2 /**
3  *    Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc.
4  *
5  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *    it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
7  *    as published by MongoDB, Inc.
8  *
9  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *    Server Side Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *    You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
15  *    along with this program. If not, see
16  *    <http://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license>.
17  *
18  *    As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
19  *    code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
20  *    conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
21  *    linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
22  *    must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
23  *    all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
24  *    with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
25  *    file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
26  *    delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
27  *    exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
28  *    it in the license file.
29  */
31 #include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
33 #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h"
35 #include <cstdlib>
36 #include <cstring>
37 #include <limits>
38 #include <type_traits>
39 #include <vector>
41 #include "mongo/base/static_assert.h"
42 #include "mongo/bson/inline_decls.h"
43 #include "mongo/bson/mutable/damage_vector.h"
44 #include "mongo/util/debug_util.h"
46 namespace mongo {
47 namespace mutablebson {
49 /** Mutable BSON Implementation Overview
50  *
51  *  If you haven't read it already, please read the 'Mutable BSON Overview' comment in
52  *  document.h before reading further.
53  *
54  *  In the following discussion, the capitalized terms 'Element' and 'Document' refer to
55  *  the classes of the same name. At times, it is also necessary to refer to abstract
56  *  'elements' or 'documents', in the sense of bsonspec.org. These latter uses are
57  *  non-capitalized. In the BSON specification, there are two 'classes' of
58  *  elements. 'Primitive' or 'leaf' elements are those elements which do not contain other
59  *  elements. In practice, all BSON types except 'Array' and 'Object' are primitives. The
60  *  CodeWScope type is an exception, but one that we sidestep by considering its BSONObj
61  *  payload to be opaque.
62  *
63  *  A mutable BSON Document and its component Elements are implemented in terms of four
64  *  data structures. These structures are owned by a Document::Impl object. Each Document
65  *  owns a unique Document::Impl, which owns the relevant data structures and provides
66  *  accessors, mutators, and helper methods related to those data structures. Understanding
67  *  these data structures is critical for understanding how the system as a whole operates.
68  *
69  *  - The 'Elements Vector': This is a std::vector<ElementRep>, where 'ElementRep' is a
70  *    structure type defined below that contains the detailed information about an entity
71  *    in the Document (e.g. an Object, or an Array, or a NumberLong, etc.). The 'Element'
72  *    and 'ConstElement' objects contain a pointer to a Document (which allows us to reach
73  *    the Document::Impl for the Document), and an index into the Elements Vector in the
74  *    Document::Impl. These two pieces of information make it possible for us to obtain the
75  *    ElementRep associated with a given Element. Note that the Elements Vector is append
76  *    only: ElementReps are never removed from it, even if the cooresponding Element is
77  *    removed from the Document. By never removing ElementReps, and by using indexes into
78  *    the Elements Vector, we can ensure that Elements are never invalidated. Note that
79  *    every Document comes with an automatically provided 'root' element of mongo::Object
80  *    type. The ElementRep for the root is always in the first slot (index zero) of the
81  *    Elements Vector.
82  *
83  *  - The 'Leaf Builder': This is a standard BSONObjBuilder. When a request is made to the
84  *    Document to add new data to the Document via one of the Document::makeElement[TYPE]
85  *    calls, the element is constructed by invoking the appropriate method on the Leaf
86  *    Builder, forwarding the arguments provided to the call on Document. This results in a
87  *    contiguous region of memory which encodes this element, capturing its field name, its
88  *    type, and the bytes that encode its value, in the same way it normally does when
89  *    using BSONObjBuilder. We then build an ElementRep that indexes into the BufBuilder
90  *    behind the BSONObjBuilder (more on how this happens below, in the section on the
91  *    'Objects Vector'), then insert that new ElementRep into the ElementsVector, and
92  *    finally return an Element that dereferences to the new ElementRep. Subsequently,
93  *    requests for the type, fieldname or value bytes via the Element are satisfied by
94  *    obtaining the contiguous memory region for the element, which may be used to
95  *    construct a BSONElement over that memory region.
96  *
97  *  - The 'Objects Vector': This is a std::vector<BSONObj>. Any BSONObj object that
98  *    provides values for parts of the Document is stored in the Objects Vector. For
99  *    instance, in 'Example 2' from document.h, the Document we construct wraps an existing
100  *    BSONObj, which is passed in to the Document constructor. That BSONObj would be stored
101  *    in the Objects Vector. The data content of the BSONObj is not copied, but the BSONObj
102  *    is copied, so the if the BSONObj is counted, we will up its refcount. In any event
103  *    the lifetime of the BSONObj must exceed our lifetime by some mechanism. ElementReps
104  *    that represent the component elements of the BSONObj store the index of their
105  *    supporting BSONObj into the 'objIdx' field of ElementRep. Later, when Elements
106  *    referring to those ElementReps are asked for properties like the field name or type
107  *    of the Element, the underlying memory region in the appropriate BSONObj may be
108  *    examined to provide the relevant data.
109  *
110  *  - The 'Field Name Heap': For some elements, particularly those in the Leaf Builder or
111  *    those embedded in a BSONObj in the Objects Vector, we can easily obtain the field
112  *    name by reading it from the encoded BSON. However, some elements are not so
113  *    fortunate. Newly created elements of mongo::Array or mongo::Object type, for
114  *    instance, don't have a memory region that provides values. In such cases, the field
115  *    name is stored in the field name heap, which is simply std::vector<char>, where the
116  *    field names are null-byte-delimited. ElementsReps for such elements store an offset
117  *    into the Field Name Heap, and when asked for their field name simply return a pointer
118  *    to the string data the offset identifies. This exploits the fact that in BSON, valid
119  *    field names are null terinated and do not contain embedded null bytes.
120  *
121  *  - The 'root' Element. Each Document contains a well known Element, which always refers
122  *    to a pre-constructed ElementRep at offset zero in the Elements Vector. This is an
123  *    Object element, and it is considered as the root of the document tree. It is possible
124  *    for ElementReps to exist in the Document data structures, but not be in a child
125  *    relationship to the root Element. Newly created Elements, for instance, are in this
126  *    sort of 'detached' state until they are attched to another element. Only Element's
127  *    that are children of the root element are traversed when calling top level
128  *    serialization or comparision operations on Document.
129  *
130  *  When you construct a Document that obtains its values from an underlying BSONObj, the
131  *  entire BSONObj is not 'unpacked' into ElementReps at Document construction
132  *  time. Instead, as you ask for Elements with the Element navigation API, the Elements
133  *  for children and siblings are created on demand. Subobjects which are never visited
134  *  will never have ElementReps constructed for them. Similarly, when writing a Document
135  *  back out to a builder, regions of memory that provide values for the Document and which
136  *  have not been modified will be block copied, instead of being recursively explored and
137  *  written.
138  *
139  *  To see how these data structures interoperate, we will walk through an example. You may
140  *  want to read the comments for ElementRep before tackling the example, since we will
141  *  refer to the internal state of ElementRep here. The example code used here exists as a
142  *  unit test in mutable_bson_test.cpp as (Documentation, Example3).
