1 /*-
2  * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  */
7 using System;
8 using System.Collections.Generic;
9 using System.Text;
11 namespace BerkeleyDB {
12     /// <summary>
13     /// A class representing configuration parameters for <see cref="Database"/>
14     /// </summary>
15     public class DatabaseConfig {
16         /// <summary>
17         /// The Berkeley DB environment within which to create a database.  If
18         /// null, the database will be created stand-alone; that is, it is not
19         /// part of any Berkeley DB environment.
20         /// </summary>
21         /// <remarks>
22         /// The database access methods automatically make calls to the other
23         /// subsystems in Berkeley DB, based on the enclosing environment. For
24         /// example, if the environment has been configured to use locking, the
25         /// access methods will automatically acquire the correct locks when
26         /// reading and writing pages of the database.
27         /// </remarks>
28         public DatabaseEnvironment Env;
30         /// <summary>
31         /// The cache priority for pages referenced by the database.
32         /// </summary>
33         /// <remarks>
34         /// The priority of a page biases the replacement algorithm to be more
35         /// or less likely to discard a page when space is needed in the buffer
36         /// pool. The bias is temporary, and pages will eventually be discarded
37         /// if they are not referenced again. This priority is only advisory,
38         /// and does not guarantee pages will be treated in a specific way.
39         /// </remarks>
40         public CachePriority Priority;
42         /// <summary>
43         /// The size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
44         /// </summary>
45         /// <remarks>
46         /// <para>
47         /// The cache should be the size of the normal working data set of the
48         /// application, with some small amount of additional memory for unusual
49         /// situations. (Note: the working set is not the same as the number of
50         /// pages accessed simultaneously, and is usually much larger.)
51         /// </para>
52 		/// <para>
53         /// The default cache size is 256KB, and may not be specified as less
54         /// than 20KB. Any cache size less than 500MB is automatically increased
55         /// by 25% to account for buffer pool overhead; cache sizes larger than
56         /// 500MB are used as specified. The maximum size of a single cache is
57         /// 4GB on 32-bit systems and 10TB on 64-bit systems. (All sizes are in
58         /// powers-of-two, that is, 256KB is 2^18 not 256,000.) For information
59         /// on tuning the Berkeley DB cache size, see Selecting a cache size in
60         /// the Programmer's Reference Guide.
61         /// </para>
62         /// </remarks>
63         public CacheInfo CacheSize;
65         /// <summary>
66         /// The byte order for integers in the stored database metadata.  The
67         /// host byte order of the machine where the Berkeley DB library was
68         /// compiled is the default value.
69         /// </summary>
70         /// <remarks>
71         /// <para>
72         /// The access methods provide no guarantees about the byte ordering of
73         /// the application data stored in the database, and applications are
74         /// responsible for maintaining any necessary ordering.
75         /// </para>
76 		/// <para>
77         /// If creating additional databases in a single physical file, this
78         /// parameter will be ignored and the byte order of the existing
79         /// databases will be used.
80         /// </para>
81         /// </remarks>
82         public ByteOrder ByteOrder = ByteOrder.MACHINE;
84         internal bool pagesizeIsSet;
85         private uint pgsz;
86         /// <summary>
87         /// The size of the pages used to hold items in the database, in bytes.
88         /// </summary>
89         /// <remarks>
90         /// <para>
91         /// The minimum page size is 512 bytes, the maximum page size is 64K
92         /// bytes, and the page size must be a power-of-two. If the page size is
93         /// not explicitly set, one is selected based on the underlying
94         /// filesystem I/O block size. The automatically selected size has a
95         /// lower limit of 512 bytes and an upper limit of 16K bytes.
96         /// </para>
97 		/// <para>
98         /// For information on tuning the Berkeley DB page size, see Selecting a
99         /// page size in the Programmer's Reference Guide.
100         /// </para>
101         /// <para>
102         /// If creating additional databases in a single physical file, this
103         /// parameter will be ignored and the page size of the existing
104         /// databases will be used.
105         /// </para>
106         /// </remarks>
107         public uint PageSize {
108             get { return pgsz; }
109             set {
110                 pagesizeIsSet = true;
111                 pgsz = value;
112             }
113         }
115         internal bool encryptionIsSet;
116         private String encryptPwd;
117         private bool doEncrypt;
118         private EncryptionAlgorithm encryptAlg;
119         /// <summary>
120         /// Set the password and algorithm used by the Berkeley DB library to
121         /// perform encryption and decryption.
