1 // -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
2 //*************************************************************************
3 // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Ast node structures
4 //
5 // Code available from: https://verilator.org
6 //
7 //*************************************************************************
8 //
9 // Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
10 // can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
11 // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
12 // Version 2.0.
13 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
14 //
15 //*************************************************************************
17 #include "config_build.h"
18 #include "verilatedos.h"
20 #include "V3Ast.h"
21 #include "V3File.h"
22 #include "V3Global.h"
23 #include "V3Broken.h"
24 #include "V3String.h"
26 #include <iomanip>
27 #include <memory>
29 //======================================================================
30 // Statics
32 vluint64_t AstNode::s_editCntLast = 0;
33 vluint64_t AstNode::s_editCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line
35 // To allow for fast clearing of all user pointers, we keep a "timestamp"
36 // along with each userp, and thus by bumping this count we can make it look
37 // as if we iterated across the entire tree to set all the userp's to null.
38 int AstNode::s_cloneCntGbl = 0;
39 uint32_t AstUser1InUse::s_userCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line, leave adjacent
40 uint32_t AstUser2InUse::s_userCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line, leave adjacent
41 uint32_t AstUser3InUse::s_userCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line, leave adjacent
42 uint32_t AstUser4InUse::s_userCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line, leave adjacent
43 uint32_t AstUser5InUse::s_userCntGbl = 0;  // Hot cache line, leave adjacent
45 bool AstUser1InUse::s_userBusy = false;
46 bool AstUser2InUse::s_userBusy = false;
47 bool AstUser3InUse::s_userBusy = false;
48 bool AstUser4InUse::s_userBusy = false;
49 bool AstUser5InUse::s_userBusy = false;
51 int AstNodeDType::s_uniqueNum = 0;
53 //######################################################################
54 // V3AstType
56 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AstType rhs);
58 //######################################################################
59 // Creators
AstNode(AstType t,FileLine * fl)61 AstNode::AstNode(AstType t, FileLine* fl)
62     : m_type{t}
63     , m_fileline{fl} {
64     editCountInc();
65     m_nextp = nullptr;
66     m_backp = nullptr;
67     m_headtailp = this;  // When made, we're a list of only a single element
68     m_op1p = nullptr;
69     m_op2p = nullptr;
70     m_op3p = nullptr;
71     m_op4p = nullptr;
72     m_iterpp = nullptr;
73     m_dtypep = nullptr;
74     m_clonep = nullptr;
75     m_cloneCnt = 0;
76     // Attributes
77     m_flags.didWidth = false;
78     m_flags.doingWidth = false;
79     m_flags.protect = true;
80     m_flags.unused = 0;  // Initializing this avoids a read-modify-write on construction
81     m_user1u = VNUser(0);
82     m_user1Cnt = 0;
83     m_user2u = VNUser(0);
84     m_user2Cnt = 0;
85     m_user3u = VNUser(0);
86     m_user3Cnt = 0;
87     m_user4u = VNUser(0);
88     m_user4Cnt = 0;
89     m_user5u = VNUser(0);
90     m_user5Cnt = 0;
91 }
abovep() const93 AstNode* AstNode::abovep() const {
94     // m_headtailp only valid at beginning or end of list
95     // Avoid supporting at other locations as would require walking
96     // list which is likely to cause performance issues.
97     UASSERT_OBJ(!m_nextp || firstAbovep(), this, "abovep() not allowed when in midlist");
98     const AstNode* const firstp = firstAbovep() ? this : m_headtailp;
99     return firstp->backp();
100 }
encodeName(const string & namein)102 string AstNode::encodeName(const string& namein) {
103     // Encode signal name raw from parser, then not called again on same signal
104     string out;
105     for (string::const_iterator pos = namein.begin(); pos != namein.end(); ++pos) {
106         if ((pos == namein.begin()) ? isalpha(pos[0])  // digits can't lead identifiers
107                                     : isalnum(pos[0])) {
108             out += pos[0];
109         } else if (pos[0] == '_') {
110             if (pos[1] == '_') {
111                 out += "_";
112                 out += "__05F";  // hex(_) = 0x5F
113                 ++pos;
114                 if (pos == namein.end()) break;
115             } else {
116                 out += pos[0];
117             }
118         } else {
119             // Need the leading 0 so this will never collide with
120             // a user identifier nor a temp we create in Verilator.
121             // We also do *NOT* use __DOT__ etc, as we search for those
122             // in some replacements, and don't want to mangle the user's names.
123             const unsigned val = pos[0] & 0xff;  // Mask to avoid sign extension
124             std::stringstream hex;
125             hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << val;
126             out += "__0" + hex.str();
127         }
128     }
129     // Shorten names
130     // TODO long term use VName in place of "string name"
131     // Then we also won't need to save the table of hased values
132     VName vname{out};
133     return vname.hashedName();
134 }
encodeNumber(vlsint64_t num)136 string AstNode::encodeNumber(vlsint64_t num) {
137     if (num < 0) {
138         return "__02D" + cvtToStr(-num);  // 2D=-
139     } else {
140         return cvtToStr(num);
141     }
142 }
nameProtect() const144 string AstNode::nameProtect() const { return VIdProtect::protectIf(name(), protect()); }
origNameProtect() const145 string AstNode::origNameProtect() const { return VIdProtect::protectIf(origName(), protect()); }
shortName() const147 string AstNode::shortName() const {
148     string pretty = name();
149     string::size_type pos;
150     while ((pos = pretty.find("__PVT__")) != string::npos) pretty.replace(pos, 7, "");
151     return pretty;
152 }
dedotName(const string & namein)154 string AstNode::dedotName(const string& namein) {
155     string pretty = namein;
156     string::size_type pos;
157     while ((pos = pretty.find("__DOT__")) != string::npos) pretty.replace(pos, 7, ".");
158     if (pretty.substr(0, 4) == "TOP.") pretty.replace(0, 4, "");
159     return pretty;
160 }
vcdName(const string & namein)162 string AstNode::vcdName(const string& namein) {
163     // VCD tracing expects space to separate hierarchy
164     // Dots are reserved for dots the user put in the name
165     // We earlier hashed all symbols, dehash them so user sees real name
166     string pretty{VName::dehash(namein)};
167     string::size_type pos;
168     while ((pos = pretty.find("__DOT__")) != string::npos) pretty.replace(pos, 7, " ");
169     while ((pos = pretty.find('.')) != string::npos) pretty.replace(pos, 1, " ");
170     // Now convert escaped special characters, etc
171     return prettyName(pretty);
172 }
prettyName(const string & namein)174 string AstNode::prettyName(const string& namein) {
175     // This function is somewhat hot, so we short-circuit some compares
176     string pretty;
177     pretty = "";
178     pretty.reserve(namein.length());
179     for (const char* pos = namein.c_str(); *pos;) {
180         if (pos[0] == '-' && pos[1] == '>') {  // ->
181             pretty += ".";
182             pos += 2;
183             continue;
184         }
185         if (pos[0] == '_' && pos[1] == '_') {  // Short-circuit
186             if (0 == strncmp(pos, "__BRA__", 7)) {
187                 pretty += "[";
188                 pos += 7;
189                 continue;
190             }
191             if (0 == strncmp(pos, "__KET__", 7)) {
192                 pretty += "]";
193                 pos += 7;
194                 continue;
195             }
196             if (0 == strncmp(pos, "__DOT__", 7)) {
197                 pretty += ".";
198                 pos += 7;
199                 continue;
200             }
201             if (0 == strncmp(pos, "__PVT__", 7)) {
202                 pretty += "";
203                 pos += 7;
204                 continue;
205             }
206             if (pos[0] == '_' && pos[1] == '_' && pos[2] == '0' && isxdigit(pos[3])
207                 && isxdigit(pos[4])) {
208                 char value = 0;
209                 value += 16 * (isdigit(pos[3]) ? (pos[3] - '0') : (tolower(pos[3]) - 'a' + 10));
210                 value += (isdigit(pos[4]) ? (pos[4] - '0') : (tolower(pos[4]) - 'a' + 10));
211                 pretty += value;
212                 pos += 5;
213                 continue;
214             }
215         }
216         // Default
217         pretty += pos[0];
218         ++pos;
219     }
220     if (pretty[0] == 'T' && pretty.substr(0, 4) == "TOP.") pretty.replace(0, 4, "");
221     if (pretty[0] == 'T' && pretty.substr(0, 5) == "TOP->") pretty.replace(0, 5, "");
222     return pretty;
223 }
prettyTypeName() const225 string AstNode::prettyTypeName() const {
226     if (name() == "") return typeName();
227     return string(typeName()) + " '" + prettyName() + "'";
228 }
230 //######################################################################
231 // Insertion
debugTreeChange(const AstNode * nodep,const char * prefix,int lineno,bool next)233 inline void AstNode::debugTreeChange(const AstNode* nodep, const char* prefix, int lineno,
234                                      bool next){
235 #ifdef VL_DEBUG
236 // Called on all major tree changers.
