1 //Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
2 //CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
4 #include "SubDivCube.h"
6 #include <functional>
8 #include "../sliceDataStorage.h"
9 #include "../settings/types/AngleRadians.h" //For the infill angle.
10 #include "../utils/math.h"
11 #include "../utils/polygonUtils.h"
13 #define ONE_OVER_SQRT_2 0.7071067811865475244008443621048490392848359376884740 //1 / sqrt(2)
14 #define ONE_OVER_SQRT_3 0.577350269189625764509148780501957455647601751270126876018 //1 / sqrt(3)
15 #define ONE_OVER_SQRT_6 0.408248290463863016366214012450981898660991246776111688072 //1 / sqrt(6)
16 #define SQRT_TWO_THIRD 0.816496580927726032732428024901963797321982493552223376144 //sqrt(2 / 3)
18 namespace cura
19 {
21 std::vector<SubDivCube::CubeProperties> SubDivCube::cube_properties_per_recursion_step;
22 coord_t SubDivCube::radius_addition = 0;
23 Point3Matrix SubDivCube::rotation_matrix;
24 PointMatrix SubDivCube::infill_rotation_matrix;
~SubDivCube()26 SubDivCube::~SubDivCube()
27 {
28     for (int child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++)
29     {
30         if (children[child_idx])
31         {
32             delete children[child_idx];
33         }
34     }
35 }
precomputeOctree(SliceMeshStorage & mesh,const Point & infill_origin)37 void SubDivCube::precomputeOctree(SliceMeshStorage& mesh, const Point& infill_origin)
38 {
39     radius_addition = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("sub_div_rad_add");
41     // if infill_angles is not empty use the first value, otherwise use 0
42     const std::vector<AngleDegrees> infill_angles = mesh.settings.get<std::vector<AngleDegrees>>("infill_angles");
43     const AngleDegrees infill_angle = (!infill_angles.empty()) ? infill_angles[0] : AngleDegrees(0);
45     const coord_t furthest_dist_from_origin = std::sqrt(square(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("machine_height")) + square(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("machine_depth") / 2) + square(mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("machine_width") / 2));
46     const coord_t max_side_length = furthest_dist_from_origin * 2;
48     size_t curr_recursion_depth = 0;
49     const coord_t infill_line_distance = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("infill_line_distance");
50     if (infill_line_distance > 0)
51     {
52         for (coord_t curr_side_length = infill_line_distance * 2; curr_side_length < max_side_length * 2; curr_side_length *= 2)
53         {
54             cube_properties_per_recursion_step.emplace_back();
55             CubeProperties& cube_properties_here = cube_properties_per_recursion_step.back();
56             cube_properties_here.side_length = curr_side_length;
57             cube_properties_here.height = sqrt(3) * curr_side_length;
58             cube_properties_here.square_height = sqrt(2) * curr_side_length;
59             cube_properties_here.max_draw_z_diff = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3 * curr_side_length;
60             cube_properties_here.max_line_offset = ONE_OVER_SQRT_6 * curr_side_length;
61             curr_recursion_depth++;
62         }
63     }
64     Point3 center(infill_origin.X, infill_origin.Y, 0);
66     Point3Matrix tilt; // rotation matrix to get from axis aligned cubes to cubes standing on their tip
67     // The Z axis is transformed to go in positive Y direction
68     //
69     //  cross section in a horizontal plane      horizontal plane showing
70     //  looking down at the origin O             positive X and positive Y
71     //                 Z                                                        .
72     //                /:\                              Y                        .
73     //               / : \                             ^                        .
74     //              /  :  \                            |                        .
75     //             /  .O.  \                           |                        .
76     //            /.~'   '~.\                          O---->X                  .
77     //          X """"""""""" Y                                                 .
78     tilt.matrix[0] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_2;  tilt.matrix[1] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_2; tilt.matrix[2] = 0;
79     tilt.matrix[3] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_6; tilt.matrix[4] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_6; tilt.matrix[5] = SQRT_TWO_THIRD ;
80     tilt.matrix[6] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;  tilt.matrix[7] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;  tilt.matrix[8] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;
82     infill_rotation_matrix = PointMatrix(infill_angle);
83     Point3Matrix infill_angle_mat(infill_rotation_matrix);
85     rotation_matrix = infill_angle_mat.compose(tilt);
87     mesh.base_subdiv_cube = new SubDivCube(mesh, center, curr_recursion_depth - 1);
88 }
generateSubdivisionLines(const coord_t z,Polygons & result)90 void SubDivCube::generateSubdivisionLines(const coord_t z, Polygons& result)
91 {
92     if (cube_properties_per_recursion_step.empty()) //Infill is set to 0%.
