1 /*
2  * grouteCross.c -
3  *
4  * Global signal router.  Code to do crossing placement.
5  *
6  *     *********************************************************************
7  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
8  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
9  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
10  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
11  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
12  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
13  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
14  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
15  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
16  *     *********************************************************************
17  *		      Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
18  */
20 #ifndef lint
21 static char rcsid[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/grouter/grouteCrss.c,v 2008/02/03 20:43:50 tim Exp $";
22 #endif  /* not lint */
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <string.h>
27 #include "utils/magic.h"
28 #include "utils/geometry.h"
29 #include "utils/geofast.h"
30 #include "utils/hash.h"
31 #include "utils/heap.h"
32 #include "utils/malloc.h"
33 #include "debug/debug.h"
34 #include "tiles/tile.h"
35 #include "database/database.h"
36 #include "gcr/gcr.h"
37 #include "windows/windows.h"
38 #include "utils/main.h"
39 #include "dbwind/dbwind.h"
40 #include "utils/signals.h"
41 #include "router/router.h"
42 #include "grouter/grouter.h"
43 #include "utils/netlist.h"
44 #include "textio/textio.h"
45 #include "utils/styles.h"
47 /* Passed to glCrossChoose() */
48 GlPoint *glCrossLookAhead;
50 /* The following penalties get scaled by RtrGridSpacing */
51 int glJogPenalty = 5;
52 int glObsPenalty1 = 5, glObsPenalty2 = 3;
53 int glNbrPenalty1 = 2, glNbrPenalty2 = 5;
54 int glOrphanPenalty = 3;
55 int glChanPenalty = 1;
56 bool glPenaltiesScaled = FALSE;
58 /* Forward declarations */
59 GlPoint *glCrossAdjust();
60 int glCrossChoose();
61 void glCrossTakePin();
64 /*
65  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
66  *
67  * glCrossMark --
68  *
69  * Mark all the pins crossed by the linked list of GlPoints pointed to
70  * by 'path' as taken.  This list is linked along the gl_path pointers.
71  * The starting entry 'path' indicates a pin reserved for a NLTermLoc;
72  * the last entry is one of the pins on the previous starting-point list.
73  *
74  * Results:
75  *	None.
76  *
77  * Side effects:
78  *	Marks the pins along the path as taken by 'net'.
79  *	Assigns a segment identifier to each pin that is different
80  *		for each pair of GlPoints in the path.
81  *	Increments pNetId->netid_seg once for each new segment identifier
82  *		created.
83  *	Updates the density information in each channel as the pins are
84  *		marked as taken.
85  *
86  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87  */
89 void
glCrossMark(rootUse,path,pNetId)90 glCrossMark(rootUse, path, pNetId)
91     CellUse *rootUse;	/* For error feedback if non-NULL */
92     GlPoint *path;	/* Path linked via gl_path pointers */
93     NetId *pNetId;	/* Net and segment identifier; netid_seg is updated */
94 {
95     GCRPin *srcPin, *dstPin;
96     GlPoint *rp;
97     bool srcTaken;
98     NetId markNetId;
100     /*
101      * Walk from path back along gl_path pointers down the list.
102      * At each step, process the segment between srcPin and
103      * dstPin in the channel srcPin->gcr_ch.
104      */
105     for (rp = path; rp->gl_path; rp = rp->gl_path)
106     {
107 	/*
108 	 * Increment the segment id once for each channel the net passes
109 	 * through.  The intent is to make this net appear different to
110 	 * the channel router for each global segment processed.
111 	 */
112 	pNetId->netid_seg++;
113 	glCrossingsUsed++;
115 	/*
116 	 * Figure out which segment number to use:
117 	 * If srcPin has already been assigned a net, use its segment id
118 	 * to mark dstPin and don't do anything to srcPin; otherwise,
119 	 * use pNetId->netid_seg as the segment identifier and mark
120 	 * both pins as taken.