143  *
144  *
145  *  Legend:
146  *   oi   : objIdx
147  *   +/-  : bitfield state (s: serialized, a: array)
148  *   x    : invalid/empty rep idx
149  *   ?    : opaque rep idx
150  *   ls/rs: left/right sibling
151  *   lc/rc: left/right child
152  *   p    : parent
154     static const char inJson[] =
155         "{"
156         "  'xs': { 'x' : 'x', 'X' : 'X' },"
157         "  'ys': { 'y' : 'y' }"
158         "}";
159     mongo::BSONObj inObj = mongo::fromjson(inJson);
160     mmb::Document doc(inObj);
162  *    _elements
163  *      oi      flags                offset                  ls  rs  lc  rc  p
164  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
165  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0       into _fieldNames | x | x | ? | ? | x      |
166  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
167  *
168  *    _objects
169  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
170  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
171  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
172  *
173  *    _fieldNames
174  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
175  *    | \0                                                                          |
176  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
177  *
178  *    _leafBuf
179  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
180  *    | {}                                                                          |
181  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
184     mmb::Element root = doc.root();
185     mmb::Element xs = root.leftChild();
187  *    _elements
188  *      oi      flags                offset                  ls  rs  lc  rc  p
189  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
190  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0       into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | ? | x      | *
191  *  1 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs' into _objects[1] | x | ? | ? | ? | 0      | *
192  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
193  *
194  *    _objects
195  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
196  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
197  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
198  *
199  *    _fieldNames
200  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
201  *    | \0                                                                          |
202  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
203  *
204  *    _leafBuf
205  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
206  *    | {}                                                                          |
207  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
210     mmb::Element ys = xs.rightSibling();
212  *    _elements
213  *      oi      flags                offset                  ls  rs  lc  rc  p
214  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
215  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0       into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | ? | x      |
216  *  1 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs' into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0      | *
217  *  2 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys' into _objects[1] | 1 | ? | ? | ? | 0      | *
218  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
219  *
220  *    _objects
221  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
222  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
223  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
224  *
225  *    _fieldNames
226  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
227  *    | \0                                                                          |
228  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
229  *
230  *    _leafBuf
231  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
232  *    | {}                                                                          |
233  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
236     mmb::Element dne = ys.rightSibling();
238  *    _elements
239  *      oi      flags                offset                  ls  rs  lc  rc  p
240  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
241  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0       into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x      | *
242  *  1 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs' into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0      |
243  *  2 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys' into _objects[1] | 1 | x | ? | ? | 0      | *
244  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
245  *
246  *    _objects
247  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
248  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
249  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
250  *
251  *    _fieldNames
252  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
253  *    | \0                                                                          |
254  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
255  *
256  *    _leafBuf
257  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
258  *    | {}                                                                          |
259  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
262     mmb::Element ycaps = doc.makeElementString("Y", "Y");
264  *    _elements
265  *      oi      flags                offset                  ls  rs  lc  rc  p
266  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
267  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0       into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x      |
268  *  1 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs' into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0      |
269  *  2 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys' into _objects[1] | 1 | x | ? | ? | 0      |
270  *  3 | 0 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'Y'  into _objects[0] | x | x | x | x | x      | *
271  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
272  *
273  *    _objects
274  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
275  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
276  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
277  *
278  *    _fieldNames
279  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
280  *    | \0                                                                          |
281  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
282  *
283  *    _leafBuf
284  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
285  *    | { "Y" : "Y" }                                                               | *
286  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
289     ys.pushBack(ycaps);
291  *    _elements
292  *      oi      flags                offset                    ls  rs  lc  rc  p
293  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
294  *  0 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off 0         into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x    |
295  *  1 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs'   into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0    |
296  *  2 | 1 | s:- | ...       | off of 'ys'   into _objects[1] | 1 | x | 4 | 3 | 0    | *
297  *  3 | 0 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'Y'    into _objects[0] | 4 | x | x | x | 2    | *
298  *  4 | 1 | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys.y' into _objects[1] | x | 3 | x | x | 2    | *
299  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
300  *
301  *    _objects
302  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
303  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
304  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
305  *
306  *    _fieldNames
307  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
308  *    | \0                                                                          |
309  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
310  *
311  *    _leafBuf
312  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
313  *    | { "Y" : "Y" }                                                               |
314  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
317     mmb::Element pun = doc.makeElementArray("why");
319  *    _elements
320  *      oi      flags                offset                     ls  rs  lc  rc  p
321  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
322  *  0 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off 0         into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x   |
323  *  1 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs'   into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0   |
324  *  2 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off of 'ys'   into _objects[1] | 1 | x | 4 | 3 | 0   |
325  *  3 | 0  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'Y'    into _objects[0] | 4 | x | x | x | 2   |
326  *  4 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys.y' into _objects[1] | x | 3 | x | x | 2   |
327  *  5 | -1 | s:- | a:+ | ... | off of 'why'  into _fieldNames | x | x | x | x | x   | *
328  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
329  *
330  *    _objects
331  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
332  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
333  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
334  *
335  *    _fieldNames
336  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
337  *    | \0why\0                                                                     | *
338  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
339  *
340  *    _leafBuf
341  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
342  *    | { "Y" : "Y" }                                                               |
343  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
346     ys.pushBack(pun);
348  *    _elements
349  *      oi      flags                offset                     ls  rs  lc  rc  p
350  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
351  *  0 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off 0         into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x   |
352  *  1 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs'   into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0   |
353  *  2 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off of 'ys'   into _objects[1] | 1 | x | 4 | 5 | 0   | *
354  *  3 | 0  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'Y'    into _objects[0] | 4 | 5 | x | x | 2   | *
355  *  4 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys.y' into _objects[1] | x | 3 | x | x | 2   |
356  *  5 | -1 | s:- | a:+ | ... | off of 'why'  into _fieldNames | 3 | x | x | x | 2   | *
357  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
358  *
359  *    _objects
360  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
361  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
362  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
363  *
364  *    _fieldNames
365  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
366  *    | \0why\0                                                                     |
367  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
368  *
369  *    _leafBuf
370  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
371  *    | { "Y" : "Y" }                                                               |
372  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
375     pun.appendString("na", "not");
377  *    _elements
378  *      oi      flags                offset                     ls  rs  lc  rc  p
379  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
380  *  0 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off 0         into _fieldNames | x | x | 1 | 2 | x   |
381  *  1 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'xs'   into _objects[1] | x | 2 | ? | ? | 0   |
382  *  2 | 1  | s:- | ...       | off of 'ys'   into _objects[1] | 1 | x | 4 | 5 | 0   |
383  *  3 | 0  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'Y'    into _objects[0] | 4 | 5 | x | x | 2   |
384  *  4 | 1  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'ys.y' into _objects[1] | x | 3 | x | x | 2   |
385  *  5 | -1 | s:- | a:+ | ... | off of 'why'  into _fieldNames | 3 | x | 6 | 6 | 2   | *
386  *  6 | 0  | s:+ | ...       | off of 'na'   into _objects[0] | x | x | x | x | 5   | *
387  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
388  *
389  *    _objects
390  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
391  *    | BSONObj for _leafBuilder | BSONObj for inObj |                              |
392  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
393  *
394  *    _fieldNames
395  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
396  *    | \0why\0                                                                     |
397  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
398  *
399  *    _leafBuf
400  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
401  *    | { "Y" : "Y", "na" : "not" }                                                 | *
402  *    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
403  *
404  */
406 // Work around http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29365. Note that the selection of
407 // minor version 4 is somewhat arbitrary. It does appear that the fix for this was backported
408 // to earlier versions. This is a conservative choice that we can revisit later. We need the
409 // __clang__ here because Clang claims to be gcc of some version.
410 #if defined(__clang__) || !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 4) || \
411     (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
412 namespace {
413 #endif
415 // The designated field name for the root element.
416 constexpr auto kRootFieldName = ""_sd;
418 // How many reps do we cache before we spill to heap. Use a power of two. For debug
419 // builds we make this very small so it is less likely to mask vector invalidation
420 // logic errors. We don't make it zero so that we do execute the fastRep code paths.
421 const size_t kFastReps = kDebugBuild ? 2 : 128;
423 // An ElementRep contains the information necessary to locate the data for an Element,
424 // and the topology information for how the Element is related to other Elements in the
425 // document.
426 #pragma pack(push, 1)
427 struct ElementRep {
428     // Builds an ElementRep in its correct default state. This is used instead of a default
429     // constructor or NSDMIs to ensure that this type stays trivial so that vectors of it are cheap
430     // to grow.
431     static ElementRep makeDefaultRep();
433     // The index of the BSONObj that provides the value for this Element. For nodes
434     // where serialized is 'false', this value may be kInvalidObjIdx to indicate that
435     // the Element does not have a supporting BSONObj.
436     typedef uint16_t ObjIdx;
437     ObjIdx objIdx;
439     // This bit is true if this ElementRep identifies a completely serialized
440     // BSONElement (i.e. a region of memory with a bson type byte, a fieldname, and an
441     // encoded value). Changes to children of a serialized element will cause it to be
442     // marked as unserialized.
443     uint16_t serialized : 1;
445     // For object like Elements where we cannot determine the type of the object by
446     // looking a region of memory, the 'array' bit allows us to determine whether we
447     // are an object or an array.
448     uint16_t array : 1;
450     // Reserved for future use.
