2!     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program
3!              Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt
5!     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7!     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);
10!     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11!     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13!     GNU General Public License for more details.
15!     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16!     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17!     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19      subroutine resultsmech_us3(co,kon,ipkon,lakon,ne,v,
20     &  stx,elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,alzero,
21     &  ielmat,ielorien,norien,orab,ntmat_,t0,t1,ithermal,prestr,
22     &  iprestr,eme,iperturb,fn,iout,qa,vold,nmethod,
23     &  veold,dtime,time,ttime,plicon,nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,
24     &  xstateini,xstiff,xstate,npmat_,matname,mi,ielas,icmd,
25     &  ncmat_,nstate_,stiini,vini,ener,eei,enerini,istep,iinc,
26     &  reltime,calcul_fn,calcul_qa,calcul_cauchy,nener,
27     &  ikin,nal,ne0,thicke,emeini,i,ielprop,prop,t0g,t1g)
29!     calculates nal,qa,fn,xstiff,ener,eme,eei,stx for user element 1
31!     This is a beam type element. Reference:
32!     Yunhua Luo, An Efficient 3D Timoshenko Beam Element with
33!     Consistent Shape Functions, Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech., Vol. 1,
34!     2008, no. 3, 95-106
37!     special case for which the beam axis goes through the
38!     center of gravity of the cross section and the 1-direction
39!     corresponds with a principal axis
41!     note that the strain components are Lagrange strain components,
42!     the stress components are Piola-Kirchhoff components of the
43!     second kind. For linear geometric calculations the strains
44!     reduce to the infinitesimal strains
47!     INPUT:
49!     co(1..3,i)         coordinates of node i
50!     kon(*)             contains the topology of all elements. The
51!                        topology of element i starts at kon(ipkon(i)+1)
52!                        and continues until all nodes are covered. The
53!                        number of nodes depends on the element label
54!     ipkon(i)           points to the location in field kon preceding
55!                        the topology of element i
56!     lakon(i)           label of element i (character*8)
57!     ne                 highest element number in the mesh
58!     v(0..mi(2),i)      value of the variables in node i at the end
59!                        of the present iteration
60!     elcon              elastic constants (cf. List of variables and
61!                        their meaning in the User's Manual)
62!     nelcon             integers describing the elastic constant fields
63!                        (cf. User's Manual)
64!     rhcon              density constants (cf. User's Manual)
65!     nrhcon             integers describing the density constant fields
66!                        (cf. User's Manual)
67!     alcon              thermal expansion constants (cf. User's Manual)
68!     nalcon             integers describing the thermal expansion
69!                        constants (cf. User's Manual)
70!     alzero             thermal expansion reference values (cf. User's Manual)
71!     ielmat(i)          material for element i
72!     ielorien(i)        orientation for element i
73!     norien             number of orientations
74!     orab(7,*)          description of all local coordinate systems.