93     {
94         return;
95     }
96     Polygons directional_line_groups[3];
98     generateSubdivisionLines(z, result, directional_line_groups);
100     for (int dir_idx = 0; dir_idx < 3; dir_idx++)
101     {
102         Polygons& line_group = directional_line_groups[dir_idx];
103         for (unsigned int line_idx = 0; line_idx < line_group.size(); line_idx++)
104         {
105             result.addLine(line_group[line_idx][0], line_group[line_idx][1]);
106         }
107     }
108 }
generateSubdivisionLines(const coord_t z,Polygons & result,Polygons (& directional_line_groups)[3])110 void SubDivCube::generateSubdivisionLines(const coord_t z, Polygons& result, Polygons (&directional_line_groups)[3])
111 {
112     CubeProperties cube_properties = cube_properties_per_recursion_step[depth];
114     const coord_t z_diff = std::abs(z - center.z); //!< the difference between the cube center and the target layer.
115     if (z_diff > cube_properties.height / 2) //!< this cube does not touch the target layer. Early exit.
116     {
117         return;
118     }
119     if (z_diff < cube_properties.max_draw_z_diff) //!< this cube has lines that need to be drawn.
120     {
121         Point relative_a, relative_b; //!< relative coordinates of line endpoints around cube center
122         Point a, b; //!< absolute coordinates of line endpoints
123         relative_a.X = (cube_properties.square_height / 2) * (cube_properties.max_draw_z_diff - z_diff) / cube_properties.max_draw_z_diff;
124         relative_b.X = -relative_a.X;
125         relative_a.Y = cube_properties.max_line_offset - ((z - (center.z - cube_properties.max_draw_z_diff)) * ONE_OVER_SQRT_2);
126         relative_b.Y = relative_a.Y;
127         rotatePointInitial(relative_a);
128         rotatePointInitial(relative_b);
129         for (int dir_idx = 0; dir_idx < 3; dir_idx++)//!< draw the line, then rotate 120 degrees.
130         {
131             a.X = center.x + relative_a.X;
132             a.Y = center.y + relative_a.Y;
133             b.X = center.x + relative_b.X;
134             b.Y = center.y + relative_b.Y;
135             addLineAndCombine(directional_line_groups[dir_idx], a, b);
136             if (dir_idx < 2)
137             {
138                 rotatePoint120(relative_a);
139                 rotatePoint120(relative_b);
140             }
141         }
142     }
143     for (int idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++) //!< draws the eight children
144     {
145         if (children[idx] != nullptr)
146         {
147             children[idx]->generateSubdivisionLines(z, result, directional_line_groups);
148         }
149     }
150 }
SubDivCube(SliceMeshStorage & mesh,Point3 & center,size_t depth)152 SubDivCube::SubDivCube(SliceMeshStorage& mesh, Point3& center, size_t depth)
153 {
154     this->depth = depth;
155     this->center = center;
157     if (depth == 0) // lowest layer, no need for subdivision, exit.
158     {
159         return;
160     }
161     if (depth >= cube_properties_per_recursion_step.size()) //Depth is out of bounds of what we pre-computed.
