2# MantisBT - A PHP based bugtracking system
4# MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7# (at your option) any later version.
9# MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12# GNU General Public License for more details.
14# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15# along with MantisBT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 * DbQuery class.
19 * @copyright Copyright 2017 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
20 * @link http://www.mantisbt.org
21 * @package MantisBT
22 * @subpackage classes
23 *
24 * @uses config_api.php
25 * @uses constant_inc.php
26 * @uses database_api.php
27 * @uses logging_api.php
28 */
30require_api( 'config_api.php' );
31require_api( 'constant_inc.php' );
32require_api( 'database_api.php' );
33require_api( 'logging_api.php' );
37 * Database Query abstraction class.
38 *
39 * Allows building a query and fetching data, providing compatible functionality
40 * for all supported databases. Hides the underlaying details from the ADOdb layer.
41 *
42 * Supports inline parameters with ":label" syntax, and anonymous parameters
43 * through the param() method.
44 * Supports binding arrays which will be later expanded to individual parameters.
45 *
46 * The internal processing steps for query string are:
47 * 1) $query_string: stores the user input string, containing parameter tokens for all
48 *   supported formats:
49 *     - ":{string}" For labeled parameters. Binded values are stored in $query_bind_array
50 *     - "${int}" For anonymous parameters. Binded values are stored in $query_autobind_array
51 *     - "${string}{int}" For special constructs, eg: $in0 for late binding IN clauses
52 * 2) $expanded_query_string: stores the query string after expansion of special constructs
53 *   into standard "${int}" parameters
54 * 3) $db_query_string: stores the query string after all parameters have been renamed,
55 *   reordered and converted to the specific database parameter syntax expected by ADOdb.
56 *   Binded values are stored in $db_param_array
57 *
58 * The steps for query string processing are performed by:
59 * - process_expand_params(): converts query string (1) into (2)
60 * - process_bind_params(): converts query string(2) into (3)
61 * - process_sql_syntax(): modifies query string (3) performing some general and database
62 *   specific modifications.
63 *
64 * Execution of the query is supported by:
65 * - db_execute(): performs the low level, actual execution from ADOdb
66 * - execute(): performs all query processing steps and then calls db_execute().
67 */
69class DbQuery {
71	/**
72	 * Stores the user input for query string.
73	 * @var string
74	 */
75	protected $query_string;
77	/**
78	 * Stores the query string with "late binding" placeholders expanded into final
79	 * sql syntax and parameters.
80	 * @var string
81	 */
82	protected $expanded_query_string = null;
84	/**
85	 * Array of values binded to labeled parameters, indexed by label names.
86	 * @var array
87	 */
88	protected $query_bind_array;
90	/**
91	 * Array of values binded to anonymous parameters, indexed by numerical index.
92	 * @var array
93	 */
94	protected $query_autobind_array = array();
96	/**
97	 * Counter for assigning numerical indexes to anonymous parameters.
98	 * @var integer
99	 */
100	protected $query_autobind_count = 0;
102	/**
103	 * Stores the final query string to be passed to ADOdb.
104	 * @var string
105	 */
106	protected $db_query_string;
108	/**
109	 * Array of values for parameters included in the final query string for ADOdb,
110	 * indexed as needed for the ADOdb driver
111	 * @var array
112	 */
113	protected $db_param_array;
115	/**
116	 * Stores the adodb result set for the query after it has been executed, or false if the query failed.
117	 * @var  IteratorAggregate|boolean
118	 */
119	protected $db_result = null;
121	/**
122	 * Stores execution time of the query (microseconds).
123	 * @var integer
124	 */
125	protected $db_query_time = null;
127	/**
128	 * Stores the latest fetched array fromthe result set.
129	 * @var array
130	 */
131	protected $current_row = null;
133	/**
134	 * Stores row limit value for query execution.
135	 * Number of rows to be returned from the query result
136	 * Use -1 to disable this option.
137	 * @var integer
138	 */
139	protected $select_limit = -1;
141	/**
142	 * Stores the offset value for query execution.
143	 * The resultset starts at this position from the query result
144	 * Use -1 to disable this option.
145	 * @var integer
146	 */
147	protected $select_offset = -1;
149	/**
150	 * Array to manage late binding for IN constructs
151	 * @var array
152	 */
153	protected $late_binding_in_clause = array();
155	protected static $oracle_in_limit = 1000; # this could be a constant
158	/**
159	 * Construct a new query object.
