1 // Created on: 1995-02-23
2 // Created by: Remi LEQUETTE
3 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 // **************************************************************
18 // Modif : DFO 05/11/96
20 #include <Draw.hxx>
21 #include <Draw_Appli.hxx>
22 #include <Draw_Display.hxx>
23 #include <Draw_Drawable3D.hxx>
24 #include <Draw_Grid.hxx>
25 #include <Draw_ProgressIndicator.hxx>
26 #include <Draw_Text2D.hxx>
27 #include <Draw_Text3D.hxx>
28 #include <Message.hxx>
29 #include <Standard_Stream.hxx>
30 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #ifdef _WIN32
34 extern Draw_Viewer dout;
35 extern Standard_Boolean Draw_Batch;
36 #endif
38 extern Standard_Boolean Draw_BlackBackGround;
41 #define DEFROTATE (5 * M_PI/ 180.)
42 #define DEFMAGNIFY 1.1
43 #define DEFPANNING 0.1
44 #define DEFFOCAL 1.1
45 #define DEFFRAME 10
46 #define DEFGRIDSTEP 100.0
47 static Standard_Real steprot = DEFROTATE;
48 static Standard_Real steppan = DEFPANNING;
49 static Standard_Real stepmagnify = DEFMAGNIFY;
50 static Standard_Real stepfocal = DEFFOCAL;
51 static Standard_Real frame = DEFFRAME;
52 static Standard_Real DefaultGridStep = DEFGRIDSTEP ;
54 #define FONTLENGTH
55 static char Draw_fontname[FONTLENGTH]="Helvetica";
56 static char Draw_fontsize[FONTLENGTH]="150";
57 static char Draw_fontnamedefault[FONTLENGTH]="Helvetica";
58 static char Draw_fontsizedefault[FONTLENGTH]="150";
60 // *******************************************************************
61 // Graphic commands
62 // *******************************************************************
ViewId(const Standard_CString a)64 static Standard_Integer ViewId(const Standard_CString a)
65 {
66   Standard_Integer id = Draw::Atoi(a);
67   if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAXVIEW)) {
68     std::cout << "Incorrect view-id, must be in 0.."<<MAXVIEW-1<<std::endl;
69     return -1;
70   }
71   if (!dout.HasView(id)) {
72     std::cout <<"View "<<id<<" does not exist."<<std::endl;
73     return -1;
74   }
75   return id;
76 }
SetTitle(const Standard_Integer id)78 static void SetTitle(const Standard_Integer id)
79 {
80   if (dout.HasView(id)) {
81     char title[255];
82     Sprintf(title,"%d : %s - Zoom %f",id,dout.GetType(id),dout.Zoom(id));
83     dout.SetTitle(id,title);
84   }
85 }
87 //=======================================================================
88 //function : zoom
89 //purpose  :
90 //=======================================================================
zoom(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)92 static Standard_Integer zoom(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
93 {
94   // one argument -> All Views
95   // two argument -> First is the view
96   Standard_Boolean z2d = !strcasecmp(a[0],"2dzoom");
97   if (n == 2) {
98     Standard_Real z = Draw::Atof(a[1]);
99     for (Standard_Integer id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++) {
100       if (dout.HasView(id)) {
101 	if ((z2d && !dout.Is3D(id)) || (!z2d && dout.Is3D(id))) {
102 	  dout.SetZoom(id,z);
103 	  SetTitle(id);
104 	  dout.RepaintView(id);
105 	}
106       }
107     }
108     return 0;
109   }
110   else if (n >= 3) {
111     Standard_Integer id = ViewId(a[1]);
112     if (id < 0) return 1;
113     Standard_Real z = Draw::Atof(a[2]);
114     dout.SetZoom(id,z);
115     dout.RepaintView(id);
116     SetTitle(id);
117     return 0;
118   }
119   else
120     return 1;
121 }
123 //=======================================================================
124 //function : wzoom
125 //purpose  :
126 //=======================================================================
wzoom(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer argc,const char ** argv)128 static Standard_Integer wzoom(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv)
129 {
130   Standard_Integer id,X,Y,W,H,X1,Y1,X2 = 0,Y2 = 0,b;
131   Standard_Real dX1,dY1,dX2,dY2,zx,zy;
132   if(argc != 1 && argc != 6)
133   {
134     di<<"Usage : " << argv[0] << " [view-id X1 Y1 X2 Y2]\n";
135     return 1;
136   }
137   if(argc == 1)
138   {
139     di << "Pick first corner\n";
140     dout.Select(id,X1,Y1,b);
142     gp_Trsf T;
143     gp_Pnt P0(0,0,0);
144     dout.GetTrsf(id,T);
145     T.Invert();
146     P0.Transform(T);
147     Standard_Real z = dout.Zoom(id);
149     dX1=X1;       dY1=Y1;
150     dX1-=P0.X();  dY1-=P0.Y();
151     dX1/=z;       dY1/=z;
153     if (b != 1) return 0;
154     if (id < 0) return 0;
155     Draw_Display d = dout.MakeDisplay(id);
156     d.SetColor(Draw_blanc);
157     d.SetMode(10);
158     Standard_Real dOX2 = dX1;
159     Standard_Real dOY2 = dY1;
160     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2));
161     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2));
