1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 import org.apache.arrow.memory.ArrowBuf;
19 import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator;
20 import org.apache.arrow.memory.ReferenceManager;
21 import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.CommonUtil;
22 import org.apache.arrow.util.Preconditions;
23 import org.apache.arrow.vector.BaseValueVector;
24 import org.apache.arrow.vector.BitVectorHelper;
25 import org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector;
26 import org.apache.arrow.vector.ValueVector;
27 import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.AbstractStructVector;
28 import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.ListVector;
29 import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.NonNullableStructVector;
30 import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.StructVector;
31 import org.apache.arrow.vector.compare.VectorVisitor;
32 import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.Types;
33 import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.UnionMode;
34 import org.apache.arrow.vector.compare.RangeEqualsVisitor;
35 import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType;
36 import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field;
37 import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.FieldType;
38 import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.CallBack;
39 import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.DataSizeRoundingUtil;
40 import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.TransferPair;
42 import java.util.Arrays;
43 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
45 <@pp.dropOutputFile />
46 <@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/arrow/vector/complex/DenseUnionVector.java" />
49 <#include "/@includes/license.ftl" />
51 package org.apache.arrow.vector.complex;
53 <#include "/@includes/vv_imports.ftl" />
54 import java.util.ArrayList;
55 import java.util.Collections;
56 import java.util.Iterator;
57 import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.CommonUtil;
58 import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.hash.ArrowBufHasher;
59 import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.hash.SimpleHasher;
60 import org.apache.arrow.vector.compare.VectorVisitor;
61 import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.impl.ComplexCopier;
62 import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.CallBack;
63 import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowFieldNode;
64 import org.apache.arrow.vector.BaseValueVector;
65 import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.OversizedAllocationException;
66 import org.apache.arrow.util.Preconditions;
68 import static org.apache.arrow.vector.types.UnionMode.Dense;
72 /*
73  * This class is generated using freemarker and the ${.template_name} template.
74  */
75 @SuppressWarnings("unused")
78 /**
79  * A vector which can hold values of different types. It does so by using a StructVector which contains a vector for each
80  * primitive type that is stored. StructVector is used in order to take advantage of its serialization/deserialization methods,
81  * as well as the addOrGet method.
82  *
83  * For performance reasons, DenseUnionVector stores a cached reference to each subtype vector, to avoid having to do the struct lookup
84  * each time the vector is accessed.
85  * Source code generated using FreeMarker template ${.template_name}
86  */
87 public class DenseUnionVector extends AbstractContainerVector implements FieldVector {
88   int valueCount;
90   NonNullableStructVector internalStruct;
91   private ArrowBuf typeBuffer;
92   private ArrowBuf offsetBuffer;
94   /**
95    * The key is type Id, and the value is vector.
96    */
97   private ValueVector[] childVectors = new ValueVector[Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1];
99   /**
100    * The index is the type id, and the value is the type field.
101    */
102   private Field[] typeFields = new Field[Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1];
103   /**
104    * The index is the index into the typeFields array, and the value is the logical field id.
105    */
106   private byte[] typeMapFields = new byte[Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1];
108   /**
109    * The next type id to allocate.
