1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3   FileName    [acbCom.c]
5   SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7   PackageName [Hierarchical word-level netlist.]
9   Synopsis    [Command handlers.]
11   Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
13   Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15   Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - November 29, 2014.]
17   Revision    [$Id: acbCom.c,v 1.00 2014/11/29 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #include "acb.h"
22 #include "proof/cec/cec.h"
23 #include "base/main/mainInt.h"
27 #if 0
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 ///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///
31 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 static int  Acb_CommandRead     ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
34 static int  Acb_CommandWrite    ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
35 static int  Acb_CommandPs       ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
36 static int  Acb_CommandPut      ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
37 static int  Acb_CommandGet      ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
38 static int  Acb_CommandClp      ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
39 static int  Acb_CommandBlast    ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
40 static int  Acb_CommandCec      ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
41 static int  Acb_CommandTest     ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
43 static inline Acb_Man_t * Acb_AbcGetMan( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )                   { return (Acb_Man_t *)pAbc->pAbcCba;                        }
44 static inline void        Acb_AbcFreeMan( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )                  { if ( pAbc->pAbcCba ) Acb_ManFree(Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc));    }
45 static inline void        Acb_AbcUpdateMan( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, Acb_Man_t * p ) { Acb_AbcFreeMan(pAbc); pAbc->pAbcCba = p;                  }
47 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 ///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///
49 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 /**Function********************************************************************
53   Synopsis    []
55   Description []
57   SideEffects []
59   SeeAlso     []
61 ******************************************************************************/
62 void Acb_Init( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
63 {
64     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@read",       Acb_CommandRead,      0 );
65     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@write",      Acb_CommandWrite,     0 );
66     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@ps",         Acb_CommandPs,        0 );
67     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@put",        Acb_CommandPut,       0 );
68     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@get",        Acb_CommandGet,       0 );
69     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@clp",        Acb_CommandClp,       0 );
70     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@blast",      Acb_CommandBlast,     0 );
71     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@cec",        Acb_CommandCec,       0 );
72     Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@test",       Acb_CommandTest,      0 );
73 }
75 /**Function********************************************************************
77   Synopsis    []
79   Description []
81   SideEffects []
83   SeeAlso     []
85 ******************************************************************************/
86 void Acb_End( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
87 {
88     Acb_AbcFreeMan( pAbc );
89 }
92 /**Function********************************************************************
94   Synopsis    []
96   Description []
98   SideEffects []
100   SeeAlso     []
102 ******************************************************************************/
103 int Acb_CommandRead( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
104 {
105     FILE * pFile;
106     Acb_Man_t * p = NULL;
107     char * pFileName = NULL;
108     int c, fTest = 0, fDfs = 0, fVerbose = 0;
109     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
110     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "tdvh" ) ) != EOF )
111     {
112         switch ( c )
113         {
114         case 't':
115             fTest ^= 1;
116             break;
117         case 'd':
118             fDfs ^= 1;
119             break;
120         case 'v':
121             fVerbose ^= 1;
122             break;
123         case 'h':
124             goto usage;
125         default:
126             goto usage;
127         }
128     }
129     if ( argc != globalUtilOptind + 1 )
130     {
131         printf( "Acb_CommandRead(): Input file name should be given on the command line.\n" );
132         return 0;
133     }
134         // get the file name
135     pFileName = argv[globalUtilOptind];
136     if ( (pFile = fopen( pFileName, "r" )) == NULL )
137     {
138         Abc_Print( 1, "Cannot open input file \"%s\". ", pFileName );
