1--  VHDL parser.
2--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
16with Vhdl.Nodes_Utils; use Vhdl.Nodes_Utils;
17with Vhdl.Tokens; use Vhdl.Tokens;
18with Vhdl.Scanner; use Vhdl.Scanner;
19with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
20with Errorout; use Errorout;
21with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
22with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
23with Flags; use Flags;
24with Vhdl.Parse_Psl;
25with Str_Table;
26with Vhdl.Xrefs;
27with Vhdl.Elocations; use Vhdl.Elocations;
28with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types;
30--  Recursive descendant parser.
31--  Each subprogram (should) parse one production rules.
32--  Rules are written in a comment just before the subprogram.
33--  terminals are written in upper case.
34--  non-terminal are written in lower case.
35--  syntaxic category of a non-terminal are written in upper case.
36--  eg: next_statement ::= [ label : ] NEXT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
37--  Or (|) must be aligned by the previous or, or with the '=' character.
38--  Indentation is 4.
40--  To document what is expected for input and what is left as an output
41--  concerning token stream, a precond and a postcond comment shoud be
42--  added before the above rules.
43--    a token (such as IF or ';') means the current token is this token.
44--    'a token' means the current token was analysed.
45--    'next token' means the current token is to be analysed.
47package body Vhdl.Parse is
49   -- current_token must be valid.
50   -- Leaves a token.
51   function Parse_Primary return Iir_Expression;
52   function Parse_Use_Clause return Iir_Use_Clause;
54   function Parse_Association_List return Iir;
55   function Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis return Iir;
57   function Parse_Sequential_Statements (Parent : Iir) return Iir;
58   function Parse_Configuration_Item return Iir;
59   function Parse_Block_Configuration return Iir_Block_Configuration;
60   procedure Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Parent : Iir);
61   function Parse_Subprogram_Declaration return Iir;
62   function Parse_Subtype_Indication (Name : Iir := Null_Iir) return Iir;
63   function Parse_Subnature_Indication return Iir;
64   function Parse_Interface_List (Ctxt : Interface_Kind_Type; Parent : Iir)
65                                 return Iir;
66   procedure Parse_Component_Specification (Res : Iir);
67   function Parse_Binding_Indication return Iir_Binding_Indication;
68   function Parse_Aggregate return Iir;
69   function Parse_Signature return Iir_Signature;
70   procedure Parse_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir; Package_Parent : Iir);
71   function Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt return Iir;
72   function Parse_Package (Parent : Iir) return Iir;
74   function Parse_Simultaneous_If_Statement (Label : Name_Id;
75                                             Label_Loc : Location_Type;
76                                             If_Loc : Location_Type;
77                                             First_Cond : Iir) return Iir;
78   function Parse_Simultaneous_Case_Statement
79     (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type; Expr : Iir) return Iir;
80   function Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect return Iir;
82   --  Maximum number of nested parenthesis, before generating an error.
83   Max_Parenthesis_Depth : constant Natural := 1000;
85   --  Current number of open parenthesis (in expressions).
86   Parenthesis_Depth : Natural := 0;
88   -- Copy the current location into an iir.
89   procedure Set_Location (Node : Iir) is
90   begin
91      Set_Location (Node, Get_Token_Location);
92   end Set_Location;
94   -- Disp a message during parse
95   -- The location of the current token is automatically displayed before
96   -- the message.
97   procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Arg1 : Earg_Type) is
98   begin
99      Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Errorout.Parse, Get_Token_Coord,
100                  Msg, (1 => Arg1));
101   end Error_Msg_Parse;
103   procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs) is
104   begin
105      Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Errorout.Parse, Get_Token_Coord, Msg, Args);
106   end Error_Msg_Parse;
108   procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Loc : Location_Type;
109                              Msg: String;
110                              Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs) is
111   begin
112      Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Errorout.Parse, +Loc, Msg, Args);
113   end Error_Msg_Parse;
115   procedure Unexpected (Where: String) is
116   begin
117      Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected token %t in a " & Where, +Current_Token);
118   end Unexpected;
120   procedure Expect_Error (Token: Token_Type; Msg: String := "")
121   is
122      Loc : Location_Type;
123   begin
124      case Token is
125         when Tok_Semi_Colon
126           | Tok_Right_Paren
127           | Tok_Comma =>
128            Loc := Get_Prev_Location;
129         when others =>
130            Loc := Get_Token_Location;
131      end case;
133      if Msg'Length > 0 then
134         Report_Start_Group;
135         Error_Msg_Parse (Loc, Msg, Args => No_Eargs);
136         Error_Msg_Parse (Loc, "(found: %t)", (1 => +Current_Token));
137         Report_End_Group;
138      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
139         Error_Msg_Parse (Loc, "%t is expected instead of %i",
140                          (+Token, +Current_Identifier));
141      else
142         Error_Msg_Parse
143           (Loc, "%t is expected instead of %t", (+Token, +Current_Token));
144      end if;
145   end Expect_Error;
147   --  Emit an error if the current_token if different from TOKEN.
148   --  Otherwise, accept the current_token (ie set it to tok_invalid, unless
149   --  TOKEN is Tok_Identifier).
150   procedure Expect (Token: Token_Type; Msg: String := "") is
151   begin
152      if Current_Token /= Token then
153         Expect_Error (Token, Msg);
154      end if;
155   end Expect;
157   procedure Expect_Scan (Token: Token_Type; Msg: String := "") is
158   begin
159      if Current_Token = Token then
160         --  Skip token.
161         Scan;
162      else
163         Expect_Error (Token, Msg);
164      end if;
165   end Expect_Scan;
167   --  Expect the identifier for node RES.
168   procedure Scan_Identifier (Res : Iir) is
169   begin
170      Set_Location (Res);
171      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
172         Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
174         --  Skip identifier.
175         Scan;
176      else
177         Expect (Tok_Identifier);
178      end if;
179   end Scan_Identifier;
181   --  If the current_token is an identifier, it must be equal to name.
182   --  In this case, a token is eaten.
183   --  If the current_token is not an identifier, this is a noop.
184   procedure Check_End_Name (Name : Name_Id; Decl : Iir) is
185   begin
186      if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
187         return;
188      end if;
189      if Name = Null_Identifier then
190         Error_Msg_Parse
191           ("end label for an unlabeled declaration or statement");
192      else
193         if Current_Identifier /= Name then
194            Error_Msg_Parse ("misspelling, %i expected", +Name);
195         else
196            Set_End_Has_Identifier (Decl, True);
197            Xrefs.Xref_End (Get_Token_Location, Decl);
198         end if;
199      end if;
201      --  Skip identifier.
202      Scan;
203   end Check_End_Name;
205   procedure Check_End_Name (Decl : Iir) is
206   begin
207      Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Decl);
208   end Check_End_Name;
210   --  Skip the reserved identifier after 'end'.
211   procedure Scan_End_Token (Tok : Token_Type; Decl : Iir) is
212   begin
213      if Current_Token /= Tok then
214         Error_Msg_Parse ("""end"" must be followed by %t", +Tok);
215         case Current_Token is
216            when Tok_If
217              | Tok_Loop
218              | Tok_Case
219              | Tok_Process =>
220               --  Mismatching token.
221               Scan;
222            when others =>
223               null;
224         end case;
225      else
226         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Decl, True);
228         --  Skip tok.
229         Scan;
230      end if;
231   end Scan_End_Token;
233   --  Expect ' END tok [ name ] ; '
234   procedure Check_End_Name (Tok : Token_Type; Decl : Iir) is
235   begin
236      if Current_Token /= Tok_End then
237         Error_Msg_Parse ("""end " & Image (Tok) & ";"" expected");
238      else
239         --  Skip 'end'.
240         Scan;
242         Scan_End_Token (Tok, Decl);
244         Check_End_Name (Decl);
245      end if;
246   end Check_End_Name;
248   procedure Skip_Until_Semi_Colon is
249   begin
250      loop
251         case Current_Token is
252            when Tok_Semi_Colon
253              | Tok_Eof =>
254               exit;
255            when others =>
256               Scan;
257         end case;
258      end loop;
259   end Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
261   procedure Resync_To_End_Of_Statement is
262   begin
263      loop
264         case Current_Token is
265            when Tok_Eof
266              | Tok_Semi_Colon
267              | Tok_End =>
268               exit;
269            when Tok_If
270              | Tok_Else
271              | Tok_Case
272              | Tok_For
273              | Tok_While
274              | Tok_Loop
275              | Tok_Wait
276              | Tok_Assert =>
277               --  Sequential statement.
278               exit;
279            when Tok_Process
280              | Tok_Block =>
281               --  Concurrent statement.
282               exit;
283            when others =>
284               Scan;
285         end case;
286      end loop;
287   end Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
289   procedure Resync_To_End_Of_Declaration is
290   begin
291      loop
292         case Current_Token is
293            when Tok_Eof =>
294               exit;
295            when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
296               Scan;
297               exit;
298            when Tok_End
299              | Tok_Begin =>
300               --  End of current block.
301               exit;
302            when Tok_Signal
303              | Tok_Variable
304              | Tok_Constant
305              | Tok_File
306              | Tok_Alias
307              | Tok_Type
308              | Tok_Subtype
309              | Tok_Use
310              | Tok_Component
311              | Tok_Attribute
312              | Tok_Group
313              | Tok_For
314              | Tok_Disconnect
315              | Tok_Shared
316              | Tok_Impure
317              | Tok_Pure
318              | Tok_Function
319              | Tok_Procedure
320              | Tok_Package =>
321               --  Start of a new declaration
322               exit;
323            when others =>
324               --  Eat.
325               Scan;
326         end case;
327      end loop;
328   end Resync_To_End_Of_Declaration;
330   procedure Resync_To_Next_Unit is
331   begin
332      --  Resync.
333      loop
334         case Current_Token is
335            when Tok_Eof =>
336               exit;
337            when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
338               --  Skip ';'.
339               Scan;
340               exit;
341            when Tok_Library
342              | Tok_Use
343              | Tok_Architecture
344              | Tok_Entity
345              | Tok_Package
346              | Tok_Configuration
347              | Tok_Context =>
348               --  Possible start of a new unit.
349               exit;
350            when others =>
351               Scan;
352         end case;
353      end loop;
354   end Resync_To_Next_Unit;
356   procedure Skip_Until_Closing_Parenthesis
357   is
358      Level : Natural;
359   begin
360      Level := 0;
362      --  Skip '('.
363      Scan;
365      loop
366         case Current_Token is
367            when Tok_Right_Paren =>
368               if Level = 0 then
369                  --  Skip ')'.
370                  Scan;
371                  exit;
372               end if;
373               Level := Level - 1;
374            when Tok_Left_Paren =>
375               Level := Level + 1;
376            when Tok_Eof
377              | Tok_Semi_Colon
378              | Tok_End
379              | Tok_Then
380              | Tok_Else
381              | Tok_Loop =>
382               exit;
383            when others =>
384               null;
385         end case;
387         Scan;
388      end loop;
389   end Skip_Until_Closing_Parenthesis;
391   --  Return True if at the end of the list, False if there is another
392   --  interface.
393   function Resync_To_End_Of_Interface return Boolean
394   is
395      Nested : Natural;
396   begin
397      Nested := 0;
398      loop
399         case Current_Token is
400            when Tok_End
401              | Tok_Port
402              | Tok_Is
403              | Tok_Begin
404              | Tok_Eof =>
405               --  Certainly comes after interface list.
406               return True;
407            when Tok_Left_Paren =>
408               Nested := Nested + 1;
409            when Tok_Right_Paren =>
410               if Nested = 0 then
411                  --  Skip ')'.
412                  Scan;
414                  return True;
415               end if;
416               Nested := Nested - 1;
417            when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
418               if Nested = 0 then
419                  --  Skip ';'.
420                  Scan;
422                  return False;
423               end if;
424            when Tok_Signal
425              | Tok_Variable
426              | Tok_Constant
427              | Tok_File
428              | Tok_Function
429              | Tok_Procedure
430              | Tok_Type
431              | Tok_Package =>
432               --  Next interface ?
433               return False;
434            when Tok_Colon
435              | Tok_Identifier
436              | Tok_In
437              | Tok_Out
438              | Tok_Inout
439              | Tok_Buffer
440              | Tok_Linkage =>
441               --  Certainly part of an interface.
442               null;
443            when others =>
444               null;
445         end case;
447         --  Skip token.
448         Scan;
449      end loop;
450   end Resync_To_End_Of_Interface;
452   procedure Error_Missing_Semi_Colon (Msg : String) is
453   begin
454      Error_Msg_Parse (Get_Prev_Location, "missing "";"" at end of " & Msg);
455   end Error_Missing_Semi_Colon;
457   --  Expect and scan ';' emit an error message using MSG if not present.
458   procedure Scan_Semi_Colon (Msg : String) is
459   begin
460      if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
461         Error_Missing_Semi_Colon (Msg);
462      else
463         Scan;
464      end if;
465   end Scan_Semi_Colon;
467   procedure Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration (Msg : String) is
468   begin
469      if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
470         --  Skip ';'.
471         Scan;
472      else
473         Error_Missing_Semi_Colon (Msg);
475         Resync_To_End_Of_Declaration;
476      end if;
477   end Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration;
479   procedure Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit (Msg : String) is
480   begin
481      if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
482         --  Skip ';'.
483         Scan;
484      else
485         Error_Missing_Semi_Colon (Msg);
486         Resync_To_Next_Unit;
487      end if;
488   end Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit;
490   function Create_Error_Node (Orig : Iir := Null_Iir) return Iir
491   is
492      Res : Iir;
493   begin
494      Res := Create_Error (Orig);
495      if Orig = Null_Iir then
496         Set_Location (Res);
497      end if;
498      return Res;
499   end Create_Error_Node;
501   --  precond : next token
502   --  postcond: next token.
503   --
504   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ]
505   --  mode ::= IN | OUT | INOUT | BUFFER | LINKAGE
506   --
507   --  If there is no mode, DEFAULT is returned.
508   function Parse_Mode return Iir_Mode is
509   begin
510      case Current_Token is
511         when Tok_In =>
512            Scan;
513            if Current_Token = Tok_Out then
514               --  Nice message for Ada users...
515               Error_Msg_Parse
516                 ("typo error, 'in out' must be 'inout' in vhdl");
517               Scan;
518               return Iir_Inout_Mode;
519            end if;
520            return Iir_In_Mode;
521         when Tok_Out =>
522            Scan;
523            return Iir_Out_Mode;
524         when Tok_Inout =>
525            Scan;
526            return Iir_Inout_Mode;
527         when Tok_Linkage =>
528            Scan;
529            return Iir_Linkage_Mode;
530         when Tok_Buffer =>
531            Scan;
532            return Iir_Buffer_Mode;
533         when others =>
534            --  Cannot happen.
535            raise Internal_Error;
536      end case;
537   end Parse_Mode;
539   --  precond : next token
540   --  postcond: next token
541   --
542   --  [ LRM93 ]
543   --  signal_kind ::= REGISTER | BUS
544   --
545   --  If there is no signal_kind, then no_signal_kind is returned.
546   procedure Parse_Signal_Kind
547     (Is_Guarded : out Boolean; Signal_Kind : out Iir_Signal_Kind) is
548   begin
549      if Current_Token = Tok_Bus then
550         --  Eat 'bus'
551         Scan;
553         Is_Guarded := True;
554         Signal_Kind := Iir_Bus_Kind;
555      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Register then
556         --  Eat 'register'
557         Scan;
559         Is_Guarded := True;
560         Signal_Kind := Iir_Register_Kind;
561      else
562         Is_Guarded := False;
563         --  Avoid uninitialized variable.
564         Signal_Kind := Iir_Bus_Kind;
565      end if;
566   end Parse_Signal_Kind;
568   --  precond : TO, DOWNTO
569   --  postcond: next token
570   --
571   -- Parse a range.
572   -- If LEFT is not null_iir, then it must be an expression corresponding to
573   -- the left limit of the range, and the current_token must be either
574   -- tok_to or tok_downto.
575   -- If left is null_iir, the current token is used to create the left limit
576   -- expression.
577   --
578   --  [ LRM93 3.1 ]
579   --  range_constraint ::= RANGE range
580   --
581   --  [ LRM93 3.1 ]
582   --  range ::= RANGE_attribute_name
583   --         | simple_expression direction simple_expression
584   --
585   --  direction ::= TO | DOWNTO
586   function Parse_Range_Expression (Left : Iir) return Iir
587   is
588      Res : Iir;
589   begin
590      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
592      if Left /= Null_Iir then
593         Set_Left_Limit_Expr (Res, Left);
594         Location_Copy (Res, Left);
595      end if;
597      case Current_Token is
598         when Tok_To =>
599            Set_Direction (Res, Dir_To);
600         when Tok_Downto =>
601            Set_Direction (Res, Dir_Downto);
602         when others =>
603            raise Internal_Error;
604      end case;
606      --  Skip 'to' or 'downto'.
607      Scan;
609      Set_Right_Limit_Expr (Res, Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple));
610      return Res;
611   end Parse_Range_Expression;
613   --  precond:  next token
614   --  postcond: next token
615   function Parse_Range return Iir
616   is
617      Left: Iir;
618   begin
619      Left := Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple);
621      case Current_Token is
622         when Tok_To
623           | Tok_Downto =>
624            return Parse_Range_Expression (Left);
625         when others =>
626            if Left /= Null_Iir then
627               if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Left) then
628                  return Left;
629               end if;
630               Error_Msg_Parse ("'to' or 'downto' expected");
631            end if;
632            return Create_Error_Node (Left);
633      end case;
634   end Parse_Range;
636   --  precond:  next token (after RANGE)
637   --  postcond: next token
638   function Parse_Range_Constraint return Iir is
639   begin
640      if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
641         Error_Msg_Parse ("range constraint required");
642         Scan;
643         return Null_Iir;
644      end if;
646      return Parse_Range;
647   end Parse_Range_Constraint;
649   --  precond:  next token (after RANGE)
650   --  postcond: next token
651   function Parse_Range_Constraint_Of_Subtype_Indication
652     (Type_Mark : Iir;
653      Resolution_Indication : Iir := Null_Iir)
654     return Iir
655   is
656      Def : Iir;
657   begin
658      Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition);
659      if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
660         Location_Copy (Def, Type_Mark);
661         Set_Subtype_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
662      else
663         Set_Location (Def);
664      end if;
665      Set_Range_Constraint (Def, Parse_Range_Constraint);
666      Set_Resolution_Indication (Def, Resolution_Indication);
667      Set_Tolerance (Def, Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt);
669      return Def;
670   end Parse_Range_Constraint_Of_Subtype_Indication;
672   --  precond:  next token
673   --  postcond: next token
674   --
675   --  [ LRM93 3.2.1 ]
676   --  discrete_range ::= discrete_subtype_indication | range
677   function Parse_Discrete_Range return Iir
678   is
679      Left: Iir;
680   begin
681      Left := Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple);
683      case Current_Token is
684         when Tok_To
685           | Tok_Downto =>
686            return Parse_Range_Expression (Left);
687         when Tok_Range =>
688            return Parse_Subtype_Indication (Left);
689         when others =>
690            --  Either a /range/_attribute_name or a type_mark.
691            return Left;
692      end case;
693   end Parse_Discrete_Range;
695   --  Convert the STR (0 .. LEN - 1) into a operator symbol identifier.
696   --  Emit an error message if the name is not an operator name.
697   function Str_To_Operator_Name (Str_Id : String8_Id;
698                                  Len : Nat32;
699                                  Loc : Location_Type) return Name_Id
700   is
701      --  LRM93 2.1
702      --  Extra spaces are not allowed in an operator symbol, and the
703      --  case of letters is not signifiant.
705      --  LRM93 2.1
706      --  The sequence of characters represented by an operator symbol
707      --  must be an operator belonging to one of classes of operators
708      --  defined in section 7.2.
710      procedure Bad_Operator_Symbol is
711      begin
712         Error_Msg_Parse
713           (+Loc, "%s is not an operator symbol", (1 => +((Str_Id, Len))));
714      end Bad_Operator_Symbol;
716      procedure Check_Vhdl93 is
717      begin
718         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
719            Error_Msg_Parse
720              (+Loc, "%s is not a vhdl87 operator symbol",
721               (1 => +((Str_Id, Len))));
722         end if;
723      end Check_Vhdl93;
725      Id : Name_Id;
726      C1, C2, C3, C4 : Character;
727   begin
728      C1 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 1);
729      case Len is
730         when 1 =>
731            --  =, <, >, +, -, *, /, &
732            case C1 is
733               when '=' =>
734                  Id := Name_Op_Equality;
735               when '>' =>
736                  Id := Name_Op_Greater;
737               when '<' =>
738                  Id := Name_Op_Less;
739               when '+' =>
740                  Id := Name_Op_Plus;
741               when '-' =>
742                  Id := Name_Op_Minus;
743               when '*' =>
744                  Id := Name_Op_Mul;
745               when '/' =>
746                  Id := Name_Op_Div;
747               when '&' =>
748                  Id := Name_Op_Concatenation;
749               when others =>
750                  Bad_Operator_Symbol;
751                  Id := Name_Op_Plus;
752            end case;
753         when 2 =>
754            --  or, /=, <=, >=, **
755            C2 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 2);
756            case C1 is
757               when 'o' | 'O' =>
758                  Id := Name_Or;
759                  if C2 /= 'r' and C2 /= 'R' then
760                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
761                  end if;
762               when '/' =>
763                  Id := Name_Op_Inequality;
764                  if C2 /= '=' then
765                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
766                  end if;
767               when '<' =>
768                  Id := Name_Op_Less_Equal;
769                  if C2 /= '=' then
770                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
771                  end if;
772               when '>' =>
773                  Id := Name_Op_Greater_Equal;
774                  if C2 /= '=' then
775                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
776                  end if;
777               when '*' =>
778                  Id := Name_Op_Exp;
779                  if C2 /= '*' then
780                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
781                  end if;
782               when '?' =>
783                  if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
784                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
785                     Id := Name_Op_Condition;
786                  elsif C2 = '?' then
787                     Id := Name_Op_Condition;
788                  elsif C2 = '=' then
789                     Id := Name_Op_Match_Equality;
790                  elsif C2 = '<' then
791                     Id := Name_Op_Match_Less;
792                  elsif C2 = '>' then
793                     Id := Name_Op_Match_Greater;
794                  else
795                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
796                     Id := Name_Op_Condition;
797                  end if;
798               when others =>
799                  Bad_Operator_Symbol;
800                  Id := Name_Op_Equality;
801            end case;
802         when 3 =>
803            --  mod, rem, and, xor, nor, abs, not, sll, sla, sra, srl, rol
804            --  ror
805            C2 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 2);
806            C3 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 3);
807            case C1 is
808               when 'm' | 'M' =>
809                  Id := Name_Mod;
810                  if (C2 /= 'o' and C2 /= 'O') or (C3 /= 'd' and C3 /= 'D')
811                  then
812                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
813                  end if;
814               when 'a' | 'A' =>
815                  if (C2 = 'n' or C2 = 'N') and (C3 = 'd' or C3 = 'D') then
816                     Id := Name_And;
817                  elsif (C2 = 'b' or C2 = 'B') and (C3 = 's' or C3 = 'S') then
818                     Id := Name_Abs;
819                  else
820                     Id := Name_And;
821                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
822                  end if;
823               when 'x' | 'X' =>
824                  Id := Name_Xor;
825                  if (C2 /= 'o' and C2 /= 'O') or (C3 /= 'r' and C3 /= 'R')
826                  then
827                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
828                  end if;
829               when 'n' | 'N' =>
830                  if C2 = 'o' or C2 = 'O' then
831                     if C3 = 'r' or C3 = 'R' then
832                        Id := Name_Nor;
833                     elsif C3 = 't' or C3 = 'T' then
834                        Id := Name_Not;
835                     else
836                        Id := Name_Not;
837                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
838                     end if;
839                  else
840                     Id := Name_Not;
841                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
842                  end if;
843               when 's' | 'S' =>
844                  if C2 = 'l' or C2 = 'L' then
845                     if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
846                        Check_Vhdl93;
847                        Id := Name_Sll;
848                     elsif C3 = 'a' or C3 = 'A' then
849                        Check_Vhdl93;
850                        Id := Name_Sla;
851                     else
852                        Id := Name_Sll;
853                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
854                     end if;
855                  elsif C2 = 'r' or C2 = 'R' then
856                     if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
857                        Check_Vhdl93;
858                        Id := Name_Srl;
859                     elsif C3 = 'a' or C3 = 'A' then
860                        Check_Vhdl93;
861                        Id := Name_Sra;
862                     else
863                        Id := Name_Srl;
864                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
865                     end if;
866                  else
867                     Id := Name_Sll;
868                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
869                  end if;
870               when 'r' | 'R' =>
871                  if C2 = 'e' or C2 = 'E' then
872                     if C3 = 'm' or C3 = 'M' then
873                        Id := Name_Rem;
874                     else
875                        Id := Name_Rem;
876                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
877                     end if;
878                  elsif C2 = 'o' or C2 = 'O' then
879                     if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
880                        Check_Vhdl93;
881                        Id := Name_Rol;
882                     elsif C3 = 'r' or C3 = 'R' then
883                        Check_Vhdl93;
884                        Id := Name_Ror;
885                     else
886                        Id := Name_Rol;
887                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
888                     end if;
889                  else
890                     Id := Name_Rem;
891                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
892                  end if;
893               when '?' =>
894                  if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
895                     Bad_Operator_Symbol;
896                     Id := Name_Op_Match_Less_Equal;
897                  else
898                     if C2 = '<' and C3 = '=' then
899                        Id := Name_Op_Match_Less_Equal;
900                     elsif C2 = '>' and C3 = '=' then
901                        Id := Name_Op_Match_Greater_Equal;
902                     elsif C2 = '/' and C3 = '=' then
903                        Id := Name_Op_Match_Inequality;
904                     else
905                        Bad_Operator_Symbol;
906                        Id := Name_Op_Match_Less_Equal;
907                     end if;
908                  end if;
909               when others =>
910                  Id := Name_And;
911                  Bad_Operator_Symbol;
912            end case;
913         when 4 =>
914            --  nand, xnor
915            C2 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 2);
916            C3 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 3);
917            C4 := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, 4);
918            if (C1 = 'n' or C1 = 'N')
919              and (C2 = 'a' or C2 = 'A')
920              and (C3 = 'n' or C3 = 'N')
921              and (C4 = 'd' or C4 = 'D')
922            then
923               Id := Name_Nand;
924            elsif  (C1 = 'x' or C1 = 'X')
925              and (C2 = 'n' or C2 = 'N')
926              and (C3 = 'o' or C3 = 'O')
927              and (C4 = 'r' or C4 = 'R')
928            then
929               Check_Vhdl93;
930               Id := Name_Xnor;
931            else
932               Id := Name_Nand;
933               Bad_Operator_Symbol;
934            end if;
935         when others =>
936            Id := Name_Op_Plus;
937            Bad_Operator_Symbol;
938      end case;
939      return Id;
940   end Str_To_Operator_Name;
942   function Scan_To_Operator_Name (Loc : Location_Type) return Name_Id is
943   begin
944      return Str_To_Operator_Name
945        (Current_String_Id, Current_String_Length, Loc);
946   end Scan_To_Operator_Name;
947   pragma Inline (Scan_To_Operator_Name);
949   --  Convert string literal STR to an operator symbol.
950   --  Emit an error message if the string is not an operator name.
951   function String_To_Operator_Symbol (Str : Iir) return Iir
952   is
953      Id : Name_Id;
954      Res : Iir;
955   begin
956      Id := Str_To_Operator_Name
957        (Get_String8_Id (Str), Get_String_Length (Str), Get_Location (Str));
958      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol);
959      Location_Copy (Res, Str);
960      Set_Identifier (Res, Id);
961      Free_Iir (Str);
962      return Res;
963   end String_To_Operator_Symbol;
965   --  [ LRM93 6.6 ]
966   --  attribute_name ::=
967   --      prefix [ signature ] ' attribute_designator [ ( expression ) ]
968   --
969   function Parse_Attribute_Name (Prefix : Iir) return Iir
970   is
971      Res : Iir;
972   begin
973      case Current_Token is
974         when Tok_Range
975            | Tok_Identifier
976            | Tok_Stable =>
977            --  Tok_Stable is possible within PSL expressions.
978            null;
979         when Tok_Across
980            | Tok_Through
981            | Tok_Reference
982            | Tok_Tolerance =>
983            --  AMS reserved words.
984            null;
985         when Tok_Subtype =>
986            if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
987               Error_Msg_Parse
988                 ("'subtype attribute is not allowed before vhdl08");
989            end if;
990         when others =>
991            return Null_Iir;
992      end case;
994      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name);
995      Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
996      Set_Location (Res);
997      if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Signature then
998         Set_Attribute_Signature (Res, Prefix);
1000         --  Transfer the prefix from the signature to the attribute.
1001         Set_Prefix (Res, Get_Signature_Prefix (Prefix));
1002         Set_Signature_Prefix (Prefix, Null_Iir);
1003      else
1004         Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1005      end if;
1007      return Res;
1008   end Parse_Attribute_Name;
1010   --  precond : next token
1011   --  postcond: next token
1012   --
1013   --  [ LRM93 6.1 ]
1014   --  name ::= simple_name
1015   --         | operator_symbol
1016   --         | selected_name
1017   --         | indexed_name
1018   --         | slice_name
1019   --         | attribute_name
1020   --
1021   --  [ LRM93 6.2 ]
1022   --  simple_name ::= identifier
1023   --
1024   --  [ LRM93 6.5 ]
1025   --  slice_name ::= prefix ( discrete_range )
1026   --
1027   --  [ LRM93 6.3 ]
1028   --  selected_name ::= prefix . suffix
1029   --
1030   --  [ LRM93 6.1 ]
1031   --  prefix ::= name
1032   --           | function_call
1033   --
1034   --  [ LRM93 6.3 ]
1035   --  suffix ::= simple_name
1036   --           | character_literal
1037   --           | operator_symbol
1038   --           | ALL
1039   --
1040   --  [ LRM93 3.2.1 ]
1041   --  discrete_range ::= DISCRETE_subtype_indication | range
1042   --
1043   --  [ LRM93 3.1 ]
1044   --  range ::= RANGE_attribute_name
1045   --          | simple_expression direction simple_expression
1046   --
1047   --  [ LRM93 3.1 ]
1048   --  direction ::= TO | DOWNTO
1049   --
1050   --  [ LRM93 6.6 ]
1051   --  attribute_designator ::= ATTRIBUTE_simple_name
1052   --
1053   --  Note: in order to simplify the parsing, this function may return a
1054   --  signature without attribute designator. Signatures may appear at 3
1055   --  places:
1056   --  - in attribute name
1057   --  - in alias declaration
1058   --  - in entity designator
1059   function Parse_Name_Suffix (Pfx : Iir;
1060                               Allow_Indexes: Boolean := True;
1061                               Allow_Signature : Boolean := False)
1062     return Iir
1063   is
1064      Res: Iir;
1065      Prefix: Iir;
1066   begin
1067      Res := Pfx;
1068      loop
1069         Prefix := Res;
1071         case Current_Token is
1072            when Tok_Left_Bracket =>
1073               if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 then
1074                  Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
1075               end if;
1077               --  There is a signature. They are normally followed by an
1078               --  attribute.
1079               Res := Parse_Signature;
1080               Set_Signature_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1082            when Tok_Tick =>
1083               -- There is an attribute.
1084               if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 then
1085                  Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
1086               end if;
1088               --  Skip '''.
1089               Scan;
1091               if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
1092                  -- A qualified expression.
1093                  Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression);
1094                  Set_Type_Mark (Res, Prefix);
1095                  Location_Copy (Res, Prefix);
1096                  Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Aggregate);
1097                  return Res;
1098               else
1099                  Res := Parse_Attribute_Name (Prefix);
1100                  if Res = Null_Iir then
1101                     Error_Msg_Parse ("attribute identifier expected after '");
1102                     return Create_Error_Node (Prefix);
1103                  end if;
1105                  -- accept the identifier.
1106                  Scan;
1107               end if;
1109            when Tok_Left_Paren =>
1110               if not Allow_Indexes then
1111                  return Res;
1112               end if;
1114               if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 then
1115                  Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
1116               end if;
1118               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name);
1119               Set_Location (Res);
1120               Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1121               Set_Association_Chain
1122                 (Res, Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis);
1124            when Tok_Dot =>
1125               if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 then
1126                  Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
1127               end if;
1129               --  Skip '.'.
1130               Scan;
1132               case Current_Token is
1133                  when Tok_All =>
1134                     Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name);
1135                     Set_Location (Res);
1136                     Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1138                     --  Skip 'all'.
1139                     Scan;
1141                  when Tok_Identifier
1142                    | Tok_Character =>
1143                     Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
1144                     Set_Location (Res);
1145                     Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1146                     Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
1148                     --  Skip identifier/character.
1149                     Scan;
1151                  when Tok_String =>
1152                     Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
1153                     Set_Location (Res);
1154                     Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
1155                     Set_Identifier
1156                       (Res, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
1158                     --  Skip string.
1159                     Scan;
1161                  when others =>
1162                     Error_Msg_Parse
1163                       ("identifier or ""all"" is expected after '.'");
1164                     Res := Prefix;
1165               end case;
1167            when others =>
1168               if not Allow_Signature
1169                 and then Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Signature
1170               then
1171                  --  Not as a name.
1172                  Error_Msg_Parse ("signature name not expected here");
1173                  Prefix := Get_Signature_Prefix (Res);
1174                  Set_Signature_Prefix (Res, Null_Iir);
1175                  Free_Iir (Res);
1176                  Res := Prefix;
1177               end if;
1178               return Res;
1179         end case;
1180      end loop;
1181   end Parse_Name_Suffix;
1183   --  Precond:  next token
1184   --  Postcond: next token
1185   --
1186   --  LRM08 8.7 External names
1187   --
1188   --  external_pathname ::=
1189   --      package_pathname
1190   --    | absolute_pathname
1191   --    | relative_pathname
1192   --
1193   --  package_pathname ::=
1194   --    @ library_logical_name . package_simple_name .
1195   --      { package_simple_name . } object_simple_name
1196   --
1197   --  absolute_pathname ::=
1198   --    . partial_pathname
1199   --
1200   --  relative_pathname ::=
1201   --    { ^ . } partial_pathname
1202   --
1203   --  partial_pathname ::= { pathname_element . } object_simple_name
1204   --
1205   --  pathname_element ::=
1206   --      entity_simple_name
1207   --    | component_instantiation_label
1208   --    | block_label
1209   --    | generate_statement_label [ ( static_expression ) ]
1210   --    | package_simple_name
1211   function Parse_External_Pathname return Iir
1212   is
1213      Res : Iir;
1214      Last : Iir;
1215      El : Iir;
1216   begin
1217      case Current_Token is
1218         when Tok_Arobase =>
1219            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Pathname);
1220            Set_Location (Res);
1221            Last := Res;
1223            --  Skip '@'.
1224            Scan;
1226            if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
1227               Error_Msg_Parse ("library name expected after '@'");
1228            else
1229               Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
1231               --  Skip identifier.
1232               Scan;
1233            end if;
1235            if Current_Token /= Tok_Dot then
1236               Error_Msg_Parse ("'.' expected after library name");
1237            else
1238               --  Skip '.'.
1239               Scan;
1240            end if;
1242         when Tok_Dot =>
1243            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Absolute_Pathname);
1244            Set_Location (Res);
1245            Last := Res;
1247            --  Skip '.'.
1248            Scan;
1250         when Tok_Caret =>
1251            Last := Null_Iir;
1252            loop
1253               El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Relative_Pathname);
1254               Set_Location (El);
1256               --  Skip '^'.
1257               Scan;
1259               if Current_Token /= Tok_Dot then
1260                  Error_Msg_Parse ("'.' expected after '^'");
1261               else
1262                  --  Skip '.'.
1263                  Scan;
1264               end if;
1266               if Last = Null_Iir then
1267                  Res := El;
1268               else
1269                  Set_Pathname_Suffix (Last, El);
1270               end if;
1271               Last := El;
1273               exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Caret;
1274            end loop;
1276         when Tok_Identifier =>
1277            Last := Null_Iir;
1279         when others =>
1280            Last := Null_Iir;
1281            --  Error is handled just below.
1282      end case;
1284      --  Parse pathname elements.
1285      loop
1286         if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
1287            Error_Msg_Parse ("pathname element expected");
1288            --  FIXME: resync.
1289            return Res;
1290         end if;
1292         El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Pathname_Element);
1293         Set_Location (El);
1294         Set_Identifier (El, Current_Identifier);
1295         if Last = Null_Iir then
1296            Res := El;
1297         else
1298            Set_Pathname_Suffix (Last, El);
1299         end if;
1300         Last := El;
1302         --  Skip identifier.
1303         Scan;
1305         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Dot;
1307         --  Skip '.'.
1308         Scan;
1309      end loop;
1311      return Res;
1312   end Parse_External_Pathname;
1314   --  Precond:  '<<'
1315   --  Postcond: next token
1316   --
1317   --  LRM08 8.7 External names
1318   --  external_name ::=
1319   --      external_constant_name
1320   --    | external_signal_name
1321   --    | external_variable_name
1322   --
1323   --  external_constant_name ::=
1324   --    << CONSTANT external_pathname : subtype_indication >>
1325   --
1326   --  external_signal_name ::=
1327   --   << SIGNAL external_pathname : subtype_indication >>
1328   --
1329   --  external_variable_name ::=
1330   --   << VARIABLE external_pathname : subtype_indication >>
1331   function Parse_External_Name return Iir
1332   is
1333      Loc : Location_Type;
1334      Res : Iir;
1335      Kind : Iir_Kind;
1336   begin
1337      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
1339      --  Skip '<<'.
1340      Scan;
1342      case Current_Token is
1343         when Tok_Constant =>
1344            Kind := Iir_Kind_External_Constant_Name;
1345            --  Skip 'constant'.
1346            Scan;
1347         when Tok_Signal =>
1348            Kind := Iir_Kind_External_Signal_Name;
1349            --  Skip 'signal'.
1350            Scan;
1351         when Tok_Variable =>
1352            Kind := Iir_Kind_External_Variable_Name;
1353            --  Skip 'variable'.
1354            Scan;
1355         when others =>
1356            Error_Msg_Parse
1357              ("constant, signal or variable expected after '<<'");
1358            Kind := Iir_Kind_External_Signal_Name;
1359      end case;
1361      Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
1362      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
1364      Set_External_Pathname (Res, Parse_External_Pathname);
1366      if Current_Token /= Tok_Colon then
1367         Error_Msg_Parse ("':' expected after external pathname");
1368      else
1369         --  Skip ':'
1370         Scan;
1371      end if;
1373      Set_Subtype_Indication (Res, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
1375      if Current_Token /= Tok_Double_Greater then
1376         Error_Msg_Parse ("'>>' expected at end of external name");
1377      else
1378         --  Skip '>>'
1379         Scan;
1380      end if;
1382      return Res;
1383   end Parse_External_Name;
1385   --  LRM09 8.2 Simple names
1386   --  simple_name ::= identifier
1387   function Parse_Simple_Name return Iir
1388   is
1389      Res : Iir;
1390   begin
1391      Expect (Tok_Identifier);
1393      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
1394      Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
1395      Set_Location (Res);
1397      --  Skip identifier
1398      Scan;
1400      return Res;
1401   end Parse_Simple_Name;
1403   --  Precond: next token (identifier, string or '<<')
1404   --  Postcond: next token
1405   --
1406   --  LRM08 8. Names
1407   --  name ::=
1408   --     simple_name
1409   --   | operator_symbol
1410   --   | character_literal    --  FIXME: not handled.
1411   --   | selected_name
1412   --   | indexed_name
1413   --   | slice_name
1414   --   | attribute_name
1415   --   | external_name
1416   function Parse_Any_Name
1417     (Allow_Indexes: Boolean; Allow_Signature : Boolean) return Iir
1418   is
1419      Res: Iir;
1420   begin
1421      case Current_Token is
1422         when Tok_Identifier =>
1423            Res := Parse_Simple_Name;
1425         when Tok_String =>
1426            --  For operator symbol, such as: "+" (A, B).
1427            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_String_Literal8);
1428            Set_String8_Id (Res, Current_String_Id);
1429            Set_String_Length (Res, Current_String_Length);
1430            Set_Literal_Length (Res, Get_Token_Length);
1431            Set_Location (Res);
1433            --  Skip string
1434            Scan;
1435         when Tok_Double_Less =>
1436            if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
1437               Error_Msg_Parse ("external name not allowed before vhdl 08");
1438            end if;
1439            Res := Parse_External_Name;
1440         when others =>
1441            if Current_Token = Tok_Invalid then
1442               Error_Msg_Parse ("name expected here");
1443            else
1444               Error_Msg_Parse
1445                 ("name expected here, found %t", +Current_Token);
1446            end if;
1447            return Create_Error_Node;
1448      end case;
1450      return Parse_Name_Suffix (Res, Allow_Indexes, Allow_Signature);
1451   end Parse_Any_Name;
1453   function Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes: Boolean := True) return Iir is
1454   begin
1455      return Parse_Any_Name (Allow_Indexes, False);
1456   end Parse_Name;
1458   function Parse_Signature_Name return Iir is
1459   begin
1460      return Parse_Any_Name (True, True);
1461   end Parse_Signature_Name;
1463   --  Emit an error message if MARK doesn't have the form of a type mark.
1464   function Check_Type_Mark (Mark : Iir) return Boolean is
1465   begin
1466      case Get_Kind (Mark) is
1467         when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
1468           | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
1469            return True;
1470         when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
1471            --  For O'Subtype.