110    */
111   private byte nextTypeId = 0;
113   private FieldReader reader;
115   private long typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes;
116   private long offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes;
118   private final FieldType fieldType;
120   public static final byte TYPE_WIDTH = 1;
121   public static final byte OFFSET_WIDTH = 4;
123   private static final FieldType INTERNAL_STRUCT_TYPE = new FieldType(/*nullable*/ false,
124           ArrowType.Struct.INSTANCE, /*dictionary*/ null, /*metadata*/ null);
empty(String name, BufferAllocator allocator)126   public static DenseUnionVector empty(String name, BufferAllocator allocator) {
127     FieldType fieldType = FieldType.nullable(new ArrowType.Union(
128             UnionMode.Dense, null));
129     return new DenseUnionVector(name, allocator, fieldType, null);
130   }
DenseUnionVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, FieldType fieldType, CallBack callBack)132   public DenseUnionVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, FieldType fieldType, CallBack callBack) {
133     super(name, allocator, callBack);
134     this.fieldType = fieldType;
135     this.internalStruct = new NonNullableStructVector(
136         "internal",
137         allocator,
139         callBack,
140         AbstractStructVector.ConflictPolicy.CONFLICT_REPLACE,
141         false);
142     this.typeBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
143     this.typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = BaseValueVector.INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION * TYPE_WIDTH;
144     this.offsetBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
145     this.offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = BaseValueVector.INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION * OFFSET_WIDTH;
146   }
getAllocator()148   public BufferAllocator getAllocator() {
149     return allocator;
150   }
152   @Override
getMinorType()153   public MinorType getMinorType() {
154     return MinorType.DENSEUNION;
155   }
157   @Override
initializeChildrenFromFields(List<Field> children)158   public void initializeChildrenFromFields(List<Field> children) {
159     for (Field field : children) {
160       byte typeId = registerNewTypeId(field);
161       FieldVector vector = (FieldVector) internalStruct.add(field.getName(), field.getFieldType());
162       vector.initializeChildrenFromFields(field.getChildren());
163       childVectors[typeId] = vector;
164     }
165   }
167   @Override
getChildrenFromFields()168   public List<FieldVector> getChildrenFromFields() {
169     return internalStruct.getChildrenFromFields();
170   }
172   @Override
loadFieldBuffers(ArrowFieldNode fieldNode, List<ArrowBuf> ownBuffers)173   public void loadFieldBuffers(ArrowFieldNode fieldNode, List<ArrowBuf> ownBuffers) {
174     if (ownBuffers.size() != 2) {
175       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal buffer count for dense union with type " + getField().getFieldType() +
176           ", expected " + 2 + ", got: " + ownBuffers.size());
177     }
179     ArrowBuf buffer = ownBuffers.get(0);
180     typeBuffer.getReferenceManager().release();
181     typeBuffer = buffer.getReferenceManager().retain(buffer, allocator);
182     typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = typeBuffer.capacity();
184     buffer = ownBuffers.get(1);
185     offsetBuffer.getReferenceManager().release();
186     offsetBuffer = buffer.getReferenceManager().retain(buffer, allocator);
187     offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = offsetBuffer.capacity();
189     this.valueCount = fieldNode.getLength();
190   }
192   @Override
getFieldBuffers()193   public List<ArrowBuf> getFieldBuffers() {
194     List<ArrowBuf> result = new ArrayList<>(2);
195     setReaderAndWriterIndex();
196     result.add(typeBuffer);
197     result.add(offsetBuffer);
199     return result;
200   }
setReaderAndWriterIndex()202   private void setReaderAndWriterIndex() {
203     typeBuffer.readerIndex(0);
204     typeBuffer.writerIndex(valueCount * TYPE_WIDTH);
206     offsetBuffer.readerIndex(0);
207     offsetBuffer.writerIndex((long) valueCount * OFFSET_WIDTH);
208   }
210   /**
211    * Get the inner vectors.
212    *
213    * @deprecated This API will be removed as the current implementations no longer support inner vectors.
214    *
215    * @return the inner vectors for this field as defined by the TypeLayout
216    */
217   @Override
218   @Deprecated
getFieldInnerVectors()219   public List<BufferBacked> getFieldInnerVectors() {