160	 * Optional parameters are the query string, and an array of values to be
161	 * binded to labeled parameters
162	 * @param string $p_query_string	Query string
163	 * @param array $p_bind_array		Bind values
164	 * @return void
165	 */
166	public function __construct( $p_query_string = null, array $p_bind_array = null ) {
167		# Itialization
168		if( null === $p_query_string ) {
169			$this->query_string = '';
170		} else {
171			$this->query_string = $p_query_string;
172		}
173		if( null === $p_bind_array ) {
174			$this->query_bind_array = array();
175		} else {
176			$this->query_bind_array = $p_bind_array;
177		}
178	}
180	/**
181	 * Set or replaces current query string
182	 * @param string $p_query_string	Query string
183	 * @return void
184	 */
185	public function sql( $p_query_string ) {
186		$this->query_string = $p_query_string;
187	}
189	/**
190	 * Append to current query string
191	 * @param string $p_query_string	Query string
192	 * @return void
193	 */
194	public function append_sql( $p_query_string ) {
195		$this->query_string .= $p_query_string;
196	}
198	/**
199	 * Creates a string containing a parameter that can be appended to the query string
200	 * The provided value is binded to the parameter and stored for use at execution time
201	 * The parameters created by this method are anonymous parameters, so they can't be
202	 * accessed later to have values modified or rebinded.
203	 * The format of the token created is: "$n", where "n" is an incremental integer
204	 * @param mixed $p_value	Value to bind for this parameter
205	 * @return string			Token string
206	 */
207	public function param( $p_value ) {
208		$t_new_id = $this->query_autobind_count++;
209		$this->query_autobind_array[$t_new_id] = $p_value;
210		$t_par = '$' . $t_new_id;
211		return $t_par;
212	}
214	/**
215	 * Sets the "limit" value. This value is used for all subsequent query executions
216	 * Use -1 to disable this option
217	 * @param integer $p_limit	Number of rows to limit
218	 * @return void
219	 */
220	public function set_limit( $p_limit = -1 ) {
221		$this->select_limit = $p_limit;
222	}
224	/**
225	 * Sets the "offset" value. This value is used for all subsequent query executions
226	 * Use -1 to disable this option
227	 * @param integer $p_offset	Number of rows to offset
228	 * @return void
229	 */
230	public function set_offset( $p_offset = -1 ) {
231		$this->select_offset = $p_offset;
232	}
234	/**
235	 * Executes the query, performing all preprocess and binding steps.
236	 * A bind array can provided, which will be added to current bindings.
237	 * Limit and offset options can be provided, which will affect only to this execution.
238	 * @param array $p_bind_array	Array for binding values
239	 * @param integer $p_limit		Limit value
240	 * @param integer $p_offset		Offset value
241	 * @return IteratorAggregate|boolean ADOdb result set or false if the query failed.
242	 */
243	public function execute( array $p_bind_array = null, $p_limit = null, $p_offset = null ) {
244		# For backwards compatibility with legacy code still relying on DB API,
245		# we need to save the parameters count before binding otherwise it will
246		# be reset after query execution, which will cause issues on RDBMS with
247		# numbered params (e.g. PostgreSQL).
248		db_param_push();
250		# bind values if provided
251		if( null !== $p_bind_array ) {
252			$this->bind_values( $p_bind_array );
253		}
255		# preprocess parameters
256		$this->process_expand_params();
257		$this->process_bind_params();
258		$this->process_sql_syntax();
260		$t_result = $this->db_execute($p_limit, $p_offset);
261		db_param_pop();
262		return $t_result;
263	}
265	/**
266	 * Call ADOdb execution of sql string.
267	 * At this point all preprocessing and value binding has been performed.
268	 * @param integer $p_limit	Limit value
269	 * @param integer $p_offset	Offset value
270	 * @return IteratorAggregate|boolean ADOdb result set or false if the query failed.
271	 */
272	protected function db_execute( $p_limit = null, $p_offset = null ) {
273		global $g_db;
275		# get limit and offset
276		if( null !== $p_limit ) {
277			$t_limit = $p_limit;
278		} else {
279			$t_limit = $this->select_limit;
280		}
281		if( null !== $p_offset ) {
282			$t_offset = $p_offset;
283		} else {
284			$t_offset = $this->select_offset;
285		}
287		$t_start = microtime( true );
289		if( ( $t_limit != -1 ) || ( $t_offset != -1 ) ) {
290			$this->db_result = $g_db->SelectLimit( $this->db_query_string, $t_limit, $t_offset, $this->db_param_array );
291		} else {
292			$this->db_result = $g_db->Execute( $this->db_query_string, $this->db_param_array );
293		}
295		$this->db_query_time = number_format( microtime( true ) - $t_start, 4 );
297		$this->log_query();
299		if( !$this->db_result ) {
300			db_error( $this->db_query_string );
301			trigger_error( ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED, ERROR );
302			$this->db_result = false;
303		}
304		$this->current_row = null;
305		return $this->db_result;
306	}
308	/**
309	 * Logs data from latest execution
310	 * @return void
311	 */
312	protected function log_query() {
313		global $g_db_log_queries, $g_queries_array;
314		if( ON == $g_db_log_queries ) {
315			$t_query_text = db_format_query_log_msg( $this->db_query_string, $this->db_param_array );
316			log_event( LOG_DATABASE, array( $t_query_text, $this->db_query_time ) );
317		} else {
318			# If not logging the queries the actual text is not needed
319			$t_query_text = '';
320		}
321		array_push( $g_queries_array, array( $t_query_text, $this->db_query_time ) );
322	}
324	/**
325	 * Bind values for labeled parameters.