121 	 */
122 	markNetId = *pNetId;
123 	srcPin = rp->gl_path->gl_pin;
124 	srcTaken = srcPin->gcr_pId && srcPin->gcr_pSeg != GCR_STEMSEGID;
125 	if (srcTaken)
126 	    markNetId.netid_seg = srcPin->gcr_pSeg;
128 	/* Pick the dest pin in the same channel as srcPin */
129 	dstPin = rp->gl_pin;
130 	if (dstPin->gcr_ch != srcPin->gcr_ch) dstPin = dstPin->gcr_linked;
131 	ASSERT(dstPin&&dstPin->gcr_ch == srcPin->gcr_ch, "glCrossMark");
133 	/* Adjust the density -- must happen before pins are marked! */
134 	if (glDensAdjust(((GlobChan *) srcPin->gcr_ch->gcr_client)->gc_postDens,
135 			    srcPin, dstPin, markNetId))
136 	    glChanBlockDens(srcPin->gcr_ch);
138 	/* Mark pins as taken */
139 	if (!srcTaken)
140 	    glCrossTakePin(rootUse, srcPin, markNetId);
141 	glCrossTakePin(rootUse, dstPin, markNetId);
142     }
143 }
145 /*
146  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147  *
148  * glCrossTakePin --
149  *
150  * Reserve a channel's pin for the given net.
151  * Make a number of sanity checks.
152  *
153  * Results:
154  *	None.
155  *
156  * Side effects:
157  *	Marks the pin as being taken by the net, by setting
158  *	gcr_pId and gcr_pSeg.
159  *
160  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
161  */
163 void
glCrossTakePin(rootUse,pin,netid)164 glCrossTakePin(rootUse, pin, netid)
165     CellUse *rootUse;	/* For error feedback if non-NULL */
166     GCRPin *pin;	/* Pin to take */
167     NetId netid;	/* Identifier to assign */
168 {
169     char c[256], name1[1024], name2[1024];
170     Rect r;
172     if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebGreedy))
173 	return;
175     if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebCross))
176     {
177 	glShowCross(pin, netid, CROSS_PERM);
178 	TxMore("-- crossing --");
179     }
181     r.r_ll = r.r_ur = pin->gcr_point; r.r_xtop++; r.r_ytop++;
182     ASSERT(netid.netid_net != (NLNet *) NULL, "glCrossTakePin");
184     if (pin->gcr_pId == (GCRNet *) NULL
185 	|| (pin->gcr_pId == (GCRNet *) netid.netid_net
186 			&& pin->gcr_pSeg == GCR_STEMSEGID))
187     {
188 	pin->gcr_pId = (GCRNet *) netid.netid_net;
189 	pin->gcr_pSeg = netid.netid_seg;
191 	/* Unlink from list along channel side */
192 	if (pin->gcr_pPrev && (pin->gcr_pPrev->gcr_pNext = pin->gcr_pNext))
193 	    pin->gcr_pNext->gcr_pPrev = pin->gcr_pPrev;
194     }
195     else if (pin->gcr_pId == (GCRNet *) netid.netid_net
196 	    && pin->gcr_pSeg == netid.netid_seg)
197     {
198 	(void) sprintf(c, "Warning: crossing reassigned to same net/seg");
199 	if (rootUse)
200 	    DBWFeedbackAdd(&r, c, rootUse->cu_def, 1, STYLE_PALEHIGHLIGHTS);
201 	else TxError("%s\n", c);
202     }
203     else
204     {
205 	/* Shouldn't happen: indicates a bug elsewhere */
206 	(void) strcpy(name1, NLNetName(pin->gcr_pId));
207 	(void) strcpy(name2, NLNetName(netid.netid_net));
208 	(void) sprintf(c, "Crossing multiply used, nets %s/%d, %s/%d",
209 	    name1, pin->gcr_pSeg, name2, netid.netid_seg);
210 	if (rootUse)
211 	    DBWFeedbackAdd(&r, c, rootUse->cu_def, 1, STYLE_PALEHIGHLIGHTS);
212 	else TxError("%s\n", c);
213     }
214 }
216 /*
217  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
218  *
219  * glCrossUnreserve --
220  *
221  * Visit all of the pins used by the stems of the NLNet 'net' and reset
222  * the gcr_pId and gcr_pSeg fields to show a NULL net and no segment id.
223  * This procedure is called only just prior to the global routing for each
224  * net; it keeps the crossings that might be used by this net reserved up
225  * until the last possible minute, but makes sure that they don't stay
226  * reserved once we actually know the routing for this net (since otherwise
227  * the channel router would try to connect them up!).
228  *
229  * Results:
230  *	None.
231  *
232  * Side effects:
233  *	See above.