220     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There are no inner vectors. Use geFieldBuffers");
221   }
fieldName(byte typeId, MinorType type)223   private String fieldName(byte typeId, MinorType type) {
224     return type.name().toLowerCase() + typeId;
225   }
fieldType(MinorType type)227   private FieldType fieldType(MinorType type) {
228     return FieldType.nullable(type.getType());
229   }
registerNewTypeId(Field field)231   public synchronized byte registerNewTypeId(Field field) {
232     if (nextTypeId == typeFields.length) {
233       throw new IllegalStateException("Dense union vector support at most " +
234               typeFields.length + " relative types. Please use union of union instead");
235     }
236     byte typeId = nextTypeId;
237     if (fieldType != null) {
238       int[] typeIds = ((ArrowType.Union) fieldType.getType()).getTypeIds();
239       if (typeIds != null) {
240         int thisTypeId = typeIds[nextTypeId];
241         if (thisTypeId > Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
242           throw new IllegalStateException("Dense union vector types must be bytes. " + thisTypeId + " is too large");
243         }
244         typeId = (byte) thisTypeId;
245       }
246     }
247     typeFields[typeId] = field;
248     typeMapFields[nextTypeId] = typeId;
249     this.nextTypeId += 1;
250     return typeId;
251   }
addOrGet(byte typeId, MinorType minorType, Class<T> c)253   private <T extends FieldVector> T addOrGet(byte typeId, MinorType minorType, Class<T> c) {
254     return internalStruct.addOrGet(fieldName(typeId, minorType), fieldType(minorType), c);
255   }
addOrGet(byte typeId, MinorType minorType, ArrowType arrowType, Class<T> c)257   private <T extends FieldVector> T addOrGet(byte typeId, MinorType minorType, ArrowType arrowType, Class<T> c) {
258     return internalStruct.addOrGet(fieldName(typeId, minorType), FieldType.nullable(arrowType), c);
259   }
261   @Override
getOffsetBufferAddress()262   public long getOffsetBufferAddress() {
263     return offsetBuffer.memoryAddress();
264   }
266   @Override
getDataBufferAddress()267   public long getDataBufferAddress() {
268     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
269   }
271   @Override
getValidityBufferAddress()272   public long getValidityBufferAddress() {
273     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
274   }
276   @Override
getValidityBuffer()277   public ArrowBuf getValidityBuffer() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
279   @Override
getOffsetBuffer()280   public ArrowBuf getOffsetBuffer() { return offsetBuffer; }
getTypeBuffer()282   public ArrowBuf getTypeBuffer() { return typeBuffer; }
284   @Override
getDataBuffer()285   public ArrowBuf getDataBuffer() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
getStruct(byte typeId)287   public StructVector getStruct(byte typeId) {
288     StructVector structVector = typeId < 0 ? null : (StructVector) childVectors[typeId];
289     if (structVector == null) {
290       int vectorCount = internalStruct.size();
291       structVector = addOrGet(typeId, MinorType.STRUCT, StructVector.class);
292       if (internalStruct.size() > vectorCount) {
293         structVector.allocateNew();
294         childVectors[typeId] = structVector;
295         if (callBack != null) {
296           callBack.doWork();
297         }
298       }
299     }
300     return structVector;
301   }
303   <#list vv.types as type>
304     <#list type.minor as minor>
305       <#assign name = minor.class?cap_first />
306       <#assign fields = minor.fields!type.fields />
307       <#assign uncappedName = name?uncap_first/>
308       <#assign lowerCaseName = name?lower_case/>
309       <#if !minor.typeParams?? || minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>
Vector(byte typeId<#if minor.class?starts_with(R)>, ArrowType arrowType</#if>)311   public ${name}Vector get${name}Vector(byte typeId<#if minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>, ArrowType arrowType</#if>) {
312     ValueVector vector = typeId < 0 ? null : childVectors[typeId];
313     if (vector == null) {
314       int vectorCount = internalStruct.size();
315       vector = addOrGet(typeId, MinorType.${name?upper_case}<#if minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>, arrowType</#if>, ${name}Vector.class);
316       childVectors[typeId] = vector;
317       if (internalStruct.size() > vectorCount) {
318         vector.allocateNew();
319         if (callBack != null) {
320           callBack.doWork();
321         }
322       }
323     }
324     return (${name}Vector) vector;
325   }
326       </#if>
327     </#list>
328   </#list>