326	 * An array indexed by label names must be provided.
327	 * @param array $p_values_array	Array of values
328	 * @return void
329	 */
330	public function bind_values( array $p_values_array ) {
331		$this->query_bind_array = $p_values_array + $this->query_bind_array;
332	}
334	/**
335	 * Binds values to a labeled parameters
336	 * When using:
337	 * bind(string, value) binds one value to one parameter
338	 * bind(array) is an alias for method "bind_values(array)"
339	 * @param mixed $p_label_or_values	A labeled parameter name, or array for value bindings
340	 * @param mixed $p_value			A value to bind
341	 * @return void
342	 */
343	public function bind( $p_label_or_values, $p_value = null ) {
344		if( is_array( $p_label_or_values ) ) {
345			# is a values array
346			$this->bind_values( $p_label_or_values );
347		} else {
348			# is a label string
349			$this->query_bind_array[$p_label_or_values] = $p_value;
350		}
351	}
353	/**
354	 * Performs some specific preprocessing on sql string
355	 * - replace table names from abbreviated syntax
356	 * - replaces boolean values to fix some db driver inconsistencies
357	 * - process oracle syntax fixes for compatibility
358	 * @return void
359	 */
360	protected function process_sql_syntax() {
361		global $g_db;
363		static $s_prefix;
364		static $s_suffix;
365		if( $s_prefix === null ) {
366			# Determine table prefix and suffixes including trailing and leading '_'
367			$s_prefix = trim( config_get_global( 'db_table_prefix' ) );
368			$s_suffix = trim( config_get_global( 'db_table_suffix' ) );
370			if( !empty( $s_prefix ) && '_' != substr( $s_prefix, -1 ) ) {
371				$s_prefix .= '_';
372			}
373			if( !empty( $s_suffix ) && '_' != substr( $s_suffix, 0, 1 ) ) {
374				$s_suffix = '_' . $s_suffix;
375			}
376		}
378		$this->db_query_string = strtr( $this->db_query_string,
379			array( '{' => $s_prefix, '}' => $s_suffix )
380			);
382		# check parameters for special treatment of boolean types
383		# use the native values provided by the ADOdb driver
384		foreach( $this->db_param_array as $t_key => $t_value ) {
385			if( $t_value === false ) {
386				$this->db_param_array[$t_key] = $g_db->false;
387			} elseif( $t_value === true ) {
388				$this->db_param_array[$t_key] = $g_db->true;
389			}
390		}
392		if( db_is_oracle() ) {
393			$this->process_sql_syntax_oracle();
394		}
395	}
397	/**
398	 * Process current query string converting all internal parameter placeholders
399	 * to final ADOdb parameter syntax.
400	 * Will convert all labeled ":xxx", and anonymous "$n" parameters, and build
401	 * a values array suitable for ADOdb.
402	 * @param integer $p_counter_start
403	 * @return integer	Number of parameters created
404	 */
405	protected function process_bind_params( $p_counter_start = 0) {
406		global $g_db;
408		# shortcut, if no values are binded, skip parameter replacement
409		if( empty( $this->query_autobind_array ) && empty( $this->query_bind_array ) ) {
410			$this->db_query_string = $this->query_string;
411			$this->db_param_array = array();
412		}
414		$t_query_string = $this->expanded_query_string;
416		$t_new_query = '';
417		$t_new_binds = array();
418		$t_par_index = $p_counter_start;
419		$t_par_count = 0;
420		$t_parts = preg_split( '/(:[a-z0-9_]+)|(\$[0-9]+)/mi', $t_query_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
421		foreach( $t_parts as $t_part ) {
423			$t_first = substr( $t_part, 0, 1 );
425			if( $t_first === '$' || $t_first === ':' ) {
427				$t_label = substr( $t_part, 1 );
428				switch( $t_first ) {
429					case '$':
430						$t_value = $this->query_autobind_array[(int)$t_label];
431						break;
432					case ':':
433						$t_value = $this->query_bind_array[$t_label];
434						break;
435				}
437				if( is_array( $t_value ) ) {
438					$t_params_for_array = array();
439					foreach( $t_value as $t_array_item ) {
440						$t_params_for_array[] = $g_db->Param( $t_par_index );
441						$t_new_binds[$t_par_index] = $t_array_item;
442						$t_par_count++;
443						$t_par_index++;
444					}
445					$t_new_query .= '(' . implode( ',', $t_params_for_array ) . ')';
446				} elseif( $t_value instanceof DbQuery ) {
447					# preprocess subquery object
448					$t_value->process_expand_params();
449					$t_sub_params = $t_value->process_bind_params( $t_par_index );
450					$t_par_index += $t_sub_params;
451					$t_par_count += $t_sub_params;
452					# append subquery
453					$t_new_binds = $t_new_binds + $t_value->db_param_array;
454					$t_new_query .= '(' . $t_value->db_query_string . ')';
455				} else {
456					$t_new_query .= $g_db->Param( $t_par_index );
457					$t_new_binds[$t_par_index] = $t_value;
458					$t_par_count++;
459					$t_par_index++;
460				}
462				continue;
463			}
465			# default
466			$t_new_query .= $t_part;
467		}
469		$this->db_query_string = $t_new_query;
470		$this->db_param_array = $t_new_binds;
472		return $t_par_count;
473	}
475	/**
476	 * Builds an alternative IN expression to work around Oracle limits.