162     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1));
163     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1));
164     d.Flush();
165     dout.GetPosSize(id,X,Y,W,H);
166     di << "Pick second corner\n";
167     b = 0;
168     while (b == 0) {
169       dout.Select(id,X2,Y2,b,Standard_False);
170       dX2=X2;          dY2=Y2;
171       dX2-=P0.X();     dY2-=P0.Y();
172       dX2/=z;          dY2/=z;
174       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2));
175       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2));
176       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1));
177       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1));
178       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY2));
179       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY2),gp_Pnt2d(dX2,dY2));
180       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX2,dY2),gp_Pnt2d(dX2,dY1));
181       d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX2,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1));
182       d.Flush();
183       dOX2 = dX2;
184       dOY2 = dY2;
185     }
186     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2));
187     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2));
188     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dOY2),gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1));
189     d.Draw(gp_Pnt2d(dOX2,dY1),gp_Pnt2d(dX1,dY1));
190     d.Flush();
191     if (b != 1) return 0;
192     d.SetMode(0);
193   }
194   else
195   {
196     id = atoi(argv[1]);
197     if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAXVIEW))
198     {
199       Message::SendFail() << "Incorrect view-id, must be in 0.." << (MAXVIEW-1);
200       return 1;
201     }
202     if (!dout.HasView(id))
203     {
204       Message::SendFail() << "View " << id << " does not exist";
205       return 1;
206     }
207     X1 = atoi (argv [2]);
208     Y1 = atoi (argv [3]);
209     X2 = atoi (argv [4]);
210     Y2 = atoi (argv [5]);
212     dout.GetPosSize(id,X,Y,W,H);
213   }
215   if ((X1 == X2) || (Y1 == Y2)) return 0;
216   zx = (Standard_Real) Abs(X2-X1) / (Standard_Real) W;
217   zy = (Standard_Real) Abs(Y2-Y1) / (Standard_Real) H;
218   if (zy > zx) zx = zy;
219   zx = 1/zx;
220   if (X2 < X1) X1 = X2;
221   if (Y2 > Y1) Y1 = Y2;
222   X1 = (Standard_Integer ) (X1*zx);
223   Y1 = (Standard_Integer ) (Y1*zx);
224   dout.SetZoom(id,zx*dout.Zoom(id));
225   dout.SetPan(id,-X1,-Y1);
226   dout.RepaintView(id);
227   SetTitle(id);
228   return 0;
229 }
231 //=======================================================================
232 //function : wclick
233 //purpose  :
234 //=======================================================================
wclick(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer,const char **)236 static Standard_Integer wclick(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer, const char**)
237 {
238   Standard_Integer id1,X1,Y1,b;
239   dout.Flush();
240   di << "Just click.\n";
241   dout.Select(id1,X1,Y1,b);
242   return 0;
243 }
245 //=======================================================================
246 //function : view
247 //purpose  :
248 //=======================================================================
view(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)250 static Standard_Integer view(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
251 {
252   if (Draw_Batch) return 1;
254   if ((n >= 3) && (n != 4)) {
255     Standard_Integer id = Draw::Atoi(a[1]);
256     if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAXVIEW)) {
257       di <<"View-id must be in 0.."<<MAXVIEW-1<<"\n";
258       return 1;
259     }
260     Standard_Integer X = 0;
261     Standard_Integer Y = 0;
262     Standard_Integer W = 500;
263     Standard_Integer H = 500;
264     // if view exist, get old values
265     if (dout.HasView(id))
266       dout.GetPosSize(id,X,Y,W,H);
267     if (n >= 4)
268       X = Draw::Atoi(a[3]);
269     if (n >= 5)
270       Y = Draw::Atoi(a[4]);
271     if (n >= 6)
272       W = Draw::Atoi(a[5]);
273     if (n >= 7)
274       H = Draw::Atoi(a[6]);
275     dout.MakeView(id,a[2],X,Y,W,H);
276     if (!dout.HasView(id)) {
277       di << "View creation failed\n";
278       return 1;
279     }
280     SetTitle(id);
281     dout.DisplayView(id);
282     return 0;
283   }
284   else if (n == 4) {
285     // create a view on a given window
286     Standard_Integer id = Draw::Atoi(a[1]);
287     if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAXVIEW)) {
288       di <<"View-id must be in 0.."<<MAXVIEW-1<<"\n";
289       return 1;
290     }
291     dout.MakeView(id,a[2],a[3]);
292     if (!dout.HasView(id)) {
293       di << "View creation failed\n";
