1 // OpenSTA, Static Timing Analyzer
2 // Copyright (c) 2021, Parallax Software, Inc.
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 #include "Crpr.hh"
19 #include <cmath> // abs
20 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include "Debug.hh"
23 #include "Vector.hh"
24 #include "Network.hh"
25 #include "Graph.hh"
26 #include "Sdc.hh"
27 #include "PathVertex.hh"
28 #include "PathVertexRep.hh"
29 #include "Path.hh"
30 #include "PathAnalysisPt.hh"
31 #include "ClkInfo.hh"
32 #include "Tag.hh"
33 #include "TagGroup.hh"
34 #include "VisitPathEnds.hh"
35 #include "PathEnd.hh"
36 #include "Search.hh"
37 #include "Genclks.hh"
39 namespace sta {
41 using std::min;
42 using std::abs;
CheckCrpr(StaState * sta)44 CheckCrpr::CheckCrpr(StaState *sta) :
45   StaState(sta)
46 {
47 }
49 PathVertex *
clkPathPrev(const PathVertex * path,PathVertex & tmp)50 CheckCrpr::clkPathPrev(const PathVertex *path,
51 		       PathVertex &tmp)
53 {
54   Vertex *vertex = path->vertex(this);
55   int arrival_index;
56   bool exists;
57   path->arrivalIndex(arrival_index, exists);
58   tmp = clkPathPrev(vertex, arrival_index);
59   if (tmp.isNull())
60     return nullptr;
61   else
62     return &tmp;
63 }
65 PathVertex
clkPathPrev(Vertex * vertex,int arrival_index)66 CheckCrpr::clkPathPrev(Vertex *vertex,
67 		       int arrival_index)
68 {
69   PathVertexRep *prevs = graph_->prevPaths(vertex);
70   if (prevs)
71     return PathVertex(prevs[arrival_index], this);
72   else {
73     criticalError(248, "missing prev paths");
74     return PathVertex();
75   }
76 }
78 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80 // Find the maximum possible crpr (clock min/max delta delay) for a
81 // path from it's ClkInfo.
82 Arrival
maxCrpr(ClkInfo * clk_info)83 CheckCrpr::maxCrpr(ClkInfo *clk_info)
84 {
85   const PathVertexRep &crpr_clk_path = clk_info->crprClkPath();
86   if (!crpr_clk_path.isNull()) {
87     PathVertex crpr_clk_vpath(crpr_clk_path, this);
88     if (!crpr_clk_vpath.isNull()) {
89       Arrival other_arrival = otherMinMaxArrival(&crpr_clk_vpath);
90       float crpr_diff = abs(delayAsFloat(crpr_clk_vpath.arrival(this),
91 					 EarlyLate::late(),
92 					 this)
93 			    - delayAsFloat(other_arrival, EarlyLate::early(),
94 					   this));
95       return crpr_diff;
96     }
97   }
98   return 0.0F;
99 }
101 Arrival
otherMinMaxArrival(const PathVertex * path)102 CheckCrpr::otherMinMaxArrival(const PathVertex *path)
103 {
104   PathAnalysisPt *other_ap = path->pathAnalysisPt(this)->tgtClkAnalysisPt();
105   Tag *tag = path->tag(this);
106   VertexPathIterator other_iter(path->vertex(this),
107 				path->transition(this),
108 				other_ap, this);
109   while (other_iter.hasNext()) {
110     PathVertex *other = other_iter.next();
111     if (tagMatchCrpr(other->tag(this), tag))
112       return other->arrival(this);
113   }
114   // No corresponding path found.
115   // Match the arrival so the difference is zero.
116   return path->arrival(this);
117 }
119 Crpr
checkCrpr(const Path * src_path,const PathVertex * tgt_clk_path)120 CheckCrpr::checkCrpr(const Path *src_path,
121 		     const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path)
122 {
123   Crpr crpr;
124   Pin *crpr_pin;
125   checkCrpr(src_path, tgt_clk_path, crpr, crpr_pin);
126   return crpr;
127 }
129 void
checkCrpr(const Path * src_path,const PathVertex * tgt_clk_path,Crpr & crpr,Pin * & crpr_pin)130 CheckCrpr::checkCrpr(const Path *src_path,
131 		     const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path,
132 		     // Return values.