237 // Only for use for those really nasty bugs relating to internals
238 // Note this may be null.
239 // if (debug()) cout<<"-treeChange: V3Ast.cpp:"<<lineno<<" Tree Change for "
240 //                 <<prefix<<": "<<cvtToHex(this)<<" <e"<<AstNode::s_editCntGbl<<">"<<endl;
241 // if (debug()) {
242 //  cout<<"-treeChange: V3Ast.cpp:"<<lineno<<" Tree Change for "<<prefix<<endl;
243 //  // Commenting out the section below may crash, as the tree state
244 //  // between edits is not always consistent for printing
245 //  cout<<"-treeChange: V3Ast.cpp:"<<lineno<<" Tree Change for "<<prefix<<endl;
246 //  v3Global.rootp()->dumpTree(cout, "-treeChange: ");
247 //  if (next||1) this->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, prefix);
248 //  else this->dumpTree(cout, prefix);
249 //  this->checkTree();
250 //  v3Global.rootp()->checkTree();
251 //}
252 #endif
253 }
addNext(AstNode * nodep,AstNode * newp)255 AstNode* AstNode::addNext(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* newp) {
256     // Add to m_nextp, returns this
257     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(newp, nodep, "Null item passed to addNext"););
258     debugTreeChange(nodep, "-addNextThs: ", __LINE__, false);
259     debugTreeChange(newp, "-addNextNew: ", __LINE__, true);
260     if (!nodep) {  // verilog.y and lots of other places assume this
261         return newp;
262     } else {
263         // Find end of old list
264         AstNode* oldtailp = nodep;
265         if (oldtailp->m_nextp) {
266             if (oldtailp->m_headtailp) {
267                 oldtailp = oldtailp->m_headtailp;  // This=beginning of list, jump to end
268                 UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!oldtailp->m_nextp, nodep,
269                                        "Node had next, but headtail says it shouldn't"););
270             } else {
271                 // Though inefficient, we are occasionally passed an
272                 // addNext in the middle of a list.
273                 while (oldtailp->m_nextp) oldtailp = oldtailp->m_nextp;
274             }
275         }
276         // Link it in
277         oldtailp->m_nextp = newp;
278         newp->m_backp = oldtailp;
279         // New tail needs the head
280         AstNode* const newtailp = newp->m_headtailp;
281         AstNode* const headp = oldtailp->m_headtailp;
282         oldtailp->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // May be written again as new head
283         newp->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // May be written again as new tail
284         newtailp->m_headtailp = headp;
285         headp->m_headtailp = newtailp;
286         newp->editCountInc();
287         if (oldtailp->m_iterpp) *(oldtailp->m_iterpp) = newp;  // Iterate on new item
288     }
289     debugTreeChange(nodep, "-addNextOut:", __LINE__, true);
290     return nodep;
291 }
addNextNull(AstNode * nodep,AstNode * newp)293 AstNode* AstNode::addNextNull(AstNode* nodep, AstNode* newp) {
294     if (!newp) return nodep;
295     return addNext(nodep, newp);
296 }
addNextHere(AstNode * newp)298 void AstNode::addNextHere(AstNode* newp) {
299     // Add to m_nextp on exact node passed, not at the end.
300     //  This could be at head, tail, or both (single)
301     //  New  could be head of single node, or list
302     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to addNext");
303     UASSERT(!newp->backp(), "New node (back) already assigned?");
304     debugTreeChange(this, "-addHereThs: ", __LINE__, false);
305     debugTreeChange(newp, "-addHereNew: ", __LINE__, true);
306     newp->editCountInc();
308     AstNode* const addlastp = newp->m_headtailp;  // Last node in list to be added
309     UASSERT(!addlastp->m_nextp, "Headtailp tail isn't at the tail");
311     // Forward links
312     AstNode* const oldnextp = this->m_nextp;
313     this->m_nextp = newp;
314     addlastp->m_nextp = oldnextp;  // Perhaps null if 'this' is not list
316     // Backward links
317     if (oldnextp) oldnextp->m_backp = addlastp;
318     newp->m_backp = this;
320     // Head/tail
321     AstNode* const oldheadtailp = this->m_headtailp;
322     //    (!oldheadtailp)               // this was&is middle of list
323     //    (oldheadtailp==this && !oldnext)// this was head AND tail (one node long list)
324     //    (oldheadtailp && oldnextp)    // this was&is head of list of not just one node, not
325     //    tail (oldheadtailp && !oldnextp)   // this was tail of list, might also
326     //                                     be head of one-node list
327     //
328     newp->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // Not at head any longer
329     addlastp->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // Presume middle of list
330     // newp might happen to be head/tail after all, if so will be set again below
331     if (oldheadtailp) {  // else in middle of list, no change
332         if (oldheadtailp == this) {  // this was one node
333             this->m_headtailp = addlastp;  // Was head/tail, now a tail
334             addlastp->m_headtailp = oldheadtailp;  // Tail needs to remember head (or nullptr)
335         } else if (!oldnextp) {  // this was tail
336             this->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // No longer a tail
337             oldheadtailp->m_headtailp = addlastp;  // Head gets new tail
338             addlastp->m_headtailp = oldheadtailp;  // Tail needs to remember head (or nullptr)
339         }  // else is head, and we're inserting into the middle, so no other change
340     }
342     if (this->m_iterpp) *(this->m_iterpp) = newp;  // Iterate on new item
343     debugTreeChange(this, "-addHereOut: ", __LINE__, true);
344 }
setOp1p(AstNode * newp)346 void AstNode::setOp1p(AstNode* newp) {
347     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to setOp1p");
348     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!m_op1p, this, "Adding to non-empty, non-list op1"););
349     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
350     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_nextp, newp, "Adding list to non-list op1"););
351     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp1pThs: ", __LINE__, false);
352     debugTreeChange(newp, "-setOp1pNew: ", __LINE__, true);
353     m_op1p = newp;
354     newp->editCountInc();
355     newp->m_backp = this;
356     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp1pOut: ", __LINE__, false);
357 }
setOp2p(AstNode * newp)359 void AstNode::setOp2p(AstNode* newp) {
360     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to setOp2p");
361     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!m_op2p, this, "Adding to non-empty, non-list op2"););
362     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
363     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_nextp, newp, "Adding list to non-list op2"););
364     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp2pThs: ", __LINE__, false);
365     debugTreeChange(newp, "-setOp2pNew: ", __LINE__, true);
366     m_op2p = newp;
367     newp->editCountInc();
368     newp->m_backp = this;
369     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp2pOut: ", __LINE__, false);
370 }
setOp3p(AstNode * newp)372 void AstNode::setOp3p(AstNode* newp) {
373     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to setOp3p");
374     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!m_op3p, this, "Adding to non-empty, non-list op3"););