294       return 1;
295     }
296     SetTitle(id);
297     dout.DisplayView(id);
298     return 0;
299   }
300   else
301     return 1;
302 }
304 //=======================================================================
305 //function : delview
306 //purpose  :
307 //=======================================================================
delview(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)309 static Standard_Integer delview(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
310 {
311   if (n == 1) {
312     for (Standard_Integer id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++)
313       dout.DeleteView(id);
314     return 0;
315   }
316   else if (n >= 2) {
317     Standard_Integer id = ViewId(a[1]);
318     if (id < 0) return 1;
319     dout.DeleteView(id);
320     return 0;
321   }
322   else
323     return 1;
324 }
326 //=======================================================================
327 //function : fit
328 //purpose  :
329 //=======================================================================
fit(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)331 static Standard_Integer fit(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
332 {
333   Standard_Boolean f2d = !strcasecmp(a[0],"2dfit");
334   if (n == 1) {
335     Standard_Real zoom = RealLast();
336     Standard_Integer id;
337     for ( id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++) {
338       if (dout.HasView(id)) {
339 	if ((f2d && !dout.Is3D(id)) || (!f2d && dout.Is3D(id))) {
340 //	  dout.FitView(id,frame);
341 	  dout.FitView(id,(Standard_Integer ) frame);
342 	  if (dout.Zoom(id) < zoom) zoom = dout.Zoom(id);
343 	}
344       }
345     }
346     for (id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++) {
347       if (dout.HasView(id)) {
348 	if ((f2d && !dout.Is3D(id)) || (!f2d && dout.Is3D(id))) {
349 	  dout.SetZoom(id,zoom);
350 	  dout.RepaintView(id);
351 	  SetTitle(id);
352 	}
353       }
354     }
355     return 0;
356   }
357   else if (n >= 2) {
358     Standard_Integer id = ViewId(a[1]);
359     if (id < 0) return 1;
360 //    dout.FitView(id,frame);
361     dout.FitView(id,(Standard_Integer ) frame);
362     dout.RepaintView(id);
363     SetTitle(id);
364     return 0;
365   }
366   else
367     return 1;
368 }
370 //=======================================================================
371 //function : focal
372 //purpose  :
373 //=======================================================================
focal(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)375 static Standard_Integer focal(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
376 {
377   Standard_Integer start = 0;
378   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
379   if (n >= 2) {
380     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
381     if (anid < 0) return 1;
382     start = end = anid;
383   }
384   Standard_Real df = 1.;
385   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"fu"))
386     df = stepfocal;
387   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"fd"))
388     df = 1./stepfocal;
390   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
391     if (!strcasecmp(dout.GetType(id),"PERS")) {
392       dout.SetFocal(id,dout.Focal(id) * df);
393       dout.RepaintView(id);
394     }
395   }
396   return 0;
397 }
399 //=======================================================================
400 //function : setfocal
401 //purpose  :
402 //=======================================================================
setfocal(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)404 static Standard_Integer setfocal(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
405 {
406   if (n == 1) {
407     for (Standard_Integer id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++) {
408       if (!strcasecmp(dout.GetType(id),"PERS"))
409 	di << "Focal view "<<id<<" is "<<dout.Focal(id)<<"\n";
410     }
411   }
412   else {
413     Standard_Real f = Draw::Atof(a[1]);
414     for (Standard_Integer id = 0; id < MAXVIEW; id++) {
415       if (!strcasecmp(dout.GetType(id),"PERS"))
416 	dout.SetFocal(id,f);
417     }
418     dout.RepaintAll();
419   }
420   return 0;
421 }
423 //=======================================================================
424 //function : magnify
425 //purpose  :
426 //=======================================================================
428 //static Standard_Integer magnify(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
magnify(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)429 static Standard_Integer magnify(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
430 {
431   Standard_Integer start = 0;
432   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
433   if (n >= 2) {