1472            return True;
1473         when others =>
1474            Error_Msg_Parse (+Mark, "type mark must be a name of a type");
1475            return False;
1476      end case;
1477   end Check_Type_Mark;
1479   --  precond : next token
1480   --  postcond: next token
1481   --
1482   --  [ 4.2 ]
1483   --  type_mark ::= type_name
1484   --              | subtype_name
1485   function Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren : Boolean := False) return Iir
1486   is
1487      Res : Iir;
1488      Old : Iir;
1489      pragma Unreferenced (Old);
1490   begin
1491      Res := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
1493      if Check_Type_Mark (Res) then
1494         if Check_Paren and then Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
1495            Error_Msg_Parse ("index constraint not allowed here");
1496            Old := Parse_Name_Suffix (Res, True);
1497         end if;
1498      else
1499         Res := Null_Iir;
1500      end if;
1501      return Res;
1502   end Parse_Type_Mark;
1504   --  precond : CONSTANT, SIGNAL, VARIABLE. FILE or identifier
1505   --  postcond: next token (';' or ')')
1506   --
1507   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ] [ LRM08 6.5.2 ]
1508   --  interface_declaration ::= interface_constant_declaration
1509   --                          | interface_signal_declaration
1510   --                          | interface_variable_declaration
1511   --                          | interface_file_declaration
1512   --
1513   --
1514   --  [ LRM93 3.2.2 ]
1515   --  identifier_list ::= identifier { , identifier }
1516   --
1517   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ]
1518   --  interface_constant_declaration ::=
1519   --      [ CONSTANT ] identifier_list : [ IN ] subtype_indication
1520   --          [ := STATIC_expression ]
1521   --
1522   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ]
1523   --  interface_file_declaration ::= FILE identifier_list : subtype_indication
1524   --
1525   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ]
1526   --  interface_signal_declaration ::=
1527   --      [ SIGNAL ] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication [ BUS ]
1528   --          [ := STATIC_expression ]
1529   --
1530   --  [ LRM93 4.3.2 ]
1531   --  interface_variable_declaration ::=
1532   --      [ VARIABLE ] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication
1533   --          [ := STATIC_expression ]
1534   --
1535   --  [ AMS-LRM17 6.5.2 ]
1536   --  interface_quantity_declaration ::=
1537   --      QUANTITY identifier_list : [ IN | OUT ] subtype_indication
1538   --          [ := /static/_expression ]
1539   --
1540   --  The default kind of interface declaration is DEFAULT.
1541   function Parse_Interface_Object_Declaration (Ctxt : Interface_Kind_Type)
1542                                               return Iir
1543   is
1544      Kind : Iir_Kind;
1545      Last : Iir;
1546      First : Iir;
1547      Inter: Iir;
1548      Is_Default : Boolean;
1549      Interface_Mode: Iir_Mode;
1550      Interface_Type: Iir;
1551      Is_Guarded : Boolean;
1552      Signal_Kind: Iir_Signal_Kind;
1553      Default_Value: Iir;
1554      Has_Mode : Boolean;
1555      Has_Class : Boolean;
1556   begin
1557      --  LRM08 6.5.2 Interface object declarations
1558      --  Interface obejcts include interface constants that appear as
1559      --  generics of a design entity, a component, a block, a package or
1560      --  a subprogram, or as constant parameter of subprograms; interface
1561      --  signals that appear as ports of a design entity, component or
1562      --  block, or as signal parameters of subprograms; interface variables
1563      --  that appear as variable parameter subprograms; interface files
1564      --  that appear as file parameters of subrograms.
1565      case Current_Token is
1566         when Tok_Identifier =>
1567            --  The class of the object is unknown.  Select default
1568            --  according to the above rule, assuming the mode is IN.  If
1569            --  the mode is not IN, Parse_Interface_Object_Declaration will
1570            --  change the class.
1571            case Ctxt is
1572               when Generic_Interface_List
1573                 | Parameter_Interface_List =>
1574                  Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration;
1575               when Port_Interface_List =>
1576                  Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration;
1577            end case;
1578         when Tok_Constant =>
1579            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration;
1580         when Tok_Signal =>
1581            if Ctxt = Generic_Interface_List then
1582               Error_Msg_Parse
1583                 ("signal interface not allowed in generic clause");
1584            end if;
1585            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration;
1586         when Tok_Variable =>
1587            if Ctxt not in Parameter_Interface_List then
1588               Error_Msg_Parse
1589                 ("variable interface not allowed in generic or port clause");
1590            end if;
1591            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration;
1592         when Tok_File =>
1593            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
1594               Error_Msg_Parse ("file interface not allowed in vhdl 87");
1595            end if;
1596            if Ctxt not in Parameter_Interface_List then
1597               Error_Msg_Parse
1598                 ("variable interface not allowed in generic or port clause");
1599            end if;
1600            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration;
1601         when Tok_Quantity =>
1602            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Quantity_Declaration;
1603         when others =>
1604            --  Fall back in case of parse error.
1605            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration;
1606      end case;
1608      First := Create_Iir (Kind);
1610      if Flag_Elocations then
1611         Create_Elocations (First);
1612         Set_Start_Location (First, Get_Token_Location);
1613      end if;
1615      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
1616         Is_Default := True;
1617         Has_Class := False;
1618      else
1619         Is_Default := False;
1620         Has_Class := True;
1622         --  Skip 'signal', 'variable', 'constant' or 'file'.
1623         Scan;
1624      end if;
1626      --  Parse list of identifiers.
1627      Inter := First;
1628      Last := First;
1629      loop
1630         Scan_Identifier (Inter);
1632         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
1634         --  Skip ','
1635         Scan;
1637         Inter := Create_Iir (Kind);
1639         if Flag_Elocations then
1640            Create_Elocations (Inter);
1641            Set_Start_Location (Inter, Get_Start_Location (First));
1642         end if;
1644         Set_Chain (Last, Inter);
1645         Last := Inter;
1646      end loop;
1648      if Flag_Elocations then
1649         Set_Colon_Location (First, Get_Token_Location);
1650      end if;
1652      --  Skip ':'
1653      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon, "':' expected after interface identifier");
1655      --  Parse mode.
1656      case Current_Token is
1657         when Tok_In
1658           | Tok_Out
1659           | Tok_Inout
1660           | Tok_Linkage
1661           | Tok_Buffer =>
1662            Interface_Mode := Parse_Mode;
1663            Has_Mode := True;
1664         when others =>
1665            Interface_Mode := Iir_Unknown_Mode;
1666            Has_Mode := False;
1667      end case;
1669      --  LRM93 2.1.1  LRM08
1670      --  If the mode is INOUT or OUT, and no object class is explicitly
1671      --  specified, variable is assumed.
1672      if Is_Default
1673        and then Ctxt in Parameter_Interface_List
1674        and then Interface_Mode in Iir_Out_Modes
1675      then
1676         --  Convert into variable.
1677         declare
1678            O_Interface : Iir_Interface_Constant_Declaration;
1679            N_Interface : Iir_Interface_Variable_Declaration;
1680         begin
1681            O_Interface := First;
1682            while O_Interface /= Null_Iir loop
1683               N_Interface :=
1684                 Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration);
1685               Location_Copy (N_Interface, O_Interface);
1686               Set_Identifier (N_Interface, Get_Identifier (O_Interface));
1688               if Flag_Elocations then
1689                  Create_Elocations (N_Interface);
1690                  Set_Start_Location
1691                    (N_Interface, Get_Start_Location (O_Interface));
1692                  Set_Colon_Location
1693                    (N_Interface, Get_Colon_Location (O_Interface));
1694               end if;
1696               if O_Interface = First then
1697                  First := N_Interface;
1698               else
1699                  Set_Chain (Last, N_Interface);
1700               end if;
1701               Last := N_Interface;
1703               Inter := Get_Chain (O_Interface);
1704               Free_Iir (O_Interface);
1705               O_Interface := Inter;
1706            end loop;
1707            Inter := First;
1708         end;
1709      end if;
1711      --  Parse mode (and handle default mode).
1712      case Iir_Kinds_Interface_Object_Declaration (Get_Kind (Inter)) is
1713         when Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration =>
1714            if Interface_Mode /= Iir_Unknown_Mode then
1715               Error_Msg_Parse
1716                 ("mode can't be specified for a file interface");
1717            end if;
1718            Interface_Mode := Iir_Inout_Mode;
1719         when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration
1720           | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration =>
1721            --  LRM93 4.3.2
1722            --  If no mode is explicitly given in an interface declaration
1723            --  other than an interface file declaration, mode IN is
1724            --  assumed.
1725            if Interface_Mode = Iir_Unknown_Mode then
1726               Interface_Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
1727            end if;
1728         when Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration =>
1729            if Interface_Mode = Iir_Unknown_Mode then
1730               Interface_Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
1731            elsif Interface_Mode /= Iir_In_Mode then
1732               Error_Msg_Parse ("mode must be 'in' for a constant");
1733               Interface_Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
1734            end if;
1735         when Iir_Kind_Interface_Quantity_Declaration =>
1736            case Interface_Mode is
1737               when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
1738                  Interface_Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
1739               when Iir_In_Mode
1740                 | Iir_Out_Mode =>
1741                  null;
1742               when Iir_Inout_Mode
1743                 | Iir_Linkage_Mode
1744                 | Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
1745                  Error_Msg_Parse
1746                    ("mode must be 'in' or 'out' for a quantity");
1747                  Interface_Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
1748            end case;
1749      end case;
1751      Interface_Type := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
1753      --  Signal kind (but only for signal).
1754      if Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration then
1755         Parse_Signal_Kind (Is_Guarded, Signal_Kind);
1756      else
1757         Is_Guarded := False;
1758         Signal_Kind := Iir_Register_Kind;
1759      end if;
1761      if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
1762         if Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration then
1763            Error_Msg_Parse
1764              ("default expression not allowed for an interface file");
1765         end if;
1767         --  Skip ':='
1768         if Flag_Elocations then
1769            Set_Assign_Location (First, Get_Token_Location);
1770         end if;
1771         Scan;
1773         Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
1774      else
1775         Default_Value := Null_Iir;
1776      end if;
1778      --  Subtype_Indication and Default_Value are set only on the first
1779      --  interface.
1780      Set_Subtype_Indication (First, Interface_Type);
1781      if Get_Kind (First) /= Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration then
1782         Set_Default_Value (First, Default_Value);
1783      end if;
1785      Inter := First;
1786      while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
1787         Set_Mode (Inter, Interface_Mode);
1788         Set_Is_Ref (Inter, Inter /= First);
1789         Set_Has_Mode (Inter, Has_Mode);
1790         Set_Has_Class (Inter, Has_Class);
1791         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Inter, Inter /= Last);
1792         if Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration then
1793            Set_Guarded_Signal_Flag (Inter, Is_Guarded);
1794            Set_Signal_Kind (Inter, Signal_Kind);
1795         end if;
1796         Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
1797      end loop;
1799      return First;
1800   end Parse_Interface_Object_Declaration;
1802   --  [ AMS-LRM17 6.5.2 ]
1803   --  interface_terminal_declaration ::=
1804   --      TERMINAL identifier_list : subnature_indication
1805   --
1806   --  The default kind of interface declaration is DEFAULT.
1807   function Parse_Interface_Terminal_Declaration (Ctxt : Interface_Kind_Type)
1808                                                 return Iir
1809   is
1810      Last : Iir;
1811      First : Iir;
1812      Inter: Iir;
1813      Interface_Nature: Iir;
1814      Default_Value: Iir;
1815   begin
1816      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Terminal);
1818      --  LRM08 6.5.2 Interface object declarations
1819      --  Interface obejcts include interface constants that appear as
1820      --  generics of a design entity, a component, a block, a package or
1821      --  a subprogram, or as constant parameter of subprograms; interface
1822      --  signals that appear as ports of a design entity, component or
1823      --  block, or as signal parameters of subprograms; interface variables
1824      --  that appear as variable parameter subprograms; interface files
1825      --  that appear as file parameters of subrograms.
1826      if Ctxt = Generic_Interface_List then
1827         Error_Msg_Parse ("terminal interface not allowed in generic clause");
1828      end if;
1830      First := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Terminal_Declaration);
1832      if Flag_Elocations then
1833         Create_Elocations (First);
1834         Set_Start_Location (First, Get_Token_Location);
1835      end if;
1837      --  Skip 'terminal'.
1838      Scan;
1840      --  Parse list of identifiers.
1841      Inter := First;
1842      Last := First;
1843      loop
1844         Scan_Identifier (Inter);
1846         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
1848         --  Skip ','
1849         Scan;
1851         Inter := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Terminal_Declaration);
1853         if Flag_Elocations then
1854            Create_Elocations (Inter);
1855            Set_Start_Location (Inter, Get_Start_Location (First));
1856         end if;
1858         Set_Chain (Last, Inter);
1859         Last := Inter;
1860      end loop;
1862      if Flag_Elocations then
1863         Set_Colon_Location (First, Get_Token_Location);
1864      end if;
1866      --  Skip ':'
1867      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon, "':' expected after interface identifier");
1869      case Current_Token is
1870         when Tok_In
1871           | Tok_Out
1872           | Tok_Inout
1873           | Tok_Linkage
1874           | Tok_Buffer =>
1875            Error_Msg_Parse ("mode not allowed for terminal interface");
1877            --  Skip mode.
1878            Scan;
1879         when others =>
1880            null;
1881      end case;
1883      Interface_Nature := Parse_Subnature_Indication;
1884      --  Subnature_Indication is set only on the first interface.
1885      Set_Subnature_Indication (First, Interface_Nature);
1887      if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
1888         Error_Msg_Parse
1889              ("default expression not allowed for an interface terminal");
1891         --  Skip ':='
1892         Scan;
1894         Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
1895         pragma Unreferenced (Default_Value);
1896      end if;
1898      Inter := First;
1899      while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
1900         Set_Is_Ref (Inter, Inter /= First);
1901         Set_Has_Mode (Inter, False);
1902         Set_Has_Class (Inter, True);
1903         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Inter, Inter /= Last);
1904         Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
1905      end loop;
1907      return First;
1908   end Parse_Interface_Terminal_Declaration;
1910   --  Precond : 'package'
1911   --  Postcond: next token
1912   --
1913   --  LRM08 6.5.5 Interface package declarations
1914   --  interface_package_declaration ::=
1915   --    PACKAGE identifier IS NEW uninstantiated_package name
1916   --      interface_package_generic_map_aspect
1917   --
1918   --  interface_package_generic_map_aspect ::=
1919   --       generic_map_aspect
1920   --     | GENERIC MAP ( <> )
1921   --     | GENERIC MAP ( DEFAULT )
1922   function Parse_Interface_Package_Declaration return Iir
1923   is
1924      Inter : Iir;
1925      Map : Iir;
1926   begin
1927      Inter := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Package_Declaration);
1929      --  Skip 'package'.
1930      Scan;
1932      Scan_Identifier (Inter);
1934      --  Skip 'is'.
1935      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
1937      --  Skip 'new'.
1938      Expect_Scan (Tok_New);
1940      Set_Uninstantiated_Package_Name (Inter, Parse_Name (False));
1942      --  Skip 'generic'
1943      Expect_Scan (Tok_Generic);
1945      --  Skip 'map'
1946      Expect_Scan (Tok_Map);
1948      --  Skip '('
1949      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
1951      case Current_Token is
1952         when Tok_Box =>
1953            Map := Null_Iir;
1954            --  Skip '<>'
1955            Scan;
1956         when others =>
1957            Map := Parse_Association_List;
1958      end case;
1959      Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Inter, Map);
1961      --  Skip ')'
1962      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
1964      return Inter;
1965   end Parse_Interface_Package_Declaration;
1967   --  Precond:  identifier or string
1968   --  Postcond: next token
1969   --
1970   --  [ 2.1 ]
1971   --  designator ::= identifier | operator_symbol
1972   procedure Parse_Subprogram_Designator (Subprg : Iir) is
1973   begin
1974      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
1975         --  Skip identifier.
1976         Scan_Identifier (Subprg);
1977      elsif Current_Token = Tok_String then
1978         if Kind_In (Subprg, Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration,
1979                     Iir_Kind_Interface_Procedure_Declaration)
1980         then
1981            --  LRM93 2.1
1982            --  A procedure designator is always an identifier.
1983            Error_Msg_Parse ("a procedure name must be an identifier");
1984         end if;
1985         --  LRM93 2.1
1986         --  A function designator is either an identifier or an operator
1987         --  symbol.
1988         Set_Identifier (Subprg, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
1989         Set_Location (Subprg);
1991         --  Skip string.
1992         Scan;
1993      else
1994         --  Just to display a parse error.
1995         Expect (Tok_Identifier);
1996      end if;
1997   end Parse_Subprogram_Designator;
1999   --  Emit an error message is function declaration SUBPRG has no return
2000   --  type mark.
2001   procedure Check_Function_Specification (Subprg : Iir) is
2002   begin
2003      if Get_Return_Type_Mark (Subprg) = Null_Iir then
2004         Error_Msg_Parse ("'return' expected");
2005         Set_Return_Type_Mark (Subprg, Create_Error_Node);
2006      end if;
2007   end Check_Function_Specification;
2009   --  Precond: '(' or return or any
2010   --  Postcond: next token
2011   procedure Parse_Subprogram_Parameters_And_Return
2012     (Subprg : Iir; Is_Func : Boolean; Required : Boolean)
2013   is
2014      Old : Iir;
2015      pragma Unreferenced (Old);
2016      Inters : Iir;
2017   begin
2018      if Current_Token = Tok_Parameter then
2019         Set_Has_Parameter (Subprg, True);
2021         --  Eat 'parameter'
2022         Scan;
2024         if Current_Token /= Tok_Left_Paren then
2025            Error_Msg_Parse
2026              ("'parameter' must be followed by a list of parameters");
2027         end if;
2028      end if;
2030      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
2031         --  Parse the interface declaration.
2032         if Is_Func then
2033            Inters := Parse_Interface_List
2034              (Function_Parameter_Interface_List, Subprg);
2035         else
2036            Inters := Parse_Interface_List
2037              (Procedure_Parameter_Interface_List, Subprg);
2038         end if;
2039         Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg, Inters);
2040      end if;
2042      if Current_Token = Tok_Return then
2043         if not Is_Func then
2044            Report_Start_Group;
2045            Error_Msg_Parse ("'return' not allowed for a procedure");
2046            Error_Msg_Parse ("(remove return part or declare a function)");
2047            Report_End_Group;
2049            --  Skip 'return'
2050            Scan;
2052            Old := Parse_Type_Mark;
2053         else
2054            --  Skip 'return'
2055            Scan;
2057            Set_Return_Type_Mark
2058              (Subprg, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
2059         end if;
2060      else
2061         if Is_Func and Required then
2062            Check_Function_Specification (Subprg);
2063         end if;
2064      end if;
2065   end Parse_Subprogram_Parameters_And_Return;
2068   --  Postcond: next token
2069   --
2070   --  LRM08 6.5.4 Interface subrpogram declarations
2071   --  interface_subprogram_declaration ::=
2072   --     interface_subprogram_specification
2073   --        [ IS interface_subprogram_default ]
2074   --
2075   --  interface_subrpogram_specification ::=
2076   --     interface_procedure_specification | interface_function_specification
2077   --
2078   --  interface_procedure_specification ::=
2079   --     PROCEDURE designator
2080   --     [ [ PARAMETER ] ( formal_parameter_list ) ]
2081   --
2082   --  interface_function_specification ::=
2083   --     [ PURE | IMPURE ] FUNCTION designator
2084   --       [ [ PARAMETER ] ( formal_parameter_list ) ] RETURN type_mark
2085   --
2086   --  interface_subprogram_default ::=
2087   --     /subprogram/_name | <>
2088   function Parse_Interface_Subprogram_Declaration return Iir
2089   is
2090      Kind : Iir_Kind;
2091      Subprg: Iir;
2092      Old : Iir;
2093      pragma Unreferenced (Old);
2094   begin
2095      --  Create the node.
2096      case Current_Token is
2097         when Tok_Procedure =>
2098            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Procedure_Declaration;
2099         when Tok_Function
2100           | Tok_Pure
2101           | Tok_Impure =>
2102            Kind := Iir_Kind_Interface_Function_Declaration;
2103         when others =>
2104            raise Internal_Error;
2105      end case;
2106      Subprg := Create_Iir (Kind);
2107      Set_Location (Subprg);
2109      case Current_Token is
2110         when Tok_Procedure =>
2111            --  Skip 'procedure'.
2112            Scan;
2113         when Tok_Function =>
2114            --  LRM93 2.1
2115            --  A function is impure if its specification contains the
2116            --  reserved word IMPURE; otherwise it is said to be pure.
2117            Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, True);
2119            --  Skip 'function'.
2120            Scan;
2121         when Tok_Pure
2122           | Tok_Impure =>
2123            Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, Current_Token = Tok_Pure);
2124            Set_Has_Pure (Subprg, True);
2126            --  Eat 'pure' or 'impure'.
2127            Scan;
2129            Expect_Scan
2130              (Tok_Function, "'function' must follow 'pure' or 'impure'");
2131         when others =>
2132            raise Internal_Error;
2133      end case;
2135      --  Designator.
2136      Parse_Subprogram_Designator (Subprg);
2138      Parse_Subprogram_Parameters_And_Return
2139        (Subprg, Kind = Iir_Kind_Interface_Function_Declaration, True);
2141      --  TODO: interface_subprogram_default
2143      return Subprg;
2144   end Parse_Interface_Subprogram_Declaration;
2146   --  Precond : '('
2147   --  Postcond: next token
2148   --
2149   --  LRM08 6.5.6 Interface lists
2150   --  interface_list ::= interface_element { ';' interface_element }
2151   --
2152   --  interface_element ::= interface_declaration
2153   function Parse_Interface_List (Ctxt : Interface_Kind_Type; Parent : Iir)
2154                                 return Iir
2155   is
2156      Res, Last : Iir;
2157      Inters : Iir;
2158      Next : Iir;
2159      Prev_Loc : Location_Type;
2160   begin
2161      Prev_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
2163      --  Skip '('.
2164      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
2166      Res := Null_Iir;
2167      Last := Null_Iir;
2168      loop
2169         case Current_Token is
2170            when Tok_Identifier
2171              | Tok_Signal
2172              | Tok_Variable
2173              | Tok_Constant
2174              | Tok_File
2175              | Tok_Quantity =>
2176               --  An interface object.
2177               Inters := Parse_Interface_Object_Declaration (Ctxt);
2178            when Tok_Terminal =>
2179               Inters := Parse_Interface_Terminal_Declaration (Ctxt);
2180            when Tok_Package =>
2181               if Ctxt /= Generic_Interface_List then
2182                  Error_Msg_Parse
2183                    ("package interface only allowed in generic interface");
2184               elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
2185                  Error_Msg_Parse
2186                    ("package interface not allowed before vhdl 08");
2187               end if;
2188               Inters := Parse_Interface_Package_Declaration;
2189            when Tok_Type =>
2190               if Ctxt /= Generic_Interface_List then
2191                  Error_Msg_Parse
2192                    ("type interface only allowed in generic interface");
2193               elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
2194                  Error_Msg_Parse
2195                    ("type interface not allowed before vhdl 08");
2196               end if;
2197               Inters := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Type_Declaration);
2199               -- Skip 'type'.
2200               Scan;
2202               Scan_Identifier (Inters);
2203            when Tok_Procedure
2204              | Tok_Pure
2205              | Tok_Impure
2206              | Tok_Function =>
2207               if Ctxt /= Generic_Interface_List then
2208                  Error_Msg_Parse
2209                    ("subprogram interface only allowed in generic interface");
2210               elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
2211                  Error_Msg_Parse
2212                    ("subprogram interface not allowed before vhdl 08");
2213               end if;
2214               Inters := Parse_Interface_Subprogram_Declaration;
2215            when Tok_Right_Paren =>
2216               if Res = Null_Iir then
2217                  Error_Msg_Parse
2218                    (Prev_Loc, "empty interface list not allowed");
2219               else
2220                  Error_Msg_Parse
2221                    (Prev_Loc, "extra ';' at end of interface list");
2222               end if;
2224               --  Skip ')'.
2225               Scan;
2227               exit;
2228            when others =>
2229               Error_Msg_Parse ("interface declaration expected");
2230               --  Use a variable interface as a fall-back.
2231               Inters := Parse_Interface_Object_Declaration (Ctxt);
2232         end case;
2234         --  Chain
2235         if Last = Null_Iir then
2236            Res := Inters;
2237         else
2238            Set_Chain (Last, Inters);
2239         end if;
2241         --  Set parent and set Last to the last interface.
2242         Last := Inters;
2243         loop
2244            Set_Parent (Last, Parent);
2245            Next := Get_Chain (Last);
2246            exit when Next = Null_Iir;
2247            Last := Next;
2248         end loop;
2250         Prev_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
2252         case Current_Token is
2253            when Tok_Comma =>
2254               Error_Msg_Parse
2255                 ("interfaces must be separated by ';' (found ',')");
2257               --  Skip ','.
2258               Scan;
2259            when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
2260               --  Skip ';'.
2261               Scan;
2262            when Tok_Right_Paren =>
2263               --  Skip ')'.
2264               Scan;
2266               exit;
2267            when others =>
2268               --  Try to resync; skip tokens until ';', ')'.  Handled nested
2269               --  parenthesis.
2270               Error_Msg_Parse ("';' or ')' expected after interface");
2272               if Resync_To_End_Of_Interface then
2273                  exit;
2274               end if;
2275         end case;
2276      end loop;
2278      return Res;
2279   end Parse_Interface_List;
2281   --  precond : PORT
2282   --  postcond: next token
2283   --
2284   --  [ LRM93 1.1.1 ]
2285   --  port_clause ::= PORT ( port_list ) ;
2286   --
2287   --  [ LRM93 ]
2288   --  port_list ::= PORT_interface_list
2289   procedure Parse_Port_Clause (Parent : Iir)
2290   is
2291      Res: Iir;
2292      El : Iir;
2293   begin
2294      --  Skip 'port'
2295      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Port);
2296      Scan;
2298      Res := Parse_Interface_List (Port_Interface_List, Parent);
2300      --  Check the interface are signal interfaces.
2301      El := Res;
2302      while El /= Null_Iir loop
2303         case Get_Kind (El) is
2304            when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration
2305              | Iir_Kind_Interface_Terminal_Declaration
2306              | Iir_Kind_Interface_Quantity_Declaration =>
2307               null;
2308            when others =>
2309               if AMS_Vhdl then
2310                  Error_Msg_Parse
2311                    (+El, "port must be a signal, a terminal or a quantity");
2312               else
2313                  Error_Msg_Parse (+El, "port must be a signal");
2314               end if;
2315         end case;
2316         El := Get_Chain (El);
2317      end loop;
2319      Scan_Semi_Colon ("port clause");
2320      Set_Port_Chain (Parent, Res);
2321   end Parse_Port_Clause;
2323   --  precond : GENERIC
2324   --  postcond: next token
2325   --
2326   --  [ LRM93 1.1.1, LRM08 ]
2327   --  generic_clause ::= GENERIC ( generic_list ) ;
2328   --
2329   --  [ LRM93, LRM08]
2330   --  generic_list ::= GENERIC_interface_list
2331   procedure Parse_Generic_Clause (Parent : Iir)
2332   is
2333      Res: Iir;
2334   begin
2335      --  Skip 'generic'
2336      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Generic);
2337      Scan;
2339      Res := Parse_Interface_List (Generic_Interface_List, Parent);
2340      Set_Generic_Chain (Parent, Res);
2342      Scan_Semi_Colon ("generic clause");
2343   end Parse_Generic_Clause;
2345   --  precond : a token.
2346   --  postcond: next token
2347   --
2348   --  [ LRM93 1.1.1 ]
2349   --  entity_header ::=
2350   --      [ FORMAL_generic_clause ]
2351   --      [ FORMAL_port_clause ]
2352   --
2353   --  [ LRM93 4.5 ]
2354   --          [ LOCAL_generic_clause ]
2355   --          [ LOCAL_port_clause ]
2356   procedure Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Parent : Iir)
2357   is
2358      Has_Port, Has_Generic : Boolean;
2359   begin
2360      Has_Port := False;
2361      Has_Generic := False;
2362      loop
2363         if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
2364            if Has_Generic then
2365               Error_Msg_Parse ("at most one generic clause is allowed");
2366            end if;
2367            if Has_Port then
2368               Error_Msg_Parse ("generic clause must precede port clause");
2369            end if;
2371            if Flag_Elocations then
2372               Set_Generic_Location (Parent, Get_Token_Location);
2373            end if;
2375            Has_Generic := True;
2376            Parse_Generic_Clause (Parent);
2377         elsif Current_Token = Tok_Port then
2378            if Has_Port then
2379               Error_Msg_Parse ("at most one port clause is allowed");
2380            end if;
2382            if Flag_Elocations then
2383               Set_Port_Location (Parent, Get_Token_Location);
2384            end if;
2386            Has_Port := True;
2387            Parse_Port_Clause (Parent);
2388         else
2389            exit;
2390         end if;
2391      end loop;
2392   end Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses;
2394   --  precond : a token
2395   --  postcond: next token
2396   --
2397   --  [ LRM93 3.1.1 ]
2398   --  enumeration_type_definition ::=
2399   --      ( enumeration_literal { , enumeration_literal } )
2400   --
2401   --  [ LRM93 3.1.1 ]
2402   --  enumeration_literal ::= identifier | character_literal
2403   function Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Parent : Iir)
2404      return Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition
2405   is
2406      Pos: Iir_Int32;
2407      Enum_Lit: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
2408      Enum_Type: Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
2409      Enum_List : Iir_List;
2410   begin
2411      --  This is an enumeration.
2412      Enum_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
2413      Set_Location (Enum_Type);
2414      Enum_List := Create_Iir_List;
2416      --  LRM93 3.1.1
2417      --  The position number of the first listed enumeration literal is zero.
2418      Pos := 0;
2420      --  Eat '('.
2421      Scan;
2423      if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
2424         Error_Msg_Parse ("at least one literal must be declared");
2425      else
2426         loop
2427            if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier
2428              or Current_Token = Tok_Character
2429            then
2430               Enum_Lit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal);
2431               Set_Identifier (Enum_Lit, Current_Identifier);
2432               Set_Parent (Enum_Lit, Parent);
2433               Set_Location (Enum_Lit);
2434               Set_Enum_Pos (Enum_Lit, Pos);
2436               --  LRM93 3.1.1
2437               --  the position number for each additional enumeration literal
2438               --  is one more than that if its predecessor in the list.
2439               Pos := Pos + 1;
2441               Append_Element (Enum_List, Enum_Lit);
2443               --  Skip identifier or character.
2444               Scan;
2445            else
2446               Error_Msg_Parse ("identifier or character expected");
2447            end if;
2449            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
2451            --  Skip ','.
2452            Scan;
2454            if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
2455               Error_Msg_Parse ("extra ',' ignored");
2456               exit;
2457            end if;
2458         end loop;
2459      end if;
2461      --  Skip ')'.
2462      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren, "')' expected at end of enumeration type");
2464      Set_Enumeration_Literal_List (Enum_Type, List_To_Flist (Enum_List));
2466      return Enum_Type;
2467   end Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
2469   --  Parse:
2470   --    ARRAY ( index_subtype_definition { , index_subtype_definition } ) OF
2471   --  | ARRAY index_constraint OF
2472   --
2473   --   index_subtype_definition ::= type_mark RANGE <>
2474   --
2475   --   index_constraint ::= ( discrete_range { , discrete_range } )
2476   --
2477   --   discrete_range ::= discrete_subtype_indication | range
2478   procedure Parse_Array_Indexes
2479     (Indexes : out Iir_Flist; Constrained : out Boolean)
2480   is
2481      First : Boolean;
2482      Index_List : Iir_List;
2483      Index_Constrained : Boolean;
2484      Array_Constrained : Boolean;
2485      Type_Mark : Iir;
2486      Def : Iir;
2487   begin
2488      --  Skip 'array'.
2489      Scan;
2491      --  Skip '('.
2492      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
2494      First := True;
2495      Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
2497      loop
2498         --  The accepted syntax can be one of:
2499         --  * index_subtype_definition, which is:
2500         --    * type_mark RANGE <>
2501         --  * discrete_range, which is either:
2502         --    * /discrete/_subtype_indication
2503         --      * [ resolution_indication ] type_mark [ range_constraint ]
2504         --        * range_constraint ::= RANGE range
2505         --    * range
2506         --      * /range/_attribute_name
2507         --      * simple_expression direction simple_expression
2509         --  Parse a simple expression (for the range), which can also parse a
2510         --  name.
2511         Type_Mark := Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple);
2513         case Current_Token is
2514            when Tok_Range =>
2515               --  Skip 'range'
2516               Scan;
2518               if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
2519                  --  Parsed 'RANGE <>': this is an index_subtype_definition.
2520                  Index_Constrained := False;
2521                  Scan;
2522                  Def := Type_Mark;
2523               else
2524                  --  This is a /discrete/_subtype_indication
2525                  Index_Constrained := True;
2526                  Def :=
2527                    Parse_Range_Constraint_Of_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark);
2528               end if;
2529            when Tok_To
2530              | Tok_Downto =>
2531               --  A range
2532               Index_Constrained := True;
2533               Def := Parse_Range_Expression (Type_Mark);
2534            when others =>
2535               --  For a /range/_attribute_name
2536               Index_Constrained := True;
2537               Def := Type_Mark;
2538         end case;
2540         if First then
2541            Array_Constrained := Index_Constrained;
2542            First := False;
2543         else
2544            if Array_Constrained /= Index_Constrained then
2545               Error_Msg_Parse
2546                 ("cannot mix constrained and unconstrained index");
2547               Def := Create_Error_Node (Def);
2548            end if;
2549         end if;
2551         Append_Element (Index_List, Def);
2553         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
2555         --  Skip ','.
2556         Scan;
2557      end loop;
2559      --  Skip ')' and 'of'
2560      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
2561      Expect_Scan (Tok_Of);
2563      Indexes := List_To_Flist (Index_List);
2564      Constrained := Array_Constrained;
2565   end Parse_Array_Indexes;
2567   --  precond : ARRAY
2568   --  postcond: ??
2569   --
2570   --  [ LRM93 3.2.1 ]
2571   --  array_type_definition ::= unconstrained_array_definition
2572   --                          | constrained_array_definition
2573   --
2574   --   unconstrained_array_definition ::=
2575   --      ARRAY ( index_subtype_definition { , index_subtype_definition } )
2576   --      OF element_subtype_indication
2577   --
2578   --   constrained_array_definition ::=
2579   --      ARRAY index_constraint OF element_subtype_indication
2580   --
2581   --  [ LRM08 ]
2582   --  array_type_definition ::= unbounded_array_definition
2583   --                          | constrained_array_definition
2584   --
2585   --   unbounded_array_definition ::=
2586   --      ARRAY ( index_subtype_definition { , index_subtype_definition } )
2587   --      OF element_subtype_indication
2588   function Parse_Array_Type_Definition return Iir
2589   is
2590      Array_Constrained : Boolean;
2591      Res_Type: Iir;
2592      Index_Flist : Iir_Flist;
2594      Loc : Location_Type;
2595      Element_Subtype : Iir;
2596   begin
2597      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
2599      Parse_Array_Indexes (Index_Flist, Array_Constrained);
2601      Element_Subtype := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
2603      if Array_Constrained then
2604         --  Sem_Type will create the array type.
2605         Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
2606         Set_Array_Element_Constraint (Res_Type, Element_Subtype);
2607         Set_Index_Constraint_List (Res_Type, Index_Flist);
2608         Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Res_Type, True);
2609      else
2610         Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
2611         Set_Element_Subtype_Indication (Res_Type, Element_Subtype);
2612         Set_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Res_Type, Index_Flist);
2613      end if;
2614      Set_Location (Res_Type, Loc);
2616      return Res_Type;
2617   end Parse_Array_Type_Definition;
2619   --  precond : UNITS
2620   --  postcond: next token
2621   --
2622   --  [ LRM93 3.1.3 ]
2623   --  physical_type_definition ::=
2624   --      range_constraint
2625   --          UNITS
2626   --              base_unit_declaration
2627   --              { secondary_unit_declaration }
2628   --          END UNITS [ PHYSICAL_TYPE_simple_name ]
2629   --
2630   --  [ LRM93 3.1.3 ]
2631   --  base_unit_declaration ::= identifier ;
2632   --
2633   --  [ LRM93 3.1.3 ]
2634   --  secondary_unit_declaration ::= identifier = physical_literal ;
2635   function Parse_Physical_Type_Definition (Parent : Iir)
2636                                           return Iir_Physical_Type_Definition
2637   is
2638      Res: Iir_Physical_Type_Definition;
2639      Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
2640      Last : Iir_Unit_Declaration;
2641      Multiplier : Iir;
2642   begin
2643      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition);
2644      Set_Location (Res);
2646      --  Skip 'units'
2647      Expect_Scan (Tok_Units);
2649      --  Parse primary unit.
2650      Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
2651      Set_Parent (Unit, Parent);
2653      Scan_Identifier (Unit);
2655      Scan_Semi_Colon ("primary physical unit");
2657      Set_Unit_Chain (Res, Unit);
2658      Last := Unit;
2660      --  Parse secondary units.
2661      while Current_Token = Tok_Identifier loop
2662         Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
2663         Set_Parent (Unit, Parent);
2665         Scan_Identifier (Unit);
2667         --  Skip '='.
2668         Expect_Scan (Tok_Equal);
2670         case Current_Token is
2671            when Tok_Integer
2672              | Tok_Identifier
2673              | Tok_Real =>
2674               Multiplier := Parse_Primary;
2675            when others =>
2676               Error_Msg_Parse
2677                 ("physical literal expected to define a secondary unit");
2678               Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
2679               Multiplier := Null_Iir;
2680         end case;
2682         if Multiplier /= Null_Iir then
2683            Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Multiplier);
2685            case Get_Kind (Multiplier) is
2686               when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
2687                 | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
2688                 | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
2689                  null;
2690               when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
2691                  Error_Msg_Parse
2692                    ("secondary units may only be defined by an integer");
2693               when others =>
2694                  Error_Msg_Parse ("a physical literal is expected here");
2695                  Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
2696            end case;
2697         end if;
2698         Set_Chain (Last, Unit);
2699         Last := Unit;
2701         Scan_Semi_Colon ("secondary physical unit");
2702      end loop;
2704      --  Skip 'end'.
2705      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
2707      --  Skip 'units'.
2708      Expect_Scan (Tok_Units);
2709      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
2711      return Res;
2712   end Parse_Physical_Type_Definition;
2714   --  precond : RECORD
2715   --  postcond: next token
2716   --
2717   --  [ LRM93 3.2.2 ]
2718   --  record_type_definition ::=
2719   --      RECORD
2720   --          element_declaration
2721   --          { element_declaration }
2722   --      END RECORD [ RECORD_TYPE_simple_name ]
2723   --
2724   --  element_declaration ::=
2725   --      identifier_list : element_subtype_definition
2726   --
2727   --  element_subtype_definition ::= subtype_indication
2728   function Parse_Record_Type_Definition return Iir_Record_Type_Definition
2729   is
2730      Res: Iir_Record_Type_Definition;
2731      El_List : Iir_List;
2732      El: Iir_Element_Declaration;
2733      First : Iir;
2734      Pos: Iir_Index32;
2735      Subtype_Indication: Iir;
2736   begin
2737      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition);
2738      Set_Location (Res);
2739      El_List := Create_Iir_List;
2741      --  Skip 'record'
2742      Scan;
2744      Pos := 0;
2745      First := Null_Iir;
2746      loop
2747         pragma Assert (First = Null_Iir);
2748         --  Parse identifier_list
2749         loop
2750            El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration);
2751            Scan_Identifier (El);
2753            Set_Parent (El, Res);
2754            if First = Null_Iir then
2755               First := El;
2756            end if;
2758            Append_Element (El_List, El);
2759            Set_Element_Position (El, Pos);
2760            Pos := Pos + 1;
2762            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
2764            Set_Has_Identifier_List (El, True);
2766            --  Skip ','
2767            Scan;
2768         end loop;
2770         --  Scan ':'.
2771         Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
2773         --  Parse element subtype indication.
2774         Subtype_Indication := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
2775         Set_Subtype_Indication (First, Subtype_Indication);
2777         First := Null_Iir;
2778         Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("element declaration");
2779         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier;
2780      end loop;
2782      Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, List_To_Flist (El_List));
2784      if Flag_Elocations then
2785         Create_Elocations (Res);
2786         Set_End_Location (Res, Get_Token_Location);
2787      end if;
2789      --  Skip 'end'
2790      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
2791      Expect_Scan (Tok_Record);
2792      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
2794      return Res;
2795   end Parse_Record_Type_Definition;
2797   --  precond : ACCESS
2798   --  postcond: ?
2799   --
2800   --  [ LRM93 3.3]
2801   --  access_type_definition ::= ACCESS subtype_indication.
2802   function Parse_Access_Type_Definition return Iir_Access_Type_Definition
2803   is
2804      Res : Iir_Access_Type_Definition;
2805   begin
2806      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition);
2807      Set_Location (Res);
2809      --  Skip 'access'
2810      Expect (Tok_Access);
2811      Scan;
2813      Set_Designated_Subtype_Indication (Res, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
2815      return Res;
2816   end Parse_Access_Type_Definition;
2818   --  precond : FILE
2819   --  postcond: next token
2820   --
2821   --  [ LRM93 3.4 ]
2822   --  file_type_definition ::= FILE OF type_mark
2823   function Parse_File_Type_Definition return Iir_File_Type_Definition
2824   is
2825      Res : Iir_File_Type_Definition;
2826      Type_Mark: Iir;
2827   begin
2828      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition);
2829      Set_Location (Res);
2830      -- Accept token 'file'.