122         /// </summary>
123         /// <param name="password">
124         /// The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
125         /// </param>
126         /// <param name="alg">
127         /// The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
128         /// </param>
SetEncryption(String password, EncryptionAlgorithm alg)129         public void SetEncryption(String password, EncryptionAlgorithm alg) {
130             doEncrypt = true;
131             encryptionIsSet = true;
132             encryptPwd = password;
133             encryptAlg = alg;
134         }
135         /// <summary>
136         /// The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
137         /// </summary>
138         public string EncryptionPassword { get { return encryptPwd; } }
139         /// <summary>
140         /// The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
141         /// </summary>
142         public EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptAlgorithm {
143             get { return encryptAlg; }
144         }
145         /// <summary>
146         /// Encrypt the database using the cryptographic password specified by
147         /// <see cref="DatabaseConfig.SetEncryption">DatabaseConfig.SetEncryption</see> or
148         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SetEncryption">DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SetEncryption</see>.
149         /// </summary>
150         /// <remarks>
151         /// <para>
152         /// If the database already exists, the value of Encrypted must be the
153         /// same as the existing database or an error will be returned.
154         /// </para>
155         /// <para>
156         /// Encrypted databases are not portable between machines of different
157         /// byte orders, that is, encrypted databases created on big-endian
158         /// machines cannot be read on little-endian machines, and vice versa.
159         /// </para>
160         /// </remarks>
161         public bool Encrypted {
162             get { return doEncrypt; }
163             set { doEncrypt = value; }
164         }
166         /// <summary>
167         /// The prefix string that appears before error messages issued by
168         /// Berkeley DB.
169         /// </summary>
170         public String ErrorPrefix;
171         /// <summary>
172         /// The mechanism for reporting error messages to the application.
173         /// </summary>
174         /// <remarks>
175         /// <para>
176         /// In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call
177         /// ErrorFeedback with additional error information. It is up to the
178         /// delegate function to display the error message in an appropriate
179         /// manner.
180         /// </para>
181         /// <para>
182         /// This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
183         /// significantly increase application size, and may be run during
184         /// normal operation as well as during application debugging.
185         /// </para>
186 		/// <para>
187         /// For databases opened inside of Berkeley DB environments, setting
188         /// ErrorFeedback affects the entire environment and is equivalent to
189         /// setting <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorFeedback"/>.
190         /// </para>
191         /// </remarks>
192         public ErrorFeedbackDelegate ErrorFeedback;
194         /// <summary>
195         ///
196         /// </summary>
197         public DatabaseFeedbackDelegate Feedback;
199         /// <summary>
200         /// If true, do checksum verification of pages read into the cache from
201         /// the backing filestore.
202         /// </summary>
203         /// <remarks>
204         /// <para>
205         /// Berkeley DB uses the SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm if encryption is
206         /// configured and a general hash algorithm if it is not.
207         /// </para>
208 		/// <para>
209         /// If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
210         /// </para>
211         /// </remarks>
212         public bool DoChecksum;
214         /// <summary>
215         /// If true, Berkeley DB will not write log records for this database.
216         /// </summary>
217         /// <remarks>
218         /// If Berkeley DB does not write log records, updates of this database
219         /// will exhibit the ACI (atomicity, consistency, and isolation)
220         /// properties, but not D (durability); that is, database integrity will
221         /// be maintained, but if the application or system fails, integrity
222         /// will not persist. The database file must be verified and/or restored
223         /// from backup after a failure. In order to ensure integrity after
224         /// application shut down, the database must be synced when closed, or
225         /// all database changes must be flushed from the database environment
226         /// cache using either
227         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.Checkpoint"/> or
228         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.SyncMemPool"/>. All database objects
229         /// for a single physical file must set NonDurableTxns, including
230         /// database objects for different databases in a physical file.
231         /// </remarks>
232         public bool NonDurableTxns;
234         /// <summary>
235         /// Configuration of <see cref="BaseDatabase"/> handle to obtain a write
236         /// lock on the entire database.
