1%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_for_comma_bad.v:27:23: Unsupported: for loop initialization after the first comma
2   27 |       for (integer a=0, integer b=0; a<1; ) ;
3      |                       ^
4                    ... For error description see https://verilator.org/warn/UNSUPPORTED?v=latest
5%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_for_comma_bad.v:28:23: Unsupported: for loop initialization after the first comma
6   28 |       for (integer a=0, integer b=0; a<1; a=a+1) ;
7      |                       ^
8%Error-UNSUPPORTED: t/t_for_comma_bad.v:29:23: Unsupported: for loop initialization after the first comma
9   29 |       for (integer a=0, integer b=0; a<1; a=a+1, b=b+1) ;
10      |                       ^
11%Error: Exiting due to