1 // Created on: 2013-01-28
2 // Created by: Kirill GAVRILOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef NCollection_UtfString_HeaderFile
17 #define NCollection_UtfString_HeaderFile
19 #include <NCollection_UtfIterator.hxx>
21 #include <cstring>
22 #include <cstdlib>
24 //! This template class represent constant UTF-* string.
25 //! String stored in memory continuously, always NULL-terminated
26 //! and can be used as standard C-string using ToCString() method.
27 //!
28 //! Notice that changing the string is not allowed
29 //! and any modifications should produce new string.
30 //!
31 //! In comments to this class, terms "Unicode symbol" is used as
32 //! synonym of "Unicode code point".
33 template<typename Type>
34 class NCollection_UtfString
35 {
37 public:
Iterator() const39   NCollection_UtfIterator<Type> Iterator() const
40   {
41     return NCollection_UtfIterator<Type> (myString);
42   }
44   //! @return the size of the buffer in bytes, excluding NULL-termination symbol
Size() const45   Standard_Integer Size() const
46   {
47     return mySize;
48   }
50   //! @return the length of the string in Unicode symbols
Length() const51   Standard_Integer Length() const
52   {
53     return myLength;
54   }
56   //! Retrieve Unicode symbol at specified position.
57   //! Warning! This is a slow access. Iterator should be used for consecutive parsing.
58   //! @param theCharIndex the index of the symbol, should be lesser than Length()
59   //! @return the Unicode symbol value
60   Standard_Utf32Char GetChar (const Standard_Integer theCharIndex) const;
62   //! Retrieve string buffer at specified position.
63   //! Warning! This is a slow access. Iterator should be used for consecutive parsing.
64   //! @param theCharIndex the index of the symbol, should be less than Length()
65   //!        (first symbol of the string has index 0)
66   //! @return the pointer to the symbol
67   const Type* GetCharBuffer (const Standard_Integer theCharIndex) const;
69   //! Retrieve Unicode symbol at specified position.
70   //! Warning! This is a slow access. Iterator should be used for consecutive parsing.
operator [](const Standard_Integer theCharIndex) const71   Standard_Utf32Char operator[] (const Standard_Integer theCharIndex) const
72   {
73     return GetChar (theCharIndex);
74   }
76   //! Initialize empty string.
77   NCollection_UtfString();
79   //! Copy constructor.
80   //! @param theCopy string to copy.
81   NCollection_UtfString (const NCollection_UtfString& theCopy);
84   //! Move constructor
85   NCollection_UtfString (NCollection_UtfString&& theOther);
86 #endif
88   //! Copy constructor from UTF-8 string.
89   //! @param theCopyUtf8 UTF-8 string to copy
90   //! @param theLength   optional length limit in Unicode symbols (NOT bytes!)
91   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
92   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
93   NCollection_UtfString (const char*            theCopyUtf8,
94                          const Standard_Integer theLength = -1);
96   //! Copy constructor from UTF-16 string.
97   //! @param theCopyUtf16 UTF-16 string to copy
98   //! @param theLength    the length limit in Unicode symbols (NOT bytes!)
99   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
100   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
101   NCollection_UtfString (const Standard_Utf16Char* theCopyUtf16,
102                          const Standard_Integer    theLength = -1);
104   //! Copy constructor from UTF-32 string.
105   //! @param theCopyUtf32 UTF-32 string to copy
106   //! @param theLength    the length limit in Unicode symbols (NOT bytes!)
107   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
108   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
109   NCollection_UtfString (const Standard_Utf32Char* theCopyUtf32,
110                          const Standard_Integer    theLength = -1);
112 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900)
113   //! Copy constructor from wide UTF string.
114   //! @param theCopyUtfWide wide UTF string to copy
115   //! @param theLength      the length limit in Unicode symbols (NOT bytes!)
116   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
117   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
118   //!
119   //! This constructor is undefined if Standard_WideChar is the same type as Standard_Utf16Char.
120   NCollection_UtfString (const Standard_WideChar* theCopyUtfWide,
121                          const Standard_Integer   theLength = -1);
122 #endif
124   //! Copy from Unicode string in UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32 encoding,
125   //! determined by size of TypeFrom character type.
126   //! @param theStringUtf Unicode string
127   //! @param theLength    the length limit in Unicode symbols
128   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
129   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
130   template <typename TypeFrom>
FromUnicode(const TypeFrom * theStringUtf,const Standard_Integer theLength=-1)131   inline void FromUnicode (const TypeFrom*        theStringUtf,
132                            const Standard_Integer theLength = -1)
133   {
134     NCollection_UtfIterator<TypeFrom> anIterRead (theStringUtf);
135     if (*anIterRead == 0)
136     {
137       // special case
138       Clear();
139       return;
140     }
141     fromUnicodeImpl (theStringUtf, theLength, anIterRead);
142   }
144   //! Copy from multibyte string in current system locale.
