1 // Created on: 2016-10-14
2 // Created by: Alexander MALYSHEV
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _BRepOffset_SimpleOffset_HeaderFile
17 #define _BRepOffset_SimpleOffset_HeaderFile
19 #include <BRepTools_Modification.hxx>
20 #include <GeomAbs_Shape.hxx>
21 #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
22 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
23 #include <Standard_Macro.hxx>
24 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
25 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
26 #include <TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
27 #include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
30 class BRepOffset_SimpleOffset;
31 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(BRepOffset_SimpleOffset, BRepTools_Modification)
33 //! This class represents mechanism of simple offset algorithm i. e.
34 //! topology-preserve offset construction without intersection.
35 //!
36 //! The list below shows mapping scheme:
37 //! - Each surface is mapped to its geometric offset surface.
38 //! - For each edge, pcurves are mapped to the same pcurves on offset surfaces.
39 //! - For each edge, 3d curve is constructed by re-approximation of pcurve on the first offset face.
40 //! - Position of each vertex in a result shell is computed as average point of all ends of edges shared by that vertex.
41 //! - Tolerances are updated according to the resulting geometry.
42 class BRepOffset_SimpleOffset : public BRepTools_Modification
43 {
44 public:
46   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI_INLINE(BRepOffset_SimpleOffset, BRepTools_Modification)
48   //! Constructor.
49   //! @param theInputShape shape to be offset
50   //! @param theOffsetValue offset distance (signed)
51   //! @param theTolerance tolerance for handling singular points
52   Standard_EXPORT BRepOffset_SimpleOffset(const TopoDS_Shape& theInputShape,
53                                           const Standard_Real theOffsetValue,
54                                           const Standard_Real theTolerance);
56   //! Returns Standard_True  if  the face  <F> has  been
57   //! modified.  In this  case, <S> is the new geometric
58   //! support of  the  face, <L> the  new location,<Tol>
59   //! the new  tolerance.<RevWires> has  to  be set   to
60   //! Standard_True   when the modification reverses the
61   //! normal of  the   surface.(the wires   have  to  be
62   //! reversed).   <RevFace>   has   to   be   set    to
63   //! Standard_True if  the orientation  of the modified
64   //! face changes in the  shells which contain  it.  --
65   //! Here, <RevFace>  will  return Standard_True if the
66   //! -- gp_Trsf is negative.
67   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NewSurface (const TopoDS_Face& F,
68                                                Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,
69                                                TopLoc_Location& L,
70                                                Standard_Real& Tol,
71                                                Standard_Boolean& RevWires,
72                                                Standard_Boolean& RevFace) Standard_OVERRIDE;
74   //! Returns Standard_True  if  the edge  <E> has  been
75   //! modified.  In this case,  <C> is the new geometric
76   //! support of the  edge, <L> the  new location, <Tol>
77   //! the         new    tolerance.   Otherwise, returns
78   //! Standard_False,    and  <C>,  <L>,   <Tol> are not
79   //! significant.
80   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NewCurve (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
81                                              Handle(Geom_Curve)& C,
82                                              TopLoc_Location& L,
83                                              Standard_Real& Tol) Standard_OVERRIDE;
85   //! Returns  Standard_True if the  vertex <V> has been
86   //! modified.  In this  case, <P> is the new geometric
87   //! support of the vertex,   <Tol> the new  tolerance.
88   //! Otherwise, returns Standard_False, and <P>,  <Tol>
89   //! are not significant.
90   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NewPoint (const TopoDS_Vertex& V,
91                                              gp_Pnt& P,
92                                              Standard_Real& Tol) Standard_OVERRIDE;
94   //! Returns Standard_True if  the edge  <E> has a  new
95   //! curve on surface on the face <F>.In this case, <C>
96   //! is the new geometric support of  the edge, <L> the
97   //! new location, <Tol> the new tolerance.
98   //! Otherwise, returns  Standard_False, and <C>,  <L>,
99   //! <Tol> are not significant.
100   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NewCurve2d (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
101                                                const TopoDS_Face& F,
102                                                const TopoDS_Edge& NewE,
103                                                const TopoDS_Face& NewF,
104                                                Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& C,
105                                                Standard_Real& Tol) Standard_OVERRIDE;
107   //! Returns Standard_True if the Vertex  <V> has a new
108   //! parameter on the  edge <E>. In  this case,  <P> is
109   //! the parameter,    <Tol>  the     new    tolerance.
110   //! Otherwise, returns Standard_False, and <P>,  <Tol>
111   //! are not significant.
112   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NewParameter (const TopoDS_Vertex& V,
113                                                  const TopoDS_Edge& E,
114                                                  Standard_Real& P,
115                                                  Standard_Real& Tol) Standard_OVERRIDE;
117   //! Returns the  continuity of  <NewE> between <NewF1>
118   //! and <NewF2>.
119   //!
120   //! <NewE> is the new  edge created from <E>.  <NewF1>
121   //! (resp. <NewF2>) is the new  face created from <F1>
122   //! (resp. <F2>).
123   Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_Shape Continuity (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
124                                             const TopoDS_Face& F1,
125                                             const TopoDS_Face& F2,
126                                             const TopoDS_Edge& NewE,
127                                             const TopoDS_Face& NewF1,
128                                             const TopoDS_Face& NewF2) Standard_OVERRIDE;
130 private:
132   //! Method to fill new face data for single face.
133   void FillFaceData(const TopoDS_Face& theFace);
135   //! Method to fill new edge data for single edge.
136   void FillEdgeData(const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
137                     const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theEdgeFaceMap,
138                     const Standard_Integer theIdx);
140   //! Method to fill new vertex data for single vertex.
141   void FillVertexData(const TopoDS_Vertex& theVertex,
142                       const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& theVertexEdgeMap,
143                       const Standard_Integer theIdx);
145   struct NewFaceData
146   {
147     Handle(Geom_Surface) myOffsetS;
148     TopLoc_Location myL;
149     Standard_Real myTol;
150     Standard_Boolean myRevWires;
151     Standard_Boolean myRevFace;
152   };
154   struct NewEdgeData
155   {
156     Handle(Geom_Curve) myOffsetC; // Resulting curve.
157     TopLoc_Location myL;
158     Standard_Real myTol;
159   };
161   struct NewVertexData
162   {
163     gp_Pnt myP;
164     Standard_Real myTol;
165   };
167   //! Fills offset data.
168   void FillOffsetData(const TopoDS_Shape& theInputShape);
170   //! Copy-assignment constructor and copy constructor are not allowed.
171   void operator=(const BRepOffset_SimpleOffset&);
172   BRepOffset_SimpleOffset(const BRepOffset_SimpleOffset&);
174   //! Map of faces to new faces information.
175   NCollection_DataMap<TopoDS_Face, NewFaceData> myFaceInfo;
177   //! Map of edges to new edges information.
178   NCollection_DataMap<TopoDS_Edge, NewEdgeData> myEdgeInfo;
180   //! Map of vertices to new vertices information.
181   NCollection_DataMap<TopoDS_Vertex, NewVertexData> myVertexInfo;
183   //! Offset value.
184   Standard_Real myOffsetValue;
186   //! Tolerance.
187   Standard_Real myTolerance;
188 };
190 #endif // _BRepOffset_SimpleOffset_HeaderFile