75!                        (cf. List of variables and their meaning in the
76!                        User's manual)
77!     ntmat_             maximum number of material temperature points
78!     t0(i)              temperature in node i at start of calculation
79!     t1(i)              temperature in node i at the end of the current
80!                        increment
81!     ithermal(1..2)     cf. List of variables and
82!                        their meaning in the User's Manual
83!     prestr(i,j,k)      residual stress component i in integration point j
84!                        of element k
85!     iprestr            if 0: no residual stresses
86!                        else: residual stresses
87!     iperturb(*)        describes the kind of nonlinearity of the
88!                        calculation, cf. User's Manual
89!     iout               if -2: v is assumed to be known and is used to
90!                               calculate strains, stresses..., no result output
91!                               corresponds to iout=-1 with in addition the
92!                               calculation of the internal energy density
93!                        if -1: v is assumed to be known and is used to
94!                               calculate strains, stresses..., no result
95!                               output; is used to take changes in SPC's and
96!                               MPC's at the start of a new increment or
97!                               iteration into account
98!                        if 0: v is calculated from the system solution
99!                              and strains, stresses.. are calculated,
100!                              no result output
101!                        if 1: v is calculated from the system solution and
102!                              strains, stresses.. are calculated, requested
103!                              results output
104!                        if 2: v is assumed to be known and is used to
105!                              calculate strains, stresses..., requested
106!                              results output
107!     vold(0..mi(2),i)   value of the variables in node i at the end
108!                        of the previous iteration
109!     nmethod            procedure:
110!                        1: static analysis
111!                        2: frequency analysis
112!                        3: buckling analysis
113!                        4: (linear or nonlinear) dynamic analysis
114!                        5: steady state dynamics analysis
115!                        6: Coriolis frequency calculation
116!                        7: flutter frequency calculation
117!                        8:  magnetostatics
118!                        9:  magnetodynamics
119!                        10: electromagnetic eigenvalue problems
120!                        11: superelement creation or Green function
121!                            calculation
122!                        12: sensitivity analysis
123!     veold(j,i)         time rate of variable j in node i at the end
124!                        of the previous iteration
125!     dtime              length of present time increment
126!     time               step time at the end of the present increment
127!     ttime              total time at the start of the present increment
128!     plicon,nplicon     fields describing isotropic hardening of
129!                        a plastic material or spring constants of
130!                        a nonlinear spring (cf. User's Manual)
131!     plkcon,nplkcon     fields describing kinematic hardening of
132!                        a plastic material or gap conductance
133!                        constants (cf. User's Manual)
134!     xstateini(i,j,k)   state variable component i in integration point j
135!                        of element k at the start of the present increment
136!     xstate(i,j,k)      state variable component i in integration point j
137!                        of element k at the end of the present increment
138!     npmat_             maximum number of plastic constants
139!     matname(i)         name of material i
140!     mi(1)              max # of integration points per element (max
141!                        over all elements)
142!     mi(2)              max degree of freedom per node (max over all
143!                        nodes) in fields like v(0:mi(2))...
144!     mi(3)              max number of layers in the structure
145!     ielas              0: no elastic iteration: irreversible effects
146!                        are allowed
147!                        1: elastic iteration, i.e. no irreversible
148!                           deformation allowed
149!     icmd               not equal to 3: calculate stress and stiffness
150!                        3: calculate only stress
151!     ncmat_             max number of elastic constants
152!     nstate_            max number of state variables in any integration
153!                        point
154!     stiini(i,j,k)      stress component i in integration point j
155!                        of element k at the start of the present
156!                        increment (= end of last increment)
157!     vini(0..mi(2),i)   value of the variables in node i at the start
158!                        of the present increment
159!     enerini(j,k)       internal energy density at integration point j
160!                        of element k at the start of the present increment
161!     istep              current step number
162!     iinc               current increment number within the actual step
163!     reltime            relative step time (between 0 and 1)
164!     calcul_fn          if 0: no nodal forces have to be calculated
165!                        else: nodal forces are required on output
166!     calcul_qa          if 0: no mean forces have to be calculated
167!                        else: mean forces are required on output
168!     calcul_cauchy      if 0: no Cauchy stresses are required
169!                        else: Cauchy stresses are required on output: have
170!                              to be calculated from the PK2 stresses
171!     nener              if 0: internal energy calculation is not required
172!                        else: internal energy is required on output
173!     ikin               if 0: kinetic energy calculation is not requred
174!                        else: kinetic energy is required on output
175!     ne0                largest element number without contact elements (are
176!                        stored after all other elements)
177!     thicke(j,i)        layer thickness for layer j in element i
178!     emeini(i,j,k)      mechanical strain component i in integration point j
179!                        of element k at the start of the present increment
180!     i                  actual element at stake
181!     ielprop(i)         points to the location in field prop preceding
182!                        the properties of element i
183!     prop(*)            contains the properties and some beam
184!                        elements (cf. User's Manual)
187!     OUTPUT:
189!     stx(i,j,k)         stress component i in integration point j
190!                        of element k at the end of the present
191!                        iteration
192!     eme(i,j,k)         mechanical strain component i in integration point j
193!                        of element k at the end of the present iteration
194!     fn(j,i)            nodal force component j in node i
195!     qa(1..4)           qa(1): average force
196!                        qa(2): average flux
197!                        ... cf. User's Manual
198!     xstiff(i,j,k)      stiffness (i=1...21) and conductivity
199!                        (i=22..27) constants in integration point j
200!                        of element k
201!     ener(j,k)          internal energy density at integration point j
202!                        of element k at the end of the present increment
203!     eei(i,j,k)         total strain component i in integration point j
204!                        of element k at the end of the present iteration
205!     nal                number of nodal force contributions
207      implicit none
208      !
