1 /******************************************************************************
2 * acc_user.h
3 *
4 * IEEE 1364 1995 Verilog HDL Programming Language Interface (PLI).
5 *
6 * This file contains the constant definitions, structure definitions, and
7 * routine declarations used by the Verilog PLI procedural interface TF
8 * task/function routines.
9 *
10 * The file should be included with all C routines that use the PLI ACC
11 * routines.
12 ******************************************************************************/
13 #ifndef ACC_USER_H
14 #define ACC_USER_H
16 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*------------------------------- definitions -------------------------------*/
18 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 /*----------------------------- general defines -----------------------------*/
21 typedef int    *HANDLE;
22 typedef int    *handle;
24 #define bool   int
25 #define true   1
26 #define TRUE   1
27 #define false  0
28 #define FALSE  0
30 #define glboal extern
31 #define exfunc
32 #define local  static
33 #define null   0L
35 /*------------------------------- object types ------------------------------*/
36 #define    accModule               20
37 #define    accScope                21
38 #define    accNet                  25
39 #define    accReg                  30
40 #define    accRegister             accReg
41 #define    accPort                 35
42 #define    accTerminal             45
43 #define    accInputTerminal        46
44 #define    accOutputTerminal       47
45 #define    accInoutTerminal        48
46 #define    accCombPrim            140
47 #define    accSeqPrim             142
48 #define    accAndGate             144
49 #define    accNandGate            146
50 #define    accNorGate             148
51 #define    accOrGate              150
52 #define    accXorGate             152
53 #define    accXnorGate            154
54 #define    accBufGate             156
55 #define    accNotGate             158
56 #define    accBufif0Gate          160
57 #define    accBufif1Gate          162
58 #define    accNotif0Gate          164
59 #define    accNotif1Gate          166
60 #define    accNmosGate            168
61 #define    accPmosGate            170
62 #define    accCmosGate            172
63 #define    accRnmosGate           174
64 #define    accRpmosGate           176
65 #define    accRcmosGate           178
66 #define    accRtranGate           180
67 #define    accRtranif0Gate        182
68 #define    accRtranif1Gate        184
69 #define    accTranGate            186
70 #define    accTranif0Gate         188
71 #define    accTranif1Gate         190
72 #define    accPullupGate          192
73 #define    accPulldownGate        194
74 #define    accIntegerParam        200
75 #define    accIntParam            accIntegerParam
76 #define    accRealParam           202
77 #define    accStringParam         204
78 #define    accTchk                208
79 #define    accPrimitive           210
80 #define    accBit                 212
81 #define    accPortBit             214
82 #define    accNetBit              216
83 #define    accRegBit              218
84 #define    accParameter           220
85 #define    accSpecparam           222
86 #define    accTopModule           224
87 #define    accModuleInstance      226
88 #define    accCellInstance        228
89 #define    accModPath             230
90 #define    accWirePath            232
91 #define    accInterModPath        236
92 #define    accScalarPort          250
93 #define    accBitSelectPort       252
94 #define    accPartSelectPort      254
95 #define    accVectorPort          256
96 #define    accConcatPort          258
97 #define    accWire                260
98 #define    accWand                261
99 #define    accWor                 262
100 #define    accTri                 263
101 #define    accTriand              264
102 #define    accTrior               265
103 #define    accTri0                266
104 #define    accTri1                267
105 #define    accTrireg              268
106 #define    accSupply0             269
107 #define    accSupply1             270
108 #define    accNamedEvent          280
109 #define    accEventVar            accNamedEvent
110 #define    accIntegerVar          281
111 #define    accIntVar              281
112 #define    accRealVar             282
113 #define    accTimeVar             283
114 #define    accScalar              300
115 #define    accVector              302
116 #define    accCollapsedNet        304
117 #define    accExpandedVector      306
118 #define    accUnExpandedVector    307
119 #define    accProtected           308
120 #define    accSetup               366
121 #define    accHold                367
122 #define    accWidth               368
123 #define    accPeriod              369
124 #define    accRecovery            370
125 #define    accSkew                371
126 #define    accNochange            376
127 #define    accNoChange            accNochange
128 #define    accSetuphold           377