234  *
235  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
236  */
238 void
glCrossUnreserve(net)239 glCrossUnreserve(net)
240     NLNet *net;
241 {
242     NLTermLoc *loc;
243     NLTerm *term;
244     GCRPin *pin;
246     /* De-reserve the pins taken by each terminal location in this net */
247     for (term = net->nnet_terms; term; term = term->nterm_next)
248         for (loc = term->nterm_locs; loc; loc = loc->nloc_next)
249         {
250             pin = loc->nloc_pin;
251 	    ASSERT(pin->gcr_pSeg == GCR_STEMSEGID, "glCrossUnreserve");
252 	    pin->gcr_pId = (GCRNet *) NULL;
253 	    pin->gcr_pSeg = 0;
254         }
255 }
257 /*
258  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259  *
260  * glCrossEnum --
261  *
262  * Enumerate the crossing points between the tile inPt->gl_tile
263  * and 'tp'.  The two tiles should overlap different channels.
264  *
265  * For each available crossing (i.e., a pin that is yet unassigned
266  * and has a linked pin), call the procedure (*func)(), which should
267  * be of the following form:
268  *
269  *	int
270  *	(*func)(inPt, tp, pin, cdata)
271  *	    GlPoint *inPt;	/# Same as inPt passed to glCrossEnum #/
272  *	    Tile *tp;		/# Same as tp passed to glCrossEnum #/
273  *	    GCRPin *pin;	/# A free pin in 'tp' #/
274  *	    ClientData cdata;	/# Same as cdata passed to glCrossEnum #/
275  *	{
276  *	}
277  *
278  * If (*func)() returns 1, glCrossEnum() immediately stops visiting
279  * further crossing points and returns 1 itself; otherwise, we keep
280  * going until we run out of crossing points to visit.
281  *
282  * Results:
283  *	Returns 1 if (*func)() returned 1; otherwise, returns 0.
284  *
285  * Side effects:
286  *	Whatever (*func)() does.
287  *
288  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
289  */
291 int
glCrossEnum(inPt,tp,func,cdata)292 glCrossEnum(inPt, tp, func, cdata)
293     GlPoint *inPt;	/* Top of heap point being expanded */
294     Tile *tp;			/* Tile adjacent to inPt->gl_tile */
295     int (*func)();		/* Called for each crossing */
296     ClientData cdata;		/* Passed to (*func)() */
297 {
298     int outSide, origin, lo, hi, max, start, n, nhi;
299     GCRChannel *ch = inPt->gl_pin->gcr_ch;
300     Tile *inTile = inPt->gl_tile;
301     GCRPin *pins, *pin;
303     /* Sanity checks: callers should ensure that these are true */
304     ASSERT(tp->ti_client != (ClientData) CLIENTDEFAULT, "glCrossEnum");
305     ASSERT((GCRChannel *) tp->ti_client != ch, "glCrossEnum");
307     /*
308      * Find out the direction from inTile to tp.
309      * We assume that the two tiles share a side, so this
310      * is pretty straightforward.
311      */
312     if (LEFT(inTile) == RIGHT(tp)) outSide = GEO_WEST;
313     else if (RIGHT(inTile) == LEFT(tp)) outSide = GEO_EAST;
314     else if (TOP(inTile) == BOTTOM(tp)) outSide = GEO_NORTH;
315     else if (BOTTOM(inTile) == TOP(tp)) outSide = GEO_SOUTH;
317     /*
318      * Find the range of points shared between the two tiles.
319      * Note that we look at the TILES, not the CHANNELS, since
320      * there can be many tiles for a single channel.
321      */
322     if (outSide == GEO_NORTH || outSide == GEO_SOUTH)
323     {
324 	lo = MAX(LEFT(inTile), LEFT(tp));
325 	hi = MIN(RIGHT(inTile), RIGHT(tp));
326 	origin = ch->gcr_origin.p_x;
327 	max = ch->gcr_length;
328     }
329     else
330     {
331 	lo = MAX(BOTTOM(inTile), BOTTOM(tp));
332 	hi = MIN(TOP(inTile), TOP(tp));
333 	origin = ch->gcr_origin.p_y;
334 	max = ch->gcr_width;
335     }
337     /*
338      * Now find the range of pins shared between the two tiles.
339      * We're careful about which pins are actually shared: we
340      * round the lower coordinate up unless it's grid-aligned,
341      * but round the higher coordinate down even if it is
342      * grid-aligned.  I.e.,
343      *
344      *	lo' = pin with least coordinate >= lo
345      *	hi' = pin with greatest coordinate < hi
346      *
347      * The range of pins shared should be non-NULL; if it's not,
348      * something is wrong (most likely the channel is too small).