434     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
435     if (anid < 0) return 1;
436     start = end = anid;
437   }
438   Standard_Boolean v2d = (a[0][0] == '2');   // 2dmu, 2dmd
439   const char* com = a[0];
440   if (v2d) com += 2;
441   Standard_Real dz = 1.;
442   if (!strcasecmp(com,"mu"))      // mu, 2dmu
443     dz = stepmagnify;
444   else                            // md, 2dmd
445     dz = 1/stepmagnify;
447   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
448     if (dout.HasView(id)) {
449       if ((v2d && !dout.Is3D(id)) || (!v2d && dout.Is3D(id))) {
450 	dout.SetZoom(id,dout.Zoom(id) * dz);
451 	SetTitle(id);
452 	dout.RepaintView(id);
453       }
454     }
455   }
456   return 0;
457 }
Draw_magnify(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)459 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Draw_magnify(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
460 {
461   return magnify(di,n,a);
462 }
464 //=======================================================================
465 //function : rotate
466 //purpose  :
467 //=======================================================================
rotate(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)469 static Standard_Integer rotate(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
470 {
471   Standard_Integer start = 0;
472   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
473   if (n >= 2) {
474     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
475     if (anid < 0) return 1;
476     start = end = anid;
477   }
479   gp_Dir2d D;
480   Standard_Real ang=0;
481   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"u")) {
482     D.SetCoord(1.,0.);
483     ang = -steprot;
484   }
485   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"d")) {
486     D.SetCoord(1.,0.);
487     ang = steprot;
488   }
489   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"l")) {
490     D.SetCoord(0.,1.);
491     ang = -steprot;
492   }
493   if (!strcasecmp(a[0],"r")) {
494     D.SetCoord(0.,1.);
495     ang = steprot;
496   }
498   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
499     if ((!strcasecmp(dout.GetType(id),"AXON")) ||
500 	(!strcasecmp(dout.GetType(id),"PERS"))) {
501       dout.RotateView(id,D,ang);
502       dout.RepaintView(id);
503     }
504   }
505   return 0;
506 }
508 //=======================================================================
509 //function : panning
510 //purpose  :
511 //=======================================================================
panning(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)513 static Standard_Integer panning(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
514 {
515   Standard_Integer start = 0;
516   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
517   if (n >= 2) {
518     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
519     if (anid < 0) return 1;
520     start = end = anid;
521   }
522   Standard_Integer DX = 0;
523   Standard_Integer DY = 0;
524   Standard_Integer X,Y,W,H;
526   Standard_Boolean v2d = (a[0][0] == '2');     // pu2d, pd2d, pr2d, pl2d
527   const char* com = a[0];
528   if (v2d) com += 2;
530   if (!strcasecmp(com,"pu"))    // pu , 2dpu
531     DY = 1;
532   if (!strcasecmp(com,"pd"))    // pd , 2dpd
533     DY = -1;
534   if (!strcasecmp(com,"pl"))    // pl , 2dpl
535     DX = -1;
536   if (!strcasecmp(com,"pr"))    // pr , 2dpr
537     DX = 1;
539   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
540     if (dout.HasView(id)) {
541       if ((v2d && !dout.Is3D(id)) || (!v2d && dout.Is3D(id))) {
542 	dout.GetPosSize(id,X,Y,W,H);
543 //	dout.PanView(id,W * DX * steppan, H * DY * steppan);
544 	dout.PanView(id,(Standard_Integer )( W * DX * steppan),(Standard_Integer )( H * DY * steppan));
545 	dout.RepaintView(id);
546       }
547     }
548   }
549   return 0;
550 }
552 //=======================================================================
553 //function : ptv
554 //purpose  :
555 //=======================================================================
ptv(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)557 static Standard_Integer ptv(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
558 {
559   Standard_Real X,Y,Z;
560   Standard_Integer start = 0;
561   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
562   if (n < 4) return 1;
563   if (n >= 5) {
564     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
565     if (anid < 0) return 1;
566     start = end = anid;
567     X = Draw::Atof(a[2]);
568     Y = Draw::Atof(a[3]);
569     Z = Draw::Atof(a[4]);
570   }
571   else {
572     X = Draw::Atof(a[1]);
573     Y = Draw::Atof(a[2]);
574     Z = Draw::Atof(a[3]);
575   }
577   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
578     gp_Trsf T;