145   //! @param theString multibyte string
146   //! @param theLength the length limit in Unicode symbols
147   //! The string is copied till NULL symbol or, if theLength >0,
148   //! till either NULL or theLength-th symbol (which comes first).
149   void FromLocale (const char*            theString,
150                    const Standard_Integer theLength = -1);
152   //! Destructor.
153   ~NCollection_UtfString();
155   //! Compares this string with another one.
156   bool IsEqual (const NCollection_UtfString& theCompare) const;
158   //! Returns the substring.
159   //! @param theStart start index (inclusive) of subString
160   //! @param theEnd   end index   (exclusive) of subString
161   //! @return the substring
162   NCollection_UtfString SubString (const Standard_Integer theStart,
163                                    const Standard_Integer theEnd) const;
165   //! Returns NULL-terminated Unicode string.
166   //! Should not be modified or deleted!
167   //! @return (const Type* ) pointer to string
ToCString() const168   const Type* ToCString() const
169   {
170     return myString;
171   }
173   //! @return copy in UTF-8 format
174   const NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf8Char> ToUtf8() const;
176   //! @return copy in UTF-16 format
177   const NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf16Char> ToUtf16() const;
179   //! @return copy in UTF-32 format
180   const NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf32Char> ToUtf32() const;
182   //! @return copy in wide format (UTF-16 on Windows and UTF-32 on Linux)
183   const NCollection_UtfString<Standard_WideChar> ToUtfWide() const;
185   //! Converts the string into string in the current system locale.
186   //! @param theBuffer    output buffer
187   //! @param theSizeBytes buffer size in bytes
188   //! @return true on success
189   bool ToLocale (char*                  theBuffer,
190                  const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes) const;
192   //! @return true if string is empty
IsEmpty() const193   bool IsEmpty() const
194   {
195     return myString[0] == Type(0);
196   }
198   //! Zero string.
199   void Clear();
201 public: //! @name assign operators
203   //! Copy from another string.
204   const NCollection_UtfString& Assign (const NCollection_UtfString& theOther);
206   //! Exchange the data of two strings (without reallocating memory).
207   void Swap (NCollection_UtfString& theOther);
209   //! Copy from another string.
operator =(const NCollection_UtfString & theOther)210   const NCollection_UtfString& operator= (const NCollection_UtfString& theOther) { return Assign (theOther); }
213   //! Move assignment operator.
operator =(NCollection_UtfString && theOther)214   NCollection_UtfString& operator= (NCollection_UtfString&& theOther) { Swap (theOther); return *this; }
215 #endif
217   //! Copy from UTF-8 NULL-terminated string.
218   const NCollection_UtfString& operator= (const char* theStringUtf8);
220   //! Copy from wchar_t UTF NULL-terminated string.
221   const NCollection_UtfString& operator= (const Standard_WideChar* theStringUtfWide);
223   //! Join strings.
224   NCollection_UtfString& operator+= (const NCollection_UtfString& theAppend);
226   //! Join two strings.