375     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
376     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_nextp, newp, "Adding list to non-list op3"););
377     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp3pThs: ", __LINE__, false);
378     debugTreeChange(newp, "-setOp3pNew: ", __LINE__, true);
379     m_op3p = newp;
380     newp->editCountInc();
381     newp->m_backp = this;
382     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp3pOut: ", __LINE__, false);
383 }
setOp4p(AstNode * newp)385 void AstNode::setOp4p(AstNode* newp) {
386     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to setOp4p");
387     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!m_op4p, this, "Adding to non-empty, non-list op4"););
388     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
389     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_nextp, newp, "Adding list to non-list op4"););
390     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp4pThs: ", __LINE__, false);
391     debugTreeChange(newp, "-setOp4pNew: ", __LINE__, true);
392     m_op4p = newp;
393     newp->editCountInc();
394     newp->m_backp = this;
395     debugTreeChange(this, "-setOp4pOut: ", __LINE__, false);
396 }
addOp1p(AstNode * newp)398 void AstNode::addOp1p(AstNode* newp) {
399     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to addOp1p");
400     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
401     if (!m_op1p) {
402         op1p(newp);
403     } else {
404         m_op1p->addNext(newp);
405     }
406 }
addOp2p(AstNode * newp)408 void AstNode::addOp2p(AstNode* newp) {
409     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to addOp2p");
410     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
411     if (!m_op2p) {
412         op2p(newp);
413     } else {
414         m_op2p->addNext(newp);
415     }
416 }
addOp3p(AstNode * newp)418 void AstNode::addOp3p(AstNode* newp) {
419     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to addOp3p");
420     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
421     if (!m_op3p) {
422         op3p(newp);
423     } else {
424         m_op3p->addNext(newp);
425     }
426 }
addOp4p(AstNode * newp)428 void AstNode::addOp4p(AstNode* newp) {
429     UASSERT(newp, "Null item passed to addOp4p");
430     UDEBUGONLY(UASSERT_OBJ(!newp->m_backp, newp, "Adding already linked node"););
431     if (!m_op4p) {
432         op4p(newp);
433     } else {
434         m_op4p->addNext(newp);
435     }
436 }
replaceWith(AstNode * newp)438 void AstNode::replaceWith(AstNode* newp) {
439     // Replace oldp with this
440     // Unlike a unlink/relink, children are changed to point to the new node.
441     AstNRelinker repHandle;
442     this->unlinkFrBack(&repHandle);
443     repHandle.relink(newp);
444 }
dump(std::ostream & str) const446 void AstNRelinker::dump(std::ostream& str) const {
447     str << " BK=" << reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(m_backp);
448     str << " ITER=" << reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(m_iterpp);
449     str << " CHG=" << (m_chg == RELINK_NEXT ? "[NEXT] " : "");
450     str << (m_chg == RELINK_OP1 ? "[OP1] " : "");
451     str << (m_chg == RELINK_OP2 ? "[OP2] " : "");
452     str << (m_chg == RELINK_OP3 ? "[OP3] " : "");
453     str << (m_chg == RELINK_OP4 ? "[OP4] " : "");
454 }
unlinkFrBackWithNext(AstNRelinker * linkerp)456 AstNode* AstNode::unlinkFrBackWithNext(AstNRelinker* linkerp) {
457     debugTreeChange(this, "-unlinkWNextThs: ", __LINE__, true);
458     AstNode* const oldp = this;
459     UASSERT(oldp->m_backp, "Node has no back, already unlinked?");
460     oldp->editCountInc();
461     AstNode* const backp = oldp->m_backp;
462     if (linkerp) {
463         linkerp->m_oldp = oldp;
464         linkerp->m_backp = backp;
465         linkerp->m_iterpp = oldp->m_iterpp;
466         if (backp->m_nextp == oldp) {
467             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_NEXT;
468         } else if (backp->m_op1p == oldp) {
469             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP1;
470         } else if (backp->m_op2p == oldp) {
471             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP2;
472         } else if (backp->m_op3p == oldp) {
473             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP3;
474         } else if (backp->m_op4p == oldp) {
475             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP4;
476         } else {
477             oldp->v3fatalSrc("Unlink of node with back not pointing to it.");
478         }
479     }
480     if (backp->m_nextp == oldp) {
481         backp->m_nextp = nullptr;
482         // Old list gets truncated
483         // New list becomes a list upon itself
484         // Most common case is unlinking a entire operand tree
485         // (else we'd probably call unlinkFrBack without next)
486         // We may be in the middle of a list; we have no way to find head or tail!
487         AstNode* oldtailp = oldp;
488         while (oldtailp->m_nextp) oldtailp = oldtailp->m_nextp;
489         // Create new head/tail of old list
490         AstNode* const oldheadp = oldtailp->m_headtailp;
491         oldheadp->m_headtailp = oldp->m_backp;
492         oldheadp->m_headtailp->m_headtailp = oldheadp;
493         // Create new head/tail of extracted list
494         oldp->m_headtailp = oldtailp;
495         oldp->m_headtailp->m_headtailp = oldp;
496     } else if (backp->m_op1p == oldp) {
497         backp->m_op1p = nullptr;
498     } else if (backp->m_op2p == oldp) {
499         backp->m_op2p = nullptr;
500     } else if (backp->m_op3p == oldp) {
501         backp->m_op3p = nullptr;
502     } else if (backp->m_op4p == oldp) {
503         backp->m_op4p = nullptr;
504     } else {
505         this->v3fatalSrc("Unlink of node with back not pointing to it.");
506     }
507     // Relink
508     oldp->m_backp = nullptr;
509     // Iterator fixup
510     if (oldp->m_iterpp) *(oldp->m_iterpp) = nullptr;
511     oldp->m_iterpp = nullptr;
512     debugTreeChange(oldp, "-unlinkWNextOut: ", __LINE__, true);
513     return oldp;
514 }
unlinkFrBack(AstNRelinker * linkerp)516 AstNode* AstNode::unlinkFrBack(AstNRelinker* linkerp) {
517     debugTreeChange(this, "-unlinkFrBkThs: ", __LINE__, true);
518     AstNode* const oldp = this;
519     UASSERT(oldp->m_backp, "Node has no back, already unlinked?");
520     oldp->editCountInc();
521     AstNode* const backp = oldp->m_backp;
522     if (linkerp) {
523         linkerp->m_oldp = oldp;
524         linkerp->m_backp = backp;
525         linkerp->m_iterpp = oldp->m_iterpp;
526         if (backp->m_nextp == oldp) {
527             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_NEXT;
528         } else if (backp->m_op1p == oldp) {
529             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP1;
530         } else if (backp->m_op2p == oldp) {
531             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP2;
532         } else if (backp->m_op3p == oldp) {
533             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP3;
534         } else if (backp->m_op4p == oldp) {
535             linkerp->m_chg = AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP4;
536         } else {
537             this->v3fatalSrc("Unlink of node with back not pointing to it.");
538         }
539     }
540     if (backp->m_nextp == oldp) {
541         // This node gets removed from middle (or tail) of list
542         // Not head, since then oldp wouldn't be a next of backp...