579     dout.GetTrsf(id,T);
580     T.SetTranslationPart(gp_Vec(0,0,0));
581     gp_Trsf T1;
582     T1.SetTranslationPart(gp_Vec(-X,-Y,-Z));
583     gp_Trsf aLocalTrsf(T*T1);
584     dout.SetTrsf(id,aLocalTrsf);
585 //    dout.SetTrsf(id,T*T1);
586     dout.RepaintView(id);
587   }
588   return 0;
589 }
591 //=======================================================================
592 //function : dptv
593 //purpose  :
594 //=======================================================================
dptv(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)596 static Standard_Integer dptv(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
597 {
598   Standard_Real DX,DY,DZ;
599   Standard_Integer start = 0;
600   Standard_Integer end = MAXVIEW-1;
601   if (n < 4) return 1;
602   if (n >= 5) {
603     Standard_Integer anid = ViewId(a[1]);
604     if (anid < 0) return 1;
605     start = end = anid;
606     DX = Draw::Atof(a[2]);
607     DY = Draw::Atof(a[3]);
608     DZ = Draw::Atof(a[4]);
609   }
610   else {
611     DX = Draw::Atof(a[1]);
612     DY = Draw::Atof(a[2]);
613     DZ = Draw::Atof(a[3]);
614   }
616   for (Standard_Integer id = start; id <= end; id++) {
617     gp_Trsf T;
618     dout.GetTrsf(id,T);
619     gp_Trsf T1;
620     T1.SetTranslationPart(gp_Vec(-DX,-DY,-DZ));
621     gp_Trsf M = T*T1;
622     dout.SetTrsf(id,M);
623     dout.RepaintView(id);
624   }
625   return 0;
626 }
629 //=======================================================================
630 //function : color
631 //purpose  :
632 //=======================================================================
color(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)634 static Standard_Integer color(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
635 {
636   if (n < 3) {
637     Draw_BlackBackGround = !Draw_BlackBackGround;
638   }
639   else if (!dout.DefineColor(Draw::Atoi(a[1]),a[2])) {
640     di << "Could not allocate color "<<a[2]<<"\n";
641     return 1;
642   }
643   return 0;
644 }
648 //=======================================================================
649 //function : hardcopy
650 //purpose  : hardcopy                  --> hardcopy of view 1
651 //                                                  in file a4.ps
652 //                                                  in format a4
653 //           hardcopy name view        --> hardcopy of view <view>
654 //                                                  in file <name>
655 //                                                  in format a4
656 //           hardcopy name view format --> hardcopy of view <view>
657 //                                                  in file <name>
658 //                                                  in format <a4,a3,a2,a1,a0>
659 //=======================================================================
hardcopy(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)661 static Standard_Integer hardcopy(Draw_Interpretor& ,
662 				 Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
663 {
664   // Inch = 25.40001969 mm.
665   // 28.4 pixels / mm.
666   // format par default papier a4 210 297 mm avec marge de 3 mm.
668   Standard_Real rap = 28.4;
669   Standard_Real cad = 3;
670   Standard_Real dx  = 210;
671   Standard_Real dy  = 210 * Sqrt(2.);
673   Standard_Integer iview = 1;
674   const char* file = "a4.ps";
675   if (n >= 2) {
676     file = a[1];
677     if (n >= 3) {
678       iview = ViewId(a[2]);
679       if (iview < 0) return 1;
680       if (n >= 4) {
681         if      (!strcmp(a[3],"a7")) {
682           cad = cad / (2 * Sqrt(2));
683           dx  = dx  / (2 * Sqrt(2));
684           dy  = dy  / (2 * Sqrt(2));
685         }
686         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a6")) {
687           cad = cad / 2;
688           dx  = dx  / 2;
689           dy  = dy  / 2;
690         }
691         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a5")) {
692           cad = cad / Sqrt(2);
693           dx  = dx  / Sqrt(2);
694           dy  = dy  / Sqrt(2);
695         }
696         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a4")) {
697           // Do nothing
698           //cad == cad;
699           //dx  == dx;
700           //dy  == dy;
701         }
702         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a3")) {
703           cad = cad * Sqrt(2);
704           dx  = dx  * Sqrt(2);
705           dy  = dy  * Sqrt(2);
706         }
707         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a2")) {
708           cad = cad * 2;
709           dx  = dx  * 2;
710           dy  = dy  * 2;
711         }
712         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a1")) {
713           cad = cad * 2 * Sqrt(2);
714           dx  = dx  * 2 * Sqrt(2);