getList(byte typeId)330   public ListVector getList(byte typeId) {
331     ListVector listVector = typeId < 0 ? null : (ListVector) childVectors[typeId];
332     if (listVector == null) {
333       int vectorCount = internalStruct.size();
334       listVector = addOrGet(typeId, MinorType.LIST, ListVector.class);
335       if (internalStruct.size() > vectorCount) {
336         listVector.allocateNew();
337         childVectors[typeId] = listVector;
338         if (callBack != null) {
339           callBack.doWork();
340         }
341       }
342     }
343     return listVector;
344   }
getMap(byte typeId)346   public MapVector getMap(byte typeId) {
347     MapVector mapVector = typeId < 0 ? null : (MapVector) childVectors[typeId];
348     if (mapVector == null) {
349       int vectorCount = internalStruct.size();
350       mapVector = addOrGet(typeId, MinorType.MAP, MapVector.class);
351       if (internalStruct.size() > vectorCount) {
352         mapVector.allocateNew();
353         childVectors[typeId] = mapVector;
354         if (callBack != null) {
355           callBack.doWork();
356         }
357       }
358     }
359     return mapVector;
360   }
getTypeId(int index)362   public byte getTypeId(int index) {
363     return typeBuffer.getByte(index * TYPE_WIDTH);
364   }
getVectorByType(byte typeId)366   public ValueVector getVectorByType(byte typeId) {
367     return typeId < 0 ? null : childVectors[typeId];
368   }
370   @Override
allocateNew()371   public void allocateNew() throws OutOfMemoryException {
372     /* new allocation -- clear the current buffers */
373     clear();
374     internalStruct.allocateNew();
375     try {
376       allocateTypeBuffer();
377       allocateOffsetBuffer();
378     } catch (Exception e) {
379       clear();
380       throw e;
381     }
382   }
384   @Override
allocateNewSafe()385   public boolean allocateNewSafe() {
386     /* new allocation -- clear the current buffers */
387     clear();
388     boolean safe = internalStruct.allocateNewSafe();
389     if (!safe) { return false; }
390     try {
391       allocateTypeBuffer();
392       allocateOffsetBuffer();
393     } catch (Exception e) {
394       clear();
395       return  false;
396     }
398     return true;
399   }
allocateTypeBuffer()401   private void allocateTypeBuffer() {
402     typeBuffer = allocator.buffer(typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes);
403     typeBuffer.readerIndex(0);
404     setNegative(0, typeBuffer.capacity());
405   }
allocateOffsetBuffer()407   private void allocateOffsetBuffer() {
408     offsetBuffer = allocator.buffer(offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes);
409     offsetBuffer.readerIndex(0);
410     offsetBuffer.setZero(0, offsetBuffer.capacity());
411   }
414   @Override
reAlloc()415   public void reAlloc() {
416     internalStruct.reAlloc();
417     reallocTypeBuffer();
418     reallocOffsetBuffer();
419   }
getOffset(int index)421   public int getOffset(int index) {
422     return offsetBuffer.getInt((long) index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
423   }
reallocTypeBuffer()425   private void reallocTypeBuffer() {
426     final long currentBufferCapacity = typeBuffer.capacity();
427     long newAllocationSize = currentBufferCapacity * 2;
428     if (newAllocationSize == 0) {
429       if (typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes > 0) {
430         newAllocationSize = typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes;
431       } else {
432         newAllocationSize = BaseValueVector.INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION * TYPE_WIDTH * 2;
433       }
434     }
436     newAllocationSize = CommonUtil.nextPowerOfTwo(newAllocationSize);
437     assert newAllocationSize >= 1;
439     if (newAllocationSize > BaseValueVector.MAX_ALLOCATION_SIZE) {
440       throw new OversizedAllocationException("Unable to expand the buffer");
441     }
443     final ArrowBuf newBuf = allocator.buffer((int)newAllocationSize);
444     newBuf.setBytes(0, typeBuffer, 0, currentBufferCapacity);
445     typeBuffer.getReferenceManager().release(1);
446     typeBuffer = newBuf;
447     typeBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = (int)newAllocationSize;
448     setNegative(currentBufferCapacity, newBuf.capacity() - currentBufferCapacity);
449   }
reallocOffsetBuffer()451   private void reallocOffsetBuffer() {
452     final long currentBufferCapacity = offsetBuffer.capacity();
453     long newAllocationSize = currentBufferCapacity * 2;
454     if (newAllocationSize == 0) {
455       if (offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes > 0) {