209      character*8 lakon(*)
210      character*80 amat,matname(*)
211      !
212      integer kon(*),konl(26),mi(*),
213     &  nelcon(2,*),nrhcon(*),nalcon(2,*),ielmat(mi(3),*),
214     &  ielorien(mi(3),*),ntmat_,ipkon(*),ne0,nelem,
215     &  istep,iinc,ne,mattyp,ithermal(*),iprestr,i,j,k,m1,m2,jj,
216     &  i1,kk,nener,indexe,nope,norien,iperturb(*),iout,
217     &  nal,icmd,ihyper,nmethod,kode,imat,iorien,ielas,
218     &  istiff,ncmat_,nstate_,ikin,ielprop(*),
219     &  nplicon(0:ntmat_,*),nplkcon(0:ntmat_,*),npmat_,calcul_fn,
220     &  calcul_cauchy,calcul_qa,index,node,jjj,j1,j2
221     !
222      real*8 co(3,*),v(0:mi(2),*),stiini(6,mi(1),*),
223     &  stx(6,mi(1),*),xl(3,26),vl(0:mi(2),26),stre(6),prop(*),
224     &  elcon(0:ncmat_,ntmat_,*),rhcon(0:1,ntmat_,*),
225     &  alcon(0:6,ntmat_,*),vini(0:mi(2),*),q1,
226     &  alzero(*),orab(7,*),elas(21),rho,fn(0:mi(2),*),
227     &  q(0:mi(2),26),t0(*),t1(*),prestr(6,mi(1),*),eme(6,mi(1),*),
228     &  vold(0:mi(2),*),eloc(9),elconloc(21),eth(6),coords(3),
229     &  ener(mi(1),*),emec(6),eei(6,mi(1),*),enerini(mi(1),*),
230     &  veold(0:mi(2),*),e,un,um,tt,dl,qa(*),t0l,t1l,dtime,time,ttime,
231     &  plicon(0:2*npmat_,ntmat_,*),plkcon(0:2*npmat_,ntmat_,*),
232     &  xstiff(27,mi(1),*),xstate(nstate_,mi(1),*),plconloc(802),
233     &  xstateini(nstate_,mi(1),*),tm(3,3),a,reltime,kap,
234     &  thicke(mi(3),*),emeini(6,mi(1),*),aly,alz,bey,bez,xi(2),
235     &  vlp(6,2),aa,Bs(2,18),Bb(3,18),Bm(3,18),tau(2),Smf(3),
236     &  h,xg(3,3),x(3,3),ushell(18),fintg(18),ueg(18),pgauss(3),
237     &  Ds(2,2),Qs(2,2),Qin(3,3),Dm(3,3),Db(3,3),temp_grad0,
238     &  Kp(18,18),Km(18,18),tmg(18,18),Kshell(18,18),
239     &  alp(3),temp_grad,thick_gp(2),ftherm(18),beta(6),
240     &  d3,Ae,tmt(3,3),Ys(2),Emf(3),gpthick(3,2),
241     &  Ethm(3),Ethf(3),Em(3),Ef(3),alph6(6),t0g(2,*),t1g(2,*),
242     &  Dsi(2,2),Dmi(3,3),Dbi(3,3),di,dett,dettt
243      !
244      nope = 3
245      !
246      Bs(:,:) = 0.d0
247      Bb(:,:) = 0.d0
248      Bm(:,:) = 0.d0
249      beta(:) = 0.d0
250      !