451     uint16_t reserved : 14;
453     // This word either gives the offset into the BSONObj associated with this
454     // ElementRep where this serialized BSON element may be located, or the offset into
455     // the _fieldNames member of the Document where the field name for this BSON
456     // element may be located.
457     uint32_t offset;
459     // The indexes of our left and right siblings in the Document.
460     struct {
461         Element::RepIdx left;
462         Element::RepIdx right;
463     } sibling;
465     // The indexes of our left and right chidren in the Document.
466     struct {
467         Element::RepIdx left;
468         Element::RepIdx right;
469     } child;
471     // The index of our parent in the Document.
472     Element::RepIdx parent;
474     // The size of the field name and the total element size are cached to allow quickly
475     // constructing a BSONElement object. These fields are private (even though the rest of this
476     // struct is public) because of the somewhat complex requirements to update and use them
477     // correctly.
setFieldNameSizeAndTotalSizemongo::mutablebson::__anon0bdfad420111::ElementRep478     void setFieldNameSizeAndTotalSize(int fieldNameSize, int totalSize) {
479         _fieldNameSize = fieldNameSize <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ? fieldNameSize : -1;
480         _totalSize = totalSize <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ? totalSize : -1;
481     }
toSerializedElementmongo::mutablebson::__anon0bdfad420111::ElementRep483     BSONElement toSerializedElement(const BSONObj& holder) const {
484         return BSONElement(holder.objdata() + offset,  //
485                            _fieldNameSize,
486                            _totalSize,
487                            BSONElement::CachedSizeTag());
488     }
490 private:
491     // The cached sizes for this element, or -1 if unknown or too big to fit.
492     // TODO consider putting _fieldNameSize in the reserved bit field above to allow larger total
493     // sizes to be cached. Alternatively, could use an 8/24 split uint32_t. Since BSONObj is limited
494     // to just over 16MB, that will cover all practical element sizes. For now, this is fine since
495     // computing the size is a trivial cost when working with elements larger 32KB.
496     int16_t _fieldNameSize;
497     int16_t _totalSize;
498 };
499 #pragma pack(pop)
501 MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ElementRep) == 32);
503 // We want ElementRep to be a POD so Document::Impl can grow the std::vector with
504 // memmove.
505 //
506 MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(std::is_trivial<ElementRep>::value);
508 // The ElementRep for the root element is always zero.
509 const Element::RepIdx kRootRepIdx = Element::RepIdx(0);
511 // This is the object index for elements in the leaf heap.
512 const ElementRep::ObjIdx kLeafObjIdx = ElementRep::ObjIdx(0);
514 // This is the sentinel value to indicate that we have no supporting BSONObj.
515 const ElementRep::ObjIdx kInvalidObjIdx = ElementRep::ObjIdx(-1);
517 // This is the highest valid object index that does not overlap sentinel values.
518 const ElementRep::ObjIdx kMaxObjIdx = ElementRep::ObjIdx(-2);
makeDefaultRep()520 ElementRep ElementRep::makeDefaultRep() {
521     ElementRep out;
522     out.objIdx = kInvalidObjIdx;
523     out.serialized = false;
524     out.array = false;
525     out.reserved = 0;
526     out.offset = 0;
527     out.sibling = {Element::kInvalidRepIdx, Element::kInvalidRepIdx};
528     out.child = {Element::kInvalidRepIdx, Element::kInvalidRepIdx};
529     out.parent = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
530     out._fieldNameSize = -1;
531     out._totalSize = -1;
532     return out;
533 }
535 // Returns the offset of 'elt' within 'object' as a uint32_t. The element must be part
536 // of the object or the behavior is undefined.
getElementOffset(const BSONObj & object,const BSONElement & elt)537 uint32_t getElementOffset(const BSONObj& object, const BSONElement& elt) {
538     dassert(!elt.eoo());
539     const char* const objRaw = object.objdata();
540     const char* const eltRaw = elt.rawdata();
541     dassert(objRaw < eltRaw);
542     dassert(eltRaw < objRaw + object.objsize());
543     dassert(eltRaw + elt.size() <= objRaw + object.objsize());
544     const ptrdiff_t offset = eltRaw - objRaw;
545     // BSON documents express their size as an int32_t so we should always be able to
546     // express the offset as a uint32_t.
547     invariant(offset > 0);
548     invariant(offset <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
549     return offset;
550 }
552 // Returns true if this ElementRep is 'detached' from all other elements and can be
553 // added as a child, which helps ensure that we maintain a tree rather than a graph
554 // when adding new elements to the tree. The root element is never considered to be
555 // attachable.
canAttach(const Element::RepIdx id,const ElementRep & rep)556 bool canAttach(const Element::RepIdx id, const ElementRep& rep) {
557     return (id != kRootRepIdx) && (rep.sibling.left == Element::kInvalidRepIdx) &&
558         (rep.sibling.right == Element::kInvalidRepIdx) && (rep.parent == Element::kInvalidRepIdx);
559 }
561 // Returns a Status describing why 'canAttach' returned false. This function should not
562 // be inlined since it just makes the callers larger for no real gain.
563 NOINLINE_DECL Status getAttachmentError(const ElementRep& rep);
getAttachmentError(const ElementRep & rep)564 Status getAttachmentError(const ElementRep& rep) {
565     if (rep.sibling.left != Element::kInvalidRepIdx)
566         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "dangling left sibling");
567     if (rep.sibling.right != Element::kInvalidRepIdx)
568         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "dangling right sibling");
569     if (rep.parent != Element::kInvalidRepIdx)
570         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "dangling parent");
571     return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "cannot add the root as a child");
572 }
575 // Enable paranoid mode to force a reallocation on mutation of the princple data
576 // structures in Document::Impl. This is really slow, but can be very helpful if you
577 // suspect an invalidation logic error and want to find it with valgrind. Paranoid mode
578 // only works in debug mode; it is ignored in release builds.
579 const bool paranoid = false;
581 #if defined(__clang__) || !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 4) || \
582     (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
583 }  // namespace
584 #endif
586 /** Document::Impl holds the Document state. Please see the file comment above for details
587  *  on the fields of Impl and how they are used to realize the implementation of mutable
588  *  BSON. Impl provides various utility methods to insert, lookup, and interrogate the
589  *  Elements, BSONObj objects, field names, and builders associated with the Document.
590  *
591  *  TODO: At some point, we could remove the firewall and inline the members of Impl into
592  *  Document.
593  */
594 class Document::Impl {
597 public:
Impl(Document::InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)598     Impl(Document::InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)
599         : _numElements(0),
600           _slowElements(),
601           _objects(),
602           _fieldNames(),
603           _leafBuf(),
604           _leafBuilder(_leafBuf),
605           _fieldNameScratch(),
606           _damages(),
607           _inPlaceMode(inPlaceMode) {
608         // We always have a BSONObj for the leaves, and we often have
609         // one for our base document, so reserve 2.
610         _objects.reserve(2);
612         // We always have at least one byte for the root field name, and we would like
613         // to be able to hold a few short field names without reallocation.
614         _fieldNames.reserve(8);
616         // We need an object at _objects[0] so that we can access leaf elements we
617         // construct with the leaf builder in the same way we access elements serialized in
618         // other BSONObjs. So we call asTempObj on the builder and store the result in slot
619         // 0.
620         dassert(_objects.size() == kLeafObjIdx);
621         _objects.push_back(_leafBuilder.asTempObj());
622         dassert(_leafBuf.len() != 0);
623     }
~Impl()625     ~Impl() {
626         _leafBuilder.abandon();
627     }
reset(Document::InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)629     void reset(Document::InPlaceMode inPlaceMode) {
630         // Clear out the state in the vectors.
631         _slowElements.clear();
632         _numElements = 0;
634         _objects.clear();
635         _fieldNames.clear();
637         // There is no way to reset the state of a BSONObjBuilder, so we need to call its
638         // dtor, reset the underlying buf, and re-invoke the constructor in-place.
639         _leafBuilder.abandon();
640         _leafBuilder.~BSONObjBuilder();
641         _leafBuf.reset();
642         new (&_leafBuilder) BSONObjBuilder(_leafBuf);
644         _fieldNameScratch.clear();
645         _damages.clear();
646         _inPlaceMode = inPlaceMode;
648         // Ensure that we start in the same state as the ctor would leave us in.
