;
2719   if (bsp == NULL) return;
2721   if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg && (! BioseqHasFeature (bsp))) {
2722     if (bvp->hasTargetControl) {
2723       if (FetchGenesFromParts (entityID, nsep, bsp)) {
2724         ObjMgrSetDirtyFlag (entityID, TRUE);
2725         ObjMgrSendMsg (OM_MSG_UPDATE, entityID, 0, 0);
2726       }
2727     }
2728   }
2730   g_list = BuildGeneList (sep);
2731   if (g_list != NULL) {
2732     g_list = SortValNode (g_list, CompareValNodeStrings);
2733     vnp = g_list;
2734     while (vnp != NULL) {
2735       vnpn = vnp->next;
2736       if (vnpn != NULL) {
2737         if (StringICmp ((CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue, (CharPtr) vnpn->data.ptrvalue) == 0) {
2738           vnp->next = vnpn->next;
2739           vnpn->next = NULL;
2740           ValNodeFreeData (vnpn);
2741         } else {
2742           vnp = vnpn;
2743         }
2744       } else {
2745         vnp = vnpn;
2746       }
2747     }
2748     fp = FileOpen (path, "w");
2749     if (fp != NULL) {
2750       vnp = g_list;
2751       while (vnp != NULL) {
2752         str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
2753         if (str != NULL && StringLen (str) < 200) {
2754           fprintf (fp, "%s\n", str);
2755         }
2756         vnp = vnp->next;
2757       }
2758       FileClose (fp);
2759       DisplayGeneChoiceWindow (path, bvp);
2760     }
2761   }
2762   ValNodeFreeData (g_list);
2763   FileRemove (path);
2764   ArrowCursor ();
2765 }
ShowMap(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2767 static void ShowMap (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2769 {
2770   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2771   if (show) {
2772     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
2773     SafeShow (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2774     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2775     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2776     SafeShow (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2777     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2778   } else {
2779     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
2780     Reset (bvp->vwr);
2781     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2782     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2783     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2784     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2785     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2786     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2787     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2788     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2789     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2790     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2791     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2792   }
2793 }
ShowCompressed(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2795 static void ShowCompressed (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2797 {
2798   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2799   if (show) {
2800     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
2801     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2802     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2803     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2804     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2805     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
2806   } else {
2807     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
2808     Reset (bvp->vwr);
2809     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2810     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2811     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2812     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2813     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2814     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2815     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2816     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2817     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2818     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2819     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2820   }
2821 }
ShowGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2823 static void ShowGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2825 {
2826   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2827   if (show) {
2828     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
2829     SafeShow (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2830     SafeShow (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2831     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, TRUE);
2832     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2833     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
2834   } else {
2835     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
2836     Reset (bvp->vwr);
2837     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2838     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2839     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2840     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2841     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2842     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2843     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2844     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2845     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2846     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2847     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2848   }
2849 }
ShowAlignment(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2851 static void ShowAlignment (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2853 {
2854   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2855   if (show) {
2856     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
2857     SafeShow (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2858     SafeShow (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2859     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2860     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2861     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
2862   } else {
2863     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
2864     Reset (bvp->vwr);