456         newAllocationSize = offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes;
457       } else {
458         newAllocationSize = BaseValueVector.INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION * OFFSET_WIDTH * 2;
459       }
460     }
462     newAllocationSize = CommonUtil.nextPowerOfTwo(newAllocationSize);
463     assert newAllocationSize >= 1;
465     if (newAllocationSize > BaseValueVector.MAX_ALLOCATION_SIZE) {
466       throw new OversizedAllocationException("Unable to expand the buffer");
467     }
469     final ArrowBuf newBuf = allocator.buffer((int) newAllocationSize);
470     newBuf.setBytes(0, offsetBuffer, 0, currentBufferCapacity);
471     newBuf.setZero(currentBufferCapacity, newBuf.capacity() - currentBufferCapacity);
472     offsetBuffer.getReferenceManager().release(1);
473     offsetBuffer = newBuf;
474     offsetBufferAllocationSizeInBytes = (int) newAllocationSize;
475   }
477   @Override
setInitialCapacity(int numRecords)478   public void setInitialCapacity(int numRecords) { }
480   @Override
getValueCapacity()481   public int getValueCapacity() {
482     long capacity = getTypeBufferValueCapacity();
483     long offsetCapacity = getOffsetBufferValueCapacity();
484     if (offsetCapacity < capacity) {
485       capacity = offsetCapacity;
486     }
487     long structCapacity = internalStruct.getValueCapacity();
488     if (structCapacity < capacity) {
489       structCapacity = capacity;
490     }
491     return (int) capacity;
492   }
494   @Override
close()495   public void close() {
496     clear();
497   }
499   @Override
clear()500   public void clear() {
501     valueCount = 0;
502     typeBuffer.getReferenceManager().release();
503     typeBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
504     offsetBuffer.getReferenceManager().release();
505     offsetBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
506     internalStruct.clear();
507   }
509   @Override
reset()510   public void reset() {
511     valueCount = 0;
512     setNegative(0, typeBuffer.capacity());
513     offsetBuffer.setZero(0, offsetBuffer.capacity());
514     internalStruct.reset();
515   }
517   @Override
getField()518   public Field getField() {
519     int childCount = (int) Arrays.stream(typeFields).filter(field -> field != null).count();
520     List<org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field> childFields = new ArrayList<>(childCount);
521     int[] typeIds = new int[childCount];
522     for (int i = 0; i < typeFields.length; i++) {
523       if (typeFields[i] != null) {
524         int curIdx = childFields.size();
525         typeIds[curIdx] = i;
526         childFields.add(typeFields[i]);
527       }
528     }
530     FieldType fieldType;
531     if (this.fieldType == null) {
532       fieldType = FieldType.nullable(new ArrowType.Union(Dense, typeIds));
533     } else {
534       final UnionMode mode = UnionMode.Dense;
535       fieldType = new FieldType(this.fieldType.isNullable(), new ArrowType.Union(mode, typeIds),
536               this.fieldType.getDictionary(), this.fieldType.getMetadata());
537     }
539     return new Field(name, fieldType, childFields);
540   }
542   @Override
getTransferPair(BufferAllocator allocator)543   public TransferPair getTransferPair(BufferAllocator allocator) {
544     return getTransferPair(name, allocator);
545   }
547   @Override
getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator)548   public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator) {
549     return getTransferPair(ref, allocator, null);
550   }
552   @Override
getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack)553   public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack) {
554     return new org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.DenseUnionVector.TransferImpl(ref, allocator, callBack);
555   }
557   @Override
makeTransferPair(ValueVector target)558   public TransferPair makeTransferPair(ValueVector target) {
559     return new TransferImpl((DenseUnionVector) target);
560   }
562   @Override
copyFrom(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from)563   public void copyFrom(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from) {
564     Preconditions.checkArgument(this.getMinorType() == from.getMinorType());
565     DenseUnionVector fromCast = (DenseUnionVector) from;
566     int inOffset = fromCast.offsetBuffer.getInt((long) inIndex * OFFSET_WIDTH);
567     fromCast.getReader().setPosition(inOffset);
568     int outOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt((long) outIndex * OFFSET_WIDTH);
569     getWriter().setPosition(outOffset);
