1 // Created on: 1998-05-07
2 // Created by: Xuan PHAM PHU
3 // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
19 #include <Precision.hxx>
20 #include <TopExp.hxx>
21 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
22 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
23 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_BuilderON.hxx>
24 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_define.hxx>
25 #include <TopOpeBRepDS.hxx>
26 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_connex.hxx>
27 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_EXPORT.hxx>
28 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Interference.hxx>
29 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_InterferenceTool.hxx>
30 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference.hxx>
31 #include <TopOpeBRepTool_EXPORT.hxx>
32 #include <TopOpeBRepTool_SC.hxx>
34 #define M_OUT(st) (st == TopAbs_OUT)
35 #define M_IN( st) (st == TopAbs_IN)
36 #define M_FORWARD(st) (st == TopAbs_FORWARD)
37 #define M_REVERSED(st) (st == TopAbs_REVERSED)
39 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
40 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepBuild_GetcontextEINTERNAL();
41 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepBuild_GetcontextEEXTERNAL();
42 Standard_EXPORT void debfillonf(const Standard_Integer iF);
debON2d(const Standard_Integer iF)43 Standard_EXPORT void debON2d(const Standard_Integer iF)
44 {std::cout<<"++ debON2d "<<iF<<" "<<std::endl;}
45 #endif
47 Standard_EXPORT TopAbs_State FUN_build_TB(const TopOpeBRepBuild_PBuilder& PB,const Standard_Integer rank); // xpu290698
48 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FUN_keepEON(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder& B,
49 				const TopoDS_Shape& sEG,const TopoDS_Shape& sFOR,const TopoDS_Shape& sFS,
50 				const Standard_Boolean EGBoundFOR,
51 				const TopOpeBRepDS_Transition& TFE,const TopAbs_State TB1,const TopAbs_State TB2);
52 Standard_EXPORT void FUN_coutmess(const TCollection_AsciiString& m);
54 Standard_EXPORTEXTERN  TopOpeBRepDS_PDataStructure GLOBAL_DS2d;
56 //=======================================================================
57 //function : Perform2d
58 //purpose  :
59 //=======================================================================
Perform2d(const TopOpeBRepBuild_PBuilder & PB,const TopoDS_Shape & FOR,const TopOpeBRepBuild_PGTopo & PG,const TopOpeBRepTool_Plos & PLSclass,const TopOpeBRepBuild_PWireEdgeSet & PWES)60 void TopOpeBRepBuild_BuilderON::Perform2d
61 (const TopOpeBRepBuild_PBuilder& PB,
62  const TopoDS_Shape& FOR,const TopOpeBRepBuild_PGTopo& PG,
63  const TopOpeBRepTool_Plos& PLSclass, const TopOpeBRepBuild_PWireEdgeSet& PWES)
64 {
65   myPB = PB;
66   myFace = FOR;
67   myPG = PG;
68   myPLSclass = PLSclass;
69   myPWES = PWES;
71   const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS=myPB->DataStructure()->DS();
72   if (GLOBAL_DS2d == NULL) GLOBAL_DS2d = (TopOpeBRepDS_PDataStructure)new TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure();
73   const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& lFEI = GLOBAL_DS2d->ShapeInterferences(FOR);
75 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
76   Standard_Integer iFOR;Standard_Boolean tFOR=myPB->GtraceSPS(FOR,iFOR);
77   if (tFOR) debfillonf(iFOR);
78   if (tFOR) std::cout<<std::endl<<"LI on F"<<iFOR<<std::endl;
79 #endif
81   for (TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference itI(lFEI); itI.More(); itI.Next()){
82     const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference)& I = itI.Value();
83     TopOpeBRepDS_Kind GT,ST;Standard_Integer GI,SI;FDS_data(I,GT,GI,ST,SI);
85     const TopoDS_Edge& EG=TopoDS::Edge(BDS.Shape(GI));