2831      Scan;
2832      Expect_Scan (Tok_Of);
2834      Type_Mark := Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True);
2835      if Type_Mark = Null_Iir
2836        or else Get_Kind (Type_Mark) not in Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name
2837      then
2838         Error_Msg_Parse ("type mark expected");
2839      else
2840         Set_File_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
2841      end if;
2842      return Res;
2843   end Parse_File_Type_Definition;
2845   --  precond : PROTECTED
2846   --  postcond: ';'
2847   --
2848   --  [ 3.5 ]
2849   --  protected_type_definition ::= protected_type_declaration
2850   --                              | protected_type_body
2851   --
2852   --  [ 3.5.1 ]
2853   --  protected_type_declaration ::= PROTECTED
2854   --                                     protected_type_declarative_part
2855   --                                 END PROTECTED [ simple_name ]
2856   --
2857   --  protected_type_declarative_part ::=
2858   --     { protected_type_declarative_item }
2859   --
2860   --  protected_type_declarative_item ::=
2861   --       subprogram_declaration
2862   --     | attribute_specification
2863   --     | use_clause
2864   --
2865   --  [ 3.5.2 ]
2866   --  protected_type_body ::= PROTECTED BODY
2867   --                              protected_type_body_declarative_part
2868   --                          END PROTECTED BODY [ simple_name ]
2869   --
2870   --  protected_type_body_declarative_part ::=
2871   --      { protected_type_body_declarative_item }
2872   function Parse_Protected_Type_Definition
2873     (Ident : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
2874   is
2875      Res : Iir;
2876      Decl : Iir;
2877   begin
2878      --  Skip 'protected'.
2879      Scan;
2881      if Current_Token = Tok_Body then
2882         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body);
2884         --  Skip 'body'.
2885         Scan;
2887         Decl := Res;
2888      else
2889         Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
2890         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration);
2891         Set_Location (Res, Loc);
2892         Set_Type_Definition (Decl, Res);
2893         Set_Type_Declarator (Res, Decl);
2894      end if;
2895      Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
2896      Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
2898      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
2900      --  Eat 'end'.
2901      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
2903      if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_00 then
2904         Expect_Scan (Tok_Protected);
2905      else
2906         --  Avoid weird message: 'protected' expected instead of 'protected'.
2907         Expect_Scan (Tok_Identifier);
2908      end if;
2909      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
2910      if Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body then
2911         Expect_Scan (Tok_Body);
2912      end if;
2913      Check_End_Name (Ident, Res);
2914      return Decl;
2915   end Parse_Protected_Type_Definition;
2917   --  precond : TYPE
2918   --  postcond: a token
2919   --
2920   --  [ LRM93 4.1 ]
2921   --  type_definition ::= scalar_type_definition
2922   --                    | composite_type_definition
2923   --                    | access_type_definition
2924   --                    | file_type_definition
2925   --                    | protected_type_definition
2926   --
2927   --  [ LRM93 3.1 ]
2928   --  scalar_type_definition ::= enumeration_type_definition
2929   --                           | integer_type_definition
2930   --                           | floating_type_definition
2931   --                           | physical_type_definition
2932   --
2933   --  [ LRM93 3.2 ]
2934   --  composite_type_definition ::= array_type_definition
2935   --                              | record_type_definition
2936   --
2937   --  [ LRM93 3.1.2 ]
2938   --  integer_type_definition ::= range_constraint
2939   --
2940   --  [ LRM93 3.1.4 ]
2941   --  floating_type_definition ::= range_constraint
2942   function Parse_Type_Declaration (Parent : Iir) return Iir
2943   is
2944      Def : Iir;
2945      Loc : Location_Type;
2946      Ident : Name_Id;
2947      Decl : Iir;
2948      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
2949   begin
2950      -- The current token must be type.
2951      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Type);
2952      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
2954      --  Skip 'type'.
2955      Scan;
2957      -- Get the identifier
2958      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
2959      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
2960         Ident := Current_Identifier;
2962         --  Skip identifier.
2963         Scan;
2964      else
2965         Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier is expected after 'type'");
2966         Ident := Null_Identifier;
2967      end if;
2970      if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
2971         --  If there is a ';', this is an incomplete type declaration.
2972         Scan;
2974         Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
2975         Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
2976         Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
2978         if Flag_Elocations then
2979            Create_Elocations (Decl);
2980            Set_Start_Location (Decl, Start_Loc);
2981         end if;
2983         return Decl;
2984      end if;
2986      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is, "'is' expected here");
2988      case Current_Token is
2989         when Tok_Left_Paren =>
2990            --  This is an enumeration.
2991            Def := Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Parent);
2992            Decl := Null_Iir;
2994         when Tok_Range =>
2995            --  This is a range definition.
2996            Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
2997            Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
2998            Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
3000            --  Skip 'range'
3001            Scan;
3003            Def := Parse_Range_Constraint;
3004            Set_Type_Definition (Decl, Def);
3006            if Current_Token = Tok_Units then
3007               --  A physical type definition.
3008               declare
3009                  Phys_Def : Iir;
3010               begin
3011                  Phys_Def := Parse_Physical_Type_Definition (Parent);
3012                  if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3013                     if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
3014                        Error_Msg_Parse
3015                          ("simple_name not allowed here in vhdl87");
3016                     end if;
3017                     Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Phys_Def);
3018                  end if;
3019                  Set_Range_Constraint (Phys_Def, Def);
3020                  Set_Type_Definition (Decl, Phys_Def);
3021                  Set_Type_Declarator (Phys_Def, Decl);
3022               end;
3023            end if;
3025         when Tok_Array =>
3026            Def := Parse_Array_Type_Definition;
3027            Decl := Null_Iir;
3029         when Tok_Record =>
3030            Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
3031            Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
3032            Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
3033            Def := Parse_Record_Type_Definition;
3034            Set_Type_Definition (Decl, Def);
3035            Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
3036            if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3037               if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
3038                  Error_Msg_Parse ("simple_name not allowed here in vhdl87");
3039               end if;
3040               Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Def);
3041            end if;
3043         when Tok_Access =>
3044            Def := Parse_Access_Type_Definition;
3045            Decl := Null_Iir;
3047         when Tok_File =>
3048            Def := Parse_File_Type_Definition;
3049            Decl := Null_Iir;
3051         when Tok_Identifier =>
3052            if Current_Identifier = Name_Protected then
3053               Error_Msg_Parse ("protected type not allowed in vhdl87/93");
3054               Decl := Parse_Protected_Type_Definition (Ident, Loc);
3055            else
3056               Report_Start_Group;
3057               Error_Msg_Parse ("type %i cannot be defined from another type",
3058                                +Ident);
3059               Error_Msg_Parse ("(you should declare a subtype)");
3060               Report_End_Group;
3061               Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
3062            end if;
3064         when Tok_Protected =>
3065            if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_00 then
3066               Error_Msg_Parse ("protected type not allowed in vhdl87/93");
3067            end if;
3068            Decl := Parse_Protected_Type_Definition (Ident, Loc);
3070         when others =>
3071            Error_Msg_Parse ("missing type definition after 'is'");
3072            Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
3073      end case;
3075      if Decl = Null_Iir then
3076         case Get_Kind (Def) is
3077            when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
3078              | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
3079              | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
3080              | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
3081               Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
3082            when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
3083               Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
3084            when others =>
3085               Error_Kind ("parse_type_declaration", Def);
3086         end case;
3087         Set_Type_Definition (Decl, Def);
3088      end if;
3089      Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
3090      Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
3092      -- ';' is expected after end of type declaration
3093      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("type declaration");
3095      if Flag_Elocations then
3096         Create_Elocations (Decl);
3097         Set_Start_Location (Decl, Start_Loc);
3098      end if;
3100      return Decl;
3101   end Parse_Type_Declaration;
3103   --  precond: '(' or identifier
3104   --  postcond: next token
3105   --
3106   --  [ LRM08 6.3 ]
3107   --
3108   --  resolution_indication ::=
3109   --      resolution_function_name | ( element_resolution )
3110   --
3111   --  element_resolution ::=
3112   --      array_element_resolution | record_resolution
3113   --
3114   --  array_element_resolution ::= resolution_indication
3115   --
3116   --  record_resolution ::=
3117   --      record_element_resolution { , record_element_resolution }
3118   --
3119   --  record_element_resolution ::=
3120   --      record_element_simple_name resolution_indication
3121   function Parse_Resolution_Indication return Iir
3122   is
3123      Ind : Iir;
3124      Def : Iir;
3125      Loc : Location_Type;
3126   begin
3127      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3128         --  Resolution function name.
3129         return Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
3130      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
3131         --  Element resolution.
3132         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
3134         --  Eat '('
3135         Scan;
3137         Ind := Parse_Resolution_Indication;
3138         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier
3139           or else Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren
3140         then
3141            declare
3142               Id : Name_Id;
3143               El : Iir;
3144               First, Last : Iir;
3145            begin
3146               --  This was in fact a record_resolution.
3147               if Get_Kind (Ind) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
3148                  Id := Get_Identifier (Ind);
3149               else
3150                  Error_Msg_Parse (+Ind, "element name expected");
3151                  Id := Null_Identifier;
3152               end if;
3153               Free_Iir (Ind);
3155               Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Resolution);
3156               Set_Location (Def, Loc);
3157               Chain_Init (First, Last);
3158               loop
3159                  El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Element_Resolution);
3160                  Set_Location (El, Loc);
3161                  Set_Identifier (El, Id);
3162                  Set_Resolution_Indication (El, Parse_Resolution_Indication);
3163                  Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
3164                  exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3166                  --  Eat ','
3167                  Scan;
3169                  if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
3170                     Error_Msg_Parse ("record element identifier expected");
3171                     exit;
3172                  end if;
3173                  Id := Current_Identifier;
3174                  Loc := Get_Token_Location;
3176                  --  Eat identifier
3177                  Scan;
3178               end loop;
3179               Set_Record_Element_Resolution_Chain (Def, First);
3180            end;
3181         else
3182            Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Element_Resolution);
3183            Set_Location (Def, Loc);
3184            Set_Resolution_Indication (Def, Ind);
3185         end if;
3187         --  Eat ')'
3188         Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
3190         return Def;
3191      else
3192         Error_Msg_Parse ("resolution indication expected");
3193         return Null_Iir;
3194      end if;
3195   end Parse_Resolution_Indication;
3197   --  precond : '('
3198   --  postcond: next token
3199   --
3200   --  [ LRM08 6.3 Subtype declarations ]
3201   --  element_constraint ::=
3202   --      array_constraint | record_constraint
3203   --
3204   --  [ LRM08 Array types ]
3205   --  array_constraint ::=
3206   --      index_constraint [ array_element_constraint ]
3207   --      | ( open ) [ array_element_constraint ]
3208   --
3209   --  array_element_constraint ::= element_constraint
3210   --
3211   --  RES is the resolution_indication of the subtype indication.
3212   procedure Parse_Element_Constraint (Def : Iir)
3213   is
3214      El_Def : Iir;
3215      El : Iir;
3216      Index_List : Iir_List;
3217   begin
3218      --  Index_constraint.
3219      Set_Location (Def);
3220      Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def, True);
3221      Set_Has_Array_Constraint_Flag (Def, True);
3223      --  Eat '('.
3224      Scan;
3226      if Current_Token = Tok_Open then
3227         --  Eat 'open'.
3228         Scan;
3229      else
3230         Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
3231         --  index_constraint ::= (discrete_range {, discrete_range} )
3232         loop
3233            El := Parse_Discrete_Range;
3234            Append_Element (Index_List, El);
3236            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3238            --  Eat ','
3239            Scan;
3240         end loop;
3241         Set_Index_Constraint_List (Def, List_To_Flist (Index_List));
3242      end if;
3244      --  Eat ')'
3245      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
3247      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
3248         El_Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
3249         Parse_Element_Constraint (El_Def);
3250         Set_Array_Element_Constraint (Def, El_Def);
3251         Set_Has_Element_Constraint_Flag (Def, True);
3252      end if;
3253   end Parse_Element_Constraint;
3255   --  precond : tolerance
3256   --  postcond: next token
3257   --
3258   --  [ LRM93 4.2 ]
3259   --  tolerance_aspect ::= TOLERANCE string_expression
3260   function Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt return Iir is
3261   begin
3262      if AMS_Vhdl
3263        and then Current_Token = Tok_Tolerance
3264      then
3265         Scan;
3266         return Parse_Expression;
3267      else
3268         return Null_Iir;
3269      end if;
3270   end Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt;
3272   --  precond : identifier or '('
3273   --  postcond: next token
3274   --
3275   --  [ LRM93 4.2 ]
3276   --  subtype_indication ::=
3277   --      [ RESOLUTION_FUNCTION_name ] type_mark [ constraint ]
3278   --
3279   --  constraint ::= range_constraint | index_constraint
3280   --
3281   --  [ LRM08 6.3 ]
3282   --  subtype_indication ::=
3283   --      [ resolution_indication ] type_mark [ constraint ]
3284   --
3285   --  constraint ::=
3286   --      range_constraint | array_constraint | record_constraint
3287   --
3288   --  NAME is the type_mark when already parsed (in range expression or
3289   --   allocator by type).
3290   function Parse_Subtype_Indication (Name : Iir := Null_Iir) return Iir
3291   is
3292      Type_Mark : Iir;
3293      Def: Iir;
3294      Resolution_Indication: Iir;
3295      Tolerance : Iir;
3296   begin
3297      -- FIXME: location.
3298      Resolution_Indication := Null_Iir;
3299      Def := Null_Iir;
3301      if Name /= Null_Iir then
3302         --  The type_mark was already parsed.
3303         if Check_Type_Mark (Name) then
3304            Type_Mark := Name;
3305         else
3306            --  Not a type mark.  Ignore it.
3307            Type_Mark := Null_Iir;
3308         end if;
3309      else
3310         if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
3311            if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
3312               Error_Msg_Parse
3313                 ("resolution_indication not allowed before vhdl08");
3314            end if;
3315            Resolution_Indication := Parse_Resolution_Indication;
3316         end if;
3317         if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
3318            Error_Msg_Parse ("type mark expected in a subtype indication");
3319            return Create_Error_Node;
3320         end if;
3321         Type_Mark := Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => False);
3322      end if;
3324      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3325         if Resolution_Indication /= Null_Iir then
3326            Error_Msg_Parse ("resolution function already indicated");
3327         end if;
3328         Resolution_Indication := Type_Mark;
3329         Type_Mark := Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => False);
3330      end if;
3332      case Current_Token is
3333         when Tok_Left_Paren =>
3334            --  element_constraint.
3335            Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
3336            Parse_Element_Constraint (Def);
3337            Set_Subtype_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
3338            Set_Resolution_Indication (Def, Resolution_Indication);
3339            Set_Tolerance (Def, Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt);
3341         when Tok_Range =>
3342            --  range_constraint.
3343            --  Skip 'range'
3344            Scan;
3346            Def := Parse_Range_Constraint_Of_Subtype_Indication
3347              (Type_Mark, Resolution_Indication);
3349         when others =>
3350            Tolerance := Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt;
3351            if Resolution_Indication /= Null_Iir
3352              or else Tolerance /= Null_Iir
3353            then
3354               --  A subtype needs to be created.
3355               Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition);
3356               if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
3357                  Location_Copy (Def, Type_Mark);
3358                  Set_Subtype_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
3359               end if;
3360               Set_Resolution_Indication (Def, Resolution_Indication);
3361               Set_Tolerance (Def, Tolerance);
3362            else
3363               --  This is just an alias.
3364               Def := Type_Mark;
3365            end if;
3366      end case;
3367      return Def;
3368   end Parse_Subtype_Indication;
3370   --  precond : SUBTYPE
3371   --  postcond: next token
3372   --
3373   --  [ LRM93 4.2 ]
3374   --  subtype_declaration ::= SUBTYPE identifier IS subtype_indication ;
3375   function Parse_Subtype_Declaration (Parent : Iir)
3376                                      return Iir_Subtype_Declaration
3377   is
3378      Decl: Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
3379      Def: Iir;
3380      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
3381   begin
3382      Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
3383      Set_Parent (Decl, Parent);
3384      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
3386      --  Eat 'subtype'.
3387      Scan;
3389      Scan_Identifier (Decl);
3391      --  Skip 'is'.
3392      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
3394      Def := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
3395      Set_Subtype_Indication (Decl, Def);
3397      --  Skip ';'.
3398      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("subtype decalaration");
3400      if Flag_Elocations then
3401         Create_Elocations (Decl);
3402         Set_Start_Location (Decl, Start_Loc);
3403      end if;
3405      return Decl;
3406   end Parse_Subtype_Declaration;
3408   --  [ LRM93 3.5.1 ]
3409   --  scalar_nature_definition ::= type_mark ACROSS
3410   --                               type_mark THROUGH
3411   --                               identifier REFERENCE
3412   --
3413   function Parse_Scalar_Nature_Definition return Iir
3414   is
3415      Def : Iir;
3416      Ref : Iir;
3417   begin
3418      Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Scalar_Nature_Definition);
3419      Set_Across_Type_Mark (Def, Parse_Type_Mark);
3420      Expect_Scan (Tok_Across, "'across' expected after type mark");
3421      Set_Through_Type_Mark (Def, Parse_Type_Mark);
3422      Expect_Scan (Tok_Through, "'through' expected after type mark");
3423      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3424         Ref := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration);
3425         Scan_Identifier (Ref);
3426         Set_Reference (Def, Ref);
3427         if Current_Token = Tok_Reference then
3428            Scan;
3429         else
3430            Expect (Tok_Reference, "'reference' expected");
3431            Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
3432         end if;
3433      else
3434         Error_Msg_Parse ("reference identifier expected");
3435         Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
3436      end if;
3438      return Def;
3439   end Parse_Scalar_Nature_Definition;
3441   --  precond : identifier
3442   --  postcond: next token
3443   --
3444   --  LRM 4.8 Nature declaration
3445   --
3446   --  subnature_indication ::=
3447   --      nature_mark [ index_constraint ]
3448   --      [ TOLERANCE string_expression ACROSS string_expression THROUGH ]
3449   --
3450   --  nature_mark ::=
3451   --      nature_name | subnature_name
3452   function Parse_Subnature_Indication return Iir
3453   is
3454      Nature_Mark : Iir;
3455      Expr : Iir;
3456      Res : Iir;
3457   begin
3458      if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
3459         Error_Msg_Parse ("nature mark expected in a subnature indication");
3460         return Null_Iir;
3461      end if;
3462      Res := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
3464      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
3465         Nature_Mark := Res;
3466         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subnature_Definition);
3467         Parse_Element_Constraint (Res);
3468         Set_Subnature_Nature_Mark (Res, Nature_Mark);
3469      end if;
3471      if Current_Token = Tok_Tolerance then
3472         --  Skip 'tolerance'.
3473         Scan;
3475         Expr := Parse_Expression;
3477         Expect_Scan (Tok_Across, "'across' required after tolerance");
3479         Expr := Parse_Expression;
3481         Expect_Scan (Tok_Through, "'through' required after tolerance");
3482         pragma Unreferenced (Expr);
3483      end if;
3484      return Res;
3485   end Parse_Subnature_Indication;
3487   function Parse_Array_Nature_Definition return Iir
3488   is
3489      Loc : Location_Type;
3490      Index_Flist : Iir_Flist;
3491      Array_Constrained : Boolean;
3492      Element_Subnature : Iir;
3493      Res_Type : Iir;
3494   begin
3495      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
3497      Parse_Array_Indexes (Index_Flist, Array_Constrained);
3499      Element_Subnature := Parse_Subnature_Indication;
3501      if Array_Constrained then
3502         --  Sem_Type will create the array type.
3503         Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subnature_Definition);
3504         Set_Array_Element_Constraint (Res_Type, Element_Subnature);
3505         Set_Index_Constraint_List (Res_Type, Index_Flist);
3506         Set_Index_Constraint_Flag (Res_Type, True);
3507      else
3508         Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Nature_Definition);
3509         Set_Element_Subnature_Indication (Res_Type, Element_Subnature);
3510         Set_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Res_Type, Index_Flist);
3511      end if;
3512      Set_Location (Res_Type, Loc);
3514      return Res_Type;
3515   end Parse_Array_Nature_Definition;
3517   --  record_nature_definition ::=
3518   --     RECORD
3519   --        nature_element_declaration
3520   --        { nature_element_declaration }
3521   --     END RECORD [ /record_nature/_simple_name ]
3522   --
3523   function Parse_Record_Nature_Definition return Iir
3524   is
3525      Res : Iir;
3526      El_List : Iir_List;
3527      El : Iir;
3528      First : Iir;
3529      Pos: Iir_Index32;
3530      Subnature_Indication : Iir;
3531   begin
3532      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Nature_Definition);
3533      Set_Location (Res);
3534      El_List := Create_Iir_List;
3536      --  Skip 'record'
3537      Scan;
3539      Pos := 0;
3540      First := Null_Iir;
3541      loop
3542         pragma Assert (First = Null_Iir);
3543         --  Parse identifier_list
3544         loop
3545            El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Nature_Element_Declaration);
3546            Scan_Identifier (El);
3548            Set_Parent (El, Res);
3549            if First = Null_Iir then
3550               First := El;
3551            end if;
3553            Append_Element (El_List, El);
3554            Set_Element_Position (El, Pos);
3555            Pos := Pos + 1;
3557            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3559            Set_Has_Identifier_List (El, True);
3561            --  Skip ','
3562            Scan;
3563         end loop;
3565         --  Scan ':'.
3566         Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
3568         --  Parse element subnature indication.
3569         Subnature_Indication := Parse_Subnature_Indication;
3570         Set_Subnature_Indication (First, Subnature_Indication);
3572         First := Null_Iir;
3573         Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("element declaration");
3574         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier;
3575      end loop;
3577      Set_Elements_Declaration_List (Res, List_To_Flist (El_List));
3579      if Flag_Elocations then
3580         Create_Elocations (Res);
3581         Set_End_Location (Res, Get_Token_Location);
3582      end if;
3584      --  Skip 'end'
3585      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
3586      Expect_Scan (Tok_Record);
3587      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
3589      return Res;
3590   end Parse_Record_Nature_Definition;
3592   --  precond : NATURE
3593   --  postcond: a token
3594   --
3595   --  AMS-LRM17 6.11 Nature and subnature declarations
3596   --  nature_definition ::= scalar_nature_definition
3597   --                    | composite_nature_definition
3598   --
3599   --  [ LRM93 3.5.2 ]
3600   --  composite_nature_definition ::= array_nature_definition
3601   --                              | record_nature_definition
3602   function Parse_Nature_Declaration return Iir
3603   is
3604      Def : Iir;
3605      Loc : Location_Type;
3606      Ident : Name_Id;
3607      Decl : Iir;
3608   begin
3609      --  Skip 'nature'.
3610      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Nature);
3611      Scan;
3613      -- Get the identifier
3614      Expect (Tok_Identifier, "an identifier is expected after 'nature'");
3615      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
3616      Ident := Current_Identifier;
3618      Scan;
3620      --  Skip 'is'.
3621      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
3623      case Current_Token is
3624         when Tok_Array =>
3625            Def := Parse_Array_Nature_Definition;
3626            Set_Location (Def, Loc);
3627         when Tok_Record =>
3628            Def := Parse_Record_Nature_Definition;
3629            Set_Location (Def, Loc);
3630            if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
3631               Check_End_Name (Ident, Def);
3632            end if;
3633         when Tok_Identifier =>
3634            Def := Parse_Scalar_Nature_Definition;
3635            Set_Location (Def, Loc);
3636         when others =>
3637            Error_Msg_Parse ("nature definition expected here");
3638            Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
3639      end case;
3641      Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Nature_Declaration);
3642      Set_Nature (Decl, Def);
3643      Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
3644      Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
3646      -- ';' is expected after end of type declaration
3647      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("nature declaration");
3649      return Decl;
3650   end Parse_Nature_Declaration;
3652   --  AMS-LRM17 6.11 Nature and subnature declarations
3653   --  subnature_declaration ::=
3654   --    SUBNATURE identifier is subnature_indication ;
3655   function Parse_Subnature_Declaration return Iir
3656   is
3657      Res : Iir;
3658   begin
3659      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subnature_Declaration);
3660      Set_Location (Res);
3662      --  Skip 'subnature'.
3663      Scan;
3665      Scan_Identifier (Res);
3667      --  Skip 'is'.
3668      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
3670      Set_Subnature_Indication (Res, Parse_Subnature_Indication);
3672      -- ';' is expected after end of type declaration
3673      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("subnature declaration");
3675      return Res;
3676   end Parse_Subnature_Declaration;
3678   --  precond : TERMINAL
3679   --  postcond: next token.
3680   --
3681   --  [ Terminal declarations ]
3682   --  terminal_declaration ::=
3683   --      TERMINAL identifier_list : subnature_indication
3684   function Parse_Terminal_Declaration (Parent : Iir) return Iir
3685   is
3686      --  First and last element of the chain to be returned.
3687      First, Last : Iir;
3688      Terminal : Iir;
3689      Subnature : Iir;
3690   begin
3691      Chain_Init (First, Last);
3693      --  Skip 'terminal'.
3694      Scan;
3696      loop
3697         -- 'terminal' or "," was just scanned.
3698         Terminal := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration);
3700         Scan_Identifier (Terminal);
3702         Set_Parent (Terminal, Parent);
3704         Chain_Append (First, Last, Terminal);
3706         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3708         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Terminal, True);
3710         --  Skip ','.
3711         Scan;
3712      end loop;
3714      --  Skip ':'.
3715      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
3717      Subnature := Parse_Subnature_Indication;
3719      Terminal := First;
3720      while Terminal /= Null_Iir loop
3721         -- Type definitions are factorized.  This is OK, but not done by
3722         -- sem.
3723         if Terminal = First then
3724            Set_Subnature_Indication (Terminal, Subnature);
3725         else
3726            Set_Subnature_Indication (Terminal, Null_Iir);
3727         end if;
3728         Terminal := Get_Chain (Terminal);
3729      end loop;
3731      --  Skip ';'.
3732      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("terminal declaration");
3734      return First;
3735   end Parse_Terminal_Declaration;
3737   --  precond : SPECTRUM
3738   --
3739   --  AMS-LRM17 Quantity declarations
3740   --  source_aspect ::=
3741   --     SPECTRUM magnitude_simple_expression , phase_simple_expression
3742   --   | NOISE power_simple_expression
3743   function Parse_Source_Quantity_Declaration
3744     (Old : Iir; Parent : Iir; Kind : Iir_Kinds_Source_Quantity_Declaration)
3745     return Iir
3746   is
3747      Object : Iir;
3748      New_Object : Iir;
3749      First, Last : Iir;
3750   begin
3751      --  Change declarations
3752      Object := Old;
3753      Chain_Init (First, Last);
3754      while Object /= Null_Iir loop
3755         New_Object := Create_Iir (Kind);
3756         Location_Copy (New_Object, Object);
3757         Set_Identifier (New_Object, Get_Identifier (Object));
3758         Set_Subtype_Indication (New_Object, Get_Subtype_Indication (Object));
3759         Set_Parent (New_Object, Parent);
3760         Set_Has_Identifier_List
3761           (New_Object, Get_Has_Identifier_List (Object));
3763         Chain_Append (First, Last, New_Object);
3765         New_Object := Get_Chain (Object);
3766         Free_Iir (Object);
3767         Object := New_Object;
3768      end loop;
3770      --  Skip 'spectrum'/'noise'
3771      Scan;
3773      case Kind is
3774         when Iir_Kind_Spectrum_Quantity_Declaration =>
3775            Set_Magnitude_Expression (First, Parse_Expression);
3777            Expect_Scan (Tok_Comma);
3779            Set_Phase_Expression (First, Parse_Expression);
3780         when Iir_Kind_Noise_Quantity_Declaration =>
3781            Set_Power_Expression (First, Parse_Expression);
3782      end case;
3784      return First;
3785   end Parse_Source_Quantity_Declaration;
3787   --  precond : QUANTITY
3788   --  postcond: next token.
3789   --
3790   --  [ Quantity declarations ]
3791   --  quantity_declaration ::=
3792   --      free_quantity_declaration
3793   --      | branch_quantity_declaration
3794   --      | source_quantity_declaration
3795   --
3796   --  free_quantity_declaration ::=
3797   --      QUANTITY identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression ] ;
3798   --
3799   --  branch_quantity_declaration ::=
3800   --      QUANTITY [ across_aspect ] [ through_aspect ] terminal_aspect ;
3801   --
3802   --  source_quantity_declaration ::=
3803   --      QUANTITY identifier_list : subtype_indication source_aspect ;
3804   --
3805   --  across_aspect ::=
3806   --      identifier_list [ tolerance_aspect ] [ := expression ] ACROSS
3807   --
3808   --  through_aspect ::=
3809   --      identifier_list [ tolerance_aspect ] [ := expression ] THROUGH
3810   --
3811   --  terminal_aspect ::=
3812   --      plus_terminal_name [ TO minus_terminal_name ]
3813   function Parse_Quantity_Declaration (Parent : Iir) return Iir
3814   is
3815      --  First and last element of the chain to be returned.
3816      First, Last : Iir;
3817      Object : Iir;
3818      New_Object : Iir;
3819      Tolerance : Iir;
3820      Default_Value : Iir;
3821      Kind : Iir_Kind;
3822      Plus_Terminal : Iir;
3823   begin
3824      Chain_Init (First, Last);
3826      --  Eat 'quantity'
3827      Scan;
3829      loop
3830         --  Quantity or "," was just scanned.  We assume a free quantity
3831         --  declaration and will change to branch or source quantity if
3832         --  necessary.
3833         Object := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration);
3835         Scan_Identifier (Object);
3837         Set_Parent (Object, Parent);
3839         Chain_Append (First, Last, Object);
3841         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3843         --  Eat ','
3844         Scan;
3846         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Object, True);
3847      end loop;
3849      case Current_Token is
3850         when Tok_Colon =>
3851            --  Either a free quantity (or a source quantity)
3852            --  TODO
3854            --  Skip ':'.
3855            Scan;
3857            Set_Subtype_Indication (First, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
3859            case Current_Token is
3860               when Tok_Spectrum =>
3861                  First := Parse_Source_Quantity_Declaration
3862                    (First, Parent, Iir_Kind_Spectrum_Quantity_Declaration);
3863               when Tok_Noise =>
3864                  First := Parse_Source_Quantity_Declaration
3865                    (First, Parent, Iir_Kind_Noise_Quantity_Declaration);
3866               when Tok_Assign =>
3867                  --  Skip ':='.
3868                  Scan;
3870                  Set_Default_Value (First, Parse_Expression);
3871               when others =>
3872                  null;
3873            end case;
3874         when Tok_Tolerance
3875           | Tok_Assign
3876           | Tok_Across
3877           | Tok_Through =>
3878            --  A branch quantity
3880            --  Parse tolerance aspect
3881            Tolerance := Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt;
3883            --  Parse default value
3884            if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
3885               Scan;
3886               Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
3887            else
3888               Default_Value := Null_Iir;
3889            end if;
3891            case Current_Token is
3892               when Tok_Across =>
3893                  Kind := Iir_Kind_Across_Quantity_Declaration;
3894               when Tok_Through =>
3895                  Kind := Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration;
3896               when others =>
3897                  Error_Msg_Parse ("'across' or 'through' expected here");
3898                  Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
3899                  return Null_Iir;
3900            end case;
3902            --  Eat across/through
3903            Scan;
3905            --  Change declarations
3906            Object := First;
3907            Chain_Init (First, Last);
3908            while Object /= Null_Iir loop
3909               New_Object := Create_Iir (Kind);
3910               Location_Copy (New_Object, Object);
3911               Set_Identifier (New_Object, Get_Identifier (Object));
3912               Set_Parent (New_Object, Parent);
3913               Set_Tolerance (New_Object, Tolerance);
3914               Set_Default_Value (New_Object, Default_Value);
3915               Set_Has_Identifier_List
3916                 (New_Object, Get_Has_Identifier_List (Object));
3918               Chain_Append (First, Last, New_Object);
3920               if Object /= First then
3921                  Set_Plus_Terminal (New_Object, Null_Iir);
3922               end if;
3923               New_Object := Get_Chain (Object);
3924               Free_Iir (Object);
3925               Object := New_Object;
3926            end loop;
3928            --  Parse terminal (or first identifier of through declarations)
3929            Plus_Terminal := Parse_Name;
3931            case Current_Token is
3932               when Tok_Comma
3933                 | Tok_Tolerance
3934                 | Tok_Assign
3935                 | Tok_Through
3936                 | Tok_Across =>
3937                  --  Through quantity declaration.  Convert the Plus_Terminal
3938                  --  to a declaration.
3939                  if Get_Kind (First) = Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration
3940                  then
3941                     Error_Msg_Parse ("terminal aspect expected");
3942                  end if;
3944                  Object := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration);
3945                  New_Object := Object;
3946                  Location_Copy (Object, Plus_Terminal);
3947                  if Get_Kind (Plus_Terminal) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
3948                     Error_Msg_Parse
3949                       ("identifier for quantity declaration expected");
3950                  else
3951                     Set_Identifier (Object, Get_Identifier (Plus_Terminal));
3952                  end if;
3953                  Set_Plus_Terminal (Object, Null_Iir);
3954                  Free_Iir (Plus_Terminal);
3956                  loop
3957                     Set_Parent (Object, Parent);
3958                     Set_Has_Identifier_List (Last, True);
3959                     Chain_Append (First, Last, Object);
3960                     exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
3961                     --  Skip ','.
3962                     Scan;
3964                     Object := Create_Iir
3965                       (Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration);
3966                     Scan_Identifier (Object);
3967                     Set_Plus_Terminal (Object, Null_Iir);
3968                  end loop;
3970                  --  Parse tolerance aspect
3971                  Set_Tolerance (Object, Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt);
3973                  --  Parse default value
3974                  if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
3975                     Scan;
3976                     Set_Default_Value (Object, Parse_Expression);
3977                  end if;
3979                  --  Scan 'through'
3980                  if Current_Token = Tok_Through then
3981                     Scan;
3982                  elsif Current_Token = Tok_Across then
3983                     Error_Msg_Parse ("across quantity declaration must appear"
3984                                        & " before though declaration");
3985                     Scan;
3986                  else
3987                     Error_Msg_Parse ("'through' expected");
3988                  end if;
3990                  --  Parse plus terminal
3991                  Plus_Terminal := Parse_Name;
3992               when others =>
3993                  null;
3994            end case;
3996            Set_Plus_Terminal_Name (First, Plus_Terminal);
3998            --  Parse minus terminal (if present)
3999            if Current_Token = Tok_To then
4000               --  Skip 'to'.
4001               Scan;
4003               Set_Minus_Terminal_Name (First, Parse_Name);
4004            end if;
4005         when others =>
4006            Error_Msg_Parse ("missing type or across/throught aspect "
4007                               & "in quantity declaration");
4008            Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
4009            return Null_Iir;
4010      end case;
4012      --  Skip ';'.
4013      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("quantity declaration");
4015      return First;
4016   end Parse_Quantity_Declaration;
4018   --  precond : token (CONSTANT, SIGNAL, VARIABLE, FILE)
4019   --  postcond: next token.
4020   --
4021   --  KIND can be iir_kind_constant_declaration, iir_kind_file_declaration
4022   --   or iir_kind_variable_declaration
4023   --
4024   --  [ LRM93 4.3.1 ]
4025   --  object_declaration ::= constant_declaration
4026   --                       | signal_declaration
4027   --                       | variable_declaration
4028   --                       | file_declaration
4029   --
4030   --  [ LRM93 ]
4031   --  constant_declaration ::=
4032   --      CONSTANT identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression ]
4033   --
4034   --  [ LRM87 4.3.2 ]
4035   --  file_declaration ::=
4036   --      FILE identifier : subtype_indication IS [ mode ] file_logical_name
4037   --
4038   --  [ LRM93 ]
4039   --  file_declaration ::=
4040   --      FILE identifier_list : subtype_indication [ file_open_information ]
4041   --
4042   --  [ LRM93 ]
4043   --  file_open_information ::=
4044   --      [ OPEN FILE_OPEN_KIND_expression ] IS file_logical_name
4045   --
4046   --  [ LRM93 ]
4047   --  file_logical_name ::= STRING_expression
4048   --
4049   --  [ LRM93 ]
4050   --  variable_declaration ::=
4051   --      [ SHARED ] VARIABLE identifier_list : subtype_indication
4052   --          [ := expression ]
4053   --
4054   --  [ LRM93 ]
4055   --  signal_declaration ::=
4056   --      SIGNAL identifier_list : subtype_information [ signal_kind ]
4057   --          [ := expression ]
4058   --
4059   --  [ LRM93 ]
4060   --  signal_kind ::= REGISTER | BUS
4061   --
4062   --  FIXME: file_open_information.
4063   function Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent : Iir) return Iir
4064   is
4065      --  First and last element of the chain to be returned.
4066      First, Last : Iir;
4067      Object: Iir;
4068      Object_Type: Iir;
4069      Default_Value : Iir;
4070      Mode: Iir_Mode;
4071      Signal_Kind : Iir_Signal_Kind;
4072      Is_Guarded : Boolean;
4073      Open_Kind : Iir;
4074      Logical_Name : Iir;
4075      Kind: Iir_Kind;
4076      Shared : Boolean;
4077      Has_Mode : Boolean;
4078      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
4079   begin
4080      Chain_Init (First, Last);
4082      --  Object keyword was just scanned.
4083      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4084      case Current_Token is
4085         when Tok_Signal =>
4086            Kind := Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration;
4088            --  Skip 'signal'.
4089            Scan;
4091         when Tok_Constant =>
4092            Kind := Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration;
4094            --  Skip 'constant'.
4095            Scan;
4097         when Tok_File =>
4098            Kind := Iir_Kind_File_Declaration;
4100            --  Skip 'file'.
4101            Scan;
4103         when Tok_Variable =>
4104            Kind := Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration;
4105            Shared := False;
4107            --  Skip 'variable'.
4108            Scan;
4110         when Tok_Shared =>
4111            Kind := Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration;
4112            Shared := True;
4114            --  Skip 'shared'.
4115            Scan;
4117            Expect_Scan (Tok_Variable);
4118         when others =>
4119            raise Internal_Error;
4120      end case;
4122      loop
4123         --  Object or "," was just scanned.
4124         Object := Create_Iir (Kind);
4125         if Kind = Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration then
4126            Set_Shared_Flag (Object, Shared);
4127         end if;
4129         Scan_Identifier (Object);
4131         Set_Parent (Object, Parent);
4133         if Flag_Elocations then
4134            Create_Elocations (Object);
4135            Set_Start_Location (Object, Start_Loc);
4136         end if;
4138         Chain_Append (First, Last, Object);
4140         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4142         --  Skip ','.
4143         Scan;
4144         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Object, True);
4145      end loop;
4147      --  Skip ':'.
4148      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
4150      --  Skip unexpected mode, this could happen when the interface is
4151      --  copied.
4152      case Current_Token is
4153         when Tok_In | Tok_Out | Tok_Inout | Tok_Buffer | Tok_Linkage =>
4154            Error_Msg_Parse ("mode not allowed in object declaration");
4156            --  Skip mode.
4157            Scan;
4158         when others =>
4159            null;
4160      end case;
4162      Object_Type := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
4164      if Kind = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
4165         Parse_Signal_Kind (Is_Guarded, Signal_Kind);
4166      end if;
4168      if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
4169         if Kind = Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
4170            Error_Msg_Parse
4171              ("default expression not allowed for a file declaration");
4172         end if;
4174         --  Skip ':='.
4175         Scan;
4177         Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
4178      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Equal then
4179         Error_Msg_Parse ("= should be := for initial value");
4181         --  Skip '='
4182         Scan;
4184         Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
4185      else
4186         Default_Value := Null_Iir;
4187      end if;
4189      if Kind = Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
4190         if Current_Token = Tok_Open then
4191            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
4192               Error_Msg_Parse
4193                 ("'open' and open kind expression not allowed in vhdl 87");
4194            end if;
4195            Scan;
4196            Open_Kind := Parse_Expression;
4197         else
4198            Open_Kind := Null_Iir;
4199         end if;
4201         --  LRM
4202         --  The default mode is IN, if no mode is specified.
4203         Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
4205         Logical_Name := Null_Iir;
4206         Has_Mode := False;
4207         if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
4208            --  Skip 'is'.
4209            Scan;
4211            case Current_Token is
4212               when Tok_In | Tok_Out | Tok_Inout =>
4213                  if Flags.Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87
4214                    and then not Flags.Flag_Relaxed_Files87
4215                  then
4216                     Error_Msg_Parse ("mode allowed only in vhdl 87");
4217                  end if;
4218                  Mode := Parse_Mode;
4219                  if Mode = Iir_Inout_Mode then
4220                     Error_Msg_Parse ("inout mode not allowed for file");
4221                  end if;
4222                  Has_Mode := True;
4223               when others =>
4224                  null;
4225            end case;
4226            Logical_Name := Parse_Expression;
4227         elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
4228            Error_Msg_Parse ("file name expected (vhdl 87)");
4229         end if;
4230      end if;
4232      Set_Subtype_Indication (First, Object_Type);
4233      if Kind /= Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
4234         Set_Default_Value (First, Default_Value);
4235      end if;
4237      Object := First;
4238      while Object /= Null_Iir loop
4239         case Kind is
4240            when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
4241               Set_Mode (Object, Mode);
4242               Set_File_Open_Kind (Object, Open_Kind);
4243               Set_File_Logical_Name (Object, Logical_Name);
4244               Set_Has_Mode (Object, Has_Mode);
4245            when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
4246               Set_Guarded_Signal_Flag (Object, Is_Guarded);
4247               Set_Signal_Kind (Object, Signal_Kind);
4248            when others =>
4249               null;
4250         end case;
4251         Object := Get_Chain (Object);
4252      end loop;
4254      --  Skip ';'.
4255      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("object declaration");
4257      return First;
4258   end Parse_Object_Declaration;
4260   --  precond : COMPONENT
4261   --  postcond: next token.
