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READMEH A D29-May-20183.7 KiB8567

arthurtester.priH A D29-May-2018439 2218

arthurtester.proH A D29-May-2018124 74


1This is a simple regression testing framework for Arthur.
3There are three parts to it.
51) datagenerator . which is the main part. it's used to
6   run all the tests, create output png files,
7   measure rendering performance and output it in
8   data.xml file. datagenerator reads in
9   framework.ini to figure out where to look for tests.
10   if the framework.ini file isn't in the current directory
11   you have to specify its location with the -framework
12   parameter. by default datagenerator generates output in the
13   current directory - to specify output directory pass in
14   -output parameter followed by a directory name. if the given
15   directory doesn't exist it will be created.
17   it's recommended to always specify -iterations argument (followed
18   by the number). if the argument has been specified datagenerator
19   will try to render all testcases the given amount of times yielding
20   a lot more precise results.
22   if one wants to test just a specified engine -engine argument
23   should be specified (followed by the desired engine name).
25   individual testsuites can be run with -suite paramenter.
26   individual testcases from testcases can also be reran with
27   -testcase paramenter.
29   given files can also be tested individually. if the option -file
30   is specified with a SVG file engines will be tested against just
31   that file and output will be written directly to stdout (not files).
32   it's useful when optimizing one engine with particular case in
33   mind.
35   Example command line:
36   ./bin/datagenerator -framework data/framework.ini -output sampleout -iterations 5 -engine [ENGINE]
382) htmlgenerator. which is used to generate html pages out of
39   generated output (generated by datagenerator). htmlgenerator also
40   reads in the framework.ini file. so the option -framework also
41   applies. but htmlgenerator takes a mandatory directory name as the
42   second argument. the mandatory directory name is the directory to
43   which you output the files generated by datagenerator (either
44   whatever followed the -output or the current directory)
46   htmlgenerator will generate html pages that can be viewed to
47   manually inspect the results.
49   Example command line:
50   ./bin/htmlgenerator -framework data/framework.ini sampleout
523) performancediff. diffs the performance data between two output
53   directories. so assuming you already have data for all the engines,
54   you change something in an engine. to see the performance
55   difference run
56   ./bin/datagenerator -framework data/framework.ini -output newoutput -iterations 5
57   and then
58   ./bin/performancediff sampleout newoutput
60   The performance results will be printed out.
62   The two first columns are in ms. The last one is a
63   percentage of difference.
65   After the percentage a '+' or a '-' sign followed by a
66   number will be sometimes printed.
68   '+' signifies the new results were mathematically better. '-' is of
69   course just the opposite.
70   the number following '+' is the minimum rendering time the engine
71   spent rendering the given file up till this moment.
72   the number following '-' is the maximum rendering time the engine
73   spent rendering the given file up till this moment.
75   (if the current results are out of the scope from within maximum and
76   minimum number then the respective sign is printed out.)
79Note that the generated output directories can be copied from one
80machine to the other. htmlgenerator will generate webpages for all
81engines with valid data.xml files. So if you want add NativeWin32 and
82NativeMac engines you'll have to have someone with a windows and mac
83run datagenerator with "-engine NativeWin32" or "-engine NativeMac"
84options and then sending you the respective output directories.