129 #define    accInput               402
130 #define    accOutput              404
131 #define    accInout               406
132 #define    accMixedIo             407
133 #define    accPositive            408
134 #define    accNegative            410
135 #define    accUnknown             412
136 #define    accPathTerminal        420
137 #define    accPathInput           422
138 #define    accPathOutput          424
139 #define    accDataPath            426
140 #define    accTchkTerminal        428
141 #define    accBitSelect           500
142 #define    accPartSelect          502
143 #define    accTask                504
144 #define    accFunction            506
145 #define    accStatement           508
146 #define    accTaskCall            510
147 #define    accFunctionCall        512
148 #define    accSystemTask          514
149 #define    accSystemFunction      516
150 #define    accSystemRealFunction  518
151 #define    accUserTask            520
152 #define    accUserFunction        522
153 #define    accUserRealFunction    524
154 #define    accNamedBeginStat      560
155 #define    accNamedForkStat       564
156 #define    accConstant            600
157 #define    accConcat              610
158 #define    accOperator            620
159 #define    accMinTypMax           696
160 #define    accModPathHasIfnone    715
162 /*------------------ parameter values for acc_configure() -------------------*/
163 #define    accPathDelayCount        1
164 #define    accPathDelimStr          2
165 #define    accDisplayErrors         3
166 #define    accDefaultAttr0          4
167 #define    accToHiZDelay            5
168 #define    accEnableArgs            6
169 #define    accDisplayWarnings       8
170 #define    accDevelopmentVersion   11
171 #define    accMapToMipd            17
172 #define    accMinTypMaxDelays      19
174 /*------------ edge information used by acc_handle_tchk(), etc.  ------------*/
175 #define accNoedge                   0
176 #define accNoEdge                   0
177 #define accEdge01                   1
178 #define accEdge10                   2
179 #define accEdge0x                   4
180 #define accEdgex1                   8
181 #define accEdge1x                  16
182 #define accEdgex0                  32
183 #define accPosedge                 13
184 #define accPosEdge                 accPosedge
185 #define accNegedge                 50
186 #define accNegEdge                 accNegedge
188 /*------------------------------- delay modes -------------------------------*/
189 #define accDelayModeNone            0
190 #define accDelayModePath            1
191 #define accDelayModeDistrib         2
192 #define accDelayModeUnit            3
193 #define accDelayModeZero            4
194 #define accDelayModeVeritime        5
196 /*------------ values for type field in t_setval_delay structure ------------*/
197 #define accNoDelay                  0
198 #define accInertialDelay            1
199 #define accTransportDelay           2
200 #define accPureTransportDelay       3
201 #define accForceFlag                4
202 #define accReleaseFlag              5
203 #define accAssignFlag               6
204 #define accDeassignFlag             7
206 /*------------ values for type field in t_setval_value structure ------------*/
207 #define accBinStrVal                1
208 #define accOctStrVal                2
209 #define accDecStrVal                3
210 #define accHexStrVal                4
211 #define accScalarVal                5
212 #define accIntVal                   6
213 #define accRealVal                  7
214 #define accStringVal                8
215 #define accVectorVal               10
217 /*------------------------------ scalar values ------------------------------*/
218 #define acc0                        0
219 #define acc1                        1
220 #define accX                        2
221 #define accZ                        3
223 /*---------------------------- VCL scalar values ----------------------------*/
224 #define vcl0                        acc0
225 #define vcl1                        acc1
226 #define vclX                        accX
227 #define vclZ                        accZ
229 /*----------- values for vc_reason field in t_vc_record structure -----------*/
230 #define logic_value_change          1
231 #define strength_value_change       2
232 #define real_value_change           3
233 #define vector_value_change         4
234 #define event_value_change          5
235 #define integer_value_change        6
236 #define time_value_change           7
237 #define sregister_value_change      8
238 #define vregister_value_change      9
239 #define realtime_value_change      10
242 /*--------------------------- VCL strength values ---------------------------*/
243 #define vclSupply                   7
244 #define vclStrong                   6
245 #define vclPull                     5
246 #define vclLarge                    4
247 #define vclWeak                     3
248 #define vclMedium                   2
