1 /**
2  * UGENE - Integrated Bioinformatics Tools.
3  * Copyright (C) 2008-2021 UniPro <ugene@unipro.ru>
4  * http://ugene.net
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19  * MA 02110-1301, USA.
20  */
22 #include "SiteconAlgorithmTests.h"
24 #include <QDomElement>
25 #include <QFileInfo>
27 #include <U2Core/AppContext.h>
28 #include <U2Core/BaseDocumentFormats.h>
29 #include <U2Core/DNASequenceObject.h>
30 #include <U2Core/DocumentModel.h>
31 #include <U2Core/GObjectTypes.h>
32 #include <U2Core/GObjectUtils.h>
33 #include <U2Core/IOAdapter.h>
34 #include <U2Core/MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject.h>
35 #include <U2Core/U2SafePoints.h>
37 #include "DIPropertiesSitecon.h"
38 #include "SiteconIO.h"
40 /* TRANSLATOR U2::GTest */
42 namespace U2 {
44 #define DOC_ATTR "doc"
45 #define DOC_URL "url"
46 #define DOC1_ATTR "model1"
47 #define DOC2_ATTR "model2"
48 #define SEQNAME_ATTR "sequence"
49 #define EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR "expected_results"
50 #define DINUCLEOTIDE_POSITIONS "di_positions"
51 #define PROPERTIES_INDEXES "props_indexes"
52 #define OFFSET_ATTR "offset"
53 #define MODEL_ATTR "model"
54 #define STRAND_ATTR "strand"
55 #define TRESH_ATTR "treshhold"
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)57 void GTest_CalculateACGTContent::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
58     docName = el.attribute(DOC_ATTR);
59     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
60         failMissingValue(DOC_ATTR);
61         return;
62     }
64     QString expected = el.attribute(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR);
65     QStringList expectedList = expected.split(QRegExp("\\,"));  // may be QRegExp("\\,")
66     if (expectedList.size() != 4) {
67         stateInfo.setError(QString("here must be 4 items in %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
68         return;
69     }
70     int i = 0, sum = 0;
71     foreach (QString str, expectedList) {
72         bool isOk;
73         int m = str.toInt(&isOk);
74         if (!isOk) {
75             stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
76             return;
77         }
78         expectedACGT[i++] = m;
79         sum += m;
80     }
81     if (sum < 100 || sum > 102) {
82         stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong %1 values").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
83         return;
84     }
85 }
prepare()87 void GTest_CalculateACGTContent::prepare() {
88     Document *doc = getContext<Document>(this, docName);
89     if (doc == nullptr) {
90         stateInfo.setError(QString("context not found %1").arg(docName));
91         return;
92     }
93     QList<GObject *> list = doc->findGObjectByType(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT);
94     if (list.size() == 0) {
95         stateInfo.setError(QString("container of object with type \"%1\" is empty").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
96         return;
97     }
98     GObject *obj = list.first();
99     if (obj == nullptr) {
100         stateInfo.setError(QString("object with type \"%1\" not found").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
101         return;
102     }
103     MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *mao = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(obj);
104     if (mao == nullptr) {
105         stateInfo.setError(QString("error can't cast to MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject from GObject"));
106         return;
107     }
108     ma = mao->getMsaCopy();
109 }
run()111 void GTest_CalculateACGTContent::run() {
112     SiteconAlgorithm::calculateACGTContent(ma, s);
113 }
report()115 Task::ReportResult GTest_CalculateACGTContent::report() {
116     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
117         if (expectedACGT[i] != s.acgtContent[i]) {
118             stateInfo.setError(QString("Actual results not equal with expected"));
119             return ReportResult_Finished;
120         }
121     }
122     return ReportResult_Finished;
123 }
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)125 void GTest_CalculateDispersionAndAverage::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
126     QStringList propsList = el.attribute(PROPERTIES_INDEXES).split(QRegExp("\\,")),
127                 diPosStrList = el.attribute(DINUCLEOTIDE_POSITIONS).split(QRegExp("\\,")),
128                 expectedStrList = el.attribute(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR).split(QRegExp("\\,"));
129     QStringList::Iterator expResIt;
130     expResIt = expectedStrList.begin();
131     foreach (QString posStr, diPosStrList) {