4262   --
4263   --  [ LRM93 4.5 ]
4264   --  component_declaration ::=
4265   --      COMPONENT identifier [ IS ]
4266   --          [ LOCAL_generic_clause ]
4267   --          [ LOCAL_port_clause ]
4268   --      END COMPONENT [ COMPONENT_simple_name ] ;
4269   function Parse_Component_Declaration return Iir_Component_Declaration
4270   is
4271      Component : Iir_Component_Declaration;
4272   begin
4273      Component := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration);
4274      if Flag_Elocations then
4275         Create_Elocations (Component);
4276         Set_Start_Location (Component, Get_Token_Location);
4277      end if;
4279      --  Eat 'component'.
4280      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Component);
4281      Scan;
4283      Scan_Identifier (Component);
4285      if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
4286         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
4287            Error_Msg_Parse ("""is"" keyword is not allowed here by vhdl 87");
4288         end if;
4289         Set_Has_Is (Component, True);
4291         --  Eat 'is'.
4292         Scan;
4293      end if;
4294      Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Component);
4296      if Flag_Elocations then
4297         Set_End_Location (Component, Get_Token_Location);
4298      end if;
4300      Check_End_Name (Tok_Component, Component);
4302      --  Skip ';'.
4303      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
4305      return Component;
4306   end Parse_Component_Declaration;
4308   --  precond : '['
4309   --  postcond: next token after ']'
4310   --
4311   --  [ LRM93 2.3.2 ]
4312   --  signature ::= [ [ type_mark { , type_mark } ] [ RETURN type_mark ] ]
4313   function Parse_Signature return Iir_Signature
4314   is
4315      Res : Iir_Signature;
4316      List : Iir_List;
4317   begin
4318      Expect (Tok_Left_Bracket);
4319      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signature);
4320      Set_Location (Res);
4322      --  Skip '['
4323      Scan;
4325      --  List of type_marks.
4326      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
4327         List := Create_Iir_List;
4328         loop
4329            Append_Element (List, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
4330            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4332            --  Skip ','.
4333            Scan;
4334         end loop;
4335         Set_Type_Marks_List (Res, List_To_Flist (List));
4336      end if;
4338      if Current_Token = Tok_Return then
4339         --  Skip 'return'
4340         Scan;
4342         Set_Return_Type_Mark (Res, Parse_Name);
4343      end if;
4345      --  Skip ']'
4346      Expect (Tok_Right_Bracket);
4347      Scan;
4349      return Res;
4350   end Parse_Signature;
4352   --  precond : ALIAS
4353   --  postcond: next token
4354   --
4355   --  [ LRM93 4.3.3 ]
4356   --  alias_declaration ::=
4357   --      ALIAS alias_designator [ : subtype_indication ]
4358   --          IS name [ signature ] ;
4359   --
4360   --  [ LRM93 4.3.3 ]
4361   --  alias_designator ::= identifier | character_literal | operator_symbol
4362   --
4363   --  FIXME: signature is not part of the node.
4364   function Parse_Alias_Declaration return Iir
4365   is
4366      Res: Iir;
4367      Ident : Name_Id;
4368      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
4369   begin
4370      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4372      --  Skip 'alias'.
4373      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Alias);
4374      Scan;
4376      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration);
4377      Set_Location (Res);
4379      case Current_Token is
4380         when Tok_Identifier
4381           | Tok_Character =>
4382            Ident := Current_Identifier;
4384            --  Skip identifier/character.
4385            Scan;
4386         when Tok_String =>
4387            Ident := Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location);
4389            --  Skip operator.
4390            Scan;
4391            --  FIXME: vhdl87
4392            --  FIXME: operator symbol.
4393         when others =>
4394            Error_Msg_Parse ("alias designator expected");
4395            Ident := Null_Identifier;
4396      end case;
4397      Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
4399      if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
4400         --  Skip ':'.
4401         Scan;
4402         Set_Subtype_Indication (Res, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
4403      end if;
4405      --  FIXME: nice message if token is ':=' ?
4406      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
4407      Set_Name (Res, Parse_Signature_Name);
4409      if Flag_Elocations then
4410         Create_Elocations (Res);
4411         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
4412      end if;
4414      --  Skip ';'.
4415      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("alias declaration");
4417      return Res;
4418   end Parse_Alias_Declaration;
4420   --  precond : FOR
4421   --  postcond: next token.
4422   --
4423   --  [ LRM93 5.2 ]
4424   --  configuration_specification ::=
4425   --      FOR component_specification binding_indication ;
4426   function Parse_Configuration_Specification
4427     return Iir_Configuration_Specification
4428   is
4429      Res : Iir_Configuration_Specification;
4430   begin
4431      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification);
4432      Set_Location (Res);
4434      --  Eat 'for'.
4435      Expect_Scan (Tok_For);
4437      Parse_Component_Specification (Res);
4438      Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Parse_Binding_Indication);
4440      --  Skip ';'.
4441      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("configuration specification");
4443      return Res;
4444   end Parse_Configuration_Specification;
4446   --  precond : next token
4447   --  postcond: next token
4448   --
4449   --  [ LRM93 5.2 ]
4451   --                | FUNCTION | PACKAGE | TYPE | SUBTYPE | CONSTANT
4452   --                | SIGNAL | VARIABLE | COMPONENT | LABEL | LITERAL
4453   --                | UNITS | GROUP | FILE
4454   function Parse_Entity_Class return Token_Type
4455   is
4456      Res : Token_Type;
4457   begin
4458      case Current_Token is
4459         when Tok_Entity
4460           | Tok_Architecture
4461           | Tok_Configuration
4462           | Tok_Procedure
4463           | Tok_Function
4464           | Tok_Package
4465           | Tok_Type
4466           | Tok_Subtype
4467           | Tok_Constant
4468           | Tok_Signal
4469           | Tok_Variable
4470           | Tok_Component
4471           | Tok_Label =>
4472            null;
4473         when Tok_Literal
4474           | Tok_Units
4475           | Tok_Group
4476           | Tok_File =>
4477            null;
4478         when others =>
4479            Error_Msg_Parse ("%t is not a entity class", +Current_Token);
4480      end case;
4481      Res := Current_Token;
4482      Scan;
4483      return Res;
4484   end Parse_Entity_Class;
4486   function Parse_Entity_Class_Entry return Iir_Entity_Class
4487   is
4488      Res : Iir_Entity_Class;
4489   begin
4490      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Class);
4491      Set_Location (Res);
4492      Set_Entity_Class (Res, Parse_Entity_Class);
4493      return Res;
4494   end Parse_Entity_Class_Entry;
4496   --  precond : next token
4497   --  postcond: next token
4498   --
4499   --  [ LRM93 5.1 ]
4500   --  entity_designator ::= entity_tag [ signature ]
4501   --
4502   --  entity_tag ::= simple_name | character_literal | operator_symbol
4503   function Parse_Entity_Designator return Iir
4504   is
4505      Res : Iir;
4506      Name : Iir;
4507   begin
4508      case Current_Token is
4509         when Tok_Identifier =>
4510            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
4511            Set_Location (Res);
4512            Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
4513         when Tok_Character =>
4514            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Character_Literal);
4515            Set_Location (Res);
4516            Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
4517         when Tok_String =>
4518            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol);
4519            Set_Location (Res);
4520            Set_Identifier (Res, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
4521         when others =>
4522            Error_Msg_Parse ("identifier, character or string expected");
4523            return Create_Error_Node;
4524      end case;
4525      Scan;
4526      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Bracket then
4527         Name := Res;
4528         Res := Parse_Signature;
4529         Set_Signature_Prefix (Res, Name);
4530      end if;
4531      return Res;
4532   end Parse_Entity_Designator;
4534   --  precond : next token
4535   --  postcond: IS
4536   --
4537   --  [ LRM93 5.1 ]
4538   --  entity_name_list ::= entity_designator { , entity_designator }
4539   --                     | OTHERS
4540   --                     | ALL
4541   procedure Parse_Entity_Name_List
4542     (Attribute : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
4543   is
4544      List : Iir_List;
4545      Flist : Iir_Flist;
4546      El : Iir;
4547   begin
4548      case Current_Token is
4549         when Tok_All =>
4550            Flist := Iir_Flist_All;
4552            --  Skip 'all'.
4553            Scan;
4555         when Tok_Others =>
4556            Flist := Iir_Flist_Others;
4558            --  Skip 'others'.
4559            Scan;
4561         when others =>
4562            List := Create_Iir_List;
4563            loop
4564               El := Parse_Entity_Designator;
4565               Append_Element (List, El);
4566               exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4567               Scan;
4568            end loop;
4569            Flist := List_To_Flist (List);
4570      end case;
4571      Set_Entity_Name_List (Attribute, Flist);
4572      if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
4573         Scan;
4574         Set_Entity_Class (Attribute, Parse_Entity_Class);
4575      else
4576         Error_Msg_Parse
4577           ("missing ':' and entity kind in attribute specification");
4578      end if;
4579   end Parse_Entity_Name_List;
4581   --  precond : ATTRIBUTE
4582   --  postcond: next token
4583   --
4584   --  [ 4.4 ]
4585   --  attribute_declaration ::= ATTRIBUTE identifier : type_mark ;
4586   --
4587   --  [ 5.1 ]
4588   --  attribute_specification ::=
4589   --     ATTRIBUTE attribute_designator OF entity_specification
4590   --       IS expression ;
4591   --
4592   --  entity_specification ::= entity_name_list : entity_class
4593   --
4594   function Parse_Attribute return Iir
4595   is
4596      Ident : Name_Id;
4597      Res : Iir;
4598      Designator : Iir;
4599      Loc, Start_Loc : Location_Type;
4600   begin
4601      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4603      --  Eat 'attribute'.
4604      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Attribute);
4605      Scan;
4607      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4608      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
4609         Ident := Current_Identifier;
4611         --  Skip identifier.
4612         Scan;
4613      else
4614         Expect (Tok_Identifier);
4615         Ident := Null_Identifier;
4616      end if;
4618      case Current_Token is
4619         when Tok_Colon =>
4620            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration);
4621            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4622            Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
4624            --  Skip ':'.
4625            Scan;
4627            Set_Type_Mark (Res, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
4628            Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("attribute declaration");
4630         when Tok_Of =>
4631            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification);
4632            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4633            Designator := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
4634            Set_Location (Designator, Loc);
4635            Set_Identifier (Designator, Ident);
4636            Set_Attribute_Designator (Res, Designator);
4638            --  Skip 'of'.
4639            Scan;
4641            Parse_Entity_Name_List (Res);
4643            --  Skip 'is'.
4644            Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
4646            Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
4647            Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("attribute specification");
4649         when others =>
4650            Error_Msg_Parse ("':' or 'of' expected after identifier");
4651            return Null_Iir;
4652      end case;
4654      if Flag_Elocations then
4655         Create_Elocations (Res);
4656         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
4657      end if;
4659      return Res;
4660   end Parse_Attribute;
4662   --  precond : GROUP
4663   --  postcond: ';'
4664   --
4665   --  [ LRM93 4.6 ]
4666   --  group_template_declaration ::=
4667   --     GROUP identifier IS (entity_class_entry_list) ;
4668   --
4669   --  entity_class_entry_list ::= entity_class_entry { , entity_class_entry }
4670   --
4671   --  entity_class_entry ::= entity_class [ <> ]
4672   function Parse_Group return Iir
4673   is
4674      Loc : Location_Type;
4675      Ident : Name_Id;
4676   begin
4677      --  Skip 'group'.
4678      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Group);
4679      Scan;
4681      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4682      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
4683         Ident := Current_Identifier;
4685         --  Skip 'group'.
4686         Scan;
4687      else
4688         Ident := Null_Identifier;
4689         Expect (Tok_Identifier);
4690      end if;
4692      case Current_Token is
4693         when Tok_Is =>
4694            declare
4695               Res : Iir_Group_Template_Declaration;
4696               El : Iir_Entity_Class;
4697               First, Last : Iir_Entity_Class;
4698            begin
4699               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration);
4700               Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4701               Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
4703               --  Skip 'is'.
4704               Scan;
4706               --  Skip '('.
4707               Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
4709               Chain_Init (First, Last);
4710               loop
4711                  Chain_Append (First, Last, Parse_Entity_Class_Entry);
4712                  if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
4713                     El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Class);
4714                     Set_Location (El);
4715                     Set_Entity_Class (El, Tok_Box);
4716                     Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
4718                     --  Skip '<>'.
4719                     Scan;
4721                     if Current_Token = Tok_Comma then
4722                        Error_Msg_Parse
4723                          ("'<>' is allowed only for the last "
4724                            & "entity class entry");
4725                     end if;
4726                  end if;
4727                  exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4729                  --  Skip ','.
4730                  Scan;
4731               end loop;
4732               Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Res, First);
4734               --  Skip ')' ';'
4735               Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
4736               Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("group template");
4738               return Res;
4739            end;
4740         when Tok_Colon =>
4741            declare
4742               Res : Iir_Group_Declaration;
4743               List : Iir_List;
4744            begin
4745               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration);
4746               Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4747               Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
4749               --  Skip ':'.
4750               Scan;
4752               Set_Group_Template_Name
4753                 (Res, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
4755               --  Skip '('.
4756               Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
4758               List := Create_Iir_List;
4759               loop
4760                  Append_Element (List, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
4761                  exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4763                  --  Skip ','.
4764                  Scan;
4765               end loop;
4767               --  Skip ')' ';'.
4768               Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
4769               Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("group declaration");
4771               Set_Group_Constituent_List (Res, List_To_Flist (List));
4772               return Res;
4773            end;
4774         when others =>
4775            Error_Msg_Parse ("':' or 'is' expected here");
4776            return Null_Iir;
4777      end case;
4778   end Parse_Group;
4780   --  precond : next token
4781   --  postcond: ':'
4782   --
4783   --  LRM93 5.4
4784   --  signal_list ::= signal_name { , signal_name }
4785   --                | OTHERS
4786   --                | ALL
4787   --
4788   --  AMS-LRM17 7.5 Step limit specification
4789   --  quantity_list ::=
4790   --      quantity_name { , quantity_name }
4791   --    | others
4792   --    | all
4793   function Parse_Name_List return Iir_Flist
4794   is
4795      Res : Iir_List;
4796   begin
4797      case Current_Token is
4798         when Tok_Others =>
4799            --  Skip 'others'.
4800            Scan;
4802            return Iir_Flist_Others;
4804         when Tok_All =>
4805            --  Skip 'all'.
4806            Scan;
4808            return Iir_Flist_All;
4810         when others =>
4811            Res := Create_Iir_List;
4812            loop
4813               Append_Element (Res, Parse_Name);
4814               exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
4816               --  Skip ','
4817               Scan;
4818            end loop;
4820            return List_To_Flist (Res);
4821      end case;
4822   end Parse_Name_List;
4824   --  precond : DISCONNECT
4825   --  postcond: next token.
4826   --
4827   --  [ LRM93 5.4 ]
4828   --  disconnection_specification ::=
4829   --      DISCONNECT guarded_signal_specification AFTER time_expression ;
4830   function Parse_Disconnection_Specification
4831     return Iir_Disconnection_Specification
4832   is
4833      Res : Iir_Disconnection_Specification;
4834   begin
4835      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Disconnect);
4837      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification);
4838      Set_Location (Res);
4840      --  Skip 'disconnect'
4841      Scan;
4843      Set_Signal_List (Res, Parse_Name_List);
4845      --  Skip ':'
4846      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
4848      Set_Type_Mark (Res, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
4850      --  Skip 'after'
4851      Expect_Scan (Tok_After);
4853      Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
4855      --  Skip ';'.
4856      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("disconnection specification");
4858      return Res;
4859   end Parse_Disconnection_Specification;
4861   --  precond : LIMIT
4862   --  postcond: next token.
4863   --
4864   --  AMS-LRM17 7.5 Step limit specification
4865   --  step_limit_specification ::=
4866   --      LIMIT quantity_specification WITH real_expression ;
4867   function Parse_Step_Limit_Specification return Iir
4868   is
4869      Res : Iir;
4870   begin
4871      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Limit);
4873      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Step_Limit_Specification);
4874      Set_Location (Res);
4876      --  Skip 'limit'
4877      Scan;
4879      Set_Quantity_List (Res, Parse_Name_List);
4881      --  Skip ':'
4882      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
4884      Set_Type_Mark (Res, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
4886      --  Skip 'with'
4887      Expect_Scan (Tok_With);
4889      Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
4891      --  Skip ';'.
4892      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("step limit specification");
4894      return Res;
4895   end Parse_Step_Limit_Specification;
4897   --  Parse PSL clock_declaration at 'clock'.
4898   function Parse_Psl_Default_Clock_Cont
4899     (Loc : Location_Type; Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
4900   is
4901      Res : Iir;
4902   begin
4903      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Default_Clock);
4904      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4905      Xrefs.Xref_Keyword (Get_Token_Location);
4907      --  Recognize PSL keywords.
4908      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
4910      --  Skip 'clock'.
4911      Expect_Scan (Tok_Psl_Clock);
4913      --  Skip 'is'.
4914      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
4916      Set_Psl_Boolean (Res, Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Boolean);
4918      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Scan_In_Comment := False;
4919      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := Flag_Psl;
4921      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
4923      return Res;
4924   end Parse_Psl_Default_Clock_Cont;
4926   --  1850-2005 A.4.2 PSL declarations
4927   --  clock_declaration ::= DEFAULT CLOCK IS clock_expression ;
4928   function Parse_Psl_Default_Clock (Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
4929   is
4930      Loc : Location_Type;
4931   begin
4932      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
4934      --  Recognize PSL keywords.
4935      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
4937      --  Skip 'default'.
4938      Scan;
4940      return Parse_Psl_Default_Clock_Cont (Loc, Flag_Psl);
4941   end Parse_Psl_Default_Clock;
4943   function Parse_Psl_Declaration return Iir
4944   is
4945      Tok : constant Token_Type := Current_Token;
4946      Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Token_Location;
4947      Res : Iir;
4948      Decl : PSL_Node;
4949      Id : Name_Id;
4950   begin
4951      --  Skip 'property', 'sequence' or 'endpoint'.
4952      Scan;
4954      if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
4955         Error_Msg_Parse ("declaration name expected here");
4956         Id := Null_Identifier;
4957      else
4958         Id := Current_Identifier;
4959      end if;
4961      --  Parse PSL declaration.
4962      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
4963      Decl := Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Declaration (Tok);
4964      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Scan_In_Comment := False;
4965      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := False;
4967      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
4969      if Tok = Tok_Psl_Endpoint
4970        and then Parse_Psl.Is_Instantiated_Declaration (Decl)
4971      then
4972         --  Instantiated endpoint: make it visible from VHDL.
4973         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Endpoint_Declaration);
4974      else
4975         --  Otherwise, it will be visible only from PSL.
4976         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Declaration);
4977      end if;
4978      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
4979      Set_Identifier (Res, Id);
4980      Set_Psl_Declaration (Res, Decl);
4982      return Res;
4983   end Parse_Psl_Declaration;
4985   --  precond : next token
4986   --  postcond: next token
4987   --
4988   --  [ LRM08 3.2.3 Entity declarative part ]
4989   --  entity_declarative_item ::=
4990   --       subprogram_declaration
4991   --     | subprogram_body
4992   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
4993   --     | package_declaration
4994   --     | package_body
4995   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
4996   --     | type_declaration
4997   --     | subtype_declaration
4998   --     | constant_declaration
4999   --     | signal_declaration
5000   --     | shared_variable_declaration
5001   --     | file_declaration
5002   --     | alias_declaration
5003   --     | attribute_declaration
5004   --     | attribute_specification
5005   --     | disconnection_specification
5006   --     | use_clause
5007   --     | group_template_declaration
5008   --     | group_declaration
5009   --     | PSL_property_declaration
5010   --     | PSL_sequence_declaration
5011   --     | PSL_clock_declaration
5012   --
5013   --  [ LRM08 3.3.2 Architecture declarative part ]
5014   --  block_declarative_item ::=
5015   --       subprogram_declaration
5016   --     | subprogram_body
5017   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5018   --     | package_declaration
5019   --     | package_body
5020   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5021   --     | type_declaration
5022   --     | subtype_declaration
5023   --     | constant_declaration
5024   --     | signal_declaration
5025   --     | shared_variable_declaration
5026   --     | file_declaration
5027   --     | alias_declaration
5028   --     | component_declaration
5029   --     | attribute_declaration
5030   --     | attribute_specification
5031   --     | configuration_specification
5032   --     | disconnection_specification
5033   --     | use_clause
5034   --     | group_template_declaration
5035   --     | group_declaration
5036   --     | PSL_property_declaration
5037   --     | PSL_sequence_declaration
5038   --     | PSL_clock_declaration
5039   --
5040   --  [ LRM08 4.3 Subprogram bodies ]
5041   --  subprogram_declarative_item ::=
5042   --       subprogram_declaration
5043   --     | subprogram_body
5044   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5045   --     | package_declaration
5046   --     | package_body
5047   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5048   --     | type_declaration
5049   --     | subtype_declaration
5050   --     | constant_declaration
5051   --     | variable_declaration
5052   --     | file_declaration
5053   --     | alias_declaration
5054   --     | attribute_declaration
5055   --     | attribute_specification
5056   --     | use_clause
5057   --     | group_template_declaration
5058   --     | group_declaration
5059   --
5060   --  [ LRM08 4.7 Package declarations ]
5061   --  package_declarative_item ::=
5062   --       subprogram_declaration
5063   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5064   --     | package_declaration
5065   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5066   --     | type_declaration
5067   --     | subtype_declaration
5068   --     | constant_declaration
5069   --     | signal_declaration
5070   --     | variable_declaration
5071   --     | file_declaraton
5072   --     | alias_declaration
5073   --     | component_declaration
5074   --     | attribute_declaration
5075   --     | attribute_specification
5076   --     | disconnection_specification
5077   --     | use_clause
5078   --     | group_template_declaration
5079   --     | group_declaration
5080   --     | PSL_property_declaration
5081   --     | PSL_sequence_declaration
5082   --
5083   --  [ LRM08 4.8 Package bodies ]
5084   --  package_body_declarative_item ::=
5085   --       subprogram_declaration
5086   --     | subprogram_body
5087   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5088   --     | package_declaration
5089   --     | package_body
5090   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5091   --     | type_declaration
5092   --     | subtype_declaration
5093   --     | constant_declaration
5094   --     | variable_declaration
5095   --     | file_declaration
5096   --     | alias_declaration
5097   --     | attribute_declaration
5098   --     | attribute_specification
5099   --     | use_clause
5100   --     | group_template_declaration
5101   --     | group_declaration
5102   --
5103   --  [ LRM08 5.6.2 Protected type declarations ]
5104   --  protected_type_declarative_item ::=
5105   --       subprogram_declaration
5106   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5107   --     | attribute_specification
5108   --     | use_clause
5109   --
5110   --  [ LRM08 5.6.3 Protected type bodies ]
5111   --  protected_type_body_declarative_item ::=
5112   --       subprogram_declaration
5113   --     | subprogram_body
5114   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5115   --     | package_declaration
5116   --     | package_body
5117   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5118   --     | type_declaration
5119   --     | subtype_declaration
5120   --     | constant_declaration
5121   --     | variable_declaration
5122   --     | file_declaration
5123   --     | alias_declaration
5124   --     | attribute_declaration
5125   --     | attribute_specification
5126   --     | use_clause
5127   --     | group_template_declaration
5128   --     | group_declaration
5129   --
5130   --  [ LRM08 11.3 Process statement ]
5131   --  process_declarative_item ::=
5132   --       subprogram_declaration
5133   --     | subprogram_body
5134   --     | subprogram_instantiation_declaration
5135   --     | package_declaration
5136   --     | package_body
5137   --     | package_instantiation_declaration
5138   --     | type_declaration
5139   --     | subtype_declaration
5140   --     | constant_declaration
5141   --     | variable_declaration
5142   --     | file_declaration
5143   --     | alias_declaration
5144   --     | attribute_declaration
5145   --     | attribute_specification
5146   --     | use_clause
5147   --     | group_template_declaration
5148   --     | group_declaration
5149   --
5150   --  Some declarations are not allowed in every declarative part:
5151   --  - subprogram_body, package_body:
5152   --    not in package_declaration
5153   --  - signal_declaration, disconnection_specification:
5154   --    not in process, protected_type_body, package_body, subprogram
5155   --  - variable_declaration:
5156   --    shared in entity, block (*)
5157   --    not shared in subprogram, protected_type_body, process
5158   --    depends on parent for package and package_body
5159   --  - component_declaration:
5160   --    not in entity, subprogram, package_body, protected_type_body,
5161   --       process
5162   --    depends on parent for package
5163   --  - configuration_specification:
5164   --    not in entity, subprogram, package, package_body, protected_type_body,
5165   --       process
5166   --  - PSL_property_declaration, PSL_sequence_declaration:
5167   --    in entity and block (*)
5168   --    depends on parent for package
5169   --  - PSL_clock_declaration:
5170   --    in block (*)
5171   --
5172   --  Declarations for protected_type_declaration are handled in sem.
5173   --
5174   --  (*): block means block_declarative_item, ie: block_statement,
5175   --       architecture_body and generate_statement)
5176   --
5177   --  PACKAGE_PARENT is the parent for nested packages.
5178   function Parse_Declaration (Parent : Iir; Package_Parent : Iir) return Iir
5179   is
5180      Decl : Iir;
5181   begin
5182      Decl := Null_Iir;
5183      case Current_Token is
5184         when Tok_Invalid =>
5185            raise Internal_Error;
5186         when Tok_Type =>
5187            Decl := Parse_Type_Declaration (Parent);
5189            --  LRM 2.5  Package declarations
5190            --  If a package declarative item is a type declaration that is
5191            --  a full type declaration whose type definition is a
5192            --  protected_type definition, then that protected type
5193            --  definition must not be a protected type body.
5194            if Decl /= Null_Iir
5195              and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5196            then
5197               case Get_Kind (Parent) is
5198                  when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
5199                     Error_Msg_Parse (+Decl, "protected type body not "
5200                                        & "allowed in package declaration");
5201                  when others =>
5202                     null;
5203               end case;
5204            end if;
5205         when Tok_Subtype =>
5206            Decl := Parse_Subtype_Declaration (Parent);
5207         when Tok_Nature =>
5208            Decl := Parse_Nature_Declaration;
5209         when Tok_Subnature =>
5210            Decl := Parse_Subnature_Declaration;
5211         when Tok_Terminal =>
5212            Decl := Parse_Terminal_Declaration (Parent);
5213         when Tok_Quantity =>
5214            Decl := Parse_Quantity_Declaration (Parent);
5215         when Tok_Signal =>
5216            --  LRM08 4.7 Package declarations
5217            --  For package declaration that appears in a subprogram body,
5218            --  a process statement, or a protected type body, [...]
5219            --  Moreover, it is an eror if [...] a signal declaration [...]
5220            --  appears as a package declarative item of such a package
5221            --  declaration.
5222            case Get_Kind (Package_Parent) is
5223               when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5224                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
5225                  Error_Msg_Parse
5226                    ("signal declaration not allowed in subprogram body");
5227               when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
5228                  Error_Msg_Parse
5229                    ("signal declaration not allowed in process");
5230               when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5231                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
5232                  Error_Msg_Parse
5233                    ("signal declaration not allowed in protected type");
5234               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5235                 | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5236                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5237                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5238                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
5239                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5240                 | Iir_Kind_Vunit_Declaration =>
5241                  if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Package_Body then
5242                     Error_Msg_Parse
5243                       ("signal declaration not allowed in package body");
5244                  end if;
5245               when Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5246                  Error_Msg_Parse
5247                    ("signal declaration not allowed in procedural statement");
5248               when others =>
5249                  Error_Kind ("parse_declaration(1)", Package_Parent);
5250            end case;
5251            Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
5252         when Tok_Constant =>
5253            Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
5254         when Tok_Variable =>
5255            --  LRM93  Variable declarations
5256            --  Variable declared immediatly within entity declarations,
5257            --  architectures bodies, packages, packages bodies, and blocks
5258            --  must be shared variable.
5259            --  Variables declared immediatly within subprograms and
5260            --  processes must not be shared variables.
5261            --  Variables may appear in protected type bodies; such
5262            --  variables, which must not be shared variables, represent
5263            --  shared data.
5264            case Get_Kind (Package_Parent) is
5265               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5266                 | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5267                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5268                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5269                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
5270                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5271                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
5272                  --  FIXME: replace HERE with the kind of declaration
5273                  --  ie: "not allowed in a package" rather than "here".
5274                  Error_Msg_Parse
5275                    ("non-shared variable declaration not allowed here");
5276               when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5277                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5278                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5279                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5280                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5281                  null;
5282               when others =>
5283                  Error_Kind ("parse_declaration(2)", Package_Parent);
5284            end case;
5285            Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
5286         when Tok_Shared =>
5287            if Flags.Vhdl_Std <= Vhdl_87 then
5288               Error_Msg_Parse ("shared variable not allowed in vhdl 87");
5289            end if;
5290            --  LRM08 4.7 Package declarations
5291            --  For package declaration that appears in a subprogram body,
5292            --  a process statement, or a protected type body, it is an
5293            --  error if a variable declaration in the package declaratie
5294            --  part of the package declaration declares a shared variable.
5296            --  LRM08 4.8 Package bodies
5297            --  For a package body that appears in a subprogram body, a
5298            --  process statement or a protected type body, it is an error
5299            --  if a variable declaration in the package body declarative
5300            --  part of the package body declares a shared variable.
5302            --  LRM93  Variable declarations
5303            --  Variable declared immediatly within entity declarations,
5304            --  architectures bodies, packages, packages bodies, and blocks
5305            --  must be shared variable.
5306            --  Variables declared immediatly within subprograms and
5307            --  processes must not be shared variables.
5308            --  Variables may appear in proteted type bodies; such
5309            --  variables, which must not be shared variables, represent
5310            --  shared data.
5311            case Get_Kind (Package_Parent) is
5312               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5313                 | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5314                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5315                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5316                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
5317                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5318                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
5319                  null;
5320               when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5321                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5322                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5323                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5324                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5325                  Error_Msg_Parse
5326                    ("shared variable declaration not allowed here");
5327               when others =>
5328                  Error_Kind ("parse_declarative_part(3)", Package_Parent);
5329            end case;
5330            Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
5331         when Tok_File =>
5332            Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
5333         when Tok_Function
5334           | Tok_Procedure
5335           | Tok_Pure
5336           | Tok_Impure =>
5337            Decl := Parse_Subprogram_Declaration;
5338            if Decl /= Null_Iir
5339              and then Get_Kind (Decl) in Iir_Kinds_Subprogram_Declaration
5340              and then Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl) /= Null_Iir
5341            then
5342               if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
5343                  Error_Msg_Parse
5344                    (+Decl, "subprogram body not allowed in a package");
5345               end if;
5346            end if;
5347         when Tok_Alias =>
5348            Decl := Parse_Alias_Declaration;
5349         when Tok_Component =>
5350            case Get_Kind (Parent) is
5351               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5352                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5353                 | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5354                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5355                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5356                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5357                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
5358                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5359                  Error_Msg_Parse
5360                    ("component declaration are not allowed here");
5361               when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5362                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5363                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5364                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
5365                  null;
5366               when others =>
5367                  Error_Kind ("parse_declarative_part(4)", Parent);
5368            end case;
5369            Decl := Parse_Component_Declaration;
5370         when Tok_For =>
5371            case Get_Kind (Parent) is
5372               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5373                 | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5374                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5375                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5376                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
5377                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5378                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5379                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
5380                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5381                  Error_Msg_Parse
5382                    ("configuration specification not allowed here");
5383               when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5384                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5385                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body =>
5386                  null;
5387               when others =>
5388                  Error_Kind ("parse_declarative_part(5)", Parent);
5389            end case;
5390            Decl := Parse_Configuration_Specification;
5391         when Tok_Attribute =>
5392            Decl := Parse_Attribute;
5393         when Tok_Disconnect =>
5394            --  LRM08 4.7 Package declarations
5395            --  For package declaration that appears in a subprogram body,
5396            --  a process statement, or a protected type body, [...]
5397            --  Moreover, it is an eror if [...] a disconnection
5398            --  specification [...] appears as a package declarative item
5399            --  of such a package declaration.
5400            case Get_Kind (Parent) is
5401               when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5402                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5403                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5404                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5405                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5406                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
5407                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5408                  Error_Msg_Parse
5409                    ("disconnect specification not allowed here");
5410               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5411                 | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5412                 | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5413                 | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5414                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
5415                  null;
5416               when others =>
5417                  Error_Kind ("parse_declaration(6)", Parent);
5418            end case;
5419            Decl := Parse_Disconnection_Specification;
5420         when Tok_Limit =>
5421            Decl := Parse_Step_Limit_Specification;
5422         when Tok_Use =>
5423            Decl := Parse_Use_Clause;
5424         when Tok_Group =>
5425            Decl := Parse_Group;
5426         when Tok_Package =>
5427            if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
5428               Error_Msg_Parse ("nested package not allowed before vhdl 2008");
5429            end if;
5430            Decl := Parse_Package (Parent);
5431            if Decl /= Null_Iir
5432              and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5433            then
5434               if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
5435                  Error_Msg_Parse
5436                    (+Decl, "package body not allowed in a package");
5437               end if;
5438            end if;
5440            if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
5441               --  Skip ';'.
5442               Scan;
5443            end if;
5444         when Tok_Default =>
5445            --  This identifier is a PSL keyword.
5446            Xrefs.Xref_Keyword (Get_Token_Location);
5448            --  Check whether default clock are allowed in this region.
5449            case Get_Kind (Parent) is
5450               when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
5451                 | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
5452                 | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
5453                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
5454                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
5455                 | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
5456                 | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
5457                 | Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement =>
5458                  Error_Msg_Parse
5459                    ("PSL default clock declaration not allowed here");
5460               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
5461                  | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body
5462                  | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
5463                  | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
5464                  | Iir_Kinds_Verification_Unit =>
5465                  null;
5466               when others =>
5467                  Error_Kind ("parse_declaration(7)", Parent);
5468            end case;
5469            Decl := Parse_Psl_Default_Clock (False);
5470         when Tok_Identifier =>
5471            Error_Msg_Parse
5472              ("object class keyword such as 'variable' is expected");
5473            Resync_To_End_Of_Declaration;
5474         when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
5475            Error_Msg_Parse ("';' (semi colon) not allowed alone");
5476            Scan;
5477         when Tok_Is =>
5478            Error_Msg_Parse ("duplicate 'is' in declarative part");
5479            Scan;
5480         when others =>
5481            null;
5482      end case;
5483      return Decl;
5484   end Parse_Declaration;
5486   procedure Parse_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir; Package_Parent : Iir)
5487   is
5488      Last_Decl : Iir;
5489      Decl : Iir;
5490   begin
5491      Last_Decl := Null_Iir;
5492      loop
5493         Decl := Parse_Declaration (Parent, Package_Parent);
5494         exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
5495         loop
5496            Set_Parent (Decl, Parent);
5497            if Last_Decl = Null_Iir then
5498               Set_Declaration_Chain (Parent, Decl);
5499            else
5500               Set_Chain (Last_Decl, Decl);
5501            end if;
5502            Last_Decl := Decl;
5503            Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
5504            exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
5505         end loop;
5506      end loop;
5507   end Parse_Declarative_Part;
5509   --  precond : ENTITY
5510   --  postcond: next token.
5511   --
5512   --  [ LRM93 1.1 ]
5513   --  entity_declaration ::=
5514   --      ENTITY identifier IS
5515   --          entiy_header
5516   --          entity_declarative_part
5517   --      [ BEGIN
5518   --          entity_statement_part ]
5519   --      END [ ENTITY ] [ ENTITY_simple_name ]
5520   --
5521   --  [ LRM93 1.1.1 ]
5522   --  entity_header ::=
5523   --      [ FORMAL_generic_clause ]
5524   --      [ FORMAL_port_clause ]
5525   procedure Parse_Entity_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
5526   is
5527      Res: Iir_Entity_Declaration;
5528      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
5529      Begin_Loc : Location_Type;
5530      End_Loc : Location_Type;
5531   begin
5532      Expect (Tok_Entity);
5533      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration);
5534      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5536      if Flag_Elocations then
5537         Create_Elocations (Res);
5538         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
5539      end if;
5541      --  Skip 'entity'.
5542      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Entity);
5543      Scan;
5545      --  Get identifier.
5546      Scan_Identifier (Res);
5548      --  Skip 'is'.
5549      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
5551      Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Res);
5553      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
5555      if Current_Token = Tok_Begin then
5556         Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5557         Set_Has_Begin (Res, True);
5559         --  Skip 'begin'.
5560         Scan;
5562         Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
5563      else
5564         Begin_Loc := No_Location;
5565      end if;
5567      --   end keyword is expected to finish an entity declaration
5568      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5569      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
5571      if Current_Token = Tok_Entity then
5572         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
5573            Error_Msg_Parse ("'entity' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
5574         end if;
5575         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
5576         Scan;
5577      end if;
5578      Check_End_Name (Res);
5579      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("entity");
5581      Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
5583      if Flag_Elocations then
5584         Set_Begin_Location (Res, Begin_Loc);
5585         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
5586      end if;
5587   end Parse_Entity_Declaration;
5589   --  [ LRM93 7.3.2 ]
5590   --  choice ::= simple_expression
5591   --           | discrete_range
5592   --           | ELEMENT_simple_name
5593   --           | OTHERS
5594   function Parse_A_Choice (Expr: Iir; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
5595   is
5596      A_Choice: Iir;
5597      Expr1: Iir;
5598   begin
5599      if Expr = Null_Iir then
5600         if Current_Token = Tok_Others then
5601            A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others);
5602            Set_Location (A_Choice, Loc);
5604            --  Skip 'others'
5605            Scan;
5607            return A_Choice;
5608         else
5609            Expr1 := Parse_Expression;
5611            if Expr1 = Null_Iir then
5612               --  Handle parse error now.
5613               --  FIXME: skip until '=>'.
5614               A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression);
5615               Set_Location (A_Choice, Loc);
5616               return A_Choice;
5617            end if;
5618         end if;
5619      else
5620         Expr1 := Expr;
5621      end if;
5623      if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Expr1) then
5624         A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
5625         Set_Choice_Range (A_Choice, Expr1);
5626      elsif Current_Token = Tok_To or else Current_Token = Tok_Downto then
5627         A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
5628         Set_Choice_Range (A_Choice, Parse_Range_Expression (Expr1));
5629      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Range then
5630         A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
5631         Set_Choice_Range (A_Choice, Parse_Subtype_Indication (Expr1));
5632      else
5633         A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression);
5634         Set_Choice_Expression (A_Choice, Expr1);
5635      end if;
5637      Set_Location (A_Choice, Loc);
5638      return A_Choice;
5639   end Parse_A_Choice;
5641   --  [ LRM93 7.3.2 ]
5642   --  choices ::= choice { | choice }
5643   --
5644   -- Leave tok_double_arrow as current token.
5645   procedure Parse_Choices (Expr: Iir;
5646                            First_Loc : Location_Type;
5647                            Chain : out Iir)
5648   is
5649      First, Last : Iir;
5650      A_Choice: Iir;
5651      Expr1 : Iir;
5652      Loc : Location_Type;
5653   begin
5654      Chain_Init (First, Last);
5655      Expr1 := Expr;
5656      Loc := First_Loc;
5657      loop
5658         A_Choice := Parse_A_Choice (Expr1, Loc);
5659         if First /= Null_Iir then
5660            Set_Same_Alternative_Flag (A_Choice, True);
5661            if Get_Kind (A_Choice) = Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others then
5662               Error_Msg_Parse ("'others' choice must be alone");
5663            end if;
5664         end if;
5666         Chain_Append (First, Last, A_Choice);
5668         if Current_Token /= Tok_Bar then
5669            Chain := First;
5670            return;
5671         end if;
5672         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5674         --  Skip '|'.
5675         Scan;
5677         Expr1 := Null_Iir;
5678      end loop;
5679   end Parse_Choices;
5681   --  precond : '('
5682   --  postcond: next token
5683   --
5684   --  This can be an expression or an aggregate.
5685   --
5686   --  [ LRM93 7.3.2 ]
5687   --  aggregate ::= ( element_association { , element_association } )
5688   --
5689   --  [ LRM93 7.3.2 ]
5690   --  element_association ::= [ choices => ] expression
5691   function Parse_Aggregate return Iir
5692   is
5693      Expr: Iir;
5694      Res: Iir;
5695      First, Last : Iir;
5696      Assoc: Iir;
5697      Loc, Right_Loc : Location_Type;
5698   begin
5699      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5701      --  Skip '('
5702      Scan;
5704      if Current_Token /= Tok_Others then
5705         Expr := Parse_Expression;
5706         case Current_Token is
5707            when Tok_Comma
5708              | Tok_Double_Arrow
5709              | Tok_Bar =>
5710               --  This is really an aggregate
5711               null;
5712            when Tok_Right_Paren =>
5713               --  This was just a braced expression.
5715               Right_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5717               --  Skip ')'.
5718               Scan;
5720               if Expr /= Null_Iir
5721                 and then Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate
5722               then
5723                  --  Parenthesis around aggregate is useless and change the
5724                  --  context for array aggregate.
5725                  Warning_Msg_Sem
5726                    (Warnid_Parenthesis, +Expr,
5727                     "suspicious parenthesis around aggregate");
5728               elsif not Flag_Parse_Parenthesis then
5729                  return Expr;
5730               end if;
5732               --  Create a node for the parenthesis.
5733               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Expression);
5734               Set_Location (Res, Loc);
5735               Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
5737               if Flag_Elocations then
5738                  Create_Elocations (Res);
5739                  Set_Right_Paren_Location (Res, Right_Loc);
5740               end if;
5742               return Res;
5744            when Tok_Semi_Colon
5745               | Tok_Then
5746               | Tok_Is
5747               | Tok_Generate
5748               | Tok_Loop =>
5749               --  Surely a missing parenthesis.