2865     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2866     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2867     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2868     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2869     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2870     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2871     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2872     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2873     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2874     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2875     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2876   }
2877 }
ShowSalsa(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2879 static void ShowSalsa (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2881 {
2882   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2883   if (show) {
2884     SafeShow (bvp->pnl);
2885     SafeShow (bvp->pnlParentGrp);
2886     SafeShow (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2887     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2888     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2889     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2890     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
2891   } else {
2892     SafeHide (bvp->pnlParentGrp);
2893     SafeHide (bvp->pnl);
2894     Reset (bvp->pnl);
2895     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2896     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2897     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2898     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2899     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2900     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2901     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2902     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2903     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2904     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2905   }
2906 }
ShowDesktop(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)2908 static void ShowDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Boolean show)
2910 {
2911   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2912   if (show) {
2913     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
2914     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2915     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2916     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2917     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2918     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
2919   } else {
2920     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
2921     Reset (bvp->vwr);
2922     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
2923     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
2924     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
2925     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
2926     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
2927     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
2928     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
2929     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
2930     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
2931     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
2932     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
2933   }
2934 }
2936 typedef struct selectdata {
2937   VieweR        vwr;
2938   SelStructPtr  sel;
2939   Uint2         entityID;
2940   Uint4         itemID;
2941   Uint2         itemtype;
2942   SeqLocPtr     region;
2943 } SelectData, PNTR SelectPtr;
SelectPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)2945 static Boolean SelectPrim (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
2946                            Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
2948 {
2949   Uint2      entityID;
2950   Uint4      itemID;
2951   Uint2      itemtype;
2952   Int2       parID;
2953   SelectPtr  sp;
2955   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
2956   parID = SegmentID (ParentSegment (seg));
2957   entityID = segID;
2958   itemID = primID;
2959   itemtype = (Uint2) parID;
2960   if (entityID == sp->entityID &&
2961       itemID == sp->itemID &&
2962       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
2963     HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, FRAME_PRIMITIVE);
2964   }
2965   return TRUE;
2966 }
DeselectPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)2968 static Boolean DeselectPrim (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
2969                              Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
2971 {
2972   Uint2      entityID;
2973   Uint4      itemID;
2974   Uint2      itemtype;
2975   Int2       parID;
2976   SelectPtr  sp;
2978   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
2979   parID = SegmentID (ParentSegment (seg));
2980   entityID = segID;
2981   itemID = primID;
2982   itemtype = (Uint2) parID;
2983   if (entityID == sp->entityID &&
2984       itemID == sp->itemID &&
2985       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
2986     HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, PLAIN_PRIMITIVE);
2987   }
2988   return TRUE;
2989 }
SelectGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Uint2 selentityID,Uint4 selitemID,Uint2 selitemtype,SeqLocPtr region,Boolean select,Boolean scrollto)2991 static void SelectGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Uint2 selentityID, Uint4 selitemID,
2992                              Uint2 selitemtype, SeqLocPtr region,
2993                              Boolean select, Boolean scrollto)
2995 {
2996   SelectData  sd;
2998   if (bvp == NULL) return;
2999   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3000   /* if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) return; */
3001   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3002   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3003   sd.entityID = selentityID;
3004   sd.itemID = selitemID;
3005   sd.itemtype = selitemtype;
3006   sd.region = region;
3007   if (select) {
3008     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, SelectPrim);
3009   } else {
3010     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, DeselectPrim);
3011   }
3012 }
InitSelectPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3014 static Boolean InitSelectPrim (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
3015                                Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
3017 {
3018   Uint2         entityID;
3019   Uint4         itemID;
3020   Uint2         itemtype;
3021   Int2          parID;
3022   SelStructPtr  sel;
3023   SelectPtr     sp;
3025   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3026   parID = SegmentID (ParentSegment (seg));
3027   entityID = segID;
3028   itemID = primID;
3029   itemtype = (Uint2) parID;
3030   for (sel = sp->sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3031     if (entityID == sel->entityID &&
3032         itemID == sel->itemID &&
3033         itemtype == sel->itemtype) {
3034       HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, FRAME_PRIMITIVE);
3035     }
3036   }
3037   return TRUE;
3038 }
InitSelectGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3040 static void InitSelectGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3042 {
3043   SelectData  sd;
3045   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3046   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3047   /* if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) return; */
3048   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3049   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3050   sd.entityID = 0;
3051   sd.itemID = 0;
3052   sd.itemtype = 0;
3053   sd.region = NULL;
3054   ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, InitSelectPrim);
3055 }
SelectSalsa(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Uint2 selentityID,Uint4 selitemID,Uint2 selitemtype,SeqLocPtr region,Boolean select,Boolean scrollto)3057 static void SelectSalsa (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Uint2 selentityID, Uint4 selitemID,
3058                          Uint2 selitemtype, SeqLocPtr region,
3059                          Boolean select, Boolean scrollto)
3061 {
3062 }
VSMSelectProc(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segid,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primct,Pointer data)3064 static Boolean VSMSelectProc (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segid, Uint2 primID, Uint2 primct, Pointer data)
3066 {
3067   Uint4      itemID;
3068   Uint2      itemtype;
3069   SelectPtr  sp;
3071   sp = (SelectPtr) data;
3072   itemID = primID;
3073   itemtype = segid;
3074   if (itemID == sp->itemID &&
3075       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
3076     HighlightSegment (sp->vwr, seg, OUTLINE_SEGMENT);
3077   }
3078   return TRUE;
3079 }
VSMDeselectProc(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segid,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primct,Pointer data)3081 static Boolean VSMDeselectProc (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segid, Uint2 primID, Uint2 primct, Pointer data)
3083 {
3084   Uint4      itemID;
3085   Uint2      itemtype;
3086   SelectPtr  sp;
3088   sp = (SelectPtr) data;
3089   itemID = primID;
3090   itemtype = segid;
3091   if (itemID == sp->itemID &&
3092       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
3093     HighlightSegment (sp->vwr, seg, PLAIN_SEGMENT);
3094   }
3095   return TRUE;
3096 }
SelectDesktop(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Uint2 selentityID,Uint4 selitemID,Uint2 selitemtype,SeqLocPtr region,Boolean select,Boolean scrollto)3098 static void SelectDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp, Uint2 selentityID, Uint4 selitemID,
3099                            Uint2 selitemtype, SeqLocPtr region,
3100                            Boolean select, Boolean scrollto)
3102 {
3103   SelectData  sd;
3105   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3106   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3107   /* if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) return; */
3108   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3109   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3110   sd.entityID = selentityID;
3111   sd.itemID = selitemID;
3112   sd.itemtype = selitemtype;
3113   sd.region = region;
3114   if (select) {
3115     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, VSMSelectProc);
3116   } else {
3117     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, VSMDeselectProc);
3118   }
3119 }
VSMInitSelectProc(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segid,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primct,Pointer data)3121 static Boolean VSMInitSelectProc (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segid, Uint2 primID, Uint2 primct, Pointer data)
3123 {
3124   Uint4         itemID;
3125   Uint2         itemtype;
3126   SelStructPtr  sel;
3127   SelectPtr     sp;
3129   sp = (SelectPtr) data;
3130   itemID = primID;
3131   itemtype = segid;
3132   for (sel = sp->sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3133     if (itemID == sel->itemID &&
3134         itemtype == sel->itemtype) {
3135       HighlightSegment (sp->vwr, seg, OUTLINE_SEGMENT);
3136     }
3137   }
3138   return TRUE;
3139 }
InitSelectDesktop(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3141 static void InitSelectDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3143 {
3144   SelectData  sd;
3146   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3147   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3148   /* if (bvp->viewWholeEntity) return; */
3149   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3150   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3151   sd.entityID = 0;
3152   sd.itemID = 0;
3153   sd.itemtype = 0;
3154   sd.region = NULL;
3155   ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, VSMInitSelectProc);
3156 }
SelectRegion(VieweR viewer,SegmenT segment,PrimitivE primitive,SeqLocPtr region,Uint2 entityID)3158 static void SelectRegion (VieweR viewer, SegmenT segment, PrimitivE primitive,
3159                           SeqLocPtr region, Uint2 entityID)
3161 {
3162   BioseqPtr  bsp;
3163   RecT       d;
3164   ViewPData  extra;
3165   RecT       r;
3166   RecT       s;
3167   SegPPtr    seg;
3168   WindoW     tempPort;
3169   BoxInfo    pLimits;
3171   if (viewer == NULL || segment == NULL || primitive == NULL || region == NULL) return;
3172   seg = (SegPPtr) segment;
3173   if (seg->base.code != SEGMENT && seg->base.code != PICTURE) return;
3174   if (! seg->seg.visible) return;
3175   if (Visible (viewer) && AllParentsVisible (viewer)) {