132         bool isOk;
133         int pos = posStr.toInt(&isOk);
134         if (!isOk) {
135             stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(DINUCLEOTIDE_POSITIONS));
136             return;
137         }
138         foreach (QString propStr, propsList) {
139             int propIndex = propStr.toInt(&isOk);
140             if (!isOk) {
141                 stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(PROPERTIES_INDEXES));
142                 return;
143             }
144             ResultVector r;
145             r.push_back(pos);
146             r.push_back(propIndex);
147             int exp = qRound((*expResIt).toFloat(&isOk) * 10000);
148             if (!isOk) {
149                 stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
150                 return;
151             }
152             r.push_back(exp);
153             if (expResIt == expectedStrList.end()) {
154                 stateInfo.setError(QString("Too less items in %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
155                 return;
156             }
157             expResIt++;
158             exp = qRound((*expResIt).toFloat(&isOk) * 10000);
159             if (!isOk) {
160                 stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
161                 return;
162             }
163             r.push_back(exp);
164             expectedResults.push_back(ResultVector(r));
165             if (expResIt == expectedStrList.end()) {
166                 stateInfo.setError(QString("Too less items in %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
167                 return;
168             }
169             expResIt++;
170         }
171     }
173     docName = el.attribute(DOC_ATTR);
174     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
175         failMissingValue(DOC_ATTR);
176         return;
177     }
178 }
prepare()180 void GTest_CalculateDispersionAndAverage::prepare() {
181     Document *doc = getContext<Document>(this, docName);
182     if (doc == nullptr) {
183         stateInfo.setError(QString("context not found %1").arg(docName));
184         return;
185     }
186     QList<GObject *> list = doc->findGObjectByType(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT);
187     if (list.size() == 0) {
188         stateInfo.setError(QString("container of object with type \"%1\" is empty").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
189         return;
190     }
191     GObject *obj = list.first();
192     if (obj == nullptr) {
193         stateInfo.setError(QString("object with type \"%1\" not found").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
194         return;
195     }
196     MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *mao = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(obj);
197     if (mao == nullptr) {
198         stateInfo.setError(QString("error can't cast to MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject from GObject"));
199         return;
200     }
201     ma = mao->getMsaCopy();
202 }
run()204 void GTest_CalculateDispersionAndAverage::run() {
205     DinucleotitePropertyRegistry di;
206     s.props = di.getProperties();
207     SiteconAlgorithm::calculateACGTContent(ma, s);
208     s.numSequencesInAlignment = ma->getNumRows();
209     TaskStateInfo stub;
210     result = SiteconAlgorithm::calculateDispersionAndAverage(ma, s, stub);
211 }
report()213 Task::ReportResult GTest_CalculateDispersionAndAverage::report() {
214     foreach (ResultVector rv, expectedResults) {
215         int i = rv[0];
216         int j = rv[1];
217         PositionStats vec = result[i];
218         DiStat stat = vec[j];
219         int sdev = qRound(stat.sdeviation * 10000),
220             average = qRound(stat.average * 10000),
221             expAve = rv[2],
222             expSdev = rv[3];
223         if (sdev != expSdev) {
224             stateInfo.setError(QString("Expected and Actual 'SDev' values are different: %1 %2").arg(expSdev / 10000).arg(sdev / 10000));
225             return ReportResult_Finished;
226         }
227         if (average != expAve) {
228             stateInfo.setError(QString("Expected and Actual 'Average' values are different: %1 %2").arg(expAve / 10000).arg(average / 10000));
229             return ReportResult_Finished;
230         }
231     }
232     return ReportResult_Finished;
233 }
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)235 void GTest_CalculateFirstTypeError::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
236     docName = el.attribute(DOC_ATTR);
237     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
238         failMissingValue(DOC_ATTR);
239         return;