349      * The pins range from lo to hi, inclusive, and should not
350      * include pin[0] or pin[length+1] or pin[width+1] (the latter
351      * respectively for vertical or horizontal edges between tiles).
352      */
353     lo = (lo + RtrGridSpacing - 1 - origin) / RtrGridSpacing;
354     hi = (hi - origin - 1) / RtrGridSpacing;
355     ASSERT(lo >= 1 && lo <= max, "glCrossEnum");
356     if (lo > hi)
357 	return 0;
359     switch (outSide)
360     {
361 	case GEO_NORTH:	pins = ch->gcr_tPins; break;
362 	case GEO_SOUTH:	pins = ch->gcr_bPins; break;
363 	case GEO_EAST:	pins = ch->gcr_rPins; break;
364 	case GEO_WEST:	pins = ch->gcr_lPins; break;
365     }
367     /*
368      * Now comes the fun part: enumerating pins in the range
369      * from lo .. hi inclusive in such a way that we visit
370      * the CLOSEST pin to inPt FIRST.  Choose start so that
371      * it's the index of the closest pin on the exit side to
372      * inPt, and then worry about whether or not it's in the
373      * range of pins shared with the next tile.
374      */
375     start = (outSide == GEO_NORTH || outSide == GEO_SOUTH)
376 		? inPt->gl_pin->gcr_x
377 		: inPt->gl_pin->gcr_y;
379     /* CASE 1: visit from bottom to top (or left to right) */
380     if (start <= lo)
381     {
382 	for (n = lo; n <= hi; n++, glCrossingsSeen++)
383 	{
384 	    pin = &pins[n];
385 	    if (PINOK(pin) && PINOK(pin->gcr_linked)
386 		    && (*func)(inPt, tp, pin->gcr_linked, cdata))
387 		return 1;
388 	}
389 	return 0;
390     }
392     /* CASE 1: visit from top to bottom (or right to left) */
393     if (start >= hi)
394     {
395 	for (n = hi; n >= lo; n--, glCrossingsSeen++)
396 	{
397 	    pin = &pins[n];
398 	    if (PINOK(pin) && PINOK(pin->gcr_linked)
399 		    && (*func)(inPt, tp, pin->gcr_linked, cdata))
400 		return 1;
401 	}
402 	return 0;
403     }
405     /*
406      * CASE 3:
407      * Have to consider candidates alternating from
408      * left to right (or top to bottom) to find the
409      * closest available pin.  Start at the center.
410      */
411     for (n = start, nhi = start+1; n >= lo || nhi <= hi; n--, nhi++)
412     {
413 	if (n >= lo)
414 	{
415 	    glCrossingsSeen++;
416 	    pin = &pins[n];
417 	    if (PINOK(pin) && PINOK(pin->gcr_linked)
418 		    && (*func)(inPt, tp, pin->gcr_linked, cdata))
419 		return 1;
420 	}
421 	if (nhi <= hi)
422 	{
423 	    glCrossingsSeen++;
424 	    pin = &pins[nhi];
425 	    if (PINOK(pin) && PINOK(pin->gcr_linked)
426 		    && (*func)(inPt, tp, pin->gcr_linked, cdata))
427 		return 1;
428 	}
429     }
431     return 0;
432 }
434 /*
435  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
436  *
437  * glCrossAdjust --
438  *
439  * Given a path of crossing points, wiggle them around in each channel
440  * to try to reduce the total penalty on the path.  Construct a new
441  * path of crossing points that uses the points we select in this way,
442  * and whose cost fields (gl_cost) include both distance and the
443  * penalties.  Be careful when wiggling crossings through a river
444  * routing channel: they all have to wiggle at the same time.
445  *
446  * Algorithm:
447  *	Two crossing points in the input path are already fixed:
448  *	path itself, and the crossing point at the very end (the
449  *	one for which gl_path is NULL).  Starting from the crossing
450  *	point at the end and working back toward 'path', assign
451  *	crossings to all points in the middle.  The procedure to
452  *	do this is recursive, considering at each stage three
453  *	crossing points: one that has already been assigned
454  *	(which is either the last point in the path, or the result
455  *	of the previous recursive call), one that is to be assigned
456  *	(the current point along the path), and a "lookahead" point
457  *	(the one that will be next assigned, so we can consider
458  *	it as well when positining the current point.
