1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #include "rocksdb/utilities/sim_cache.h"
7 #include <cstdlib>
8 #include "db/db_test_util.h"
9 #include "port/stack_trace.h"
11 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
13 class SimCacheTest : public DBTestBase {
14  private:
15   size_t miss_count_ = 0;
16   size_t hit_count_ = 0;
17   size_t insert_count_ = 0;
18   size_t failure_count_ = 0;
20  public:
21   const size_t kNumBlocks = 5;
22   const size_t kValueSize = 1000;
SimCacheTest()24   SimCacheTest() : DBTestBase("/sim_cache_test") {}
GetTableOptions()26   BlockBasedTableOptions GetTableOptions() {
27     BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
28     // Set a small enough block size so that each key-value get its own block.
29     table_options.block_size = 1;
30     return table_options;
31   }
GetOptions(const BlockBasedTableOptions & table_options)33   Options GetOptions(const BlockBasedTableOptions& table_options) {
34     Options options = CurrentOptions();
35     options.create_if_missing = true;
36     // options.compression = kNoCompression;
37     options.statistics = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CreateDBStatistics();
38     options.table_factory.reset(new BlockBasedTableFactory(table_options));
39     return options;
40   }
InitTable(const Options &)42   void InitTable(const Options& /*options*/) {
43     std::string value(kValueSize, 'a');
44     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBlocks * 2; i++) {
45       ASSERT_OK(Put(ToString(i), value.c_str()));
46     }
47   }
RecordCacheCounters(const Options & options)49   void RecordCacheCounters(const Options& options) {
50     miss_count_ = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_MISS);
51     hit_count_ = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_HIT);
52     insert_count_ = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_ADD);
53     failure_count_ = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_ADD_FAILURES);
54   }
CheckCacheCounters(const Options & options,size_t expected_misses,size_t expected_hits,size_t expected_inserts,size_t expected_failures)56   void CheckCacheCounters(const Options& options, size_t expected_misses,
57                           size_t expected_hits, size_t expected_inserts,
58                           size_t expected_failures) {
59     size_t new_miss_count = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_MISS);
60     size_t new_hit_count = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_HIT);
61     size_t new_insert_count = TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_ADD);
62     size_t new_failure_count =
63         TestGetTickerCount(options, BLOCK_CACHE_ADD_FAILURES);
64     ASSERT_EQ(miss_count_ + expected_misses, new_miss_count);
65     ASSERT_EQ(hit_count_ + expected_hits, new_hit_count);
66     ASSERT_EQ(insert_count_ + expected_inserts, new_insert_count);
67     ASSERT_EQ(failure_count_ + expected_failures, new_failure_count);
68     miss_count_ = new_miss_count;
69     hit_count_ = new_hit_count;
70     insert_count_ = new_insert_count;
71     failure_count_ = new_failure_count;
72   }
73 };
TEST_F(SimCacheTest,SimCache)75 TEST_F(SimCacheTest, SimCache) {
76   ReadOptions read_options;
77   auto table_options = GetTableOptions();
78   auto options = GetOptions(table_options);
79   InitTable(options);
80   LRUCacheOptions co;
81   co.capacity = 0;
82   co.num_shard_bits = 0;
83   co.strict_capacity_limit = false;
84   co.metadata_charge_policy = kDontChargeCacheMetadata;
85   std::shared_ptr<SimCache> simCache = NewSimCache(NewLRUCache(co), 20000, 0);
86   table_options.block_cache = simCache;
87   options.table_factory.reset(new BlockBasedTableFactory(table_options));
88   Reopen(options);
89   RecordCacheCounters(options);
91   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> iterators(kNumBlocks);
92   Iterator* iter = nullptr;
94   // Load blocks into cache.
95   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; i++) {
96     iter = db_->NewIterator(read_options);
97     iter->Seek(ToString(i));
98     ASSERT_OK(iter->status());
99     CheckCacheCounters(options, 1, 0, 1, 0);
100     iterators[i].reset(iter);
101   }
102   ASSERT_EQ(kNumBlocks,
103             simCache->get_hit_counter() + simCache->get_miss_counter());
104   ASSERT_EQ(0, simCache->get_hit_counter());
105   size_t usage = simCache->GetUsage();
106   ASSERT_LT(0, usage);
107   ASSERT_EQ(usage, simCache->GetSimUsage());
108   simCache->SetCapacity(usage);
109   ASSERT_EQ(usage, simCache->GetPinnedUsage());
111   // Test with strict capacity limit.