251      gpthick(1,1) = +1.d0
252      gpthick(2,1) =  0.d0
253      gpthick(3,1) = -1.d0
254      gpthick(1,2) = 2.d0/6.d0
255      gpthick(2,2) = 8.d0/6.d0
256      gpthick(3,2) = 2.d0/6.d0
257      !
259      !
260      di = 1.d0/3.d0
261      !
262      indexe=ipkon(i)
263      !
264      ! properties of the shell section
265      !
266      index = ielprop(i)
267      h = prop(index+1)
268      dett  = h/2.d0
269      dettt = h**3/8.d0
270      !
271      ! material and orientation
272      !
273      imat   = ielmat(1,i)
274      amat   = matname(imat)
275      !
276       if(norien.gt.0) then
277          iorien = max(0,ielorien(1,i))
278       else
279          iorien = 0
280       endif
281       !
282       if(nelcon(1,imat).lt.0) then
283          ihyper = 1
284       else
285          ihyper = 0
286       endif
287      !
288      kode = nelcon(1,imat)
289      !
290      if(kode.eq.2) then
291         mattyp=1
292      else
293         mattyp=0
294      endif
295      !
296      !     computation of the coordinates and displacements of the local nodes
297      !
298      ! vl: u,v,w,rx,ry,rz
299      do k = 1,nope
300        konl(k) = kon(indexe+k)
301        do j = 1,3
302          xg(k,j)   = co(j,konl(k))  ! global coordinates element nodes
303	      vl(j,k)   = v(j,konl(k))   ! uvw
304          vl(j+3,k) = v(j+3,konl(k)) ! rxyz
305        enddo
306      enddo
308!     gp temp gradient based nodal gradients
309      if(ithermal(1).ne.0) then
310        temp_grad  = (t1g(1,konl(1))+t1g(1,konl(2))+t1g(1,konl(3)))*di
311        temp_grad0 = (t0g(1,konl(1))+t0g(1,konl(2))+t0g(1,konl(3)))*di
312      endif
313      !
314      ! e0-frame base tm (3x3) -> tmg (18x18)
315      call us3_csys(xg,tm,tmg)  ! | call us3_csys_cr(xg,tm,tmg)
316      call us3_xu(x,ushell,ueg,xg,tm,vl(1:6,1:3))  ! coords,displ in e0-frame & global displ
317      !
318      !  stress and strains
319      !
320      call us3_Bs(x,Bs) ! constant
321      call us3_Bb(x(:,1),x(:,2),Bb) ! constant
322      !
323      Dm(:,:) = 0.d0
324      Db(:,:) = 0.d0
325      Ds(:,:) = 0.d0
326      !
327      do jjj = 1,3  ! ----  start loop gauß points ----
328        !
329        ! natural coordinates z-dirc. -1,0,1
330        !
331        if(jjj.eq.1) then
332          aa = -0.5d0*h
333        elseif(jjj.eq.2) then
334          aa = 0.d0
335        else
336          aa = 0.5d0*h
337        endif
338        !
339        if(ithermal(1).ne.0) then
340          t0l = (t0(konl(1))+t0(konl(2))+t0(konl(3)))/3.d0
341     &         +temp_grad0*aa
342          t1l = (t1(konl(1))+t1(konl(2))+t1(konl(3)))/3.d0
343     &         +temp_grad*aa
344        endif
345        !
346        istiff = 0
347        call us3_materialdata_me(elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,
348     &           nalcon,imat,amat,iorien,pgauss,orab,ntmat_,
349     &           elas,rho,i,ithermal,alzero,mattyp,t0l,t1l,ihyper,
350     &           istiff,elconloc,eth,kode,plicon,nplicon,
351     &           plkcon,nplkcon,npmat_,plconloc,mi(1),dtime,jjj,
352     &           xstiff,ncmat_)
353        !