133 		     Crpr &crpr,
134 		     Pin *&crpr_pin)
135 {
136   crpr = 0.0;
137   crpr_pin = nullptr;
138   if (sdc_->crprActive()
139       && src_path && tgt_clk_path) {
140     bool same_pin = (sdc_->crprMode() == CrprMode::same_pin);
141     checkCrpr1(src_path, tgt_clk_path, same_pin, crpr, crpr_pin);
142   }
143 }
145 void
checkCrpr1(const Path * src_path,const PathVertex * tgt_clk_path,bool same_pin,Crpr & crpr,Pin * & crpr_pin)146 CheckCrpr::checkCrpr1(const Path *src_path,
147 		      const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path,
148 		      bool same_pin,
149 		      // Return values.
150 		      Crpr &crpr,
151 		      Pin *&crpr_pin)
152 {
153   crpr = 0.0;
154   crpr_pin = nullptr;
155   ClkInfo *src_clk_info = src_path->tag(this)->clkInfo();
156   ClkInfo *tgt_clk_info = tgt_clk_path->tag(this)->clkInfo();
157   Clock *src_clk = src_clk_info->clock();
158   Clock *tgt_clk = tgt_clk_info->clock();
159   const PathVertex src_clk_path1(src_clk_info->crprClkPath(), this);
160   const PathVertex *src_clk_path =
161     src_clk_path1.isNull() ? nullptr : &src_clk_path1;
162   const MinMax *src_clk_min_max =
163     src_clk_path ? src_clk_path->minMax(this) : src_path->minMax(this);
164   if (crprPossible(src_clk, tgt_clk)
165       && src_clk_info->isPropagated()
166       && tgt_clk_info->isPropagated()
167       // Note that crpr clk min/max is NOT the same as the path min max.
168       // For path from latches that are borrowing the enable path
169       // is from the opposite min/max of the data.
170       && src_clk_min_max != tgt_clk_path->minMax(this)
171       && (src_clk_path != nullptr
172 	  || src_clk->isGenerated())) {
173     // Src path from input port clk path can only be from generated clk path.
174     PathVertex port_clk_path;
175     if (src_clk_path == nullptr) {
176       portClkPath(src_clk_info->clkEdge(),
177 		  src_clk_info->clkSrc(),
178 		  src_path->pathAnalysisPt(this),
179 		  port_clk_path);
180       src_clk_path = &port_clk_path;
181     }
182     findCrpr(src_clk_path, tgt_clk_path, same_pin, crpr, crpr_pin);
183   }
184 }
186 // Find the clk path for an input/output port.
187 void
portClkPath(const ClockEdge * clk_edge,const Pin * clk_src_pin,const PathAnalysisPt * path_ap,PathVertex & genclk_path)188 CheckCrpr::portClkPath(const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
189 		       const Pin *clk_src_pin,
190 		       const PathAnalysisPt *path_ap,
191 		       // Return value.
192 		       PathVertex &genclk_path)
193 {
194   Vertex *clk_vertex = graph_->pinDrvrVertex(clk_src_pin);
195   VertexPathIterator path_iter(clk_vertex, clk_edge->transition(),
196 			       path_ap, this);
197   while (path_iter.hasNext()) {
198     PathVertex *path = path_iter.next();
199     if (path->clkEdge(this) == clk_edge
200 	&& path->isClock(this)) {
201       genclk_path = path;
202       break;
203     }
204   }
205 }
207 void
findCrpr(const PathVertex * src_clk_path,const PathVertex * tgt_clk_path,bool same_pin,Crpr & crpr,Pin * & crpr_pin)208 CheckCrpr::findCrpr(const PathVertex *src_clk_path,
209 		    const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path,
210 		    bool same_pin,
211 		    // Return values.
212 		    Crpr &crpr,
213 		    Pin *&crpr_pin)
214 {
215   crpr = 0.0;
216   crpr_pin = nullptr;
217   const PathVertex *src_clk_path1 = src_clk_path;
218   const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path1 = tgt_clk_path;
219   PathVertexSeq src_gclk_paths, tgt_gclk_paths;
220   if (src_clk_path1->clkInfo(this)->clkSrc()
221       != tgt_clk_path1->clkInfo(this)->clkSrc()) {
222     // Push src/tgt genclk src paths into a vector,
223     // The last genclk src path is at index 0.
224     genClkSrcPaths(src_clk_path1, src_gclk_paths);
225     genClkSrcPaths(tgt_clk_path1, tgt_gclk_paths);
226     // Search from the first gen clk toward the end
227     // of the path to find a common root pin.
