1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #pragma once
7 #include <string>
8 #include "db/dbformat.h"
9 #include "db/merge_context.h"
10 #include "db/read_callback.h"
11 #include "rocksdb/env.h"
12 #include "rocksdb/statistics.h"
13 #include "rocksdb/types.h"
14 #include "table/block_based/block.h"
16 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
17 class MergeContext;
18 class PinnedIteratorsManager;
20 // Data structure for accumulating statistics during a point lookup. At the
21 // end of the point lookup, the corresponding ticker stats are updated. This
22 // avoids the overhead of frequent ticker stats updates
23 struct GetContextStats {
24   uint64_t num_cache_hit = 0;
25   uint64_t num_cache_index_hit = 0;
26   uint64_t num_cache_data_hit = 0;
27   uint64_t num_cache_filter_hit = 0;
28   uint64_t num_cache_compression_dict_hit = 0;
29   uint64_t num_cache_index_miss = 0;
30   uint64_t num_cache_filter_miss = 0;
31   uint64_t num_cache_data_miss = 0;
32   uint64_t num_cache_compression_dict_miss = 0;
33   uint64_t num_cache_bytes_read = 0;
34   uint64_t num_cache_miss = 0;
35   uint64_t num_cache_add = 0;
36   uint64_t num_cache_bytes_write = 0;
37   uint64_t num_cache_index_add = 0;
38   uint64_t num_cache_index_bytes_insert = 0;
39   uint64_t num_cache_data_add = 0;
40   uint64_t num_cache_data_bytes_insert = 0;
41   uint64_t num_cache_filter_add = 0;
42   uint64_t num_cache_filter_bytes_insert = 0;
43   uint64_t num_cache_compression_dict_add = 0;
44   uint64_t num_cache_compression_dict_bytes_insert = 0;
45 };
47 // A class to hold context about a point lookup, such as pointer to value
48 // slice, key, merge context etc, as well as the current state of the
49 // lookup. Any user using GetContext to track the lookup result must call
50 // SaveValue() whenever the internal key is found. This can happen
51 // repeatedly in case of merge operands. In case the key may exist with
52 // high probability, but IO is required to confirm and the user doesn't allow
53 // it, MarkKeyMayExist() must be called instead of SaveValue().
54 class GetContext {
55  public:
56   // Current state of the point lookup. All except kNotFound and kMerge are
57   // terminal states
58   enum GetState {
59     kNotFound,
60     kFound,
61     kDeleted,
62     kCorrupt,
63     kMerge,  // saver contains the current merge result (the operands)
64     kBlobIndex,
65   };
66   GetContextStats get_context_stats_;
68   // Constructor
69   // @param value Holds the value corresponding to user_key. If its nullptr
70   //              then return all merge operands corresponding to user_key
71   //              via merge_context
72   // @param value_found If non-nullptr, set to false if key may be present
73   //                    but we can't be certain because we cannot do IO
74   // @param max_covering_tombstone_seq Pointer to highest sequence number of
75   //                    range deletion covering the key. When an internal key
76   //                    is found with smaller sequence number, the lookup
77   //                    terminates
78   // @param seq If non-nullptr, the sequence number of the found key will be
79   //            saved here
80   // @param callback Pointer to ReadCallback to perform additional checks
81   //                 for visibility of a key
82   // @param is_blob_index If non-nullptr, will be used to indicate if a found
83   //                      key is of type blob index
84   // @param do_merge True if value associated with user_key has to be returned
85   // and false if all the merge operands associated with user_key has to be
86   // returned. Id do_merge=false then all the merge operands are stored in
87   // merge_context and they are never merged. The value pointer is untouched.
