2!     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program
3!     Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt
5!     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7!     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);
10!     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11!     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13!     GNU General Public License for more details.
15!     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16!     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17!     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20!     subroutine to calculate all coupling matrix combinations and gap contributions of p,q for current slave face l and store it into contri.
21!     calculate
22!     \f$ \tilde{B}_d[p,q]=-<\tilde{\Phi}_q,\Psi_p> Id_d\f$ and \f$ \tilde{D}_d \f$.
23!     see Phd-thesis Sitzmann Chapter 4
25!     Author:Saskia Sitzmann
27!     [in] ict               current tie
28!     [in] l                 current slave face
29!     [in] gapmints		(i) gap between slave surface and master surface in integration point i
30!     [in] islavsurf         islavsurf(1,i) slaveface i islavsurf(2,i) pointer into imastsurf and pmastsurf
31!     [in] imastsurf         index of masterface corresponding to integration point i
32!     [in] pmastsurf         field storing position xil, etal and weight for integration point on master side
33!     [out] contr            field containing B_d contributions for current face
34!     [out] iscontr          (i) slave node  of contribution(i)
35!     [out] imcontr          (i) master node of contribution(i)
36!     [out] dcontr            field containing D_d contributions for current face
37!     [out] idcontr1          (i) slave node of contribution(i)
38!     [out] idcontr2          (i) master node of contribution(i)
39!     [out] gcontr            field containing gap contributions for current face
40!     [out] igcontr          (i) nodesf of contribution(i)
41!     [in] pslavsurf         field storing position xil, etal and weight for integration point on slave side
42!     [in] pslavdual         (:,i)coefficients \f$ \alpha_{ij}\f$, \f$ 1,j=1,..8\f$ for dual shape functions for face i
43!     [in] nslavnode	(i)pointer into field isalvnode for contact tie i
44!     [in] islavnode	field storing the nodes of the slave surface
45!     [in] nmastnode	(i)pointer into field imastnode for contact tie i
46!     [in] imastnode	field storing the nodes of the master surfaces
47!     [out] icounter	counter variable for contr
48!     [out] icounter2      	counter variable for dcontr
49!     [in] islavact		(i) indicates, if slave node i is active (=-3 no-slave-node, =-2 no-LM-node, =-1 no-gap-node, =0 inactive node, =1 sticky node, =2 slipping/active node)
50!     [in]  iflagdualquad   flag indicating what mortar contact is used (=1 quad-lin, =2 quad-quad, =3 PG quad-lin, =4 PG quad-quad)
52      subroutine createbd(ict,l,ipkon,kon,lakon,co, vold, gapmints,
53     &     islavsurf,imastsurf,pmastsurf,contr,iscontr,imcontr,
54     &     dcontr,idcontr1,idcontr2,gcontr,igcontr,mi,
55     &     pslavsurf,pslavdual,nslavnode,islavnode,nmastnode,imastnode,
56     &     icounter,icounter2,islavact,iflagdualquad)
58      implicit none
60      logical debug
62      character*8 lakon(*)
64      integer ipkon(*),kon(*),konl(20),iflag,m,l,j,jj,
65     &     indexe,islavsurf(2,*),
66     &     imastsurf(*),ifaces,nelemens,jfaces,ifacem,
67     &     mint2d,indexf,nopes1,nopes2,nodem,nodesf,
68     &     locs,locm,mi(*),ns,mint2dloc1,mint2dloc2,
69     &     ifs,ifm,nope1,nope2, iscontr(*),imcontr(*),getlocno,
70     &     jfacem,nelemenm,icounter,idummy,ifac,idcontr1(*),idcontr2(*),
71     &     igcontr(*),icounter2,nslavnode(*),islavnode(*),ict,id,
72     &     nmastnode(*),imastnode(*),islavact(*),iflagdualquad
74      real*8 pmastsurf(2,*),co(3,*),gapmints(*),
75     &     vold(0:mi(2),*),weight,dx,help,
76     &     ets,xis,etm,xim,xl2s(3,8),xsj2s(3),xsj2s2(3),
77     &     shp2s(7,8),xs2s(3,7),xl2m(3,8),xsj2m(3),shp2m(7,8),xs2m(3,7),
78     &     contribution,pslavsurf(3,*),pslavdual(64,*),contr(*),
79     &     dcontr(*),dcontribution,gcontr(*),gcontribution,
80     &     shp2s2(7,8),xs2s2(3,7)
82      debug=.false.