354        if(mattyp.eq.1) then
355          e   = elas(1)
356          un  = elas(2)
357          rho = rhcon(1,1,imat)
358          alp(1) = eth(1) !alcon(1,1,imat)
359          alp(2) = eth(1) !alcon(1,1,imat)
360          alp(3) = 0.d0
361        elseif(mattyp.eq.2) then
362          write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_US3: no orthotropic material'
363          write(*,*) '       calculation for this type of element'
364          call exit(201)
365        else
366          write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_US3: no anisotropic material'
367          write(*,*) '       calculation for this type of element'
368          call exit(201)
369        endif
370        !
371        call us3_linel_Qi(e,un,Qin,Qs)
372        Dm = Dm + Qin*gpthick(jjj,2)*dett
373        Db = Db + Qin*((gpthick(jjj,1))**2)*gpthick(jjj,2)*dettt
374        Ds = Ds + Qs*gpthick(jjj,2)*dett
375        !
376        !  save elastic constants in xstff -> e_c3d_us3
377        !
378        ! material data; for linear elastic materials
379        ! this includes the calculation of the stiffness
380        ! matrix
381        kode = 2
382        call linel(kode,mattyp,beta,eme,stre,elas,elconloc,
383     &  iorien,orab,pgauss)
384        do m1=1,21
385          xstiff(m1,jjj,i) = elas(m1) ! elas for each gp saved in xstiff
386        enddo
387        !
388        call bm_ANDES(x,Bm,Qin,h,di,di)
389        !
390        ! Total strains
391        !
392        Ys  = matmul(Bs,ushell)
393        Em  = matmul(Bm,ushell)
394        Ef  = aa*(matmul(Bb,ushell))
395        Emf = Em + Ef
396        !
397        ! -> eei total strains out
398        !
399        if((iout.gt.0).or.(iout.eq.-2).or.(kode.le.-100)) then
400          eei(1,jjj,i)  = Emf(1)
401          eei(2,jjj,i) = Emf(2)
402          eei(3,jjj,i) = 0.d0
403          eei(4,jjj,i) = Emf(3)
404          eei(5,jjj,i) = Ys(2)
405          eei(6,jjj,i) = Ys(1)
406        endif
407        !
408        if(ithermal(1).ne.0) then
409          t0l = (t0(konl(1))+t0(konl(2))+t0(konl(3)))/3.d0+temp_grad0*aa
410          t1l = (t1(konl(1))+t1(konl(2))+t1(konl(3)))/3.d0+temp_grad*aa
411          !
412          Ethm = alp*(t1l-t0l)  ! mem
413          Ethf = alp*(temp_grad-temp_grad0)*aa  ! bend.
414          Emf = Emf-(Ethf+Ethm)
415        endif
416        !
417        ! mechanical strains
418        !
419        eme(1,jjj,i) = Emf(1)
420        eme(2,jjj,i) = Emf(2)
421        eme(3,jjj,i) = 0.d0
422        eme(4,jjj,i) = Emf(3)
423        eme(5,jjj,i) = Ys(2)
424        eme(6,jjj,i) = Ys(1)
425        !
426        Smf = matmul(Qin,Emf)
427        tau = matmul(Qs,Ys)
428        !
429        stx(1,jjj,i) = Smf(1)   ! sxx
430        stx(2,jjj,i) = Smf(2)   ! syy
431        stx(3,jjj,i) = 0.d0     ! szz
432        stx(4,jjj,i) = Smf(3)   ! txy
433        stx(5,jjj,i) = tau(1)   ! tyz
434        stx(6,jjj,i) = tau(2)   ! txz
435        !
436        stre(1) = Smf(1)   ! sxx
437        stre(2) = Smf(2)   ! syy
438        stre(3) = 0.d0     ! szz
439        stre(4) = Smf(3)   ! txy
440        stre(5) = tau(1)   ! tyz
441        stre(6) = tau(2)   ! txz
442        !
443      enddo  ! ----  end loop gauß points ----
444      !
445      ! Thermal loads
446      !
447      if(ithermal(1).ne.0) then
448        !
449        call us3_ae(x,Ae) ! element area
450        ftherm(:) = 0.d0
451        !