477	 * (X, field) IN ( (X,V1), (X,V2), ... ) where X is a constant value
478	 * is equivalent to: field IN (V1,V2,..)
479	 * @param string $p_alias
480	 * @param array $p_values
481	 * @return string
482	 */
483	protected function helper_in_oracle_fix( $p_alias, array $p_values ) {
484		$t_in_tuples = array();
485		foreach( $p_values as $t_value ) {
486			$t_in_tuples[] = '(1,' . $this->param( $t_value ) . ')';
487		}
488		$t_sql = '(1,' . $p_alias . ') IN (' . implode( ',', $t_in_tuples ) . ')';
489		return $t_sql;
490	}
492	/**
493	 * Process query string to expand late binding constructs
494	 * @return void
495	 */
496	protected function process_expand_params() {
497		# original query_string should not be modified to allow for rebinding
498		$this->expanded_query_string = $this->query_string;
500		if( !empty( $this->late_binding_in_clause ) ) {
501			$this->process_expand_params_in();
502		}
503	}
505	/**
506	 * Process query string to expand late binding constructs for IN clauses
507	 * @return void
508	 */
509	protected function process_expand_params_in() {
510		$t_new_query = '';
511		$t_parts = preg_split( '/(\$in[0-9]+)/m', $this->expanded_query_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
512		foreach( $t_parts as $t_part ) {
513			$t_is_token = substr( $t_part, 0, 3 ) === '$in';
514			if( $t_is_token ) {
515				$t_index = (int)substr( $t_part, 3 );
516				$t_label =  $this->late_binding_in_clause[$t_index]['label'];
517				$t_alias =  $this->late_binding_in_clause[$t_index]['alias'];
518				$t_values = $this->query_bind_array[$t_label];
519				if( count( $t_values ) > self::$oracle_in_limit ) {
520					$t_new_query .= $this->helper_in_oracle_fix( $t_alias, $t_values );
521				} elseif( count( $t_values ) == 1 ) {
522					$t_new_query .= $t_alias . ' = ' . $this->param( reset( $t_values ) );
523				} else {
524					$t_new_query .= $t_alias . ' IN ' . $this->param( $t_values );
525				}
526				continue;
527			}
529			$t_new_query .= $t_part;
530		}
531		$this->expanded_query_string = $t_new_query;
532	}
534	/**
535	 * Creates a string construction for an IN expression, providing:
536	 * - alias: is the name of the column as a valid identifier in the final sql query
537	 * - a label, or an array of values
538	 * If a label is provided, the values must be binded as separate calls to binding methods.
539	 *
540	 * The returned string would replace the sql part for: "alias IN (x,x,x)"
541	 *
542	 * To work around Oracle limit of 1000 elements in IN clauses, using a label
543	 * is recommended in situations that this number may be reached.
544	 * This construct will then automatically deal with a compatible syntax fix.
545	 * Using a label in this scenario is needed because the fix must be implemented
546	 * with a late binding of the array at execution time (this also allows correctly
547	 * rebinding the elements for the IN clause)
548	 *
549	 * @param string $p_alias			A valid sql column identifier
550	 * @param mixed $p_label_or_values	Label or values array
551	 * @return string	Constructed string to be added to query
552	 */
553	public function sql_in( $p_alias, $p_label_or_values ) {
554		if( is_array( $p_label_or_values ) ) {
555			if( count( $p_label_or_values ) > self::$oracle_in_limit ) {
556				$t_sql = $this->helper_in_oracle_fix( $p_alias, $p_label_or_values );
557			} elseif( count( $p_label_or_values ) == 1 ) {
558				$t_sql = $p_alias . ' = ' . $this->param( reset( $p_label_or_values ) );
559			} else {
560				$t_sql = $p_alias . ' IN ' . $this->param( $p_label_or_values );
561			}
562		} else {
563			# is a label
564			# create placeholder for late binding
565			$t_new_index = count( $this->late_binding_in_clause );
566			$this->late_binding_in_clause[$t_new_index] = array();
567			$this->late_binding_in_clause[$t_new_index]['alias'] = $p_alias;
568			$this->late_binding_in_clause[$t_new_index]['label'] = $p_label_or_values;
569			$t_sql = '$in' . $t_new_index;
570		}
572		return $t_sql;
573	}
575	protected function process_sql_syntax_oracle() {
576		# Remove "AS" keyword, because not supported with table aliasing
577		# - Do not remove text literal within "'" quotes
578		# - Will remove all "AS", except when it's part of a "CAST(x AS y)" expression
579		#   To do so, we will assume that the "AS" following a "CAST", is safe to be kept.