139         if ( (pFileName = Extra_FileGetSimilarName( pFileName, ".v", ".blif", ".smt", ".acb", NULL )) )
140             Abc_Print( 1, "Did you mean \"%s\"?", pFileName );
141         Abc_Print( 1, "\n" );
142         return 0;
143     }
144     fclose( pFile );
145     if ( fTest )
146     {
147         if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "blif" )  )
148             Prs_ManReadBlifTest( pFileName );
149         else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "v" )  )
150             Prs_ManReadVerilogTest( pFileName );
151         else
152         {
153             printf( "Unrecognized input file extension.\n" );
154             return 0;
155         }
156         return 0;
157     }
158     if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "blif" )  )
159         p = Acb_ManReadBlif( pFileName );
160     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "v" )  )
161         p = Acb_ManReadVerilog( pFileName );
162     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "acb" )  )
163         p = Acb_ManReadCba( pFileName );
164     else
165     {
166         printf( "Unrecognized input file extension.\n" );
167         return 0;
168     }
169     if ( fDfs )
170     {
171         Acb_Man_t * pTemp;
172         p = Acb_ManDup( pTemp = p, Acb_NtkCollectDfs );
173         Acb_ManFree( pTemp );
174     }
175     Acb_AbcUpdateMan( pAbc, p );
176     return 0;
177 usage:
178     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @read [-tdvh] <file_name>\n" );
179     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         reads hierarchical design\n" );
180     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-t     : toggle testing the parser [default = %s]\n", fTest? "yes": "no" );
181     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-d     : toggle computing DFS ordering [default = %s]\n", fDfs? "yes": "no" );
182     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
183     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
184     return 1;
185 }
187 /**Function********************************************************************
189   Synopsis    []
191   Description []
193   SideEffects []
195   SeeAlso     []
197 ******************************************************************************/
198 int Acb_CommandWrite( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
199 {
200     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
201     char * pFileName = NULL;
202     int fInclineCats =    0;
203     int c, fVerbose  =    0;
204     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
205     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "cvh" ) ) != EOF )
206     {
207         switch ( c )
208         {
209         case 'c':
210             fInclineCats ^= 1;
211             break;
212         case 'v':
213             fVerbose ^= 1;
214             break;
215         case 'h':
216             goto usage;
217         default:
218             goto usage;
219         }
220     }
221     if ( p == NULL )
222     {
223         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandWrite(): There is no current design.\n" );
224         return 0;
225     }
227     if ( argc == globalUtilOptind + 1 )
228         pFileName = argv[globalUtilOptind];
229     else if ( argc == globalUtilOptind && p )
230     {
231         pFileName = Extra_FileNameGenericAppend( Acb_ManSpec(p) ? Acb_ManSpec(p) : Acb_ManName(p), "_out.v" );
232         printf( "Generated output file name \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
233     }
234     else
235     {
236         printf( "Output file name should be given on the command line.\n" );
237         return 0;
238     }
239     // perform writing
240     if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "blif" )  )
241         Acb_ManWriteBlif( pFileName, p );
242     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "v" )  )
243         Acb_ManWriteVerilog( pFileName, p, fInclineCats );
244     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "acb" )  )
245         Acb_ManWriteCba( pFileName, p );
246     else
247     {
248         printf( "Unrecognized output file extension.\n" );
249         return 0;
250     }
251     return 0;
252 usage:
253     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @write [-cvh]\n" );
254     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         writes the design into a file in BLIF or Verilog\n" );
255     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-c     : toggle inlining input concatenations [default = %s]\n",  fInclineCats? "yes": "no" );
256     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n",  fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
257     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
258     return 1;
259 }
262 /**Function********************************************************************
264   Synopsis    []
266   Description []
268   SideEffects []
270   SeeAlso     []
272 ******************************************************************************/
273 int Acb_CommandPs( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
274 {
275     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
276     int nModules     = 0;
277     int fShowMulti   = 0;
278     int fShowAdder   = 0;
279     int fDistrib     = 0;
280     int c, fVerbose  = 0;
281     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
