1 package SQLite;
3 import java.io.PrintStream;
4 import java.io.PrintWriter;
6 /**
7  * SQLite SQL dump utility.
8  */
10 public class SQLDump implements Callback {
11     PrintWriter pw;
12     PrintWriter err;
13     Database db;
14     Shell s;
SQLDump(PrintWriter pw, Database db)16     public SQLDump(PrintWriter pw, Database db) {
17 	this.pw = pw;
18 	this.err = this.pw;
19 	this.db = db;
20 	s = new Shell(this.pw, this.err);
21 	s.mode = Shell.MODE_Insert;
22 	s.db = db;
23     }
SQLDump(PrintStream ps, Database db)25     public SQLDump(PrintStream ps, Database db) {
26 	this.pw = new PrintWriter(ps);
27 	this.err = this.pw;
28 	this.db = db;
29 	s = new Shell(this.pw, this.err);
30 	s.mode = Shell.MODE_Insert;
31 	s.db = db;
32     }
dump()34     public void dump() throws SQLite.Exception {
35 	pw.println("BEGIN TRANSACTION;");
36 	db.exec("SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master " +
37 		"WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOT NULL " +
38 		"ORDER BY substr(type,2,1), name", this);
39 	pw.println("COMMIT;");
40 	pw.flush();
41     }
columns(String col[])43     public void columns(String col[]) {
44 	/* Empty body to satisfy SQLite.Callback interface. */
45     }
types(String args[])47     public void types(String args[]) {
48 	/* Empty body to satisfy SQLite.Callback interface. */
49     }
newrow(String args[])51     public boolean newrow(String args[]) {
52 	if (args.length != 3) {
53 	    return true;
54 	}
55 	pw.println(args[2] + ";");
56 	if (args[1].compareTo("table") == 0) {
57 	    s.mode = Shell.MODE_Insert;
58 	    s.set_table_name(args[0]);
59 	    String qargs[] = new String[1];
60 	    qargs[0] = args[0];
61 	    try {
62 		if (s.db.is3()) {
63 		    TableResult t = null;
64 		    t = s.db.get_table("PRAGMA table_info('%q')", qargs);
65 		    String query;
66 		    if (t != null) {
67 			StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
68 			String sep = "";
70 			sb.append("SELECT ");
71 			for (int i = 0; i < t.nrows; i++) {
72 			    String col = ((String[]) t.rows.elementAt(i))[1];
73 			    sb.append(sep + "quote(" +
74 				      Shell.sql_quote_dbl(col) + ")");
75 			    sep = ",";
76 			}
77 			sb.append(" from '%q'");
78 			query = sb.toString();
79 			s.mode = Shell.MODE_Insert2;
80 		    } else {
81 			query = "SELECT * from '%q'";
82 		    }
83 		    s.db.exec(query, s, qargs);
84 		    pw.flush();
85 		} else {
86 		    s.db.exec("SELECT * from '%q'", s, qargs);
87 		    pw.flush();
88 		}
89 	    } catch (Exception e) {
90 		return true;
91 	    }
92 	}
93 	s.mode = Shell.MODE_Line;
94 	return false;
95     }
96 }