715           dy  = dy  * 2 * Sqrt(2);
716         }
717         else if (!strcmp(a[3],"a0")) {
718           cad = cad * 4;
719           dx  = dx  * 4;
720           dy  = dy  * 4;
721         }
722       }
723     }
724   }
726   Standard_Integer pxmin = (Standard_Integer)(cad * rap);
727   Standard_Integer pymin = (Standard_Integer)(cad * rap);
728   Standard_Integer pxmax = (Standard_Integer)((dx - cad) * rap);
729   Standard_Integer pymax = (Standard_Integer)((dy - cad) * rap);
731   std::ofstream os(file);
733   Standard_Integer vxmin,vymin,vxmax,vymax;
734   if (dout.HasView(iview)) {
735     dout.GetFrame(iview,vxmin,vymin,vxmax,vymax);
736     Standard_Real kx = (Standard_Real) (pxmax - pxmin) / (vxmax - vxmin);
737     Standard_Real ky = (Standard_Real) (pymax - pymin) / (vymax - vymin);
738     Standard_Real k = Min(Abs(kx),Abs(ky));
739     kx = (kx > 0) ? k : -k;
740     ky = (ky > 0) ? k : -k;
741     pxmax = (Standard_Integer )( pxmin + kx * (vxmax - vxmin));
742     pymax = (Standard_Integer )( pymin + ky * (vymax - vymin));
744     // si on veut choisir l'orientation : 90 rotate
746     // ecriture du header
748     os << "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n";
749     os << "%%BoundingBox: " << pxmin << " " << pymin << " "
750       << pxmax << " " << pymax << "\n";
751     os << "%%Pages: 1\n";
752     os << "%%DocumentFonts: "<<Draw_fontname<<"\n";
753     os << "%%EndComments\n";
755     os << "/"<<Draw_fontname<<" findfont\n"<<Draw_fontsize<<" scalefont\nsetfont\n";
756     os << "/m {moveto} bind def\n";
757     os << "/l {lineto} bind def\n";
758     os <<".1 .1 scale\n";
760     // draw the frame
762     os <<"3 setlinewidth\n0 setgray\nnewpath\n";
763     os << pxmin << " " << pymin << " m\n";
764     os << pxmax << " " << pymin << " l\n";
765     os << pxmax << " " << pymax << " l\n";
766     os << pxmin << " " << pymax << " l\n";
767     os << "closepath\nstroke\n";
769     // frame the view
771     os <<"newpath\n";
772     os << pxmin << " " << pymin << " m\n";
773     os << pxmax << " " << pymin << " l\n";
774     os << pxmax << " " << pymax << " l\n";
775     os << pxmin << " " << pymax << " l\n";
776     os << "closepath\nclip\n";
778     dout.PostScriptView(iview,
779 			vxmin,vymin,vxmax,vymax,
780 			pxmin,pymin,pxmax,pymax,os);
781     os <<"showpage\n";
782     os <<"%%EOF\n";
783   }
785   return 0;
786 }
dfont(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)788 static Standard_Integer dfont(Draw_Interpretor& di,
789 			      Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
790 {
791   if        ( n == 1 ) {
792     strcpy(Draw_fontname, Draw_fontnamedefault);
793     strcpy(Draw_fontsize, Draw_fontsizedefault);
794   } else if ( n == 2 ) {
795     strcpy(Draw_fontname, a[1]);
796   } else if ( n == 3 ) {
797     strcpy(Draw_fontname, a[1]);
798     strcpy(Draw_fontsize, a[2]);
799   }
800   di<<Draw_fontname<<" "<<Draw_fontsize<<"\n";
801   return 0;
802 } // dfont
804 //=======================================================================
805 //function : hcolor
806 //purpose  :
807 //=======================================================================
hcolor(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)809 static Standard_Integer hcolor(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
810 {
811   if (n < 4) {
812     di << "code de couleur (Draw.cxx) : \n" ;
813     di << "0 = White,\t 1 = Red,\t 2 = Green,\t 3 = Blue\n" ;
814     di << "4 = Cyan,\t 5 = Gold,\t 6 = Magenta,\t 7 = Maroon"  << "\n" ;
815     di << "8 = Orange,\t 9 = Pink,\t 10 = Salmon,\t 11 = Violet\n" ;
816     di << "12 = Yellow,\t 13 = Khaki,\t 14 = Coral\n" ;
817     di << "1 <= width <= 11,  0 (noir)  <= gray <= 1 (blanc)\n" ;
818   } else {
819     dout.PostColor(Draw::Atoi(a[1]),Draw::Atoi(a[2]),Draw::Atof(a[3]));
820   }
821   return 0;
822 }
824 //=======================================================================
825 //function : xwd
826 //purpose  : xwd file from a view
827 //=======================================================================
829 extern void Draw_RepaintNowIfNecessary();
xwd(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)831 static Standard_Integer xwd(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
832 {
833   if (n < 2) return 1;
835   // enforce repaint if necessary
836   Draw_RepaintNowIfNecessary();
838   Standard_Integer id = 1;
839   const char* file = a[1];
840   if (n > 2) {
841     id  = Draw::Atoi(a[1]);
842     file = a[2];
843   }
844   if (!dout.SaveView(id,file))
845     return 1;
847   return 0;
848 }
850 //=======================================================================
851 //function : grid
852 //purpose  : Creation/Suppression d'une grille.