282     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Mmadvh" ) ) != EOF )
283     {
284         switch ( c )
285         {
286         case 'M':
287             if ( globalUtilOptind >= argc )
288             {
289                 Abc_Print( -1, "Command line switch \"-M\" should be followed by an integer.\n" );
290                 goto usage;
291             }
292             nModules = atoi(argv[globalUtilOptind]);
293             globalUtilOptind++;
294             if ( nModules < 0 )
295                 goto usage;
296             break;
297         case 'm':
298             fShowMulti ^= 1;
299             break;
300         case 'a':
301             fShowAdder ^= 1;
302             break;
303         case 'd':
304             fDistrib ^= 1;
305             break;
306         case 'v':
307             fVerbose ^= 1;
308             break;
309         case 'h':
310             goto usage;
311         default:
312             goto usage;
313         }
314     }
315     if ( p == NULL )
316     {
317         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandPs(): There is no current design.\n" );
318         return 0;
319     }
320     if ( nModules )
321     {
322         Acb_ManPrintStats( p, nModules, fVerbose );
323         return 0;
324     }
325     Acb_NtkPrintStatsFull( Acb_ManRoot(p), fDistrib, fVerbose );
326     if ( fShowMulti )
327         Acb_NtkPrintNodes( Acb_ManRoot(p), ABC_OPER_ARI_MUL );
328     if ( fShowAdder )
329         Acb_NtkPrintNodes( Acb_ManRoot(p), ABC_OPER_ARI_ADD );
330     return 0;
331 usage:
332     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @ps [-M num] [-madvh]\n" );
333     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         prints statistics\n" );
334     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-M num : the number of first modules to report [default = %d]\n", nModules );
335     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-m     : toggle printing multipliers [default = %s]\n",         fShowMulti? "yes": "no" );
336     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-a     : toggle printing adders [default = %s]\n",              fShowAdder? "yes": "no" );
337     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-d     : toggle printing distrubition [default = %s]\n",        fDistrib? "yes": "no" );
338     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
339     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
340     return 1;
341 }
343 /**Function********************************************************************
345   Synopsis    []
347   Description []
349   SideEffects []
351   SeeAlso     []
353 ******************************************************************************/
354 int Acb_CommandPut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
355 {
356     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
357     Gia_Man_t * pGia = NULL;
358     int c, fBarBufs = 1, fSeq = 0, fVerbose  = 0;
359     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
360     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "bsvh" ) ) != EOF )
361     {
362         switch ( c )
363         {
364         case 'b':
365             fBarBufs ^= 1;
366             break;
367         case 's':
368             fSeq ^= 1;
369             break;
370         case 'v':
371             fVerbose ^= 1;
372             break;
373         case 'h':
374             goto usage;
375         default:
376             goto usage;
377         }
378     }
379     if ( p == NULL )
380     {
381         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandPut(): There is no current design.\n" );
382         return 0;
383     }
384     pGia = Acb_ManBlast( p, fBarBufs, fSeq, fVerbose );
385     if ( pGia == NULL )
386     {
387         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandPut(): Conversion to AIG has failed.\n" );
388         return 0;
389     }
390     Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pGia );
391     return 0;
392 usage:
393     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @put [-bsvh]\n" );
394     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         extracts AIG from the hierarchical design\n" );
395     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-b     : toggle using barrier buffers [default = %s]\n", fBarBufs? "yes": "no" );
396     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-s     : toggle blasting sequential elements [default = %s]\n", fSeq? "yes": "no" );
397     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
398     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
399     return 1;
400 }
402 /**Function********************************************************************
404   Synopsis    []
406   Description []
408   SideEffects []
410   SeeAlso     []
412 ******************************************************************************/
413 int Acb_CommandGet( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
414 {
415     Acb_Man_t * pNew = NULL, * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
416     int c, fMapped = 0, fVerbose  = 0;
417     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
418     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "mvh" ) ) != EOF )
419     {
420         switch ( c )
421         {
422         case 'm':