83      contribution = 0.d0
84      dcontribution = 0.d0
85      gcontribution = 0.d0
86      icounter=0
87      icounter2=0
88      ifaces=islavsurf(1,l)
89      nelemens = int(ifaces/10)
90      jfaces = ifaces - nelemens*10
91      indexe = ipkon(nelemens)
92      ict=ict+1
93      if(debug)write(*,*) 'createbd:l=',l,'tie',ict
94      call getnumberofnodes(nelemens,jfaces,lakon,nope1,nopes1,idummy)
95      mint2d=islavsurf(2,l+1)-islavsurf(2,l)
96      if(mint2d.eq.0) return
97      indexf=islavsurf(2,l)
98      if(debug)write(*,*) 'createbd:mint2d',mint2d
100!     loop over all nodesf of current slave face
102      do j=1,nope1
103        konl(j)=kon(ipkon(nelemens)+j)
104      enddo
105      do m=1,nopes1
106        ifac=getlocno(m,jfaces,nope1)
107        do j=1,3
108          xl2s(j,m)=co(j,konl(ifac))+
109     &         vold(j,konl(ifac))
110        enddo
111      enddo
113      do j=1,nopes1
114        do jj=1,nopes1
115          dcontr(icounter2+nopes1*(j-1)+jj)=0.0
116        enddo
117        gcontr(icounter2+j)=0.0
118      enddo
120      mint2dloc1=1
121      mint2dloc2=1
122      help=0.d0
124!     loop over all integration points created for current slave face
126      do
127        if (mint2dloc2.ge.mint2d) exit
129!     find current master face
131        ifacem=imastsurf(indexf+mint2dloc1)
132        nelemenm= int (ifacem/10);
133        jfacem=ifacem-nelemenm*10
134        call getnumberofnodes(nelemenm,jfacem,lakon,
135     &       nope2,nopes2,idummy)
137!     find number of integration points belonging to master face
139        do
140          if(ifacem.eq.imastsurf(indexf+mint2dloc2+1))then
141            mint2dloc2=mint2dloc2+1
142            if(mint2dloc2.eq.mint2d) exit
143          else
144            exit
145          endif
146        enddo
147        if(debug)write(*,*) 'createbd:MF,loc1, loc2',ifacem,
148     &       mint2dloc1,mint2dloc2
149        help=0.0
150        do m=mint2dloc1,mint2dloc2
151          xis=pslavsurf(1,indexf+m)
152          ets=pslavsurf(2,indexf+m)
153          weight=pslavsurf(3,indexf+m)
154          ns=l
155          iflag = 2
156          if(nopes1.eq.8) then
157            if(iflagdualquad.eq.2 .or. iflagdualquad.eq.4)then
158              call dualshape8qtilde(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,shp2s,
159     &             ns,pslavdual,iflag)
160            else
161              call dualshape8qtilde_lin(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,
162     &             shp2s,ns,pslavdual,iflag)
163            endif
164          elseif(nopes1.eq.4) then
165            call dualshape4q(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,shp2s,ns,
166     &           pslavdual,iflag)
167          elseif(nopes1.eq.6) then
168            if(iflagdualquad.eq.2 .or. iflagdualquad.eq.4)then
169              call dualshape6tritilde(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,shp2s,
170     &             ns,pslavdual,iflag)
171            else
172              call dualshape6tritilde_lin(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,
173     &             shp2s,ns,pslavdual,iflag)
174            endif
175          else
176            call dualshape3tri(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s,xs2s,shp2s,ns,
177     &           pslavdual,iflag)
178          endif
179          if(nopes1.eq.8) then
180            if(iflagdualquad.eq.2 .or. iflagdualquad.eq.4)then
181              call shape8qtilde(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
182     &             shp2s2,iflag)
183            else
184              call shape8qtilde_lin(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
185     &             shp2s2,iflag)
186            endif
187          elseif(nopes1.eq.4) then
188            call shape4q(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
189     &           shp2s2,iflag)
190          elseif(nopes1.eq.6) then
191            if(iflagdualquad.eq.2 .or. iflagdualquad.eq.4)then
192              call shape6tritilde(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
193     &             shp2s2,iflag)
194            else
195              call shape6tritilde_lin(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
196     &             shp2s2,iflag)
197            endif
198          else
199            call shape3tri(xis,ets,xl2s,xsj2s2,xs2s2,
200     &           shp2s2,iflag)
201          endif
202          xim = pmastsurf(1,indexf+m)
203          etm = pmastsurf(2,indexf+m)
205          if(nopes2.eq.8) then
206            call shape8q(xim,etm,xl2m,xsj2m,xs2m,shp2m,iflag)
207          elseif(nopes2.eq.4) then
208            call shape4q(xim,etm,xl2m,xsj2m,xs2m,shp2m,iflag)
209          elseif(nopes2.eq.6) then
210            call shape6tri(xim,etm,xl2m,xsj2m,xs2m,shp2m,iflag)
211          else
212            call shape3tri(xim,etm,xl2m,xsj2m,xs2m,shp2m,iflag)
213          endif
214          if(m.eq.mint2dloc1)then
215            do j=1,nopes1
