1 // Created on: 2004-11-24
2 // Created by: Edward AGAPOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2004-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 // The original implementation Copyright: (C) RINA S.p.A
19 #include <BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver.hxx>
20 #include <Message_Messenger.hxx>
21 #include <TDF_Attribute.hxx>
22 #include <TObj_TReference.hxx>
23 #include <BinObjMgt_Persistent.hxx>
24 #include <TObj_Object.hxx>
25 #include <TObj_Model.hxx>
26 #include <TObj_Assistant.hxx>
27 #include <TDF_ChildIterator.hxx>
28 #include <TDF_Tool.hxx>
IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver,BinMDF_ADriver)31 IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver,BinMDF_ADriver)
33 //=======================================================================
34 //function : BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver
35 //purpose  : constructor
36 //=======================================================================
38 BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver::BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver
39                          (const Handle(Message_Messenger)& theMessageDriver)
40 : BinMDF_ADriver( theMessageDriver, NULL)
41 {
42 }
44 //=======================================================================
45 //function : NewEmpty
46 //purpose  : Creates a new attribute
47 //=======================================================================
Handle(TDF_Attribute)49 Handle(TDF_Attribute) BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver::NewEmpty() const
50 {
51   return new TObj_TReference;
52 }
54 //=======================================================================
55 //function : Paste
56 //purpose  : Translate the contents of <theSource> and put it
57 //           into <theTarget>.
58 //=======================================================================
Paste(const BinObjMgt_Persistent & theSource,const Handle (TDF_Attribute)& theTarget,BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable &) const60 Standard_Boolean BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver::Paste
61                          (const BinObjMgt_Persistent&  theSource,
62                           const Handle(TDF_Attribute)& theTarget,
63                           BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable&) const
64 {
65   // master label
66   TDF_Label aMasterLabel;
67   Handle(TDF_Data) aDS = theTarget->Label().Data();
68   if (! theSource.GetLabel (aDS, aMasterLabel)) return Standard_False;
70   // isSameDoc flag
71   Standard_Boolean isSameDoc = Standard_False;
72   if (! (theSource >> isSameDoc)) return Standard_False;
74   // DS for referred label
75   if (!isSameDoc)
76   {
77     TCollection_AsciiString aName;
78     if (! (theSource >> aName)) return Standard_False;
79     Handle(TObj_Model) aModel = TObj_Assistant::FindModel (aName.ToCString());
80     if (aModel.IsNull())
81     {
82       TCollection_AsciiString anEntry;
83       TDF_Tool::Entry (theTarget->Label(), anEntry);
84       myMessageDriver->Send (TCollection_ExtendedString ("TObj_TReference retrieval: ")
85                              + "wrong model ID " + aName + ", entry " + anEntry, Message_Fail);
86       return Standard_False;
87     }
88     aDS = aModel->GetLabel().Data();
89   }
90   // referred label
91   TDF_Label aLabel;
92   if (! theSource.GetLabel (aDS, aLabel)) return Standard_False;
94   // set reference attribute fields
95   Handle(TObj_TReference) aTarget =
96     Handle(TObj_TReference)::DownCast (theTarget);
97   aTarget->Set ( aLabel, aMasterLabel );
99   return !aLabel.IsNull() && !aMasterLabel.IsNull();
100 }
102 //=======================================================================
103 //function : Paste
104 //purpose  : Translate the contents of <theSource> and put it
105 //           into <theTarget>.
106 //           Store master and referred labels as entry, the other model referred
107 //           as entry in model-container
108 //=======================================================================
Paste(const Handle (TDF_Attribute)& theSource,BinObjMgt_Persistent & theTarget,BinObjMgt_SRelocationTable &) const110 void BinTObjDrivers_ReferenceDriver::Paste
111                          (const Handle(TDF_Attribute)& theSource,
112                           BinObjMgt_Persistent&        theTarget,
113                           BinObjMgt_SRelocationTable&) const
114 {
115   Handle(TObj_TReference) aSource =
116     Handle(TObj_TReference)::DownCast (theSource);
118   Handle(TObj_Object) aLObject = aSource->Get();
119   if (aLObject.IsNull())
120     return;
122   // labels
123   TDF_Label aLabel = aLObject->GetLabel();
124   TDF_Label aMasterLabel = aSource->GetMasterLabel();
125   Standard_Boolean isSameDoc = (aLabel.Root() == aMasterLabel.Root());
127   // store data
128   // 1 - the master label;
129   theTarget << aMasterLabel;
130   // 2 - isSameDoc flag plus may be a Model ID
131   theTarget << isSameDoc;
132   if (! isSameDoc)
133   {
134     TCollection_AsciiString aName;
135     Handle(TObj_Model) aModel = aLObject->GetModel();
136     aName = TCollection_AsciiString( aModel->GetModelName()->String() );
137     theTarget << aName;
138   }
139   // 3 - referred label;
140   theTarget << aLabel;
141 }