3176     GetPanelExtra ((PaneL) viewer, &extra);
3177     TryGetPrimitiveLimits ((BasePPtr) primitive, extra.scale.scaleX,
3178                            extra.scale.scaleY, &pLimits);
3179     bsp = GetBioseqGivenSeqLoc (region, entityID);
3180     if (bsp == NULL) return;
3181     if (ABS (pLimits.left - pLimits.right) < bsp->length) return;
3182     pLimits.left = SeqLocStart (region);
3183     pLimits.right = SeqLocStop (region);
3184     if (! BoxInViewport (&r, &(pLimits), &(extra.scale))) return;
3185     InsetRect (&r, 0, -3);
3186     if (ABS (r.left - r.right) < 2) {
3187       InsetRect (&r, -1, 0);
3188     }
3189     ObjectRect (viewer, &s);
3190     InsetRect (&s, 2, 2);
3191     SectRect (&r, &s, &d);
3192     tempPort = SavePort (viewer);
3193     Select (viewer);
3194     Dotted ();
3195     FrameRect (&d);
3196     Solid ();
3197     RestorePort (tempPort);
3198   }
3199 }
DrawSelectionPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3201 static Boolean DrawSelectionPrim (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
3202                                   Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
3204 {
3205   Uint2         entityID;
3206   Uint4         itemID;
3207   Uint2         itemtype;
3208   Int2          parID;
3209   SelStructPtr  sel;
3210   SelectPtr     sp;
3212   parID = SegmentID (ParentSegment (seg));
3213   itemtype = (Uint2) parID;
3214   if (itemtype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return TRUE;
3215   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3216   entityID = segID;
3217   itemID = primID;
3218   for (sel = sp->sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3219     if (entityID == sel->entityID &&
3220         itemID == sel->itemID &&
3221         itemtype == sel->itemtype &&
3222         sel->region != NULL) {
3223       SelectRegion (sp->vwr, seg, prim, sel->region, entityID);
3224     }
3225   }
3226   return TRUE;
3227 }
DrawSelectionRange(VieweR viewer,SegmenT segment)3229 static void DrawSelectionRange (VieweR viewer, SegmenT segment)
3231 {
3232   Boolean       okay;
3233   SelectData    sd;
3234   SelStructPtr  sel;
3236   sd.vwr = viewer;
3237   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3238   sd.entityID = 0;
3239   sd.itemID = 0;
3240   sd.itemtype = 0;
3241   sd.region = NULL;
3242   okay = FALSE;
3243   for (sel = sd.sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3244     if (sel->itemtype == OBJ_BIOSEQ && sel->region != NULL) {
3245       okay = TRUE;
3246     }
3247   }
3248   if (okay) {
3249     ExploreSegment (segment, (Pointer) &sd, DrawSelectionPrim);
3250   }
3251 }
CopyGraphicalToClipboard(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3254 static void CopyGraphicalToClipboard (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3256 {
3257   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3258   CopyViewer (bvp->vwr);
3259 }
3261 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
3262 extern CharPtr Nlm_XrmGetResource (const Char PNTR _resource);
3263 #endif
PrintGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3265 static void PrintGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3267 {
3268   MsgAnswer  ans;
3270   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3271 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
3272   Message (MSG_OK, "Printing of graphics under MOTIF is not supported at this time.");
3273 #else
3274   ans = Message (MSG_YN, "Do you want to print just the visible area?");
3275   if (ans == ANS_YES) {
3276     PrintViewer (bvp->vwr);
3277   } else {
3278     PrintAllViewer (bvp->vwr);
3279   }
3280 #endif
3281 }
3283 typedef struct expboundstruc {
3284   FILE       *file;
3285   ViewPData  extra;
3286   RecT       vwrct;
3287 } ExpBound, PNTR ExpBoundPtr;
ExpBoundCallback(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3289 static Boolean ExpBoundCallback (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
3290                                  Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
3292 {
3293   ExpBoundPtr  ebp;
3294   Uint2        entityID;
3295   Uint4        itemID;
3296   Uint2        itemType;
3297   BoxInfo      pLimits;
3298   SegmenT      pseg;
3299   RecT         r;
3301   if (seg == NULL || prim == NULL || segID == 0 ||
3302       primID == 0 || userdata == NULL) return TRUE;
3303   ebp = (ExpBoundPtr) userdata;
3304   pseg = ParentSegment (seg);
3305   if (pseg == NULL) return TRUE;
3306   entityID = segID;
3307   itemID = primID;
3308   itemType = SegmentID (pseg);
3309   if (itemType == 0) return TRUE;
3310   if (TryGetPrimitiveLimits ((BasePPtr) prim, ebp->extra.scale.scaleX,
3311       ebp->extra.scale.scaleY, &pLimits)) {
3312     if (BoxInViewport (&r, &(pLimits), &(ebp->extra.scale))) {
3313       OffsetRect (&r, -ebp->vwrct.left, -ebp->vwrct.top);
3314       if (ebp->file != NULL) {
3315         fprintf (ebp->file, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", (int) entityID,
3316                  (int) itemID, (int) itemType,
3317                  (int) r.left, (int) r.top,
3318                  (int) r.right, (int) r.bottom);
3319       }
3320     }
3321   }
3322   return TRUE;
3323 }
ExploreToGetBoundaries(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,CharPtr filename)3325 static void ExploreToGetBoundaries (VieweR vwr, SegmenT seg, CharPtr filename)
3327 {
3328   ExpBound   exp;
3330   if (vwr == NULL || seg == NULL ||
3331       filename == NULL || *filename == '\0') return;
3332   GetPanelExtra ((PaneL) vwr, &(exp.extra));
3333   ObjectRect (vwr, &(exp.vwrct));
3334   InsetRect (&(exp.vwrct), 4, 4);
3335   exp.file = FileOpen (filename, "w");
3336   if (exp.file != NULL) {
3337     ExploreSegment (seg, &exp, ExpBoundCallback);
3338   }
3339   FileClose (exp.file);
3340 }
GifGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp,CharPtr filename,CharPtr dfault)3342 static void GifGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp, CharPtr filename, CharPtr dfault)
3344 {
3345   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3346   ExploreToGetBoundaries (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, filename);
3347 }
ExportSalsa(BioseqViewPtr bvp,CharPtr filename,CharPtr dfault)3349 static void ExportSalsa (BioseqViewPtr bvp, CharPtr filename, CharPtr dfault)
3351 {
3352   SaveSalsaPanel (bvp->pnl);
3353 }
3355 #define MIN_HEIGHT 100
ResizeMap(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3357 static void ResizeMap (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3359 {