649         _objects.push_back(_leafBuilder.asTempObj());
650     }
652     // Obtain the ElementRep for the given rep id.
getElementRep(Element::RepIdx id)653     ElementRep& getElementRep(Element::RepIdx id) {
654         return const_cast<ElementRep&>(const_cast<const Impl*>(this)->getElementRep(id));
655     }
657     // Obtain the ElementRep for the given rep id.
getElementRep(Element::RepIdx id) const658     const ElementRep& getElementRep(Element::RepIdx id) const {
659         dassert(id < _numElements);
660         if (id < kFastReps)
661             return _fastElements[id];
662         else
663             return _slowElements[id - kFastReps];
664     }
666     // Construct and return a new default initialized ElementRep. The RepIdx identifying
667     // the new rep is returned in the out parameter.
makeNewRep(Element::RepIdx * newIdx)668     ElementRep& makeNewRep(Element::RepIdx* newIdx) {
669         const Element::RepIdx id = *newIdx = _numElements++;
671         if (id < kFastReps) {
672             return _fastElements[id] = ElementRep::makeDefaultRep();
673         } else {
674             invariant(id <= Element::kMaxRepIdx);
676             if (kDebugBuild && paranoid) {
677                 // Force all reps to new addresses to help catch invalid rep usage.
678                 std::vector<ElementRep> newSlowElements(_slowElements);
679                 _slowElements.swap(newSlowElements);
680             }
682             return *_slowElements.insert(_slowElements.end(), ElementRep::makeDefaultRep());
683         }
684     }
686     // Insert a new ElementRep for a leaf element at the given offset and return its ID.
insertLeafElement(int offset,int fieldNameSize=-1,int totalSize=-1)687     Element::RepIdx insertLeafElement(int offset, int fieldNameSize = -1, int totalSize = -1) {
688         // BufBuilder hands back sizes in 'int's.
689         Element::RepIdx inserted;
690         ElementRep& rep = makeNewRep(&inserted);
692         rep.setFieldNameSizeAndTotalSize(fieldNameSize, totalSize);
693         rep.objIdx = kLeafObjIdx;
694         rep.serialized = true;
695         dassert(offset >= 0);
696         // TODO: Is this a legitimate possibility?
697         dassert(static_cast<unsigned int>(offset) < std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
698         rep.offset = offset;
699         _objects[kLeafObjIdx] = _leafBuilder.asTempObj();
700         return inserted;
701     }
703     // Obtain the object builder for the leaves.
leafBuilder()704     BSONObjBuilder& leafBuilder() {
705         return _leafBuilder;
706     }
708     // Obtain the BSONObj for the given object id.
getObject(ElementRep::ObjIdx objIdx)709     BSONObj& getObject(ElementRep::ObjIdx objIdx) {
710         dassert(objIdx < _objects.size());
711         return _objects[objIdx];
712     }
714     // Obtain the BSONObj for the given object id.
getObject(ElementRep::ObjIdx objIdx) const715     const BSONObj& getObject(ElementRep::ObjIdx objIdx) const {
716         dassert(objIdx < _objects.size());
717         return _objects[objIdx];
718     }
720     // Insert the given BSONObj and return an ID for it.
insertObject(const BSONObj & newObj)721     ElementRep::ObjIdx insertObject(const BSONObj& newObj) {
722         const size_t objIdx = _objects.size();
723         invariant(objIdx <= kMaxObjIdx);
724         _objects.push_back(newObj);
725         if (kDebugBuild && paranoid) {
726             // Force reallocation to catch use after invalidation.
727             std::vector<BSONObj> new_objects(_objects);
728             _objects.swap(new_objects);
729         }
730         return objIdx;
731     }
733     // Given a RepIdx, return the BSONElement that it represents.
getSerializedElement(const ElementRep & rep) const734     BSONElement getSerializedElement(const ElementRep& rep) const {
735         return rep.toSerializedElement(getObject(rep.objIdx));
736     }
738     // A helper method that either inserts the field name into the field name heap and
739     // updates element.
insertFieldName(ElementRep & rep,StringData fieldName)740     void insertFieldName(ElementRep& rep, StringData fieldName) {
741         dassert(!rep.serialized);
742         rep.offset = insertFieldName(fieldName);
743     }
745     // Retrieve the fieldName, given a rep.
getFieldName(const ElementRep & rep) const746     StringData getFieldName(const ElementRep& rep) const {
747         // The root element has no field name.
748         if (&rep == &getElementRep(kRootRepIdx))
749             return StringData();
751         if (rep.serialized || (rep.objIdx != kInvalidObjIdx))
752             return getSerializedElement(rep).fieldNameStringData();
754         return getFieldName(rep.offset);
755     }
getFieldNameForNewElement(const ElementRep & rep)757     StringData getFieldNameForNewElement(const ElementRep& rep) {
758         StringData result = getFieldName(rep);
759         if (rep.objIdx == kLeafObjIdx) {
760             _fieldNameScratch.assign(result.rawData(), result.size());
761             result = StringData(_fieldNameScratch);
762         }
763         return result;
764     }
766     // Retrieve the type, given a rep.
getType(const ElementRep & rep) const767     BSONType getType(const ElementRep& rep) const {
768         // The root element is always an Object.
769         if (&rep == &getElementRep(kRootRepIdx))
770             return mongo::Object;
772         if (rep.serialized || (rep.objIdx != kInvalidObjIdx))
773             return getSerializedElement(rep).type();
775         return rep.array ? mongo::Array : mongo::Object;
776     }
isLeafType(BSONType type)778     static bool isLeafType(BSONType type) {
779         return ((type != mongo::Object) && (type != mongo::Array));
780     }
782     // Returns true if rep is not an object or array.
isLeaf(const ElementRep & rep) const783     bool isLeaf(const ElementRep& rep) const {
784         return isLeafType(getType(rep));
785     }
isLeaf(const BSONElement & elt) const787     bool isLeaf(const BSONElement& elt) const {
788         return isLeafType(elt.type());
789     }
791     // Returns true if rep's value can be provided as a BSONElement.
hasValue(const ElementRep & rep) const792     bool hasValue(const ElementRep& rep) const {
793         // The root element may be marked serialized, but it doesn't have a BSONElement
794         // representation.
795         if (&rep == &getElementRep(kRootRepIdx))
796             return false;
798         return rep.serialized;
799     }
801     // Return the index of the left child of the Element with index 'index', resolving the
802     // left child to a realized Element if it is currently opaque. This may also cause the
803     // parent elements child.right entry to be updated.
resolveLeftChild(Element::RepIdx index)804     Element::RepIdx resolveLeftChild(Element::RepIdx index) {
805         dassert(index != Element::kInvalidRepIdx);
806         dassert(index != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
808         // If the left child is anything other than opaque, then we are done here.
809         ElementRep* rep = &getElementRep(index);
810         if (rep->child.left != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx)
811             return rep->child.left;
813         // It should be impossible to have an opaque left child and be non-serialized,
814         dassert(rep->serialized);
815         BSONElement childElt =
816             (hasValue(*rep) ? getSerializedElement(*rep).embeddedObject() : getObject(rep->objIdx))
817                 .firstElement();
819         if (!childElt.eoo()) {
820             // Do this now before other writes so compiler can exploit knowing
821             // that we are not eoo.
822             const int32_t fieldNameSize = childElt.fieldNameSize();
823             const int32_t totalSize = childElt.size();
825             Element::RepIdx inserted;
826             ElementRep& newRep = makeNewRep(&inserted);
827             // Calling makeNewRep invalidates rep since it may cause a reallocation of
828             // the element vector. After calling insertElement, we reacquire rep.
829             rep = &getElementRep(index);
831             newRep.serialized = true;
832             newRep.objIdx = rep->objIdx;
833             newRep.offset = getElementOffset(getObject(rep->objIdx), childElt);
834             newRep.parent = index;
835             newRep.sibling.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
836             // If this new object has possible substructure, mark its children as opaque.