459  *
460  * Results:
461  *	Returns a pointer to the final point in a new path of crossings,
462  *	linked via their gl_path pointers.
463  *
464  * Side effects:
465  *	See above.
466  *
467  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
468  */
470 GlPoint *
glCrossAdjust(lookAhead,path)471 glCrossAdjust(lookAhead, path)
472     GlPoint *lookAhead;	/* Normally, lookAhead->gl_path == path, except on the
473 			 * initial call, in which case lookAhead == NULL.
474 			 */
475     GlPoint *path;	/* Adjust crossings along this path */
476 {
477     GlPoint *newPath, *newRest;
478     GCRPin *linkedPin, *pin;
479     GCRChannel *ch;
481     /*
482      * The location of the last crossing along the path is fixed,
483      * since it's the "starting point".  Simply return when we
484      * reach this point, since there's no penalty to be computed
485      * yet.
486      */
487     ASSERT(path != (GlPoint *) NULL, "glCrossAdjust");
488     if (path->gl_path == (GlPoint *) NULL)
489 	return path;
491     /*
492      * Basic recursive step: assign crossings to everything
493      * in the remainder of the path, then cons a new GlPoint
494      * to the front of the path and adjust its position
495      * below.  The initial cost of newPath will be that
496      * to the pin it initially occupies, before being
497      * wiggled by glCrossChoose() later.  This gives
498      * us an upper bound on an acceptable cost.
499      */
500     newRest = glCrossAdjust(path, path->gl_path);
501     newPath = glPathNew(path->gl_pin, 0, newRest);
502     newPath->gl_cost = newRest->gl_cost + glCrossCost(lookAhead, path, newRest);
503     newPath->gl_tile = path->gl_tile;
505     /*
506      * If this was the first crossing in the path, it's also
507      * immutable and so we just cons it to the path and return.
508      * We still use a new GlPoint, though, since the cost of
509      * this point has to include the penalties along the path.
510      */
511     if (lookAhead == (GlPoint *) NULL)
512 	return newPath;
514     if (TiGetType(newRest->gl_tile) != CHAN_NORMAL)
515     {
516 	/*
517 	 * If newRest was through a river-routing channel, it fixes
518 	 * the pin on the exit side.
519 	 */
520 	pin = newRest->gl_pin;
521 	ch = pin->gcr_ch;
522 	switch (pin->gcr_side)
523 	{
524 	    case GEO_NORTH:	linkedPin = &ch->gcr_bPins[pin->gcr_x]; break;
525 	    case GEO_EAST:	linkedPin = &ch->gcr_lPins[pin->gcr_y]; break;
526 	    case GEO_SOUTH:	linkedPin = &ch->gcr_tPins[pin->gcr_x]; break;
527 	    case GEO_WEST:	linkedPin = &ch->gcr_rPins[pin->gcr_y]; break;
528 	}
529 	ASSERT(PINOK(linkedPin), "glCrossAdjust");
530 	newPath->gl_pin = linkedPin->gcr_linked;
531 	newPath->gl_cost = newRest->gl_cost;
532 	newPath->gl_cost += glCrossCost(lookAhead, newPath, newRest);
533     }
534     else
535     {
536 	/*
537 	 * Time to choose a crossing for 'path'.
538 	 * It has to lie somewhere along the boundary between path->gl_tile
539 	 * and newRest->gl_tile.  (These two tiles will be different unless
540 	 * path is the destination point, but we checked for that above when
541 	 * we looked for lookAhead being NULL).  Enumerate the crossings
542 	 * along this boundary looking for the best one.
543 	 */
544 	glCrossLookAhead = lookAhead;
545 	(void) glCrossEnum(newRest, path->gl_tile, glCrossChoose,
546 		    (ClientData) newPath);
547     }
549     return newPath;
550 }
552 /*
553  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
554  *
555  * glCrossChoose --
556  *
557  * Called by glCrossEnum() on behalf of glCrossAdjust() above.
558  * Evaluate 'pin' as a possible crossing by computing the penalty of
559  * a segment from newRest through newPath (setting newPath->gl_pin to
560  * pin), and on through to glCrossLookAhead (if it's non-NULL).
561  *
562  * Results:
563  *	Returns 0 normally, or 1 to tell glCrossEnum() that it
564  *	can stop looking at further crossings.
565  *
566  * Side effects:
567  *	May modify newPath->gl_cost and newPath->gl_pin.