543         backp->m_nextp = oldp->m_nextp;
544         if (backp->m_nextp) backp->m_nextp->m_backp = backp;
545         // If it was a tail, back becomes new tail
546         if (oldp->m_headtailp) {
547             backp->m_headtailp = oldp->m_headtailp;
548             backp->m_headtailp->m_headtailp = backp;
549         }
550     } else {
551         if (backp->m_op1p == oldp) {
552             backp->m_op1p = oldp->m_nextp;
553         } else if (backp->m_op2p == oldp) {
554             backp->m_op2p = oldp->m_nextp;
555         } else if (backp->m_op3p == oldp) {
556             backp->m_op3p = oldp->m_nextp;
557         } else if (backp->m_op4p == oldp) {
558             backp->m_op4p = oldp->m_nextp;
559         } else {
560             this->v3fatalSrc("Unlink of node with back not pointing to it.");
561         }
562         if (oldp->m_nextp) {
563             AstNode* const newheadp = oldp->m_nextp;
564             newheadp->m_backp = backp;
565             newheadp->m_headtailp = oldp->m_headtailp;
566             newheadp->m_headtailp->m_headtailp = newheadp;
567         }
568     }
569     // Iterator fixup
570     if (oldp->m_iterpp) *(oldp->m_iterpp) = oldp->m_nextp;
571     // Relink
572     oldp->m_nextp = nullptr;
573     oldp->m_backp = nullptr;
574     oldp->m_headtailp = this;
575     oldp->m_iterpp = nullptr;
576     debugTreeChange(oldp, "-unlinkFrBkOut: ", __LINE__, true);
577     return oldp;
578 }
relink(AstNRelinker * linkerp)580 void AstNode::relink(AstNRelinker* linkerp) {
581     if (debug() > 8) {
582         UINFO(0, " EDIT:      relink: ");
583         dumpPtrs();
584     }
585     AstNode* const newp = this;
586     UASSERT(linkerp && linkerp->m_backp, "Need non-empty linker");
587     UASSERT(!newp->backp(), "New node already linked?");
588     newp->editCountInc();
590     if (debug() > 8) {
591         linkerp->dump(cout);
592         cout << endl;
593     }
595     AstNode* const backp = linkerp->m_backp;
596     debugTreeChange(this, "-relinkNew: ", __LINE__, true);
597     debugTreeChange(backp, "-relinkTre: ", __LINE__, true);
599     switch (linkerp->m_chg) {
600     case AstNRelinker::RELINK_NEXT: backp->addNextHere(newp); break;
601     case AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP1: relinkOneLink(backp->m_op1p /*ref*/, newp); break;
602     case AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP2: relinkOneLink(backp->m_op2p /*ref*/, newp); break;
603     case AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP3: relinkOneLink(backp->m_op3p /*ref*/, newp); break;
604     case AstNRelinker::RELINK_OP4: relinkOneLink(backp->m_op4p /*ref*/, newp); break;
605     default: this->v3fatalSrc("Relink of node without any link to change."); break;
606     }
607     // Relink
608     newp->m_backp = backp;
609     linkerp->m_backp = nullptr;
610     // Iterator fixup
611     if (linkerp->m_iterpp) {
612         // If we're iterating over a next() link, we need to follow links off the
613         // NEW node.  Thus we pass iteration information via a pointer in the node.
614         // This adds a unfortunate hot 8 bytes to every AstNode, but is faster than passing
615         // across every function.
616         // If anyone has a cleaner way, I'd be grateful.
617         *(linkerp->m_iterpp) = newp;
618         newp->m_iterpp = linkerp->m_iterpp;
619     }
620     // Empty the linker so not used twice accidentally
621     linkerp->m_backp = nullptr;
622     debugTreeChange(this, "-relinkOut: ", __LINE__, true);
623 }
relinkOneLink(AstNode * & pointpr,AstNode * newp)625 void AstNode::relinkOneLink(AstNode*& pointpr,  // Ref to pointer that gets set to newp
626                             AstNode* newp) {
627     if (pointpr) {
628         // We know there will be at least two elements when we are done,
629         //    (newp & the old list).
630         // We *ALLOW* the new node to have its own next list.
631         // Likewise there may be a old list.
632         // Insert the whole old list following the new node's list.
633         // Thus a unlink without next, followed by relink, gives the same list.
634         AstNode* const newlistlastp = newp->m_headtailp;
635         UASSERT_OBJ(!(newlistlastp->m_nextp && newlistlastp != newp), newp,
636                     "Headtailp tail isn't at the tail");
637         AstNode* const oldlistlastp = pointpr->m_headtailp;
638         UASSERT_OBJ(!(oldlistlastp->m_nextp && oldlistlastp != pointpr), newp,
639                     "Old headtailp tail isn't at the tail");
640         // Next links
641         newlistlastp->m_nextp = pointpr;
642         pointpr->m_backp = newlistlastp;
643         // Head/tail
644         pointpr->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // Old head
645         newlistlastp->m_headtailp = nullptr;  // Old tail
646         newp->m_headtailp = oldlistlastp;  // Head points to tail
647         oldlistlastp->m_headtailp = newp;  // Tail points to head
648     }
649     pointpr = newp;
650 }
addHereThisAsNext(AstNode * newp)652 void AstNode::addHereThisAsNext(AstNode* newp) {
653     // {old}->this->{next} becomes {old}->new->this->{next}
654     AstNRelinker handle;
655     this->unlinkFrBackWithNext(&handle);
656     newp->addNext(this);
657     handle.relink(newp);
658 }
swapWith(AstNode * bp)660 void AstNode::swapWith(AstNode* bp) {
661     AstNRelinker aHandle;
662     AstNRelinker bHandle;
663     this->unlinkFrBack(&aHandle);
664     bp->unlinkFrBack(&bHandle);
665     aHandle.relink(bp);
666     bHandle.relink(this);
667 }
669 //======================================================================
670 // Clone
cloneTreeIter()672 AstNode* AstNode::cloneTreeIter() {
673     // private: Clone single node and children
674     AstNode* const newp = this->clone();
675     if (this->m_op1p) newp->op1p(this->m_op1p->cloneTreeIterList());
676     if (this->m_op2p) newp->op2p(this->m_op2p->cloneTreeIterList());
677     if (this->m_op3p) newp->op3p(this->m_op3p->cloneTreeIterList());
678     if (this->m_op4p) newp->op4p(this->m_op4p->cloneTreeIterList());
679     newp->m_iterpp = nullptr;
680     newp->clonep(this);  // Save pointers to/from both to simplify relinking.