216              do jj=1,nopes2
217                contr(icounter+nopes2*(j-1)+jj)=0.0
218              enddo
219            enddo
220          endif
221          dx=dsqrt(xsj2s(1)**2+xsj2s(2)**2+xsj2s(3)**2)
222          do j=1,nopes1
223            ifs=getlocno(j,jfaces,nope1)
224            nodesf=kon(ipkon(nelemens)+ifs)
225            locs=j
226            gcontribution=shp2s(4,locs)
227     &           *(gapmints(indexf+m))
228     &           *weight
229     &           *dx
230            gcontr(icounter2+j)=gcontr(icounter2+j)+gcontribution
231            if(m.eq.1)then
232              call nident(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+1),
233     &             nodesf,(nslavnode(ict+1)-nslavnode(ict)),id)
234              if(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+id).eq.nodesf) then
235                igcontr(icounter2+j)=nslavnode(ict)+id
236              else
237                write(*,*)'createbd: node',nodesf
238                write(*,*)'was not catalogued properly in',
239     &               'islavnode'
240                call exit(201)
241              endif
242            endif
243            do jj=1,nopes1
244              ifs=getlocno(jj,jfaces,nope1)
245              nodem=kon(ipkon(nelemens)+ifs)
246              if(m.eq.1)then
247                call nident(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+1),
248     &               nodesf,(nslavnode(ict+1)-nslavnode(ict)),id)
249                if(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+id).eq.nodesf) then
250                  idcontr1(icounter2+nopes1*(j-1)+jj)=
251     &                 nslavnode(ict)+id
252                else
253                  write(*,*)'createbd: node',nodesf
254                  write(*,*)'was not catalogued properly in',
255     &                 'islavnode'
256                  call exit(201)
257                endif
259                call nident(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+1),
260     &               nodem,(nslavnode(ict+1)-nslavnode(ict)),id)
261                if(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+id).eq.nodem) then
262                  idcontr2(icounter2+nopes1*(j-1)+jj)=
263     &                 nslavnode(ict)+id
264                else
265                  write(*,*)'createbd: node',nodem
266                  write(*,*)'was not catalogued properly in',
267     &                 'islavnode'
268                  call exit(201)
269                endif
271              endif
272              dcontribution=shp2s(4,locs)*shp2s2(4,jj)  *weight*dx
273              dcontr(icounter2+nopes1*(j-1)+jj)=
274     &             dcontr(icounter2+nopes1*(j-1)+jj)+dcontribution
275            enddo
276            do jj=1,nopes2
277              ifm=getlocno(jj,jfacem,nope2)
278              nodem=kon(ipkon(nelemenm)+ifm)
279              locm=jj
280              contribution=shp2s(4,locs)*shp2m(4,locm)
281     &             *weight
282     &             *dx
283              contr(icounter+nopes2*(j-1)+jj)=
284     &             contr(icounter+nopes2*(j-1)+jj)+contribution
285              if(m.eq.mint2dloc1)then
286                call nident(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+1),
287     &               nodesf,(nslavnode(ict+1)-nslavnode(ict)),id)
288                if(islavnode(nslavnode(ict)+id).eq.nodesf) then
289                  iscontr(icounter+nopes2*(j-1)+jj)=
290     &                 nslavnode(ict)+id
291                else
292                  write(*,*)'createbd: node',nodesf
293                  write(*,*)'was not catalogued properly in',
294     &                 ' islavnode'
295                  call exit(201)
296                endif
297                call nident(imastnode(nmastnode(ict)+1),
298     &               nodem,(nmastnode(ict+1)-nmastnode(ict)),id)
299                if(imastnode(nmastnode(ict)+id).eq.nodem) then
300                  imcontr(icounter+nopes2*(j-1)+jj)=
301     &                 nmastnode(ict)+id
302                else
303                  write(*,*)'createbd: node',nodem
304                  write(*,*)'was not catalogued properly in',
305     &                 ' imastnode',nmastnode(ict)+id,
306     &                 imastnode(nmastnode(ict)+id),
307     &                 nmastnode(ict)+1,
308     &                 nmastnode(ict+1)
309                  call exit(201)
310                endif
312              endif
313              contribution=0.d0
314            enddo
315          enddo
317        enddo
318        mint2dloc1=mint2dloc2+1
319        mint2dloc2=mint2dloc1
320        icounter=icounter+nopes1*nopes2
321      enddo
322      icounter2=icounter2+nopes1*nopes1
324      debug=.false.
325      if(debug )then
326        write(*,*) 'createbd: gcontri,idcontr',l
327        do j=1, nopes1
328          write(*,*) gcontr(j),igcontr(j),islavact(igcontr(j))
329        enddo
330      endif
331      ict=ict-1
332      return
333      end