86 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
87 //    Standard_Integer iEG=BDS.Shape(EG);
88 #endif
89     const TopTools_ListOfShape& lEspON=myPB->Splits(EG,TopAbs_ON);
90 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
91 //    Standard_Integer nEspON=lEspON.Extent();
92 #endif
93     for(TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(lEspON);it.More();it.Next()) {
94       const TopoDS_Shape& EspON=it.Value();
95       GFillONParts2dWES2(I,EspON);
96     }
97   }
98 }
100 //=======================================================================
101 //function : GFillONPartsWES2
102 //purpose  :
103 //=======================================================================
GFillONParts2dWES2(const Handle (TopOpeBRepDS_Interference)& I,const TopoDS_Shape & EspON)104 void TopOpeBRepBuild_BuilderON::GFillONParts2dWES2(const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference)& I,const TopoDS_Shape& EspON)
105 {
106   const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure)& HDS=myPB->DataStructure();
107   const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS= HDS->DS();
108   Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference) SSI (Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)::DownCast(I));
109   TopAbs_State TB1,TB2;myPG->StatesON(TB1,TB2);
110   TopOpeBRepDS_Kind GT,ST;Standard_Integer GI,SI;FDS_data(SSI,GT,GI,ST,SI);
111 //  const TopOpeBRepDS_Transition& TFE=SSI->Transition();
112   Standard_Boolean EGBoundFOR=SSI->GBound();
113   const TopoDS_Face& FOR=TopoDS::Face(myFace); Standard_Integer iFOR=BDS.Shape(FOR);
114   const TopoDS_Edge& EG=TopoDS::Edge(BDS.Shape(GI));
115 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
116 //  Standard_Integer iEG=BDS.Shape(EG);
117 #endif
118   const TopoDS_Face& FS=TopoDS::Face(BDS.Shape(SI));
119 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
120 //  Standard_Integer iFS=BDS.Shape(FS);
121 //  Standard_Boolean isclosedFF=BRep_Tool::IsClosed(EG,FOR);
122 //  Standard_Boolean isclosedFS=BRep_Tool::IsClosed(EG,FS);
123 //  Standard_Boolean isclosed=(isclosedFF || isclosedFS);
124 //  Standard_Boolean isrest=BDS.IsSectionEdge(EG);
125 //  Standard_Boolean issplit=myPB->IsSplit(EG,TopAbs_ON);
126 //  Standard_Integer rankFS=myPB->GShapeRank(FS);
127 #endif
128   Standard_Integer rankEG=myPB->GShapeRank(EG);
129 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
130 //  Standard_Integer rankFOR=myPB->GShapeRank(FOR);
131 #endif
133 //  TopAbs_State TBEG = (rankEG == 1) ? TB1 : TB2;
134   TopAbs_State TBEG = FUN_build_TB(myPB,rankEG);
135 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
136 //  TopAbs_State TFEbef = TFE.Before();
137 //  TopAbs_State TFEaft = TFE.After();
138 //  Standard_Boolean EGboundFOR =
139 //                   Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)::DownCast(I)->GBound();
140 #endif
141   Standard_Boolean eghassd   = HDS->HasSameDomain(EG);
143 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
144   Standard_Boolean tFOR=myPB->GtraceSPS(iFOR);
145 //  Standard_Boolean tE=myPB->GtraceSPS(GI);
146 //  Standard_Boolean tEFOR = (tE && tFOR);
147   if (tFOR) {debON2d(iFOR);}
148 #endif
150   Standard_Integer iFCX=SI;
151   Standard_Boolean FFinSDSO = Standard_True;
152 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
153 //  Standard_Boolean FFinSDDO = Standard_False;
154 #endif
155   Standard_Boolean FFinSD= Standard_True;
156   TopoDS_Face FCX = FS;
158 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
159 //  TopAbs_Orientation oFOR = BDS.Shape(iFOR).Orientation();
160 //  TopAbs_Orientation oFS  = BDS.Shape(iFS).Orientation();
161 //  TopAbs_Orientation oFCX = BDS.Shape(iFCX).Orientation();