681     this->clonep(newp);  // Save pointers to/from both to simplify relinking.
682     return newp;
683 }
cloneTreeIterList()685 AstNode* AstNode::cloneTreeIterList() {
686     // private: Clone list of nodes, set m_headtailp
687     AstNode* newheadp = nullptr;
688     AstNode* newtailp = nullptr;
689     // Audited to make sure this is never nullptr
690     for (AstNode* oldp = this; oldp; oldp = oldp->m_nextp) {
691         AstNode* const newp = oldp->cloneTreeIter();
692         newp->m_headtailp = nullptr;
693         newp->m_backp = newtailp;
694         if (newtailp) newtailp->m_nextp = newp;
695         if (!newheadp) newheadp = newp;
696         newtailp = newp;
697     }
698     newheadp->m_headtailp = newtailp;
699     newtailp->m_headtailp = newheadp;
700     return newheadp;
701 }
cloneTree(bool cloneNextLink)703 AstNode* AstNode::cloneTree(bool cloneNextLink) {
704     debugTreeChange(this, "-cloneThs: ", __LINE__, cloneNextLink);
705     cloneClearTree();
706     AstNode* newp;
707     if (cloneNextLink && this->m_nextp) {
708         newp = cloneTreeIterList();
709     } else {
710         newp = cloneTreeIter();
711         newp->m_nextp = nullptr;
712         newp->m_headtailp = newp;
713     }
714     newp->m_backp = nullptr;
715     newp->cloneRelinkTree();
716     debugTreeChange(newp, "-cloneOut: ", __LINE__, true);
717     return newp;
718 }
720 //======================================================================
721 // Delete
deleteNode()723 void AstNode::deleteNode() {
724     // private: Delete single node. Publicly call deleteTree() instead.
725     UASSERT(!m_backp, "Delete called on node with backlink still set");
726     editCountInc();
727     // Change links of old node so we coredump if used
728     this->m_nextp = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
729     this->m_backp = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
730     this->m_headtailp = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
731     this->m_op1p = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
732     this->m_op2p = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
733     this->m_op3p = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
734     this->m_op4p = reinterpret_cast<AstNode*>(0x1);
735     if (
736 #if !defined(VL_DEBUG) || defined(VL_LEAK_CHECKS)
737         true
738 #else
739         !v3Global.opt.debugLeak()
740 #endif
741     ) {
742         delete this;
743     }
744     // Else leak massively, so each pointer is unique
745     // and we can debug easier.
746 }
deleteTreeIter()748 void AstNode::deleteTreeIter() {
749     // private: Delete list of nodes. Publicly call deleteTree() instead.
750     // Audited to make sure this is never nullptr
751     for (AstNode *nodep = this, *nnextp; nodep; nodep = nnextp) {
752         nnextp = nodep->m_nextp;
753         // MUST be depth first!
754         if (nodep->m_op1p) nodep->m_op1p->deleteTreeIter();
755         if (nodep->m_op2p) nodep->m_op2p->deleteTreeIter();
756         if (nodep->m_op3p) nodep->m_op3p->deleteTreeIter();
757         if (nodep->m_op4p) nodep->m_op4p->deleteTreeIter();
758         nodep->m_nextp = nullptr;
759         nodep->m_backp = nullptr;
760         nodep->deleteNode();
761     }
762 }
deleteTree()764 void AstNode::deleteTree() {
765     // deleteTree always deletes the next link, because you must have called
766     // unlinkFromBack or unlinkFromBackWithNext as appropriate before calling this.
767     UASSERT(!m_backp, "Delete called on node with backlink still set");
768     debugTreeChange(this, "-delTree:  ", __LINE__, true);
769     this->editCountInc();
770     // MUST be depth first!
771     deleteTreeIter();
772 }
774 //======================================================================
775 // Memory checks
777 #ifdef VL_LEAK_CHECKS
operator new(size_t size)778 void* AstNode::operator new(size_t size) {
779     // Optimization note: Aligning to cache line is a loss, due to lost packing
780     const AstNode* const objp = static_cast<AstNode*>(::operator new(size));
781     V3Broken::addNewed(objp);
782     return objp;
783 }
operator delete(void * objp,size_t size)785 void AstNode::operator delete(void* objp, size_t size) {
786     if (!objp) return;
787     const AstNode* const nodep = static_cast<AstNode*>(objp);
788     V3Broken::deleted(nodep);
789     ::operator delete(objp);
790 }
791 #endif
793 //======================================================================
794 // Iterators
iterateChildren(AstNVisitor & v)796 void AstNode::iterateChildren(AstNVisitor& v) {
797     // This is a very hot function
798     // Optimization note: Grabbing m_op#p->m_nextp is a net loss
799     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op1p);
800     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op2p);
801     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op3p);
802     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op4p);
803     if (m_op1p) m_op1p->iterateAndNext(v);
804     if (m_op2p) m_op2p->iterateAndNext(v);
805     if (m_op3p) m_op3p->iterateAndNext(v);
806     if (m_op4p) m_op4p->iterateAndNext(v);
807 }
iterateChildrenConst(AstNVisitor & v)809 void AstNode::iterateChildrenConst(AstNVisitor& v) {
810     // This is a very hot function
811     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op1p);
812     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op2p);
813     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op3p);
814     ASTNODE_PREFETCH(m_op4p);
815     if (m_op1p) m_op1p->iterateAndNextConst(v);
816     if (m_op2p) m_op2p->iterateAndNextConst(v);
817     if (m_op3p) m_op3p->iterateAndNextConst(v);
818     if (m_op4p) m_op4p->iterateAndNextConst(v);
819 }
iterateAndNext(AstNVisitor & v)821 void AstNode::iterateAndNext(AstNVisitor& v) {
822     // This is a very hot function
823     // IMPORTANT: If you replace a node that's the target of this iterator,
824     // then the NEW node will be iterated on next, it isn't skipped!
825     // Future versions of this function may require the node to have a back to be iterated;
826     // there's no lower level reason yet though the back must exist.
827     AstNode* nodep = this;
828 #ifdef VL_DEBUG  // Otherwise too hot of a function for debug
829     UASSERT_OBJ(!(nodep && !nodep->m_backp), nodep, "iterateAndNext node has no back");
830 #endif
831     if (nodep) ASTNODE_PREFETCH(nodep->m_nextp);
832     while (nodep) {  // effectively: if (!this) return;  // Callers rely on this
833         if (nodep->m_nextp) ASTNODE_PREFETCH(nodep->m_nextp->m_nextp);
834         AstNode* niterp = nodep;  // Pointer may get stomped via m_iterpp if the node is edited
835         // Desirable check, but many places where multiple iterations are OK
836         // UASSERT_OBJ(!niterp->m_iterpp, niterp, "IterateAndNext under iterateAndNext may miss
837         // edits"); Optimization note: Doing PREFETCH_RW on m_iterpp is a net even
838         // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer
839         niterp->m_iterpp = &niterp;
840         niterp->accept(v);
841         // accept may do a replaceNode and change niterp on us...
