2Module to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box.
4# This module is part of the FritzConnection package.
5# https://github.com/kbr/fritzconnection
6# License: MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
7# Author: Klaus Bremer
10import os
11import string
12import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
14import requests
15from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
17from .devices import DeviceManager
18from .exceptions import (
19    FritzConnectionException,
20    FritzServiceError,
22from .soaper import Soaper
24# disable InsecureRequestWarning from urllib3
25# because of skipping certificate verification:
26import urllib3
31# FritzConnection defaults:
33FRITZ_TCP_PORT = 49000
34FRITZ_TLS_PORT = 49443
35FRITZ_USERNAME = "dslf-config"  # for Fritz!OS < 7.24
36FRITZ_IGD_DESC_FILE = "igddesc.xml"
37FRITZ_TR64_DESC_FILE = "tr64desc.xml"
41# same defaults as used by requests:
45# supported protocols:
46PROTOCOLS = ['http://', 'https://']
49class FritzConnection:
50    """
51    Main class to set up a connection to the Fritz!Box router. All
52    parameters are optional. `address` should be the ip of a router, in
53    case that are multiple Fritz!Box routers in a network, the ip must
54    be given. Otherwise it is undefined which router will respond. If
55    `user` and `password` are not provided, the environment gets checked for
56    FRITZ_USERNAME and FRITZ_PASSWORD settings and taken from there, if
57    found.
59    The optional parameter `timeout` is a floating number in seconds
60    limiting the time waiting for a router response. This is a global
61    setting for the internal communication with the router. In case of a
62    timeout a `requests.ConnectTimeout` exception gets raised.
63    (`New in version 1.1`)
65    `use_tls` accepts a boolean for using encrypted communication with
66    the Fritz!Box. Default is `False`.
67    (`New in version 1.2`)
69    For some actions the Fritz!Box needs a password and since Fritz!OS
70    7.24 also requires a username, the previous default username is just
71    valid for OS versions < 7.24. In case the username is not given and
72    the system version is 7.24 or newer, FritzConnection uses the last
73    logged in username as default.
74    (`New in version 1.5`)
76    For applications where the urllib3 default connection-pool size
77    should get adapted, the arguments `pool_connections` and
78    `pool_maxsize` can get set explicitly.
79    (`New in version 1.6`)
80    """
82    def __init__(
83        self,
84        address=None,
85        port=None,
86        user=None,
87        password=None,
88        timeout=None,
89        use_tls=False,
90        pool_connections=DEFAULT_POOL_CONNECTIONS,
91        pool_maxsize=DEFAULT_POOL_MAXSIZE,
92    ):
93        """
94        Initialisation of FritzConnection: reads all data from the box
95        and also the api-description (the servicenames and according
96        actionnames as well as the parameter-types) that can vary among
97        models and stores these informations as instance-attributes.
98        This can be an expensive operation. Because of this an instance
99        of FritzConnection should be created once and reused in an
100        application. All parameters are optional. But if there is more
101        than one FritzBox in the network, an address (ip as string) must
102        be given, otherwise it is not defined which box may respond. If
103        no user is given the Environment gets checked for a
104        FRITZ_USERNAME setting. If there is no entry in the environment
105        the avm-default-username will be used. If no password is given
106        the Environment gets checked for a FRITZ_PASSWORD setting. So
107        password can be used without using configuration-files or even
108        hardcoding. The optional parameter `timeout` is a floating point
109        number in seconds limiting the time waiting for a router
110        response. The timeout can also be a tuple for different values
111        for connection- and read-timeout values: (connect timeout, read
112        timeout). The timeout is a global setting for the internal
113        communication with the router. In case of a timeout a
114        `requests.ConnectTimeout` exception gets raised. `use_tls`
115        accepts a boolean for using encrypted communication with the
116        Fritz!Box. Default is `False`. `pool_connections` and `pool_maxsize`
117        accept integers for changing the default urllib3 settings in order
118        to modify the number of reusable connections.
119        """
120        if address is None:
121            address = FRITZ_IP_ADDRESS
122        if user is None:
123            user = os.getenv("FRITZ_USERNAME", FRITZ_USERNAME)
124        if password is None:
125            password = os.getenv("FRITZ_PASSWORD", "")
126        if port is None and use_tls:
127            port = FRITZ_TLS_PORT
128        elif port is None:
129            port = FRITZ_TCP_PORT
130        address = self.set_protocol(address, use_tls)
132        # a session will speed up connections (significantly for tls)
133        # and is required to change the default poolsize:
134        session = requests.Session()
135        session.verify = False
136        if password:
137            session.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(user, password)
138        adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(
139            pool_connections=pool_connections, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize)
140        session.mount(PROTOCOLS[use_tls], adapter)
141        # store as instance attributes for use by library modules
142        self.address = address
143        self.session = session
144        self.timeout = timeout
145        self.port = port
147        self.soaper = Soaper(
148            address, port, user, password, timeout=timeout, session=session
149        )
150        self.device_manager = DeviceManager(timeout=timeout, session=session)
152        for description in FRITZ_DESCRIPTIONS:
153            source = f"{address}:{port}/{description}"
154            try:
155                self.device_manager.add_description(source)
156            except FritzConnectionException:
157                # resource not available:
158                # this can happen on devices not providing
159                # an igddesc-file.