operator +(const NCollection_UtfString & theLeft,const NCollection_UtfString & theRight)227   friend NCollection_UtfString operator+ (const NCollection_UtfString& theLeft,
228                                           const NCollection_UtfString& theRight)
229   {
230     NCollection_UtfString aSumm;
231     strFree (aSumm.myString);
232     aSumm.mySize   = theLeft.mySize   + theRight.mySize;
233     aSumm.myLength = theLeft.myLength + theRight.myLength;
234     aSumm.myString = strAlloc (aSumm.mySize);
236     // copy bytes
237     strCopy ((Standard_Byte* )aSumm.myString,                  (const Standard_Byte* )theLeft.myString,  theLeft.mySize);
238     strCopy ((Standard_Byte* )aSumm.myString + theLeft.mySize, (const Standard_Byte* )theRight.myString, theRight.mySize);
239     return aSumm;
240   }
242 public: //! @name compare operators
operator ==(const NCollection_UtfString & theCompare) const244   bool operator== (const NCollection_UtfString& theCompare) const
245   {
246     return IsEqual (theCompare);
247   }
248   bool operator!= (const NCollection_UtfString& theCompare) const;
250 private: //! @name low-level methods
252   //! Implementation of copy routine for string of the same type
fromUnicodeImpl(const Type * theStringUtf,const Standard_Integer theLength,NCollection_UtfIterator<Type> & theIterator)253   void fromUnicodeImpl (const Type* theStringUtf, const Standard_Integer theLength, NCollection_UtfIterator<Type>& theIterator)
254   {
255     Type* anOldBuffer = myString; // necessary in case of self-copying
257     // advance to the end
258     const Standard_Integer aLengthMax = (theLength > 0) ? theLength : IntegerLast();
259     for(; *theIterator != 0 && theIterator.Index() < aLengthMax; ++theIterator) {}
261     mySize   = Standard_Integer((Standard_Byte* )theIterator.BufferHere() - (Standard_Byte* )theStringUtf);
262     myLength = theIterator.Index();
263     myString = strAlloc (mySize);
264     strCopy ((Standard_Byte* )myString, (const Standard_Byte* )theStringUtf, mySize);
266     strFree (anOldBuffer);
267   }
269   //! Implementation of copy routine for string of other types
270   template<typename TypeFrom>
fromUnicodeImpl(typename opencascade::std::enable_if<!opencascade::std::is_same<Type,TypeFrom>::value,const TypeFrom * >::type theStringUtf,const Standard_Integer theLength,NCollection_UtfIterator<TypeFrom> & theIterator)271   void fromUnicodeImpl (typename opencascade::std::enable_if<! opencascade::std::is_same<Type, TypeFrom>::value, const TypeFrom*>::type theStringUtf,
272                         const Standard_Integer theLength, NCollection_UtfIterator<TypeFrom>& theIterator)
273   {
274     Type* anOldBuffer = myString; // necessary in case of self-copying
276     mySize = 0;
277     const Standard_Integer aLengthMax = (theLength > 0) ? theLength : IntegerLast();
278     for (; *theIterator != 0 && theIterator.Index() < aLengthMax; ++theIterator)
279     {
280       mySize += theIterator.template AdvanceBytesUtf<Type>();
281     }
282     myLength = theIterator.Index();
284     myString = strAlloc (mySize);
286     // copy string
287     theIterator.Init (theStringUtf);
288     Type* anIterWrite = myString;
289     for (; *theIterator != 0 && theIterator.Index() < myLength; ++theIterator)
290     {
291       anIterWrite = theIterator.GetUtf (anIterWrite);
292     }
294     strFree (anOldBuffer);
295   }
297   //! Allocate NULL-terminated string buffer.
strAlloc(const Standard_Size theSizeBytes)298   static Type* strAlloc (const Standard_Size theSizeBytes)
299   {
300     Type* aPtr = (Type* )Standard::Allocate (theSizeBytes + sizeof(Type));
301     if (aPtr != NULL)
302     {
303       // always NULL-terminate the string
304       aPtr[theSizeBytes / sizeof(Type)] = Type(0);
305     }
306     return aPtr;
307   }
309   //! Release string buffer and nullify the pointer.
strFree(Type * & thePtr)310   static void strFree (Type*& thePtr)
311   {
312     Standard::Free (thePtr);
313   }
315   //! Provides bytes interface to avoid incorrect pointer arithmetics.
strCopy(Standard_Byte * theStrDst,const Standard_Byte * theStrSrc,const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes)316   static void strCopy (Standard_Byte*         theStrDst,
317                        const Standard_Byte*   theStrSrc,
318                        const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes)
319   {
320     std::memcpy (theStrDst, theStrSrc, (Standard_Size )theSizeBytes);
321   }
323   //! Compare two Unicode strings per-byte.
strAreEqual(const Type * theString1,const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes1,const Type * theString2,const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes2)324   static bool strAreEqual (const Type*            theString1,
325                            const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes1,
326                            const Type*            theString2,
327                            const Standard_Integer theSizeBytes2)
328   {
329     return (theSizeBytes1 == theSizeBytes2)
330         && (std::memcmp (theString1, theString2, (Standard_Size )theSizeBytes1) == 0);
331   }
333 private: //! @name private fields
335   Type*            myString; //!< string buffer
336   Standard_Integer mySize;   //!< buffer size in bytes, excluding NULL-termination symbol
337   Standard_Integer myLength; //!< length of the string in Unicode symbols (cached value, excluding NULL-termination symbol)
339 };
341 typedef NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf8Char>  NCollection_Utf8String;
342 typedef NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf16Char> NCollection_Utf16String;
343 typedef NCollection_UtfString<Standard_Utf32Char> NCollection_Utf32String;
344 typedef NCollection_UtfString<Standard_WideChar>  NCollection_UtfWideString;
346 // template implementation (inline methods)
347 #include "NCollection_UtfString.lxx"
349 #endif // _NCollection_UtfString_H__