423             fMapped ^= 1;
424             break;
425         case 'v':
426             fVerbose ^= 1;
427             break;
428         case 'h':
429             goto usage;
430         default:
431             goto usage;
432         }
433     }
434     if ( p == NULL )
435     {
436         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandGet(): There is no current design.\n" );
437         return 0;
438     }
440     if ( fMapped )
441     {
442         if ( pAbc->pNtkCur == NULL )
443         {
444             Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandGet(): There is no current mapped design.\n" );
445             return 0;
446         }
447         pNew = Acb_ManInsertAbc( p, pAbc->pNtkCur );
448     }
449     else
450     {
451         if ( pAbc->pGia == NULL )
452         {
453             Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandGet(): There is no current AIG.\n" );
454             return 0;
455         }
456         pNew = Acb_ManInsertGia( p, pAbc->pGia );
457     }
458     Acb_AbcUpdateMan( pAbc, pNew );
459     return 0;
460 usage:
461     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @get [-mvh]\n" );
462     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         extracts AIG or mapped network into the hierarchical design\n" );
463     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-m     : toggle using mapped network from main-space [default = %s]\n", fMapped? "yes": "no" );
464     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
465     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
466     return 1;
467 }
469 /**Function********************************************************************
471   Synopsis    []
473   Description []
475   SideEffects []
477   SeeAlso     []
479 ******************************************************************************/
480 int Acb_CommandClp( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
481 {
482     Acb_Man_t * pNew = NULL, * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
483     int c, fVerbose  = 0;
484     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
485     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "vh" ) ) != EOF )
486     {
487         switch ( c )
488         {
489         case 'v':
490             fVerbose ^= 1;
491             break;
492         case 'h':
493             goto usage;
494         default:
495             goto usage;
496         }
497     }
498     if ( p == NULL )
499     {
500         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandGet(): There is no current design.\n" );
501         return 0;
502     }
503     pNew = Acb_ManCollapse( p );
504     Acb_AbcUpdateMan( pAbc, pNew );
505     return 0;
506 usage:
507     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @clp [-vh]\n" );
508     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         collapses the current hierarchical design\n" );
509     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
510     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
511     return 1;
512 }
514 /**Function********************************************************************
516   Synopsis    []
518   Description []
520   SideEffects []
522   SeeAlso     []
524 ******************************************************************************/
525 int Acb_CommandBlast( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
526 {
527     Gia_Man_t * pNew = NULL;
528     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
529     int c, fSeq = 0, fVerbose  = 0;
530     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
531     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "svh" ) ) != EOF )
532     {
533         switch ( c )
534         {
535         case 's':
536             fSeq ^= 1;
537             break;
538         case 'v':
539             fVerbose ^= 1;
540             break;
541         case 'h':
542             goto usage;
543         default:
544             goto usage;
545         }
546     }
547     if ( p == NULL )
548     {
549         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandBlast(): There is no current design.\n" );
550         return 0;
551     }
552     pNew = Acb_ManBlast( p, 0, fSeq, fVerbose );
553     if ( pNew == NULL )
554     {
555         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandBlast(): Bit-blasting has failed.\n" );
556         return 0;
557     }
558     Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pNew );
559     return 0;
560 usage:
561     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @blast [-svh]\n" );
562     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         performs bit-blasting of the word-level design\n" );
563     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-s     : toggle blasting sequential elements [default = %s]\n", fSeq? "yes": "no" );
564     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
565     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
566     return 1;
567 }
569 /**Function********************************************************************
571   Synopsis    []
573   Description []
575   SideEffects []
577   SeeAlso     []
579 ******************************************************************************/
580 int Acb_CommandCec( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
581 {