853 //=======================================================================
grid(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer NbArg,const char ** Arg)855 static Standard_Integer grid (Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer NbArg, const char **Arg)
856 {
857   Standard_Real StepX, StepY, StepZ ;
859   switch (NbArg) {
860     case 1 :
861       StepX = DefaultGridStep ;
862       StepY = DefaultGridStep ;
863       StepZ = DefaultGridStep ;
864       break ;
865     case 2 :
866       StepX = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[1])) ;
867       StepY = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[1])) ;
868       StepZ = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[1])) ;
869       break ;
870     case 3 :
871       StepX = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[1])) ;
872       StepY = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[2])) ;
873       StepZ = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[2])) ;
874       break ;
875     case 4 :
876       StepX = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[1])) ;
877       StepY = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[2])) ;
878       StepZ = Abs (Draw::Atof (Arg[3])) ;
879       break ;
880     default :
881       return 1 ;
882   }
884 #ifdef HPUX
885   const char *temp = "grid";
886 #else
887   char temp1[] = "grid";
888   const char *temp = temp1;
889 #endif
890   Handle (Draw_Grid) Grille = Handle(Draw_Grid)::DownCast (Draw::Get(temp)) ;
892   Grille->Steps (StepX, StepY, StepZ) ;
893   dout.RepaintAll () ;
895   return 0 ;
896 }
898 //=======================================================================
899 //function : dflush
900 //purpose  :
901 //=======================================================================
dflush(Draw_Interpretor &,Standard_Integer,const char **)903 static Standard_Integer dflush (Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer, const char **)
904 {
905   dout.Flush();
906   return 0;
907 }
909 //=======================================================================
910 //function : dtext
911 //purpose  :
912 //=======================================================================
dtext(Draw_Interpretor & di,Standard_Integer n,const char ** a)914 static Standard_Integer dtext(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n, const char** a)
915 {
916   gp_Pnt P;
917   Standard_Boolean is3d;
918   if (n == 2) {
919     Standard_Integer id,X,Y,b;
920     di << "Pick position with button 1, other button escape\n";
921     dout.Select(id,X,Y,b);
922     if (b != 1)
923       return 0;
924     Standard_Real z = dout.Zoom(id);
925     P.SetCoord((Standard_Real)X /z,(Standard_Real)Y /z,0);
926     gp_Trsf T;
927     dout.GetTrsf(id,T);
928     T.Invert();
929     P.Transform(T);
930     is3d = dout.Is3D(id);
931   }
932   else if (n >= 4) {
933     is3d = n > 4;
934     P.SetCoord(Draw::Atof(a[1]),Draw::Atof(a[2]),is3d ? Draw::Atof(a[3]) : 0);
935   }
936   else
937     return 0;
939   if (is3d) {
940     Handle(Draw_Text3D) D = new Draw_Text3D(P,a[n-1],Draw_vert);
941     dout << D;
942   }
943   else {
944     Handle(Draw_Text2D) D = new Draw_Text2D(gp_Pnt2d(P.X(),P.Y()),
945 					    a[n-1],Draw_vert);
946     dout << D;
947   }
948   return 0;
949 }
GraphicCommands(Draw_Interpretor & theCommands)951 void Draw::GraphicCommands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands)
952 {
953   static Standard_Boolean Done = Standard_False;
954   if (Done) return;
955   Done = Standard_True;