580		#   Using a counter for "CAST" appearances to allow nesting: CAST(CAST(x AS y) AS z)
582		$t_query = $this->db_query_string;
584		# split the string by the relevant delimiters. The delimiters will be part of the split array
585		$t_parts = preg_split("/(')|( AS )|(CAST\s*\()/mi", $t_query, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
586		$t_is_literal = false;
587		$t_cast = 0;
588		$t_new_query = '';
589		foreach( $t_parts as $t_part ) {
590			# if quotes, switch literal flag
591			if( $t_part == '\'' ) {
592				$t_is_literal = !$t_is_literal;
593				$t_new_query .= $t_part;
594				continue;
595			}
596			# if this part is litereal, do not change
597			if( $t_is_literal ) {
598				$t_new_query .= $t_part;
599				continue;
600			} else {
601				# if there is "CAST" delimiter, flag the counter
602				if( preg_match( '/^CAST\s*\($/i', $t_part ) ) {
603					$t_cast++;
604					$t_new_query .= $t_part;
605					continue;
606				}
607				# if there is "AS"
608				if( strcasecmp( $t_part, ' AS ' ) == 0 ) {
609					# if there's a previous CAST, keep the AS
610					if( $t_cast > 0 ) {
611						$t_cast--;
612						$t_new_query .= $t_part;
613					} else {
614						# otherwise, remove the " AS ", replace by a space
615						$t_new_query .= ' ';
616					}
617					continue;
618				}
619				$t_new_query .= $t_part;
620				continue;
621			}
622		}
623		$t_query = $t_new_query;
625		# Remove null bind variables in insert statements for default values support
626		if( is_array( $this->db_param_array ) ) {
627			preg_match( '/^[\s\n\r]*insert[\s\n\r]+(into){0,1}[\s\n\r]+(?P<table>[a-z0-9_]+)[\s\n\r]*\([\s\n\r]*[\s\n\r]*(?P<fields>[a-z0-9_,\s\n\r]+)[\s\n\r]*\)[\s\n\r]*values[\s\n\r]*\([\s\n\r]*(?P<values>[:a-z0-9_,\s\n\r]+)\)/i', $t_query, $t_matches );
629			if( isset( $t_matches['values'] ) ) { #if statement is a INSERT INTO ... (...) VALUES(...)
630				# iterates non-empty bind variables
631				$i = 0;
632				$t_fields_left = $t_matches['fields'];
633				$t_values_left = $t_matches['values'];
635				//for( $t_arr_index = 0; $t_arr_index < count( $this->db_param_array ); $t_arr_index++ ) {
636				foreach( $this->db_param_array as $t_arr_index => $t_arr_value ) {
637					# inserting fieldname search
638					if( preg_match( '/^[\s\n\r]*([a-z0-9_]+)[\s\n\r]*,{0,1}([\d\D]*)\z/i', $t_fields_left, $t_fieldmatch ) ) {
639						$t_fields_left = $t_fieldmatch[2];
640						$t_fields_arr[$i] = $t_fieldmatch[1];
641					}
642					# inserting bindvar name search
643					if( preg_match( '/^[\s\n\r]*(:[a-z0-9_]+)[\s\n\r]*,{0,1}([\d\D]*)\z/i', $t_values_left, $t_valuematch ) ) {
644						$t_values_left = $t_valuematch[2];
645						$t_values_arr[$i] = $t_valuematch[1];
646					}
647					# skip unsetting if bind array value not empty
648					//if( $this->db_param_array[$t_arr_index] !== '' ) {
649					if( $t_arr_value !== '' ) {
650						$i++;
651					} else {
652						unset( $t_fields_arr[$i] );
653						unset( $t_values_arr[$i] );
654						unset( $this->db_param_array[$t_arr_index] );
655						/*
656						$t_arr_index--;
657						# Shift array and unset bind array element
658						for( $n = $i + 1; $n < count( $this->db_param_array ); $n++ ) {
659							$this->db_param_array[$n-1] = $this->db_param_array[$n];
660						}
661						unset( $t_fields_arr[$i] );
662						unset( $t_values_arr[$i] );
663						unset( $this->db_param_array[count( $this->db_param_array ) - 1] );
664						 */
665					}
666				}
668				# Combine statement from arrays
669				$t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_matches['table'] . ' (' . implode( ',', $t_fields_arr ) . ')'
670					. ' VALUES (' . implode( ',', $t_values_arr ) . ')';
671				/*
672				$t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_matches['table'] . ' (' . $t_fields_arr[0];
673				for( $i = 1; $i < count( $this->db_param_array ); $i++ ) {
674					$t_query = $t_query . ', ' . $t_fields_arr[$i];
675				}
676				$t_query = $t_query . ') values (' . $t_values_arr[0];
677				for( $i = 1; $i < count( $this->db_param_array ); $i++ ) {
678					$t_query = $t_query . ', ' . $t_values_arr[$i];
679				}
680				$t_query = $t_query . ')';
681				 */
682			} else {
683				# if input statement is NOT a INSERT INTO (...) VALUES(...)