570     ComplexCopier.copy(fromCast.reader, writer);
571   }
573   @Override
copyFromSafe(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from)574   public void copyFromSafe(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from) {
575     copyFrom(inIndex, outIndex, from);
576   }
addVector(byte typeId, FieldVector v)578   public FieldVector addVector(byte typeId, FieldVector v) {
579     final String name = v.getName().isEmpty() ? fieldName(typeId, v.getMinorType()) : v.getName();
580     Preconditions.checkState(internalStruct.getChild(name) == null, String.format("%s vector already exists", name));
581     final FieldVector newVector = internalStruct.addOrGet(name, v.getField().getFieldType(), v.getClass());
582     v.makeTransferPair(newVector).transfer();
583     internalStruct.putChild(name, newVector);
584     childVectors[typeId] = newVector;
585     if (callBack != null) {
586       callBack.doWork();
587     }
588     return newVector;
589   }
591   private class TransferImpl implements TransferPair {
592     private final TransferPair[] internalTransferPairs = new TransferPair[nextTypeId];
593     private final DenseUnionVector to;
TransferImpl(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack)595     public TransferImpl(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack) {
596       to = new DenseUnionVector(name, allocator, null, callBack);
597       internalStruct.makeTransferPair(to.internalStruct);
598       createTransferPairs();
599     }
TransferImpl(DenseUnionVector to)601     public TransferImpl(DenseUnionVector to) {
602       this.to = to;
603       internalStruct.makeTransferPair(to.internalStruct);
604       createTransferPairs();
605     }
createTransferPairs()607     private void createTransferPairs() {
608       for (int i = 0; i < nextTypeId; i++) {
609         ValueVector srcVec = internalStruct.getVectorById(i);
610         ValueVector dstVec = to.internalStruct.getVectorById(i);
611         to.typeFields[i] = typeFields[i];
612         to.typeMapFields[i] = typeMapFields[i];
613         to.childVectors[i] = dstVec;
614         internalTransferPairs[i] = srcVec.makeTransferPair(dstVec);
615       }
616     }
618     @Override
transfer()619     public void transfer() {
620       to.clear();
622       ReferenceManager refManager = typeBuffer.getReferenceManager();
623       to.typeBuffer = refManager.transferOwnership(typeBuffer, to.allocator).getTransferredBuffer();
625       refManager = offsetBuffer.getReferenceManager();
626       to.offsetBuffer = refManager.transferOwnership(offsetBuffer, to.allocator).getTransferredBuffer();
628       for (int i = 0; i < nextTypeId; i++) {
629         if (internalTransferPairs[i] != null) {
630           internalTransferPairs[i].transfer();
631           to.childVectors[i] = internalTransferPairs[i].getTo();
632         }
633       }
634       to.valueCount = valueCount;
635       clear();
636     }
638     @Override
splitAndTransfer(int startIndex, int length)639     public void splitAndTransfer(int startIndex, int length) {
640       to.clear();
642       // transfer type buffer
643       int startPoint = startIndex * TYPE_WIDTH;
644       int sliceLength = length * TYPE_WIDTH;
645       ArrowBuf slicedBuffer = typeBuffer.slice(startPoint, sliceLength);
646       ReferenceManager refManager = slicedBuffer.getReferenceManager();
647       to.typeBuffer = refManager.transferOwnership(slicedBuffer, to.allocator).getTransferredBuffer();
649       // transfer offset byffer
650       while (to.offsetBuffer.capacity() < (long) length * OFFSET_WIDTH) {
651         to.reallocOffsetBuffer();
652       }
654       int [] typeCounts = new int[nextTypeId];
655       int [] typeStarts = new int[nextTypeId];
656       for (int i = 0; i < typeCounts.length; i++) {
657         typeCounts[i] = 0;
658         typeStarts[i] = -1;
659       }
661       for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++) {
662         byte typeId = typeBuffer.getByte(i);
663         to.offsetBuffer.setInt((long) (i - startIndex) * OFFSET_WIDTH, typeCounts[typeId]);
664         typeCounts[typeId] += 1;
665         if (typeStarts[typeId] == -1) {
666           typeStarts[typeId] = offsetBuffer.getInt((long) i * OFFSET_WIDTH);
667         }
668       }
670       // transfer vector values
671       for (int i = 0; i < nextTypeId; i++) {
672         if (typeCounts[i] > 0 && typeStarts[i] != -1) {
673           internalTransferPairs[i].splitAndTransfer(typeStarts[i], typeCounts[i]);
674           to.childVectors[i] = internalTransferPairs[i].getTo();
675         }
676       }
678       to.setValueCount(length);