228     int i = src_gclk_paths.size() - 1;
229     int j = tgt_gclk_paths.size() - 1;
230     for (; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--) {
231       PathVertex &src_path = src_gclk_paths[i];
232       PathVertex &tgt_path = tgt_gclk_paths[j];
233       if (src_path.clkInfo(this)->clkSrc()
234 	  == tgt_path.clkInfo(this)->clkSrc()) {
235 	src_clk_path1 = &src_gclk_paths[i];
236 	tgt_clk_path1 = &tgt_gclk_paths[j];
237       }
238       else
239 	break;
240     }
241   }
242   const PathVertex *src_clk_path2 = src_clk_path1;
243   const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path2 = tgt_clk_path1;
244   PathVertex tmp1, tmp2;
245   // src_clk_path and tgt_clk_path are now in the same (gen)clk src path.
246   // Use the vertex levels to back up the deeper path to see if they
247   // overlap.
248   while (src_clk_path2 && tgt_clk_path2
249 	 && src_clk_path2->pin(this) != tgt_clk_path2->pin(this)) {
250     Level src_level = src_clk_path2->vertex(this)->level();
251     Level tgt_level = tgt_clk_path2->vertex(this)->level();
252     if (src_level >= tgt_level)
253       src_clk_path2 = clkPathPrev(src_clk_path2, tmp1);
254     if (tgt_level >= src_level)
255       tgt_clk_path2 = clkPathPrev(tgt_clk_path2, tmp2);
256   }
257   if (src_clk_path2 && tgt_clk_path2
258       && (src_clk_path2->transition(this) == tgt_clk_path2->transition(this)
259 	  || same_pin)) {
260     debugPrint(debug_, "crpr", 2, "crpr pin %s",
261                network_->pathName(src_clk_path2->pin(this)));
262     crpr = findCrpr1(src_clk_path2, tgt_clk_path2);
263     crpr_pin = src_clk_path2->pin(this);
264   }
265 }
267 void
genClkSrcPaths(const PathVertex * path,PathVertexSeq & gclk_paths)268 CheckCrpr::genClkSrcPaths(const PathVertex *path,
269 			  PathVertexSeq &gclk_paths)
270 {
271   ClkInfo *clk_info = path->clkInfo(this);
272   ClockEdge *clk_edge = clk_info->clkEdge();
273   const Pin *clk_src = clk_info->clkSrc();
274   PathAnalysisPt *path_ap = path->pathAnalysisPt(this);
275   gclk_paths.push_back(path);
276   while (clk_edge->clock()->isGenerated()) {
277     PathVertex genclk_path;
278     search_->genclks()->srcPath(clk_edge, clk_src, path_ap, genclk_path);
279     if (genclk_path.isNull())
280       break;
281     clk_info = genclk_path.clkInfo(this);
282     clk_src = clk_info->clkSrc();
283     clk_edge = clk_info->clkEdge();
284     gclk_paths.push_back(genclk_path);
285   }
286 }
288 Crpr
findCrpr1(const PathVertex * src_clk_path,const PathVertex * tgt_clk_path)289 CheckCrpr::findCrpr1(const PathVertex *src_clk_path,
290 		     const PathVertex *tgt_clk_path)
291 {
292   if (pocv_enabled_) {
293     // Remove variation on the common path.
294     // Note that the crpr sigma is negative to offset the
295     // sigma of the common clock path.
296     const EarlyLate *src_el = src_clk_path->minMax(this);
297     const EarlyLate *tgt_el = tgt_clk_path->minMax(this);
298     Arrival src_arrival = src_clk_path->arrival(this);
299     Arrival tgt_arrival = tgt_clk_path->arrival(this);
300     float src_clk_time = src_clk_path->clkEdge(this)->time();
301     float tgt_clk_time = tgt_clk_path->clkEdge(this)->time();
302     float crpr_mean = abs(delayAsFloat(src_arrival) - src_clk_time
303 			  - (delayAsFloat(tgt_arrival) - tgt_clk_time));
304     // Remove the sigma from both source and target path arrivals.
305     float crpr_sigma2 = delaySigma2(src_arrival, src_el)
306       + delaySigma2(tgt_arrival, tgt_el);
307     return makeDelay2(crpr_mean, -crpr_sigma2, -crpr_sigma2);
308   }
309   else {
310     // The source and target edges are different so the crpr
311     // is the min of the source and target max-min delay.