842         // niterp maybe nullptr, so need cast if printing
843         // if (niterp != nodep) UINFO(1,"iterateAndNext edited "<<cvtToHex(nodep)
844         //                             <<" now into "<<cvtToHex(niterp)<<endl);
845         if (!niterp) return;  // Perhaps node deleted inside accept
846         niterp->m_iterpp = nullptr;
847         if (VL_UNLIKELY(niterp != nodep)) {  // Edited node inside accept
848             nodep = niterp;
849         } else {  // Unchanged node, just continue loop
850             nodep = niterp->m_nextp;
851         }
852     }
853 }
iterateListBackwards(AstNVisitor & v)855 void AstNode::iterateListBackwards(AstNVisitor& v) {
856     AstNode* nodep = this;
857     while (nodep->m_nextp) nodep = nodep->m_nextp;
858     while (nodep) {
859         // Edits not supported: nodep->m_iterpp = &nodep;
860         nodep->accept(v);
861         if (nodep->backp()->m_nextp == nodep) {
862             nodep = nodep->backp();
863         } else {
864             nodep = nullptr;
865         }  // else: backp points up the tree.
866     }
867 }
iterateChildrenBackwards(AstNVisitor & v)869 void AstNode::iterateChildrenBackwards(AstNVisitor& v) {
870     if (m_op1p) m_op1p->iterateListBackwards(v);
871     if (m_op2p) m_op2p->iterateListBackwards(v);
872     if (m_op3p) m_op3p->iterateListBackwards(v);
873     if (m_op4p) m_op4p->iterateListBackwards(v);
874 }
iterateAndNextConst(AstNVisitor & v)876 void AstNode::iterateAndNextConst(AstNVisitor& v) {
877     // Keep following the current list even if edits change it
878     AstNode* nodep = this;
879     do {
880         AstNode* const nnextp = nodep->m_nextp;
881         ASTNODE_PREFETCH(nnextp);
882         nodep->accept(v);
883         nodep = nnextp;
884     } while (nodep);
885 }
iterateSubtreeReturnEdits(AstNVisitor & v)887 AstNode* AstNode::iterateSubtreeReturnEdits(AstNVisitor& v) {
888     // Some visitors perform tree edits (such as V3Const), and may even
889     // replace/delete the exact nodep that the visitor is called with.  If
890     // this happens, the parent will lose the handle to the node that was
891     // processed.
892     // To solve this, this function returns the pointer to the replacement node,
893     // which in many cases is just the same node that was passed in.
894     AstNode* nodep = this;  // Note "this" may point to bogus point later in this function
895     if (VN_IS(nodep, Netlist)) {
896         // Calling on top level; we know the netlist won't get replaced
897         nodep->accept(v);
898     } else if (!nodep->backp()) {
899         // Calling on standalone tree; insert a shim node so we can keep
900         // track, then delete it on completion
901         AstBegin* const tempp = new AstBegin(nodep->fileline(), "[EditWrapper]", nodep);
902         {
903             VL_DO_DANGLING(tempp->stmtsp()->accept(v),
904                            nodep);  // nodep to null as may be replaced
905         }
906         nodep = tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
907         VL_DO_DANGLING(tempp->deleteTree(), tempp);
908     } else {
909         // Use back to determine who's pointing at us (IE assume new node
910         // grafts into same place as old one)
911         AstNode** nextnodepp = nullptr;
912         if (this->m_backp->m_op1p == this) {
913             nextnodepp = &(this->m_backp->m_op1p);
914         } else if (this->m_backp->m_op2p == this) {
915             nextnodepp = &(this->m_backp->m_op2p);
916         } else if (this->m_backp->m_op3p == this) {
917             nextnodepp = &(this->m_backp->m_op3p);
918         } else if (this->m_backp->m_op4p == this) {
919             nextnodepp = &(this->m_backp->m_op4p);
920         } else if (this->m_backp->m_nextp == this) {
921             nextnodepp = &(this->m_backp->m_nextp);
922         }
923         UASSERT_OBJ(nextnodepp, this, "Node's back doesn't point to forward to node itself");
924         {
925             VL_DO_DANGLING(nodep->accept(v), nodep);  // nodep to null as may be replaced
926         }
927         nodep = *nextnodepp;  // Grab new node from point where old was connected
928     }
929     return nodep;
930 }
932 //======================================================================
cloneRelinkTree()934 void AstNode::cloneRelinkTree() {
935     // private: Cleanup clone() operation on whole tree. Publicly call cloneTree() instead.
936     for (AstNode* nodep = this; nodep; nodep = nodep->m_nextp) {
937         if (nodep->m_dtypep && nodep->m_dtypep->clonep()) {
938             nodep->m_dtypep = nodep->m_dtypep->clonep();
939         }
940         nodep->cloneRelink();
941         if (nodep->m_op1p) nodep->m_op1p->cloneRelinkTree();
942         if (nodep->m_op2p) nodep->m_op2p->cloneRelinkTree();
943         if (nodep->m_op3p) nodep->m_op3p->cloneRelinkTree();
944         if (nodep->m_op4p) nodep->m_op4p->cloneRelinkTree();
945     }
946 }
948 //======================================================================
949 // Comparison
gateTreeIter() const951 bool AstNode::gateTreeIter() const {
952     // private: Return true if the two trees are identical
953     if (!isGateOptimizable()) return false;
954     if (m_op1p && !m_op1p->gateTreeIter()) return false;
955     if (m_op2p && !m_op2p->gateTreeIter()) return false;
956     if (m_op3p && !m_op3p->gateTreeIter()) return false;
957     if (m_op4p && !m_op4p->gateTreeIter()) return false;
958     return true;
959 }
sameTreeIter(const AstNode * node1p,const AstNode * node2p,bool ignNext,bool gateOnly)961 bool AstNode::sameTreeIter(const AstNode* node1p, const AstNode* node2p, bool ignNext,
962                            bool gateOnly) {
963     // private: Return true if the two trees are identical
964     if (!node1p && !node2p) return true;
965     if (!node1p || !node2p) return false;
966     if (node1p->type() != node2p->type() || node1p->dtypep() != node2p->dtypep()
967         || !node1p->same(node2p) || (gateOnly && !node1p->isGateOptimizable())) {
968         return false;
969     }
970     return (sameTreeIter(node1p->m_op1p, node2p->m_op1p, false, gateOnly)
971             && sameTreeIter(node1p->m_op2p, node2p->m_op2p, false, gateOnly)
972             && sameTreeIter(node1p->m_op3p, node2p->m_op3p, false, gateOnly)
973             && sameTreeIter(node1p->m_op4p, node2p->m_op4p, false, gateOnly)
974             && (ignNext || sameTreeIter(node1p->m_nextp, node2p->m_nextp, false, gateOnly)));
975 }
977 //======================================================================
978 // Debugging
checkTreeIter(AstNode * backp)980 void AstNode::checkTreeIter(AstNode* backp) {
981     // private: Check a tree and children
982     UASSERT_OBJ(backp == this->backp(), this, "Back node inconsistent");
983     if (VN_IS(this, NodeTermop) || VN_IS(this, NodeVarRef)) {
984         // Termops have a short-circuited iterateChildren, so check usage
985         UASSERT_OBJ(!(op1p() || op2p() || op3p() || op4p()), this,
986                     "Terminal operation with non-terminals");
987     }
988     if (m_op1p) m_op1p->checkTreeIterList(this);
989     if (m_op2p) m_op2p->checkTreeIterList(this);
990     if (m_op3p) m_op3p->checkTreeIterList(this);
991     if (m_op4p) m_op4p->checkTreeIterList(this);
992 }
checkTreeIterList(AstNode * backp)994 void AstNode::checkTreeIterList(AstNode* backp) {
995     // private: Check a (possible) list of nodes, this is always the head of the list