240     }
242     QString windowSizeStr = el.attribute(OFFSET_ATTR);
243     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
244         failMissingValue(OFFSET_ATTR);
245         return;
246     }
247     bool isOk;
248     offset = windowSizeStr.toInt(&isOk);
249     if (!isOk) {
250         stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(OFFSET_ATTR));
251         return;
252     }
254     QStringList expectedStrList = el.attribute(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR).split(QRegExp("\\,"));
255     foreach (QString str, expectedStrList) {
256         int exp = qRound(str.toFloat(&isOk) * 10000);
257         if (!isOk) {
258             stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
259             return;
260         }
261         expectedResult.push_back(exp);
262     }
263 }
prepare()265 void GTest_CalculateFirstTypeError::prepare() {
266     Document *doc = getContext<Document>(this, docName);
267     if (doc == nullptr) {
268         stateInfo.setError(QString("context not found %1").arg(docName));
269         return;
270     }
271     QList<GObject *> list = doc->findGObjectByType(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT);
272     if (list.size() == 0) {
273         stateInfo.setError(QString("container of object with type \"%1\" is empty").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
274         return;
275     }
276     GObject *obj = list.first();
277     if (obj == nullptr) {
278         stateInfo.setError(QString("object with type \"%1\" not found").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
279         return;
280     }
281     MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *mao = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(obj);
282     if (mao == nullptr) {
283         stateInfo.setError(QString("error can't cast to MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject from GObject"));
284         return;
285     }
286     ma = mao->getMsaCopy();
287 }
run()289 void GTest_CalculateFirstTypeError::run() {
290     DinucleotitePropertyRegistry di;
291     s.props = di.getProperties();
292     SiteconAlgorithm::calculateACGTContent(ma, s);
293     s.numSequencesInAlignment = ma->getNumRows();
294     s.windowSize = ma->getLength();
295     TaskStateInfo stub;
296     result = SiteconAlgorithm::calculateFirstTypeError(ma, s, stub);
297 }
report()299 Task::ReportResult GTest_CalculateFirstTypeError::report() {
300     int i = offset + 1;
301     foreach (int exp, expectedResult) {
302         int act = qRound(result[i] * 10000);
303         // printf("Expected: %i", exp);
304         // printf(" Actual: %i \r\n", act);
305         if (act != exp) {
306             stateInfo.setError(QString("Expected and Actual values are different: %1 %2").arg(exp).arg(act));
307             return ReportResult_Finished;
308         }
309         i++;
310     }
311     return ReportResult_Finished;
312 }
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)314 void GTest_CalculateSecondTypeError::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
315     docName = el.attribute(DOC_ATTR);
316     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
317         failMissingValue(DOC_ATTR);
318         return;
319     }
321     QString windowSizeStr = el.attribute(OFFSET_ATTR);
322     if (docName.isEmpty()) {
323         failMissingValue(OFFSET_ATTR);
324         return;
325     }
326     bool isOk;
327     offset = windowSizeStr.toInt(&isOk);
328     if (!isOk) {
329         stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(OFFSET_ATTR));
330         return;
331     }
333     QStringList expectedStrList = el.attribute(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR).split(QRegExp("\\,"));
334     foreach (QString str, expectedStrList) {
335         int exp = str.toInt(&isOk);
336         if (!isOk) {
337             stateInfo.setError(QString("Wrong conversion to the integer for one of the %1").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
338             return;
339         }
340         expectedResult.push_back(exp);
341     }
342 }
prepare()344 void GTest_CalculateSecondTypeError::prepare() {
345     Document *doc = getContext<Document>(this, docName);
346     if (doc == nullptr) {
347         stateInfo.setError(QString("context not found %1").arg(docName));
348         return;
349     }
350     QList<GObject *> list = doc->findGObjectByType(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT);
351     if (list.size() == 0) {
352         stateInfo.setError(QString("container of object with type \"%1\" is empty").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
353         return;
354     }