957   const char* g =  "DRAW Graphic Commands";
958   theCommands.Add("wclick","wait for a mouse click",
959 		  __FILE__,wclick,g);
960   theCommands.Add("zoom","zoom [view-id] z, or zoom z for all 3d views",
961 		  __FILE__,zoom,g);
962   theCommands.Add("2dzoom","2dzoom [view-id] z, or zoom2d z for all 2d views",
963 		  __FILE__,zoom,g);
964   theCommands.Add("wzoom","wzoom [view-id X1 Y1 X2 Y2]\n"
965       "- fits the contents of a given rectangle into a view window.\n"
966       "- The view window and rectangle corners are specified through the arguments\n"
967       "- or selected interactively by the user if no arguments are given",
968       __FILE__,wzoom,g);
969   theCommands.Add("view","view view-id type X(0) Y(0) W(500) H(500)",
970 		  __FILE__,view,g);
971   theCommands.Add("delete","delete [view-id]",
972 		  __FILE__,delview,g);
973   theCommands.Add("fit","fit [view-id]",
974 		  __FILE__,fit,g);
975   theCommands.Add("2dfit","2dfit [view-id]",
976 		  __FILE__,fit,g);
977   theCommands.Add("fu","fu [view-id], focal up",
978 		  __FILE__,focal,g);
979   theCommands.Add("fd","fd [view-id], focal down",
980 		  __FILE__,focal,g);
981   theCommands.Add("focal","focal [f]",
982 		  __FILE__,setfocal,g);
983   theCommands.Add("mu","mu [view-id], magnify up",
984 		  __FILE__,magnify,g);
985   theCommands.Add("2dmu","2dmu [view-id], magnify up",
986 		  __FILE__,magnify,g);
987   theCommands.Add("md","md [view-id], magnify down",
988 		  __FILE__,magnify,g);
989   theCommands.Add("2dmd","2dmd [view-id], magnify down",
990 		  __FILE__,magnify,g);
991   theCommands.Add("u","u [view-id], rotate up",
992 		  __FILE__,rotate,g);
993   theCommands.Add("d","d [view-id], rotate down",
994 		  __FILE__,rotate,g);
995   theCommands.Add("l","l [view-id], rotate left",__FILE__,rotate,g);
996   theCommands.Add("r","r [view-id], rotate right",__FILE__,rotate,g);
997   theCommands.Add("pu","pu [view-id], panning up",__FILE__,panning,g);
998   theCommands.Add("pd","pd [view-id], panning down",__FILE__,panning,g);
999   theCommands.Add("pl","pl [view-id], panning left",__FILE__,panning,g);
1000   theCommands.Add("pr","pr [view-id], panning right",__FILE__,panning,g);
1001   theCommands.Add("2dpu","2dpu [view-id], panning up",__FILE__,panning,g);
1002   theCommands.Add("2dpd","2dpd [view-id], panning down",__FILE__,panning,g);
1003   theCommands.Add("2dpl","2dpl [view-id], panning left",__FILE__,panning,g);
1004   theCommands.Add("2dpr","2dpr [view-id], panning right",__FILE__,panning,g);
1005   theCommands.Add("ptv","ptv [view-id], X , Y , Z",
1006 		  __FILE__,ptv,g);
1007   theCommands.Add("dptv","dptv [view-id], dX , dY , dZ",
1008 		  __FILE__,dptv,g);
1009   theCommands.Add("color","color i colorname, define color i",
1010 		  __FILE__,color,g);
1011   theCommands.Add("hardcopy","hardcopy [file = a4.ps] [view-id = 1] [format = a4]", __FILE__,hardcopy,g);
1012   theCommands.Add("xwd","xwd [id = 1] <filename>.{png|bmp|jpg|gif}\n\t\t: Dump contents of viewer window to PNG, BMP, JPEG or GIF file",
1013 		  __FILE__,xwd,g);
1014   theCommands.Add("hcolor","hcolor icol width gray (< 1, 0 black)",
1015 		  __FILE__,hcolor,g);
1016   theCommands.Add("grid", "grid [stepX(100) [stepY [stepZ]]] / 0",
1017 		  __FILE__,grid, g);
1018   theCommands.Add("dflush","dflush, flush the viewer",
1019 		  __FILE__,dflush,g);
1020   theCommands.Add("dtext","dtext [x y [z]] string",
1021   		  __FILE__,dtext,g);
1022   theCommands.Add("dfont","dfont [name size] : set name and size of Draw font, or reset to default",
1023   		  __FILE__,dfont,g);
1024 }