5750               --  FIXME: in case of multiple missing parenthesises, several
5751               --    messages will be displayed
5752               Error_Msg_Parse
5753                 ("missing ')' for opening parenthesis at %l", +Loc);
5754               return Expr;
5756            when others =>
5757               --  Surely a parse error...
5758               null;
5759         end case;
5760      else
5761         Expr := Null_Iir;
5762      end if;
5763      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Aggregate);
5764      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
5765      Chain_Init (First, Last);
5766      loop
5767         if Current_Token = Tok_Others and then Expr = Null_Iir then
5768            Assoc := Parse_A_Choice (Null_Iir, Loc);
5769            Expect (Tok_Double_Arrow);
5771            --  Eat '=>'
5772            Scan;
5774            Expr := Parse_Expression;
5775         else
5776            --  Not others: an expression (or a range).
5777            if Expr = Null_Iir then
5778               Expr := Parse_Expression;
5779            end if;
5780            if Expr = Null_Iir then
5781               return Null_Iir;
5782            end if;
5784            case Current_Token is
5785               when Tok_Comma
5786                 | Tok_Right_Paren =>
5787                  Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None);
5788                  Set_Location (Assoc, Loc);
5789               when others =>
5790                  Parse_Choices (Expr, Loc, Assoc);
5791                  Expect (Tok_Double_Arrow);
5793                  --  Eat '=>'.
5794                  Scan;
5796                  Expr := Parse_Expression;
5797            end case;
5798         end if;
5799         Set_Associated_Expr (Assoc, Expr);
5800         Chain_Append_Subchain (First, Last, Assoc);
5801         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
5803         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5805         --  Eat ','
5806         Scan;
5808         Expr := Null_Iir;
5809      end loop;
5810      Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Res, First);
5812      --  Eat ')'.
5813      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
5814      return Res;
5815   end Parse_Aggregate;
5817   --  precond : NEW
5818   --  postcond: next token
5819   --
5820   --  [LRM93 7.3.6]
5821   --  allocator ::= NEW subtype_indication
5822   --              | NEW qualified_expression
5823   function Parse_Allocator return Iir
5824   is
5825      Loc: Location_Type;
5826      Res : Iir;
5827      Expr: Iir;
5828   begin
5829      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
5831      -- Accept 'new'.
5832      Scan;
5833      Expr := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
5834      if Expr /= Null_Iir
5835        and then Get_Kind (Expr) /= Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
5836      then
5837         -- This is a subtype_indication.
5838         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype);
5839         Expr := Parse_Subtype_Indication (Expr);
5840         Set_Subtype_Indication (Res, Expr);
5841      else
5842         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression);
5843         Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
5844      end if;
5846      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
5847      return Res;
5848   end Parse_Allocator;
5850   --  precond : tok_bit_string
5851   --  postcond: tok_bit_string
5852   --
5853   --  Simply create the node for a bit string.
5854   function Parse_Bit_String (Len : Int32) return Iir
5855   is
5856      Res : Iir;
5857      B : Number_Base_Type;
5858   begin
5859      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_String_Literal8);
5860      Set_Location (Res);
5861      Set_String8_Id (Res, Current_String_Id);
5862      Set_String_Length (Res, Current_String_Length);
5863      Set_Literal_Length (Res, Len + Get_Token_Length);
5864      case Get_Bit_String_Sign is
5865         when 's' =>
5866            Set_Has_Sign (Res, True);
5867            Set_Has_Signed (Res, True);
5868         when 'u' =>
5869            Set_Has_Sign (Res, True);
5870            Set_Has_Signed (Res, False);
5871         when others =>
5872            Set_Has_Sign (Res, False);
5873            Set_Has_Signed (Res, False);
5874      end case;
5876      case Get_Bit_String_Base is
5877         when 'b' =>
5878            B := Base_2;
5879         when 'o' =>
5880            B := Base_8;
5881         when 'd' =>
5882            B := Base_10;
5883         when 'x' =>
5884            B := Base_16;
5885         when others =>
5886            raise Internal_Error;
5887      end case;
5888      Set_Bit_String_Base (Res, B);
5890      return Res;
5891   end Parse_Bit_String;
5893   --  Scan returns an expanded bit value.  Adjust the expanded bit value as
5894   --  required by the length.
5895   procedure Resize_Bit_String (Lit : Iir; Nlen : Nat32)
5896   is
5897      use Str_Table;
5899      Old_Len : constant Nat32 := Get_String_Length (Lit);
5900      Is_Signed : constant Boolean := Get_Has_Signed (Lit);
5901      Id : constant String8_Id := Get_String8_Id (Lit);
5902      C : Nat8;
5903   begin
5904      if Nlen > Old_Len then
5905         --  Extend.
5907         --  LRM08 15.8
5908         --  -- If the length is greater than the number of characters in the
5909         --     expanded bit value and the base specifier is B, UB, O, UO, X,
5910         --     UX or D, the bit string value is obtained by concatenating a
5911         --     string of 0 digits to the left of the expanded bit value.  The
5912         --     number of 0 digits in the string is such that the number of
5913         --     characters in the result of the concatenation is the length of
5914         --     the bit string literal.
5915         --
5916         --  -- If the length is greater than the number of characters in the
5917         --     expanded bit value and the base specifier is SB, SO or SX, the
5918         --     bit string value is obtained by concatenating the the left of
5919         --     the expanded bit value a string, each of whose characters is
5920         --     the leftmost character of the expanded bit value.  The number
5921         --     of characters in the string is such that the number of
5922         --     characters in the result of the concatenation is the length of
5923         --     the bit string literal.
5924         if Is_Signed then
5925            if Old_Len = 0 then
5926               Error_Msg_Parse
5927                 (+Lit, "cannot expand an empty signed bit string");
5928               C := Character'Pos ('0');
5929            else
5930               C := Element_String8 (Id, 1);
5931            end if;
5932         else
5933            C := Character'Pos ('0');
5934         end if;
5935         Resize_String8 (Nlen);
5936         --  Shift (position 1 is the MSB).
5937         for I in reverse 1 .. Old_Len loop
5938            Set_Element_String8 (Id, I + Nlen - Old_Len,
5939                                 Element_String8 (Id, I));
5940         end loop;
5941         for I in 1 .. Nlen - Old_Len loop
5942            Set_Element_String8 (Id, I, C);
5943         end loop;
5944         Set_String_Length (Lit, Nlen);
5946      elsif Nlen < Old_Len then
5947         --  Reduce.
5949         --  LRM08 15.8
5950         --  -- If the length is less than the number of characters in the
5951         --     expanded bit value and the base specifier is B, UB, O, UO, X,
5952         --     UX or D, the bit string value is obtained by deleting
5953         --     sufficient characters from the left of the expanded bit value
5954         --     to yield a string whose length is the length of the bit string
5955         --     literal.  It is an error if any of the character so deleted is
5956         --     other than the digit 0.
5957         --
5958         --  -- If the length is less than the number of characters in the
5959         --     expanded bit value and the base specifier is SB, SO or SX, the
5960         --     bit string value is obtained by deleting sufficient characters
5961         --     from the left of the expanded bit value to yield a string whose
5962         --     length is the length of the bit string literal.  It is an error
5963         --     if any of the characters so deleted differs from the leftmost
5964         --     remaining character.
5965         if Is_Signed then
5966            C := Element_String8 (Id, 1 + Old_Len - Nlen);
5967         else
5968            C := Character'Pos ('0');
5969         end if;
5970         for I in 1 .. Old_Len - Nlen loop
5971            if Element_String8 (Id, I) /= C then
5972               Error_Msg_Parse
5973                 (+Lit, "truncation of bit string changes the value");
5974               --  Avoid error storm.
5975               exit;
5976            end if;
5977         end loop;
5978         --  Shift (position 1 is the MSB).
5979         for I in 1 .. Nlen loop
5980            Set_Element_String8 (Id, I,
5981                                 Element_String8 (Id, I + Old_Len - Nlen));
5982         end loop;
5983         Resize_String8 (Nlen);
5984         Set_String_Length (Lit, Nlen);
5986      else
5987         --  LRM08 15.8
5988         --  -- If the length is equal to the number of characters in the
5989         --     expanded bit value, the string literal value is the expanded
5990         --     bit value itself.
5991         null;
5992      end if;
5993   end Resize_Bit_String;
5995   --  LRM93 3.1.3
5996   --  /unit/_name
5997   --
5998   --  A unit name is a name, but it must designate a unit declaration.  As
5999   --  a consequence, it can only be a simple_name or a selected name.
6000   function Parse_Unit_Name return Iir
6001   is
6002      Res : Iir;
6003   begin
6004      Res := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
6005      case Get_Kind (Res) is
6006         when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
6007           | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
6008            null;
6009         when others =>
6010            Error_Msg_Parse ("invalid unit name");
6011      end case;
6012      return Res;
6013   end Parse_Unit_Name;
6015   --  Precond : next token after tok_integer
6016   --  postcond: likewise
6017   --
6018   --  Return an integer_literal or a physical_literal.
6019   function Parse_Integer_Literal (Val : Int64; Len : Int32) return Iir
6020   is
6021      Res : Iir;
6022   begin
6023      if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
6024         -- physical literal
6025         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
6026         Set_Unit_Name (Res, Parse_Unit_Name);
6027      else
6028         -- integer literal
6029         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
6030      end if;
6031      Set_Value (Res, Val);
6032      Set_Literal_Length (Res, Len);
6033      return Res;
6034   end Parse_Integer_Literal;
6036   function Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call (Kind : Iir_Kinds_Psl_Builtin) return Iir
6037   is
6038      Res : Iir;
6039      Expr : Iir;
6040   begin
6041      Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
6042      Set_Location (Res);
6044      --  Skip builtin.
6045      Scan;
6047      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
6049      Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
6051      if Current_Token = Tok_Comma then
6052         --  Skip ','.
6053         Scan;
6055         Expr := Parse_Expression;
6056         case Kind is
6057            when Iir_Kind_Psl_Fell
6058               | Iir_Kind_Psl_Rose
6059               | Iir_Kind_Psl_Stable =>
6060               Set_Clock_Expression (Res, Expr);
6061            when Iir_Kind_Psl_Prev =>
6062               Set_Count_Expression (Res, Expr);
6063         end case;
6064      end if;
6066      if Current_Token = Tok_Comma then
6067         --  Skip ','.
6068         Scan;
6070         case Kind is
6071            when Iir_Kind_Psl_Prev =>
6072               Set_Clock_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
6073            when others =>
6074               Error_Msg_Parse ("too many parameter for PSL builtin");
6075         end case;
6076      end if;
6078      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
6080      return Res;
6081   end Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call;
6083   --  precond : next token
6084   --  postcond: next token
6085   --
6086   --  [ LRM93 7.1 ]
6087   --  primary ::= name
6088   --            | literal
6089   --            | aggregate
6090   --            | function_call
6091   --            | qualified_expression
6092   --            | type_conversion
6093   --            | allocator
6094   --            | ( expression )
6095   --
6096   --  [ LRM93 7.3.1 ]
6097   --  literal ::= numeric_literal
6098   --            | enumeration_literal
6099   --            | string_literal
6100   --            | bit_string_literal
6101   --            | NULL
6102   --
6103   --  [ LRM93 7.3.1 ]
6104   --  numeric_literal ::= abstract_literal
6105   --                    | physical_literal
6106   --
6107   --  [ LRM93 13.4 ]
6108   --  abstract_literal ::= decimal_literal | based_literal
6109   --
6110   --  [ LRM93 3.1.3 ]
6111   --  physical_literal ::= [ abstract_literal ] UNIT_name
6112   function Parse_Primary return Iir_Expression
6113   is
6114      Res: Iir_Expression;
6115      Int: Int64;
6116      Fp: Fp64;
6117      Loc: Location_Type;
6118      Len : Int32;
6119   begin
6120      case Current_Token is
6121         when Tok_Integer =>
6122            Int := Current_Iir_Int64;
6123            Loc := Get_Token_Location;
6124            Len := Get_Token_Length;
6126            --  Skip integer
6127            Scan;
6129            Res := Parse_Integer_Literal (Int, Len);
6130            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
6131            return Res;
6133         when Tok_Real =>
6134            Fp := Current_Iir_Fp64;
6135            Loc := Get_Token_Location;
6136            Len := Get_Token_Length;
6138            --  Skip real
6139            Scan;
6141            if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
6142               -- physical literal
6143               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal);
6144               Set_Unit_Name (Res, Parse_Unit_Name);
6145            else
6146               -- real literal
6147               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal);
6148            end if;
6149            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
6150            Set_Fp_Value (Res, Fp);
6151            Set_Literal_Length (Res, Len);
6152            return Res;
6154         when Tok_Identifier
6155           | Tok_Double_Less =>
6156            Res := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
6157            if Res /= Null_Iir
6158              and then Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Signature then
6159               Error_Msg_Parse (+Res, "signature not allowed in expression");
6160               return Get_Signature_Prefix (Res);
6161            else
6162               return Res;
6163            end if;
6165         when Tok_Character =>
6166            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Character_Literal);
6167            Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
6168            Set_Location (Res);
6170            --  Skip character.
6171            Scan;
6173            if Current_Token = Tok_Tick then
6174               Error_Msg_Parse
6175                 ("prefix of an attribute can't be a character literal");
6176               --  skip tick.
6177               Scan;
6178               --  skip attribute designator
6179               Scan;
6180            end if;
6181            return Res;
6182         when Tok_Left_Paren =>
6183            if Parenthesis_Depth = Max_Parenthesis_Depth then
6184               Error_Msg_Parse
6185                 ("too many open parenthesis, skip to the matching one");
6186               Skip_Until_Closing_Parenthesis;
6187               return Null_Iir;
6188            else
6189               Parenthesis_Depth := Parenthesis_Depth + 1;
6190               Res := Parse_Aggregate;
6191               Parenthesis_Depth := Parenthesis_Depth - 1;
6192               return Res;
6193            end if;
6194         when Tok_String =>
6195            return Parse_Name;
6196         when Tok_Null =>
6197            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Null_Literal);
6198            Set_Location (Res);
6199            Scan;
6200            return Res;
6201         when Tok_New =>
6202            return Parse_Allocator;
6204         when Tok_Integer_Letter =>
6205            Int := Current_Iir_Int64;
6206            Loc := Get_Token_Location;
6207            Len := Get_Token_Length;
6209            --  Skip integer
6210            Scan;
6212            if Current_Token = Tok_Bit_String then
6213               Res := Parse_Bit_String (Len);
6214               Set_Has_Length (Res, True);
6216               --  Skip bit string
6217               Scan;
6219               --  Resize.
6220               Resize_Bit_String (Res, Nat32 (Int));
6221            else
6222               Error_Msg_Parse
6223                 (Get_Token_Location,
6224                  "space is required between number and unit name");
6225               Res := Parse_Integer_Literal (Int, Len);
6226            end if;
6227            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
6228            return Res;
6230         when Tok_Bit_String =>
6231            Res := Parse_Bit_String (0);
6233            --  Skip bit string
6234            Scan;
6236            return Res;
6238         when Tok_Prev =>
6239            return Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call (Iir_Kind_Psl_Prev);
6240         when Tok_Stable =>
6241            return Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call (Iir_Kind_Psl_Stable);
6242         when Tok_Rose =>
6243            return Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call (Iir_Kind_Psl_Rose);
6244         when Tok_Fell =>
6245            return Parse_PSL_Builtin_Call (Iir_Kind_Psl_Fell);
6247         when Tok_Minus
6248           | Tok_Plus =>
6249            Error_Msg_Parse
6250              ("'-' and '+' are not allowed in primary, use parenthesis");
6251            return Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple);
6253         when Tok_Comma
6254           | Tok_Semi_Colon
6255           | Tok_Right_Paren
6256           | Tok_Eof
6257           | Tok_End =>
6258            --  Token not to be skipped
6259            Error_Msg_Parse ("primary expression expected");
6260            return Create_Error_Node;
6262         when others =>
6263            Unexpected ("primary");
6264            return Create_Error_Node;
6265      end case;
6266   end Parse_Primary;
6268   --  [ LRM08 9 Expressions ]
6269   --
6270   --  expression ::=
6271   --      condition_operator primary
6272   --    | logical_expression
6273   --
6274   --  logical_expression ::=
6275   --      relation { and relation }
6276   --    | relation { or relation }
6277   --    | relation { xor relation }
6278   --    | relation [ nand relation ]
6279   --    | relation [ nor relation ]
6280   --    | relation { xnor relation }
6281   --
6282   --  relation ::=
6283   --    shift_expression [ relational_operator shift_expression ]
6284   --
6285   --  shift_expression ::=
6286   --    simple_expression [ shift_operator simple_expression ]
6287   --
6288   --  simple_expression ::=
6289   --    [ sign ] term { adding_operator term }
6290   --
6291   --  term ::=
6292   --    factor { multiplying_operator factor }
6293   --
6294   --  factor ::=
6295   --      primary [ ** primary ]
6296   --    | abs primary
6297   --    | not primary
6298   --    | logical_operator primary
6299   function Build_Unary_Factor (Op : Iir_Kind) return Iir
6300   is
6301      Res : Iir;
6302   begin
6303      Res := Create_Iir (Op);
6304      Set_Location (Res);
6306      --  Skip operator.
6307      Scan;
6309      Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Primary);
6311      return Res;
6312   end Build_Unary_Factor;
6314   function Build_Unary_Simple (Op : Iir_Kind) return Iir
6315   is
6316      Res : Iir;
6317   begin
6318      Res := Create_Iir (Op);
6319      Set_Location (Res);
6321      --  Skip operator.
6322      Scan;
6324      Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Expression (Prio_Term));
6326      return Res;
6327   end Build_Unary_Simple;
6329   function Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Op : Iir_Kind) return Iir is
6330   begin
6331      if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
6332         Error_Msg_Parse ("missing left operand of logical expression");
6334         --  Skip operator
6335         Scan;
6337         return Parse_Primary;
6338      else
6339         return Build_Unary_Factor (Op);
6340      end if;
6341   end Build_Unary_Factor_08;
6343   function Parse_Unary_Expression return Iir
6344   is
6345      Res, Left : Iir_Expression;
6346   begin
6347      case Current_Token is
6348         when Tok_Plus =>
6349            return Build_Unary_Simple (Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator);
6350         when Tok_Minus =>
6351            return Build_Unary_Simple (Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator);
6353         when Tok_Abs =>
6354            return Build_Unary_Factor (Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator);
6355         when Tok_Not =>
6356            return Build_Unary_Factor (Iir_Kind_Not_Operator);
6358         when Tok_And =>
6359            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_And_Operator);
6360         when Tok_Or =>
6361            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_Or_Operator);
6362         when Tok_Nand =>
6363            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_Nand_Operator);
6364         when Tok_Nor =>
6365            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_Nor_Operator);
6366         when Tok_Xor =>
6367            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_Xor_Operator);
6368         when Tok_Xnor =>
6369            return Build_Unary_Factor_08 (Iir_Kind_Reduction_Xnor_Operator);
6371         when Tok_Exclam_Mark =>
6372            Error_Msg_Parse ("'!' is not allowed here, replaced by 'not'");
6373            return Build_Unary_Factor (Iir_Kind_Not_Operator);
6375         when others =>
6376            Left := Parse_Primary;
6377            if Current_Token = Tok_Double_Star then
6378               Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator);
6379               Set_Location (Res);
6381               --  Skip '**'.
6382               Scan;
6384               Set_Left (Res, Left);
6385               Set_Right (Res, Parse_Primary);
6386               return Res;
6387            else
6388               return Left;
6389            end if;
6390      end case;
6391   end Parse_Unary_Expression;
6393   --  Example: When PRIO is Prio_Simple, a simple expression will be returned.
6394   function Parse_Binary_Expression (Left : Iir; Prio : Prio_Type) return Iir
6395   is
6396      Res : Iir;
6397      Expr : Iir;
6398      Op : Iir_Kind;
6399      Op_Prio : Prio_Type;
6400      Op_Tok : Token_Type;
6401   begin
6402      Res := Left;
6403      loop
6404         Op_Tok := Current_Token;
6405         case Op_Tok is
6406            when Tok_Star =>
6407               Op := Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator;
6408               Op_Prio := Prio_Term;
6409            when Tok_Slash =>
6410               Op := Iir_Kind_Division_Operator;
6411               Op_Prio := Prio_Term;
6412            when Tok_Mod =>
6413               Op := Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator;
6414               Op_Prio := Prio_Term;
6415            when Tok_Rem =>
6416               Op := Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator;
6417               Op_Prio := Prio_Term;
6419            when Tok_Plus =>
6420               Op := Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator;
6421               Op_Prio := Prio_Simple;
6422            when Tok_Minus =>
6423               Op := Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator;
6424               Op_Prio := Prio_Simple;
6425            when Tok_Ampersand =>
6426               Op := Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator;
6427               Op_Prio := Prio_Simple;
6429            when Tok_Sll =>
6430               Op := Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator;
6431               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6432            when Tok_Sla =>
6433               Op := Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator;
6434               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6435            when Tok_Srl =>
6436               Op := Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator;
6437               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6438            when Tok_Sra =>
6439               Op := Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator;
6440               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6441            when Tok_Rol =>
6442               Op := Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator;
6443               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6444            when Tok_Ror =>
6445               Op := Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator;
6446               Op_Prio := Prio_Shift;
6448            when Tok_Equal =>
6449               Op := Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator;
6450               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6451            when Tok_Not_Equal =>
6452               Op := Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator;
6453               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6454            when Tok_Less =>
6455               Op := Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator;
6456               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6457            when Tok_Less_Equal =>
6458               Op := Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator;
6459               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6460            when Tok_Greater =>
6461               Op := Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator;
6462               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6463            when Tok_Greater_Equal =>
6464               Op := Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator;
6465               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6466            when Tok_Match_Equal =>
6467               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Equality_Operator;
6468               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6469            when Tok_Match_Not_Equal =>
6470               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Inequality_Operator;
6471               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6472            when Tok_Match_Less =>
6473               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Less_Than_Operator;
6474               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6475            when Tok_Match_Less_Equal =>
6476               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator;
6477               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6478            when Tok_Match_Greater =>
6479               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Greater_Than_Operator;
6480               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6481            when Tok_Match_Greater_Equal =>
6482               Op := Iir_Kind_Match_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator;
6483               Op_Prio := Prio_Relation;
6485            when Tok_And =>
6486               Op := Iir_Kind_And_Operator;
6487               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6488            when Tok_Or =>
6489               Op := Iir_Kind_Or_Operator;
6490               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6491            when Tok_Xor =>
6492               Op := Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator;
6493               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6494            when Tok_Nand =>
6495               Op := Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator;
6496               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6497            when Tok_Nor =>
6498               Op := Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator;
6499               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6500            when Tok_Xnor =>
6501               Op := Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator;
6502               Op_Prio := Prio_Logical;
6504            when others =>
6505               return Res;
6506         end case;
6508         --  If the OP_PRIO is less than PRIO, the binary operator will apply
6509         --  to the whole expression.
6510         --  eg: A * B + C
6511         if Op_Prio < Prio then
6512            return Res;
6513         end if;
6515         Expr := Create_Iir (Op);
6516         Set_Location (Expr);
6517         Set_Left (Expr, Res);
6519         --  Skip operator.
6520         Scan;
6522         --  Catch errors for Ada programmers.
6523         if Current_Token = Tok_Then or Current_Token = Tok_Else then
6524            Report_Start_Group;
6525            Error_Msg_Parse ("""or else"" and ""and then"" sequences "
6526                               & "are not allowed in vhdl");
6527            Error_Msg_Parse ("""and"" and ""or"" are short-circuit "
6528                               & "operators for BIT and BOOLEAN types");
6529            Report_End_Group;
6530            Scan;
6531         end if;
6533         if Op_Prio >= Prio_Simple and then Current_Token in Token_Sign_Type
6534         then
6535            Error_Msg_Parse ("'-'/'+' can only appear before the first term");
6536         end if;
6538         --  Left association: A + B + C is (A + B) + C
6539         Set_Right (Expr, Parse_Expression (Prio_Type'Succ (Op_Prio)));
6540         Res := Expr;
6542         --  Only one relational_operator or shift_operator.
6543         if Op_Prio = Prio_Relation then
6544            if Current_Token in Token_Relational_Operator_Type then
6545               Error_Msg_Parse
6546                 ("use parenthesis for consecutive relational expressions");
6547            end if;
6548         elsif Op_Prio = Prio_Shift then
6549            --  Only one shift_operator.
6550            if Current_Token in Token_Shift_Operator_Type then
6551               Error_Msg_Parse
6552                 ("use parenthesis for consecutive shift expressions");
6553            end if;
6554         elsif Op_Prio = Prio_Logical then
6555            if Current_Token = Op_Tok then
6556               if Op_Tok = Tok_Nand or Op_Tok = Tok_Nor then
6557                  Report_Start_Group;
6558                  Error_Msg_Parse ("sequence of 'nor' or 'nand' not allowed");
6559                  Error_Msg_Parse ("('nor' and 'nand' are not associative)");
6560                  Report_End_Group;
6561               end if;
6562            elsif Current_Token in Token_Logical_Type then
6563               --  Expression is a sequence of relations, with the same
6564               --  operator.
6565               Error_Msg_Parse ("only one type of logical operators may be "
6566                                & "used to combine relation");
6567            end if;
6568         end if;
6569      end loop;
6570   end Parse_Binary_Expression;
6572   function Parse_Expression (Prio : Prio_Type := Prio_Expression) return Iir
6573   is
6574      Left : Iir;
6575      Res : Iir;
6576   begin
6577      if Current_Token = Tok_Condition then
6578         if Prio /= Prio_Expression then
6579            Error_Msg_Parse
6580              ("'??' must be the first operator of an expression");
6581         end if;
6582         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Condition_Operator);
6583         Set_Location (Res);
6585         --  Skip '??'
6586         Scan;
6588         Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Primary);
6590         --  Improve error message for expressions like '?? a and b'; in
6591         --  particular it avoids cascaded errors.
6592         case Current_Token is
6593            when Token_Logical_Type
6594              | Token_Relational_Operator_Type
6595              | Token_Shift_Operator_Type
6596              | Token_Adding_Operator_Type =>
6597               Error_Msg_Parse
6598                 ("'??' cannot be followed by a binary expression");
6599               Res := Parse_Binary_Expression (Res, Prio);
6600            when others =>
6601               null;
6602         end case;
6603      else
6604         Left := Parse_Unary_Expression;
6605         Res := Parse_Binary_Expression (Left, Prio);
6606      end if;
6608      return Res;
6609   end Parse_Expression;
6611   --  Like Parse_Expression, but assumed the expression is followed by a
6612   --  reserved identifier.  As a result, it will diagnoses extra parentheses.
6613   function Parse_Expression_Keyword return Iir
6614   is
6615      Res : Iir;
6616   begin
6617      Res := Parse_Expression;
6619      if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
6620         Error_Msg_Parse ("extra ')' ignored");
6622         --  Skip ')'.
6623         Scan;
6624      end if;
6626      return Res;
6627   end Parse_Expression_Keyword;
6629   --  precond : next token
6630   --  postcond: next token.
6631   --
6632   --  [ 8.4 ]
6633   --  waveform ::= waveform_element { , waveform_element }
6634   --             | UNAFFECTED
6635   --
6636   --  [ 8.4.1 ]
6637   --  waveform_element ::= VALUE_expression [ AFTER TIME_expression ]
6638   --                     | NULL [ AFTER TIME_expression ]
6639   function Parse_Waveform return Iir_Waveform_Element
6640   is
6641      Res: Iir_Waveform_Element;
6642      We, Last_We : Iir_Waveform_Element;
6643   begin
6644      if Current_Token = Tok_Unaffected then
6645         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
6646            Error_Msg_Parse ("'unaffected' is not allowed in vhdl87");
6647         end if;
6649         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unaffected_Waveform);
6650         Set_Location (Res);
6652         --  Skip 'unaffected'.
6653         Scan;
6654      else
6655         Chain_Init (Res, Last_We);
6656         loop
6657            We := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element);
6658            Chain_Append (Res, Last_We, We);
6659            Set_Location (We);
6661            --  Note: NULL is handled as a null_literal.
6662            Set_We_Value (We, Parse_Expression);
6664            if Current_Token = Tok_After then
6665               --  Skip 'after'.
6666               Scan;
6668               Set_Time (We, Parse_Expression);
6669            end if;
6671            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
6673            --  Skip ','.
6674            Scan;
6675         end loop;
6676      end if;
6678      return Res;
6679   end Parse_Waveform;
6681   --  precond : next token
6682   --  postcond: next token
6683   --
6684   --  [ 8.4 ]
6685   --  delay_mechanism ::= TRANSPORT
6686   --                    | [ REJECT TIME_expression ] INERTIAL
6687   procedure Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Assign: Iir) is
6688   begin
6689      if Current_Token = Tok_Transport then
6690         Set_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, Iir_Transport_Delay);
6691         Set_Has_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, True);
6693         --  Skip 'transport'.
6694         Scan;
6695      else
6696         Set_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, Iir_Inertial_Delay);
6697         if Current_Token = Tok_Reject then
6698            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
6699               Error_Msg_Parse
6700                 ("'reject' delay mechanism not allowed in vhdl 87");
6701            end if;
6702            Set_Has_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, True);
6704            --  Skip 'reject'.
6705            Scan;
6707            Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Assign, Parse_Expression);
6709            --  Skip 'inertial'.
6710            Expect_Scan (Tok_Inertial);
6711         elsif Current_Token = Tok_Inertial then
6712            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
6713               Error_Msg_Parse
6714                 ("'inertial' keyword not allowed in vhdl 87");
6715            end if;
6716            Set_Has_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, True);
6718            --  Skip 'inertial'.
6719            Scan;
6720         end if;
6721      end if;
6722   end Parse_Delay_Mechanism;
6724   --  precond : next token
6725   --  postcond: next token
6726   --
6727   --  [ LRM93 9.5 ]
6728   --  options ::= [ GUARDED ] [ delay_mechanism ]
6729   procedure Parse_Options (Stmt : Iir) is
6730   begin
6731      if Current_Token = Tok_Guarded then
6732         Set_Guard (Stmt, Stmt);
6733         Scan;
6734      end if;
6735      Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
6736   end Parse_Options;
6738   --  precond : next tkoen
6739   --  postcond: next token (';')
6740   --
6741   --  [ LRM93 9.5.1 ]
6742   --  conditional_waveforms ::=
6743   --      { waveform WHEN condition ELSE }
6744   --      waveform [ WHEN condition ]
6745   function Parse_Conditional_Waveforms return Iir
6746   is
6747      Wf : Iir;
6748      Res : Iir;
6749      Cond_Wf, N_Cond_Wf : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
6750   begin
6751      Wf := Parse_Waveform;
6752      if Current_Token /= Tok_When then
6753         return Wf;
6754      else
6755         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform);
6756         Set_Location (Res);
6757         Set_Waveform_Chain (Res, Wf);
6759         Cond_Wf := Res;
6760         loop
6761            --  Skip 'when'.
6762            Scan;
6764            Set_Condition (Cond_Wf, Parse_Expression);
6766            if Current_Token /= Tok_Else then
6767               if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
6768                  Error_Msg_Parse ("else missing in vhdl 87");
6769               end if;
6770               exit;
6771            end if;
6773            N_Cond_Wf := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform);
6774            Set_Location (N_Cond_Wf);
6775            Set_Chain (Cond_Wf, N_Cond_Wf);
6776            Cond_Wf := N_Cond_Wf;
6778            --  Eat 'else'
6779            Scan;
6781            Set_Waveform_Chain (Cond_Wf, Parse_Waveform);
6783            exit when Current_Token /= Tok_When;
6784         end loop;
6785         return Res;
6786      end if;
6787   end Parse_Conditional_Waveforms;
6789   --  precond : '<=' (or ':=')
6790   --  postcond: next token (after ';')
6791   --
6792   --  [ LRM93 9.5.1 ]
6793   --  concurrent_conditional_signal_assignment ::=
6794   --      target <= [ GUARDED ] [ delay_mechanism ] conditional_waveforms ;
6795   --
6796   --  [ LRM08 ]
6797   --  concurrent_simple_waveform_assignment ::=
6798   --      target <= [ GUARDED ] [ delay_mechanism ] waveform ;
6799   function Parse_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Target: Iir)
6800                                                           return Iir
6801   is
6802      Res: Iir;
6803      Loc : Location_Type;
6804      N_Res : Iir;
6805      Wf : Iir;
6806   begin
6807      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
6808      case Current_Token is
6809         when Tok_Less_Equal =>
6810            --  Skip '<='.
6811            Scan;
6812         when Tok_Assign =>
6813            Error_Msg_Parse ("':=' not allowed in concurrent statement, "
6814                               & "replaced by '<='");
6815            --  Skip ':='.
6816            Scan;
6817         when others =>
6818            Expect (Tok_Less_Equal);
6819      end case;
6821      --  Assume simple signal assignment.
6822      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment);
6823      Parse_Options (Res);
6825      Wf := Parse_Conditional_Waveforms;
6826      if Wf /= Null_Iir
6827        and then Get_Kind (Wf) = Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform
6828      then
6829         N_Res :=
6830           Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment);
6831         if Get_Guard (Res) /= Null_Iir then
6832            Set_Guard (N_Res, N_Res);
6833         end if;
6834         Set_Delay_Mechanism (N_Res, Get_Delay_Mechanism (Res));
6835         Set_Reject_Time_Expression (N_Res, Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Res));
6836         Free_Iir (Res);
6837         Res := N_Res;
6838         Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Res, Wf);
6839      else
6840         Set_Waveform_Chain (Res, Wf);
6841      end if;
6842      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
6843      Set_Target (Res, Target);
6844      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon, "';' expected at end of signal assignment");
6846      return Res;
6847   end Parse_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment;
6849   --  Like Parse_Expression, but keep parentheses.
6850   --  Parentheses are significant in case expressions, because of
6851   --  LRM02 8.8 Case Statement.
6852   function Parse_Case_Expression return Iir
6853   is
6854      Prev_Flag : constant Boolean := Flag_Parse_Parenthesis;
6855      Res : Iir;
6856   begin
6857      Flag_Parse_Parenthesis := True;
6858      Res := Parse_Expression_Keyword;
6859      Flag_Parse_Parenthesis := Prev_Flag;
6861      return Res;
6862   end Parse_Case_Expression;
6864   --  precond : WITH
6865   --  postcond: next token
6866   --
6867   --  [ LRM93 9.5.2 ]
6868   --  selected_signal_assignment ::=
6869   --      WITH expresion SELECT
6870   --          target <= options selected_waveforms ;
6871   --
6872   --  [ LRM93 9.5.2 ]
6873   --  selected_waveforms ::=
6874   --      { waveform WHEN choices , }
6875   --      waveform WHEN choices
6876   function Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment return Iir
6877   is
6878      Res : Iir;
6879      Assoc : Iir;
6880      Wf_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element;
6881      Target : Iir;
6882      First, Last : Iir;
6883      When_Loc : Location_Type;
6884   begin
6885      --  Skip 'with'.
6886      Scan;
6888      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment);
6889      Set_Location (Res);
6890      Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Case_Expression);
6892      Expect_Scan (Tok_Select, "'select' expected after expression");
6894      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
6895         Target := Parse_Aggregate;
6896      else
6897         Target := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
6898      end if;
6899      Set_Target (Res, Target);
6900      Expect_Scan (Tok_Less_Equal);
6902      Parse_Options (Res);
6904      Chain_Init (First, Last);
6905      loop
6906         Wf_Chain := Parse_Waveform;
6907         Expect (Tok_When, "'when' expected after waveform");
6908         When_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
6910         --  Eat 'when'.
6911         Scan;
6913         Parse_Choices (Null_Iir, When_Loc, Assoc);
6914         Set_Associated_Chain (Assoc, Wf_Chain);
6915         Chain_Append_Subchain (First, Last, Assoc);
6916         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
6917         --  Skip ','.
6918         Scan;
6919      end loop;
6920      Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Res, First);
6922      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon, "';' expected at end of signal assignment");
6924      return Res;
6925   end Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
6927   --  precond : next token
6928   --  postcond: next token.
6929   --
6930   --  [ LRM93 8.1 ]
6931   --  sensitivity_list ::= SIGNAL_name { , SIGNAL_name }
6932   function Parse_Sensitivity_List return Iir_List
6933   is
6934      List : Iir_List;
6935      El : Iir;
6936   begin
6937      List := Create_Iir_List;
6939      loop
6940         El := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
6941         if El /= Null_Iir then
6942            case Get_Kind (El) is
6943               when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
6944                 | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
6945                 | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
6946                 | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
6947                 | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
6948                 | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
6949                 | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
6950                  null;
6951               when others =>
6952                  Error_Msg_Parse
6953                    ("only names are allowed in a sensitivity list");
6954                  El := Create_Error_Node (El);
6955            end case;
6956            Append_Element (List, El);
6957         end if;
6959         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
6961         --  Skip ','.
6962         Scan;
6963      end loop;
6965      return List;
6966   end Parse_Sensitivity_List;
6968   --  precond : ASSERT
6969   --  postcond: next token
6970   --  Note: this fill an sequential or a concurrent statement.
6971   --
6972   --  [ LRM93 9.4 ]
6973   --  concurrent_assertion_statement ::=
6974   --      [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] assertion ;
6975   --
6976   --  [ LRM93 8.2 ]
6977   --  assertion ::= ASSERT condition
6978   --      [ REPORT expression ] [ SEVERITY expression ]
6979   procedure Parse_Assertion (Stmt: Iir) is
6980   begin
6981      Set_Location (Stmt);
6983      --  Skip 'assert'.
6984      Scan;
6986      Set_Assertion_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
6988      if Current_Token = Tok_Report then
6989         --  Skip 'report'.
6990         Scan;
6992         Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
6993      end if;
6995      if Current_Token = Tok_Severity then
6996         --  Skip 'severity'.
6997         Scan;
6999         Set_Severity_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7000         if Current_Token = Tok_Report then
7001            --  Nice message in case of inversion.
7002            Error_Msg_Parse
7003              ("report expression must precede severity expression");
7004            Scan;
7005            Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7006         end if;
7007      end if;
7008   end Parse_Assertion;
7010   --  precond : REPORT
7011   --  postcond: next token
7012   --
7013   --  [ 8.3 ]
7014   --  report_statement ::= REPORT expression [ SEVERITY expression ]
7015   function Parse_Report_Statement return Iir_Report_Statement
7016   is
7017      Res : Iir_Report_Statement;
7018   begin
7019      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Report_Statement);
7020      Set_Location (Res);
7021      if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
7022         Error_Msg_Parse ("report statement not allowed in vhdl87");
7023      end if;
7025      --  Skip 'report'.
7026      Scan;
7028      Set_Report_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
7030      if Current_Token = Tok_Severity then
7031         --  Skip 'severity'.
7032         Scan;
7034         Set_Severity_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
7035      end if;
7036      return Res;
7037   end Parse_Report_Statement;
7039   -- precond : WAIT
7040   -- postcond: ';'
7041   --
7042   --  [ LRM93 8.1 ]
7043   --  wait_statement ::=
7044   --      [ label : ] WAIT [ sensitivity_clause ] [ condition_clause ]
7045   --          [ timeout_clause ] ;
7046   --
7047   --  [ LRM93 8.1 ]
7048   --  sensitivity_clause ::= ON sensitivity_list
7049   --
7050   --  [ LRM93 8.1 ]
7051   --  condition_clause ::= UNTIL conditiion
7052   --
7053   --  [ LRM93 8.1 ]
7054   --  timeout_clause ::= FOR TIME_expression
7055   function Parse_Wait_Statement return Iir_Wait_Statement
7056   is
7057      Res: Iir_Wait_Statement;
7058      List: Iir_List;
7059   begin
7060      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement);
7061      Set_Location (Res);
7063      --  Skip 'wait'.
7064      Scan;
7066      --  Sensitivity clause.
7067      case Current_Token is
7068         when Tok_On =>
7069            --  Skip 'on'.
7070            Scan;
7072            List := Parse_Sensitivity_List;
7073            Set_Sensitivity_List (Res, List);
7074         when Tok_Until =>
7075            null;
7076         when Tok_For =>
7077            null;
7078         when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
7079            return Res;
7080         when others =>
7081            Error_Msg_Parse ("'on', 'until', 'for' or ';' expected");
7082            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7083            return Res;
7084      end case;
7086      --  Condition clause.
7087      case Current_Token is
7088         when Tok_On =>
7089            Error_Msg_Parse ("only one sensitivity is allowed");
7090            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7091            return Res;
7092         when Tok_Until =>
7093            Scan;
7094            Set_Condition_Clause (Res, Parse_Expression);
7095         when Tok_For =>
7096            null;
7097         when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
7098            return Res;
7099         when others =>
7100            Error_Msg_Parse ("'until', 'for' or ';' expected");
7101            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7102            return Res;
7103      end case;
7105      --  Timeout clause.
7106      case Current_Token is
7107         when Tok_On =>
7108            Error_Msg_Parse ("only one sensitivity clause is allowed");
7109            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7110            return Res;
7111         when Tok_Until =>
7112            Error_Msg_Parse ("only one condition clause is allowed");
7113            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7114            return Res;
7115         when Tok_For =>
7116            Scan;
7117            Set_Timeout_Clause (Res, Parse_Expression);
7118            return Res;
7119         when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
7120            return Res;
7121         when others =>
7122            Error_Msg_Parse ("'for' or ';' expected");
7123            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7124            return Res;
7125      end case;
7126   end Parse_Wait_Statement;
7128   --  precond : IF
7129   --  postcond: next token.
7130   --
7131   --  [ LRM93 8.7 ]
7132   --  if_statement ::=
7133   --    [ IF_label : ]
7134   --        IF condition THEN
7135   --            sequence_of_statements
7136   --        { ELSIF condition THEN
7137   --            sequence_of_statements }
7138   --        [ ELSE
7139   --            sequence_of_statements ]
7140   --        END IF [ IF_label ] ;
7141   --
7142   -- FIXME: end label.