685				# "IS NULL" adoptation here
686				$t_set_where_template_str = substr( md5( uniqid( rand(), true ) ), 0, 50 );
687				$t_removed_set_where = '';
689				# Find and remove temporarily "SET var1=:bind1, var2=:bind2 WHERE" part
690				preg_match( '/^(?P<before_set_where>.*)(?P<set_where>[\s\n\r]*set[\s\n\r]+[\s\n\ra-z0-9_\.=,:\']+)(?P<after_set_where>where[\d\D]*)$/i', $t_query, $t_matches );
691				$t_set_where_stmt = isset( $t_matches['after_set_where'] );
693				if( $t_set_where_stmt ) {
694					$t_removed_set_where = $t_matches['set_where'];
695					# Now work with statement without "SET ... WHERE" part
696					$t_templated_query = $t_matches['before_set_where'] . $t_set_where_template_str . $t_matches['after_set_where'];
697				} else {
698					$t_templated_query = $t_query;
699				}
701				# Replace "var1=''" by "var1 IS NULL"
702				while( preg_match( '/^(?P<before_empty_literal>[\d\D]*[\s\n\r(]+([a-z0-9_]*[\s\n\r]*\.){0,1}[\s\n\r]*[a-z0-9_]+)[\s\n\r]*=[\s\n\r]*\'\'(?P<after_empty_literal>[\s\n\r]*[\d\D]*\z)/i', $t_templated_query, $t_matches ) > 0 ) {
703					$t_templated_query = $t_matches['before_empty_literal'] . ' IS NULL ' . $t_matches['after_empty_literal'];
704				}
705				# Replace "var1!=''" and "var1<>''" by "var1 IS NOT NULL"
706				while( preg_match( '/^(?P<before_empty_literal>[\d\D]*[\s\n\r(]+([a-z0-9_]*[\s\n\r]*\.){0,1}[\s\n\r]*[a-z0-9_]+)[\s\n\r]*(![\s\n\r]*=|<[\s\n\r]*>)[\s\n\r]*\'\'(?P<after_empty_literal>[\s\n\r]*[\d\D]*\z)/i', $t_templated_query, $t_matches ) > 0 ) {
707					$t_templated_query = $t_matches['before_empty_literal'] . ' IS NOT NULL ' . $t_matches['after_empty_literal'];
708				}
710				$t_query = $t_templated_query;
711				# Process input bind variable array to replace "WHERE fld=:12"
712				# by "WHERE fld IS NULL" if :12 is empty
713				while( preg_match( '/^(?P<before_var>[\d\D]*[\s\n\r(]+)(?P<var_name>([a-z0-9_]*[\s\n\r]*\.){0,1}[\s\n\r]*[a-z0-9_]+)(?P<dividers>[\s\n\r]*=[\s\n\r]*:)(?P<bind_name>[0-9]+)(?P<after_var>[\s\n\r]*[\d\D]*\z)/i', $t_templated_query, $t_matches ) > 0 ) {
714					$t_bind_num = $t_matches['bind_name'];
716					$t_search_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . $t_matches['dividers'] . $t_matches['bind_name'] . $t_matches['after_var'];
717					$t_replace_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . '=:' . $t_matches['bind_name']. $t_matches['after_var'];
719					if( $this->db_param_array[$t_bind_num] === '' ) {
720						unset( $this->db_param_array[$t_bind_num] );
721						/*
722						for( $n = $t_bind_num + 1; $n < count( $this->db_param_array ); $n++ ) {
723							$this->db_param_array[$n - 1] = $this->db_param_array[$n];
724						}
725						unset( $this->db_param_array[count( $this->db_param_array ) - 1] );
726						 */
727						$t_replace_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . ' IS NULL ' . $t_matches['after_var'];
728					}
729					$t_query = str_replace( $t_search_substr, $t_replace_substr, $t_query );
731					$t_templated_query = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['after_var'];
732				}
734				if( $t_set_where_stmt ) {
735					# Put temporarily removed "SET ... WHERE" part back
736					$t_query = str_replace( $t_set_where_template_str, $t_removed_set_where, $t_query );
737					# Find and remove temporary "SET var1=:bind1, var2=:bind2 WHERE" part again
738					preg_match( '/^(?P<before_set_where>.*)(?P<set_where>[\s\n\r]*set[\s\n\r]+[\s\n\ra-z0-9_\.=,:\']+)(?P<after_set_where>where[\d\D]*)$/i', $t_query, $t_matches );
739					$t_removed_set_where = $t_matches['set_where'];
740					$t_query = $t_matches['before_set_where'] . $t_set_where_template_str . $t_matches['after_set_where'];
742					#Replace "SET fld1=:1" to "SET fld1=DEFAULT" if bind array value is empty
743					$t_removed_set_where_parsing = $t_removed_set_where;