3360   Int2  height;
3361   Int2  oldstyle;
3362   RecT  r;
3363   Int2  style;
3365   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3366   if (bvp->vwr != NULL) {
3367     if (Visible (bvp->vwr) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->vwr)) {
3368       ObjectRect (ParentWindow (bvp->vwr), &r);
3369       height = r.bottom - r.top;
3370       if (height >= MIN_HEIGHT) {
3371         WatchCursor ();
3372         oldstyle = GetMuskCurrentSt ();
3373         style = GetValue (bvp->style) - 1;
3374         SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (style));
3375         ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
3376         InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
3377         bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
3378         bvp->pict = GlobalPictureUpdate (bvp->gdraw_p, bvp->g_list,
3379                                          r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);
3380         if (bvp->gdraw_p->is_circle) {
3381           AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, 0, 0, UPPER_LEFT, 1, 1, NULL);
3382         } else {
3383           AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, INT4_MIN, 0, UPPER_LEFT, 1, 1, NULL);
3384         }
3385         SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickMap, DragMap, ReleaseMap, NULL);
3386         SetMuskCurrentSt (GetMuskStyleName (oldstyle));
3387         ArrowCursor ();
3388       }
3389     }
3390   }
3391 }
ResizeCompressed(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3393 static void ResizeCompressed (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3395 {
3396   BioseqPtr  bsp;
3397   ErrSev     oldErrSev;
3399   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3400   if (bvp->vwr != NULL) {
3401     if (Visible (bvp->vwr) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->vwr)) {
3402       Reset (bvp->vwr);
3403       bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
3404       bsp = bvp->bsp;
3405       oldErrSev = ErrSetMessageLevel (SEV_FATAL);
3406       BioseqLock (bsp);
3407       PopulateCompressed (bvp);
3408       BioseqUnlock (bsp);
3409       ErrSetMessageLevel (oldErrSev);
3410     }
3411   }
3412 }
ResizeGraphical(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3414 static void ResizeGraphical (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3416 {
3417   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3418   if (bvp->vwr != NULL) {
3419     if (Visible (bvp->vwr) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->vwr)) {
3420       ViewerWasResized (bvp->vwr);
3421     }
3422   }
3423 }
ResizeSalsa(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3425 static void ResizeSalsa (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3427 {
3428   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3429   if (bvp->pnl != NULL) {
3430     if (Visible (bvp->pnl) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->pnl)) {
3431       SalsaPanelHasResized (bvp->pnl);
3432     }
3433   }
3434 }
ResizeDesktop(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3436 static void ResizeDesktop (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3438 {
3439   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3440   if (bvp->vwr != NULL) {
3441     if (Visible (bvp->vwr) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->vwr)) {
3442       ViewerWasResized (bvp->vwr);
3443     }
3444   }
3445 }
3447 BioseqPageData mapPageData = {
3448   "Map", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, -1,
3449   PopulateMap, ShowMap, SelectGraphical,
3450   CopyGraphicalToClipboard, PrintGraphical,
3451   NULL, NULL, ResizeMap, NULL
3452 };
3454 BioseqPageData sumPageData = {
3455   "Summary", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, -1,
3456   PopulateCompressed, ShowCompressed, SelectGraphical,
3457   CopyGraphicalToClipboard, PrintGraphical,
3458   NULL, NULL, ResizeCompressed, NULL
3459 };
3461 BioseqPageData gphPageData = {
3462   "OldGraphic", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, -1,
3463   PopulateGraphic, ShowGraphical, SelectGraphical,
3464   CopyGraphicalToClipboard, PrintGraphical,
3465   NULL, GifGraphical, ResizeGraphical, NULL
3466 };
3468 BioseqPageData alnPageData = {
3469   "OldAlignment", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, -1,
3470   PopulateAlignment, ShowAlignment, SelectGraphical,
3471   CopyGraphicalToClipboard, PrintGraphical,
3472   NULL, NULL, ResizeGraphical, NULL
3473 };
3475 BioseqPageData seqPageData = {
3476   "OldSequence", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, -1,
3477   PopulateSalsa, ShowSalsa, SelectSalsa,
3478   NULL, NULL,
3479   ExportSalsa, NULL, ResizeSalsa, NULL
3480 };
3482 BioseqPageData dskPageData = {
3483   "Desktop", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, -1,
3484   PopulateDesktop, ShowDesktop, SelectDesktop,
3485   CopyGraphicalToClipboard, PrintGraphical,
3486   NULL, NULL, ResizeDesktop, NULL
3487 };
3489 /* new graphical viewer - sequin integration */
3491 #include <asn2graphicp.h>
Asn2GphSelectRegion(VieweR viewer,SegmenT segment,PrimitivE primitive,SeqLocPtr region,Uint2 entityID)3493 static void Asn2GphSelectRegion (VieweR viewer, SegmenT segment, PrimitivE primitive,
3494                               SeqLocPtr region, Uint2 entityID)
3496 {
3497   BioseqPtr  bsp;
3498   RecT       d;
3499   ViewPData  extra;
3500   RecT       r;
3501   RecT       s;
3502   SegPPtr    seg;
3503   WindoW     tempPort;
3504   BoxInfo    pLimits;
3506   if (viewer == NULL || segment == NULL || primitive == NULL || region == NULL) return;
3507   seg = (SegPPtr) segment;
3508   if (seg->base.code != SEGMENT && seg->base.code != PICTURE) return;
3509   if (! seg->seg.visible) return;
3510   if (Visible (viewer) && AllParentsVisible (viewer)) {
3511     GetPanelExtra ((PaneL) viewer, &extra);
3512     TryGetPrimitiveLimits ((BasePPtr) primitive, extra.scale.scaleX,
3513                            extra.scale.scaleY, &pLimits);
3514     bsp = GetBioseqGivenSeqLoc (region, entityID);
3515     if (bsp == NULL) return;
3516     if (ABS (pLimits.left - pLimits.right) < bsp->length) return;
3517     pLimits.left = SeqLocStart (region);
3518     pLimits.right = SeqLocStop (region);
3519     if (! BoxInViewport (&r, &(pLimits), &(extra.scale))) return;
3520     InsetRect (&r, 0, -3);
3521     if (ABS (r.left - r.right) < 2) {