162 //  Standard_Integer irefFOR = BDS.SameDomainRef(FOR);
163 //  Standard_Integer irefFCX = BDS.SameDomainRef(FCX);
164 //  Standard_Boolean FORisref = (irefFOR == iFOR);
165 //  Standard_Boolean FCXisref = (irefFCX == iFCX);
166 #endif
168   TopAbs_Orientation oegFCXF;Standard_Boolean EGBoundFCX = FUN_tool_orientEinFFORWARD(EG,FCX,oegFCXF);
169   TopAbs_Orientation oegFCX ;
170 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
171 //  Standard_Boolean ok2 =
172 #endif
173             FUN_tool_orientEinF(EG,FCX,oegFCX);
175   Standard_Boolean opeFus = myPB->Opefus();
176   Standard_Boolean opeCut = myPB->Opec12() || myPB->Opec21();
177   Standard_Boolean opeCom = myPB->Opecom();
180   Standard_Boolean yap6 = Standard_True;
181   yap6 = yap6 && FFinSD;
182 //  yap6 = yap6 && (!EGBoundFOR);
183 //  yap6 = yap6 && EGBoundFCX;
184   yap6 =  yap6 && (EGBoundFOR || EGBoundFCX);
185   yap6 = yap6 && eghassd;
187   //=========================================
188   if ( yap6) {
189 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
190     if (tFOR) std::cout<<"* yap6 = 1"<<std::endl;
191 #endif
192     TopAbs_Orientation neworiE = TopAbs_FORWARD;
193     // FF est samedomain avec FCX
194     // on evalue la transition de FOR par rapport a la matiere 2d de la face FCX
195     // au lieu de la transition par rapport a la matiere 3d de la face FS
196     // EG est une arete de FCX, oegFCXF=O.T. de EG dans FCX orientee FORWARD
198     Standard_Boolean b = Standard_False;
200     Standard_Boolean SO = FFinSDSO;//(FFinSDSO && (oFOR == oFCX)) || (FFinSDDO && (oFOR != oFCX));
201 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
202 //    Standard_Integer rkToFill = BDS.AncestorRank(myFace); //DEB
203 #endif
204     Standard_Boolean rk1 = (rankEG == 1);
205     if (!rk1) return;
207     TopAbs_Orientation oegFOR;
208     Standard_Boolean shareG = Standard_False;
209     Standard_Boolean ok = Standard_False;
210     if      (EGBoundFCX)
211       ok = FUN_ds_shareG(myPB->DataStructure(),iFOR,iFCX,GI,TopoDS::Edge(EspON),shareG);
212     else if (EGBoundFOR)
213       ok = FUN_ds_shareG(myPB->DataStructure(),iFCX,iFOR,GI,TopoDS::Edge(EspON),shareG);
214     if (!ok) return; // nyiFUNRAISE
215 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
216     if (tFOR) std::cout<<" shareG="<<shareG<<std::endl;
217 #endif
219     if (SO) {
220       // FOR and FCX share geometric domain.
221       if      (opeFus) b = shareG;
222       else if (opeCut) b = (!shareG) && M_OUT(TBEG);
223       else if (opeCom) b = shareG;
224     }
225     if (!b) return;
227     if      (!EGBoundFOR) {
228       TopAbs_Orientation oegFCXF1; FUN_tool_orientEinFFORWARD(EG,FCX,oegFCXF1);
229       neworiE = oegFCXF;
230     }
231     else if (EGBoundFOR) {
232       FUN_tool_orientEinFFORWARD(EG,TopoDS::Face(FOR),oegFOR);
233       neworiE = oegFOR;
234     }
236 //    Standard_Real f,l; FUN_tool_bounds(EG,f,l); Standard_Real parON = (f+l)*.4352;
237     Standard_Real f,l; FUN_tool_bounds(TopoDS::Edge(EspON),f,l); Standard_Real parON = (f+l)*.4352; // xpu120698
238     Standard_Boolean ESO; ok = FUN_tool_curvesSO(TopoDS::Edge(EspON),parON,EG,ESO);
239     if (!ok) return; // xpu120698
240     if (!ESO) neworiE = TopAbs::Complement(neworiE);
242     TopAbs_Orientation oFOR = BDS.Shape(iFOR).Orientation();
243     TopAbs_Orientation oFCX = BDS.Shape(iFCX).Orientation();
244     if (oFOR != oFCX) neworiE = TopAbs::Complement(neworiE);
246     TopoDS_Shape newE = EspON;
247     newE.Orientation(neworiE);
248     myPWES->AddStartElement(newE);
249 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
250     if (tFOR) std::cout<<"  add spON e"<<GI<<std::endl;
251 #endif
252     return;
253   } // yap6
255 } // GFillONPartsWES2