249 #define vclSmall                    1
250 #define vclHighZ                    0
253 /*----------------------- flags used with acc_vcl_add -----------------------*/
254 #define vcl_verilog_logic           2
255 #define VCL_VERILOG_LOGIC           vcl_verilog_logic
256 #define vcl_verilog_strength        3
257 #define VCL_VERILOG_STRENGTH        vcl_verilog_strength
260 /*---------------------- flags used with acc_vcl_delete ---------------------*/
261 #define vcl_verilog                 vcl_verilog_logic
262 #define VCL_VERILOG                 vcl_verilog
265 /*---------- values for the type field in the t_acc_time structure --------- */
266 #define accTime                     1
267 #define accSimTime                  2
268 #define accRealTime                 3
271 /*------------------------------ product types ------------------------------*/
272 #define accSimulator                1
273 #define accTimingAnalyzer           2
274 #define accFaultSimulator           3
275 #define accOther                    4
277 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
278 /*---------------------- global variable definitions ------------------------*/
279 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
280 extern bool acc_error_flag;
281 typedef int (*consumer_function)();
283 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
284 /*-------------------------- structure definitions --------------------------*/
285 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
287 /*---------------- data structure used with acc_set_value() -----------------*/
288 typedef struct t_acc_time
289 {
290   int type;
291   int low,
292       high;
293   double real;
294 } s_acc_time, *p_acc_time;
296 /*---------------- data structure used with acc_set_value() -----------------*/
297 typedef struct t_setval_delay
298 {
299   s_acc_time time;
300   int model;
301 } s_setval_delay, *p_setval_delay;
303 /*-------------------- data structure of vector values ----------------------*/
304 typedef struct t_acc_vecval
305 {
306   int aval;
307   int bval;
308 } s_acc_vecval, *p_acc_vecval;
310 /*----- data structure used with acc_set_value() and acc_fetch_value() ------*/
311 typedef struct t_setval_value
312 {
313  int format;
314  union
315    {
316     char *str;
317     int scalar;
318     int integer;
319     double real;
320     p_acc_vecval vector;
321    } value;
322 } s_setval_value, *p_setval_value, s_acc_value, *p_acc_value;
324 /*---------------------- structure for VCL strengths ------------------------*/
325 typedef struct t_strengths
326 {
327   unsigned char logic_value;
328   unsigned char strength1;
329   unsigned char strength2;
330 } s_strengths, *p_strengths;
332 /*-------------- structure passed to callback routine for VCL ---------------*/
333 typedef struct t_vc_record
334 {
335  int vc_reason;
336  int vc_hightime;
337  int vc_lowtime;
338  char *user_data;
339  union
340    {
341     unsigned char logic_value;
342     double real_value;
343     handle vector_handle;
344     s_strengths strengths_s;
345    } out_value;
346 } s_vc_record, *p_vc_record;
348 /*------------ structure used with acc_fetch_location() ---------------------*/
349 typedef struct t_location
350 {
351  int line_no;
352  char *filename;
353 } s_location, *p_location;
355 /*--------- structure used with acc_fetch_timescale_info() routine ----------*/
356 typedef struct t_timescale_info
357 {
358  short unit;
359  short precision;
360 } s_timescale_info, *p_timescale_info;
362 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
363 /*--------------------------- routine definitions ---------------------------*/
364 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
365 #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
367 #ifndef PROTO_PARAMS
368 #define PROTO_PARAMS(params) params
370 #endif
371 #ifndef EXTERN
372 #define EXTERN
373 #define DEFINED_EXTERN
374 #endif
376 #else
378 #ifndef PROTO_PARAMS
379 #define PROTO_PARAMS(params) (/* nothing */)
381 #endif
382 #ifndef EXTERN
383 #define EXTERN extern
384 #define DEFINED_EXTERN
385 #endif
387 #endif /* __STDC__ */
389 EXTERN bool    acc_append_delays PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
390 EXTERN bool    acc_append_pulsere PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, double val1,
391                    double val1x, ...));
392 EXTERN void    acc_close PROTO_PARAMS((void));
393 EXTERN handle *acc_collect PROTO_PARAMS((handle (*p_next_routine)(),
394                    handle scope_object, int *aof_count));
395 EXTERN bool    acc_compare_handles PROTO_PARAMS((handle h1, handle h2));
396 EXTERN int     acc_count PROTO_PARAMS((handle (*next_function)(),
397                    handle object_handle));
398 EXTERN bool    acc_configure PROTO_PARAMS((int item, char *value));
399 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_argc PROTO_PARAMS((void));
400 EXTERN void  **acc_fetch_argv PROTO_PARAMS((void));
401 EXTERN double  acc_fetch_attribute PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