745					while( preg_match( '/^(?P<before_var>[\d\D]*[\s\n\r,]+)(?P<var_name>([a-z0-9_]*[\s\n\r]*\.){0,1}[\s\n\r]*[a-z0-9_]+)(?P<dividers>[\s\n\r]*=[\s\n\r]*:)(?P<bind_name>[0-9]+)(?P<after_var>[,\s\n\r]*[\d\D]*\z)/i', $t_removed_set_where_parsing, $t_matches ) > 0 ) {
746						$t_bind_num = $t_matches['bind_name'];
747						$t_search_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . $t_matches['dividers'] . $t_matches['bind_name'] ;
748						$t_replace_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . $t_matches['dividers'] . $t_matches['bind_name'] ;
750						if( $this->db_param_array[$t_bind_num] === '' ) {
751							unset( $this->db_param_array[$t_bind_num] );
752							/*
753							for( $n = $t_bind_num + 1; $n < count( $this->db_param_array ); $n++ ) {
754								$this->db_param_array[$n - 1] = $this->db_param_array[$n];
755							}
756							unset( $this->db_param_array[count( $this->db_param_array ) - 1] );
757							 */
758							$t_replace_substr = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['var_name'] . '=DEFAULT ';
759						}
760						$t_removed_set_where = str_replace( $t_search_substr, $t_replace_substr, $t_removed_set_where );
761						$t_removed_set_where_parsing = $t_matches['before_var'] . $t_matches['after_var'];
762					}
763					$t_query = str_replace( $t_set_where_template_str, $t_removed_set_where, $t_query );
764				}
765			}
766		}
768		$this->db_query_string = $t_query;
769	}
771	/**
772	 * Compatibility method to support execution of legacy query syntax through db_query(...)
773	 * @param string $p_query		Query string
774	 * @param array $p_arr_parms	Values array for parameters
775	 * @param integer $p_limit		Query limit
776	 * @param integer $p_offset		Query offset
777	 * @param boolean $p_pop_param  Set to false to leave the parameters on the stack
778	 * @return IteratorAggregate|boolean ADOdb result set or false if the query failed
779	 */
780	public static function compat_db_query( $p_query, array $p_arr_parms = null, $p_limit = -1, $p_offset = -1, $p_pop_param = true ) {
781		global $g_db_param;
783		if( !is_array( $p_arr_parms ) ) {
784			$p_arr_parms = array();
785		}
787		$t_query = new DbQuery();
788		$t_query->db_query_string = $p_query;
789		$t_query->db_param_array = $p_arr_parms;
791		$t_query->process_sql_syntax();
793		# Pushing params to safeguard the ADOdb parameter count (required for pgsql)
794		$g_db_param->push();
796		$t_query->db_execute( $p_limit, $p_offset );
798		# Restore ADOdb parameter count
799		$g_db_param->pop();
801		if( $p_pop_param && !empty( $p_arr_parms ) ) {
802			$g_db_param->pop();
803		}
805		return $t_query->db_result;
806	}
808	/**
809	 * Returns next row of values from current resultset, or false if empty or
810	 * the pointer has reached the end.
811	 * This method will execute current query if it hasn't been executed yet.
812	 * @return array|boolean	Next row from result
813	 */
814	public function fetch() {
815		if( null === $this->db_result ) {
816			$this->execute();
817		}
818		if( !$this->db_result ) {
819			return false;
820		}
821		$this->current_row = db_fetch_array( $this->db_result );
822		return $this->current_row;
823	}
825	/**
826	 * Returns all rows as an array
827	 * @return array|boolean	Array with all rows from the result, false if result is empty.
828	 */
829	public function fetch_all() {
830		if( null === $this->db_result ) {
831			$this->execute();
832		}
833		if( !$this->db_result ) {
834			return false;
835		}
836		$t_all_rows = array();
837		while( $t_row = db_fetch_array( $this->db_result ) ) {
838			$t_all_rows[] = $t_row;
839		}
840		return $t_all_rows;
841	}
843	/**
844	 * Returns one value from current row from resultset
845	 * Provided parameter can be a name of the column referenced in the query,
846	 * or a numerical index (zero-based)
847	 * Without column parameters,first column value will be returned.
