1 /* Copyright 2004,2007-2010,2012,2014 Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : dummysizes.c                            **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : Part of the libScotch compilation job.  **/
39 /**                This small program processes files that **/
40 /**                are in fact pattern header files for    **/
41 /**                the libScotch library, and replaces     **/
42 /**                symbolic sizes of the opaque libScotch  **/
43 /**                by the proper integer values according  **/
44 /**                to the machine on which it is run.      **/
45 /**                                                        **/
46 /**   DATES      : # Version 3.4  : from : 22 oct 2001     **/
47 /**                                 to   : 22 nov 2001     **/
48 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 25 nov 2001     **/
49 /**                                 to   : 06 jan 2006     **/
50 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 26 apr 2006     **/
51 /**                                 to   : 03 apr 2008     **/
52 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 16 jun 2008     **/
53 /**                                 to   : 15 aug 2010     **/
54 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 01 dec 2012     **/
55 /**                                 to   : 12 nov 2014     **/
56 /**                                                        **/
57 /************************************************************/
59 /*
60 **  The defines and includes.
61 */
63 #define DUMMYSIZES
65 #define CHARMAX                     2048          /* Maximum line size */
67 #define SUBSMAX                     48            /* Maximum number of substitutions */
69 #define C_FILENBR                   2             /* Number of files in list                */
70 #define C_FILEARGNBR                2             /* Number of files which can be arguments */
72 #define C_filenamehedinp            C_fileTab[0].nameptr /* Source graph input file name */
73 #define C_filenamehedout            C_fileTab[1].nameptr /* Statistics output file name  */
75 #define C_filepntrhedinp            C_fileTab[0].fileptr /* Source graph input file */
76 #define C_filepntrhedout            C_fileTab[1].fileptr /* Statistics output file  */
78 #define EXPAND(s)                   EXPANDTWO(s)
79 #define EXPANDTWO(s)                #s
81 #include "module.h"
82 #include "common.h"
83 #include "parser.h"
84 #include "graph.h"
85 #include "geom.h"
86 #include "mesh.h"
87 #include "arch.h"
88 #include "mapping.h"
89 #include "order.h"
91 #include "dgraph.h"
92 #include "dgraph_halo.h"
93 #include "dmapping.h"
94 #include "dorder.h"
95 #include "library_dmapping.h"
96 #endif /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
97 #include "library_mapping.h"
98 #include "library_order.h"
100 /*
101 **  The static definitions.
102 */
104 static int                  C_fileNum = 0;        /* Number of file in arg list */
105 static File                 C_fileTab[C_FILENBR] = { /* The file array          */
106                               { "r" },
107                               { "w" } };
109 /******************************/
110 /*                            */
111 /* This is the main function. */
112 /*                            */
113 /******************************/
115 void
subsFill(char * substab[2],char * origptr,int subsval)116 subsFill (
117 char *                      substab[2],
118 char *                      origptr,
119 int                         subsval)
120 {
121   char *              subsptr;
123   subsptr = malloc (32 * sizeof (char));
124   sprintf (subsptr, "%d", (int) ((subsval + sizeof (double) - 1) / sizeof (double)));
126   substab[0] = origptr;
127   substab[1] = subsptr;
128 }
130 /******************************/
131 /*                            */
132 /* This is the main function. */
133 /*                            */
134 /******************************/
136 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])137 main (
138 int                         argc,
139 char *                      argv[])
140 {
141   char                chartab[CHARMAX];
142   char                chartmp[CHARMAX];
143   char *              substab[SUBSMAX][2];        /* Substitution array */
144   int                 subsnbr;
145   int                 i;
147   if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
148     printf ("Usage is:\ndummysizes [<input pattern header file> [<output header file>]]\n");
149     return (((argv[1][0] == '?') && argv[1][1] == '\0') ? 0 : 1);
150   }
152   for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
153     C_fileTab[i].fileptr = (C_fileTab[i].modeptr[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
154   for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes */
155     if ((argv[i][0] != '+') &&                    /* If found a file name      */
156         ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0'))) {
157       if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* A file name has been given */
158         C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].nameptr = argv[i];
159       else {
160         fprintf (stderr, "dummysizes: ERROR: main: too many file names given");
161         exit    (1);
162       }
163     }
164     else {                                        /* If found an option name */
165       switch (argv[i][1]) {
166         case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
167         case 'h' :