568  *
569  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
570  */
572     /*ARGSUSED*/
573 int
glCrossChoose(newRest,tp,pin,newPath)574 glCrossChoose(newRest, tp, pin, newPath)
575     GlPoint *newRest;	/* Portion of path already assigned */
576     Tile *tp;		/* UNUSED */
577     GCRPin *pin;	/* Pin on boundary of tp being considered */
578     GlPoint *newPath;		/* Update newPath->gl_pin, newPath->gl_cost */
579 {
580     GCRPin *savePin;
581     int cost;
583     /*
584      * We've been visiting crossings in order of increasing distance
585      * from newRest.  If the distance to 'pin' plus newRest->gl_cost
586      * already exceeds the best cost we've been able to find for
587      * newPath, then we can't gain any more improvement by considering
588      * any more crossing point, so we stop.
589      */
590     cost = ABSDIFF(pin->gcr_point.p_x, newRest->gl_pin->gcr_point.p_x)
591 	 + ABSDIFF(pin->gcr_point.p_y, newRest->gl_pin->gcr_point.p_y)
592 	 + newRest->gl_cost;
593     if (cost >= newPath->gl_cost)
594 	return 1;
596     /*
597      * Evaluate the cost of using 'pin' as the crossing point.
598      * If it's a better choice than what's currently stored in newPath,
599      * then use it and update the cost in newPath.
600      */
601     savePin = newPath->gl_pin;
602     newPath->gl_pin = pin;
603     cost = newRest->gl_cost + glCrossCost(glCrossLookAhead, newPath, newRest);
604     if (cost < newPath->gl_cost)
605 	newPath->gl_cost = cost;
606     else
607 	newPath->gl_pin = savePin;
609     /* Keep looking at more crossing points */
610     return 0;
611 }
613 /*
614  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
615  *
616  * glCrossCost --
617  *
618  * Evaluate the cost of the segment from 'entryPt' to 'exitPt' (and on through
619  * 'lookAhead' if it is non-NULL).
620  *
621  * Results:
622  *	Returns the sum of the distance from rest to path and the
623  *	penalties associated with this segment.
624  *
625  * Side effects:
626  *	None.
627  *
628  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
629  */
631 int
glCrossCost(lookAhead,exitPt,entryPt)632 glCrossCost(lookAhead, exitPt, entryPt)
633     GlPoint *lookAhead;
634     GlPoint *exitPt;
635     GlPoint *entryPt;
636 {
637     GCRPin *entryPin, *exitPin, *otherPin;
638     GCRPin *opposite;
639     int count, cost;
641     /*
642      * Make sure that both entryPin and exitPin are in the same
643      * channel, and otherPin is in the next channel.
644      */
645     entryPin = entryPt->gl_pin;
646     exitPin = exitPt->gl_pin;
647     if (exitPin->gcr_ch != entryPin->gcr_ch)
648 	exitPin = exitPin->gcr_linked;
649     otherPin = exitPin->gcr_linked;
650     ASSERT(exitPin != NULL, "glCrossCost");
652     /* Distance cost */
653     cost = ABSDIFF(entryPin->gcr_point.p_x, exitPin->gcr_point.p_x)
654 	 + ABSDIFF(entryPin->gcr_point.p_y, exitPin->gcr_point.p_y);
656     /*
657      * If exitPt is in a river-routing tile, and we have to continue
658      * across the channel (lookAhead is non-NULL), then make sure the pin
659      * on the opposite side is free; otherwise, exitPt has "infinite"
660      * penalty since it's unusable.
661      */
662     if (lookAhead && TiGetType(exitPt->gl_tile) != CHAN_NORMAL)
663     {
664 	switch (otherPin->gcr_side)
665 	{
666 	    case GEO_NORTH:
667 		opposite = &otherPin->gcr_ch->gcr_bPins[otherPin->gcr_x];
668 		break;
669 	    case GEO_SOUTH:
670 		opposite = &otherPin->gcr_ch->gcr_tPins[otherPin->gcr_x];
671 		break;
672 	    case GEO_EAST:
673 		opposite = &otherPin->gcr_ch->gcr_lPins[otherPin->gcr_y];
674 		break;
675 	    case GEO_WEST:
676 		opposite = &otherPin->gcr_ch->gcr_rPins[otherPin->gcr_y];
677 		break;
678 	}
679 	if (!PINOK(opposite))
680 	    return INFINITY;
681     }
683     /* Penalty for using lots of channels */
684     cost += glChanPenalty;
686     /* Penalize if the net doesn't run straight across the channel */
687     if (entryPin->gcr_x != exitPin->gcr_x && entryPin->gcr_y != exitPin->gcr_y)
688 	cost += glJogPenalty;
690     /*
691      * If there is an obstacle or hazard over a crossing, or an
692      * obstacle somewhere along the track or column of the pin,
693      * then assess a penalty.  Look on both sides of the crossing
694      * to get this penalty.