162     {
163         return;
164     }
166     CubeProperties cube_properties = cube_properties_per_recursion_step[depth];
167     Point3 child_center;
168     coord_t radius = double(cube_properties.height) / 4.0 + radius_addition;
170     int child_nr = 0;
171     std::vector<Point3> rel_child_centers;
172     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(1, 1, 1); // top
173     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(-1, 1, 1); // top three
174     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(1, -1, 1);
175     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(1, 1, -1);
176     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(-1, -1, -1); // bottom
177     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(1, -1, -1); // bottom three
178     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(-1, 1, -1);
179     rel_child_centers.emplace_back(-1, -1, 1);
180     for (Point3 rel_child_center : rel_child_centers)
181     {
182         child_center = center + rotation_matrix.apply(rel_child_center * int32_t(cube_properties.side_length / 4));
183         if (isValidSubdivision(mesh, child_center, radius))
184         {
185             children[child_nr] = new SubDivCube(mesh, child_center, depth - 1);
186             child_nr++;
187         }
188     }
189 }
isValidSubdivision(SliceMeshStorage & mesh,Point3 & center,coord_t radius)191 bool SubDivCube::isValidSubdivision(SliceMeshStorage& mesh, Point3& center, coord_t radius)
192 {
193     coord_t distance2 = 0;
194     coord_t sphere_slice_radius2;//!< squared radius of bounding sphere slice on target layer
195     bool inside_somewhere = false;
196     bool outside_somewhere = false;
197     int inside;
198     Ratio part_dist;//what percentage of the radius the target layer is away from the center along the z axis. 0 - 1
199     const coord_t layer_height = mesh.settings.get<coord_t>("layer_height");
200     int bottom_layer = (center.z - radius) / layer_height;
201     int top_layer = (center.z + radius) / layer_height;
202     for (int test_layer = bottom_layer; test_layer <= top_layer; test_layer += 3) // steps of three. Low-hanging speed gain.
203     {
204         part_dist = static_cast<Ratio>(test_layer * layer_height - center.z) / radius;
205         sphere_slice_radius2 = radius * radius * (1.0 - (part_dist * part_dist));
206         Point loc(center.x, center.y);
208         inside = distanceFromPointToMesh(mesh, test_layer, loc, &distance2);
209         if (inside == 1)
210         {
211             inside_somewhere = true;
212         }
213         else
214         {
215             outside_somewhere = true;
216         }
217         if (outside_somewhere && inside_somewhere)
218         {
219             return true;
220         }
221         if ((inside != 2) && distance2 < sphere_slice_radius2)
222         {
223             return true;
224         }
225     }
226     return false;
227 }
distanceFromPointToMesh(SliceMeshStorage & mesh,const LayerIndex layer_nr,Point & location,coord_t * distance2)229 coord_t SubDivCube::distanceFromPointToMesh(SliceMeshStorage& mesh, const LayerIndex layer_nr, Point& location, coord_t* distance2)
230 {
231     if (layer_nr < 0 || (unsigned int)layer_nr >= mesh.layers.size()) //!< this layer is outside of valid range
232     {
233         return 2;
234         *distance2 = 0;
235     }
236     Polygons& collide = mesh.layers[layer_nr].getInnermostWalls(2, mesh);
237     Point centerpoint = location;
238     bool inside = collide.inside(centerpoint);
239     ClosestPolygonPoint border_point = PolygonUtils::moveInside2(collide, centerpoint);
240     Point diff = border_point.location - location;
241     *distance2 = vSize2(diff);
242     if (inside)
243     {
244         return 1;
245     }
246     return 0;
247 }
rotatePointInitial(Point & target)250 void SubDivCube::rotatePointInitial(Point& target)
251 {
252     target = infill_rotation_matrix.apply(target);
253 }
rotatePoint120(Point & target)255 void SubDivCube::rotatePoint120(Point& target)
256 {
257     //constexpr double sqrt_three_fourths = sqrt(3.0 / 4.0); //TODO: Reactivate once MacOS is upgraded to a more modern compiler.
258 #define sqrt_three_fourths 0.86602540378443864676372317
259     const coord_t x = -0.5 * target.X - sqrt_three_fourths * target.Y;
260     target.Y = -0.5 * target.Y + sqrt_three_fourths * target.X;
261     target.X = x;
262 }
addLineAndCombine(Polygons & group,Point from,Point to)264 void SubDivCube::addLineAndCombine(Polygons& group, Point from, Point to)
265 {
266     int epsilon = 10; // the smallest distance of two points which are viewed as coincident (dist > 0 due to rounding errors)
267     for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < group.size(); idx++)
268     {
269         if (std::abs(from.X - group[idx][1].X) < epsilon && std::abs(from.Y - group[idx][1].Y) < epsilon)
270         {
271             from = group[idx][0];
272             group.remove(idx);
273             idx--;
274             continue;
275         }
276         if (std::abs(to.X - group[idx][0].X) < epsilon && std::abs(to.Y - group[idx][0].Y) < epsilon)
277         {
278             to = group[idx][1];
279             group.remove(idx);
280             idx--;
281             continue;
282         }
283     }
284     group.addLine(from, to);
285 }
287 }//namespace cura