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43 #include <QtTest/QtTest>
44 #include <qcoreapplication.h>
45 #include <qnetworkinterface.h>
47 // TESTED_FILES=qnetworkinterface.cpp qnetworkinterface.h
50 class tst_QNetworkAddressEntry: public QObject
51 {
52     Q_OBJECT
53 private slots:
54     void getSetCheck();
55     void prefixAndNetmask_data();
56     void prefixAndNetmask();
57 };
getSetCheck()59 void tst_QNetworkAddressEntry::getSetCheck()
60 {
61     QNetworkAddressEntry entry;
63     QVERIFY(entry.ip().isNull());
64     QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
65     QVERIFY(entry.broadcast().isNull());
66     QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
68     entry.setIp(QHostAddress::LocalHost);
69     QCOMPARE(entry.ip(), QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
70     entry.setIp(QHostAddress());
71     QVERIFY(entry.ip().isNull());
73     entry.setBroadcast(QHostAddress::LocalHost);
74     QCOMPARE(entry.broadcast(), QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
75     entry.setBroadcast(QHostAddress());
76     QVERIFY(entry.broadcast().isNull());
78     // netmask and prefix length tested in the next test
79     entry.setIp(QHostAddress::LocalHost);
80     entry.setBroadcast(QHostAddress::LocalHost);
82     QNetworkAddressEntry entry2;
83     QVERIFY(entry != entry2);
84     QVERIFY(!(entry == entry2));
86     entry = entry2;
87     QCOMPARE(entry, entry2);
88     QVERIFY(entry == entry);
89     QVERIFY(!(entry != entry2));
90 }
prefixAndNetmask_data()92 void tst_QNetworkAddressEntry::prefixAndNetmask_data()
93 {
94     QTest::addColumn<QHostAddress>("ip");
95     QTest::addColumn<QHostAddress>("netmask");
96     QTest::addColumn<int>("prefix");
98     // IPv4 set:
99     QHostAddress ipv4(QHostAddress::LocalHost);
100     QTest::newRow("v4/0") << ipv4 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any) << 0;
101     QTest::newRow("v4/32") << ipv4 << QHostAddress("") << 32;
102     QTest::newRow("v4/24") << ipv4 << QHostAddress("") << 24;
103     QTest::newRow("v4/23") << ipv4 << QHostAddress("") << 23;
104     QTest::newRow("v4/20") << ipv4 << QHostAddress("") << 20;
105     QTest::newRow("v4/invalid1") << ipv4 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost) << -1;
106     QTest::newRow("v4/invalid2") << ipv4 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6) << -1;
107     QTest::newRow("v4/invalid3") << ipv4 << QHostAddress("") << -1;
108     QTest::newRow("v4/invalid4") << ipv4 << QHostAddress() << -2;
109     QTest::newRow("v4/invalid5") << ipv4 << QHostAddress() << 33;
111     // IPv6 set:
112     QHostAddress ipv6(QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6);
113     QTest::newRow("v6/0") << ipv6 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6) << 0;
114     QTest::newRow("v6/128") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff") << 128;
115     QTest::newRow("v6/64") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") << 64;
116     QTest::newRow("v6/63") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe::") << 63;
117     QTest::newRow("v6/60") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("ffff:ffff:ffff:fff0::") << 60;
118     QTest::newRow("v6/48") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("ffff:ffff:ffff::") << 48;
119     QTest::newRow("v6/3") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("e000::") << 3;
120     QTest::newRow("v6/invalid1") << ipv6 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) << -1;
121     QTest::newRow("v6/invalid2") << ipv6 << QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any) << -1;
122     QTest::newRow("v6/invalid3") << ipv6 << QHostAddress("fffd::") << -1;
123     QTest::newRow("v6/invalid4") << ipv6 << QHostAddress() << -2;
124     QTest::newRow("v6/invalid5") << ipv6 << QHostAddress() << 129;
125 }
prefixAndNetmask()127 void tst_QNetworkAddressEntry::prefixAndNetmask()
128 {
129     QFETCH(QHostAddress, ip);
130     QFETCH(QHostAddress, netmask);
131     QFETCH(int, prefix);
133     QNetworkAddressEntry entry;
135     // first, without setting the IP, all must be invalid:
136     entry.setNetmask(netmask);
137     QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
138     entry.setPrefixLength(prefix);
139     QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
141     // set the IP:
142     entry.setIp(ip);
144     // set the netmask:
145     if (!netmask.isNull()) {
146         entry.setNetmask(netmask);
148         // was it a valid one?
149         if (prefix != -1) {
150             QVERIFY(!entry.netmask().isNull());
151             QCOMPARE(entry.netmask(), netmask);
152             QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), prefix);
153         } else {
154             // not valid
155             QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
156             QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
157         }
158     }
159     entry.setNetmask(QHostAddress());
160     QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
161     QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
163     // set the prefix
164     if (prefix != -1) {
165         entry.setPrefixLength(prefix);
167         // was it a valid one?
168         if (!netmask.isNull()) {
169             QVERIFY(!entry.netmask().isNull());
170             QCOMPARE(entry.netmask(), netmask);
171             QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), prefix);
172         } else {
173             // not valid
174             QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
175             QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
176         }
177     }
178     entry.setPrefixLength(-1);
179     QVERIFY(entry.netmask().isNull());
180     QCOMPARE(entry.prefixLength(), -1);
181 }
183 QTEST_MAIN(tst_QNetworkAddressEntry)
184 #include "tst_qnetworkaddressentry.moc"