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Name Date Size #Lines LOC




CHANGESH A D10-Jul-199612.2 KiB356251

MakefileH A D03-May-20221.4 KiB6432

READMEH A D10-Jul-19969.7 KiB223176

TODOH A D10-Jul-19966.6 KiB168123

example1.cH A D10-Jul-19961.5 KiB5426

example2.cH A D10-Jul-19962 KiB6438

example3.cH A D10-Jul-19963.2 KiB13268

example4.cH A D10-Jul-199610.6 KiB412278

fmtseq.cH A D03-May-202282.3 KiB3,1442,610

grepseq.cH A D03-May-202232.8 KiB1,117749

idxseq.cH A D10-Jul-199638.6 KiB1,6251,166

seqio.cH A D03-May-2022538.7 KiB19,33314,502

seqio.hH A D10-Jul-19966.3 KiB186118

typeseq.cH A D10-Jul-19961.6 KiB5626

wcseq.cH A D10-Jul-19964.4 KiB15288


1SEQIO -- A Package for Sequence File I/O
4README - Readme File for the SEQIO Package
9The SEQIO package is a set of C functions which can read and write
10biological sequence files formatted using various file formats and which
11can be used to perform database searches on biological databases. All
12of the code is packaged together into a single file, making it easy to
13incorporate into your programs. Here are the files included in the
14SEQIO package distribution.
16 o seqio.c - The code
17 o seqio.h - The header file
18 o bioseq.txt - An example BIOSEQ file which contains default
19                descriptions for a number of databases
20                (see "user.doc" for more information on BIOSEQ files)
22 o doc/seqio.doc - The main documentation describing the SEQIO interface
23 o doc/quickref.doc - A Quick Reference Guide to the interface
24 o doc/programr.doc - A "How-To" Guide for using the SEQIO package
25                      (canonical examples and programming tips, issues in
26                       porting SEQIO to a new machine)
27 o doc/user.doc - Documentation for the users of your programs,
28                  not you the user of SEQIO
29                  (short descriptions of file formats, how to specify
30                   database searches, and so on)
31 o doc/format.doc - Documentation describing the specific criteria
32                    SEQIO uses when parsing and outputting the different
33                    file formats.
35 o Makefile - A simple makefile for seqio.o, fmtseq and the examples
36 o fmtseq.c - A file conversion program
37 o idxseq.c - A database indexing program
38 o example1.c - A simple keyword searching program
39 o example2.c - A sequence information display program
40 o example3.c - A feature extraction program
41 o grepseq.c - A fixed-width motif searching program
42 o typeseq.c - A sequence output (`cat' or `fetch') program
43 o wcseq.c - A sequence/entry counting program
45 o doc/fmtseq.doc - Documentation for fmtseq
46 o doc/idxseq.doc - Documentation for idxseq
47 o doc/examples.doc - Documentation for the examples
49 o html/seqio_toc.html - A table of contents for the HTML pages
50                         (useful as the main page of a local WWW copy of
51                          the documentation)
52 o html/* - All of the *.doc files in HTML format (with crosslinks).
54 o README - This file
55 o CHANGES - A list of changes and bug fixes made to the code
56             and documentation
57 o TODO - What will come next (that I know about)
61Installation Notes
64To install the programs associated with the package, and to setup your
65system to use those programs, perform the following steps.
67 1. Uncompress (using gunzip) and untar the release. This will
68   create a sub-directory "seqio-1.2" below where you untar it.
69 2. Enter the sub-directory and run make to compile all of the
70   programs. The makefiles included in the release are very simple,
71   but since the code itself should be cross-platform portable, the
72   makefile doesn't have to be complex. The one thing you might
73   have to customize is the compiler name and options. The
74   makefile is configured to use the gcc compiler. If you do not have
75   gcc, then edit the CC and CFLAGS makefile variables for the C
76   (or C++) compiler you do have. The only flag really necessary for
77   the compilation is the optimization flag (it will make a difference
78   in the programs' running time).
79 3. To install the programs elsewhere, copy "fmtseq", "idxseq",
80   "grepseq", "typeseq" and "wcseq" to the executable directory.
81   These are the only programs that really have the potential to be
82   considered useful application programs.
83 4. If you have support for local documentation on the Web, then
84   either create a link to the file "html/seqio_toc.html", or copy all of
85   the files in the "html" directory and create the link to
86   "seqio_toc.html" in the destination directory.
87 5. Create a BIOSEQ file describing all of your databases (an
88   example is given in "bioseq.txt"), and, if you want to allow single
89   entry access to the entries of those databases, run the "idxseq"
90   program on each of them. Tell any users of the program to
91   include that filename as part of their BIOSEQ environment
92   variable list of files.
93 6. Enjoy.
95Using the SEQIO Package Itself
98To be able to use the package itself, you should be familiar with reading
99and writing files using the C stdio package and with doing dynamic
100allocation of memory using malloc and free. To use the SEQIO package
101in your program, simply copy the files "seqio.c" and "seqio.h" to your