848	 *
849	 * Current row is the latest one fetched, if none was fetched previously, an
850	 * automatic fetch() is performed for first row
851	 *
852	 * @param integer|string $p_index_or_name	Column name or numeric index
853	 * @return string|boolean	Value, or false if end of result or index is not valid
854	 */
855	public function value( $p_index_or_name = 0) {
856		if( !$this->current_row ) {
857			$this->fetch();
858		}
859		if( is_numeric( $p_index_or_name ) ) {
860			if( count( $this->current_row ) > $p_index_or_name ) {
861				# get the element at that numerical position
862				$t_keys = array_keys( $this->current_row );
863				$t_value = $this->current_row[$t_keys[$p_index_or_name]];
864			} else {
865				$t_value = false;
866			}
867		} else {
868			if( isset( $this->current_row[$p_index_or_name] ) ) {
869				# get the value by column name
870				$t_value = $this->current_row[$p_index_or_name];
871			} else {
872				$t_value = false;
873			}
874		}
875		return $t_value;
876	}
878	/**
879	 * Alias for value()
880	 * @param integer|string $p_index_or_name	Column name or numeric index
881	 */
882	public function field( $p_index_or_name = 0) {
883		return $this->value( $p_index_or_name );
884	}
886	/**
887	 * Creates a string construction for a case-insensitive LIKE expression
888	 * This is an alias for sql_like() with the force_ci parameter set to true.
889	 * @param string $p_alias		A valid sql column identifier
890	 * @param string $p_pattern		Pattern string
891	 * @param string $p_escape		Escape character
892	 * @return string	Constructed string to be added to query
893	 */
894	public function sql_ilike( $p_alias, $p_pattern, $p_escape = null ) {
895		return $this->sql_like( $p_alias, $p_pattern, $p_escape, true );
896	}
898	/**
899	 * Creates a string construction for a LIKE expression, providing:
900	 * - alias: is the name of the column as a valid identifier in the final sql query
901	 * - value: is the string used as pattern for the like expression.
902	 * - escape: optionally, a character used as escape character in the pattern string
903	 * Optionally, the expression can be forced to be case insensitive, otherwise the default
904	 * behaviour from the database is used.
905	 *
906	 * The returned string would replace the sql part for: "alias LIKE 'xxx'"
907	 *
908	 * For portability reasons, the supported wildcards are '%' and '_'. Other special tokens
909	 * are automatically escaped:
910	 * - [] syntax in mssql are treated as literal characters.
911	 * - \ as default escape char in mysql is treated as a literal character.
912	 * Note that the pattern string uses c-style escaping, so a "\" character must be written as "\\"
913	 *
914	 * The pattern string must be prepared by the caller, with proper wildcards and character escaping.
915	 *
916	 * @param string $p_alias		A valid sql column identifier
917	 * @param string $p_pattern		Pattern string
918	 * @param string $p_escape		Escape character
919	 * @param boolean $p_force_ci	If true, force a case-insensitive expression
920	 * @return string	Constructed string to be added to query
921	 */
922	public function sql_like( $p_alias, $p_pattern, $p_escape = null, $p_force_ci = false ) {
923		# for mssql replace "[" as this is a special non portable token
924		if( db_is_mssql() && strpos( $p_pattern, '[' ) !== false ) {
925			if( null === $p_escape = null ) {
926				$p_escape = '\\';
927			}
928			$p_pattern = str_replace( '[', $p_escape . '[', $p_pattern );
929		}
931		# for mysql replace "\\" if this char is nor already a explicit escape char
932		# because mysql uses \ as default escape char if ESCAPE caluse is not used
933		if( db_is_mysql() && $p_escape != '\\' && strpos( $p_pattern, '\\' ) !== false ) {
934			if( null === $p_escape = null ) {
935					$p_escape = '\\';
936			}
937			$p_pattern = str_replace( '\\', $p_escape . '\\', $p_pattern );
938		}
940		$t_expr = $p_alias;
941		$t_operator = 'LIKE';
942		$t_pattern = $p_pattern;
944		# Here we assume that by default:
945		# mysql, mssql: have case-insensitive collations
946		# pgsql, oracle: have case-sensitive collations
947		# Otherwise, a more complicated discovery should be implemented.
948		if( $p_force_ci ) {
949			global $g_db_functional_type;
950			switch( $g_db_functional_type ) {
951				case DB_TYPE_PGSQL:
952					$t_operator = 'ILIKE';
953					break;
954				case DB_TYPE_ORACLE:
955					$t_expr = 'upper(' . $t_expr . ')';
956					$t_pattern = strtoupper( $t_pattern );
957					break;
958			}
959		}
961		$t_sql = $t_expr . ' ' . $t_operator . ' ' . $this->param( $t_pattern );
962		if( null !== $p_escape ) {
963			$t_sql .= ' ESCAPE ' . $this->param( $p_escape );
964		}
965		return $t_sql;
966	}