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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


MSDevice.cppH A D15-Apr-201910.1 KiB251186

MSDevice.hH A D15-Apr-20199.5 KiB256107

MSDevice_BTreceiver.cppH A D15-Apr-201921.4 KiB442330

MSDevice_BTreceiver.hH A D15-Apr-201913.4 KiB391119

MSDevice_BTsender.cppH A D15-Apr-20195.4 KiB13882

MSDevice_BTsender.hH A D15-Apr-20197.3 KiB24061

MSDevice_Battery.cppH A D15-Apr-201917.9 KiB452300

MSDevice_Battery.hH A D15-Apr-20197.4 KiB21563

MSDevice_Bluelight.cppH A D15-Apr-201911.7 KiB261174

MSDevice_Bluelight.hH A D15-Apr-20195.8 KiB18138

MSDevice_DriverState.cppH A D15-Apr-201916.5 KiB302229

MSDevice_DriverState.hH A D15-Apr-20196.1 KiB16963

MSDevice_Emissions.cppH A D15-Apr-20193.7 KiB9847

MSDevice_Emissions.hH A D15-Apr-20194.6 KiB14832

MSDevice_Example.cppH A D15-Apr-20197.3 KiB180117

MSDevice_Example.hH A D15-Apr-20195.6 KiB17735

MSDevice_FCD.cppH A D15-Apr-20194 KiB11259

MSDevice_FCD.hH A D15-Apr-20193.7 KiB12335

MSDevice_Routing.cppH A D15-Apr-201912.5 KiB294210

MSDevice_Routing.hH A D15-Apr-20198.3 KiB23747

MSDevice_SSM.cppH A D15-Apr-2019148.2 KiB3,1532,427

MSDevice_SSM.hH A D15-Apr-201936.8 KiB753269

MSDevice_ToC.cppH A D15-Apr-201933.5 KiB894672

MSDevice_ToC.hH A D15-Apr-201912 KiB325117

MSDevice_Transportable.cppH A D15-Apr-20198.4 KiB206146

MSDevice_Transportable.hH A D15-Apr-20196.2 KiB18849

MSDevice_Tripinfo.cppH A D15-Apr-201917.3 KiB524417

MSDevice_Tripinfo.hH A D15-Apr-20199 KiB27891

MSDevice_Vehroutes.cppH A D15-Apr-201917.4 KiB455372

MSDevice_Vehroutes.hH A D15-Apr-20199.5 KiB31375

MSRoutingEngine.cppH A D15-Apr-201917.2 KiB382301

MSRoutingEngine.hH A D15-Apr-20198.4 KiB251100

MSTransportableDevice.hH A D15-Apr-20192.8 KiB9426

MSTransportableDevice_FCD.cppH A D15-Apr-20193.1 KiB8131

MSTransportableDevice_FCD.hH A D15-Apr-20193.5 KiB11028

MSTransportableDevice_Routing.cppH A D15-Apr-20196.3 KiB15690

MSTransportableDevice_Routing.hH A D15-Apr-20195.9 KiB16531

MSVehicleDevice.hH A D15-Apr-20193.1 KiB10130

Makefile.amH A D15-Apr-2019909 2220

README_Contributing.mdH A D15-Apr-2019843 3028


1Please feel free to add and / or modify files here but keep in mind that
2EPL requires that "derivative works" be licensed under the terms of the EPL
3whereas "separate modules of software" may be licensed arbitrarily.
4Modifications to the files and directories listed here are considered derivative work:
6- MSDevice.cpp
7- MSDevice.h
8- MSDevice_Battery.cpp
9- MSDevice_Battery.h
10- MSDevice_Bluelight.cpp
11- MSDevice_Bluelight.h
12- MSDevice_BTreceiver.cpp
13- MSDevice_BTreceiver.h
14- MSDevice_BTsender.cpp
15- MSDevice_BTsender.h
16- MSDevice_Emissions.cpp
17- MSDevice_Emissions.h
18- MSDevice_Example.cpp
19- MSDevice_Example.h
20- MSDevice_Routing.cpp
21- MSDevice_Routing.h
22- MSDevice_SSM.cpp
23- MSDevice_SSM.h
24- MSDevice_Transportable.cpp
25- MSDevice_Transportable.h
26- MSDevice_Tripinfo.cpp
27- MSDevice_Tripinfo.h
28- MSDevice_Vehroutes.cpp
29- MSDevice_Vehroutes.h