160                # ignore this
161                pass
163        self.device_manager.scan()
164        self.device_manager.load_service_descriptions(address, port)
165        # set default user for FritzOS >= 7.24:
166        self._reset_user(user, password)
169    def __repr__(self):
170        """Return a readable representation"""
171        return (
172            f"{self.modelname} at {self.soaper.address}\n"
173            f"FRITZ!OS: {self.system_version}"
174        )
176    @property
177    def services(self):
178        """
179        Dictionary of service instances. Keys are the service names.
180        """
181        return self.device_manager.services
183    @property
184    def modelname(self):
185        """
186        Returns the modelname of the router.
187        """
188        return self.device_manager.modelname
190    @property
191    def system_version(self):
192        """
193        Returns system version if known, otherwise None.
194        """
195        return self.device_manager.system_version
197    @staticmethod
198    def normalize_name(name):
199        """
200        Returns the normalized service name. E.g. WLANConfiguration and
201        WLANConfiguration:1 will get converted to WLANConfiguration1.
202        """
203        if ":" in name:
204            name, number = name.split(":", 1)
205            name = name + number
206        elif name[-1] not in string.digits:
207            name = name + "1"
208        return name
210    @staticmethod
211    def set_protocol(url, use_tls):
212        """
213        Sets the protocol of the `url` according to the `use_tls`-flag
214        and returns the modified `url`. Does not check whether the `url`
215        given as parameter is correct.
216        """
217        url = url.split("//", 1)[-1]
218        return PROTOCOLS[use_tls] + url
220    def _reset_user(self, user, password):
221        """
222        For Fritz!OS >= 7.24: if a password is given and the username is
223        the historic FRITZ_USERNAME, then check for the last logged-in
224        username and use this username for the soaper. Also recreate the
225        session used by the soaper and the device_manager.
227        This may not guarantee a valid user/password combination, but is
228        the way AVM recommends setting the required username in case a
229        username is not provided.
230        """
231        try:
232            sys_version = float(self.system_version)
233        except (ValueError, TypeError):
234            # version not available: don't do anything
235            return
236        if (sys_version >= FRITZ_USERNAME_REQUIRED_VERSION
237            and user == FRITZ_USERNAME
238            and password
239        ):
240            last_user = None
241            response = self.call_action('LANConfigSecurity1', 'X_AVM-DE_GetUserList')
242            root = ElementTree.fromstring(response['NewX_AVM-DE_UserList'])
243            for node in root:
244                if node.tag == 'Username' and node.attrib['last_user'] == '1':
245                    last_user = node.text
246                    break
247            if last_user is not None:
248                self.session.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(last_user, password)
249                self.soaper.user = last_user
250                self.soaper.session = self.session
251                self.device_manager.session = self.session
254    # -------------------------------------------
255    # public api:
256    # -------------------------------------------
258    def call_action(self, service_name, action_name, *, arguments=None, **kwargs):
259        """
260        Executes the given action of the given service. Both parameters
261        are required. Arguments are optional and can be provided as a
262        dictionary given to 'arguments' or as separate keyword
263        parameters. If 'arguments' is given additional
264        keyword-parameters as further arguments are ignored.
265        The argument values can be of type *str*, *int* or *bool*.
266        (Note: *bool* is provided since 1.3. In former versions
267        booleans must provided as numeric values: 1, 0).
268        If the service_name does not end with a number (like 1), a 1
269        gets added by default. If the service_name ends with a colon and a
270        number, the colon gets removed. So i.e. WLANConfiguration
271        expands to WLANConfiguration1 and WLANConfiguration:2 converts
272        to WLANConfiguration2.
273        Invalid service names will raise a ServiceError and invalid
274        action names will raise an ActionError.
275        """
276        arguments = arguments if arguments else dict()
277        if not arguments:
278            arguments.update(kwargs)
279        service_name = self.normalize_name(service_name)
280        try:
281            service = self.device_manager.services[service_name]
282        except KeyError:
283            raise FritzServiceError(f'unknown service: "{service_name}"')
284        return self.soaper.execute(service, action_name, arguments)
286    def reconnect(self):
287        """
288        Terminate the connection and reconnects with a new ip.
289        """
290        self.call_action("WANIPConn1", "ForceTermination")
292    def reboot(self):
293        """
294        Reboot the system.
295        """
296        self.call_action("DeviceConfig1", "Reboot")