1#Check if the variable is replicated correctly with "SET STATEMENT" 2# Usage: 3# $rpl_ssvt_var_name - the name of tested variable; 4# $rpl_ssvt_var_value - the value to set; 5# $rpl_ssvt_table - the table name to insert values. 6 7--connection master 8eval SELECT @@$rpl_ssvt_var_name; 9 10--connection slave 11eval SELECT @@$rpl_ssvt_var_name; 12 13--connection master 14--disable_result_log 15eval SET STATEMENT $rpl_ssvt_var_name=$rpl_ssvt_var_value FOR 16 INSERT INTO $rpl_ssvt_table VALUES(@@$rpl_ssvt_var_name); 17--enable_result_log 18eval SELECT @@$rpl_ssvt_var_name; 19 20--sync_slave_with_master 21eval SELECT * FROM $rpl_ssvt_table; 22eval SELECT @@$rpl_ssvt_var_name; 23 24--connection master 25eval DELETE FROM $rpl_ssvt_table; 26 27