237         /// </summary>
238         /// <remarks>
239         /// <para>
240         /// If true, configure the <see cref="BaseDatabase"/> handle to obtain a
241         /// write lock on the entire database. When the database is opened it
242         /// will immediately throw <see cref="LockNotGrantedException"/> if it
243         /// cannot obtain the exclusive lock immediately. If False, configure
244         /// the <see cref="BaseDatabase"/> handle to obtain a write lock on the
245         /// entire database. When the database is opened, it will block until it
246         /// can obtain the exclusive lock. If null, do not configure the
247         /// <see cref="BaseDatabase"/> handle to obtain a write lock on the
248         /// entire database.
249         /// </para>
250         /// </remarks>
251         public bool? NoWaitDbExclusiveLock;
253         internal uint flags {
254             get {
255                 uint ret = 0;
256                 ret |= DoChecksum ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_CHKSUM : 0;
257                 ret |= Encrypted ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_ENCRYPT : 0;
258                 ret |= NonDurableTxns ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE : 0;
259                 return ret;
260             }
261         }
263         /// <summary>
264         /// Enclose the open call within a transaction. If the call succeeds,
265         /// the open operation will be recoverable and all subsequent database
266         /// modification operations based on this handle will be transactionally
267         /// protected. If the call fails, no database will have been created.
268         /// </summary>
269         public bool AutoCommit;
270         /// <summary>
271         /// Cause the database object to be free-threaded; that is, concurrently
272         /// usable by multiple threads in the address space.
273         /// </summary>
274         public bool FreeThreaded;
275         /// <summary>
276         /// Do not map this database into process memory.
277         /// </summary>
278         public bool NoMMap;
279         /// <summary>
280         /// Open the database for reading only. Any attempt to modify items in
281         /// the database will fail, regardless of the actual permissions of any
282         /// underlying files.
283         /// </summary>
284         public bool ReadOnly;
285         /// <summary>
286         /// Support transactional read operations with degree 1 isolation.
287         /// </summary>
288         /// <remarks>
289         /// Read operations on the database may request the return of modified
290         /// but not yet committed data. This flag must be specified on all
291         /// database objects used to perform dirty reads or database updates,
292         /// otherwise requests for dirty reads may not be honored and the read
293         /// may block.
294         /// </remarks>
295         public bool ReadUncommitted;
296         /// <summary>
297         /// Physically truncate the underlying file, discarding all previous databases it might have held.
298         /// </summary>
299         /// <remarks>
300         /// <para>
301         /// Underlying filesystem primitives are used to implement this flag.
302         /// For this reason, it is applicable only to the file and cannot be
303         /// used to discard databases within a file.
304         /// </para>
305 		/// <para>
306         /// This setting cannot be lock or transaction-protected, and it is an
307         /// error to specify it in a locking or transaction-protected
308         /// environment.
309         /// </para>
310         /// </remarks>
311         public bool Truncate;
312         /// <summary>
313         /// Open the database with support for multiversion concurrency control.
314         /// </summary>
315         /// <remarks>
316         /// This will cause updates to the database to follow a copy-on-write
317         /// protocol, which is required to support snapshot isolation. This
318         /// settting requires that the database be transactionally protected
319         /// during its open and is not supported by the queue format.
320         /// </remarks>
321         public bool UseMVCC;
322         internal uint openFlags {
323             get {
324                 uint ret = 0;
325                 ret |= AutoCommit ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_AUTO_COMMIT : 0;
326                 ret |= FreeThreaded ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_THREAD : 0;
327                 ret |= NoMMap ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_NOMMAP : 0;
328                 ret |= ReadOnly ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_RDONLY : 0;
329                 ret |= ReadUncommitted ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED : 0;
330                 ret |= Truncate ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_TRUNCATE : 0;
331                 ret |= UseMVCC ? Internal.DbConstants.DB_MULTIVERSION : 0;
332                 return ret;
333             }
334         }
336         /// <summary>
337         /// Instantiate a new DatabaseConfig object
338         /// </summary>
DatabaseConfig()339         public DatabaseConfig() {
340             Env = null;
341             Priority = CachePriority.DEFAULT;
342             pagesizeIsSet = false;
343             encryptionIsSet = false;
344             ErrorPrefix = null;
345             Feedback = null;
346             DoChecksum = false;
347             NonDurableTxns = false;
348             NoWaitDbExclusiveLock = null;
349             AutoCommit = false;
350             FreeThreaded = false;
351             NoMMap = false;
352             ReadOnly = false;
353             ReadUncommitted = false;
354             Truncate = false;
355             UseMVCC = false;
356         }
357     }
358 }