1 //
2 // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
3 //
4 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
5 //
7 // More math, but not meant for public API
9 #pragma once
11 #include <uhdlib/utils/narrow.hpp>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <vector>
15 namespace uhd { namespace math {
17 /*! log2(num), rounded up to the nearest integer.
18  */
19 template <class T>
ceil_log2(T num)20 T ceil_log2(T num)
21 {
22     return std::ceil(std::log(num) / std::log(T(2)));
23 }
25 /**
26  * Function which attempts to find integer values a and b such that
27  * a / b approximates the decimal represented by f within max_error and
28  * b is not greater than maximum_denominator.
29  *
30  * If the approximation cannot achieve the desired error without exceeding
31  * the maximum denominator, b is set to the maximum value and a is set to
32  * the closest value.
33  *
34  * @param f is a positive decimal to be converted, must be between 0 and 1
35  * @param maximum_denominator maximum value allowed for b
36  * @param max_error how close to f the expression a / b should be
37  */
38 template <typename IntegerType>
rational_approximation(const double f,const IntegerType maximum_denominator,const double max_error)39 std::pair<IntegerType, IntegerType> rational_approximation(
40     const double f, const IntegerType maximum_denominator, const double max_error)
41 {
42     static constexpr IntegerType MIN_DENOM     = 1;
43     static constexpr size_t MAX_APPROXIMATIONS = 64;
45     UHD_ASSERT_THROW(maximum_denominator <= std::numeric_limits<IntegerType>::max());
46     UHD_ASSERT_THROW(f < 1 and f >= 0);
48     // This function uses a successive approximations formula to attempt to
49     // find a "best" rational to use to represent a decimal. This algorithm
50     // finds a continued fraction of up to 64 terms, or such that the last
51     // term is less than max_error
53     if (f < max_error) {
54         return {0, MIN_DENOM};
55     }
57     double c                         = f;
58     std::vector<double> saved_denoms = {c};
60     // Create the continued fraction by taking the reciprocal of the
61     // fractional part, expressing the denominator as a mixed number,
62     // then repeating the algorithm on the fractional part of that mixed
63     // number until a maximum number of terms or the fractional part is
64     // nearly zero.
65     for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_APPROXIMATIONS; ++i) {
66         double x = std::floor(1.0 / c);
67         c        = (1.0 / c) - x;
69         saved_denoms.push_back(x);
71         if (std::abs(c) < max_error)
72             break;
73     }
75     double num   = 1.0;
76     double denom = saved_denoms.back();
78     // Calculate a single rational which will be equivalent to the
79     // continued fraction created earlier.  Because the continued fraction
80     // is composed of only integers, the final rational will be as well.
81     for (auto it = saved_denoms.rbegin() + 1; it != saved_denoms.rend() - 1; ++it) {
82         double new_denom = denom * (*it) + num;
83         if (new_denom > maximum_denominator) {
84             // We can't do any better than using the maximum denominator
85             num   = std::round(f * maximum_denominator);
86             denom = maximum_denominator;
87             break;
88         }
90         num   = denom;
91         denom = new_denom;
92     }
94     return {uhd::narrow<IntegerType>(num), uhd::narrow<IntegerType>(denom)};
95 }
98 }} /* namespace uhd::math */