679     }
681     @Override
getTo()682     public ValueVector getTo() {
683       return to;
684     }
686     @Override
copyValueSafe(int from, int to)687     public void copyValueSafe(int from, int to) {
688       this.to.copyFrom(from, to, DenseUnionVector.this);
689     }
690   }
692   @Override
getReader()693   public FieldReader getReader() {
694     if (reader == null) {
695       reader = new DenseUnionReader(this);
696     }
697     return reader;
698   }
getWriter()700   public FieldWriter getWriter() {
701     if (writer == null) {
702       writer = new DenseUnionWriter(this);
703     }
704     return writer;
705   }
707   @Override
getBufferSize()708   public int getBufferSize() {
709     return this.getBufferSizeFor(this.valueCount);
710   }
712   @Override
getBufferSizeFor(final int count)713   public int getBufferSizeFor(final int count) {
714     if (count == 0) {
715       return 0;
716     }
717     return (int) (count * TYPE_WIDTH + (long) count * OFFSET_WIDTH
718         + DataSizeRoundingUtil.divideBy8Ceil(count) + internalStruct.getBufferSizeFor(count));
719   }
721   @Override
getBuffers(boolean clear)722   public ArrowBuf[] getBuffers(boolean clear) {
723     List<ArrowBuf> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
724     setReaderAndWriterIndex();
725     if (getBufferSize() != 0) {
726       list.add(typeBuffer);
727       list.add(offsetBuffer);
728       list.addAll(java.util.Arrays.asList(internalStruct.getBuffers(clear)));
729     }
730     if (clear) {
731       valueCount = 0;
732       typeBuffer.getReferenceManager().retain();
733       typeBuffer.close();
734       typeBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
735       offsetBuffer.getReferenceManager().retain();
736       offsetBuffer.close();
737       offsetBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
738     }
739     return list.toArray(new ArrowBuf[list.size()]);
740   }
742   @Override
iterator()743   public Iterator<ValueVector> iterator() {
744     return internalStruct.iterator();
745   }
getVector(int index)747   private ValueVector getVector(int index) {
748     byte typeId = typeBuffer.getByte(index * TYPE_WIDTH);
749     return getVectorByType(typeId);
750   }
getObject(int index)752   public Object getObject(int index) {
753     ValueVector vector = getVector(index);
754     if (vector != null) {
755       int offset = offsetBuffer.getInt((long) index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
756       return vector.isNull(offset) ? null : vector.getObject(offset);
757     }
758     return null;
759   }
get(int index, DenseUnionHolder holder)761   public void get(int index, DenseUnionHolder holder) {
762     FieldReader reader = new DenseUnionReader(DenseUnionVector.this);
763     reader.setPosition(index);
764     holder.reader = reader;
765   }
getValueCount()767   public int getValueCount() {
768     return valueCount;
769   }
771   /**
772    * IMPORTANT: Union types always return non null as there is no validity buffer.
773    *
774    * To check validity correctly you must check the underlying vector.
775    */
isNull(int index)776   public boolean isNull(int index) {
777     return false;
778   }
780   @Override
getNullCount()781   public int getNullCount() {
782     return 0;
783   }
isSet(int index)785   public int isSet(int index) {
786     return isNull(index) ? 0 : 1;
787   }
789   DenseUnionWriter writer;
setValueCount(int valueCount)791   public void setValueCount(int valueCount) {
792     this.valueCount = valueCount;
793     while (valueCount > getTypeBufferValueCapacity()) {
794       reallocTypeBuffer();
795       reallocOffsetBuffer();
796     }
797     setChildVectorValueCounts();
798   }
setChildVectorValueCounts()800   private void setChildVectorValueCounts() {
801     int [] counts = new int[Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1];
802     for (int i = 0; i < this.valueCount; i++) {
803       byte typeId = getTypeId(i);
804       if (typeId != -1) {
805         counts[typeId] += 1;
806       }
807     }
808     for (int i = 0; i < nextTypeId; i++) {
809       childVectors[typeMapFields[i]].setValueCount(counts[typeMapFields[i]]);
810     }
811   }
setSafe(int index, DenseUnionHolder holder)813   public void setSafe(int index, DenseUnionHolder holder) {
814     FieldReader reader = holder.reader;
815     if (writer == null) {
816       writer = new DenseUnionWriter(DenseUnionVector.this);
817     }
818     int offset = offsetBuffer.getInt((long) index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
819     MinorType type = reader.getMinorType();
820     writer.setPosition(offset);