3522       InsetRect (&r, -1, 0);
3523     }
3524     ObjectRect (viewer, &s);
3525     InsetRect (&s, 2, 2);
3526     SectRect (&r, &s, &d);
3527     tempPort = SavePort (viewer);
3528     Select (viewer);
3529     Dotted ();
3530     FrameRect (&d);
3531     Solid ();
3532     RestorePort (tempPort);
3533   }
3534 }
Asn2GphDrawSelectionPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3536 static Boolean Asn2GphDrawSelectionPrim (SegmenT seg, PrimitivE prim, Uint2 segID,
3537                                   Uint2 primID, Uint2 primCt, VoidPtr userdata)
3539 {
3540   Uint2         entityID;
3541   Uint4         itemID;
3542   Uint2         itemtype;
3543   SelStructPtr  sel;
3544   SelectPtr     sp;
3546   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3547   GetPrimitiveIDs (prim, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype, NULL);
3548   for (sel = sp->sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3549     if (entityID == sel->entityID &&
3550         itemID == sel->itemID &&
3551         itemtype == sel->itemtype &&
3552         sel->region != NULL) {
3553       Asn2GphSelectRegion (sp->vwr, seg, prim, sel->region, entityID);
3554     }
3555   }
3556   return TRUE;
3557 }
Asn2GphDrawSelectionRange(VieweR viewer,SegmenT segment)3559 static void Asn2GphDrawSelectionRange (VieweR viewer, SegmenT segment)
3561 {
3562   Boolean       okay;
3563   SelectData    sd;
3564   SelStructPtr  sel;
3566   sd.vwr = viewer;
3567   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3568   sd.entityID = 0;
3569   sd.itemID = 0;
3570   sd.itemtype = 0;
3571   sd.region = NULL;
3572   okay = FALSE;
3573   for (sel = sd.sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3574     if (sel->itemtype == OBJ_BIOSEQ && sel->region != NULL) {
3575       okay = TRUE;
3576     }
3577   }
3578   if (okay) {
3579     ExploreSegment (segment, (Pointer) &sd, Asn2GphDrawSelectionPrim);
3580   }
3581 }
CopyAsn2GphGraphicToClipboard(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3583 static void CopyAsn2GphGraphicToClipboard (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3584 {
3585   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3586   CopyViewer (bvp->vwr);
3587 }
PrintAsn2GphGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3589 static void PrintAsn2GphGraphic (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3591 {
3592 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
3593   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3594   Message (MSG_OK, "Printing of graphics under MOTIF is not supported at this time.");
3595 #else
3596   MsgAnswer ans;
3597   if (bvp == NULL || bvp->vwr == NULL) return;
3598   ans = Message (MSG_YN, "Do you want to print just the visible area?");
3599   if (ans == ANS_YES) {
3600     PrintViewer (bvp->vwr);
3601   } else {
3602     PrintAllViewer (bvp->vwr);
3603   }
3604 #endif
3605 }
SelectAsn2GphPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3607 static Boolean SelectAsn2GphPrim (
3608   SegmenT seg,
3609   PrimitivE prim,
3610   Uint2 segID,
3611   Uint2 primID,
3612   Uint2 primCt,
3613   VoidPtr userdata
3614 )
3616 {
3617   Uint2      entityID;
3618   Uint4      itemID;
3619   Uint2      itemtype;
3620   SelectPtr  sp;
3622   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3623   GetPrimitiveIDs (prim, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype, NULL);
3624   if (entityID == sp->entityID &&
3625       itemID == sp->itemID &&
3626       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
3627     HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, FRAME_PRIMITIVE);
3628     /*
3629     HighlightSegment (sp->vwr, seg, FRAME_SEGMENT);
3630     */
3631   }
3632   return TRUE;
3633 }
DeselectAsn2GphPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3635 static Boolean DeselectAsn2GphPrim (
3636   SegmenT seg,
3637   PrimitivE prim,
3638   Uint2 segID,
3639   Uint2 primID,
3640   Uint2 primCt,
3641   VoidPtr userdata
3642 )
3644 {
3645   Uint2      entityID;
3646   Uint4      itemID;
3647   Uint2      itemtype;
3648   SelectPtr  sp;
3650   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3651   GetPrimitiveIDs (prim, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype, NULL);
3652   if (entityID == sp->entityID &&
3653       itemID == sp->itemID &&
3654       itemtype == sp->itemtype) {
3655     HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, PLAIN_PRIMITIVE);
3656     /*
3657     HighlightSegment (sp->vwr, seg, PLAIN_SEGMENT);
3658     */
3659   }
3660   return TRUE;
3661 }
SelectAsn2GphView(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Uint2 selentityID,Uint4 selitemID,Uint2 selitemtype,SeqLocPtr region,Boolean select,Boolean scrollto)3663 static void SelectAsn2GphView (
3664   BioseqViewPtr bvp,
3665   Uint2 selentityID,
3666   Uint4 selitemID,
3667   Uint2 selitemtype,
3668   SeqLocPtr region,
3669   Boolean select,
3670   Boolean scrollto
3671 )
3673 {
3674   SelectData  sd;
3676   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3677   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3678   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3679   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3680   sd.entityID = selentityID;
3681   sd.itemID = selitemID;
3682   sd.itemtype = selitemtype;
3683   sd.region = region;
3684   if (select) {
3685     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, SelectAsn2GphPrim);
3686   } else {
3687     ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, DeselectAsn2GphPrim);
3688   }
3689 }
InitSelectAsn2GphPrim(SegmenT seg,PrimitivE prim,Uint2 segID,Uint2 primID,Uint2 primCt,VoidPtr userdata)3691 static Boolean InitSelectAsn2GphPrim (
3692   SegmenT seg,
3693   PrimitivE prim,
3694   Uint2 segID,
3695   Uint2 primID,
3696   Uint2 primCt,
3697   VoidPtr userdata
3698 )
3700 {
3701   Uint2         entityID;
3702   Uint4         itemID;
3703   Uint2         itemtype;
3704   SelStructPtr  sel;
3705   SelectPtr     sp;
3707   sp = (SelectPtr) userdata;
3708   GetPrimitiveIDs (prim, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype, NULL);
3709   for (sel = sp->sel; sel != NULL; sel = sel->next) {
3710     if (entityID == sel->entityID &&
3711         itemID == sel->itemID &&
3712         itemtype == sel->itemtype) {
3713       HighlightPrimitive (sp->vwr, seg, prim, FRAME_PRIMITIVE);
3714     }
3715   }
3716   return TRUE;
3717 }
