1 // Created by: CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen
2 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
17 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
19 #include <IGESBasic_HArray1OfLineFontEntity.hxx>
20 #include <IGESData_DirChecker.hxx>
21 #include <IGESData_IGESDumper.hxx>
22 #include <IGESData_IGESReaderData.hxx>
23 #include <IGESData_IGESWriter.hxx>
24 #include <IGESData_LineFontEntity.hxx>
25 #include <IGESData_ParamCursor.hxx>
26 #include <IGESData_ParamReader.hxx>
27 #include <IGESData_ViewKindEntity.hxx>
28 #include <IGESDraw_HArray1OfViewKindEntity.hxx>
29 #include <IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible.hxx>
30 #include <IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible.hxx>
31 #include <IGESGraph_Color.hxx>
32 #include <IGESGraph_HArray1OfColor.hxx>
33 #include <Interface_Check.hxx>
34 #include <Interface_CopyTool.hxx>
35 #include <Interface_EntityIterator.hxx>
36 #include <Interface_Macros.hxx>
37 #include <Interface_ShareTool.hxx>
38 #include <Standard_DomainError.hxx>
39 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
40 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible()42 IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible ()  {  }
ReadOwnParams(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,const Handle (IGESData_IGESReaderData)& IR,IGESData_ParamReader & PR) const45 void IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::ReadOwnParams
46   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,
47    const Handle(IGESData_IGESReaderData)& IR, IGESData_ParamReader& PR) const
48 {
49   //Standard_Boolean                              st; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved down
50   Standard_Integer                              nbval;
52   Handle(IGESDraw_HArray1OfViewKindEntity) views;
53   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)             breakpointParameters;
54   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)          displayFlags;
55   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)          colorValues;
56   Handle(IGESGraph_HArray1OfColor)          colorDefinitions;
57   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)          lineFontValues;
58   Handle(IGESBasic_HArray1OfLineFontEntity) lineFontDefinitions;
59   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)          lineWeights;
61   // Reading nbval(Integer)
62   Standard_Boolean st = PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "No. of View/segment blocks", nbval );
63   if (st && nbval > 0) {
64     views                = new IGESDraw_HArray1OfViewKindEntity(1, nbval);
65     breakpointParameters = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1, nbval);
66     displayFlags         = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
67     colorValues          = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
68     colorDefinitions     = new IGESGraph_HArray1OfColor(1, nbval);
69     lineFontValues       = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
70     lineFontDefinitions  = new IGESBasic_HArray1OfLineFontEntity(1, nbval);
71     lineWeights          = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
73     Handle(IGESData_ViewKindEntity) tempView;
74     Standard_Real                   tempBreak;
75     Standard_Integer                tempDisplay;
76     Standard_Integer                tempColorValue;
77     Handle(IGESGraph_Color)         tempColorDef;
78     Standard_Integer                tempLineFontValue;
79     Handle(IGESData_LineFontEntity) tempLineFontDef;
80     Standard_Integer                tempLine;
82     for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nbval; i++)
83       {
84 	// Reading views(HArray1OfView)
85 	//st = PR.ReadEntity( IR, PR.Current(), "Instance of views",
86 			     //STANDARD_TYPE(IGESData_ViewKindEntity), tempView ); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if
87 	if (PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(), "Instance of views",
88 			  STANDARD_TYPE(IGESData_ViewKindEntity), tempView))
89 	  views->SetValue(i, tempView);
91 	// Reading breakpointParameters(HArray1OfReal)
92 	//st = PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(), "array breakpointParameters", tempBreak ); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if
93 	if (PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(), "array breakpointParameters", tempBreak ))
94 	  breakpointParameters->SetValue(i, tempBreak);
96 	// Reading displayFlags(HArray1OfInteger)
97 	//st = PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array displayFlags", tempDisplay ); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if
98 	if (PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array displayFlags", tempDisplay ))
99 	  displayFlags->SetValue(i, tempDisplay);
101 	Standard_Integer curnum = PR.CurrentNumber();
103 	//  Reading Color : Value (>0) or Definition (<0 = D.E. Pointer)
104 	PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array colorValues", tempColorValue); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed
105 	if (tempColorValue < 0) {
106 	  colorValues->SetValue(i, -1);
107 	  tempColorDef = GetCasted(IGESGraph_Color,PR.ParamEntity(IR,curnum));
108 	  if (tempColorDef.IsNull()) PR.AddFail
109 	    ("A Color Definition Entity is incorrect");
110 	  else  colorDefinitions->SetValue(i, tempColorDef);
111 	}
112 	else
113 	  colorValues->SetValue(i, tempColorValue);
115 	curnum = PR.CurrentNumber();
116 	//  Reading Line Font : Value (>0) or Definition (<0 = D.E. Pointer)
117 	PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array lineFontValues", tempLineFontValue ); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed
118 	if (tempLineFontValue < 0 ) {
119 	  lineFontValues->SetValue(i, -1);
120 	  tempLineFontDef = GetCasted(IGESData_LineFontEntity,
121 				      PR.ParamEntity(IR,curnum));
122 	  if (tempLineFontDef.IsNull()) PR.AddFail
123 	    ("A Line Font Definition Entity is incorrect");
124 	  lineFontDefinitions->SetValue(i,tempLineFontDef);
125 	}
126 	else
127 	  lineFontValues->SetValue(i, tempLineFontValue);
129 	// Reading lineWeights(HArray1OfInteger)
130 	//st = PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array lineWeights", tempLine ); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if
131 	if (PR.ReadInteger( PR.Current(), "array lineWeights", tempLine ))
132 	  lineWeights->SetValue(i, tempLine);
133       }
134   }
135   else
136     PR.AddFail("No. of View/segment blocks : Not Positive");
138   DirChecker(ent).CheckTypeAndForm(PR.CCheck(),ent);
139   ent->Init
140     (views, breakpointParameters, displayFlags,colorValues, colorDefinitions,
141      lineFontValues, lineFontDefinitions, lineWeights);
142 }
WriteOwnParams(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,IGESData_IGESWriter & IW) const144 void IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::WriteOwnParams
145   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent, IGESData_IGESWriter& IW)  const
146 {
147   Standard_Integer Up  = ent->NbSegmentBlocks();
148   IW.Send( Up );
149   for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= Up; i++)
150     {
151       IW.Send( ent->ViewItem(i) );
152       IW.Send( ent->BreakpointParameter(i) );
153       IW.Send( ent->DisplayFlag(i) );
155       if (ent->IsColorDefinition(i))
156 	IW.Send( ent->ColorDefinition(i), Standard_True );     // negative
157       else
158 	IW.Send( ent->ColorValue(i) );
160       if (ent->IsFontDefinition(i))
161 	IW.Send( ent->LineFontDefinition(i), Standard_True );  // negative
162       else
163 	IW.Send( ent->LineFontValue(i) );
165       IW.Send( ent->LineWeightItem(i) );
166     }
167 }
OwnShared(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,Interface_EntityIterator & iter) const169 void  IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::OwnShared
170   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent, Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const
171 {
172   Standard_Integer Up  = ent->NbSegmentBlocks();
173   for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= Up; i++)
174     {
175       iter.GetOneItem( ent->ViewItem(i) );
176       if (ent->IsColorDefinition(i))
177 	iter.GetOneItem( ent->ColorDefinition(i) );
178       if (!ent->IsFontDefinition(i))
179 	iter.GetOneItem( ent->LineFontDefinition(i) );
180     }
181 }
OwnCopy(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& another,const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,Interface_CopyTool & TC) const183 void IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::OwnCopy
184   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& another,
185    const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent, Interface_CopyTool& TC) const
186 {
187   Standard_Integer                              nbval;
188   Handle(IGESDraw_HArray1OfViewKindEntity) views;
189   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)          breakpointParameters;
190   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)       displayFlags;
191   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)       colorValues;
192   Handle(IGESGraph_HArray1OfColor)          colorDefinitions;
193   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)       lineFontValues;
194   Handle(IGESBasic_HArray1OfLineFontEntity) lineFontDefinitions;
195   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)       lineWeights;
197   Handle(IGESData_ViewKindEntity)               retView;
198   Handle(IGESGraph_Color)                       retColorDef;
199   Handle(IGESData_LineFontEntity)               retLineFontDef;
201   nbval                = another->NbSegmentBlocks();
202   views                = new IGESDraw_HArray1OfViewKindEntity(1, nbval);
203   breakpointParameters = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1, nbval);
204   displayFlags         = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
205   colorValues          = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
206   lineFontValues       = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
