1 /*!
2 \file  gk_mkmemory.h
3 \brief Templates for memory allocation routines
5 \date   Started 3/29/07
6 \author George
7 \version\verbatim $Id: gk_mkmemory.h 10711 2011-08-31 22:23:04Z karypis $ \endverbatim
8 */
10 #ifndef _GK_MKMEMORY_H_
11 #define _GK_MKMEMORY_H_
14 #define GK_MKALLOC(PRFX, TYPE)\
15 /*************************************************************************/\
16 /*! The macro for gk_?malloc()-class of routines */\
17 /**************************************************************************/\
18 TYPE *PRFX ## malloc(size_t n, char *msg)\
19 {\
20   return (TYPE *)gk_malloc(sizeof(TYPE)*n, msg);\
21 }\
22 \
23 \
24 /*************************************************************************/\
25 /*! The macro for gk_?realloc()-class of routines */\
26 /**************************************************************************/\
27 TYPE *PRFX ## realloc(TYPE *ptr, size_t n, char *msg)\
28 {\
29   return (TYPE *)gk_realloc((void *)ptr, sizeof(TYPE)*n, msg);\
30 }\
31 \
32 \
33 /*************************************************************************/\
34 /*! The macro for gk_?smalloc()-class of routines */\
35 /**************************************************************************/\
36 TYPE *PRFX ## smalloc(size_t n, TYPE ival, char *msg)\
37 {\
38   TYPE *ptr;\
39 \
40   ptr = (TYPE *)gk_malloc(sizeof(TYPE)*n, msg);\
41   if (ptr == NULL) \
42     return NULL; \
43 \
44   return PRFX ## set(n, ival, ptr); \
45 }\
46 \
47 \
48 /*************************************************************************/\
49 /*! The macro for gk_?set()-class of routines */\
50 /*************************************************************************/\
51 TYPE *PRFX ## set(size_t n, TYPE val, TYPE *x)\
52 {\
53   size_t i;\
54 \
55   for (i=0; i<n; i++)\
56     x[i] = val;\
57 \
58   return x;\
59 }\
60 \
61 \
62 /*************************************************************************/\
63 /*! The macro for gk_?set()-class of routines */\
64 /*************************************************************************/\
65 TYPE *PRFX ## copy(size_t n, TYPE *a, TYPE *b)\
66 {\
67   return (TYPE *)memmove((void *)b, (void *)a, sizeof(TYPE)*n);\
68 }\
69 \
70 \
71 /*************************************************************************/\
72 /*! The macro for gk_?AllocMatrix()-class of routines */\
73 /**************************************************************************/\
74 TYPE **PRFX ## AllocMatrix(size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2, TYPE value, char *errmsg)\
75 {\
76   gk_idx_t i, j;\
77   TYPE **matrix;\
78 \
79   matrix = (TYPE **)gk_malloc(ndim1*sizeof(TYPE *), errmsg);\
80   if (matrix == NULL) \
81     return NULL;\
82 \
83   for (i=0; i<ndim1; i++) { \
84     matrix[i] = PRFX ## smalloc(ndim2, value, errmsg);\
85     if (matrix[i] == NULL) { \
86       for (j=0; j<i; j++) \
87         gk_free((void **)&matrix[j], LTERM); \
88       return NULL; \
89     } \
90   }\
91 \
92   return matrix;\
93 }\
94 \
95 \
96 /*************************************************************************/\
97 /*! The macro for gk_?AllocMatrix()-class of routines */\
98 /**************************************************************************/\
99 void PRFX ## FreeMatrix(TYPE ***r_matrix, size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2)\
100 {\
101   gk_idx_t i;\
102   TYPE **matrix;\
103 \
104   if (*r_matrix == NULL) \
105     return; \
106 \
107   matrix = *r_matrix;\
108 \
109   for (i=0; i<ndim1; i++) \
110     gk_free((void **)&(matrix[i]), LTERM);\
111 \
112   gk_free((void **)r_matrix, LTERM);\
113 }\
114 \
115 \
116 /*************************************************************************/\
117 /*! The macro for gk_?SetMatrix()-class of routines */\
118 /**************************************************************************/\
119 void PRFX ## SetMatrix(TYPE **matrix, size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2, TYPE value)\
120 {\
121   gk_idx_t i, j;\
122 \
123   for (i=0; i<ndim1; i++) {\
124     for (j=0; j<ndim2; j++)\
125       matrix[i][j] = value;\
126   }\
127 }\
131   TYPE  *PRFX ## malloc(size_t n, char *msg);\
132   TYPE  *PRFX ## realloc(TYPE *ptr, size_t n, char *msg);\
133   TYPE  *PRFX ## smalloc(size_t n, TYPE ival, char *msg);\
134   TYPE  *PRFX ## set(size_t n, TYPE val, TYPE *x);\
135   TYPE  *PRFX ## copy(size_t n, TYPE *a, TYPE *b);\
136   TYPE **PRFX ## AllocMatrix(size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2, TYPE value, char *errmsg);\
137   void   PRFX ## FreeMatrix(TYPE ***r_matrix, size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2);\
138   void   PRFX ## SetMatrix(TYPE **matrix, size_t ndim1, size_t ndim2, TYPE value);\
142 #endif