InitSelectAsn2GphView(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3719 static void InitSelectAsn2GphView (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
3721 {
3722   SelectData  sd;
3724   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3725   if (! bvp->highlightSelections) return;
3726   sd.vwr = bvp->vwr;
3727   sd.sel = ObjMgrGetSelected ();
3728   sd.entityID = 0;
3729   sd.itemID = 0;
3730   sd.itemtype = 0;
3731   sd.region = NULL;
3732   ExploreSegment (bvp->pict, (Pointer) &sd, InitSelectAsn2GphPrim);
3733 }
ClickAsn2GphGraphic(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)3735 static void ClickAsn2GphGraphic (
3736   VieweR vwr,
3737   SegmenT seg,
3738   PoinT pt
3739 )
3741 {
3742   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
3744   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
3745   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3746   bvp->wasDoubleClick = dblClick;
3747   bvp->wasShiftKey = shftKey;
3748   bvp->old_rect_shown = FALSE;
3749   if (! dblClick) {
3750     bvp->pnt_start = pt;
3751   }
3752   bvp->pnt_stop = pt;
3753 }
ReleaseAsn2GphGraphic(VieweR vwr,SegmenT seg,PoinT pt)3755 static void ReleaseAsn2GphGraphic (
3756   VieweR vwr,
3757   SegmenT seg,
3758   PoinT pt
3759 )
3761 {
3762   BioseqViewPtr  bvp;
3763   Uint2          entityID;
3764   Uint4          itemID;
3765   Uint2          itemtype;
3766   SeqEntryPtr    sep;
3767   PrimitivE      thatPrim;
3768   PrimitivE      thisPrim;
3769   SegmenT        smallestSeg;
3771   bvp = (BioseqViewPtr) GetObjectExtra (vwr);
3772   if (bvp == NULL) {
3773     ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
3774     return;
3775   }
3777   smallestSeg = FindSegPrim (vwr, pt, NULL, NULL, &thisPrim);
3778   if (smallestSeg == NULL || thisPrim == NULL) {
3779     ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
3780     return;
3781   }
3783   GetPrimitiveIDs (thisPrim, &entityID, &itemID, &itemtype, NULL);
3785   if (entityID == 0 && itemID == 0 && (itemtype == OBJ_SEQFEAT || itemtype == 0)) {
3786     ObjMgrDeSelect (0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
3787     return;
3788   }
3789   if (bvp->wasDoubleClick) {
3791     seg = FindSegPrim (vwr, bvp->pnt_start, NULL, NULL, &thatPrim);
3792     if (seg == smallestSeg && thisPrim == thatPrim) {
3794       sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
3795       if (bvp->launchSubviewers) {
3796         WatchCursor ();
3797         Update ();
3798         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
3799         ArrowCursor ();
3800         Update ();
3801         return;
3802       } else if (LaunchViewerNotEditor (bvp, sep, entityID, itemID, itemtype)) {
3803         WatchCursor ();
3804         Update ();
3805         LaunchNewBioseqViewer (bvp->bsp, entityID, itemID, itemtype);
3806         ArrowCursor ();
3807         Update ();
3808         return;
3809       } else if (bvp->launchEditors) {
3810         WatchCursor ();
3811         Update ();
3812         GatherProcLaunch (OMPROC_EDIT, FALSE, entityID, itemID,
3813                           itemtype, 0, 0, itemtype, 0);
3814         ArrowCursor ();
3815         Update ();
3816       }
3817     }
3818   }
3819   if (! bvp->sendSelectMessages) return;
3820   if (bvp->wasShiftKey) {
3821     ObjMgrAlsoSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
3822   } else {
3823     ObjMgrSelect (entityID, itemID, itemtype, 0, NULL);
3824   }
3825 }
3828 typedef struct multiBioseqDrawState {
3829   Int4 ceiling;
3830   SegmenT topLevelSegment;
3831   FilterPtr FP;
3832   AppearancePtr AP;
3833   LayoutAlgorithm overrideLayout;
3834   Int4 scale;
3835 } MultiBioseqDrawState, PNTR MultiBioseqDrawStatePtr;
VisitAndDrawBioseqs(BioseqPtr bsp,Pointer userdata)3837 static void VisitAndDrawBioseqs (
3838   BioseqPtr bsp,
3839   Pointer userdata
3840 )
3842 {
3843   MultiBioseqDrawStatePtr state;
3844   state = userdata;
3845   if (state == NULL) return;
3846   CreateGraphicViewFromBsp (bsp, NULL, state->scale, &state->ceiling,
3847                             state->topLevelSegment, state->AP,
3848                             state->FP, state->overrideLayout, NULL);
3849   state->ceiling -= 25;
3850 }
3852 /*
3853 #define TEST_SEQLOC_LIMIT
3854 static float START_FRACTION = 0.3;
3855 static float STOP_FRACTION = 0.6;
3856 */
PopulateAsn2GphGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp)3858 static void PopulateAsn2GphGraphic (
3859   BioseqViewPtr bvp
3860 )
3862 {
3863   BioseqPtr    bsp;
3864   Uint2        entityID;
3865   Uint2        i;
3866   Int4         len;
3867   Int4         max;
3868   Int4         min;
3870   SeqEntryPtr  oldscope = NULL;
3871   RecT         r;
3872   Int4         scaleX;
3874   SeqEntryPtr  sep;
3875   Char         str[32];
3876   Int4         vwr_x;
3877   Int4         vwr_y;
3878   Int2         vwr_align;
3880   CharPtr PNTR nameList;
3881   CharPtr      appearanceName;
3882   CharPtr      filterName;
3883   CharPtr      layoutName;
3884   /*
3885   CharPtr      alignScoreName;
3886   */
3887   CharPtr      alignScoreCutoff;
3888   GraphicViewExtras gvExtras;
3890   ViewerConfigsPtr  myVCP;
3892   MultiBioseqDrawState drawState;
3894   SeqViewProcsPtr  svpp;
3896   if (bvp == NULL) return;
3898   WatchCursor ();
3900   vwr_x = INT4_MIN;
3901   vwr_y = INT4_MAX;
3902   vwr_align = UPPER_LEFT;
3903   if (bvp->moveToOldPos) {
3904     if (bvp->pict != NULL) {
3905       get_viewer_position (bvp->vwr, &(vwr_x), &(vwr_y));
3906       vwr_align = MIDDLE_CENTER;
3907     }
3908     bvp->moveToOldPos = FALSE;
3909   }
3911   Reset (bvp->vwr);
3912   bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
3913   Update ();
3915   bsp = bvp->bsp;
3916   if (bsp == NULL) {
3917     ArrowCursor ();
3918     return;
3919   }
3921   svpp = (SeqViewProcsPtr) GetAppProperty ("SeqDisplayForm");
3922   if (svpp != NULL && svpp->lockFarComponents) {
3923     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (bsp);
3924     sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
3925     LookupFarSeqIDs (sep, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
3926   }
3928   if (bvp->scaleNotCalculated) {
3929     SafeHide (bvp->newGphScale);
3930     Reset (bvp->newGphScale);
3931     ObjectRect (bvp->vwr, &r);
3932     InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
3933     len = bsp->length;
3934     max = (Int4) MAX (len / (Int4) (r.right - r.left), 1) + 2;
3935     max = (Int4) MIN (max, 50000L);
3936     min = (Int4) MAX (len / 320000L, 1L);
3937     bvp->maxScale = max;