7143   function Parse_If_Statement (Parent : Iir) return Iir_If_Statement
7144   is
7145      Res: Iir_If_Statement;
7146      Clause: Iir;
7147      N_Clause: Iir;
7148      Start_Loc, Then_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
7149   begin
7150      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Statement);
7151      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7152      Set_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
7153      Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
7155      --  Eat 'if'.
7156      Scan;
7158      Clause := Res;
7159      loop
7160         Set_Condition (Clause, Parse_Expression_Keyword);
7161         Then_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7162         --  Eat 'then'.
7163         Expect_Scan (Tok_Then, "'then' is expected here");
7165         Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
7166           (Clause, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
7168         End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7170         if Flag_Elocations then
7171            Create_Elocations (Clause);
7172            Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
7173            Set_Then_Location (Clause, Then_Loc);
7174            Set_End_Location (Clause, End_Loc);
7175         end if;
7177         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Else and Current_Token /= Tok_Elsif;
7179         N_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Elsif);
7180         Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7181         Set_Location (N_Clause, Start_Loc);
7182         Set_Else_Clause (Clause, N_Clause);
7183         Clause := N_Clause;
7184         if Current_Token = Tok_Else then
7186            --  Skip 'else'.
7187            Scan;
7189            Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
7190              (Clause, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
7192            if Flag_Elocations then
7193               Create_Elocations (Clause);
7194               Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
7195               Set_End_Location (Clause, Get_Token_Location);
7196            end if;
7198            exit;
7199         else
7200            pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Elsif);
7201            --  Skip 'elsif'.
7202            Scan;
7203         end if;
7204      end loop;
7206      --  Skip 'end' 'if'
7207      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
7208      Expect_Scan (Tok_If);
7210      return Res;
7211   end Parse_If_Statement;
7213   function Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call (Name: Iir; Kind : Iir_Kind)
7214                                               return Iir
7215   is
7216      Res: Iir;
7217      Call : Iir_Procedure_Call;
7218      Prefix : Iir;
7219   begin
7220      Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
7221      if Name = Null_Iir then
7222         Set_Location (Res);
7223         return Res;
7224      end if;
7226      Location_Copy (Res, Name);
7227      Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call);
7228      Location_Copy (Call, Name);
7229      Set_Procedure_Call (Res, Call);
7230      case Get_Kind (Name) is
7231         when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
7232            Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
7233            if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol then
7234               Error_Msg_Parse
7235                 (+Prefix, "operator cannot be used as procedure call");
7236            end if;
7237            Set_Prefix (Call, Prefix);
7238            Set_Parameter_Association_Chain
7239              (Call, Get_Association_Chain (Name));
7240            Free_Iir (Name);
7241         when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
7242           | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
7243            Set_Prefix (Call, Name);
7244         when Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 =>
7245            Error_Msg_Parse
7246              ("string or operator cannot be used as procedure call");
7247         when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
7248           | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
7249           | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
7250           | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol
7251           | Iir_Kind_Signature =>
7252            Error_Msg_Parse
7253              ("invalid name for a procedure call or missing assignment");
7254         when others =>
7255            Error_Kind ("parenthesis_name_to_procedure_call", Name);
7256      end case;
7257      return Res;
7258   end Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call;
7260   --  precond : identifier
7261   --  postcond: next token
7262   --
7263   --  [ LRM93 8.9 ]
7264   --  parameter_specification ::= identifier IN discrete_range
7265   function Parse_Parameter_Specification (Parent : Iir)
7266                                          return Iir_Iterator_Declaration
7267   is
7268      Decl : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
7269   begin
7270      Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration);
7271      Set_Parent (Decl, Parent);
7273      --  Skip identifier
7274      Scan_Identifier (Decl);
7276      --  Skip 'in'
7277      Expect_Scan (Tok_In);
7279      Set_Discrete_Range (Decl, Parse_Discrete_Range);
7280      return Decl;
7281   end Parse_Parameter_Specification;
7283   --  precond:  delay_mechanism or waveform
7284   --  postcond: next token
7285   --
7286   --  [ LRM93 8.4 ]
7287   --  signal_assignment_statement ::=
7288   --    [ label : ] target <= [ delay_mechanism ] waveform ;
7289   --
7290   --  [ LRM08 10.5 Signal assignment statement ]
7291   --  simple_waveform_assignment ::=
7292   --    target <= [ delay_mechanism ] waveform ;
7293   function Parse_Signal_Waveform_Assignment
7294     (Target : Iir; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
7295   is
7296      Stmt : Iir;
7297      N_Stmt : Iir;
7298      Wave_Chain : Iir;
7299   begin
7300      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Signal_Assignment_Statement);
7301      Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7302      Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
7304      Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
7306      Wave_Chain := Parse_Conditional_Waveforms;
7308      --  LRM 8.4 Signal assignment statement
7309      --  It is an error is the reserved word UNAFFECTED appears as a
7310      --  waveform in a (sequential) signal assignment statement.
7311      if Get_Kind (Wave_Chain) = Iir_Kind_Unaffected_Waveform then
7312         if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
7313            Error_Msg_Parse
7314              ("'unaffected' is not allowed in a sequential statement");
7315         end if;
7316         Set_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Wave_Chain);
7317      elsif Get_Kind (Wave_Chain) = Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform then
7318         if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
7319            Error_Msg_Parse
7320              ("conditional signal assignment not allowed in before vhdl08");
7321         end if;
7322         N_Stmt :=
7323           Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Signal_Assignment_Statement);
7324         Location_Copy (N_Stmt, Stmt);
7325         Set_Target (N_Stmt, Target);
7326         Set_Delay_Mechanism (N_Stmt, Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt));
7327         Set_Reject_Time_Expression
7328           (N_Stmt, Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt));
7329         Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (N_Stmt, Wave_Chain);
7330         Free_Iir (Stmt);
7331         Stmt := N_Stmt;
7332      else
7333         Set_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Wave_Chain);
7334      end if;
7336      return Stmt;
7337   end Parse_Signal_Waveform_Assignment;
7339   --  precond:  -
7340   --  postcond: next token
7341   --
7342   --  [ LRM08 10.5.2 Simple signal assignments ]
7343   --  force_mode ::= IN | OUT
7344   procedure Parse_Force_Mode_Opt (Stmt : Iir) is
7345   begin
7346      case Current_Token is
7347         when Tok_In =>
7348            Set_Force_Mode (Stmt, Iir_Force_In);
7349            Set_Has_Force_Mode (Stmt, True);
7350         when Tok_Out =>
7351            Set_Force_Mode (Stmt, Iir_Force_Out);
7352            Set_Has_Force_Mode (Stmt, True);
7353         when others =>
7354            null;
7355      end case;
7356   end Parse_Force_Mode_Opt;
7358   --  precond:  'force'
7359   --  postcond: next token
7360   --
7361   --  [ LRM08 10.5 Signal assignment statement ]
7362   --  simple_force_assignment ::=
7363   --    target <= FORCE [ force_mode ] expression ;
7364   function Parse_Signal_Force_Assignment
7365     (Target : Iir; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
7366   is
7367      Stmt : Iir;
7368   begin
7369      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Force_Assignment_Statement);
7370      Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7371      Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
7373      --  Skip 'force'.
7374      Scan;
7376      Parse_Force_Mode_Opt (Stmt);
7378      Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7380      return Stmt;
7381   end Parse_Signal_Force_Assignment;
7383   --  precond:  'release'
7384   --  postcond: next token
7385   --
7386   --  [ LRM08 10.5 Signal assignment statement ]
7387   --  simple_release_assignment ::=
7388   --    target <= RELEASE [ force_mode ] expression ;
7389   function Parse_Signal_Release_Assignment
7390     (Target : Iir; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
7391   is
7392      Stmt : Iir;
7393   begin
7394      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Release_Assignment_Statement);
7395      Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7396      Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
7398      --  Skip 'release'.
7399      Scan;
7401      Parse_Force_Mode_Opt (Stmt);
7403      return Stmt;
7404   end Parse_Signal_Release_Assignment;
7406   --  precond:  '<='
7407   --  postcond: next token
7408   --
7409   --  [ LRM93 8.4 ]
7410   --  signal_assignment_statement ::=
7411   --      [ label : ] target <= [ delay_mechanism ] waveform ;
7412   --
7413   --  [ LRM08 10.5 Signal assignment statement ]
7414   --  signal_assignement_statement ::=
7415   --      [ label : ] simple_signal_assignement
7416   --    | [ label : ] conditional_signal_assignement
7417   --    | [ label : ] selected_signal_assignement
7418   --
7419   --  simple_signal_assignment ::=
7420   --      simple_waveform_assignment
7421   --    | simple_force_assignment
7422   --    | simple_release_assignment
7423   function Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
7424   is
7425      Loc : Location_Type;
7426   begin
7427      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7429      --  Skip '<='.
7430      Scan;
7432      case Current_Token is
7433         when Tok_Force =>
7434            return Parse_Signal_Force_Assignment (Target, Loc);
7435         when Tok_Release =>
7436            return Parse_Signal_Release_Assignment (Target, Loc);
7437         when others =>
7438            return Parse_Signal_Waveform_Assignment (Target, Loc);
7439      end case;
7440   end Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement;
7442   --  precond:  WHEN
7443   --  postcond: next token
7444   --
7445   --  [ LRM08 10.5.3 Conditional signal assignments ]
7446   --  conditional_expressions ::=
7447   --      expression WHEN condition
7448   --    { ELSE expression WHEN condition }
7449   --    [ ELSE expression ]
7450   function Parse_Conditional_Expression_Chain (Expr : Iir) return Iir
7451   is
7452      Res : Iir;
7453      El, N_El : Iir;
7454   begin
7455      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Expression);
7456      Set_Location (Res);
7457      Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
7458      El := Res;
7460      loop
7461         --  Skip 'when'.
7462         Scan;
7464         Set_Condition (El, Parse_Expression);
7466         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Else;
7468         N_El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Expression);
7469         Set_Location (N_El);
7470         Set_Chain (El, N_El);
7471         El := N_El;
7473         --  Skip 'else'.
7474         Scan;
7476         Set_Expression (N_El, Parse_Expression);
7478         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_When;
7479      end loop;
7481      return Res;
7482   end Parse_Conditional_Expression_Chain;
7484   --  precond:  ':='
7485   --  postcond: next token
7486   --
7487   --  [ LRM93 8.5 ]
7488   --  variable_assignment_statement ::=
7489   --      [ label : ] target := expression ;
7490   function Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
7491   is
7492      Stmt : Iir;
7493      Loc : Location_Type;
7494      Expr : Iir;
7495   begin
7496      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7498      --  Skip ':='.
7499      Scan;
7501      Expr := Parse_Expression;
7503      if Current_Token = Tok_When then
7504         if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
7505            Error_Msg_Parse
7506              ("conditional variable assignment not allowed before vhdl08");
7507         end if;
7508         Stmt :=
7509           Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Variable_Assignment_Statement);
7510         Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7511         Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
7512         Set_Conditional_Expression_Chain
7513           (Stmt, Parse_Conditional_Expression_Chain (Expr));
7514      else
7515         Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement);
7516         Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7517         Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
7518         Set_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
7519      end if;
7520      return Stmt;
7521   end Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement;
7523   --  precond:  '<=', ':=' or ';'
7524   --  postcond: next token
7525   function Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
7526   is
7527      Stmt : Iir;
7528      Call : Iir;
7529   begin
7530      if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
7531         return Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target);
7532      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
7533         return Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target);
7534      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
7535         return Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call
7536           (Target, Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
7537      else
7538         Error_Msg_Parse
7539           ("""<="" or "":="" expected instead of %t", +Current_Token);
7540         Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
7541         Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call);
7542         Set_Prefix (Call, Target);
7543         Set_Procedure_Call (Stmt, Call);
7544         Set_Location (Call);
7545         Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
7546         return Stmt;
7547      end if;
7548   end Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement;
7550   --  precond:  CASE
7551   --  postcond: ';'
7552   --
7553   --  [ LRM93 8.8 ]
7554   --  case_statement ::=
7555   --      [ CASE_label : ]
7556   --          CASE expression IS
7557   --              case_statement_alternative
7558   --              { case_statement_alternative }
7559   --          END CASE [ CASE_label ] ;
7560   --
7561   --  [ LRM93 8.8 ]
7562   --  case_statement_alternative ::= WHEN choices => sequence_of_statements
7563   function Parse_Case_Statement (Label : Name_Id) return Iir
7564   is
7565      Stmt : Iir;
7566      Assoc: Iir;
7567      First_Assoc, Last_Assoc : Iir;
7568      When_Loc : Location_Type;
7569   begin
7570      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Case_Statement);
7571      Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
7572      Set_Location (Stmt);
7574      --  Skip 'case'.
7575      Scan;
7577      Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Case_Expression);
7579      --  Skip 'is'.
7580      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
7582      if Current_Token = Tok_End then
7583         Error_Msg_Parse ("missing alternative in case statement");
7584      end if;
7586      Chain_Init (First_Assoc, Last_Assoc);
7587      while Current_Token = Tok_When loop
7588         When_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7590         --  Skip 'when'.
7591         Scan;
7593         Parse_Choices (Null_Iir, When_Loc, Assoc);
7595         --  Skip '=>'.
7596         Expect_Scan (Tok_Double_Arrow);
7598         Set_Associated_Chain (Assoc, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
7599         Chain_Append_Subchain (First_Assoc, Last_Assoc, Assoc);
7600      end loop;
7601      Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt, First_Assoc);
7603      if Flag_Elocations then
7604         Create_Elocations (Stmt);
7605         Set_End_Location (Stmt, Get_Token_Location);
7606      end if;
7608      --  Skip 'end', 'case'.
7609      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
7610      Expect_Scan (Tok_Case);
7612      if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
7613         Check_End_Name (Stmt);
7614      end if;
7616      return Stmt;
7617   end Parse_Case_Statement;
7619   --  precond:  FOR
7620   --  postcond: ';'
7621   --
7622   --  [ LRM93 8.9 ]
7623   --  loop_statement ::=
7624   --      [ LOOP_label : ]
7625   --          [ iteration_scheme ] LOOP
7626   --              sequence_of_statements
7627   --          END LOOP [ LOOP_label ] ;
7628   --
7629   --  [ LRM93 8.9 ]
7630   --  iteration_scheme ::= WHILE condition
7631   --                     | FOR LOOP_parameter_specification
7632   function Parse_For_Loop_Statement (Label : Name_Id) return Iir
7633   is
7634      Stmt : Iir;
7635      Start_Loc, Loop_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
7636   begin
7637      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement);
7638      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7639      Set_Location (Stmt, Start_Loc);
7640      Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
7642      --  Skip 'for'
7643      Scan;
7645      Set_Parameter_Specification
7646        (Stmt, Parse_Parameter_Specification (Stmt));
7648      --  Skip 'loop'
7649      Loop_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7650      Expect (Tok_Loop);
7651      Scan;
7653      Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
7654        (Stmt, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
7656      --  Skip 'end'
7657      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7658      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
7660      --  Skip 'loop'
7661      Expect_Scan (Tok_Loop);
7663      Check_End_Name (Stmt);
7665      if Flag_Elocations then
7666         Create_Elocations (Stmt);
7667         Set_Start_Location (Stmt, Start_Loc);
7668         Set_Loop_Location (Stmt, Loop_Loc);
7669         Set_End_Location (Stmt, End_Loc);
7670      end if;
7672      return Stmt;
7673   end Parse_For_Loop_Statement;
7675   --  precond:  WHILE or LOOP
7676   --  postcond: ';'
7677   --
7678   --  [ 8.9 ]
7679   --  loop_statement ::=
7680   --      [ LOOP_label : ]
7681   --          [ iteration_scheme ] LOOP
7682   --              sequence_of_statements
7683   --          END LOOP [ LOOP_label ] ;
7684   function Parse_While_Loop_Statement (Label : Name_Id) return Iir
7685   is
7686      Stmt : Iir;
7687      Start_Loc, Loop_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
7688   begin
7689      Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement);
7690      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7691      Set_Location (Stmt, Start_Loc);
7692      Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
7693      if Current_Token = Tok_While then
7694         --  Skip 'while'.
7695         Scan;
7697         Set_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7698         Expect (Tok_Loop);
7699      end if;
7701      --  Skip 'loop'.
7702      Loop_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7703      Scan;
7705      Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
7706        (Stmt, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
7708      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7710      --  Skip 'end'.
7711      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
7713      --  Skip 'loop'.
7714      Expect_Scan (Tok_Loop);
7716      Check_End_Name (Stmt);
7718      if Flag_Elocations then
7719         Create_Elocations (Stmt);
7720         Set_Start_Location (Stmt, Start_Loc);
7721         Set_Loop_Location (Stmt, Loop_Loc);
7722         Set_End_Location (Stmt, End_Loc);
7723      end if;
7725      return Stmt;
7726   end Parse_While_Loop_Statement;
7728   --  AMS-LRM17 10.15 Break statement
7729   --  break_list ::= break_element { , break_element }
7730   --
7731   --  break_element ::=
7732   --    [ break_selector_clause ] /quantity/_name => expression
7733   --
7734   --  break_selector_clause ::= FOR /quantity/_name USE
7736   function Parse_Break_List return Iir
7737   is
7738      First, Last : Iir;
7739      El : Iir;
7740      Sel : Iir;
7741   begin
7742      Chain_Init (First, Last);
7744      loop
7745         case Current_Token is
7746            when Tok_For =>
7747               --  break_selector_clause
7749               --  Skip 'for'.
7750               Scan;
7752               Sel := Parse_Name;
7754               --  Skip 'use'.
7755               Expect_Scan (Tok_Use, "'use' expected after quantity name");
7757            when Tok_Identifier =>
7758               --  No break_selector_clause.
7759               Sel := Null_Iir;
7761            when others =>
7762               --  No more break_element.
7763               exit;
7764         end case;
7766         El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Break_Element);
7767         Set_Selector_Quantity (El, Sel);
7769         Set_Location (El);
7770         Set_Break_Quantity (El, Parse_Name);
7772         Expect_Scan (Tok_Double_Arrow, "'=>' expected after quantity name");
7773         Set_Expression (El, Parse_Expression);
7775         Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
7777         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
7779         --  Eat ','
7780         Scan;
7781      end loop;
7783      return First;
7784   end Parse_Break_List;
7786   -- precond : BREAK
7787   -- postcond: ';'
7788   --
7789   --  AMS-LRM17 10.15 Break statement
7790   --  break_statement ::=
7791   --    [ label : ] BREAK [ break_list ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
7792   function Parse_Break_Statement return Iir
7793   is
7794      Res: Iir;
7795   begin
7796      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Break_Statement);
7797      Set_Location (Res);
7799      --  Skip 'break'.
7800      Scan;
7802      Set_Break_Element (Res, Parse_Break_List);
7804      if Current_Token = Tok_When then
7805         --  Skip 'when'.
7806         Scan;
7808         Set_Condition (Res, Parse_Expression);
7809      end if;
7811      return Res;
7812   end Parse_Break_Statement;
7814   --  precond:  next token
7815   --  postcond: next token
7816   --
7817   --  [ LRM93 8 ]
7818   --  sequence_of_statement ::= { sequential_statement }
7819   --
7820   --  [ 8 ]
7821   --  sequential_statement ::= wait_statement
7822   --                         | assertion_statement
7823   --                         | report_statement
7824   --                         | signal_assignment_statement
7825   --                         | variable_assignment_statement
7826   --                         | procedure_call_statement
7827   --                         | if_statement
7828   --                         | case_statement
7829   --                         | loop_statement
7830   --                         | next_statement
7831   --                         | exit_statement
7832   --                         | return_statement
7833   --                         | null_statement
7834   --                         | break_statement
7835   --
7836   --  [ 8.13 ]
7837   --  null_statement ::= [ label : ] NULL ;
7838   --
7839   --  [ 8.12 ]
7840   --  return_statement ::= [ label : ] RETURN [ expression ]
7841   --
7842   --  [ 8.10 ]
7843   --  next_statement ::= [ label : ] NEXT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
7844   --
7845   --  [ 8.11 ]
7846   --  exit_statement ::= [ label : ] EXIT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
7847   --
7848   --  [ 8.9 ]
7849   --  loop_statement ::=
7850   --      [ LOOP_label : ]
7851   --          [ iteration_scheme ] LOOP
7852   --              sequence_of_statements
7853   --          END LOOP [ LOOP_label ] ;
7854   --
7855   --  [ 8.9 ]
7856   --  iteration_scheme ::= WHILE condition
7857   --                     | FOR LOOP_parameter_specification
7858   --
7859   --  [ 8.2 ]
7860   --  assertion_statement ::= [ label : ] assertion ;
7861   --
7862   --  [ 8.3 ]
7863   --  report_statement ::= [ label : ] REPORT expression SEVERITY expression ;
7864   function Parse_Sequential_Statements (Parent : Iir) return Iir
7865   is
7866      First_Stmt : Iir;
7867      Last_Stmt : Iir;
7868      Stmt: Iir;
7869      Label: Name_Id;
7870      Loc : Location_Type;
7871      Target : Iir;
7872   begin
7873      First_Stmt := Null_Iir;
7874      Last_Stmt := Null_Iir;
7875      -- Expect a current_token.
7876      loop
7877         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
7878         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
7879            Label := Current_Identifier;
7881            --  Skip identifier.
7882            Scan;
7884            if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
7885               --  Skip ':'.
7886               Scan;
7887            else
7888               Target := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
7889               Set_Identifier (Target, Label);
7890               Set_Location (Target, Loc);
7891               Label := Null_Identifier;
7892               Target := Parse_Name_Suffix (Target, True);
7893               Stmt := Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Target);
7894               goto Has_Stmt;
7895            end if;
7896         else
7897            Label := Null_Identifier;
7898         end if;
7900         case Current_Token is
7901            when Tok_Null =>
7902               Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Null_Statement);
7904               --  Skip 'null'.
7905               Scan;
7907            when Tok_Assert =>
7908               Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement);
7909               Parse_Assertion (Stmt);
7910            when Tok_Report =>
7911               Stmt := Parse_Report_Statement;
7912            when Tok_If =>
7913               Stmt := Parse_If_Statement (Parent);
7914               Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
7915               Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7916               if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
7917                  Check_End_Name (Stmt);
7918               end if;
7919            when Tok_Case =>
7920               Stmt := Parse_Case_Statement (Label);
7921            when Tok_Identifier
7922              | Tok_String =>
7923               --  String for an expanded name with operator_symbol prefix.
7924               Stmt := Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Parse_Name);
7925            when Tok_Left_Paren =>
7926               declare
7927                  Target : Iir;
7928               begin
7929                  Target := Parse_Aggregate;
7930                  if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
7931                     Stmt := Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target);
7932                  elsif Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
7933                     Stmt := Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target);
7934                  else
7935                     Error_Msg_Parse ("'<=' or ':=' expected");
7936                     return First_Stmt;
7937                  end if;
7938               end;
7940            when Tok_Return =>
7941               Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Return_Statement);
7943               --  Skip return.
7944               Scan;
7946               if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
7947                  Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7948               end if;
7950            when Tok_For =>
7951               Stmt := Parse_For_Loop_Statement (Label);
7952               Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7954               --  A loop statement can have a label, even in vhdl87.
7955               Label := Null_Identifier;
7957            when Tok_While
7958              | Tok_Loop =>
7959               Stmt := Parse_While_Loop_Statement (Label);
7960               Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
7962               --  A loop statement can have a label, even in vhdl87.
7963               Label := Null_Identifier;
7965            when Tok_Next
7966              | Tok_Exit =>
7967               if Current_Token = Tok_Next then
7968                  Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Next_Statement);
7969               else
7970                  Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement);
7971               end if;
7973               --  Skip 'next' or 'exit'.
7974               Scan;
7976               if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
7977                  Set_Loop_Label (Stmt, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
7978               end if;
7980               if Current_Token = Tok_When then
7981                  --  Skip 'when'.
7982                  Scan;
7984                  Set_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
7985               end if;
7987            when Tok_Wait =>
7988               Stmt := Parse_Wait_Statement;
7990            when Tok_Break =>
7991               Stmt := Parse_Break_Statement;
7993            when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
7994               Error_Msg_Parse ("extra ';' ignored");
7996               --  Eat ';'
7997               Scan;
7999               goto Again;
8000            when Tok_Constant
8001              | Tok_Variable
8002              | Tok_Signal
8003              | Tok_Alias
8004              | Tok_File
8005              | Tok_Attribute =>
8006               Error_Msg_Parse ("declaration not allowed within statements");
8007               Scan;
8008               Resync_To_End_Of_Declaration;
8009               goto Again;
8011            when Tok_Begin =>
8012               Error_Msg_Parse ("'begin' not allowed within statements");
8013               Scan;
8014               goto Again;
8016            when Tok_Tick =>
8017               Unexpected ("statement");
8018               Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
8019               goto Again;
8021            when others =>
8022               return First_Stmt;
8023         end case;
8024         << Has_Stmt >> null;
8025         Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
8026         Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
8027         if Label /= Null_Identifier then
8028            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8029               Error_Msg_Parse
8030                 (+Stmt, "this statement can't have a label in vhdl 87");
8031            else
8032               Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
8033            end if;
8034         end if;
8036         if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
8037            --  Skip ';'.
8038            Scan;
8039         else
8040            Error_Missing_Semi_Colon ("statement");
8041            Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
8042            if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
8043               --  Skip ';'.
8044               Scan;
8045            end if;
8046         end if;
8048         --  Append it to the chain.
8049         if First_Stmt = Null_Iir then
8050            First_Stmt := Stmt;
8051         else
8052            Set_Chain (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
8053         end if;
8054         Last_Stmt := Stmt;
8056         <<Again>> null;
8057      end loop;
8058   end Parse_Sequential_Statements;
8060   procedure Parse_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Iir; Is_Loc : Location_Type)
8061   is
8062      Kind : constant Iir_Kind := Get_Kind (Subprg);
8063      Subprg_Body : Iir;
8064      Begin_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
8065   begin
8066      --  The body.
8067      Set_Has_Body (Subprg, True);
8068      if Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
8069         Subprg_Body := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Body);
8070      else
8071         Subprg_Body := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body);
8072      end if;
8073      Location_Copy (Subprg_Body, Subprg);
8075      Set_Subprogram_Body (Subprg, Subprg_Body);
8076      Set_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg_Body, Subprg);
8077      Set_Chain (Subprg, Subprg_Body);
8079      Parse_Declarative_Part (Subprg_Body, Subprg_Body);
8081      --  Skip 'begin'.
8082      Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8083      Expect_Scan (Tok_Begin);
8085      Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
8086        (Subprg_Body, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Subprg_Body));
8088      --  Skip 'end'.
8089      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8090      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
8092      if Flag_Elocations then
8093         Create_Elocations (Subprg_Body);
8094         Set_Is_Location (Subprg_Body, Is_Loc);
8095         Set_Begin_Location (Subprg_Body, Begin_Loc);
8096         Set_End_Location (Subprg_Body, End_Loc);
8097      end if;
8099      case Current_Token is
8100         when Tok_Function =>
8101            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8102               Error_Msg_Parse ("'function' not allowed here by vhdl 87");
8103            end if;
8104            if Kind = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
8105               Error_Msg_Parse ("'procedure' expected instead of 'function'");
8106            end if;
8107            Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Subprg_Body, True);
8109            --  Skip 'function'.
8110            Scan;
8112         when Tok_Procedure =>
8113            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8114               Error_Msg_Parse ("'procedure' not allowed here by vhdl 87");
8115            end if;
8116            if Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
8117               Error_Msg_Parse ("'function' expected instead of 'procedure'");
8118            end if;
8119            Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Subprg_Body, True);
8121            --  Skip 'procedure'
8122            Scan;
8124         when others =>
8125            null;
8126      end case;
8127      case Current_Token is
8128         when Tok_Identifier =>
8129            Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Subprg), Subprg_Body);
8130         when Tok_String =>
8131            if Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location)
8132              /= Get_Identifier (Subprg)
8133            then
8134               Error_Msg_Parse ("misspelling, %i expected", +Subprg);
8135            end if;
8136            Set_End_Has_Identifier (Subprg_Body, True);
8138            --  Skip string.
8139            Scan;
8141         when others =>
8142            null;
8143      end case;
8144      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("subprogram body");
8145   end Parse_Subprogram_Body;
8147   --  precond : NEW
8148   --
8149   --  LRM08 4.4 Subprogram instantiation declarations
8150   --  subprogram_instantiation_declaration ::=
8151   --    subprogram_kind designator IS
8152   --      NEW uninstantiated_subprogram_name [ signature ]
8153   --      [ generic_map_aspect ];
8154   function Parse_Subprogram_Instantiation (Subprg : Iir) return Iir
8155   is
8156      Res : Iir;
8157   begin
8158      case Iir_Kinds_Subprogram_Declaration (Get_Kind (Subprg)) is
8159         when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
8160            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Instantiation_Declaration);
8161            if Get_Has_Pure (Subprg) then
8162               Error_Msg_Parse
8163                 (+Subprg, "pure/impure not allowed for instantiations");
8164            end if;
8165            if Get_Return_Type_Mark (Subprg) /= Null_Iir then
8166               Error_Msg_Parse
8167                 (+Subprg, "return type not allowed for instantiations");
8168            end if;
8169         when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
8170            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Instantiation_Declaration);
8171      end case;
8172      Location_Copy (Res, Subprg);
8173      Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Subprg));
8175      if Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg) /= Null_Iir then
8176         Error_Msg_Parse
8177           (+Subprg, "interfaces not allowed for instantiations");
8178      end if;
8180      --  Skip 'new'.
8181      Scan;
8183      Set_Uninstantiated_Subprogram_Name (Res, Parse_Signature_Name);
8185      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
8186         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
8187      end if;
8189      --  Skip ';'.
8190      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
8192      return Res;
8193   end Parse_Subprogram_Instantiation;
8195   --  precond : PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PURE or IMPURE.
8196   --  postcond: next token.
8197   --
8198   --  [ LRM93 2.1 ]
8199   --  subprogram_declaration ::= subprogram_specification ;
8200   --
8201   --  [ LRM93 2.1 ]
8202   --  subprogram_specification ::=
8203   --      PROCEDURE designator [ ( formal_parameter_list ) ]
8204   --    | [ PURE | IMPURE ] FUNCTION designator [ ( formal_parameter_list ) ]
8205   --          RETURN type_mark
8206   --
8207   --  [ LRM93 2.2 ]
8208   --  subprogram_body ::=
8209   --      subprogram_specification IS
8210   --          subprogram_declarative_part
8211   --      BEGIN
8212   --          subprogram_statement_part
8213   --      END [ subprogram_kind ] [ designator ] ;
8214   --
8215   --  [ LRM93 2.1 ]
8216   --  designator ::= identifier | operator_symbol
8217   --
8218   --  [ LRM93 2.1 ]
8219   --  operator_symbol ::= string_literal
8220   function Parse_Subprogram_Declaration return Iir
8221   is
8222      Kind : Iir_Kind;
8223      Subprg : Iir;
8224      Gen : Iir;
8225      Start_Loc, Is_Loc : Location_Type;
8226   begin
8227      --  Create the node.
8228      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8229      case Current_Token is
8230         when Tok_Procedure =>
8231            Kind := Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration;
8232         when Tok_Function
8233           | Tok_Pure
8234           | Tok_Impure =>
8235            Kind := Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration;
8236         when others =>
8237            raise Internal_Error;
8238      end case;
8239      Subprg := Create_Iir (Kind);
8240      Set_Location (Subprg);
8241      Set_Implicit_Definition (Subprg, Iir_Predefined_None);
8243      case Current_Token is
8244         when Tok_Procedure =>
8245            null;
8246         when Tok_Function =>
8247            --  LRM93 2.1
8248            --  A function is impure if its specification contains the
8249            --  reserved word IMPURE; otherwise it is said to be pure.
8250            Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, True);
8251         when Tok_Pure
8252           | Tok_Impure =>
8253            Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, Current_Token = Tok_Pure);
8254            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8255               Error_Msg_Parse
8256                 ("'pure' and 'impure' are not allowed in vhdl 87");
8257            end if;
8258            Set_Has_Pure (Subprg, True);
8259            --  FIXME: what to do in case of error ??
8261            --  Eat 'pure' or 'impure'.
8262            Scan;
8264            Expect (Tok_Function, "'function' must follow 'pure' or 'impure'");
8265         when others =>
8266            raise Internal_Error;
8267      end case;
8269      --  Eat 'procedure' or 'function'.
8270      Scan;
8272      --  Designator.
8273      Parse_Subprogram_Designator (Subprg);
8275      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
8276         --  Eat 'generic'
8277         Scan;
8279         Gen := Parse_Interface_List (Generic_Interface_List, Subprg);
8280         Set_Generic_Chain (Subprg, Gen);
8281      end if;
8283      Parse_Subprogram_Parameters_And_Return
8284        (Subprg, Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration, False);
8286      if Flag_Elocations then
8287         Create_Elocations (Subprg);
8288         Set_Start_Location (Subprg, Start_Loc);
8289      end if;
8291      case Current_Token is
8292         when Tok_Is =>
8293            --  Skip 'is'.
8294            Is_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8295            Scan;
8297            if Current_Token = Tok_New then
8298               return Parse_Subprogram_Instantiation (Subprg);
8299            end if;
8300         when Tok_Begin =>
8301            Error_Msg_Parse ("missing 'is' before 'begin'");
8302            Is_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8303         when others =>
8304            if Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
8305               Check_Function_Specification (Subprg);
8306            end if;
8308            --  Skip ';'.
8309            Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
8311            return Subprg;
8312      end case;
8314      if Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
8315         Check_Function_Specification (Subprg);
8316      end if;
8318      --  The body.
8319      Parse_Subprogram_Body (Subprg, Is_Loc);
8320      return Subprg;
8321   end Parse_Subprogram_Declaration;
8323   --  precond:  PROCESS
8324   --  postcond: next token
8325   --
8326   --  [ LRM87 9.2 / LRM08 11.3 ]
8327   --  process_statement ::=
8328   --    [ PROCESS_label : ]
8329   --       [ POSTPONED ] PROCESS [ ( process_sensitivity_list ) ] [ IS ]
8330   --           process_declarative_part
8331   --       BEGIN
8332   --           process_statement_part
8333   --       END [ POSTPONED ] PROCESS [ PROCESS_label ] ;
8334   --
8335   --  process_sensitivity_list ::= ALL | sensitivity_list
8336   function Parse_Process_Statement
8337     (Label: Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type; Is_Postponed : Boolean)
8338     return Iir
8339   is
8340      Res: Iir;
8341      Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
8342      Start_Loc, Begin_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
8343   begin
8344      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8346      --  Skip 'process'
8347      Scan;
8349      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
8350         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement);
8352         --  Skip '('
8353         Scan;
8355         if Current_Token = Tok_All then
8356            if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
8357               Error_Msg_Parse
8358                 ("all sensitized process allowed only in vhdl 08");
8359            end if;
8360            Sensitivity_List := Iir_List_All;
8362            --  Skip 'all'
8363            Scan;
8364         else
8365            Sensitivity_List := Parse_Sensitivity_List;
8366         end if;
8367         Set_Sensitivity_List (Res, Sensitivity_List);
8369         --  Skip ')'
8370         Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
8371      else
8372         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Process_Statement);
8373      end if;
8375      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
8376      Set_Label (Res, Label);
8377      Set_Has_Label (Res, Label /= Null_Identifier);
8379      if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
8380         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8381            Error_Msg_Parse ("""is"" not allowed here by vhdl 87");
8382         end if;
8383         Set_Has_Is (Res, True);
8385         --  Skip 'is'
8386         Scan;
8387      end if;
8389      --  Declarative part.
8390      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
8392      --  Skip 'begin'.
8393      Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8394      Expect_Scan (Tok_Begin);
8396      Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Res, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
8398      --  Skip 'end'.
8399      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8400      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
8402      if Current_Token = Tok_Postponed then
8403         if not Is_Postponed then
8404            --  LRM93 9.2
8405            --  If the reserved word POSTPONED appears at the end of a process
8406            --  statement, the process must be a postponed process.
8407            Error_Msg_Parse ("process is not a postponed process");
8408         end if;
8410         Set_End_Has_Postponed (Res, True);
8412         --  Skip 'postponed',
8413         Scan;
8414      end if;
8416      if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
8417         Error_Msg_Parse ("""end"" must be followed by ""process""");
8419         --  Skip ';'.
8420         Scan;
8421      else
8422         Scan_End_Token (Tok_Process, Res);
8423         Check_End_Name (Res);
8424         Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon, "';' expected at end of process");
8425      end if;
8427      if Flag_Elocations then
8428         Create_Elocations (Res);
8429         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
8430         Set_Begin_Location (Res, Begin_Loc);
8431         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
8432      end if;
8434      return Res;
8435   end Parse_Process_Statement;
8437   function Check_Formal_Form (Formal : Iir) return Iir is
8438   begin
8439      if Formal = Null_Iir then
8440         return Formal;
8441      end if;
8443      case Get_Kind (Formal) is
8444         when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
8445           | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
8446           | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
8447            return Formal;
8448         when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
8449            --  Could be an indexed name, so nothing to check within the
8450            --  parenthesis.
8451            declare
8452               Assoc : constant Iir := Get_Association_Chain (Formal);
8453            begin
8454               if Assoc /= Null_Iir then
8455                  Set_In_Formal_Flag (Assoc, True);
8456               end if;
8457            end;
8458            return Formal;
8459         when Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 =>
8460            --  Operator designator
8461            return String_To_Operator_Symbol (Formal);
8462         when others =>
8463            Error_Msg_Parse (+Formal, "incorrect formal name ignored");
8464            return Null_Iir;
8465      end case;
8466   end Check_Formal_Form;
8468   -- precond : NEXT_TOKEN
8469   -- postcond: NEXT_TOKEN
8470   --
8471   --  [ LRM93 ]
8472   --  association_list ::= association_element { , association_element }
8473   --
8474   --  [ LRM93 ]
8475   --  association_element ::= [ formal_part => ] actual_part
8476   --
8477   --  [ LRM93 ]
8478   --  actual_part ::= actual_designator
8479   --                | FUNCTION_name ( actual_designator )
8480   --                | type_mark ( actual_designator )
8481   --
8482   --  [ LRM93 ]
8483   --  actual_designator ::= expression
8484   --                      | SIGNAL_name
8485   --                      | VARIABLE_name
8486   --                      | FILE_name
8487   --                      | OPEN
8488   --
8489   --  [ LRM93 ]
8490   --  formal_part ::= formal_designator
8491   --                | FUNCTION_name ( formal_designator )
8492   --                | type_mark ( formal_designator )
8493   --
8494   --  [ LRM93 ]
8495   --  formal_designator ::= GENERIC_name
8496   --                      | PORT_name
8497   --                      | PARAMETER_name
8498   --
8499   --  Note: an actual part is parsed as an expression.
8500   function Parse_Association_List return Iir
8501   is
8502      Res, Last: Iir;
8503      El: Iir;
8504      Formal: Iir;
8505      Actual: Iir;
8506      Nbr_Assocs : Natural;
8507      Loc : Location_Type;
8508      Arrow_Loc : Location_Type;
8509      Comma_Loc : Location_Type;
8510   begin
8511      Chain_Init (Res, Last);
8513      if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
8514         Error_Msg_Parse ("empty association list is not allowed");
8515         return Res;
8516      end if;
8518      Nbr_Assocs := 1;
8519      loop
8520         --  Parse formal and actual.
8521         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8522         Arrow_Loc := No_Location;
8523         Formal := Null_Iir;
8525         if Current_Token /= Tok_Open then
8526            Actual := Parse_Expression;
8527            case Current_Token is
8528               when Tok_To
8529                 | Tok_Downto =>
8530                  --  To/downto can appear in slice name.
8532                  if Actual = Null_Iir then
8533                     --  Left expression is missing ie: (downto x).
8534                     Scan;
8535                     Actual := Parse_Expression;
8536                  else
8537                     Actual := Parse_Range_Expression (Actual);
8538                  end if;
8539                  if Nbr_Assocs /= 1 then
8540                     Error_Msg_Parse ("multi-dimensional slice is forbidden");
8541                  end if;
8543               when Tok_Range =>
8544                  Actual := Parse_Subtype_Indication (Actual);
8546               when Tok_Double_Arrow =>
8547                  --  Check that FORMAL is a name and not an expression.
8548                  Formal := Check_Formal_Form (Actual);
8549                  Arrow_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8551                  --  Skip '=>'
8552                  Scan;
8553                  Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8555                  if Current_Token /= Tok_Open then
8556                     Actual := Parse_Expression;
8557                  end if;
8559               when others =>
8560                  null;
8561            end case;
8562         end if;
8564         if Current_Token = Tok_Open then
8565            El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
8566            Set_Location (El);
8568            --  Skip 'open'
8569            Scan;
8570         else
8571            El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
8572            Set_Location (El, Loc);
8573            Set_Actual (El, Actual);
8574         end if;
8575         Set_Formal (El, Formal);
8577         if Flag_Elocations then
8578            Create_Elocations (El);
8579            Set_Arrow_Location (El, Arrow_Loc);
8580         end if;
8582         Chain_Append (Res, Last, El);
8583         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
8585         -- Eat ','.
8586         Comma_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8587         Scan;
8589         if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
8590            Error_Msg_Parse (Comma_Loc, "extra ',' ignored");
8591            exit;
8592         end if;
8594         Nbr_Assocs := Nbr_Assocs + 1;
8595      end loop;
8597      return Res;
8598   end Parse_Association_List;
8600   -- precond : NEXT_TOKEN
8601   -- postcond: NEXT_TOKEN
8602   --
8603   -- Parse: '(' association_list ')'
8604   function Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis return Iir
8605   is
8606      Res : Iir;
8607   begin
8608      --  Skip '('
8609      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Paren);
8611      Res := Parse_Association_List;
8613      --  Skip ')'
8614      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
8616      return Res;
8617   end Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis;
8619   --  precond : GENERIC
8620   --  postcond: next token
8621   --
8622   --  [ LRM93, LRM08 ]
8623   --  generic_map_aspect ::= GENERIC MAP ( GENERIC_association_list )
8624   function Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect return Iir is
8625   begin
8626      --  Skip 'generic'.