102program directory, include the header file in any program files that use
103the SEQIO package, and compile the package along with your program.
105At this point in time, the SEQIO package has been tested using gcc on
106Unix systems running SunOS, Solaris, Ultrix, IRIX and Windows NT,
107and using g++ on Ultrix. The code has been written to the ANSI C
108standard, so you will need an ANSI C/C++ compiler in order to compile
109the package. One suggestion I have is that you turn on optimization
110when compiling the SEQIO package. It will significantly improve the
111package's efficiency. Also, compiling the package may take several
112minutes, as the code is around 20,000 lines (this will get shorter in a
113later version (of course, I keep saying that every version)).
115If you plan to use this package and wish to receive notices about
116updates and bug fixes, please send mail to knight@cs.ucdavis.edu. In
117that mail, specify whether you just want a notice about a new version of
118the package, or you want the patch file or complete release
119automatically sent to you.
120(NOTE: If you see ANYTHING you think is either wrong, or should be
121changed, please let me know. If it is wrong, I'll fix it. If I think it isn't, I'll
122tell you why, and also tell you how you can get what you want.)
124Any use of the SEQIO package should be accompanied with
125acknowledgements and copyright notices in the documentation of any
126software developed using the package or derived from the package.
127Something along the lines of:
129 This software uses the SEQIO package for reading and writing
130 sequences. Copyright (c) 1996 by James Knight at Univ. of
131 California, Davis.
133Any papers describing software using the SEQIO package, or whose
134results were significantly aided by the use of the SEQIO package
135(except when the use was internal to a larger program), should include
136an acknowledgement and citation. The citation should be something
139 Knight, James "SEQIO: A C Package for Reading and Writing
140 Sequences," distributed by the author.
142(As soon as I get a paper out about the package, this will become a
143reference to the paper.)
147Author and Acknowledgements
150 James Knight
151 Dept. of Computer Science
152 Univ. of California, Davis
153 Davis, CA 95616
154 E-mail: knight@cs.ucdavis.edu
155 WWW-Site: http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~knight
157Send any bug reports, new database/file-format information,
158comments, complaints or extension requests to knight@cs.ucdavis.edu.
160This work was supported foremost by Dan Gusfield at UCDavis, by
161grant DE-FG03-90ER60999 from the Department of Energy and by the
162Aspen Center for Physics.
164My thanks to Don Gilbert for collecting descriptions of the various
165formats and including them with his "readseq" program. I never used
166his code, but the `Formats' file was quite useful in writing the package,
167and I did look through his code when writing "fmtseq". Thanks also to
168Russell Malmberg who stuck with all of my attempts to port the
169package to Windows NT/95 until it finally compiled and ran. Thanks to
170Kay Hofmann for describing the MSF format in a detailed enough form
171for implementation.
178In this version, the following copyright notice holds for the SEQIO
179package, its documentation and the fmtseq and idxseq programs. All of
180the example programs are public domain, and can be used and
181rewritten without any acknowledgements (although, it would be the
182polite thing to do).
184Please note however that in a future version, some programs added to
185the release may have a more restrictive copyright (those programs will
186be restricted to non-commercial use because of the original sources
187used to derive the programs). However, the SEQIO package, fmtseq,
188idxseq and the example programs will always be freely available for
189commercial or non-commercial use, now and into the future.
191The copyright for the SEQIO package, its documentation and the
192fmtseq and idxseq programs:
194  Copyright (c) 1996 by James Knight at Univ. of California, Davis
196  Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
197  and its documentation is hereby granted, subject to the following
198  restrictions and understandings:
200    1) Any copy of this software or any copy of software derived
201       from it must include this copyright notice in full.
203    2) All materials or software developed as a consequence of the
204       use of this software or software derived from it must duly
205       acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
206       of acknowledging credit in academic research.
208    3) The software may be used freely by anyone for any purpose,
209       commercial or non-commercial.  That includes, but is not
210       limited to, its incorporation into software sold for a profit
211       or the development of commercial software derived from it.
213    4) This software is provided AS IS with no warranties of any
214       kind.  The author shall have no liability with respect to the
215       infringement of copyrights, trade secrets or any patents by
216       this software or any part thereof.  In no event will the
217       author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or other
218       special, indirect and consequential damages.
221James R. Knight, knight@cs.ucdavis.edu
222June 29, 1996