837             if (!isLeaf(childElt)) {
838                 newRep.child.left = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
839                 newRep.child.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
840             }
841             newRep.setFieldNameSizeAndTotalSize(fieldNameSize, totalSize);
842             rep->child.left = inserted;
843         } else {
844             rep->child.left = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
845             rep->child.right = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
846         }
848         dassert(rep->child.left != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
849         return rep->child.left;
850     }
852     // Return the index of the right child of the Element with index 'index', resolving any
853     // opaque nodes. Note that this may require resolving all of the right siblings of the
854     // left child.
resolveRightChild(Element::RepIdx index)855     Element::RepIdx resolveRightChild(Element::RepIdx index) {
856         dassert(index != Element::kInvalidRepIdx);
857         dassert(index != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
859         Element::RepIdx current = getElementRep(index).child.right;
860         if (current == Element::kOpaqueRepIdx) {
861             current = resolveLeftChild(index);
862             while (current != Element::kInvalidRepIdx) {
863                 Element::RepIdx next = resolveRightSibling(current);
864                 if (next == Element::kInvalidRepIdx)
865                     break;
866                 current = next;
867             }
869             // The resolveRightSibling calls should have eventually updated this nodes right
870             // child pointer to point to the node we are about to return.
871             dassert(getElementRep(index).child.right == current);
872         }
874         return current;
875     }
877     // Return the index of the right sibling of the Element with index 'index', resolving
878     // the right sibling to a realized Element if it is currently opaque.
resolveRightSibling(Element::RepIdx index)879     Element::RepIdx resolveRightSibling(Element::RepIdx index) {
880         dassert(index != Element::kInvalidRepIdx);
881         dassert(index != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
883         // If the right sibling is anything other than opaque, then we are done here.
884         ElementRep* rep = &getElementRep(index);
885         if (rep->sibling.right != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx)
886             return rep->sibling.right;
888         BSONElement elt = getSerializedElement(*rep);
889         BSONElement rightElt(elt.rawdata() + elt.size());
891         if (!rightElt.eoo()) {
892             // Do this now before other writes so compiler can exploit knowing
893             // that we are not eoo.
894             const int32_t fieldNameSize = rightElt.fieldNameSize();
895             const int32_t totalSize = rightElt.size();
897             Element::RepIdx inserted;
898             ElementRep& newRep = makeNewRep(&inserted);
899             // Calling makeNewRep invalidates rep since it may cause a reallocation of
900             // the element vector. After calling insertElement, we reacquire rep.
901             rep = &getElementRep(index);
903             newRep.serialized = true;
904             newRep.objIdx = rep->objIdx;
905             newRep.offset = getElementOffset(getObject(rep->objIdx), rightElt);
906             newRep.parent = rep->parent;
907             newRep.sibling.left = index;
908             newRep.sibling.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
909             // If this new object has possible substructure, mark its children as opaque.
910             if (!isLeaf(rightElt)) {
911                 newRep.child.left = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
912                 newRep.child.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
913             }
914             newRep.setFieldNameSizeAndTotalSize(fieldNameSize, totalSize);
915             rep->sibling.right = inserted;
916         } else {
917             rep->sibling.right = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
918             // If we have found the end of this object, then our (necessarily existing)
919             // parent's necessarily opaque right child is now determined to be us.
920             dassert(rep->parent <= Element::kMaxRepIdx);
921             ElementRep& parentRep = getElementRep(rep->parent);
922             dassert(parentRep.child.right == Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
923             parentRep.child.right = index;
924         }
926         dassert(rep->sibling.right != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx);
927         return rep->sibling.right;
928     }
930     // Find the ElementRep at index 'index', and mark it and all of its currently
931     // serialized parents as non-serialized.
deserialize(Element::RepIdx index)932     void deserialize(Element::RepIdx index) {
933         while (index != Element::kInvalidRepIdx) {
934             ElementRep& rep = getElementRep(index);
935             // It does not make sense for leaf Elements to become deserialized, and
936             // requests to do so indicate a bug in the implementation of the library.
937             dassert(!isLeaf(rep));
938             if (!rep.serialized)
939                 break;
940             rep.serialized = false;
941             index = rep.parent;
942         }
943     }
doesNotAlias(StringData s) const945     inline bool doesNotAlias(StringData s) const {
946         // StringData may come from either the field name heap or the leaf builder.
947         return doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(s) && !inFieldNameHeap(s.rawData());
948     }
doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(StringData s) const950     inline bool doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(StringData s) const {
951         return !inLeafBuilder(s.rawData());
952     }
doesNotAlias(const BSONElement & e) const954     inline bool doesNotAlias(const BSONElement& e) const {
955         // A BSONElement could alias the leaf builder.
956         return !inLeafBuilder(e.rawdata());
957     }
doesNotAlias(const BSONObj & o) const959     inline bool doesNotAlias(const BSONObj& o) const {
960         // A BSONObj could alias the leaf buildr.
961         return !inLeafBuilder(o.objdata());
962     }
964     // Returns true if 'data' points within the leaf BufBuilder.
inLeafBuilder(const char * data) const965     inline bool inLeafBuilder(const char* data) const {
966         // TODO: Write up something documenting that the following is technically UB due
967         // to illegality of comparing pointers to different aggregates for ordering. Also,
968         // do we need to do anything to prevent the optimizer from compiling this out on
969         // that basis? I've seen clang do that. We may need to declare these volatile. On
970         // the other hand, these should only be being called under a dassert, so the
971         // optimizer is maybe not in play, and the UB is unlikely to be a problem in
972         // practice.
973         const char* const start = _leafBuf.buf();
974         const char* const end = start + _leafBuf.len();
975         return (data >= start) && (data < end);
976     }
978     // Returns true if 'data' points within the field name heap.
inFieldNameHeap(const char * data) const979     inline bool inFieldNameHeap(const char* data) const {
980         if (_fieldNames.empty())
981             return false;
982         const char* const start = &_fieldNames.front();
983         const char* const end = &_fieldNames.back();
984         return (data >= start) && (data < end);
985     }
reserveDamageEvents(size_t expectedEvents)987     void reserveDamageEvents(size_t expectedEvents) {
988         _damages.reserve(expectedEvents);
989     }
getInPlaceUpdates(DamageVector * damages,const char ** source,size_t * size)991     bool getInPlaceUpdates(DamageVector* damages, const char** source, size_t* size) {
992         // If some operations were not in-place, set source to NULL and return false to
993         // inform upstream that we are not returning in-place result data.
994         if (_inPlaceMode == Document::kInPlaceDisabled) {
995             damages->clear();
996             *source = NULL;
997             if (size)
998                 *size = 0;
999             return false;
1000         }
1002         // Set up the source and source size out parameters.
1003         *source = _objects[0].objdata();
1004         if (size)
1005             *size = _objects[0].objsize();
1007         // Swap our damage event queue with upstream, and reset ours to an empty vector. In
1008         // princple, we can do another round of in-place updates.
1009         damages->swap(_damages);
1010         _damages.clear();
1012         return true;
1013     }
disableInPlaceUpdates()1015     void disableInPlaceUpdates() {
1016         _inPlaceMode = Document::kInPlaceDisabled;
1017     }
getCurrentInPlaceMode() const1019     Document::InPlaceMode getCurrentInPlaceMode() const {
1020         return _inPlaceMode;
1021     }
isInPlaceModeEnabled() const1023     bool isInPlaceModeEnabled() const {
1024         return getCurrentInPlaceMode() == Document::kInPlaceEnabled;
1025     }
recordDamageEvent(DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType targetOffset,DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType sourceOffset,size_t size)1027     void recordDamageEvent(DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType targetOffset,
1028                            DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType sourceOffset,
1029                            size_t size) {
1030         _damages.push_back(DamageEvent());
1031         _damages.back().targetOffset = targetOffset;
1032         _damages.back().sourceOffset = sourceOffset;
1033         _damages.back().size = size;
1034         if (kDebugBuild && paranoid) {
1035             // Force damage events to new addresses to catch invalidation errors.
1036             DamageVector new_damages(_damages);
1037             _damages.swap(new_damages);
1038         }
1039     }
1041     // Check all preconditions on doing an in-place update, except for size match.
canUpdateInPlace(const ElementRep & sourceRep,const ElementRep & targetRep)1042     bool canUpdateInPlace(const ElementRep& sourceRep, const ElementRep& targetRep) {
1043         // NOTE: CodeWScope might arguably be excluded since it has substructure, but
1044         // mutable doesn't permit navigation into its document, so we can handle it.
1046         // We can only do an in-place update to an element that is serialized and is not in
1047         // the leaf heap.