996     // Audited to make sure this is never nullptr
997     AstNode* const headp = this;
998     const AstNode* tailp = this;
999     for (AstNode* nodep = headp; nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1000         nodep->checkTreeIter(backp);
1001         UASSERT_OBJ(headp == this || !nextp(), this,
1002                     "Headtailp should be null in middle of lists");
1003         tailp = nodep;
1004         backp = nodep;
1005     }
1006     UASSERT_OBJ(headp->m_headtailp == tailp, headp, "Tail in headtailp is inconsistent");
1007     UASSERT_OBJ(tailp->m_headtailp == headp, tailp, "Head in headtailp is inconsistent");
1008 }
checkTree()1010 void AstNode::checkTree() {
1011     if (!debug()) return;
1012     if (this->backp()) {
1013         // Linked tree- check only the passed node
1014         this->checkTreeIter(this->backp());
1015     } else {
1016         this->checkTreeIterList(this->backp());
1017     }
1018 }
1020 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction  // Debug only
dumpGdb(const AstNode * nodep)1021 void AstNode::dumpGdb(const AstNode* nodep) {  // For GDB only  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
1022     if (!nodep) {
1023         cout << "<nullptr>" << endl;
1024         return;
1025     }
1026     nodep->dumpGdbHeader();
1027     cout << "  ";
1028     nodep->dump(cout);
1029     cout << endl;
1030 }  // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
1031 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction  // Debug only
dumpGdbHeader() const1032 void AstNode::dumpGdbHeader() const {  // For GDB only  // LCOV_EXCL_START
1033     dumpPtrs(cout);
1034     cout << "  Fileline = " << fileline() << endl;
1035 }  // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
1036 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction  // Debug only
dumpTreeGdb(const AstNode * nodep)1037 void AstNode::dumpTreeGdb(const AstNode* nodep) {  // For GDB only  // LCOV_EXCL_START
1038     if (!nodep) {
1039         cout << "<nullptr>" << endl;
1040         return;
1041     }
1042     nodep->dumpGdbHeader();
1043     nodep->dumpTree(cout);
1044 }  // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
1045 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction  // Debug only
dumpTreeFileGdb(const AstNode * nodep,const char * filenamep)1046 void AstNode::dumpTreeFileGdb(const AstNode* nodep,  // LCOV_EXCL_START
1047                               const char* filenamep) {  // For GDB only
1048     if (!nodep) {
1049         cout << "<nullptr>" << endl;
1050         return;
1051     }
1052     const string filename = filenamep ? filenamep : v3Global.debugFilename("debug.tree", 98);
1053     v3Global.rootp()->dumpTreeFile(filename);
1054 }  // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
1056 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction  // Debug only
checkIter() const1057 void AstNode::checkIter() const {
1058     if (m_iterpp) {
1059         dumpPtrs(cout);
1060         // Perhaps something forgot to clear m_iterpp?
1061         this->v3fatalSrc("Iteration link should be nullptr");
1062     }
1063 }
dumpPtrs(std::ostream & os) const1065 void AstNode::dumpPtrs(std::ostream& os) const {
1066     os << "This=" << typeName() << " " << cvtToHex(this);
1067     os << " back=" << cvtToHex(backp());
1068     if (nextp()) os << " next=" << cvtToHex(nextp());
1069     if (m_headtailp == this) {
1070         os << " headtail=this";
1071     } else {
1072         os << " headtail=" << cvtToHex(m_headtailp);
1073     }
1074     if (op1p()) os << " op1p=" << cvtToHex(op1p());
1075     if (op2p()) os << " op2p=" << cvtToHex(op2p());
1076     if (op3p()) os << " op3p=" << cvtToHex(op3p());
1077     if (op4p()) os << " op4p=" << cvtToHex(op4p());
1078     if (user1p()) os << " user1p=" << cvtToHex(user1p());
1079     if (user2p()) os << " user2p=" << cvtToHex(user2p());
1080     if (user3p()) os << " user3p=" << cvtToHex(user3p());
1081     if (user4p()) os << " user4p=" << cvtToHex(user4p());
1082     if (user5p()) os << " user5p=" << cvtToHex(user5p());
1083     if (m_iterpp) {
1084         os << " iterpp=" << cvtToHex(m_iterpp);
1085         os << "*=" << cvtToHex(*m_iterpp);
1086     }
1087     os << endl;
1088 }
dumpTree(std::ostream & os,const string & indent,int maxDepth) const1090 void AstNode::dumpTree(std::ostream& os, const string& indent, int maxDepth) const {
1091     static int s_debugFileline = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel("fileline");  // --debugi-fileline 9
1092     os << indent << " " << this << '\n';
1093     if (debug() > 8) {
1094         os << indent << "     ";
1095         dumpPtrs(os);
1096     }
1097     if (s_debugFileline >= 9) os << fileline()->warnContextSecondary();
1098     if (maxDepth == 1) {
1099         if (op1p() || op2p() || op3p() || op4p()) os << indent << "1: ...(maxDepth)\n";
1100     } else {
1101         for (const AstNode* nodep = op1p(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1102             nodep->dumpTree(os, indent + "1:", maxDepth - 1);
1103         }
1104         for (const AstNode* nodep = op2p(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1105             nodep->dumpTree(os, indent + "2:", maxDepth - 1);
1106         }
1107         for (const AstNode* nodep = op3p(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1108             nodep->dumpTree(os, indent + "3:", maxDepth - 1);
1109         }
1110         for (const AstNode* nodep = op4p(); nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1111             nodep->dumpTree(os, indent + "4:", maxDepth - 1);
1112         }
1113     }
1114 }
dumpTreeAndNext(std::ostream & os,const string & indent,int maxDepth) const1116 void AstNode::dumpTreeAndNext(std::ostream& os, const string& indent, int maxDepth) const {
1117     // Audited to make sure this is never nullptr
1118     for (const AstNode* nodep = this; nodep; nodep = nodep->nextp()) {
1119         nodep->dumpTree(os, indent, maxDepth);
1120     }
1121 }
dumpTreeFile(const string & filename,bool append,bool doDump,bool doCheck)1123 void AstNode::dumpTreeFile(const string& filename, bool append, bool doDump, bool doCheck) {
1124     // Not const function as calls checkTree
1125     if (doDump) {
1126         {  // Write log & close
1127             UINFO(2, "Dumping " << filename << endl);
1128             const std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> logsp{V3File::new_ofstream(filename, append)};
1129             if (logsp->fail()) v3fatal("Can't write " << filename);
1130             *logsp << "Verilator Tree Dump (format 0x3900) from <e" << std::dec << editCountLast();
1131             *logsp << "> to <e" << std::dec << editCountGbl() << ">\n";
1132             if (editCountGbl() == editCountLast() && !(v3Global.opt.dumpTree() >= 9)) {
1133                 *logsp << '\n';
1134                 *logsp << "No changes since last dump!\n";
1135             } else {
1136                 dumpTree(*logsp);
1137                 editCountSetLast();  // Next dump can indicate start from here
1138             }
1139         }
1140     }
1141     if (doCheck && (v3Global.opt.debugCheck() || v3Global.opt.dumpTree())) {
1142         // Error check
1143         checkTree();
1144         // Broken isn't part of check tree because it can munge iterp's
1145         // set by other steps if it is called in the middle of other operations