3938     i = 1;
3939     /*      while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && min > zoomScaleVal[i]) {
3940       i++;
3941       }*/
3942     bvp->minIndex = i;
3943     while (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && max > zoomScaleVal[i - 1]) {
3944       sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) (zoomScaleVal[i]));
3945       if (max < zoomScaleVal[i]) {
3946         sprintf (str, "%ld", (long) zoomScaleVal[i]);
3947       }
3948       PopupItem (bvp->newGphScale, str);
3949       i++;
3950     }
3951     SetValue (bvp->newGphScale, MAX (i - bvp->minIndex, 1));
3952     bvp->scaleNotCalculated = FALSE;
3953   }
3954   SafeShow (bvp->newGphScale);
3955   i = GetValue (bvp->newGphScale) - 1 + bvp->minIndex;
3956   if (i < MAXZOOMSCALEVAL && i > 0) {
3957     /*    scaleX = MIN (zoomScaleVal[i], bvp->maxScale);*/
3958     scaleX = zoomScaleVal[i];
3959   } else {
3960     scaleX = bvp->minIndex;
3961   }
3963   i = GetValue (bvp->newGphFilter) - 1;
3964   nameList = GetFilterNameList ();
3965   if (i < GetFilterCount ()) {
3966     filterName = nameList [i];
3967   } else {
3968     filterName = "default"; /* as good a guess as any, and it _should_ exist in the config file*/
3969   }
3971   i = GetValue (bvp->newGphStyle) - 1;
3972   nameList = GetStyleNameList ();
3973   if (i < GetAppearanceCount ()) {
3974     appearanceName = nameList [i];
3975   } else {
3976     appearanceName = "default";
3977   }
3979   i = GetValue (bvp->newGphLayout) - 1;
3980   nameList = GetLayoutNameList ();
3981   if (i < GetLayoutCount()) {
3982     layoutName = nameList[i];
3983   } else {
3984     layoutName = NULL; /* no need to pass a dummy string for an optional value */
3985   }
3987   MemSet ((Pointer) &gvExtras, 0, sizeof (GraphicViewExtras));
3988   if (GetAppProperty("GPHVIEWSCOREALIGNS") != NULL) {
3989   /*
3990     i = GetValue (bvp->newGphAlnScore) - 1;
3991     nameList = GetAlnScoreNameList ();
3992     if (i < GetAlnScoreCount ()) {
3993       alignScoreName = nameList [i];
3994     } else {
3995       alignScoreName = nameList[0];
3996     }
3997     gvExtras.alignScoreName = alignScoreName;
3998   */
3999     i = GetValue (bvp->newGphAlnCutoff) - 1;
4000     nameList = GetAlnScoreCutoffList ();
4001     if (i < GetAlnScoreCutoffCount ()) {
4002       alignScoreCutoff = nameList [i];
4003     } else {
4004       alignScoreCutoff = nameList[0];
4005     }
4006     gvExtras.alignScoreCutoff = alignScoreCutoff;
4007   } else {
4008     gvExtras.alignScoreName = "";
4009     gvExtras.alignScoreCutoff = "";
4010   }
4012   if (!bvp->viewWholeEntity) {
4013     sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
4014     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
4015     if (entityID > 0) {
4016       sep = GetBestTopParentForData (entityID, bsp);
4017       oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep);
4018     }
4021 {
4022    SeqInt si;
4023    ValNode vn;
4025      MemSet ((Pointer) (&si), 0, sizeof (SeqInt));
4026      MemSet ((Pointer) (&vn), 0, sizeof (ValNode));
4028      si.from = bsp->length * START_FRACTION;
4029      si.to = bsp->length * STOP_FRACTION;
4030      si.strand = Seq_strand_plus;
4031      si.id = bsp->id;
4033      vn.choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4034      vn.data.ptrvalue = &si;
4036      bvp->pict = CreateGraphicView (bsp, &vn, scaleX, appearanceName, filterName, layoutName, &gvExtras);
4037 }
4038 #else
4039      bvp->pict = CreateGraphicView (bsp, NULL, scaleX, appearanceName, filterName, layoutName, &gvExtras);
4040 #endif
4042      if (entityID > 0) {
4043        SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
4044      }
4046    } else {
4047      sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (bsp);
4048      entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
4049      if (entityID > 0) {
4050        sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
4051        oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep);
4052      }
4054      drawState.scale = scaleX;
4055      drawState.ceiling = 0;
4056      drawState.topLevelSegment = CreatePicture ();
4057      myVCP = GetGraphicConfigParseResults ();
4058      drawState.FP = FindFilterByName (filterName, myVCP);
4059      drawState.AP = FindAppearanceByName (appearanceName, myVCP);
4060      drawState.overrideLayout = FindLayoutByName (layoutName);
4062      VisitBioseqsInSep (sep, &drawState, VisitAndDrawBioseqs);
4063      bvp->pict = drawState.topLevelSegment;
4064    }
4066    AttachPicture (bvp->vwr, bvp->pict, vwr_x, vwr_y, vwr_align, scaleX, 1, bvp->highlightSelections ? Asn2GphDrawSelectionRange : NULL);
4067    SetViewerProcs (bvp->vwr, ClickAsn2GphGraphic, NULL, ReleaseAsn2GphGraphic, NULL);
4069    InitSelectAsn2GphView (bvp);
4071    ArrowCursor ();
4072 }
ShowAsn2GphGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp,Boolean show)4074 static void ShowAsn2GphGraphic (
4075   BioseqViewPtr bvp,
4076   Boolean show
4077 )
4079 {
4080   if (bvp == NULL)
4081     return;
4082   if (show) {
4083     SafeShow (bvp->vwr);
4084     SafeShow (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
4085     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, TRUE);
4086     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
4087     SafeShow (bvp->clickMe);
4088   } else {
4089     SafeHide (bvp->vwr);
4090     Reset (bvp->vwr);
4091     bvp->pict = DeletePicture (bvp->pict);
4092     SafeHide (bvp->styleControlGrp);
4093     SafeHide (bvp->scaleControlGrp);
4094     EnableDisableLegendItem (bvp, FALSE);
4095     SafeHide (bvp->findGeneGrp);
4096     SafeHide (bvp->docTxtControlGrp);
4097     SafeHide (bvp->baseCtgControlGrp);
4098     SafeHide (bvp->modeControlGrp);
4099     SafeHide (bvp->extraControlGrp);
4100     SafeHide (bvp->newGphControlGrp);
4101     SafeHide (bvp->clickMe);
4102   }
4103 }
ResizeAsn2GphGraphic(BioseqViewPtr bvp)4105 static void ResizeAsn2GphGraphic (BioseqViewPtr bvp)
4107 {
4108   if (bvp == NULL) return;
4109   if (bvp->vwr != NULL) {
4110     if (Visible (bvp->vwr) && AllParentsVisible (bvp->vwr)) {
4111       ViewerWasResized (bvp->vwr);
4112     }
4113   }
4114 }
4116 BioseqPageData  asn2gphGphPageData = {
4117   "Graphic", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, -1,
4118   PopulateAsn2GphGraphic, ShowAsn2GphGraphic, SelectAsn2GphView,
4119   CopyAsn2GphGraphicToClipboard, PrintAsn2GphGraphic, NULL, NULL,
4120   ResizeAsn2GphGraphic, NULL
4121 };