1set @innodb_stats_persistent_save= @@innodb_stats_persistent;
2set @innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages_save=
4set global innodb_stats_persistent= 1;
5set global innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages=100;
6create table t1
8pk1 int not null,
9pk2 int not null,
10key1 int not null,
11key2 int not null,
12key (key1),
13key (key2),
14primary key (pk1, pk2)
16analyze table t1;
17Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
18test.t1	analyze	status	Engine-independent statistics collected
19test.t1	analyze	status	OK
20set optimizer_trace="enabled=on";
21set @tmp_index_merge_ror_cpk=@@optimizer_switch;
22set optimizer_switch='extended_keys=off';
23explain select * from t1 where pk1 != 0  and key1 = 1;
24id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
251	SIMPLE	t1	ref	PRIMARY,key1	key1	4	const	1	Using index condition
26select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE;
28explain select * from t1 where pk1 != 0  and key1 = 1	{
29  "steps": [
30    {
31      "join_preparation": {
32        "select_id": 1,
33        "steps": [
34          {
35            "expanded_query": "select t1.pk1 AS pk1,t1.pk2 AS pk2,t1.key1 AS key1,t1.key2 AS key2 from t1 where t1.pk1 <> 0 and t1.key1 = 1"
36          }
37        ]
38      }
39    },
40    {
41      "join_optimization": {
42        "select_id": 1,
43        "steps": [
44          {
45            "condition_processing": {
46              "condition": "WHERE",
47              "original_condition": "t1.pk1 <> 0 and t1.key1 = 1",
48              "steps": [
49                {
50                  "transformation": "equality_propagation",
51                  "resulting_condition": "t1.pk1 <> 0 and multiple equal(1, t1.key1)"
52                },
53                {
54                  "transformation": "constant_propagation",
55                  "resulting_condition": "t1.pk1 <> 0 and multiple equal(1, t1.key1)"
56                },
57                {
58                  "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
59                  "resulting_condition": "t1.pk1 <> 0 and multiple equal(1, t1.key1)"
60                }
61              ]
62            }
63          },
64          {
65            "table_dependencies": [
66              {
67                "table": "t1",
68                "row_may_be_null": false,
69                "map_bit": 0,
70                "depends_on_map_bits": []
71              }
72            ]
73          },
74          {
75            "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
76              {
77                "table": "t1",
78                "field": "key1",
79                "equals": "1",
80                "null_rejecting": false
81              }
82            ]
83          },
84          {
85            "rows_estimation": [
86              {
87                "table": "t1",
88                "range_analysis": {
89                  "table_scan": {
90                    "rows": 1000,
91                    "cost": 206.1
92                  },
93                  "potential_range_indexes": [
94                    {
95                      "index": "PRIMARY",
96                      "usable": true,
97                      "key_parts": ["pk1", "pk2"]
98                    },
99                    {
100                      "index": "key1",
101                      "usable": true,
102                      "key_parts": ["key1"]
103                    },
104                    {
105                      "index": "key2",
106                      "usable": false,
107                      "cause": "not applicable"
108                    }
109                  ],
110                  "setup_range_conditions": [],
111                  "group_index_range": {
112                    "chosen": false,
113                    "cause": "no group by or distinct"
114                  },
115                  "analyzing_range_alternatives": {
116                    "range_scan_alternatives": [
117                      {
118                        "index": "PRIMARY",
119                        "ranges": ["(pk1) < (0)", "(0) < (pk1)"],
120                        "rowid_ordered": true,
121                        "using_mrr": false,
122                        "index_only": false,
123                        "rows": 1000,
124                        "cost": 204.01,
125                        "chosen": true
126                      },
127                      {
128                        "index": "key1",
129                        "ranges": ["(1) <= (key1) <= (1)"],
130                        "rowid_ordered": true,
131                        "using_mrr": false,
132                        "index_only": false,
133                        "rows": 1,
134                        "cost": 2.3751,
135                        "chosen": true
136                      }
137                    ],
138                    "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {
139                      "intersecting_indexes": [
140                        {
141                          "index": "key1",
142                          "index_scan_cost": 1.0001,
143                          "cumulated_index_scan_cost": 1.0001,
144                          "disk_sweep_cost": 1.0042,
145                          "cumulative_total_cost": 2.0043,
146                          "usable": true,
147                          "matching_rows_now": 1,
148                          "intersect_covering_with_this_index": false,
149                          "chosen": true
150                        }
151                      ],
152                      "clustered_pk": {
153                        "clustered_pk_added_to_intersect": false,
154                        "cause": "cost"
155                      },
156                      "chosen": false,
157                      "cause": "too few indexes to merge"
158                    },
159                    "analyzing_index_merge_union": []
160                  },
161                  "chosen_range_access_summary": {
162                    "range_access_plan": {
163                      "type": "range_scan",
164                      "index": "key1",
165                      "rows": 1,
166                      "ranges": ["(1) <= (key1) <= (1)"]
167                    },
168                    "rows_for_plan": 1,
169                    "cost_for_plan": 2.3751,
170                    "chosen": true
171                  }
172                }
173              },
174              {
175                "table": "t1",
176                "rowid_filters": [
177                  {
178                    "key": "key1",
179                    "build_cost": 1.1801,
180                    "rows": 1
181                  }
182                ]
183              },
184              {
185                "selectivity_for_indexes": [
186                  {
187                    "index_name": "key1",
188                    "selectivity_from_index": 0.001
189                  },
190                  {
191                    "index_name": "PRIMARY",
192                    "selectivity_from_index": 1
193                  }
194                ],
195                "selectivity_for_columns": [],
196                "cond_selectivity": 0.001
197              }
198            ]
199          },
200          {
201            "considered_execution_plans": [
202              {
203                "plan_prefix": [],
204                "table": "t1",
205                "best_access_path": {
206                  "considered_access_paths": [
207                    {
208                      "access_type": "ref",
209                      "index": "key1",
210                      "used_range_estimates": true,
211                      "rows": 1,
212                      "cost": 2,
213                      "chosen": true
214                    },
215                    {
216                      "type": "scan",
217                      "chosen": false,
218                      "cause": "cost"
219                    }
220                  ],
221                  "chosen_access_method": {
222                    "type": "ref",
223                    "records": 1,
224                    "cost": 2,
225                    "uses_join_buffering": false
226                  }
227                },
228                "rows_for_plan": 1,
229                "cost_for_plan": 2.2,
230                "estimated_join_cardinality": 1
231              }
232            ]
233          },
234          {
235            "best_join_order": ["t1"]
236          },
237          {
238            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
239              "original_condition": "t1.key1 = 1 and t1.pk1 <> 0",
240              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
241              "attached_conditions_summary": [
242                {
243                  "table": "t1",
244                  "attached": "t1.pk1 <> 0"
245                }
246              ]
247            }
248          }
249        ]
250      }
251    },
252    {
253      "join_execution": {
254        "select_id": 1,
255        "steps": []
256      }
257    }
258  ]
259}	0	0
260drop table t1;
261set @@optimizer_switch= @tmp_index_merge_ror_cpk;
262set global innodb_stats_persistent= @innodb_stats_persistent_save;
263set global innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages=
266# MDEV-18962: ASAN heap-buffer-overflow in Single_line_formatting_helper::on_add_str with optimizer trace
268CREATE TABLE t1 (a date not null, b time, key(a), key(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB;
269INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1991-09-09','00:00:00'),('2032-08-24','02:22:24');
270SET SESSION optimizer_trace = 'enabled=on';
271SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE b IS NULL AND a = '2000-01-01';
272a	b
274set optimizer_trace="enabled=off";