112   simCache->SetStrictCapacityLimit(true);
113   iter = db_->NewIterator(read_options);
114   iter->Seek(ToString(kNumBlocks * 2 - 1));
115   ASSERT_TRUE(iter->status().IsIncomplete());
116   CheckCacheCounters(options, 1, 0, 0, 1);
117   delete iter;
118   iter = nullptr;
120   // Release iterators and access cache again.
121   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; i++) {
122     iterators[i].reset();
123     CheckCacheCounters(options, 0, 0, 0, 0);
124   }
125   // Add kNumBlocks again
126   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; i++) {
127     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(read_options));
128     it->Seek(ToString(i));
129     ASSERT_OK(it->status());
130     CheckCacheCounters(options, 0, 1, 0, 0);
131   }
132   ASSERT_EQ(5, simCache->get_hit_counter());
133   for (size_t i = kNumBlocks; i < kNumBlocks * 2; i++) {
134     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(read_options));
135     it->Seek(ToString(i));
136     ASSERT_OK(it->status());
137     CheckCacheCounters(options, 1, 0, 1, 0);
138   }
139   ASSERT_EQ(0, simCache->GetPinnedUsage());
140   ASSERT_EQ(3 * kNumBlocks + 1,
141             simCache->get_hit_counter() + simCache->get_miss_counter());
142   ASSERT_EQ(6, simCache->get_hit_counter());
143 }
TEST_F(SimCacheTest,SimCacheLogging)145 TEST_F(SimCacheTest, SimCacheLogging) {
146   auto table_options = GetTableOptions();
147   auto options = GetOptions(table_options);
148   options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
149   LRUCacheOptions co;
150   co.capacity = 1024 * 1024;
151   co.metadata_charge_policy = kDontChargeCacheMetadata;
152   std::shared_ptr<SimCache> sim_cache = NewSimCache(NewLRUCache(co), 20000, 0);
153   table_options.block_cache = sim_cache;
154   options.table_factory.reset(new BlockBasedTableFactory(table_options));
155   Reopen(options);
157   int num_block_entries = 20;
158   for (int i = 0; i < num_block_entries; i++) {
159     Put(Key(i), "val");
160     Flush();
161   }
163   std::string log_file = test::PerThreadDBPath(env_, "cache_log.txt");
164   ASSERT_OK(sim_cache->StartActivityLogging(log_file, env_));
165   for (int i = 0; i < num_block_entries; i++) {
166     ASSERT_EQ(Get(Key(i)), "val");
167   }
168   for (int i = 0; i < num_block_entries; i++) {
169     ASSERT_EQ(Get(Key(i)), "val");
170   }
171   sim_cache->StopActivityLogging();
172   ASSERT_OK(sim_cache->GetActivityLoggingStatus());
174   std::string file_contents = "";
175   ReadFileToString(env_, log_file, &file_contents);
177   int lookup_num = 0;
178   int add_num = 0;
179   std::string::size_type pos;
181   // count number of lookups
182   pos = 0;
183   while ((pos = file_contents.find("LOOKUP -", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
184     ++lookup_num;
185     pos += 1;
186   }
188   // count number of additions
189   pos = 0;
190   while ((pos = file_contents.find("ADD -", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
191     ++add_num;
192     pos += 1;
193   }
195   // We asked for every block twice
196   ASSERT_EQ(lookup_num, num_block_entries * 2);
198   // We added every block only once, since the cache can hold all blocks
199   ASSERT_EQ(add_num, num_block_entries);
201   // Log things again but stop logging automatically after reaching 512 bytes
202  // @lint-ignore TXT2 T25377293 Grandfathered in
203 	int max_size = 512;
204   ASSERT_OK(sim_cache->StartActivityLogging(log_file, env_, max_size));
205   for (int it = 0; it < 10; it++) {
206     for (int i = 0; i < num_block_entries; i++) {
207       ASSERT_EQ(Get(Key(i)), "val");
208     }
209   }
210   ASSERT_OK(sim_cache->GetActivityLoggingStatus());
212   uint64_t fsize = 0;
213   ASSERT_OK(env_->GetFileSize(log_file, &fsize));
214 	// error margin of 100 bytes
215   ASSERT_LT(fsize, max_size + 100);
216 	ASSERT_GT(fsize, max_size - 100);
217 }
219 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
main(int argc,char ** argv)221 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
222   ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::InstallStackTraceHandler();
223   ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
224   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
225 }