582     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc), * pTemp;
583     Gia_Man_t * pFirst, * pSecond, * pMiter;
584     Cec_ParCec_t ParsCec, * pPars = &ParsCec;
585     char * pFileName, * pStr, ** pArgvNew;
586     int c, nArgcNew, fDumpMiter = 0;
587     FILE * pFile;
588     Cec_ManCecSetDefaultParams( pPars );
589     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
590     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "vh" ) ) != EOF )
591     {
592         switch ( c )
593         {
594         case 'v':
595             pPars->fVerbose ^= 1;
596             break;
597         case 'h':
598             goto usage;
599         default:
600             goto usage;
601         }
602     }
603     if ( p == NULL )
604     {
605         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandCec(): There is no current design.\n" );
606         return 0;
607     }
609     pArgvNew = argv + globalUtilOptind;
610     nArgcNew = argc - globalUtilOptind;
611     if ( nArgcNew != 1 )
612     {
613         if ( p->pSpec == NULL )
614         {
615             Abc_Print( -1, "File name is not given on the command line.\n" );
616             return 1;
617         }
618         pFileName = p->pSpec;
619     }
620     else
621         pFileName = pArgvNew[0];
622     // fix the wrong symbol
623     for ( pStr = pFileName; *pStr; pStr++ )
624         if ( *pStr == '>' )
625             *pStr = '\\';
626     if ( (pFile = fopen( pFileName, "r" )) == NULL )
627     {
628         Abc_Print( -1, "Cannot open input file \"%s\". ", pFileName );
629         if ( (pFileName = Extra_FileGetSimilarName( pFileName, ".v", ".blif", NULL, NULL, NULL )) )
630             Abc_Print( 1, "Did you mean \"%s\"?", pFileName );
631         Abc_Print( 1, "\n" );
632         return 1;
633     }
634     fclose( pFile );
636     // extract AIG from the current design
637     pFirst = Acb_ManBlast( p, 0, 0, 0 );
638     if ( pFirst == NULL )
639     {
640         Abc_Print( -1, "Extracting AIG from the current design has failed.\n" );
641         return 0;
642     }
643     // extract AIG from the second design
645     if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "blif" )  )
646         pTemp = Acb_ManReadBlif( pFileName );
647     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "v" )  )
648         pTemp = Acb_ManReadVerilog( pFileName );
649     else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "acb" )  )
650         pTemp = Acb_ManReadCba( pFileName );
651     else assert( 0 );
652     pSecond = Acb_ManBlast( pTemp, 0, 0, 0 );
653     Acb_ManFree( pTemp );
654     if ( pSecond == NULL )
655     {
656         Gia_ManStop( pFirst );
657         Abc_Print( -1, "Extracting AIG from the original design has failed.\n" );
658         return 0;
659     }
660     // compute the miter
661     pMiter = Gia_ManMiter( pFirst, pSecond, 0, 1, 0, 0, pPars->fVerbose );
662     if ( pMiter )
663     {
664         if ( fDumpMiter )
665         {
666             Abc_Print( 0, "The verification miter is written into file \"%s\".\n", "cec_miter.aig" );
667             Gia_AigerWrite( pMiter, "cec_miter.aig", 0, 0, 0 );
668         }
669         pAbc->Status = Cec_ManVerify( pMiter, pPars );
670         //Abc_FrameReplaceCex( pAbc, &pAbc->pGia->pCexComb );
671         Gia_ManStop( pMiter );
672     }
673     Gia_ManStop( pFirst );
674     Gia_ManStop( pSecond );
675     return 0;
676 usage:
677     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @cec [-vh]\n" );
678     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         combinational equivalence checking\n" );
679     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
680     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
681     return 1;
682 }
684 /**Function********************************************************************
686   Synopsis    []
688   Description []
690   SideEffects []
692   SeeAlso     []
694 ******************************************************************************/
695 int Acb_CommandTest( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
696 {
697     Acb_Man_t * p = Acb_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
698     int c, fVerbose  = 0;
699     Extra_UtilGetoptReset();
700     while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "vh" ) ) != EOF )
701     {
702         switch ( c )
703         {
704         case 'v':
705             fVerbose ^= 1;
706             break;
707         case 'h':
708             goto usage;
709         default:
710             goto usage;
711         }
712     }
713     if ( p == NULL )
714     {
715         Abc_Print( 1, "Acb_CommandTest(): There is no current design.\n" );
716         return 0;
717     }
718     return 0;
719 usage:
720     Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @test [-vh]\n" );
721     Abc_Print( -2, "\t         experiments with word-level networks\n" );
722     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v     : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
723     Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h     : print the command usage\n");
724     return 1;
725 }
727 #endif
729 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
730 ///                       END OF FILE                                ///
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