1# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
2# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
4import argparse #To get the source directory from command line arguments.
5import io # To fix encoding issues in Windows
6import os #To find files from the source.
7import os.path #To find files from the source and the destination path.
9cura_files = {"cura", "fdmprinter.def.json", "fdmextruder.def.json"}
10uranium_files = {"uranium"}
12def lionbridge_import(source: str) -> None:
13    """Imports translation files from Lionbridge.
15    Lionbridge has a bit of a weird export feature. It exports it to the same
16    file type as what we imported, so that's a .pot file. However this .pot file
17    only contains the translations, so the header is completely empty. We need
18    to merge those translations into our existing files so that the header is
19    preserved.
20    """
22    print("Importing from:", source)
23    print("Importing to Cura:", destination_cura())
24    print("Importing to Uranium:", destination_uranium())
26    for language in (directory for directory in os.listdir(source) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source, directory))):
27        print("================ Processing language:", language, "================")
28        directory = os.path.join(source, language)
29        for file_pot in (file for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith(".pot")):
30            source_file = file_pot[:-4] #Strip extension.
31            if source_file in cura_files:
32                destination_file = os.path.join(destination_cura(), language.replace("-", "_"), source_file + ".po")
33                print("Merging", source_file, "(Cura) into", destination_file)
34            elif source_file in uranium_files:
35                destination_file = os.path.join(destination_uranium(), language.replace("-", "_"), source_file + ".po")
36                print("Merging", source_file, "(Uranium) into", destination_file)
37            else:
38                raise Exception("Unknown file: " + source_file + "... Is this Cura or Uranium?")
40            with io.open(os.path.join(directory, file_pot), encoding = "utf8") as f:
41                source_str = f.read()
42            with io.open(destination_file, encoding = "utf8") as f:
43                destination_str = f.read()
44            result = merge(source_str, destination_str)
45            with io.open(destination_file, "w", encoding = "utf8") as f:
46                f.write(result)
49def destination_cura() -> str:
50    """Gets the destination path to copy the translations for Cura to.
52    :return: Destination path for Cura.
53    """
54    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "..", "..", "resources", "i18n"))
57def destination_uranium() -> str:
58    """Gets the destination path to copy the translations for Uranium to.
60    :return: Destination path for Uranium.
61    """
62    try:
63        import UM
64    except ImportError:
65        relative_path = os.path.join(__file__, "..", "..", "..", "Uranium", "resources", "i18n", "uranium.pot")
66        absolute_path = os.path.abspath(relative_path)
67        if os.path.exists(absolute_path):
68            absolute_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(absolute_path, ".."))
69            print("Uranium is at:", absolute_path)
70            return absolute_path
71        else:
72            raise Exception("Can't find Uranium. Please put UM on the PYTHONPATH or put the Uranium folder next to the Cura folder. Looked for: " + absolute_path)
73    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(UM.__file__, "..", "..", "resources", "i18n"))
76def merge(source: str, destination: str) -> str:
77    """Merges translations from the source file into the destination file if they
79    were missing in the destination file.
80    :param source: The contents of the source .po file.
81    :param destination: The contents of the destination .po file.
82    """
83    result_lines = []
84    last_destination = {
85        "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
86        "msgid": "\"\"\n",
87        "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
88        "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
89    }
91    current_state = "none"
92    for line in destination.split("\n"):
93        if line.startswith("msgctxt \""):
94            current_state = "msgctxt"
95            line = line[8:]
96            last_destination[current_state] = ""
97        elif line.startswith("msgid \""):
98            current_state = "msgid"
99            line = line[6:]
100            last_destination[current_state] = ""
101        elif line.startswith("msgstr \""):
102            current_state = "msgstr"
103            line = line[7:]
104            last_destination[current_state] = ""
105        elif line.startswith("msgid_plural \""):
106            current_state = "msgid_plural"
107            line = line[13:]
108            last_destination[current_state] = ""
110        if line.startswith("\"") and line.endswith("\""):
111            last_destination[current_state] += line + "\n"
112        else: #White lines or comment lines trigger us to search for the translation in the source file.
113            if last_destination["msgstr"] == "\"\"\n" and last_destination["msgid"] != "\"\"\n": #No translation for this yet!
114                last_destination["msgstr"] = find_translation(source, last_destination["msgctxt"], last_destination["msgid"]) #Actually place the translation in.
115            if last_destination["msgctxt"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgid"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgid_plural"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgstr"] != "\"\"\n":
116                if last_destination["msgctxt"] != "\"\"\n":
117                    result_lines.append("msgctxt {msgctxt}".format(msgctxt = last_destination["msgctxt"][:-1])) #The [:-1] to strip the last newline.
118                result_lines.append("msgid {msgid}".format(msgid = last_destination["msgid"][:-1]))
119                if last_destination["msgid_plural"] != "\"\"\n":
120                    result_lines.append("msgid_plural {msgid_plural}".format(msgid_plural = last_destination["msgid_plural"][:-1]))
121                else:
122                    result_lines.append("msgstr {msgstr}".format(msgstr = last_destination["msgstr"][:-1]))
123            last_destination = {
124                "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
125                "msgid": "\"\"\n",
126                "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
127                "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
128            }
130            result_lines.append(line) #This line itself.
131    return "\n".join(result_lines)
134def find_translation(source: str, msgctxt: str, msgid: str) -> str:
135    """Finds a translation in the source file.
137    :param source: The contents of the source .po file.
138    :param msgctxt: The ctxt of the translation to find.
139    :param msgid: The id of the translation to find.
140    """
141    last_source = {
142        "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
143        "msgid": "\"\"\n",
144        "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
145        "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
146    }
148    current_state = "none"
149    for line in source.split("\n"):
150        if line.startswith("msgctxt \""):
151            current_state = "msgctxt"
152            line = line[8:]
153            last_source[current_state] = ""
154        elif line.startswith("msgid \""):
155            current_state = "msgid"
156            line = line[6:]
157            last_source[current_state] = ""
158        elif line.startswith("msgstr \""):
159            current_state = "msgstr"
160            line = line[7:]
161            last_source[current_state] = ""
162        elif line.startswith("msgid_plural \""):
163            current_state = "msgid_plural"
164            line = line[13:]
165            last_source[current_state] = ""
167        if line.startswith("\"") and line.endswith("\""):
168            last_source[current_state] += line + "\n"
169        else: #White lines trigger us to process this translation. Is it the correct one?
170            #Process the source and destination keys for comparison independent of newline technique.
171            source_ctxt = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in last_source["msgctxt"].split("\n")))
172            source_id = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in last_source["msgid"].split("\n")))
173            dest_ctxt = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in msgctxt.split("\n")))
174            dest_id = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in msgid.split("\n")))
176            if source_ctxt == dest_ctxt and source_id == dest_id:
177                if last_source["msgstr"] == "\"\"\n" and last_source["msgid_plural"] == "\"\"\n":
178                    print("!!! Empty translation for {" + dest_ctxt + "}", dest_id, "!!!")
179                return last_source["msgstr"]
181            last_source = {
182                "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
183                "msgid": "\"\"\n",
184                "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
185                "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
186            }
188    #Still here? Then the entire msgctxt+msgid combination was not found at all.
189    print("!!! Missing translation for {" + msgctxt.strip() + "}", msgid.strip(), "!!!")
190    return "\"\"\n"
192if __name__ == "__main__":
193    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Import translation files from Lionbridge.")
194    argparser.add_argument("source")
195    args = argparser.parse_args()
196    lionbridge_import(args.source)