1048         //
1049         // TODO: In the future, we can replace values in the leaf heap if they are of the
1050         // same size as the origin was. For now, we don't support that.
1051         if (!hasValue(targetRep) || (targetRep.objIdx == kLeafObjIdx))
1052             return false;
1054         // sourceRep should be newly created, so it must have a value representation.
1055         dassert(hasValue(sourceRep));
1057         // For a target that has substructure, we only permit in-place updates if there
1058         // cannot be ElementReps that reference data within the target. We don't need to
1059         // worry about ElementReps for source, since it is newly created. The only way
1060         // there can be ElementReps referring into substructure is if the Element has
1061         // non-empty non-opaque child references.
1062         if (!isLeaf(targetRep)) {
1063             if (((targetRep.child.left != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx) &&
1064                  (targetRep.child.left != Element::kInvalidRepIdx)) ||
1065                 ((targetRep.child.right != Element::kOpaqueRepIdx) &&
1066                  (targetRep.child.right != Element::kInvalidRepIdx)))
1067                 return false;
1068         }
1070         return true;
1071     }
1073     template <typename Builder>
1074     void writeElement(Element::RepIdx repIdx,
1075                       Builder* builder,
1076                       const StringData* fieldName = NULL) const;
1078     template <typename Builder>
1079     void writeChildren(Element::RepIdx repIdx, Builder* builder) const;
1081 private:
1082     // Insert the given field name into the field name heap, and return an ID for this
1083     // field name.
insertFieldName(StringData fieldName)1084     int32_t insertFieldName(StringData fieldName) {
1085         const uint32_t id = _fieldNames.size();
1086         if (!fieldName.empty())
1087             _fieldNames.insert(
1088                 _fieldNames.end(), fieldName.rawData(), fieldName.rawData() + fieldName.size());
1089         _fieldNames.push_back('\0');
1090         if (kDebugBuild && paranoid) {
1091             // Force names to new addresses to catch invalidation errors.
1092             std::vector<char> new_fieldNames(_fieldNames);
1093             _fieldNames.swap(new_fieldNames);
1094         }
1095         return id;
1096     }
1098     // Retrieve the field name with the given id.
getFieldName(uint32_t fieldNameId) const1099     StringData getFieldName(uint32_t fieldNameId) const {
1100         dassert(fieldNameId < _fieldNames.size());
1101         return &_fieldNames[fieldNameId];
1102     }
1104     size_t _numElements;
1105     ElementRep _fastElements[kFastReps];
1106     std::vector<ElementRep> _slowElements;
1108     std::vector<BSONObj> _objects;
1109     std::vector<char> _fieldNames;
1111     // We own a BufBuilder to avoid BSONObjBuilder's ref-count mechanism which would throw
1112     // off our offset calculations.
1113     BufBuilder _leafBuf;
1114     BSONObjBuilder _leafBuilder;
1116     // Sometimes, we need a temporary storage area for a fieldName, because the source of
1117     // the fieldName is in the same buffer that we want to write to, potentially
1118     // reallocating it. In such cases, we temporarily store the value here, rather than
1119     // creating and destroying a string and its buffer each time.
1120     std::string _fieldNameScratch;
1122     // Queue of damage events and status bit for whether  in-place updates are possible.
1123     DamageVector _damages;
1124     Document::InPlaceMode _inPlaceMode;
1125 };
addSiblingLeft(Element e)1127 Status Element::addSiblingLeft(Element e) {
1128     invariant(ok());
1129     invariant(e.ok());
1130     invariant(_doc == e._doc);
1132     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1133     ElementRep& newRep = impl.getElementRep(e._repIdx);
1135     // check that new element roots a clean subtree.
1136     if (!canAttach(e._repIdx, newRep))
1137         return getAttachmentError(newRep);
1139     ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1141     dassert(thisRep.parent != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1142     if (thisRep.parent == kInvalidRepIdx)
1143         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
1144                       "Attempt to add a sibling to an element without a parent");
1146     ElementRep& parentRep = impl.getElementRep(thisRep.parent);
1147     dassert(!impl.isLeaf(parentRep));
1149     impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
1151     // The new element shares our parent.
1152     newRep.parent = thisRep.parent;
1154     // We are the new element's right sibling.
1155     newRep.sibling.right = _repIdx;
1157     // The new element's left sibling is our left sibling.
1158     newRep.sibling.left = thisRep.sibling.left;
1160     // If the new element has a left sibling after the adjustments above, then that left
1161     // sibling must be updated to have the new element as its right sibling.
1162     if (newRep.sibling.left != kInvalidRepIdx)
1163         impl.getElementRep(thisRep.sibling.left).sibling.right = e._repIdx;
1165     // The new element becomes our left sibling.
1166     thisRep.sibling.left = e._repIdx;
1168     // If we were our parent's left child, then we no longer are. Make the new right
1169     // sibling the right child.
1170     if (parentRep.child.left == _repIdx)
1171         parentRep.child.left = e._repIdx;
1173     impl.deserialize(thisRep.parent);
1175     return Status::OK();
1176 }
addSiblingRight(Element e)1178 Status Element::addSiblingRight(Element e) {
1179     invariant(ok());
1180     invariant(e.ok());
1181     invariant(_doc == e._doc);
1183     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1184     ElementRep* newRep = &impl.getElementRep(e._repIdx);
1186     // check that new element roots a clean subtree.
1187     if (!canAttach(e._repIdx, *newRep))
1188         return getAttachmentError(*newRep);
1190     ElementRep* thisRep = &impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1192     dassert(thisRep->parent != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1193     if (thisRep->parent == kInvalidRepIdx)
1194         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
1195                       "Attempt to add a sibling to an element without a parent");
1197     ElementRep* parentRep = &impl.getElementRep(thisRep->parent);
1198     dassert(!impl.isLeaf(*parentRep));
1200     impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
1202     // If our current right sibling is opaque it needs to be resolved. This will invalidate
1203     // our reps so we need to reacquire them.
1204     Element::RepIdx rightSiblingIdx = thisRep->sibling.right;
1205     if (rightSiblingIdx == kOpaqueRepIdx) {
1206         rightSiblingIdx = impl.resolveRightSibling(_repIdx);
1207         dassert(rightSiblingIdx != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1208         newRep = &impl.getElementRep(e._repIdx);
1209         thisRep = &impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1210         parentRep = &impl.getElementRep(thisRep->parent);
1211     }
1213     // The new element shares our parent.
1214     newRep->parent = thisRep->parent;
1216     // We are the new element's left sibling.
1217     newRep->sibling.left = _repIdx;
1219     // The new element right sibling is our right sibling.
1220     newRep->sibling.right = rightSiblingIdx;
1222     // The new element becomes our right sibling.
1223     thisRep->sibling.right = e._repIdx;
1225     // If the new element has a right sibling after the adjustments above, then that right
1226     // sibling must be updated to have the new element as its left sibling.
1227     if (newRep->sibling.right != kInvalidRepIdx)
1228         impl.getElementRep(rightSiblingIdx).sibling.left = e._repIdx;
1230     // If we were our parent's right child, then we no longer are. Make the new right
1231     // sibling the right child.
1232     if (parentRep->child.right == _repIdx)
1233         parentRep->child.right = e._repIdx;
1235     impl.deserialize(thisRep->parent);
1237     return Status::OK();
1238 }
remove()1240 Status Element::remove() {
1241     invariant(ok());
1242     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1244     // We need to realize any opaque right sibling, because we are going to need to set its
1245     // left sibling. Do this before acquiring thisRep since otherwise we would potentially
1246     // invalidate it.
1247     impl.resolveRightSibling(_repIdx);
1249     ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1251     if (thisRep.parent == kInvalidRepIdx)
1252         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "trying to remove a parentless element");
1253     impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
1255     // If our right sibling is not the end of the object, then set its left sibling to be
1256     // our left sibling.
1257     if (thisRep.sibling.right != kInvalidRepIdx)
1258         impl.getElementRep(thisRep.sibling.right).sibling.left = thisRep.sibling.left;
1260     // Similarly, if our left sibling is not the beginning of the obejct, then set its
1261     // right sibling to be our right sibling.
1262     if (thisRep.sibling.left != kInvalidRepIdx) {
1263         ElementRep& leftRep = impl.getElementRep(thisRep.sibling.left);
1264         leftRep.sibling.right = thisRep.sibling.right;
1265     }
1267     // If this element was our parent's right child, then our left sibling is the new right
1268     // child.
1269     ElementRep& parentRep = impl.getElementRep(thisRep.parent);
1270     if (parentRep.child.right == _repIdx)
1271         parentRep.child.right = thisRep.sibling.left;
1273     // Similarly, if this element was our parent's left child, then our right sibling is
1274     // the new left child.
1275     if (parentRep.child.left == _repIdx)
1276         parentRep.child.left = thisRep.sibling.right;
1278     impl.deserialize(thisRep.parent);
1280     // The Element becomes detached.
1281     thisRep.parent = kInvalidRepIdx;
1282     thisRep.sibling.left = kInvalidRepIdx;
1283     thisRep.sibling.right = kInvalidRepIdx;
1285     return Status::OK();
1286 }
rename(StringData newName)1288 Status Element::rename(StringData newName) {
1289     invariant(ok());
1290     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1292     if (_repIdx == kRootRepIdx)
1293         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
1294                       "Invalid attempt to rename the root element of a document");
1296     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(newName));
1298     // TODO: Some rename operations may be possible to do in-place.
1299     impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
1301     // Operations below may invalidate thisRep, so we may need to reacquire it.
1302     ElementRep* thisRep = &impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1304     // For non-leaf serialized elements, we can realize any opaque relatives and then
1305     // convert ourselves to deserialized.
1306     if (thisRep->objIdx != kInvalidObjIdx && !impl.isLeaf(*thisRep)) {
1307         const bool array = (impl.getType(*thisRep) == mongo::Array);
1309         // Realize any opaque right sibling or left child now, since otherwise we will lose
1310         // the ability to do so.
1311         impl.resolveLeftChild(_repIdx);
1312         impl.resolveRightSibling(_repIdx);
1314         // The resolve calls above may have invalidated thisRep, we need to reacquire it.
1315         thisRep = &impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1317         // Set this up as a non-supported deserialized element. We will set the fieldName
1318         // in the else clause in the block below.
1319         impl.deserialize(_repIdx);
1321         thisRep->array = array;
1323         // TODO: If we ever want to be able to add to the left or right of an opaque object
1324         // without expanding, this may need to change.
1325         thisRep->objIdx = kInvalidObjIdx;
1326     }
1328     if (impl.hasValue(*thisRep)) {
1329         // For leaf elements we just create a new Element with the current value and
1330         // replace. Note that the 'setValue' call below will invalidate thisRep.
1331         Element replacement = _doc->makeElementWithNewFieldName(newName, *this);
1332         setValue(replacement._repIdx).transitional_ignore();
1333     } else {
1334         // The easy case: just update what our field name offset refers to.
1335         impl.insertFieldName(*thisRep, newName);
1336     }
1338     return Status::OK();
1339 }
leftChild() const1341 Element Element::leftChild() const {
1342     invariant(ok());
1344     // Capturing Document::Impl by non-const ref exploits the constness loophole
1345     // created by our Impl so that we can let leftChild be lazily evaluated, even for a
1346     // const Element.
1347     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1348     const Element::RepIdx leftChildIdx = impl.resolveLeftChild(_repIdx);
1349     dassert(leftChildIdx != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1350     return Element(_doc, leftChildIdx);
1351 }
rightChild() const1353 Element Element::rightChild() const {
1354     invariant(ok());
1356     // Capturing Document::Impl by non-const ref exploits the constness loophole
1357     // created by our Impl so that we can let leftChild be lazily evaluated, even for a
1358     // const Element.
1359     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1360     const Element::RepIdx rightChildIdx = impl.resolveRightChild(_repIdx);
1361     dassert(rightChildIdx != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1362     return Element(_doc, rightChildIdx);
1363 }
hasChildren() const1365 bool Element::hasChildren() const {
1366     invariant(ok());
1367     // Capturing Document::Impl by non-const ref exploits the constness loophole
1368     // created by our Impl so that we can let leftChild be lazily evaluated, even for a
1369     // const Element.
1370     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1371     return impl.resolveLeftChild(_repIdx) != kInvalidRepIdx;
1372 }
leftSibling(size_t distance) const1374 Element Element::leftSibling(size_t distance) const {
1375     invariant(ok());
1376     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1377     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1378     while ((current != kInvalidRepIdx) && (distance-- != 0)) {
1379         // We are (currently) never left opaque, so don't need to resolve.
1380         current = impl.getElementRep(current).sibling.left;
1381     }
1382     return Element(_doc, current);
1383 }
rightSibling(size_t distance) const1385 Element Element::rightSibling(size_t distance) const {
1386     invariant(ok());
1388     // Capturing Document::Impl by non-const ref exploits the constness loophole
1389     // created by our Impl so that we can let rightSibling be lazily evaluated, even for a
1390     // const Element.
1391     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1392     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1393     while ((current != kInvalidRepIdx) && (distance-- != 0))
1394         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1395     return Element(_doc, current);
1396 }
parent() const1398 Element Element::parent() const {
1399     invariant(ok());
1400     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1401     const Element::RepIdx parentIdx = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx).parent;
1402     dassert(parentIdx != kOpaqueRepIdx);
1403     return Element(_doc, parentIdx);
1404 }
findNthChild(size_t n) const1406 Element Element::findNthChild(size_t n) const {
1407     invariant(ok());
1408     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1409     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1410     current = impl.resolveLeftChild(current);
1411     while ((current != kInvalidRepIdx) && (n-- != 0))
1412         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1413     return Element(_doc, current);
1414 }
findFirstChildNamed(StringData name) const1416 Element Element::findFirstChildNamed(StringData name) const {
1417     invariant(ok());
1418     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1419     invariant(getType() != BSONType::Array);
1420     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1421     current = impl.resolveLeftChild(current);
1422     // TODO: Could DRY this loop with the identical logic in findElementNamed.
1423     while ((current != kInvalidRepIdx) && (impl.getFieldName(impl.getElementRep(current)) != name))
1424         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1425     return Element(_doc, current);
1426 }
findElementNamed(StringData name) const1428 Element Element::findElementNamed(StringData name) const {
1429     invariant(ok());
1430     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1431     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1432     while ((current != kInvalidRepIdx) && (impl.getFieldName(impl.getElementRep(current)) != name))
1433         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1434     return Element(_doc, current);
1435 }
countSiblingsLeft() const1437 size_t Element::countSiblingsLeft() const {
1438     invariant(ok());
1439     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1440     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1441     size_t result = 0;
1442     while (true) {
1443         // We are (currently) never left opaque, so don't need to resolve.
1444         current = impl.getElementRep(current).sibling.left;
1445         if (current == kInvalidRepIdx)
1446             break;
1447         ++result;
1448     }
1449     return result;
1450 }
countSiblingsRight() const1452 size_t Element::countSiblingsRight() const {
1453     invariant(ok());
1454     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1455     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1456     size_t result = 0;
1457     while (true) {
1458         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1459         if (current == kInvalidRepIdx)
1460             break;
1461         ++result;
1462     }
1463     return result;
1464 }
countChildren() const1466 size_t Element::countChildren() const {
1467     invariant(ok());
1468     Document::Impl& impl = _doc->getImpl();
1469     Element::RepIdx current = _repIdx;
1470     current = impl.resolveLeftChild(current);
1471     size_t result = 0;
1472     while (current != kInvalidRepIdx) {
1473         ++result;
1474         current = impl.resolveRightSibling(current);
1475     }
1476     return result;
1477 }
hasValue() const1479 bool Element::hasValue() const {
1480     invariant(ok());
1481     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1482     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1483     return impl.hasValue(thisRep);
1484 }
isNumeric() const1486 bool Element::isNumeric() const {
1487     invariant(ok());
1488     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1489     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1490     const BSONType type = impl.getType(thisRep);
1491     return ((type == mongo::NumberLong) || (type == mongo::NumberInt) ||
1492             (type == mongo::NumberDouble) || (type == mongo::NumberDecimal));
1493 }
isIntegral() const1495 bool Element::isIntegral() const {
1496     invariant(ok());
1497     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1498     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1499     const BSONType type = impl.getType(thisRep);
1500     return ((type == mongo::NumberLong) || (type == mongo::NumberInt));
1501 }
getValue() const1503 const BSONElement Element::getValue() const {
1504     invariant(ok());
1505     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1506     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1507     if (impl.hasValue(thisRep))
1508         return impl.getSerializedElement(thisRep);
1509     return BSONElement();
1510 }
getValueSafeNum() const1512 SafeNum Element::getValueSafeNum() const {
1513     switch (getType()) {
1514         case mongo::NumberInt:
1515             return static_cast<int32_t>(getValueInt());
1516         case mongo::NumberLong:
1517             return static_cast<int64_t>(getValueLong());
1518         case mongo::NumberDouble:
1519             return getValueDouble();
1520         case mongo::NumberDecimal:
1521             return getValueDecimal();
1522         default:
1523             return SafeNum();
1524     }
1525 }
compareWithElement(const ConstElement & other,const StringData::ComparatorInterface * comparator,bool considerFieldName) const1527 int Element::compareWithElement(const ConstElement& other,
1528                                 const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
1529                                 bool considerFieldName) const {
1530     invariant(ok());
1531     invariant(other.ok());
1533     // Short circuit a tautological compare.