312     float src_delta = crprArrivalDiff(src_clk_path);
313     float tgt_delta = crprArrivalDiff(tgt_clk_path);
314     debugPrint(debug_, "crpr", 2, " src delta %s",
315                delayAsString(src_delta, this));
316     debugPrint(debug_, "crpr", 2, " tgt delta %s",
317                delayAsString(tgt_delta, this));
318     float common_delay = min(src_delta, tgt_delta);
319     debugPrint(debug_, "crpr", 2, " %s delta %s",
320                network_->pathName(src_clk_path->pin(this)),
321                delayAsString(common_delay, this));
322     return common_delay;
323   }
324 }
326 float
crprArrivalDiff(const PathVertex * path)327 CheckCrpr::crprArrivalDiff(const PathVertex *path)
328 {
329   Arrival other_arrival = otherMinMaxArrival(path);
330   float crpr_diff = abs(delayAsFloat(path->arrival(this))
331 			- delayAsFloat(other_arrival));
332   return crpr_diff;
333 }
335 Crpr
outputDelayCrpr(const Path * src_clk_path,const ClockEdge * tgt_clk_edge)336 CheckCrpr::outputDelayCrpr(const Path *src_clk_path,
337 			   const ClockEdge *tgt_clk_edge)
338 {
339   Crpr crpr;
340   Pin *crpr_pin;
341   outputDelayCrpr(src_clk_path, tgt_clk_edge, crpr, crpr_pin);
342   return crpr;
343 }
345 void
outputDelayCrpr(const Path * src_path,const ClockEdge * tgt_clk_edge,Crpr & crpr,Pin * & crpr_pin)346 CheckCrpr::outputDelayCrpr(const Path *src_path,
347 			   const ClockEdge *tgt_clk_edge,
348 			   // Return values.
349 			   Crpr &crpr,
350 			   Pin *&crpr_pin)
351 {
352   crpr = 0.0;
353   crpr_pin = nullptr;
354   if (sdc_->crprActive()) {
355     const PathAnalysisPt *path_ap = src_path->pathAnalysisPt(this);
356     const PathAnalysisPt *tgt_path_ap = path_ap->tgtClkAnalysisPt();
357     bool same_pin = (sdc_->crprMode() == CrprMode::same_pin);
358     outputDelayCrpr1(src_path,tgt_clk_edge,tgt_path_ap, same_pin,
359 		     crpr, crpr_pin);
360   }
361 }
363 void
outputDelayCrpr1(const Path * src_path,const ClockEdge * tgt_clk_edge,const PathAnalysisPt * tgt_path_ap,bool same_pin,Crpr & crpr,Pin * & crpr_pin)364 CheckCrpr::outputDelayCrpr1(const Path *src_path,
365 			    const ClockEdge *tgt_clk_edge,
366 			    const PathAnalysisPt *tgt_path_ap,
367 			    bool same_pin,
368 			    // Return values.
369 			    Crpr &crpr,
370 			    Pin *&crpr_pin)
371 {
372   crpr = 0.0;
373   crpr_pin = nullptr;
374   ClkInfo *src_clk_info = src_path->tag(this)->clkInfo();
375   Clock *tgt_clk = tgt_clk_edge->clock();
376   Clock *src_clk = src_path->clock(this);
377   if (src_clk_info->isPropagated()
378       && tgt_clk->isGenerated()
379       && tgt_clk->isPropagated()
380       && crprPossible(src_clk, tgt_clk)) {
381     PathVertex tgt_genclk_path;
382     portClkPath(tgt_clk_edge, tgt_clk_edge->clock()->defaultPin(), tgt_path_ap,
383 		tgt_genclk_path);
384     PathVertex src_clk_path(src_path->clkInfo(this)->crprClkPath(), this);
385     if (!src_clk_path.isNull()) {
386       findCrpr(&src_clk_path, &tgt_genclk_path, same_pin, crpr, crpr_pin);
387     }
388   }
389 }
391 bool
crprPossible(Clock * clk1,Clock * clk2)392 CheckCrpr::crprPossible(Clock *clk1,
393 			Clock *clk2)
394 {
395   return clk1 && clk2
396     && !clk1->isVirtual()
397     && !clk2->isVirtual()
398     // Generated clocks can have crpr in the source path.
399     && (clk1 == clk2
400 	|| clk1->isGenerated()
401 	|| clk2->isGenerated()
402 	// Different non-generated clocks with the same source pins (using -add).
403 	|| PinSet::intersects(clk1->pins(), clk2->pins()));
404 }
406 } // namespace