402 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_attribute_int PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
403 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_attribute_str PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
404 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_defname PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
405 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_delay_mode PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_p));
406 EXTERN bool    acc_fetch_delays PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
407 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_direction PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
408 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_edge PROTO_PARAMS((handle acc_object));
409 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_fullname PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
410 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_fulltype PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_h));
411 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_index PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
412 EXTERN double  acc_fetch_itfarg PROTO_PARAMS((int n, handle tfinst));
413 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_itfarg_int PROTO_PARAMS((int n, handle tfinst));
414 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_itfarg_str PROTO_PARAMS((int n, handle tfinst));
415 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_location PROTO_PARAMS((p_location location_p,
416                    handle object));
417 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_name PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
418 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_paramtype PROTO_PARAMS((handle param_p));
419 EXTERN double  acc_fetch_paramval PROTO_PARAMS((handle param));
420 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_polarity PROTO_PARAMS((handle path));
421 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_precision PROTO_PARAMS((void));
422 EXTERN bool    acc_fetch_pulsere PROTO_PARAMS((handle path_p, double *val1r,
423                    double *val1e, ...));
424 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_range PROTO_PARAMS((handle node, int *msb,
425                    int *lsb));
426 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_size PROTO_PARAMS((handle obj_h));
427 EXTERN double  acc_fetch_tfarg PROTO_PARAMS((int n));
428 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_tfarg_int PROTO_PARAMS((int n));
429 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_tfarg_str PROTO_PARAMS((int n));
430 EXTERN void    acc_fetch_timescale_info PROTO_PARAMS((handle obj,
431                    p_timescale_info aof_timescale_info));
432 EXTERN int     acc_fetch_type PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle));
433 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_type_str PROTO_PARAMS((int type));
434 EXTERN char   *acc_fetch_value PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_handle,
435                    char *format_str, p_acc_value acc_value_p));
436 EXTERN void    acc_free PROTO_PARAMS((handle *array_ptr));
437 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_by_name PROTO_PARAMS((char *inst_name,
438                    handle scope_p));
439 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_condition PROTO_PARAMS((handle obj));
440 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_conn PROTO_PARAMS((handle term_p));
441 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_datapath PROTO_PARAMS((handle path));
442 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_hiconn PROTO_PARAMS((handle port_ref));
443 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_interactive_scope PROTO_PARAMS((void));
444 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_itfarg PROTO_PARAMS((int n, handle tfinst));
445 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_loconn PROTO_PARAMS((handle port_ref));
446 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_modpath PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_p,
447                    char *pathin_name, char *pathout_name, ...));
448 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_notifier PROTO_PARAMS((handle tchk));
449 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_object PROTO_PARAMS((char *object_name));
450 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_parent PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_p));
451 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_path PROTO_PARAMS((handle source,
452                    handle destination));
453 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_pathin PROTO_PARAMS((handle path_p));
454 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_pathout PROTO_PARAMS((handle path_p));
455 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_port PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_handle,
456                    int port_num));