355     GObject *obj = list.first();
356     if (obj == nullptr) {
357         stateInfo.setError(QString("object with type \"%1\" not found").arg(GObjectTypes::MULTIPLE_SEQUENCE_ALIGNMENT));
358         return;
359     }
360     MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *mao = qobject_cast<MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject *>(obj);
361     if (mao == nullptr) {
362         stateInfo.setError(QString("error can't cast to MultipleSequenceAlignmentObject from GObject"));
363         return;
364     }
365     ma = mao->getMsaCopy();
366 }
run()368 void GTest_CalculateSecondTypeError::run() {
369     DinucleotitePropertyRegistry di;
370     s.props = di.getProperties();
371     SiteconAlgorithm::calculateACGTContent(ma, s);
372     s.numSequencesInAlignment = ma->getNumRows();
373     s.windowSize = ma->getLength();
374     SiteconModel m;
375     m.aliURL = (getContext<Document>(this, docName))->getURLString();
376     m.modelName = QFileInfo(m.aliURL).baseName();
377     m.settings = s;
378     m.matrix = SiteconAlgorithm::calculateDispersionAndAverage(ma, s, stateInfo);
379     SiteconAlgorithm::calculateWeights(ma, m.matrix, m.settings, false, stateInfo);
380     TaskStateInfo stub1;
381     m.err1 = SiteconAlgorithm::calculateFirstTypeError(ma, s, stub1);
382     TaskStateInfo stub2;
383     result = SiteconAlgorithm::calculateSecondTypeError(m.matrix, s, stub2);
384 }
report()386 Task::ReportResult GTest_CalculateSecondTypeError::report() {
387     int i = offset + 1;
388     foreach (int exp, expectedResult) {
389         int act = qRound(1 / result[i]);
390         printf("Expected: %i", exp);
391         printf(" Actual: %i \r\n", act);
392         if (act != exp) {
393             stateInfo.setError(QString("Expected and Actual values are different: %1 %2").arg(exp).arg(act));
394             return ReportResult_Finished;
395         }
396         i++;
397     }
398     return ReportResult_Finished;
399 }
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)401 void GTest_SiteconSearchTask::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
402     seqName = el.attribute(SEQNAME_ATTR);
403     if (seqName.isEmpty()) {
404         failMissingValue(SEQNAME_ATTR);
405         return;
406     }
408     QString modelPath = el.attribute(MODEL_ATTR);
409     IOAdapterFactory *iof = AppContext::getIOAdapterRegistry()->getIOAdapterFactoryById(BaseIOAdapters::LOCAL_FILE);
410     QString url = env->getVar("COMMON_DATA_DIR") + "/" + modelPath;
411     model = SiteconIO::readModel(iof, url, stateInfo);
413     QString strandStr = el.attribute(STRAND_ATTR);
414     if (strandStr.isEmpty()) {
415         failMissingValue(STRAND_ATTR);
416         return;
417     }
418     if (strandStr == "direct") {
419         complOnly = false;
420         isNeedCompliment = false;
421     } else if (strandStr == "compliment") {
422         complOnly = true;
423         isNeedCompliment = true;
424     } else if (strandStr == "both") {
425         complOnly = false;
426         isNeedCompliment = true;
427     } else {
428         stateInfo.setError(QString("%1 has incorrect value").arg(STRAND_ATTR));
429         return;
430     }
432     bool isOk;
433     QString tre = el.attribute(TRESH_ATTR);
434     if (tre.isEmpty()) {
435         failMissingValue(TRESH_ATTR);
436         return;
437     }
438     tresh = tre.toInt(&isOk);
439     if (!isOk) {
440         stateInfo.setError(QString("unable to convert %1 to integer").arg(TRESH_ATTR));
441         return;
442     }
444     QString expected = el.attribute(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR);
445     if (!expected.isEmpty()) {
446         QStringList expectedList = expected.split(QRegExp("\\;"));
447         foreach (QString propsArray, expectedList) {
448             QStringList props = propsArray.split(QRegExp("\\,"));
449             QString middleStr = props[0], scoreStr = props[1], strStr = props[2];
450             int middle = middleStr.toInt(&isOk);
451             if (!isOk) {
452                 stateInfo.setError(QString("unable to convert %1 to integer").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
453                 return;
454             }
455             U2Strand strand;
456             U2Region reg;
457             reg.length = model.settings.windowSize;
458             if (strStr == "direct") {
459                 strand = U2Strand::Direct;
460                 reg.startPos = middle - (int)(model.settings.windowSize / 2);
461             } else if (strStr == "compliment") {
462                 strand = U2Strand::Complementary;
463                 reg.startPos = middle - (int)(model.settings.windowSize / 2) + 1;