821     byte typeId = holder.typeId;
822     switch (type) {
823       <#list vv.types as type>
824         <#list type.minor as minor>
825           <#assign name = minor.class?cap_first />
826           <#assign fields = minor.fields!type.fields />
827           <#assign uncappedName = name?uncap_first/>
828           <#if !minor.typeParams?? || minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>
829       case ${name?upper_case}:
830       Nullable${name}Holder ${uncappedName}Holder = new Nullable${name}Holder();
831       reader.read(${uncappedName}Holder);
832       setSafe(index, ${uncappedName}Holder);
833       break;
834           </#if>
835         </#list>
836       </#list>
837       case STRUCT:
838       case LIST:  {
839         setTypeId(index, typeId);
840         ComplexCopier.copy(reader, writer);
841         break;
842       }
843       default:
844         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
845     }
846   }
847     <#list vv.types as type>
848       <#list type.minor as minor>
849         <#assign name = minor.class?cap_first />
850         <#assign fields = minor.fields!type.fields />
851         <#assign uncappedName = name?uncap_first/>
852         <#if !minor.typeParams?? || minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>
setSafe(int index, Nullable${name}Holder holder)853   public void setSafe(int index, Nullable${name}Holder holder) {
854     while (index >= getOffsetBufferValueCapacity()) {
855       reallocOffsetBuffer();
856     }
857     byte typeId = getTypeId(index);
858     ${name}Vector vector = get${name}Vector(typeId<#if minor.class?starts_with("Decimal")>, new ArrowType.Decimal(holder.precision, holder.scale, holder.WIDTH * 8)</#if>);
859     int offset = vector.getValueCount();
860     vector.setValueCount(offset + 1);
861     vector.setSafe(offset, holder);
862     offsetBuffer.setInt((long) index * OFFSET_WIDTH, offset);
863   }
864         </#if>
865       </#list>
866     </#list>
setTypeId(int index, byte typeId)868   public void setTypeId(int index, byte typeId) {
869     while (index >= getTypeBufferValueCapacity()) {
870       reallocTypeBuffer();
871     }
872     typeBuffer.setByte(index * TYPE_WIDTH , typeId);
873   }
getTypeBufferValueCapacity()875   private int getTypeBufferValueCapacity() {
876     return (int) typeBuffer.capacity() / TYPE_WIDTH;
877   }
getOffsetBufferValueCapacity()879   private long getOffsetBufferValueCapacity() {
880     return offsetBuffer.capacity() / OFFSET_WIDTH;
881   }
883   @Override
hashCode(int index, ArrowBufHasher hasher)884   public int hashCode(int index, ArrowBufHasher hasher) {
885     if (isNull(index)) {
886       return 0;
887     }
888     int offset = offsetBuffer.getInt((long) index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
889     return getVector(index).hashCode(offset, hasher);
890   }
892   @Override
hashCode(int index)893   public int hashCode(int index) {
894     return hashCode(index, SimpleHasher.INSTANCE);
895   }
897   @Override
accept(VectorVisitor<OUT, IN> visitor, IN value)898   public <OUT, IN> OUT accept(VectorVisitor<OUT, IN> visitor, IN value) {
899     return visitor.visit(this, value);
900   }
902   @Override
getName()903   public String getName() {
904     return name;
905   }
setNegative(long start, long end)907   private void setNegative(long start, long end) {
908     for (long i = start;i < end; i++) {
909       typeBuffer.setByte(i, -1);
910     }
911   }
913   @Override
addOrGet(String name, FieldType fieldType, Class<T> clazz)914   public <T extends FieldVector> T addOrGet(String name, FieldType fieldType, Class<T> clazz) {
915     return internalStruct.addOrGet(name, fieldType, clazz);
916   }
918   @Override
getChild(String name, Class<T> clazz)919   public <T extends FieldVector> T getChild(String name, Class<T> clazz) {
920     return internalStruct.getChild(name, clazz);
921   }
923   @Override
getChildVectorWithOrdinal(String name)924   public VectorWithOrdinal getChildVectorWithOrdinal(String name) {
925     return internalStruct.getChildVectorWithOrdinal(name);
926   }
928   @Override
size()929   public int size() {
930     return internalStruct.size();
931   }
933   @Override
setInitialCapacity(int valueCount, double density)934   public void setInitialCapacity(int valueCount, double density) {
935     for (final ValueVector vector : internalStruct) {
936       if (vector instanceof DensityAwareVector) {
937         ((DensityAwareVector) vector).setInitialCapacity(valueCount, density);
938       } else {
939         vector.setInitialCapacity(valueCount);
940       }
941     }
942   }
943 }