457 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_scope PROTO_PARAMS((handle object));
458 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_simulated_net PROTO_PARAMS((handle net_h));
459 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_tchk PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_p, int tchk_type,
460                    char *arg1_conn_name, int arg1_edgetype, ...));
461 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_tchkarg1 PROTO_PARAMS((handle tchk));
462 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_tchkarg2 PROTO_PARAMS((handle tchk));
463 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_terminal PROTO_PARAMS((handle gate_handle,
464                    int terminal_index));
465 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_tfarg PROTO_PARAMS((int n));
466 EXTERN handle  acc_handle_tfinst PROTO_PARAMS((void));
467 EXTERN bool    acc_initialize PROTO_PARAMS((void));
468 EXTERN handle  acc_next PROTO_PARAMS((int *type_list, handle h_scope,
469                    handle h_object));
470 EXTERN handle  acc_next_bit PROTO_PARAMS((handle vector, handle bit));
471 EXTERN handle  acc_next_cell PROTO_PARAMS((handle scope, handle cell));
472 EXTERN handle  acc_next_cell_load PROTO_PARAMS((handle net_handle,
473                    handle load));
474 EXTERN handle  acc_next_child PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_handle, handle child));
475 EXTERN handle  acc_next_driver PROTO_PARAMS((handle net, handle driver));
476 EXTERN handle  acc_next_hiconn PROTO_PARAMS((handle port, handle hiconn));
477 EXTERN handle  acc_next_input PROTO_PARAMS((handle path, handle pathin));
478 EXTERN handle  acc_next_load PROTO_PARAMS((handle net, handle load));
479 EXTERN handle  acc_next_loconn PROTO_PARAMS((handle port, handle loconn));
480 EXTERN handle  acc_next_modpath PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_p, handle path));
481 EXTERN handle  acc_next_net PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_handle, handle net));
482 EXTERN handle  acc_next_output PROTO_PARAMS((handle path, handle pathout));
483 EXTERN handle  acc_next_parameter PROTO_PARAMS((handle module_p,
484                    handle param));
485 EXTERN handle  acc_next_port PROTO_PARAMS((handle ref_obj_p, handle port));
486 EXTERN handle  acc_next_portout PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_p, handle port));
487 EXTERN handle  acc_next_primitive PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_handle,
488                    handle prim));
489 EXTERN handle  acc_next_scope PROTO_PARAMS((handle ref_scope_p,
490                    handle scope));
491 EXTERN handle  acc_next_specparam PROTO_PARAMS((handle module_p,
492                    handle sparam));
493 EXTERN handle  acc_next_tchk PROTO_PARAMS((handle mod_p, handle tchk));
494 EXTERN handle  acc_next_terminal PROTO_PARAMS((handle gate_handle,
495                    handle term));
496 EXTERN handle  acc_next_topmod PROTO_PARAMS((handle topmod));
497 EXTERN bool    acc_object_of_type PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, int type));
498 EXTERN bool    acc_object_in_typelist PROTO_PARAMS((handle object,
499                    int *type_list));
500 EXTERN int     acc_product_type PROTO_PARAMS((void));
501 EXTERN char   *acc_product_version PROTO_PARAMS((void));
502 EXTERN int     acc_release_object PROTO_PARAMS((handle obj));
503 EXTERN bool    acc_replace_delays PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
504 EXTERN bool    acc_replace_pulsere PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, double val1r,
505                    double val1x, ...));
506 EXTERN void    acc_reset_buffer PROTO_PARAMS((void));
507 EXTERN bool  acc_set_interactive_scope PROTO_PARAMS((handle scope,
508                    int callback_flag));
509 EXTERN bool    acc_set_pulsere PROTO_PARAMS((handle path_p, double val1r,
510                    double val1e));
511 EXTERN char  *acc_set_scope PROTO_PARAMS((handle object, ...));
512 EXTERN int     acc_set_value PROTO_PARAMS((handle obj,
513                    p_setval_value setval_p, p_setval_delay delay_p));
514 EXTERN void    acc_vcl_add PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_p, int (*consumer)(),
515                    char *user_data, int vcl_flags));
516 EXTERN void    acc_vcl_delete PROTO_PARAMS((handle object_p,
517                    int (*consumer)(), char *user_data, int vcl_flags));
518 EXTERN char   *acc_version PROTO_PARAMS((void));
522 #undef  PROTO_PARAMS
523 #endif
527 #undef EXTERN
528 #endif
530 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
531 /*------------------------------- definitions -------------------------------*/
532 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
533 /* --- UNPORTABLE XL Specific code - must use acc routine
534 #define acc_handle_calling_mod_m acc_handle_parent((handle)tf_getinstance())
535 --- */
536 #define acc_handle_calling_mod_m acc_handle_parent(acc_handle_tfinst())
538 #endif /* ACC_USER_H */