695      */
697     if (otherPin && otherPin->gcr_ch->gcr_type == CHAN_NORMAL)
698     {
699 	if ((otherPin->gcr_pFlags & BADCROSSFLAGS) || otherPin->gcr_pSize != 0)
700 	{
701 	    ASSERT(otherPin->gcr_pSize >= 0, "glCrossPenalty");
702 	    cost += glObsPenalty1;
703 	    if (otherPin->gcr_pFlags & GCROBST)
704 		cost += glObsPenalty2 * otherPin->gcr_pSize;
705 	    else if (otherPin->gcr_pFlags & GCRHAZRD)
706 		cost += MAX(glObsPenalty2*otherPin->gcr_pSize
707 				- otherPin->gcr_pDist, 0);
708 	}
709     }
711     /*
712      * Done if this channel is used for river-routing (in which
713      * case the subsequent penalty computation is not needed).
714      */
715     if (entryPin->gcr_ch->gcr_type != CHAN_NORMAL)
716 	return cost;
718     if ((exitPin->gcr_pFlags & BADCROSSFLAGS) || exitPin->gcr_pSize != 0)
719     {
720 	ASSERT(exitPin->gcr_pSize >= 0, "glCrossPenalty");
721 	cost += glObsPenalty1;
722 	if (exitPin->gcr_pFlags & GCROBST)
723 	    cost += glObsPenalty2 * exitPin->gcr_pSize;
724 	else if (exitPin->gcr_pFlags & GCRHAZRD)
725 	    cost += MAX(glObsPenalty2 * exitPin->gcr_pSize
726 				- exitPin->gcr_pDist, 0);
727     }
729     /* Penalty for "congestion" (neighboring pins in use) */
730     count = 0;
731     if ((exitPin + 1)->gcr_pId) count++;
732     if ((exitPin - 1)->gcr_pId) count++;
733     if (count == 2) cost += glNbrPenalty2;
734     else if (count == 1) cost += glNbrPenalty1;
736     /*
737      * If the path turns in the channel and the exit crossing
738      * isn't a paired orphan, assess a penalty.
739      */
740     if (exitPin->gcr_side != GeoOppositePos[entryPin->gcr_side])
741     {
742 	switch (exitPin->gcr_side)
743 	{
744 	    case GEO_NORTH:
745 		otherPin = &entryPin->gcr_ch->gcr_bPins[exitPin->gcr_x];
746 		break;
747 	    case GEO_SOUTH:
748 		otherPin = &entryPin->gcr_ch->gcr_tPins[exitPin->gcr_x];
749 		break;
750 	    case GEO_EAST:
751 		otherPin = &entryPin->gcr_ch->gcr_lPins[exitPin->gcr_y];
752 		break;
753 	    case GEO_WEST:
754 		otherPin = &entryPin->gcr_ch->gcr_rPins[exitPin->gcr_y];
755 		break;
756 	}
757 	if (otherPin->gcr_pId == (GCRNet *) NULL)
758 	    cost += glOrphanPenalty;
759     }
761     return cost;
762 }
764 /*
765  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
766  *
767  * glCrossScalePenalties --
768  *
769  * Scale the penalties used in the global router cost function so they
770  * reflect the actual grid size used during routing.
771  *
772  * Results:
773  *	None.
774  *
775  * Side effects:
776  *	See above.
777  *
778  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
779  */
781 void
glCrossScalePenalties()782 glCrossScalePenalties()
783 {
784     if (glPenaltiesScaled)
785 	return;
787     glPenaltiesScaled = TRUE;
788     glJogPenalty *= RtrGridSpacing;
789     glObsPenalty1 *= RtrGridSpacing;
790     glObsPenalty2 *= RtrGridSpacing;
791     glNbrPenalty1 *= RtrGridSpacing;
792     glNbrPenalty2 *= RtrGridSpacing;
793     glOrphanPenalty *= RtrGridSpacing;
794     glChanPenalty *= RtrGridSpacing;
795 }