8627      Expect_Scan (Tok_Generic);
8629      --  Skip 'map'.
8630      Expect_Scan (Tok_Map);
8632      return Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis;
8633   end Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect;
8635   --  precond : PORT
8636   --  postcond: next token
8637   --
8638   --  [ LRM93 ]
8639   --  port_map_aspect ::= PORT MAP ( PORT_association_list )
8640   function Parse_Port_Map_Aspect return Iir is
8641   begin
8642      --  Skip 'port'.
8643      Expect_Scan (Tok_Port);
8645      --  Skip 'map'.
8646      Expect_Scan (Tok_Map);
8648      return Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis;
8649   end Parse_Port_Map_Aspect;
8651   --  precond : COMPONENT | ENTIY | CONFIGURATION
8652   --  postcond : next_token
8653   --
8654   --  instantiated_unit ::=
8655   --        [ COMPONENT ] component_name
8656   --      | ENTITY entity_name [ ( architecture_identifier ) ]
8657   --      | CONFIGURATION configuration_name
8658   function Parse_Instantiated_Unit return Iir
8659   is
8660      Res : Iir;
8661   begin
8662      if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8663         Report_Start_Group;
8664         Error_Msg_Parse
8665           ("component instantiation using keyword 'component', 'entity',");
8666         Error_Msg_Parse (" or 'configuration' is not allowed in vhdl87");
8667         Report_End_Group;
8668      end if;
8670      case Current_Token is
8671         when Tok_Component =>
8672            --  Eat 'component'.
8673            Scan;
8675            return Parse_Name (False);
8677         when Tok_Entity =>
8678            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity);
8679            Set_Location (Res);
8681            --  Eat 'entity'.
8682            Scan;
8684            Set_Entity_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
8685            if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
8686               --  Skip '('.
8687               Scan;
8689               if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
8690                  Set_Architecture (Res, Parse_Simple_Name);
8691               else
8692                  Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier for architecture");
8693               end if;
8695               --  Skip ')'.
8696               Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
8697            end if;
8698            return Res;
8700         when Tok_Configuration =>
8701            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration);
8702            Set_Location (Res);
8704            --  Skip 'configuration.
8705            Scan;
8707            Expect (Tok_Identifier);
8708            Set_Configuration_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
8709            return Res;
8711         when others =>
8712            raise Internal_Error;
8713      end case;
8714   end Parse_Instantiated_Unit;
8716   --  precond : next token
8717   --  postcond: next token
8718   --
8719   --  component_instantiation_statement ::=
8720   --      INSTANTIATION_label :
8721   --          instantiated_unit [ generic_map_aspect ] [ port_map_aspect ] ;
8722   function Parse_Component_Instantiation (Name: Iir)
8723      return Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement
8724   is
8725      Res: Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
8726   begin
8727      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement);
8728      Set_Location (Res);
8730      Set_Instantiated_Unit (Res, Name);
8732      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
8733         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
8734      end if;
8735      if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
8736         Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
8737      end if;
8738      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
8739      return Res;
8740   end Parse_Component_Instantiation;
8742   --  precond : next token
8743   --  postcond: next token
8744   --
8745   --  [ LRM93 9.1 ]
8746   --  block_header ::= [ generic_clause [ generic_map_aspect ; ] ]
8747   --                   [ port_clause [ port_map_aspect ; ] ]
8748   function Parse_Block_Header return Iir_Block_Header is
8749      Res : Iir_Block_Header;
8750   begin
8751      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Header);
8752      Set_Location (Res);
8753      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
8754         Parse_Generic_Clause (Res);
8755         if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
8756            Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
8757            Scan_Semi_Colon ("generic map aspect");
8758         end if;
8759      end if;
8760      if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
8761         Parse_Port_Clause (Res);
8762         if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
8763            Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
8764            Scan_Semi_Colon ("port map aspect");
8765         end if;
8766      end if;
8767      return Res;
8768   end Parse_Block_Header;
8770   --  precond : BLOCK
8771   --  postcond: ';'
8772   --
8773   --  [ LRM93 9.1 ]
8774   --  block_statement ::=
8775   --      BLOCK_label :
8776   --          BLOCK [ ( GUARD_expression ) ] [ IS ]
8777   --              block_header
8778   --              block_declarative_part
8779   --          BEGIN
8780   --              block_statement_part
8781   --          END BLOCK [ BLOCK_label ] ;
8782   --
8783   --  [ LRM93 9.1 ]
8784   --  block_declarative_part ::= { block_declarative_item }
8785   --
8786   --  [ LRM93 9.1 ]
8787   --  block_statement_part ::= { concurrent_statement }
8788   function Parse_Block_Statement (Label: Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
8789     return Iir_Block_Statement
8790   is
8791      Res : Iir_Block_Statement;
8792      Guard : Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration;
8793      Begin_Loc : Location_Type;
8794   begin
8795      if Label = Null_Identifier then
8796         Error_Msg_Parse ("a block statement must have a label");
8797      end if;
8799      -- block was just parsed.
8800      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Statement);
8801      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
8802      Set_Label (Res, Label);
8804      --  Eat 'block'.
8805      Scan;
8807      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
8808         Guard := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration);
8809         Set_Location (Guard);
8810         Set_Guard_Decl (Res, Guard);
8812         --  Eat '('.
8813         Scan;
8815         Set_Guard_Expression (Guard, Parse_Expression);
8817         --  Eat ')'.
8818         Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren, "')' expected after guard expression");
8819      end if;
8821      if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
8822         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8823            Error_Msg_Parse ("'is' not allowed here in vhdl87");
8824         end if;
8826         Set_Has_Is (Res, True);
8828         --  Eat 'is'.
8829         Scan;
8830      end if;
8831      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic or Current_Token = Tok_Port then
8832         Set_Block_Header (Res, Parse_Block_Header);
8833      end if;
8834      if Current_Token /= Tok_Begin then
8835         Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
8836      end if;
8838      Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8840      --  Eat 'begin'.
8841      Expect_Scan (Tok_Begin);
8843      Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
8845      if Flag_Elocations then
8846         Create_Elocations (Res);
8847         Set_Begin_Location (Res, Begin_Loc);
8848         Set_End_Location (Res, Get_Token_Location);
8849      end if;
8851      Check_End_Name (Tok_Block, Res);
8852      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
8854      return Res;
8855   end Parse_Block_Statement;
8857   --  Precond : next token
8858   --  Postcond: next token after 'end'
8859   --
8860   --  [ LRM08 11.8 ] Generate statements
8861   --  generate_statement_body ::=
8862   --        [ block_declarative_part
8863   --     BEGIN ]
8864   --        { concurrent_statement }
8865   --     [ END [ alternative_label ] ; ]
8866   --
8867   --  This corresponds to the following part of LRM93 9.7:
8868   --        [ { block_declarative_item }
8869   --     BEGIN ]
8870   --        { concurrent_statement }
8871   --  Note there is no END.  This part is followed by:
8872   --     END GENERATE [ /generate/_label ] ;
8873   procedure Parse_Generate_Statement_Body (Parent : Iir;
8874                                            Label : Name_Id;
8875                                            Bod : out Iir;
8876                                            End_Loc : out Location_Type)
8877   is
8878      function Is_Early_End return Boolean is
8879      begin
8880         case Current_Token is
8881            when Tok_Elsif
8882              | Tok_Else =>
8883               if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement then
8884                  return True;
8885               end if;
8886            when Tok_When =>
8887               if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Case_Generate_Statement then
8888                  return True;
8889               end if;
8890            when others =>
8891               null;
8892         end case;
8893         return False;
8894      end Is_Early_End;
8895   begin
8896      Bod := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body);
8897      Set_Location (Bod);
8898      Set_Parent (Bod, Parent);
8899      Set_Alternative_Label (Bod, Label);
8900      Set_Has_Label (Bod, Label /= Null_Identifier);
8901      End_Loc := No_Location;
8903      if Flag_Elocations then
8904         Create_Elocations (Bod);
8905      end if;
8907      --  Check for a block declarative item.
8908      case Current_Token is
8909         when
8910         --  subprogram_declaration
8911         --  subprogram_body
8912           Tok_Procedure
8913           | Tok_Function
8914           | Tok_Pure
8915           | Tok_Impure
8916         --  type_declaration
8917           | Tok_Type
8918         --  subtype_declaration
8919           | Tok_Subtype
8920         --  constant_declaration
8921           | Tok_Constant
8922         --  signal_declaration
8923           | Tok_Signal
8924         --  shared_variable_declaration
8925           | Tok_Shared
8926           | Tok_Variable
8927         --  file_declaration
8928           | Tok_File
8929         --  alias_declaration
8930           | Tok_Alias
8931         --  component_declaration
8932           | Tok_Component
8933         --  attribute_declaration
8934         --  attribute_specification
8935           | Tok_Attribute
8936         --  configuration_specification
8937           | Tok_For
8938         --  disconnection_specification
8939           | Tok_Disconnect
8940         --  use_clause
8941           | Tok_Use
8942         --  group_template_declaration
8943         --  group_declaration
8944           | Tok_Group
8945           | Tok_Begin =>
8946            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
8947               Error_Msg_Parse
8948                 ("declarations not allowed in a generate in vhdl87");
8949            end if;
8950            Parse_Declarative_Part (Bod, Bod);
8951            Expect (Tok_Begin);
8952            Set_Has_Begin (Bod, True);
8954            if Flag_Elocations then
8955               Set_Begin_Location (Bod, Get_Token_Location);
8956            end if;
8958            --  Skip 'begin'
8959            Scan;
8960         when others =>
8961            null;
8962      end case;
8964      Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Bod);
8966      --  Return now if no 'end' (and not expected).
8967      if Is_Early_End then
8968         return;
8969      end if;
8971      --  Skip 'end'
8972      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8973      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
8975      if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 and then Current_Token /= Tok_Generate then
8976         --  This is the 'end' of the generate_statement_body.
8977         Set_Has_End (Bod, True);
8978         if Flag_Elocations then
8979            Set_End_Location (Bod, End_Loc);
8980         end if;
8982         Check_End_Name (Label, Bod);
8983         Scan_Semi_Colon ("generate statement body");
8985         --  Return now if no 'end' (and not expected).
8986         if Is_Early_End then
8987            return;
8988         end if;
8990         Expect (Tok_End);
8991         End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
8993         --  Skip 'end'
8994         Scan;
8995      end if;
8996   end Parse_Generate_Statement_Body;
8998   --  precond : FOR
8999   --  postcond: ';'
9000   --
9001   --  [ LRM93 9.7 ]
9002   --  generate_statement ::=
9003   --      GENERATE_label : generation_scheme GENERATE
9004   --          [ { block_declarative_item }
9005   --      BEGIN ]
9006   --          { concurrent_statement }
9007   --      END GENERATE [ GENERATE_label ] ;
9008   --
9009   --  [ LRM93 9.7 ]
9010   --  generation_scheme ::=
9011   --      FOR GENERATE_parameter_specification
9012   --      | IF condition
9013   --
9014   --  [ LRM08 11.8 ]
9015   --  for_generate_statement ::=
9016   --     /generate/_label :
9017   --        FOR /generate/_parameter_specification GENERATE
9018   --           generate_statement_body
9019   --        END GENERATE [ /generate/_label ] ;
9020   --
9021   --  FIXME: block_declarative item.
9022   function Parse_For_Generate_Statement (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
9023                                         return Iir
9024   is
9025      Res : Iir;
9026      Bod : Iir;
9027      Start_Loc, Generate_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
9028   begin
9029      if Label = Null_Identifier then
9030         Error_Msg_Parse ("a generate statement must have a label");
9031      end if;
9032      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement);
9033      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9034      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9035      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9037      --  Skip 'for'
9038      Scan;
9040      Set_Parameter_Specification (Res, Parse_Parameter_Specification (Res));
9042      --  Skip 'generate'
9043      Expect (Tok_Generate);
9044      Generate_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9045      Scan;
9047      Parse_Generate_Statement_Body (Res, Null_Identifier, Bod, End_Loc);
9048      Set_Generate_Statement_Body (Res, Bod);
9050      --  Skip 'generate'
9051      Expect_Scan (Tok_Generate);
9052      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
9054      --  LRM93 9.7
9055      --  If a label appears at the end of a generate statement, it must repeat
9056      --  the generate label.
9057      Check_End_Name (Res);
9058      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9060      if Flag_Elocations then
9061         Create_Elocations (Res);
9062         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
9063         Set_Generate_Location (Res, Generate_Loc);
9064         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
9065      end if;
9067      return Res;
9068   end Parse_For_Generate_Statement;
9070   --  precond : IF
9071   --  postcond: ';'
9072   --
9073   --  [ LRM93 9.7 ]
9074   --  generate_statement ::=
9075   --      /generate/_label : generation_scheme GENERATE
9076   --          [ { block_declarative_item }
9077   --      BEGIN ]
9078   --          { concurrent_statement }
9079   --      END GENERATE [ /generate/_label ] ;
9080   --
9081   --  [ LRM93 9.7 ]
9082   --  generation_scheme ::=
9083   --      FOR GENERATE_parameter_specification
9084   --      | IF condition
9085   --
9086   --  [ LRM08 11.8 ]
9087   --  if_generate_statement ::=
9088   --     /generate/_label :
9089   --     IF [ /alternative/_label : ] condition GENERATE
9090   --        generate_statement_body
9091   --     { ELSIF [ /alternative/_label : ] condition GENERATE
9092   --        generate_statement_body }
9093   --     [ ELSE [ /alternative/_label : ] GENERATE
9094   --        generate_statement_body ]
9095   --     END GENERATE [ /generate/_label ] ;
9096   function Parse_If_Generate_Statement (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
9097                                        return Iir_Generate_Statement
9098   is
9099      Res : Iir_Generate_Statement;
9100      Alt_Label : Name_Id;
9101      Alt_Loc : Location_Type;
9102      Cond : Iir;
9103      Clause : Iir;
9104      Bod : Iir;
9105      Last : Iir;
9106      Start_Loc, Generate_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
9107   begin
9108      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9110      --  Skip 'if'.
9111      Scan;
9113      Cond := Parse_Expression;
9115      --  AMS-VHDL simultaneous if statement.
9116      if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
9117         if not AMS_Vhdl then
9118            Error_Msg_Parse ("if/use is an AMS-VHDL statement");
9119         end if;
9120         return Parse_Simultaneous_If_Statement (Label, Loc, Start_Loc, Cond);
9121      end if;
9123      if Label = Null_Identifier then
9124         Error_Msg_Parse (Start_Loc, "a generate statement must have a label");
9125      end if;
9126      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement);
9127      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9128      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9130      Clause := Res;
9131      Last := Null_Iir;
9132      loop
9133         Alt_Label := Null_Identifier;
9134         if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
9135            if Get_Kind (Cond) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
9136               if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
9137                  Error_Msg_Parse
9138                    ("alternative label not allowed before vhdl08");
9139               end if;
9141               --  In fact the parsed condition was an alternate label.
9142               Alt_Label := Get_Identifier (Cond);
9143               Alt_Loc := Get_Location (Cond);
9144               Free_Iir (Cond);
9145            else
9146               Error_Msg_Parse ("alternative label must be an identifier");
9147               Free_Iir (Cond);
9148            end if;
9150            --  Skip ':'
9151            Scan;
9153            Cond := Parse_Expression;
9154         end if;
9156         Set_Condition (Clause, Cond);
9158         --  Skip 'generate'
9159         Generate_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9160         case Current_Token is
9161            when Tok_Generate =>
9162               --  Skip 'generate'.
9163               Scan;
9164            when Tok_Then =>
9165               Expect_Error (Tok_Generate);
9166               --  Skip 'then'.
9167               Scan;
9168            when others =>
9169               Expect_Error (Tok_Generate);
9170         end case;
9172         Parse_Generate_Statement_Body (Res, Alt_Label, Bod, End_Loc);
9174         if Alt_Label /= Null_Identifier then
9175            --  Set location on the label, for xrefs.
9176            Set_Location (Bod, Alt_Loc);
9177         end if;
9179         Set_Generate_Statement_Body (Clause, Bod);
9181         --  Append clause to the generate statement.
9182         if Last /= Null_Iir then
9183            Set_Generate_Else_Clause (Last, Clause);
9184         end if;
9185         Last := Clause;
9187         if Flag_Elocations then
9188            Create_Elocations (Clause);
9189            Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
9190            Set_Generate_Location (Clause, Generate_Loc);
9191            Set_End_Location (Clause, End_Loc);
9192         end if;
9194         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Elsif;
9196         --  Create new alternative.
9197         Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement);
9198         Set_Location (Clause, Loc);
9199         Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9201         --  Skip 'elsif'
9202         Scan;
9204         Cond := Parse_Expression;
9205      end loop;
9207      if Current_Token = Tok_Else then
9208         if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
9209            Error_Msg_Parse ("else generate not allowed before vhdl08");
9210         end if;
9212         Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Else_Clause);
9213         Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9214         Set_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
9216         --  Skip 'else'
9217         Scan;
9219         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
9220            Alt_Label := Current_Identifier;
9221            Alt_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9223            --  Skip identifier
9224            Scan;
9226            --  Skip ':'
9227            Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
9228         else
9229            Alt_Label := Null_Identifier;
9230         end if;
9232         --  Skip 'generate'
9233         Generate_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9234         Expect_Scan (Tok_Generate);
9236         Parse_Generate_Statement_Body (Res, Alt_Label, Bod, End_Loc);
9237         if Alt_Label /= Null_Identifier then
9238            --  Set location on the label, for xrefs.
9239            Set_Location (Bod, Alt_Loc);
9240         end if;
9242         Set_Generate_Statement_Body (Clause, Bod);
9244         Set_Generate_Else_Clause (Last, Clause);
9246         if Flag_Elocations then
9247            Create_Elocations (Clause);
9248            Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
9249            Set_Generate_Location (Clause, Generate_Loc);
9250            Set_End_Location (Clause, End_Loc);
9251         end if;
9252      end if;
9254      --  Skip 'generate'
9255      case Current_Token is
9256         when Tok_Generate =>
9257            Scan;
9258            Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
9259         when Tok_If =>
9260            Expect_Error (Tok_Generate);
9261            --  Skip 'then'.
9262            Scan;
9263            Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
9264         when others =>
9265            Expect_Error (Tok_Generate);
9266      end case;
9268      --  LRM93 9.7
9269      --  If a label appears at the end of a generate statement, it must repeat
9270      --  the generate label.
9271      Check_End_Name (Res);
9272      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9273      return Res;
9274   end Parse_If_Generate_Statement;
9276   --  precond : WHEN
9277   --  postcond: ?
9278   --
9279   --  [ LRM08 11.8 ]
9280   --  case_generate_alternative ::=
9281   --     WHEN [ /alternative/_label : ] choices =>
9282   --        generate_statement_body
9283   procedure Parse_Case_Generate_Alternative (Parent : Iir; Assoc : out Iir)
9284   is
9285      Loc : Location_Type;
9286      Alt_Label : Name_Id;
9287      Bod : Iir;
9288      Expr : Iir;
9289      End_Loc : Location_Type;
9290   begin
9291      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9293      --  Eat 'when'
9294      Expect (Tok_When);
9295      Scan;
9297      Alt_Label := Null_Identifier;
9298      if Current_Token = Tok_Double_Arrow then
9299         Error_Msg_Parse ("missing expression in alternative");
9300         Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression);
9301         Set_Location (Assoc);
9302      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Others then
9303         --  'others' is not an expression!
9304         Parse_Choices (Null_Iir, Loc, Assoc);
9305      else
9306         Expr := Parse_Expression;
9308         if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
9309            if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
9310               --  In fact the parsed condition was an alternate label.
9311               Alt_Label := Get_Identifier (Expr);
9312               Loc := Get_Location (Expr);
9313               Free_Iir (Expr);
9314            else
9315               Error_Msg_Parse ("alternative label must be an identifier");
9316               Free_Iir (Expr);
9317            end if;
9319            Expr := Null_Iir;
9321            --  Skip ':'
9322            Scan;
9323         end if;
9325         Parse_Choices (Expr, Loc, Assoc);
9326      end if;
9328      --  Set location of label (if any, for xref) or location of 'when'.
9329      Set_Location (Assoc, Loc);
9331      --  Eat '=>'
9332      Expect_Scan (Tok_Double_Arrow);
9334      Parse_Generate_Statement_Body (Parent, Alt_Label, Bod, End_Loc);
9335      Set_Associated_Block (Assoc, Bod);
9336      if Alt_Label /= Null_Identifier then
9337         --  Set location on the label, for xrefs.
9338         Set_Location (Bod, Loc);
9339      end if;
9340   end Parse_Case_Generate_Alternative;
9342   --  precond : CASE
9343   --  postcond: ';'
9344   --
9345   --  [ LRM08 11.8 ]
9346   --  case_generate_statement ::=
9347   --     /generate/_label :
9348   --     CASE expression GENERATE
9349   --        case_generate_alternative
9350   --      { case_generate_alternative }
9351   --     END GENERATE [ /generate/_label ] ;
9352   function Parse_Case_Generate_Statement
9353     (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
9354   is
9355      Res : Iir;
9356      Alt : Iir;
9357      Last_Alt : Iir;
9358      Expr : Iir;
9359      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
9360   begin
9361      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9363      --  Skip 'case'.
9364      Scan;
9366      Expr := Parse_Case_Expression;
9368      if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
9369         if not AMS_Vhdl then
9370            Error_Msg_Parse ("if/use is an AMS-VHDL statement");
9371         end if;
9372         return Parse_Simultaneous_Case_Statement (Label, Loc, Expr);
9373      end if;
9375      if Label = Null_Identifier then
9376         Error_Msg_Parse (Start_Loc, "a generate statement must have a label");
9377      end if;
9379      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Case_Generate_Statement);
9380      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9381      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9382      Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
9384      --  Skip 'generate'
9385      Expect_Scan (Tok_Generate);
9387      if Current_Token = Tok_End then
9388         Error_Msg_Parse ("no generate alternative");
9389      end if;
9391      Last_Alt := Null_Iir;
9392      while Current_Token = Tok_When loop
9393         Parse_Case_Generate_Alternative (Res, Alt);
9394         if Last_Alt = Null_Iir then
9395            Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Res, Alt);
9396         else
9397            Set_Chain (Last_Alt, Alt);
9398         end if;
9400         --  Skip until last choice of the choices list.
9401         loop
9402            Last_Alt := Alt;
9403            Alt := Get_Chain (Alt);
9404            exit when Alt = Null_Iir;
9405         end loop;
9406      end loop;
9408      --  Skip 'generate'
9409      Expect_Scan (Tok_Generate);
9410      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
9412      --  LRM93 9.7
9413      --  If a label appears at the end of a generate statement, it must repeat
9414      --  the generate label.
9415      Check_End_Name (Res);
9416      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9418      return Res;
9419   end Parse_Case_Generate_Statement;
9421   --  AMS-LRM17 11.10 Simple simultaneous statement
9422   --  simple_simultaneous_statement ::=
9423   --    [ label : ] simple_expression == simple_expression
9424   --      [ tolerance_aspect ] ;
9425   function Parse_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement (Name : Iir) return Iir
9426   is
9427      Res : Iir;
9428   begin
9429      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement);
9430      Set_Simultaneous_Left
9431        (Res, Parse_Binary_Expression (Name, Prio_Simple));
9432      Set_Location (Res);
9433      Expect_Scan (Tok_Equal_Equal, "'==' expected after expression");
9434      Set_Simultaneous_Right (Res, Parse_Expression (Prio_Simple));
9435      Set_Tolerance (Res, Parse_Tolerance_Aspect_Opt);
9436      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9437      return Res;
9438   end Parse_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement;
9440   --  AMS-LRM17 11.13 Simultaneous procedural statement
9441   --  simultaneous_procedural_statement ::=
9442   --    [ procedural_label : ]
9443   --      PROCEDURAL [ IS ]
9444   --        procedural_declarative_part
9445   --      BEGIN
9446   --        procedural_statement_part
9447   --      END PROCEDURAL [ procedural_label ] ;
9448   function Parse_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement (Label : Name_Id)
9449                                                    return Iir
9450   is
9451      Res: Iir;
9452      Start_Loc, Is_Loc, Begin_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
9453   begin
9454      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9455      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement);
9456      Set_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
9457      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9459      --  Skip 'procedural'.
9460      Scan;
9462      if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
9463         Is_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9464         Set_Has_Is (Res, True);
9466         --  Skip 'is'.
9467         Scan;
9468      end if;
9470      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
9472      --  Skip 'begin'.
9473      Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9474      Expect_Scan (Tok_Begin);
9476      Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
9477        (Res, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
9479      --  Skip 'end'.
9480      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9481      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
9483      --  Skip 'procedural'.
9484      Expect_Scan (Tok_Procedural, "missing 'procedural' after 'end'");
9485      Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
9487      Check_End_Name (Res);
9489      if Flag_Elocations then
9490         Create_Elocations (Res);
9491         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
9492         Set_Is_Location (Res, Is_Loc);
9493         Set_Begin_Location (Res, Begin_Loc);
9494         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
9495      end if;
9497      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("procedural statement");
9499      return Res;
9500   end Parse_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement;
9502   --  precond : NULL
9503   --
9504   --  AMS-LRM17 11.14 Simultaneous null statement
9505   --  simultaneous_null_statement ::=
9506   --    [ label : ] NULL ;
9507   function Parse_Simultaneous_Null_Statement
9508     (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
9509   is
9510      Res : Iir;
9511   begin
9512      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Null_Statement);
9513      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9514      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9516      --  Skip 'procedural'.
9517      Scan;
9519      Scan_Semi_Colon_Declaration ("null statement");
9521      return Res;
9522   end Parse_Simultaneous_Null_Statement;
9524   --  precond : first token
9525   --  postcond: next token
9526   --
9527   --  [ LRM93 9.3 ]
9528   --  concurrent_procedure_call_statement ::=
9529   --      [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] procedure_call ;
9530   --
9531   --  [ LRM93 9.5 ]
9532   --  concurrent_signal_assignment_statement ::=
9533   --      [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] conditional_signal_assignment
9534   --    | [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] selected_signal_assignment
9535   function Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target : Iir) return Iir
9536   is
9537      Res : Iir;
9538   begin
9539      case Current_Token is
9540         when Tok_Less_Equal
9541           | Tok_Assign =>
9542            -- This is a conditional signal assignment.
9543            -- Error for ':=' is handled by the subprogram.
9544            return Parse_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Target);
9545         when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
9546            -- a procedure call or a component instantiation.
9547            -- Parse it as a procedure call, may be revert to a
9548            -- component instantiation during sem.
9549            Res := Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call
9550              (Target, Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement);
9552            --  Skip ';'.
9553            Scan;
9555            return Res;
9556         when Tok_Generic | Tok_Port =>
9557            -- or a component instantiation.
9558            return Parse_Component_Instantiation (Target);
9559         when others =>
9560            --  Catch PSL clock declaration.  Within comments, this is the
9561            --  right place (and handled as a concurrent statement).  After
9562            --  vhdl08, it is a declaration.
9563            if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
9564              and then Get_Identifier (Target) = Name_Default
9565              and then Current_Token = Tok_Identifier
9566              and then Current_Identifier = Name_Clock
9567            then
9568               Error_Msg_Parse (+Target, "PSL default clock is a declaration");
9570               Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Clock;
9571               Res := Parse_Psl_Default_Clock_Cont
9572                 (Get_Location (Target), False);
9574               return Res;
9575            end if;
9577            -- or a simple simultaneous statement
9578            if AMS_Vhdl then
9579               return Parse_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement (Target);
9580            else
9581               return Parse_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
9582                 (Parse_Binary_Expression (Target, Prio_Simple));
9583            end if;
9584      end case;
9585   end Parse_Concurrent_Assignment;
9587   function Parse_Name_From_Identifier (Name : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
9588                                       return Iir
9589   is
9590      Target : Iir;
9591   begin
9592      Target := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
9593      Set_Location (Target, Loc);
9594      Set_Identifier (Target, Name);
9595      return Parse_Name_Suffix (Target);
9596   end Parse_Name_From_Identifier;
9598   function Parse_Concurrent_Assignment_With_Name
9599     (Name : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
9600   is
9601      Target : Iir;
9602   begin
9603      Target := Parse_Name_From_Identifier (Name, Loc);
9604      return Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target);
9605   end Parse_Concurrent_Assignment_With_Name;
9607   --  AMS-LRM17 11.9 Concurrent break statement
9608   --  concurrent_break_statement ::=
9609   --    [ label : ] BREAK [ break_list ] [ sensitivity_clause ]
9610   --      [ WHEN condition ] ;
9611   function Parse_Concurrent_Break_Statement (Label : Name_Id;
9612                                              Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
9613   is
9614      Res : Iir;
9615   begin
9616      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Break_Statement);
9617      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9618      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9620      --  Skip 'break'.
9621      Scan;
9623      Set_Break_Element (Res, Parse_Break_List);
9625      if Current_Token = Tok_On then
9626         --  Sensitivity list.
9627         --  Skip 'on'.
9628         Scan;
9630         Set_Sensitivity_List (Res, Parse_Sensitivity_List);
9631      end if;
9633      if Current_Token = Tok_When then
9634         --  Condition.
9635         --  Skip 'when'.
9636         Scan;
9638         Set_Condition (Res, Parse_Expression);
9639      end if;
9641      --  Skip ';'.
9642      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9644      return Res;
9645   end Parse_Concurrent_Break_Statement;
9647   --  AMS-LRM17 11 Architecture statements
9648   --  simultaneous_statement ::=
9649   --      simple_simultaneous_statement
9650   --    | simultaneous_if_statement
9651   --    | simultaneous_case_statement
9652   --    | simultaneous_procedural_statement
9653   --    | simultaneous_null_statement
9654   --
9655   --  simultaneous_statement_part ::=
9656   --    { simultaneous_statement }
9657   function Parse_Simultaneous_Statements (Parent : Iir) return Iir
9658   is
9659      First_Stmt, Last_Stmt : Iir;
9660      Stmt: Iir;
9661      Label: Name_Id;
9662      Loc : Location_Type;
9663      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
9664      Expr : Iir;
9665   begin
9666      Chain_Init (First_Stmt, Last_Stmt);
9667      loop
9668         Stmt := Null_Iir;
9669         Label := Null_Identifier;
9670         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9672         -- Try to find a label.
9673         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
9674            Label := Current_Identifier;
9676            --  Skip identifier
9677            Scan;
9679            if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
9680               --  The identifier is really a label.
9682               --  Skip ':'
9683               Scan;
9684            else
9685               --  This is not a label.  Assume a concurrent assignment.
9686               Expr := Parse_Name_From_Identifier (Label, Loc);
9687               Stmt := Parse_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement (Expr);
9688               Label := Null_Identifier;
9689               goto Has_Stmt;
9690            end if;
9691         end if;
9693         case Current_Token is
9694            when Tok_End | Tok_Else | Tok_Elsif | Tok_When =>
9695               --  End of list.  'else', 'elseif' and 'when' can be used to
9696               --  separate statements in a generate statement.
9697               if Label /= Null_Identifier then
9698                  Error_Msg_Parse ("label is not allowed here");
9699               end if;
9700               return First_Stmt;
9701            when Tok_Identifier =>
9702               --  FIXME: sign, factor, parenthesis...
9703               Expr := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
9704               Stmt := Parse_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement (Expr);
9705            when Tok_If =>
9706               Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9708               --  Skip 'if'.
9709               Scan;
9711               Expr := Parse_Expression;
9713               Stmt := Parse_Simultaneous_If_Statement
9714                 (Label, Loc, Start_Loc, Expr);
9715            when Tok_Case =>
9716               --  Skip 'case'.
9717               Scan;
9719               Expr := Parse_Expression;
9721               Stmt := Parse_Simultaneous_Case_Statement (Label, Loc, Expr);
9722            when Tok_Null =>
9723               Stmt := Parse_Simultaneous_Null_Statement (Label, Loc);
9724            when Tok_Eof =>
9725               Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected end of file, 'END;' expected");
9726               return First_Stmt;
9727            when others =>
9728               --  FIXME: improve message:
9729               Unexpected ("simultaneous statement list");
9730               Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
9731               if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
9732                  Scan;
9733               end if;
9734         end case;
9736         << Has_Stmt >> null;
9738         --  Stmt can be null in case of error.
9739         if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
9740            Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
9741            if Label /= Null_Identifier then
9742               Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
9743            end if;
9744            Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
9745            --  Append it to the chain.
9746            Chain_Append (First_Stmt, Last_Stmt, Stmt);
9747         end if;
9748      end loop;
9749   end Parse_Simultaneous_Statements;
9751   --  AMS-LRM17 11.11 Simultaneous if statement
9752   --  simultaneous_if_statement ::=
9753   --    [ /if/_label : ]
9754   --      IF condition USE
9755   --        simultaneous_statement_part
9756   --      { ELSIF condition USE
9757   --        simultaneous_statement_part }
9758   --      [ ELSE
9759   --        simultaneous_statement_part ]
9760   --      END USE [ /if/_label ];
9761   function Parse_Simultaneous_If_Statement (Label : Name_Id;
9762                                             Label_Loc : Location_Type;
9763                                             If_Loc : Location_Type;
9764                                             First_Cond : Iir) return Iir
9765   is
9766      Res : Iir;
9767      Clause : Iir;
9768      N_Clause : Iir;
9769      Start_Loc, Use_Loc, End_Loc : Location_Type;
9770   begin
9771      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_If_Statement);
9772      Set_Location (Res, Label_Loc);
9773      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9774      Set_Condition (Res, First_Cond);
9776      Start_Loc := If_Loc;
9777      Clause := Res;
9778      loop
9779         -- Set_Condition (Clause, Parse_Expression);
9780         Use_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9781         if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
9782            --  Eat 'use'.
9783            Scan;
9784         else
9785            Expect_Error (Tok_Use, "'use' is expected here");
9786         end if;
9788         Set_Simultaneous_Statement_Chain
9789           (Clause, Parse_Simultaneous_Statements (Clause));
9791         End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9793         if Flag_Elocations then
9794            Create_Elocations (Clause);
9795            Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
9796            Set_Use_Location (Clause, Use_Loc);
9797            Set_End_Location (Clause, End_Loc);
9798         end if;
9800         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Else and Current_Token /= Tok_Elsif;
9802         N_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Elsif);
9803         Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9804         Set_Location (N_Clause, Start_Loc);
9805         Set_Else_Clause (Clause, N_Clause);
9806         Clause := N_Clause;
9807         if Current_Token = Tok_Else then
9809            --  Skip 'else'.
9810            Scan;
9812            Set_Simultaneous_Statement_Chain
9813              (Clause, Parse_Simultaneous_Statements (Clause));
9815            if Flag_Elocations then
9816               Create_Elocations (Clause);
9817               Set_Start_Location (Clause, Start_Loc);
9818               Set_End_Location (Clause, Get_Token_Location);
9819            end if;
9821            exit;
9822         else
9823            pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Elsif);
9824            --  Skip 'elsif'.
9825            Scan;
9827            Set_Condition (Clause, Parse_Expression);
9828         end if;
9829      end loop;
9831      --  Skip 'end' 'use'
9832      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
9833      Expect_Scan (Tok_Use);
9835      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9837      return Res;
9838   end Parse_Simultaneous_If_Statement;
9840   --  simultaneous_case_statement ::=
9841   --     /case/_label :
9842   --     CASE expression USE
9843   --        simultaneous_alternative
9844   --      { simultaneous_alternative }
9845   --     END CASE [ /case/_label ] ;
9846   function Parse_Simultaneous_Case_Statement
9847     (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type; Expr : Iir) return Iir
9848   is
9849      Res : Iir;
9850      When_Loc : Location_Type;
9851      Assoc : Iir;
9852      First_Assoc, Last_Assoc : Iir;
9853   begin
9854      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simultaneous_Case_Statement);
9855      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
9856      Set_Label (Res, Label);
9857      Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
9859      --  Skip 'use'
9860      Expect_Scan (Tok_Use);
9862      if Current_Token = Tok_End then
9863         Error_Msg_Parse ("no generate alternative");
9864      end if;
9866      Chain_Init (First_Assoc, Last_Assoc);
9867      while Current_Token = Tok_When loop
9868         When_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
9870         --  Skip 'when'.
9871         Scan;
9873         Parse_Choices (Null_Iir, When_Loc, Assoc);
9875         --  Skip '=>'.
9876         Expect_Scan (Tok_Double_Arrow);
9878         Set_Associated_Chain (Assoc, Parse_Simultaneous_Statements (Res));
9879         Chain_Append_Subchain (First_Assoc, Last_Assoc, Assoc);
9880      end loop;
9882      Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Res, First_Assoc);
9884      --  Skip 'end', 'case'
9885      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
9886      Expect_Scan (Tok_Case);
9888      --  LRM93 9.7
9889      --  If a label appears at the end of a generate statement, it must repeat
9890      --  the generate label.
9891      Check_End_Name (Res);
9892      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9894      return Res;
9895   end Parse_Simultaneous_Case_Statement;
9897   --  Parse end of PSL assert/cover statement.
9898   procedure Parse_Psl_Assert_Report_Severity
9899     (Stmt : Iir; Flag_Psl : Boolean) is
9900   begin
9901      --  No more PSL tokens after the property.
9902      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := Flag_Psl;
9904      if Current_Token = Tok_Report then
9905         --  Skip 'report'
9906         Scan;
9908         Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
9909      end if;
9911      if Current_Token = Tok_Severity then
9912         --  Skip 'severity'
9913         Scan;
9915         Set_Severity_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
9916      end if;
9918      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Scan_In_Comment := False;
9920      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9921   end Parse_Psl_Assert_Report_Severity;
9923   function Parse_Psl_Assert_Directive (Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
9924   is
9925      Res : Iir;
9926   begin
9927      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Assert_Directive);
9928      Set_Location (Res);
9930      --  Accept PSL tokens
9931      if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 then
9932         Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
9933      end if;
9935      --  Skip 'assert'
9936      Scan;
9938      Set_Psl_Property (Res, Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Property);
9940      Parse_Psl_Assert_Report_Severity (Res, Flag_Psl);
9942      return Res;
9943   end Parse_Psl_Assert_Directive;
9945   function Parse_Psl_Assume_Directive (Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
9946   is
9947      Res : Iir;
9948   begin
9949      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Assume_Directive);
9950      Set_Location (Res);
9952      --  Accept PSL tokens
9953      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
9955      --  Skip 'assume'
9956      Scan;
9958      Set_Psl_Property (Res, Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Property);
9960      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := Flag_Psl;
9961      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Scan_In_Comment := False;
9963      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
9965      return Res;
9966   end Parse_Psl_Assume_Directive;
9968   function Parse_Psl_Cover_Directive (Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
9969   is
9970      Res : Iir;
9971   begin
9972      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Cover_Directive);
9974      --  Accept PSL tokens
9975      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
9977      --  Skip 'cover'
9978      Scan;
9980      Set_Psl_Sequence (Res, Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Sequence);
9982      Parse_Psl_Assert_Report_Severity (Res, Flag_Psl);
9984      return Res;
9985   end Parse_Psl_Cover_Directive;
9987   function Parse_Psl_Restrict_Directive (Flag_Psl : Boolean) return Iir
9988   is
9989      Res : Iir;
9990   begin
9991      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Restrict_Directive);
9993      --  Accept PSL tokens
9994      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
9996      --  Skip 'restrict'
9997      Scan;
9999      Set_Psl_Sequence (Res, Parse_Psl.Parse_Psl_Sequence);
10001      --  No more PSL tokens after the sequence.
10002      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := Flag_Psl;
10003      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Scan_In_Comment := False;
10005      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
10006      return Res;
10007   end Parse_Psl_Restrict_Directive;
10009   --  precond : first token
10010   --  postcond: next token (end/else/when...)
10011   --
10012   --  [ LRM93 9 ]
10013   --  concurrent_statement ::= block_statement
10014   --                         | process_statement
10015   --                         | concurrent_procedure_call_statement
10016   --                         | concurrent_assertion_statement
10017   --                         | concurrent_signal_assignment_statement
10018   --                         | component_instantiation_statement
10019   --                         | generate_statement
10020   --
10021   function Parse_Concurrent_Statement (Parent : Iir; Prev_Label : Name_Id)
10022                                        return Iir
10023   is
10024      Stmt: Iir;
10025      Label: Name_Id;
10026      Id: Iir;
10027      Postponed : Boolean;
10028      Loc : Location_Type;
10029      Target : Iir;
10031      procedure Postponed_Not_Allowed is
10032      begin
10033         if Postponed then
10034            Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' not allowed here");
10035            Postponed := False;
10036         end if;
10037      end Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10039      procedure Label_Not_Allowed is
10040      begin
10041         if Label /= Null_Identifier then
10042            Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' not allowed here");
10043            Label := Null_Identifier;
10044         end if;
10045      end Label_Not_Allowed;
10046   begin
10047      -- begin was just parsed.
10048      loop
10049         Stmt := Null_Iir;
10050         Label := Null_Identifier;
10051         Postponed := False;
10052         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10054         -- Try to find a label.
10055         if Prev_Label /= Null_Identifier then
10056            Label := Prev_Label;
10057         elsif Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
10058            Label := Current_Identifier;
10060            --  Skip identifier
10061            Scan;
10063            if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
10064               --  The identifier is really a label.
10066               --  Skip ':'
10067               Scan;
10068            else
10069               --  This is not a label.  Assume a concurrent assignment.