88   GetContext(const Comparator* ucmp, const MergeOperator* merge_operator,
89              Logger* logger, Statistics* statistics, GetState init_state,
90              const Slice& user_key, PinnableSlice* value, bool* value_found,
91              MergeContext* merge_context, bool do_merge,
92              SequenceNumber* max_covering_tombstone_seq, Env* env,
93              SequenceNumber* seq = nullptr,
94              PinnedIteratorsManager* _pinned_iters_mgr = nullptr,
95              ReadCallback* callback = nullptr, bool* is_blob_index = nullptr,
96              uint64_t tracing_get_id = 0);
98   GetContext() = delete;
100   // This can be called to indicate that a key may be present, but cannot be
101   // confirmed due to IO not allowed
102   void MarkKeyMayExist();
104   // Records this key, value, and any meta-data (such as sequence number and
105   // state) into this GetContext.
106   //
107   // If the parsed_key matches the user key that we are looking for, sets
108   // matched to true.
109   //
110   // Returns True if more keys need to be read (due to merges) or
111   //         False if the complete value has been found.
112   bool SaveValue(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed_key, const Slice& value,
113                  bool* matched, Cleanable* value_pinner = nullptr);
115   // Simplified version of the previous function. Should only be used when we
116   // know that the operation is a Put.
117   void SaveValue(const Slice& value, SequenceNumber seq);
State()119   GetState State() const { return state_; }
max_covering_tombstone_seq()121   SequenceNumber* max_covering_tombstone_seq() {
122     return max_covering_tombstone_seq_;
123   }
pinned_iters_mgr()125   PinnedIteratorsManager* pinned_iters_mgr() { return pinned_iters_mgr_; }
127   // If a non-null string is passed, all the SaveValue calls will be
128   // logged into the string. The operations can then be replayed on
129   // another GetContext with replayGetContextLog.
SetReplayLog(std::string * replay_log)130   void SetReplayLog(std::string* replay_log) { replay_log_ = replay_log; }
132   // Do we need to fetch the SequenceNumber for this key?
NeedToReadSequence()133   bool NeedToReadSequence() const { return (seq_ != nullptr); }
sample()135   bool sample() const { return sample_; }
CheckCallback(SequenceNumber seq)137   bool CheckCallback(SequenceNumber seq) {
138     if (callback_) {
139       return callback_->IsVisible(seq);
140     }
141     return true;
142   }
144   void ReportCounters();
has_callback()146   bool has_callback() const { return callback_ != nullptr; }
get_tracing_get_id()148   uint64_t get_tracing_get_id() const { return tracing_get_id_; }
150   void push_operand(const Slice& value, Cleanable* value_pinner);
152  private:
153   const Comparator* ucmp_;
154   const MergeOperator* merge_operator_;
155   // the merge operations encountered;
156   Logger* logger_;
157   Statistics* statistics_;
159   GetState state_;
160   Slice user_key_;
161   PinnableSlice* pinnable_val_;
162   bool* value_found_;  // Is value set correctly? Used by KeyMayExist
163   MergeContext* merge_context_;
164   SequenceNumber* max_covering_tombstone_seq_;
165   Env* env_;
166   // If a key is found, seq_ will be set to the SequenceNumber of most recent
167   // write to the key or kMaxSequenceNumber if unknown
168   SequenceNumber* seq_;
169   std::string* replay_log_;
170   // Used to temporarily pin blocks when state_ == GetContext::kMerge
171   PinnedIteratorsManager* pinned_iters_mgr_;
172   ReadCallback* callback_;
173   bool sample_;
174   // Value is true if it's called as part of DB Get API and false if it's
175   // called as part of DB GetMergeOperands API. When it's false merge operators
176   // are never merged.
177   bool do_merge_;
178   bool* is_blob_index_;
179   // Used for block cache tracing only. A tracing get id uniquely identifies a
180   // Get or a MultiGet.
181   const uint64_t tracing_get_id_;
182 };
184 // Call this to replay a log and bring the get_context up to date. The replay
185 // log must have been created by another GetContext object, whose replay log
186 // must have been set by calling GetContext::SetReplayLog().
187 void replayGetContextLog(const Slice& replay_log, const Slice& user_key,
188                          GetContext* get_context,
189                          Cleanable* value_pinner = nullptr);
191 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE