1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * pg_index.h
4  *	  definition of the system "index" relation (pg_index)
5  *	  along with the relation's initial contents.
6  *
7  *
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2017, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
9  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
10  *
11  * src/include/catalog/pg_index.h
12  *
13  * NOTES
14  *	  the genbki.pl script reads this file and generates .bki
15  *	  information from the DATA() statements.
16  *
17  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  */
19 #ifndef PG_INDEX_H
20 #define PG_INDEX_H
22 #include "catalog/genbki.h"
24 /* ----------------
25  *		pg_index definition.  cpp turns this into
26  *		typedef struct FormData_pg_index.
27  * ----------------
28  */
29 #define IndexRelationId  2610
32 {
33 	Oid			indexrelid;		/* OID of the index */
34 	Oid			indrelid;		/* OID of the relation it indexes */
35 	int16		indnatts;		/* number of columns in index */
36 	bool		indisunique;	/* is this a unique index? */
37 	bool		indisprimary;	/* is this index for primary key? */
38 	bool		indisexclusion; /* is this index for exclusion constraint? */
39 	bool		indimmediate;	/* is uniqueness enforced immediately? */
40 	bool		indisclustered; /* is this the index last clustered by? */
41 	bool		indisvalid;		/* is this index valid for use by queries? */
42 	bool		indcheckxmin;	/* must we wait for xmin to be old? */
43 	bool		indisready;		/* is this index ready for inserts? */
44 	bool		indislive;		/* is this index alive at all? */
45 	bool		indisreplident; /* is this index the identity for replication? */
47 	/* variable-length fields start here, but we allow direct access to indkey */
48 	int2vector	indkey;			/* column numbers of indexed cols, or 0 */
51 	oidvector	indcollation;	/* collation identifiers */
52 	oidvector	indclass;		/* opclass identifiers */
53 	int2vector	indoption;		/* per-column flags (AM-specific meanings) */
54 	pg_node_tree indexprs;		/* expression trees for index attributes that
55 								 * are not simple column references; one for
56 								 * each zero entry in indkey[] */
57 	pg_node_tree indpred;		/* expression tree for predicate, if a partial
58 								 * index; else NULL */
59 #endif
60 } FormData_pg_index;
62 /* ----------------
63  *		Form_pg_index corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
64  *		the format of pg_index relation.
65  * ----------------
66  */
67 typedef FormData_pg_index *Form_pg_index;
69 /* ----------------
70  *		compiler constants for pg_index
71  * ----------------
72  */
73 #define Natts_pg_index					19
74 #define Anum_pg_index_indexrelid		1
75 #define Anum_pg_index_indrelid			2
76 #define Anum_pg_index_indnatts			3
77 #define Anum_pg_index_indisunique		4
78 #define Anum_pg_index_indisprimary		5
79 #define Anum_pg_index_indisexclusion	6
80 #define Anum_pg_index_indimmediate		7
81 #define Anum_pg_index_indisclustered	8
82 #define Anum_pg_index_indisvalid		9
83 #define Anum_pg_index_indcheckxmin		10
84 #define Anum_pg_index_indisready		11
85 #define Anum_pg_index_indislive			12
86 #define Anum_pg_index_indisreplident	13
87 #define Anum_pg_index_indkey			14
88 #define Anum_pg_index_indcollation		15
89 #define Anum_pg_index_indclass			16
90 #define Anum_pg_index_indoption			17
91 #define Anum_pg_index_indexprs			18
92 #define Anum_pg_index_indpred			19
94 /*
95  * Index AMs that support ordered scans must support these two indoption
96  * bits.  Otherwise, the content of the per-column indoption fields is
97  * open for future definition.
98  */
99 #define INDOPTION_DESC			0x0001	/* values are in reverse order */
100 #define INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST	0x0002	/* NULLs are first instead of last */
102 /*
103  * Use of these macros is recommended over direct examination of the state
104  * flag columns where possible; this allows source code compatibility with
105  * the hacky representation used in 9.2.
106  */
107 #define IndexIsValid(indexForm) ((indexForm)->indisvalid)
108 #define IndexIsReady(indexForm) ((indexForm)->indisready)
109 #define IndexIsLive(indexForm)	((indexForm)->indislive)
111 #endif							/* PG_INDEX_H */