10070               Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Assignment_With_Name (Label, Loc);
10071               Label := Null_Identifier;
10072               goto Has_Stmt;
10073            end if;
10074         end if;
10076         if Current_Token = Tok_Postponed then
10077            if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
10078               Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' is not allowed in vhdl 87");
10079            else
10080               Postponed := True;
10081            end if;
10083            --  Skip 'postponed'
10084            Scan;
10085         end if;
10087         case Current_Token is
10088            when Tok_End | Tok_Else | Tok_Elsif | Tok_When =>
10089               --  End of list.  'else', 'elseif' and 'when' can be used to
10090               --  separate statements in a generate statement.
10091               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10092               if Label /= Null_Identifier then
10093                  Error_Msg_Parse ("label is not allowed here");
10094               end if;
10095               return Null_Iir;
10096            when Tok_Identifier =>
10097               Target := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
10098               Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target);
10099               if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
10100                 and then Postponed
10101               then
10102                  Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' not allowed for " &
10103                                   "an instantiation statement");
10104                  Postponed := False;
10105               end if;
10106            when Tok_Left_Paren =>
10107               Id := Parse_Aggregate;
10108               if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
10109                  -- This is a conditional signal assignment.
10110                  Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Id);
10111               else
10112                  Error_Msg_Parse ("'<=' expected after aggregate");
10113                  Skip_Until_Semi_Colon;
10114               end if;
10115            when Tok_Process =>
10116               Stmt := Parse_Process_Statement (Label, Loc, Postponed);
10117            when Tok_Assert =>
10118               if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08
10119                 or else (Flag_Psl_Comment and then Flag_Scan_In_Comment)
10120               then
10121                  Stmt := Parse_Psl_Assert_Directive (False);
10122               else
10123                  Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement);
10124                  Parse_Assertion (Stmt);
10125                  Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
10126               end if;
10127            when Tok_With =>
10128               Stmt := Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
10129            when Tok_Block =>
10130               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10131               Stmt := Parse_Block_Statement (Label, Loc);
10132            when Tok_For =>
10133               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10134               Stmt := Parse_For_Generate_Statement (Label, Loc);
10135            when Tok_If =>
10136               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10137               Stmt := Parse_If_Generate_Statement (Label, Loc);
10138            when Tok_Case =>
10139               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10140               Stmt := Parse_Case_Generate_Statement (Label, Loc);
10141            when Tok_Component
10142              | Tok_Entity
10143              | Tok_Configuration =>
10144               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10145               declare
10146                  Unit : Iir;
10147                  Has_Component : constant Boolean :=
10148                    Current_Token = Tok_Component;
10149               begin
10150                  Unit := Parse_Instantiated_Unit;
10151                  Stmt := Parse_Component_Instantiation (Unit);
10152                  Set_Has_Component (Stmt, Has_Component);
10153               end;
10154            when Tok_Break =>
10155               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10156               Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Break_Statement (Label, Loc);
10157            when Tok_Procedural =>
10158               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10159               Stmt := Parse_Simultaneous_Procedural_Statement (Label);
10160            when Tok_Null =>
10161               if not AMS_Vhdl then
10162                  Error_Msg_Parse ("concurrent null statement not allowed");
10163               else
10164                  Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10165               end if;
10166               Stmt := Parse_Simultaneous_Null_Statement (Label, Loc);
10167            when Tok_Default =>
10168               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10169               Label_Not_Allowed;
10170               Stmt := Parse_Psl_Default_Clock (False);
10171            when Tok_Property
10172              | Tok_Sequence
10173              | Tok_Psl_Endpoint =>
10174               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10175               Label_Not_Allowed;
10176               Stmt := Parse_Psl_Declaration;
10177            when Tok_Assume =>
10178               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10179               Stmt := Parse_Psl_Assume_Directive (False);
10180            when Tok_Cover =>
10181               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10182               Stmt := Parse_Psl_Cover_Directive (False);
10183            when Tok_Restrict =>
10184               Postponed_Not_Allowed;
10185               Stmt := Parse_Psl_Restrict_Directive (False);
10186            when Tok_Wait
10187              | Tok_Loop
10188              | Tok_While =>
10189               Error_Msg_Parse
10190                 ("sequential statement only allowed in processes");
10191               Stmt := Parse_Sequential_Statements (Parent);
10192               --  Continue.
10193               Stmt := Null_Iir;
10194            when Tok_Eof =>
10195               Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected end of file, 'END;' expected");
10196               return Null_Iir;
10197            when others =>
10198               --  FIXME: improve message:
10199               --  instead of 'unexpected token 'signal' in conc stmt list'
10200               --  report: 'signal declarations are not allowed in conc stmt'
10201               Unexpected ("concurrent statement list");
10202               Resync_To_End_Of_Statement;
10203               if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
10204                  Scan;
10205               end if;
10206               Stmt := Null_Iir;
10207         end case;
10209         << Has_Stmt >> null;
10211         --  Stmt can be null in case of error.
10212         if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
10213            Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
10214            Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
10215            if Label /= Null_Identifier then
10216               Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
10217            end if;
10218            Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
10219            if Postponed then
10220               Set_Postponed_Flag (Stmt, True);
10221            end if;
10222            return Stmt;
10223         end if;
10224      end loop;
10225   end Parse_Concurrent_Statement;
10227   --  precond : first token
10228   --  postcond: next token (end/else/when...)
10229   procedure Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Parent : Iir)
10230   is
10231      Last_Stmt : Iir;
10232      Stmt      : Iir;
10233   begin
10234      -- begin was just parsed.
10235      Last_Stmt := Null_Iir;
10236      loop
10237         Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Statement (Parent, Null_Identifier);
10238         exit when Stmt = Null_Iir;
10240         --  Append it to the chain.
10241         if Last_Stmt = Null_Iir then
10242            Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent, Stmt);
10243         else
10244            Set_Chain (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
10245         end if;
10246         Last_Stmt := Stmt;
10247      end loop;
10248   end Parse_Concurrent_Statements;
10250   --  precond : LIBRARY
10251   --  postcond: ;
10252   --
10253   --  [ LRM93 11.2 ]
10254   --  library_clause ::= LIBRARY logical_name_list
10255   function Parse_Library_Clause return Iir
10256   is
10257      First, Last : Iir;
10258      Library: Iir_Library_Clause;
10259      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
10260   begin
10261      Chain_Init (First, Last);
10262      Expect (Tok_Library);
10263      loop
10264         Library := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Library_Clause);
10265         Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10266         Chain_Append (First, Last, Library);
10268         --  Skip 'library' or ','.
10269         Scan;
10271         Scan_Identifier (Library);
10273         if Flag_Elocations then
10274            Create_Elocations (Library);
10275            Set_Start_Location (Library, Start_Loc);
10276         end if;
10278         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
10280         Set_Has_Identifier_List (Library, True);
10281      end loop;
10283      --  Skip ';'.
10284      Scan_Semi_Colon ("library clause");
10286      return First;
10287   end Parse_Library_Clause;
10289   --  precond : USE
10290   --  postcond: next token (after ';').
10291   --
10292   --  [ LRM93 10.4 ]
10293   --  use_clause ::= USE selected_name { , selected_name }
10294   --
10295   --  FIXME: should be a list.
10296   function Parse_Use_Clause return Iir_Use_Clause
10297   is
10298      Use_Clause: Iir_Use_Clause;
10299      Loc : Location_Type;
10300      First, Last : Iir;
10301   begin
10302      First := Null_Iir;
10303      Last := Null_Iir;
10305      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10307      --  Skip 'use'.
10308      Scan;
10310      loop
10311         Use_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Use_Clause);
10312         Set_Location (Use_Clause, Loc);
10313         Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10314         Set_Selected_Name (Use_Clause, Parse_Name);
10316         --  Chain use clauses.
10317         if First = Null_Iir then
10318            First := Use_Clause;
10319         else
10320            Set_Use_Clause_Chain (Last, Use_Clause);
10321         end if;
10322         Last := Use_Clause;
10324         exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
10325         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10327         --  Skip ','.
10328         Scan;
10329      end loop;
10331      --  Skip ';'.
10332      Scan_Semi_Colon ("use clause");
10334      return First;
10335   end Parse_Use_Clause;
10337   --  precond : ARCHITECTURE
10338   --  postcond: ';'.
10339   --
10340   --  [ LRM93 1.2 ]
10341   --  architecture_body ::=
10342   --      ARCHITECTURE identifier OF ENTITY_name IS
10343   --          architecture_declarative_part
10344   --      BEGIN
10345   --          architecture_statement_part
10346   --      END [ ARCHITECTURE ] [ ARCHITECTURE_simple_name ] ;
10347   procedure Parse_Architecture_Body (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
10348   is
10349      Res : Iir_Architecture_Body;
10350      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
10351      Begin_Loc : Location_Type;
10352      End_Loc : Location_Type;
10353   begin
10354      Expect (Tok_Architecture);
10355      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body);
10356      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10358      --  Skip 'architecture'.
10359      Scan;
10361      --  Identifier.
10362      Scan_Identifier (Res);
10364      --  Skip 'of'.
10365      Expect_Scan (Tok_Of);
10367      Set_Entity_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
10369      --  Skip 'is'.
10370      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
10372      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Res);
10374      --  Skip 'begin'.
10375      Begin_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10376      Expect_Scan (Tok_Begin);
10378      Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
10379      -- end was scanned.
10380      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10382      --  Skip 'end'.
10383      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
10385      if Current_Token = Tok_Architecture then
10386         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
10387            Error_Msg_Parse
10388              ("'architecture' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
10389         end if;
10390         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
10392         --  Skip 'architecture'.
10393         Scan;
10394      end if;
10395      Check_End_Name (Res);
10396      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("architecture");
10398      Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
10400      if Flag_Elocations then
10401         Create_Elocations (Res);
10402         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
10403         Set_Begin_Location (Res, Begin_Loc);
10404         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
10405      end if;
10406   end Parse_Architecture_Body;
10408   --  precond : next token
10409   --  postcond: a token
10410   --
10411   --  [ LRM93 5.2 ]
10412   --  instantiation_list ::= INSTANTIATION_label { , INSTANTIATION_label }
10413   --                       | OTHERS
10414   --                       | ALL
10415   --
10416   --  FIXME: merge with parse_signal_list ?
10417   function Parse_Instantiation_List return Iir_Flist
10418   is
10419      Res : Iir_List;
10420   begin
10421      case Current_Token is
10422         when Tok_All =>
10423            --  Skip 'all'.
10424            Scan;
10426            return Iir_Flist_All;
10428         when Tok_Others =>
10429            --  Skip 'others'.
10430            Scan;
10432            return Iir_Flist_Others;
10434         when Tok_Identifier =>
10435            Res := Create_Iir_List;
10436            loop
10437               Append_Element (Res, Parse_Simple_Name);
10439               exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
10441               --  Skip ','.
10442               Scan;
10444               if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
10445                  Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10446                  exit;
10447               end if;
10448            end loop;
10449            return List_To_Flist (Res);
10451         when others =>
10452            Error_Msg_Parse ("instantiation list expected");
10453            return Null_Iir_Flist;
10454      end case;
10455   end Parse_Instantiation_List;
10457   --  precond : next token
10458   --  postcond: next token
10459   --
10460   --  [ LRM93 5.2 ]
10461   --  component_specification ::= instantiation_list : COMPONENT_name
10462   procedure Parse_Component_Specification (Res : Iir)
10463   is
10464      List : Iir_Flist;
10465   begin
10466      List := Parse_Instantiation_List;
10467      Set_Instantiation_List (Res, List);
10469      --  Skip ':'.
10470      Expect_Scan (Tok_Colon);
10472      Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10473      Set_Component_Name (Res, Parse_Name);
10474   end Parse_Component_Specification;
10476   --  precond : next token
10477   --  postcond: next token
10478   --
10479   --  [ LRM93 ]
10480   --  entity_aspect ::= ENTITY ENTITY_name [ ( ARCHITECTURE_identifier ) ]
10481   function Parse_Entity_Aspect_Entity return Iir
10482   is
10483      Res : Iir;
10484   begin
10485      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity);
10486      Set_Location (Res);
10488      if Current_Token = Tok_Entity then
10489         --  Eat 'entity' (but only if present).
10490         Scan;
10491      end if;
10493      Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10494      Set_Entity_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
10496      --  Optional architecture
10497      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
10498         --  Skip '('.
10499         Scan;
10501         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
10502            Set_Architecture (Res, Parse_Simple_Name);
10503         else
10504            Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10505         end if;
10507         Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
10508      end if;
10510      return Res;
10511   end Parse_Entity_Aspect_Entity;
10513   --  precond : next token
10514   --  postcond: next token
10515   --
10516   --  [ LRM93 ]
10517   --  entity_aspect ::= ENTITY ENTITY_name [ ( ARCHITECTURE_identifier ) ]
10518   --                  | CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION_name
10519   --                  | OPEN
10520   function Parse_Entity_Aspect return Iir
10521   is
10522      Res : Iir;
10523   begin
10524      case Current_Token is
10525         when Tok_Entity =>
10526            Res := Parse_Entity_Aspect_Entity;
10527         when Tok_Configuration =>
10528            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration);
10529            Set_Location (Res);
10531            --  Skip 'configuration'.
10532            Scan;
10534            Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10535            Set_Configuration_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
10536         when Tok_Open =>
10537            Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open);
10538            Set_Location (Res);
10539            Scan;
10540         when others =>
10541            Error_Msg_Parse ("'entity', 'configuration' or 'open' expected");
10542            --  Assume 'entity' is missing (common case).
10543            Res := Parse_Entity_Aspect_Entity;
10544      end case;
10545      return Res;
10546   end Parse_Entity_Aspect;
10548   --  precond : next token
10549   --  postcond: next token
10550   --
10551   --  [ LRM93 5.2.1 ]
10552   --  binding_indication ::=
10553   --      [ USE entity_aspect ]
10554   --      [ generic_map_aspect ]
10555   --      [ port_map_aspect ]
10556   function Parse_Binding_Indication return Iir_Binding_Indication
10557   is
10558      Res : Iir_Binding_Indication;
10559   begin
10560      case Current_Token is
10561         when Tok_Use
10562           | Tok_Generic
10563           | Tok_Port =>
10564            null;
10565         when others =>
10566            return Null_Iir;
10567      end case;
10568      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication);
10569      Set_Location (Res);
10570      if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
10571         Scan;
10572         Set_Entity_Aspect (Res, Parse_Entity_Aspect);
10573      end if;
10574      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
10575         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
10576      end if;
10577      if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
10578         Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
10579      end if;
10580      return Res;
10581   end Parse_Binding_Indication;
10583   --  precond : ':' after instantiation_list.
10584   --  postcond: next token.
10585   --
10586   --  [ LRM93 1.3.2 ]
10587   --  component_configuration ::=
10588   --      FOR component_specification
10589   --          [ binding_indication ; ]
10590   --          [ block_configuration ]
10591   --      END FOR ;
10592   function Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc : Location_Type;
10593                                           Inst_List : Iir_Flist)
10594     return Iir_Component_Configuration
10595   is
10596      Res : Iir_Component_Configuration;
10597   begin
10598      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
10599      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
10601      --  Skip ':'.
10602      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Colon);
10603      Scan;
10605      --  Component specification.
10606      Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Inst_List);
10608      Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10609      Set_Component_Name (Res, Parse_Name);
10611      case Current_Token is
10612         when Tok_Use
10613           | Tok_Generic
10614           | Tok_Port =>
10615            Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Parse_Binding_Indication);
10616            Scan_Semi_Colon ("binding indication");
10617         when others =>
10618            null;
10619      end case;
10620      if Current_Token = Tok_For then
10621         Set_Block_Configuration (Res, Parse_Block_Configuration);
10622      end if;
10623      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
10624      Expect_Scan (Tok_For);
10625      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
10626      return Res;
10627   end Parse_Component_Configuration;
10629   --  precond : FOR
10630   --  postcond: next token.
10631   --
10632   --  [ LRM93 1.3.1 ]
10633   --  block_configuration ::=
10634   --      FOR block_specification
10635   --          { use_clause }
10636   --          { configuration_item }
10637   --      END FOR ;
10638   --
10639   --  [ LRM93 1.3.1 ]
10640   --  block_specification ::=
10641   --      ARCHITECTURE_name
10642   --    | BLOCK_STATEMENT_label
10643   --    | GENERATE_STATEMENT_label [ ( index_specification ) ]
10644   function Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc : Location_Type;
10645                                              Block_Spec : Iir)
10646     return Iir
10647   is
10648      Res : Iir_Block_Configuration;
10649   begin
10650      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
10651      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
10653      Set_Block_Specification (Res, Block_Spec);
10655      --  Parse use clauses.
10656      if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
10657         declare
10658            First, Last : Iir;
10659         begin
10660            Chain_Init (First, Last);
10662            while Current_Token = Tok_Use loop
10663               Chain_Append_Subchain (First, Last, Parse_Use_Clause);
10664            end loop;
10665            Set_Declaration_Chain (Res, First);
10666         end;
10667      end if;
10669      --  Parse configuration item list
10670      declare
10671         First, Last : Iir;
10672      begin
10673         Chain_Init (First, Last);
10674         while Current_Token = Tok_For loop
10675            Chain_Append (First, Last, Parse_Configuration_Item);
10676         end loop;
10677         Set_Configuration_Item_Chain (Res, First);
10678      end;
10679      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
10680      Expect_Scan (Tok_For);
10681      Expect_Scan (Tok_Semi_Colon);
10682      return Res;
10683   end Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix;
10685   function Parse_Block_Configuration return Iir_Block_Configuration
10686   is
10687      Loc : Location_Type;
10688   begin
10689      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10691      --  Skip 'for'.
10692      Expect_Scan (Tok_For);
10694      return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, Parse_Name);
10695   end Parse_Block_Configuration;
10697   --  precond : FOR
10698   --  postcond: next token.
10699   --
10700   --  [ LRM93 1.3.1 ]
10701   --  configuration_item ::= block_configuration
10702   --                       | component_configuration
10703   function Parse_Configuration_Item return Iir
10704   is
10705      Loc : Location_Type;
10706      List : Iir_List;
10707      Flist : Iir_Flist;
10708      El : Iir;
10709   begin
10710      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10711      Expect_Scan (Tok_For);
10713      --  ALL and OTHERS are tokens from an instantiation list.
10714      --  Thus, the rule is a component_configuration.
10715      case Current_Token is
10716         when Tok_All =>
10717            --  Skip 'all'.
10718            Scan;
10720            return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Iir_Flist_All);
10722         when Tok_Others =>
10723            --  Skip 'others'.
10724            Scan;
10726            return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Iir_Flist_Others);
10728         when Tok_Identifier =>
10729            El := Parse_Simple_Name;
10731            case Current_Token is
10732               when Tok_Colon =>
10733                  --  The identifier was a label from an instantiation list.
10734                  Flist := Create_Iir_Flist (1);
10735                  Set_Nth_Element (Flist, 0, El);
10736                  return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Flist);
10737               when Tok_Comma =>
10738                  --  The identifier was a label from an instantiation list.
10739                  List := Create_Iir_List;
10740                  Append_Element (List, El);
10741                  while Current_Token = Tok_Comma loop
10742                     --  Skip ','.
10743                     Scan;
10745                     if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
10746                        Append_Element (List, Parse_Simple_Name);
10747                     else
10748                        Expect (Tok_Identifier);
10749                        exit;
10750                     end if;
10751                  end loop;
10752                  Flist := List_To_Flist (List);
10753                  return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Flist);
10754               when Tok_Left_Paren =>
10755                  El := Parse_Name_Suffix (El);
10756                  return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, El);
10757               when Tok_Use | Tok_For | Tok_End =>
10758                  --  Possibilities for a block_configuration.
10759                  --  FIXME: should use 'when others' ?
10760                  return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, El);
10761               when others =>
10762                  Error_Msg_Parse
10763                    ("block_configuration or component_configuration "
10764                       & "expected");
10765                  return Null_Iir;
10766            end case;
10767         when others =>
10768            Error_Msg_Parse ("configuration item expected");
10769            return Null_Iir;
10770      end case;
10771   end Parse_Configuration_Item;
10773   --  precond : next token
10774   --  postcond: next token
10775   --
10776   --  [ LRM93 1.3]
10777   --  configuration_declarative_part ::= { configuration_declarative_item }
10778   --
10779   --  [ LRM93 1.3]
10780   --  configuration_declarative_item ::= use_clause
10781   --                                   | attribute_specification
10782   --                                   | group_declaration
10783   --  FIXME: attribute_specification, group_declaration
10784   procedure Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir)
10785   is
10786      First, Last : Iir;
10787      El : Iir;
10788   begin
10789      Chain_Init (First, Last);
10790      loop
10791         case Current_Token is
10792            when Tok_Invalid =>
10793               raise Internal_Error;
10794            when Tok_Use =>
10795               Chain_Append_Subchain (First, Last, Parse_Use_Clause);
10796            when Tok_Attribute =>
10797               El := Parse_Attribute;
10798               if El /= Null_Iir then
10799                  if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification then
10800                     Error_Msg_Parse
10801                       ("attribute declaration not allowed here");
10802                  end if;
10803                  Set_Parent (El, Parent);
10804                  Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
10805               end if;
10806            when Tok_Group =>
10807               El := Parse_Group;
10808               if El /= Null_Iir then
10809                  if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration then
10810                     Error_Msg_Parse
10811                       ("group template declaration not allowed here");
10812                  end if;
10813                  Set_Parent (El, Parent);
10814                  Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
10815               end if;
10816            when others =>
10817               exit;
10818         end case;
10819      end loop;
10820      Set_Declaration_Chain (Parent, First);
10821   end Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part;
10823   --  precond : CONFIGURATION
10824   --  postcond: next token.
10825   --
10826   --  [ LRM93 1.3 ]
10827   --  configuration_declaration ::=
10828   --      CONFIGURATION identifier OF ENTITY_name IS
10829   --          configuration_declarative_part
10830   --          block_configuration
10831   --      END [ CONFIGURATION ] [ CONFIGURATION_simple_name ] ;
10832   --
10833   --  [ LRM93 1.3 ]
10834   --  configuration_declarative_part ::= { configuration_declarative_item }
10835   procedure Parse_Configuration_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
10836   is
10837      Res : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
10838      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
10839      End_Loc : Location_Type;
10840   begin
10841      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Configuration);
10842      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration);
10843      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10845      --  Skip 'configuration'.
10846      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Configuration);
10847      Scan;
10849      --  Get identifier.
10850      Scan_Identifier (Res);
10852      --  Skip 'of'.
10853      Expect_Scan (Tok_Of);
10855      Set_Entity_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
10857      --  Skip 'is'.
10858      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
10860      Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part (Res);
10862      Set_Block_Configuration (Res, Parse_Block_Configuration);
10864      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10865      --  Skip 'end'.
10866      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
10868      if Current_Token = Tok_Configuration then
10869         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
10870            Error_Msg_Parse
10871              ("'configuration' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
10872         end if;
10873         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
10875         --  Skip 'configuration'.
10876         Scan;
10877      end if;
10879      --  LRM93 1.3
10880      --  If a simple name appears at the end of a configuration declaration,
10881      --  it must repeat the identifier of the configuration declaration.
10882      Check_End_Name (Res);
10883      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("configuration");
10885      Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
10887      if Flag_Elocations then
10888         Create_Elocations (Res);
10889         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
10890         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
10891      end if;
10892   end Parse_Configuration_Declaration;
10894   --  Return the parent of a nested package.  Used to check if some
10895   --  declarations are allowed in a package.
10896   function Get_Package_Parent (Decl : Iir) return Iir
10897   is
10898      Res : Iir;
10899      Parent : Iir;
10900   begin
10901      Res := Decl;
10902      loop
10903         case Get_Kind (Res) is
10904            when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
10905              | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
10906               Parent := Get_Parent (Res);
10907               if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
10908                  return Res;
10909               else
10910                  Res := Parent;
10911               end if;
10912            when others =>
10913               return Res;
10914         end case;
10915      end loop;
10916   end Get_Package_Parent;
10918   --  precond : generic
10919   --  postcond: next token
10920   --
10921   --  [ LRM08 4.7 ]
10922   --  package_header ::=
10923   --      [ generic_clause               -- LRM08
10924   --      [ generic_map aspect ; ] ]
10925   function Parse_Package_Header return Iir
10926   is
10927      Res : Iir;
10928   begin
10929      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Header);
10930      Set_Location (Res);
10931      Parse_Generic_Clause (Res);
10933      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
10934         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
10935         Scan_Semi_Colon ("generic map aspect");
10936      end if;
10937      return Res;
10938   end Parse_Package_Header;
10940   --  precond : token (after 'IS')
10941   --  postcond: next token.
10942   --
10943   --  [ LRM93 2.5, LRM08 4.7 ]
10944   --  package_declaration ::=
10945   --      PACKAGE identifier IS
10946   --          package_header           -- LRM08
10947   --          package_declarative_part
10948   --      END [ PACKAGE ] [ PACKAGE_simple_name ] ;
10949   function Parse_Package_Declaration
10950     (Parent : Iir; Id : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
10951   is
10952      Res: Iir_Package_Declaration;
10953      End_Loc : Location_Type;
10954   begin
10955      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration);
10956      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
10957      Set_Identifier (Res, Id);
10958      Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
10960      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
10961         if Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_08 then
10962            Error_Msg_Parse ("generic packages not allowed before vhdl 2008");
10963         end if;
10964         Set_Package_Header (Res, Parse_Package_Header);
10965      end if;
10967      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Get_Package_Parent (Res));
10969      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
10971      --  Skip 'end'
10972      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
10974      if Current_Token = Tok_Package then
10975         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
10976            Error_Msg_Parse ("'package' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
10977         end if;
10978         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
10980         --  Skip 'package'.
10981         Scan;
10982      end if;
10984      Check_End_Name (Res);
10985      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("package declaration");
10987      if Flag_Elocations then
10988         Create_Elocations (Res);
10989         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
10990      end if;
10992      return Res;
10993   end Parse_Package_Declaration;
10995   --  precond : BODY
10996   --  postcond: next token.
10997   --
10998   --  [ LRM93 2.6, LRM08 4.8 ]
10999   --  package_body ::=
11000   --      PACKAGE BODY PACKAGE_simple_name IS
11001   --          package_body_declarative_part
11002   --      END [ PACKAGE BODY ] [ PACKAGE_simple_name ] ;
11003   function Parse_Package_Body (Parent : Iir) return Iir
11004   is
11005      Res : Iir;
11006      End_Loc : Location_Type;
11007   begin
11008      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Body);
11009      Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
11011      -- Get identifier.
11012      Scan_Identifier (Res);
11014      --  Skip 'is'.
11015      Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
11017      Parse_Declarative_Part (Res, Get_Package_Parent (Res));
11019      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11021      --  Skip 'end'
11022      Expect_Scan (Tok_End);
11024      if Current_Token = Tok_Package then
11025         if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
11026            Error_Msg_Parse ("'package' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
11027         end if;
11028         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Res, True);
11030         --  Skip 'package'
11031         Scan;
11033         if Current_Token /= Tok_Body then
11034            Error_Msg_Parse ("missing 'body' after 'package'");
11035         else
11036            --  Skip 'body'
11037            Scan;
11038         end if;
11039      end if;
11041      Check_End_Name (Res);
11042      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("package body");
11044      if Flag_Elocations then
11045         Create_Elocations (Res);
11046         Set_End_Location (Res, End_Loc);
11047      end if;
11049      return Res;
11050   end Parse_Package_Body;
11052   --  precond : NEW
11053   --  postcond: ';'.
11054   --
11055   --  [ LRM08 4.9 ]
11056   --  package_instantiation_declaration ::=
11057   --      PACKAGE identifier IS NEW uninstantiated_package_name
11058   --         [ generic_map_aspect ] ;
11059   function Parse_Package_Instantiation_Declaration
11060     (Parent : Iir; Id : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
11061   is
11062      Res: Iir;
11063   begin
11064      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Instantiation_Declaration);
11065      Set_Location (Res, Loc);
11066      Set_Identifier (Res, Id);
11067      Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
11069      --  Skip 'new'
11070      Scan;
11072      Set_Uninstantiated_Package_Name (Res, Parse_Name (False));
11074      if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
11075         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
11076      elsif Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
11077         Error_Msg_Parse ("missing 'generic map'");
11078         Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain
11079           (Res, Parse_Association_List_In_Parenthesis);
11080      end if;
11082      if Flag_Elocations then
11083         Create_Elocations (Res);
11084         Set_End_Location (Res, Get_Token_Location);
11085      end if;
11087      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("package instantiation");
11089      return Res;
11090   end Parse_Package_Instantiation_Declaration;
11092   --  precond : PACKAGE
11093   --  postcond: next token.
11094   --
11095   --    package_declaration
11096   --  | package_body
11097   --  | package_instantiation_declaration
11098   function Parse_Package (Parent : Iir) return Iir
11099   is
11100      Loc : Location_Type;
11101      Id : Name_Id;
11102      Res : Iir;
11103      Start_Loc : Location_Type;
11104   begin
11105      --  Skip 'package'
11106      Start_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11107      Scan;
11109      if Current_Token = Tok_Body then
11110         --  Skip 'body'
11111         Scan;
11113         Res := Parse_Package_Body (Parent);
11114      else
11115         Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11116         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
11117            Id := Current_Identifier;
11119            --  Skip identifier.
11120            Scan;
11121         else
11122            Expect (Tok_Identifier);
11123         end if;
11125         --  Skip 'is'.
11126         Expect_Scan (Tok_Is);
11128         if Current_Token = Tok_New then
11129            Res := Parse_Package_Instantiation_Declaration (Parent, Id, Loc);
11130            --  Note: there is no 'end' in instantiation.
11131         else
11132            Res := Parse_Package_Declaration (Parent, Id, Loc);
11133         end if;
11134      end if;
11136      if Flag_Elocations then
11137         Set_Start_Location (Res, Start_Loc);
11138      end if;
11140      return Res;
11141   end Parse_Package;
11143   --  1850-2005 7.2 Verification units
11144   --  verification_unit ::=
11145   --    vunit_type PSL_Identifier [ ( hierachical_hdl_name ) ] {
11146   --      { inherit_spec }
11147   --      { vunit_item }
11148   --    }
11149   procedure Parse_Verification_Unit (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
11150   is
11151      Kind            : constant Iir_Kind := Iir_Kind_Vunit_Declaration;
11152      Hier_Name       : Iir;
11153      Res             : Iir;
11154      Item, Last_Item : Iir;
11156      Label           : Name_Id;
11157      Loc             : Location_Type;
11158   begin
11159      Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
11160      Set_Parent (Res, Unit);
11162      --  Recognize PSL keywords.
11163      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
11165      --  Skip 'vunit'.
11166      Scan;
11168      --  Identifier.
11169      Scan_Identifier (Res);
11171      --  Hierarchical hdl name.
11172      if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
11173         --  Skip '('.
11174         Scan;
11176         Hier_Name := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Psl_Hierarchical_Name);
11177         Set_Location (Hier_Name);
11178         Set_Hierarchical_Name (Res, Hier_Name);
11180         Set_Entity_Name (Hier_Name, Parse_Simple_Name);
11182         if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
11183            --  Skip '('.
11184            Scan;
11186            Set_Architecture (Hier_Name, Parse_Simple_Name);
11188            --  Skip ')'.
11189            Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
11190         end if;
11192         --  Skip ')'
11193         Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Paren);
11194      end if;
11196      --  Skip '{'.
11197      Expect_Scan (Tok_Left_Curly);
11199      --  TODO: inherit spec.
11201      --  Vunit items.
11202      Last_Item := Null_Iir;
11203      loop
11204         --  Some parse subprograms clear the mode...
11205         Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := True;
11207         if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
11208            Label := Current_Identifier;
11209            Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11211            --  Skip label.
11212            Scan;
11214            if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
11215               --  Skip ':'.
11216               Scan;
11217            else
11218               Item := Parse_Concurrent_Assignment_With_Name (Label, Loc);
11219               goto Has_Stmt;
11220            end if;
11221         else
11222            Label := Null_Identifier;
11223         end if;
11225         case Current_Token is
11226            when Tok_Type
11227               | Tok_Subtype
11228               | Tok_Signal
11229               | Tok_Constant
11230               | Tok_Variable
11231               | Tok_Shared
11232               | Tok_File
11233               | Tok_Function
11234               | Tok_Pure
11235               | Tok_Impure
11236               | Tok_Procedure
11237               | Tok_Alias
11238               | Tok_For
11239               | Tok_Attribute
11240               | Tok_Disconnect
11241               | Tok_Use
11242               | Tok_Group
11243               | Tok_Package
11244               | Tok_Default =>
11245               if Label /= Null_Identifier then
11246                  Error_Msg_Sem
11247                    (+Loc, "label not allowed before a declaration");
11248                  Label := Null_Identifier;
11249               end if;
11250               --  Do not recognize PSL keywords.  This is required for
11251               --  'boolean' which is a PSL keyword.
11252               Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := False;
11253               Item := Parse_Declaration (Res, Res);
11255            when Tok_End
11256               | Tok_Eof
11257               | Tok_Right_Curly =>
11258               exit;
11260            when others =>
11261               --  Do not recognize PSL keywords.  This is required for
11262               --  'boolean' which is a PSL keyword.
11263               Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := False;
11264               Item := Parse_Concurrent_Statement (Res, Label);
11265               exit when Item = Null_Iir;
11266         end case;
11268         <<Has_Stmt>> null;
11270         while Item /= Null_Iir loop
11271            Set_Parent (Item, Res);
11272            if Last_Item = Null_Node then
11273               Set_Vunit_Item_Chain (Res, Item);
11274            else
11275               Set_Chain (Last_Item, Item);
11276            end if;
11277            Last_Item := Item;
11278            Item := Get_Chain (Item);
11279         end loop;
11280      end loop;
11282      --  Skip '}'.
11283      Expect_Scan (Tok_Right_Curly);
11285      --  Normal mode.
11286      Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Psl := False;
11288      Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
11289   end Parse_Verification_Unit;
11291   procedure Parse_Context_Declaration_Or_Reference
11292     (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Clause : out Iir);
11294   --  Precond:  next token
11295   --  Postcond: next token
11296   --
11297   --  [ LRM93 11.3, LRM08 13.4 Context clauses ]
11298   --  context_clause ::= { context_item }
11299   --
11300   --  context_item ::= library_clause | use_clause | context_reference
11301   procedure Parse_Context_Clause (Unit : Iir)
11302   is
11303      First, Last : Iir;
11304      Els : Iir;
11305   begin
11306      Chain_Init (First, Last);
11308      loop
11309         case Current_Token is
11310            when Tok_Library =>
11311               Els := Parse_Library_Clause;
11312            when Tok_Use =>
11313               Els := Parse_Use_Clause;
11314            when Tok_Context =>
11315               Parse_Context_Declaration_Or_Reference (Unit, Els);
11316               if Els = Null_Iir then
11317                  --  This was a context declaration.  No more clause.
11319                  --  LRM08 13.1 Design units
11320                  --  It is an error if the context clause preceding a library
11321                  --  unit that is a context declaration is not empty.
11322                  if Get_Context_Items (Unit) /= Null_Iir then
11323                     Error_Msg_Parse
11324                       (+Get_Context_Items (Unit),
11325                        "context declaration does not allow context "
11326                          & "clauses before it");
11327                  end if;
11329                  return;
11330               end if;
11331            when Tok_With =>
11332               --  Be Ada friendly.
11333               Error_Msg_Parse ("'with' not allowed in context clause "
11334                                  & "(try 'use' or 'library')");
11335               Els := Parse_Use_Clause;
11336            when others =>
11337               exit;
11338         end case;
11339         Chain_Append_Subchain (First, Last, Els);
11340      end loop;
11341      Set_Context_Items (Unit, First);
11342   end Parse_Context_Clause;
11344   --  Precond:  IS
11345   --
11346   --  [ LRM08 13.13 Context declarations ]
11347   --  context_declaration ::=
11348   --    CONTEXT identifier IS
11349   --       context_clause
11350   --    END [ CONTEXT ] [ /context/_simple_name ] ;
11351   procedure Parse_Context_Declaration (Unit : Iir; Decl : Iir)
11352   is
11353      End_Loc : Location_Type;
11354   begin
11355      Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Decl);
11357      --  Skip 'is'
11358      Scan;
11360      Parse_Context_Clause (Decl);
11362      Expect (Tok_End);
11363      End_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11365      --  Skip 'end'
11366      Scan;
11368      if Current_Token = Tok_Context then
11369         Set_End_Has_Reserved_Id (Decl, True);
11371         --  Skip 'context'.
11372         Scan;
11373      end if;
11375      Check_End_Name (Decl);
11376      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("context declaration");
11378      if Flag_Elocations then
11379         Create_Elocations (Decl);
11380         Set_End_Location (Decl, End_Loc);
11381      end if;
11382   end Parse_Context_Declaration;
11384   --  Precond:  next token after selected_name.
11385   --  Postcond: next token
11386   --
11387   --  [ LRM08 13.4 Context clauses ]
11388   --
11389   --  context_reference ::=
11390   --     CONTEXT selected_name { , selected_name }
11391   function Parse_Context_Reference
11392     (Loc : Location_Type; Name : Iir) return Iir
11393   is
11394      Ref : Iir;
11395      First, Last : Iir;
11396   begin
11397      Ref := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Context_Reference);
11398      Set_Location (Ref, Loc);
11399      Set_Selected_Name (Ref, Name);
11400      First := Ref;
11401      Last := Ref;
11403      while Current_Token = Tok_Comma loop
11404         --  Skip ','.
11405         Scan;
11407         Ref := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Context_Reference);
11408         Set_Location (Ref, Loc);
11409         Set_Selected_Name (Ref, Parse_Name);
11411         Set_Context_Reference_Chain (Last, Ref);
11412         Last := Ref;
11413      end loop;
11415      Scan_Semi_Colon_Unit ("context reference");
11417      return First;
11418   end Parse_Context_Reference;
11420   --  Precond:  CONTEXT
11421   --
11422   procedure Parse_Context_Declaration_Or_Reference
11423     (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Clause : out Iir)
11424   is
11425      Loc : Location_Type;
11426      Name : Iir;
11427      Res : Iir;
11428   begin
11429      Loc := Get_Token_Location;
11431      --  Skip 'context'.
11432      Scan;
11434      Name := Parse_Name;
11436      if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
11437         Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Context_Declaration);
11438         if Get_Kind (Name) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
11439            Location_Copy (Res, Name);
11440            Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Name));
11441         else
11442            Set_Location (Res, Loc);
11443            Error_Msg_Parse (+Name, "identifier for context expected");
11444         end if;
11445         Free_Iir (Name);
11447         Parse_Context_Declaration (Unit, Res);
11448         Clause := Null_Iir;
11449      else
11450         Clause := Parse_Context_Reference (Loc, Name);
11451      end if;
11452   end Parse_Context_Declaration_Or_Reference;
11454   -- Parse a design_unit.
11455   -- The lexical scanner must have been initialized, but without a
11456   -- current_token.
11457   --
11458   --  [ LRM93 11.1 ]
11459   --  design_unit ::= context_clause library_unit
11460   function Parse_Design_Unit return Iir_Design_Unit
11461   is
11462      procedure Error_Empty is
11463      begin
11464         Error_Msg_Parse
11465           ("missing entity, architecture, package or configuration");
11466      end Error_Empty;
11468      Res: Iir_Design_Unit;
11469      Unit: Iir;
11470   begin
11471      pragma Assert (Parenthesis_Depth = 0);
11473      -- Create the design unit node.
11474      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
11475      Set_Location (Res);
11476      Set_Date_State (Res, Date_Extern);
11478      Parse_Context_Clause (Res);
11480      if Get_Library_Unit (Res) = Null_Iir then
11481         --  Parse library unit.  Context declaration are already parsed.
11482         case Current_Token is
11483            when Tok_Entity =>
11484               Parse_Entity_Declaration (Res);
11485            when Tok_Architecture =>
11486               Parse_Architecture_Body (Res);
11487            when Tok_Package =>
11488               Set_Library_Unit (Res, Parse_Package (Res));
11489            when Tok_Configuration =>
11490               Parse_Configuration_Declaration (Res);
11491            when Tok_Vunit =>
11492               Parse_Verification_Unit (Res);
11493            when Tok_Identifier =>
11494               if Current_Identifier = Name_Context then
11495                  Error_Msg_Parse
11496                    ("context clause not allowed before vhdl 08");
11497               else
11498                  Error_Empty;
11499               end if;
11500               Resync_To_Next_Unit;
11501               return Res;
11502            when others =>
11503               Error_Empty;
11504               Resync_To_Next_Unit;
11505               return Res;
11506         end case;
11507      end if;
11509      Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Res);
11510      Set_Design_Unit (Unit, Res);
11511      Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Unit));
11512      Set_Date (Res, Date_Parsed);
11513      return Res;
11514   end Parse_Design_Unit;
11516   --  [ LRM93 11.1 ]
11517   --  design_file ::= design_unit { design_unit }
11518   function Parse_Design_File return Iir_Design_File
11519   is
11520      Res : Iir_Design_File;
11521      Design, Last_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
11522   begin
11523      --  The first token.
11524      pragma Assert (Current_Token = Tok_Invalid);
11525      Scan;
11527      Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
11528      Set_Location (Res);
11530      Last_Design := Null_Iir;
11531      while Current_Token /= Tok_Eof loop
11532         Design := Parse_Design_Unit;
11533         Set_Design_File (Design, Res);
11535         --  Append unit to the design file.
11536         if Last_Design = Null_Iir then
11537            Set_First_Design_Unit (Res, Design);
11538         else
11539            Set_Chain (Last_Design, Design);
11540         end if;
11541         Last_Design := Design;
11542         Set_Last_Design_Unit (Res, Last_Design);
11543      end loop;
11545      if Last_Design = Null_Iir then
11546         Error_Msg_Parse ("design file is empty (no design unit found)");
11547      end if;
11549      return Res;
11550   end Parse_Design_File;
11551end Vhdl.Parse;