464                 /*
465                 if(model.settings.weightAlg == SiteconWeightAlg_Alg2){
466                     reg.startPos++;
467                 }
468                 */
469             } else {
470                 stateInfo.setError(QString("%1 has incorrect value").arg(STRAND_ATTR));
471                 return;
472             }
473             float psum = scoreStr.toFloat(&isOk);
474             if (!isOk) {
475                 stateInfo.setError(QString("unable to convert %1 to float").arg(EXPECTED_RESULTS_ATTR));
476                 return;
477             }
478             SiteconSearchResult ssr;
479             ssr.psum = psum;
480             ssr.region = reg;
481             ssr.strand = strand;
482             expectedResults.append(ssr);
483         }
484     }
485 }
prepare()487 void GTest_SiteconSearchTask::prepare() {
488     U2SequenceObject *mySequence = getContext<U2SequenceObject>(this, seqName);
489     CHECK_EXT(mySequence != nullptr, setError(QString("error can't cast to sequence from GObject")), );
491     SiteconSearchCfg cfg;
492     cfg.complOnly = complOnly;
493     cfg.minPSUM = tresh;
494     if (isNeedCompliment) {
495         cfg.complTT = GObjectUtils::findComplementTT(mySequence->getAlphabet());
496     }
497     QByteArray seqData = mySequence->getWholeSequenceData(stateInfo);
498     CHECK_OP(stateInfo, );
499     task = new SiteconSearchTask(model, seqData, cfg, 0);
500     addSubTask(task);
501 }
report()503 Task::ReportResult GTest_SiteconSearchTask::report() {
504     results = task->takeResults();
505     int matchesCount = 0;
506     /*
507     printf("Actual: \r\n");
508     foreach(SiteconSearchResult r, results) {
509         printf("%i ", r.region.startPos + (int)(model.settings.windowSize/2));
510         if(r.complement){
511             printf("C \r\n");
512         }else{
513             printf("D \r\n");
514         }
515     }
516     printf("Expected: \r\n");
517     foreach(SiteconSearchResult r, expectedResults) {
518         printf("%i ", r.region.startPos + (int)(model.settings.windowSize/2));
519         if(r.complement){
520             printf("C \r\n");
521         }else{
522             printf("D \r\n");
523         }
524     }
525     */
526     if (results.size() != expectedResults.size()) {
527         stateInfo.setError(QString("expected and equal result lists not equal by size, expected: %1, actual: %2").arg(expectedResults.size()).arg(results.size()));
528         return ReportResult_Finished;
529     }
530     /**/
531     foreach (SiteconSearchResult exp, expectedResults) {
532         foreach (SiteconSearchResult act, results) {
533             int ePsum = qRound(exp.psum * 10), aPsum = qRound(act.psum * 10);
534             if (exp.region == act.region && aPsum == ePsum && exp.strand == act.strand) {
535                 matchesCount++;
536             }
537         }
538     }
539     if (matchesCount != expectedResults.size()) {
540         stateInfo.setError(QString("expected and equal result lists not equal"));
541         return ReportResult_Finished;
542     }
543     return ReportResult_Finished;
544 }
init(XMLTestFormat *,const QDomElement & el)546 void GTest_CompareSiteconModels::init(XMLTestFormat *, const QDomElement &el) {
547     doc1ContextName = el.attribute(DOC1_ATTR);
548     if (doc1ContextName.isEmpty()) {
549         failMissingValue(DOC1_ATTR);
550         return;
551     }
553     doc2ContextName = el.attribute(DOC2_ATTR);
554     if (doc2ContextName.isEmpty()) {
555         failMissingValue(DOC2_ATTR);
556         return;
557     }
558 }
report()560 Task::ReportResult GTest_CompareSiteconModels::report() {
561     // SiteconModel model1 = getContext<SiteconModel>(doc1ContextName);
562     // SiteconModel model2 = getContext<SiteconModel>(doc2ContextName);
563     Document *doc1 = getContext<Document>(this, doc1ContextName);
564     if (doc1 == nullptr) {
565         stateInfo.setError(QString("document not found %1").arg(doc1ContextName));
566         return ReportResult_Finished;
567     }
568     Document *doc2 = getContext<Document>(this, doc2ContextName);
569     if (doc2 == nullptr) {
570         stateInfo.setError(QString("document not found %1").arg(doc2ContextName));
571         return ReportResult_Finished;
572     }
573     SiteconModel model1 = SiteconIO::readModel(doc1->getIOAdapterFactory(), doc1->getURLString(), stateInfo);
574     SiteconModel model2 = SiteconIO::readModel(doc2->getIOAdapterFactory(), doc2->getURLString(), stateInfo);
575     if (model1 != model2) {
576         stateInfo.setError(tr("Models not equal"));
577     }
578     return ReportResult_Finished;
579 }
581 }  // namespace U2