452        do k = 1,3
453          !
454          t0l = ((t0(1)+t0(2)+t0(3))/3.d0)!+temp_grad0*0.5*h*gpthick(k,1)
455          t1l = ((t1(1)+t1(2)+t1(3))/3.d0)!+temp_grad*0.5*h*gpthick(k,1)
456          !
457          istiff=1
458          call us3_materialdata_me(elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,
459     &     nalcon,imat,amat,iorien,coords,orab,ntmat_,elas,rho,
460     &     i,ithermal,alzero,mattyp,t0l,t1l,
461     &     ihyper,istiff,elconloc,eth,kode,plicon,
462     &     nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,npmat_,
463     &     plconloc,mi(1),dtime,k,
464     &     xstiff,alcon)
465          e     = elas(1)
466          un    = elas(2)
467          rho   = rhcon(1,1,imat)
468          alp(1) = eth(1)!alcon(1,1,imat)
469          alp(2) = eth(2)!alcon(1,1,imat)
470          alp(3) = 0.d0
471          !
472          call us3_linel_Qi(e,un,Qin,Qs)
473          !
474          ftherm=ftherm-matmul(matmul(transpose(Bm),Qin),alp)
475     &     *(t1l-t0l)*Ae*gpthick(k,2)*dett
476          ftherm=ftherm-matmul(matmul(transpose(Bb),Qin) ,alp)*
477     &    (temp_grad-temp_grad0)*Ae*(gpthick(k,1)**2)*dettt*gpthick(k,2)
478        enddo
479!         t0l = ((t0(1)-t0(2)-t0(3))/3.d0)!+temp_grad0*0.5*h*g_p(k,1)
480!         t1l = ((t1(1)+t1(2)+t1(3))/3.d0)!+temp_grad*0.5*h*g_p(k,1)
481!         ftherm=ftherm-matmul(matmul(transpose(Bm),Dm),alp)
482!      &     *(t1l-t0l)*Ae
483!         ftherm=ftherm-matmul(matmul(transpose(Bb),Db)
484!      &     ,alp)*(temp_grad-temp_grad0)*Ae*h
485        do k = 1,nope
486          konl(k) = kon(indexe+k)
487          do j = 1,3
488            fn(j,konl(k))   = fn(j,konl(k))  +ftherm(j+(k-1)*6)    ! f_th
489            fn(j+3,konl(k)) = fn(j+3,konl(k))+ftherm(j+3+(k-1)*6)  ! r_th
490          enddo
491        enddo
492      endif
493      !
494      ! Internal forces based on displacments
495      !
496      if(calcul_fn.eq.1)then
497        !
498        !   stiffness matirx (6 dofs 3 nodes -> 18x18)
499        !
500        call us3_Kp(x,Db,Ds,Kp) ! plate part (CS-DSG) - in e0-frame
501        call us3_Km(x,Km,Dm/h,h) ! membrane part (ANDES) - in e0-frame
502        !
503        Kshell = matmul(matmul(transpose(tmg),(Km+Kp)),tmg)
504        fintg  = matmul(Kshell,ueg)
505        do k = 1,nope
506          konl(k) = kon(indexe+k)
507          do j = 1,3
508            fn(j,konl(k))   = fn(j,konl(k))  +fintg(j+(k-1)*6)    ! fi
509            fn(j+3,konl(k)) = fn(j+3,konl(k))+fintg(j+3+(k-1)*6)  ! ri
510          enddo
511        enddo
512      endif
513      !
514      !
515      !     q contains the contributions to the nodal force in the nodes
516      !     belonging to the element at stake from other elements (elements
517      !     already treated). These contributions have to be
518      !     subtracted to get the contributions attributable to the element
519      !     at stake only
520      !
521      if(calcul_qa.eq.1) then
522        do m1=1,nope
523          do m2=1,3
524            qa(1)=qa(1)+dabs(fn(m2,konl(m1))-q(m2,m1))
525          enddo
526        enddo
527        nal=nal+3*nope
528      endif
529      !
530      return
531      end