1146         if (AstNetlist* const netp = VN_CAST(this, Netlist)) V3Broken::brokenAll(netp);
1147     }
1148 }
v3errorEndFatal(std::ostringstream & str) const1150 void AstNode::v3errorEndFatal(std::ostringstream& str) const {
1151     v3errorEnd(str);
1152     assert(0);  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
1154 }
locationStr() const1156 string AstNode::locationStr() const {
1157     string str = "... In instance ";
1158     const AstNode* backp = this;
1159     int itmax = 10000;  // Max iterations before giving up on location search
1160     while (backp) {
1161         if (VL_UNCOVERABLE(--itmax < 0)) {
1162             // Likely some circular back link, and V3Ast is trying to report a low-level error
1163             UINFO(1, "Ran out of iterations finding locationStr on " << backp << endl);
1164             return "";  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
1165         }
1166         const AstScope* scopep;
1167         if ((scopep = VN_CAST(backp, Scope))) {
1168             // The design is flattened and there are no useful scopes
1169             // This is probably because of inlining
1170             if (scopep->isTop()) break;
1172             str += scopep->prettyName();
1173             return str;
1174         }
1175         backp = backp->backp();
1176     }
1177     backp = this;
1178     while (backp) {
1179         const AstModule* modp;
1180         const AstNodeVarRef* nvrp;
1181         if ((modp = VN_CAST(backp, Module)) && !modp->hierName().empty()) {
1182             str += modp->hierName();
1183             return str;
1184         } else if ((nvrp = VN_CAST(backp, NodeVarRef))) {
1185             const string prettyName = nvrp->prettyName();
1186             // VarRefs have not been flattened yet and do not contain location information
1187             if (prettyName != nvrp->name()) {
1188                 str += prettyName;
1189                 return str;
1190             }
1191         }
1192         backp = backp->backp();
1193     }
1194     return "";
1195 }
v3errorEnd(std::ostringstream & str) const1196 void AstNode::v3errorEnd(std::ostringstream& str) const {
1197     if (!m_fileline) {
1198         V3Error::v3errorEnd(str, locationStr());
1199     } else {
1200         std::ostringstream nsstr;
1201         nsstr << str.str();
1202         if (debug()) {
1203             nsstr << '\n';
1204             nsstr << "-node: ";
1205             const_cast<AstNode*>(this)->dump(nsstr);
1206             nsstr << endl;
1207         }
1208         m_fileline->v3errorEnd(nsstr, locationStr());
1209     }
1210 }
1212 //======================================================================
1213 // Data type conversion
dtypeChgSigned(bool flag)1215 void AstNode::dtypeChgSigned(bool flag) {
1216     UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep(), this, "No dtype when changing to (un)signed");
1217     dtypeChgWidthSigned(dtypep()->width(), dtypep()->widthMin(), VSigning::fromBool(flag));
1218 }
dtypeChgWidth(int width,int widthMin)1219 void AstNode::dtypeChgWidth(int width, int widthMin) {
1220     UASSERT_OBJ(dtypep(), this,
1221                 "No dtype when changing width");  // Use ChgWidthSigned(...UNSIGNED) otherwise
1222     dtypeChgWidthSigned(width, widthMin, dtypep()->numeric());
1223 }
dtypeChgWidthSigned(int width,int widthMin,VSigning numeric)1225 void AstNode::dtypeChgWidthSigned(int width, int widthMin, VSigning numeric) {
1226     if (!dtypep()) {
1227         // We allow dtypep() to be null, as before/during widthing dtypes are not resolved
1228         dtypeSetLogicUnsized(width, widthMin, numeric);
1229     } else {
1230         if (width == dtypep()->width() && widthMin == dtypep()->widthMin()
1231             && numeric == dtypep()->numeric())
1232             return;  // Correct already
1233         // FUTURE: We may be pointing at a two state data type, and this may
1234         // convert it to logic.  Since the AstVar remains correct, we
1235         // work OK but this assumption may break in the future.
1236         // Note we can't just clone and do a widthForce, as if it's a BasicDType
1237         // the msb() indications etc will be incorrect.
1238         dtypeSetLogicUnsized(width, widthMin, numeric);
1239     }
1240 }
findBasicDType(AstBasicDTypeKwd kwd) const1242 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findBasicDType(AstBasicDTypeKwd kwd) const {
1243     // For 'simple' types we use the global directory.  These are all unsized.
1244     // More advanced types land under the module/task/etc
1245     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findBasicDType(fileline(), kwd);
1246 }
findBitDType(int width,int widthMin,VSigning numeric) const1247 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findBitDType(int width, int widthMin, VSigning numeric) const {
1248     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findLogicBitDType(fileline(), AstBasicDTypeKwd::BIT,
1249                                                              width, widthMin, numeric);
1250 }
findLogicDType(int width,int widthMin,VSigning numeric) const1251 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findLogicDType(int width, int widthMin, VSigning numeric) const {
1252     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findLogicBitDType(fileline(), AstBasicDTypeKwd::LOGIC,
1253                                                              width, widthMin, numeric);
1254 }
findLogicRangeDType(const VNumRange & range,int widthMin,VSigning numeric) const1255 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findLogicRangeDType(const VNumRange& range, int widthMin,
1256                                            VSigning numeric) const {
1257     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findLogicBitDType(fileline(), AstBasicDTypeKwd::LOGIC,
1258                                                              range, widthMin, numeric);
1259 }
findBitRangeDType(const VNumRange & range,int widthMin,VSigning numeric) const1260 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findBitRangeDType(const VNumRange& range, int widthMin,
1261                                          VSigning numeric) const {
1262     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findLogicBitDType(fileline(), AstBasicDTypeKwd::BIT,
1263                                                              range, widthMin, numeric);
1264 }
findInsertSameDType(AstBasicDType * nodep)1265 AstBasicDType* AstNode::findInsertSameDType(AstBasicDType* nodep) {
1266     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findInsertSameDType(nodep);
1267 }
findEmptyQueueDType() const1268 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findEmptyQueueDType() const {
1269     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findEmptyQueueDType(fileline());
1270 }
findQueueIndexDType() const1271 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findQueueIndexDType() const {
1272     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findQueueIndexDType(fileline());
1273 }
findVoidDType() const1274 AstNodeDType* AstNode::findVoidDType() const {
1275     return v3Global.rootp()->typeTablep()->findVoidDType(fileline());
1276 }
1278 //######################################################################
1279 // AstNDeleter
doDeletes()1281 void AstNDeleter::doDeletes() {
1282     for (AstNode* const nodep : m_deleteps) nodep->deleteTree();
1283     m_deleteps.clear();
1284 }