207   colorDefinitions     = new IGESGraph_HArray1OfColor(1, nbval);
208   lineFontDefinitions  = new IGESBasic_HArray1OfLineFontEntity(1, nbval);
209   lineWeights          = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, nbval);
211   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nbval; i++)
212     {
213       retView = another->ViewItem(i);
214       DeclareAndCast(IGESData_ViewKindEntity,
215                      tempView, TC.Transferred(retView));
216       views->SetValue( i, tempView );
218       breakpointParameters->SetValue( i, another->BreakpointParameter(i) );
220       displayFlags->SetValue( i, another->DisplayFlag(i) );
222       if ( another->IsColorDefinition(i) )
223 	{
224           retColorDef = another->ColorDefinition(i);
225           DeclareAndCast(IGESGraph_Color, tempColorDef,
226 			 TC.Transferred(retColorDef));
227           colorDefinitions->SetValue( i, tempColorDef );
228 	}
229       else
230 	{
231           colorValues->SetValue( i, another->ColorValue(i) );
232 ////          colorDefinitions->SetValue( i, NULL );    par defaut
233 	}
235       if ( another->IsFontDefinition(i) )
236 	{
237           retLineFontDef = another->LineFontDefinition(i);
238           DeclareAndCast(IGESData_LineFontEntity, tempLineFontDef,
239 			 TC.Transferred(retLineFontDef));
240           lineFontDefinitions->SetValue( i, tempLineFontDef );
241 	}
242       else
243 	{
244           lineFontValues->SetValue( i, another->LineFontValue(i) );
245 ////          lineFontDefinitions->SetValue( i, NULL );  par defaut
246 	}
248       lineWeights->SetValue( i, another->LineWeightItem(i) );
249     }
251   ent->Init(views, breakpointParameters, displayFlags,
252 	    colorValues, colorDefinitions,
253 	    lineFontValues, lineFontDefinitions, lineWeights);
254 }
DirChecker(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)&) const256 IGESData_DirChecker IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::DirChecker
257   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& /*ent*/)  const
258 {
259   IGESData_DirChecker DC (402, 19);
260   DC.Structure(IGESData_DefVoid);
261   DC.LineFont(IGESData_DefVoid);
262   DC.LineWeight(IGESData_DefVoid);
263   DC.Color(IGESData_DefVoid);
264   DC.BlankStatusIgnored();
265   DC.SubordinateStatusRequired(0);
266   DC.UseFlagRequired(1);
267   DC.HierarchyStatusIgnored();
268   return DC;
269 }
OwnCheck(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)&,const Interface_ShareTool &,Handle (Interface_Check)&) const271 void IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::OwnCheck
272   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& /*ent*/,
273    const Interface_ShareTool& , Handle(Interface_Check)& /*ach*/)  const
274 {
275 }
OwnDump(const Handle (IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent,const IGESData_IGESDumper & dumper,Standard_OStream & S,const Standard_Integer level) const277 void IGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible::OwnDump
278   (const Handle(IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible)& ent, const IGESData_IGESDumper& dumper,
279    Standard_OStream& S, const Standard_Integer level)  const
280 {
281   Standard_Integer sublevel = (level <= 4) ? 0 : 1;
283   S << "IGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisible\n"
284     << "View Entities            :\n"
285     << "Breakpoint parameters    :\n"
286     << "Display flags            :\n"
287     << "Color Values             :\n"
288     << "Color Definitions        :\n"
289     << "LineFont Values          :\n"
290     << "LineFont Definitions     :\n"
291     << "Line Weights :\n"
292     << "Count Of Blocks = "      << ent->NbSegmentBlocks() << "\n";
293   switch (level)
294     {
295     case 4 : S << " [ for content, ask level > 4 ]\n";
296       break; // Nothing to be dumped here
297     case 5 :        // Presently level 5 and 6 have the same Dump
298     case 6 :
299       {
300 	Standard_Integer I;
301 	Standard_Integer up  = ent->NbSegmentBlocks();
302 	for (I = 1; I <= up; I++)
303           {
304 	    S << "[" << I << "]:\n"
305 	      << "View Entity : ";
306 	    dumper.Dump (ent->ViewItem(I),S, sublevel);
307 	    S << "\n"
308 	      << "Breakpoint parameter : " <<ent->BreakpointParameter(I)<< "\n"
309 	      << "Display Flag : " << ent->DisplayFlag(I) << "\n";
310 	    if ( (ent->ColorDefinition(I)).IsNull() )
311               {
312 		S << "Color Value : " << ent->ColorValue(I);
313               }
314 	    else
315               {
316 		S << "Color Definition : ";
317 		dumper.Dump (ent->ColorDefinition(I),S, sublevel);
318               }
319 	    S << "\n";
320 	    if ( (ent->LineFontDefinition(I)).IsNull() )
321               {
322 		S << "LineFont Value : " << ent->LineFontValue(I);
323               }
324 	    else
325               {
326 		S << "LineFont Definition : ";
327 		dumper.Dump (ent->LineFontDefinition(I),S, sublevel);
328               }
329 	    S << "\n"
330 	      << "Line Weight : " << ent->LineWeightItem(I) << "\n";
331           }
332       }
333       break;
334     }
335   S << std::endl;
336 }