168           printf ("Usage is:\ndummysizes [<input pattern header file> [<output header file>]]\n");
169           exit       (0);
170         case 'V' :
171           fprintf (stderr, "dummysizes, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
172           fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007-2010 ENSEIRB, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
173           fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
174           return  (0);
175         default :
176           fprintf (stderr, "dummysizes: ERROR: main: unprocessed option (\"%s\")", argv[i]);
177           exit    (1);
178       }
179     }
180   }
182   for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++) {              /* For all file names     */
183     if ((C_fileTab[i].nameptr[0] != '-') ||       /* If not standard stream */
184         (C_fileTab[i].nameptr[1] != '\0')) {
185       if ((C_fileTab[i].fileptr = fopen (C_fileTab[i].nameptr, C_fileTab[i].modeptr)) == NULL) { /* Open the file */
186           fprintf (stderr, "dummysizes: ERROR: main: cannot open file (%d)", i);
187           exit    (1);
188       }
189     }
190   }
193   substab[0][0] = "library_pt.h";
194   substab[0][1] = "ptscotch.h  ";
195   substab[1][0] = "library_pt_f.h";
196   substab[1][1] = "ptscotchf.h   ";
197 #else /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
198   substab[0][0] = "library.h";
199   substab[0][1] = "scotch.h ";
200   substab[1][0] = "library_f.h";
201   substab[1][1] = "scotchf.h  ";
202 #endif /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
203   substab[2][0] = "DUMMYIDX";
204   substab[2][1] = EXPAND (IDX);
205   substab[3][0] = "DUMMYINT";
206   substab[3][1] = EXPAND (INT);
207   substab[4][0] = "DUMMYMAXINT";
208   substab[4][1] = EXPAND (INTVALMAX);
209   substab[5][0] = "DUMMYNUMSTRING";
210   substab[5][1] = "\"" GNUMSTRING "\"";
211   substab[6][0] = "DUMMYVERSION";
212   substab[6][1] = EXPAND (SCOTCH_VERSION);
213   substab[7][0] = "DUMMYRELEASE";
214   substab[7][1] = EXPAND (SCOTCH_RELEASE);
215   substab[8][0] = "DUMMYPATCHLEVEL";
216   substab[8][1] = EXPAND (SCOTCH_PATCHLEVEL);
217   subsnbr = 9;
218   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEARCH",          sizeof (Arch));
219   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEGEOM",          sizeof (Geom));
220   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEGRAPH",         sizeof (Graph));
221   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEMESH",          sizeof (Mesh));
222   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEMAP",           sizeof (LibMapping));
223   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEORDER",         sizeof (LibOrder));
224   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZESTRAT",         sizeof (Strat *));
226   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDGRAPHHALOREQ", sizeof (DgraphHaloRequest)); /* TRICK: before DUMMYSIZEDGRAPH */
227   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDGRAPH",        sizeof (Dgraph));
228   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDMAP",          sizeof (LibDmapping));
229   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDORDER",        sizeof (Dorder));
230 #else /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
231   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDGRAPHHALOREQ", 1); /* TRICK: before DUMMYSIZEDGRAPH */
232   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDGRAPH",        1);
233   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDMAP",          1);
234   subsFill (substab[subsnbr ++], "DUMMYSIZEDORDER",        1);
235 #endif /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
237   while (fgets (chartab, CHARMAX, C_filepntrhedinp) != NULL) { /* Infinite loop on file lines */
238     int                 charnbr;
239     int                 subsnum;
241     if (((charnbr = strlen (chartab)) >= (CHARMAX - 1)) && /* If line read is at least as long as maximum size     */
242         (chartab[CHARMAX - 1] != '\n')) {         /* And last character is not a newline, that is, some is missing */
243       fprintf (stderr, "dummysizes: ERROR: line too long\n");
244       exit    (1);
245     }
247     for (subsnum = 0; subsnum < subsnbr; subsnum ++) { /* Perform substitutions */
248       char *              charptr;                /* Place where token found    */
250       while ((charptr = strstr (chartab, substab[subsnum][0])) != NULL) { /* As long as substitution can be performed */
251         int                 charnbr;
252         int                 charnum;
254         charnum = charptr - chartab;              /* Position where token found */
255         charnbr = strlen (substab[subsnum][0]);   /* Length of token            */
257         strcpy (chartmp, charptr + charnbr);      /* Save end of line */
259         sprintf (charptr, "%s%s", substab[subsnum][1], chartmp); /* Replace end of line with substituted token */
260       }
261     }
263     fputs (chartab, C_filepntrhedout);            /* Output possibly updated line */
264   }
267   for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++) {              /* For all file names     */
268     if ((C_fileTab[i].name[0] != '-') ||          /* If not standard stream */
269         (C_fileTab[i].name[1] != '\0')) {
270       fclose (C_fileTab[i].pntr);                 /* Close the stream */
271     }
272   }
273 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_MAIN1 */
275   exit (0);
276 }