1534     if ((_repIdx == other.getIdx()) && (_doc == &other.getDocument()))
1535         return 0;
1537     // If either Element can represent its current value as a BSONElement, then we can
1538     // obtain its value and use compareWithBSONElement. If both Elements have a
1539     // representation as a BSONElement, compareWithBSONElement will notice that the first
1540     // argument has a value and delegate to BSONElement::woCompare.
1542     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1543     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1545     // Subtle: we must negate the comparison result here because we are reversing the
1546     // argument order in this call.
1547     //
1548     // TODO: Andy has suggested that this may not be legal since woCompare is not reflexive
1549     // in all cases.
1550     if (impl.hasValue(thisRep))
1551         return -other.compareWithBSONElement(
1552             impl.getSerializedElement(thisRep), comparator, considerFieldName);
1554     const Document::Impl& oimpl = other.getDocument().getImpl();
1555     const ElementRep& otherRep = oimpl.getElementRep(other.getIdx());
1557     if (oimpl.hasValue(otherRep))
1558         return compareWithBSONElement(
1559             oimpl.getSerializedElement(otherRep), comparator, considerFieldName);
1561     // Leaf elements should always have a value, so we should only be dealing with Objects
1562     // or Arrays here.
1563     dassert(!impl.isLeaf(thisRep));
1564     dassert(!oimpl.isLeaf(otherRep));
1566     // Obtain the canonical types for this Element and the BSONElement, if they are
1567     // different use the difference as the result. Please see BSONElement::woCompare for
1568     // details. We know that thisRep is not a number, so we don't need to check that
1569     // particular case.
1570     const int leftCanonType = canonicalizeBSONType(impl.getType(thisRep));
1571     const int rightCanonType = canonicalizeBSONType(oimpl.getType(otherRep));
1572     const int diffCanon = leftCanonType - rightCanonType;
1573     if (diffCanon != 0)
1574         return diffCanon;
1576     // If we are considering field names, and the field names do not compare as equal,
1577     // return the field name ordering as the element ordering.
1578     if (considerFieldName) {
1579         const int fnamesComp = impl.getFieldName(thisRep).compare(oimpl.getFieldName(otherRep));
1580         if (fnamesComp != 0)
1581             return fnamesComp;
1582     }
1584     const bool considerChildFieldNames =
1585         (impl.getType(thisRep) != mongo::Array) && (oimpl.getType(otherRep) != mongo::Array);
1587     // We are dealing with either two objects, or two arrays. We need to consider the child
1588     // elements individually. We walk two iterators forward over the children and compare
1589     // them. Length mismatches are handled by checking early for reaching the end of the
1590     // children.
1591     ConstElement thisIter = leftChild();
1592     ConstElement otherIter = other.leftChild();
1594     while (true) {
1595         if (!thisIter.ok())
1596             return !otherIter.ok() ? 0 : -1;
1597         if (!otherIter.ok())
1598             return 1;
1600         const int result =
1601             thisIter.compareWithElement(otherIter, comparator, considerChildFieldNames);
1602         if (result != 0)
1603             return result;
1605         thisIter = thisIter.rightSibling();
1606         otherIter = otherIter.rightSibling();
1607     }
1608 }
compareWithBSONElement(const BSONElement & other,const StringData::ComparatorInterface * comparator,bool considerFieldName) const1610 int Element::compareWithBSONElement(const BSONElement& other,
1611                                     const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
1612                                     bool considerFieldName) const {
1613     invariant(ok());
1615     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1616     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1618     // If we have a representation as a BSONElement, we can just use BSONElement::woCompare
1619     // to do the entire comparison.
1620     if (impl.hasValue(thisRep))
1621         return impl.getSerializedElement(thisRep).woCompare(other, considerFieldName, comparator);
1623     // Leaf elements should always have a value, so we should only be dealing with Objects
1624     // or Arrays here.
1625     dassert(!impl.isLeaf(thisRep));
1627     // Obtain the canonical types for this Element and the BSONElement, if they are
1628     // different use the difference as the result. Please see BSONElement::woCompare for
1629     // details. We know that thisRep is not a number, so we don't need to check that
1630     // particular case.
1631     const int leftCanonType = canonicalizeBSONType(impl.getType(thisRep));
1632     const int rightCanonType = canonicalizeBSONType(other.type());
1633     const int diffCanon = leftCanonType - rightCanonType;
1634     if (diffCanon != 0)
1635         return diffCanon;
1637     // If we are considering field names, and the field names do not compare as equal,
1638     // return the field name ordering as the element ordering.
1639     if (considerFieldName) {
1640         const int fnamesComp = impl.getFieldName(thisRep).compare(other.fieldNameStringData());
1641         if (fnamesComp != 0)
1642             return fnamesComp;
1643     }
1645     const bool considerChildFieldNames =
1646         (impl.getType(thisRep) != mongo::Array) && (other.type() != mongo::Array);
1648     return compareWithBSONObj(other.Obj(), comparator, considerChildFieldNames);
1649 }
compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj & other,const StringData::ComparatorInterface * comparator,bool considerFieldName) const1651 int Element::compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj& other,
1652                                 const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
1653                                 bool considerFieldName) const {
1654     invariant(ok());
1656     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1657     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1658     invariant(!impl.isLeaf(thisRep));
1660     // We are dealing with either two objects, or two arrays. We need to consider the child
1661     // elements individually. We walk two iterators forward over the children and compare
1662     // them. Length mismatches are handled by checking early for reaching the end of the
1663     // children.
1664     ConstElement thisIter = leftChild();
1665     BSONObjIterator otherIter(other);
1667     while (true) {
1668         const BSONElement otherVal = otherIter.next();
1670         if (!thisIter.ok())
1671             return otherVal.eoo() ? 0 : -1;
1672         if (otherVal.eoo())
1673             return 1;
1675         const int result = thisIter.compareWithBSONElement(otherVal, comparator, considerFieldName);
1676         if (result != 0)
1677             return result;
1679         thisIter = thisIter.rightSibling();
1680     }
1681 }
writeTo(BSONObjBuilder * const builder) const1683 void Element::writeTo(BSONObjBuilder* const builder) const {
1684     invariant(ok());
1685     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1686     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1687     invariant(impl.getType(thisRep) == mongo::Object);
1688     if (thisRep.parent == kInvalidRepIdx && _repIdx == kRootRepIdx) {
1689         // If this is the root element, then we need to handle it differently, since it
1690         // doesn't have a field name and should embed directly, rather than as an object.
1691         impl.writeChildren(_repIdx, builder);
1692     } else {
1693         impl.writeElement(_repIdx, builder);
1694     }
1695 }
writeArrayTo(BSONArrayBuilder * const builder) const1697 void Element::writeArrayTo(BSONArrayBuilder* const builder) const {
1698     invariant(ok());
1699     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1700     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1701     invariant(impl.getType(thisRep) == mongo::Array);
1702     return impl.writeChildren(_repIdx, builder);
1703 }
setValueDouble(const double value)1705 Status Element::setValueDouble(const double value) {
1706     invariant(ok());
1707     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1708     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1709     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1710     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementDouble(fieldName, value);
1711     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1712 }
setValueString(StringData value)1714 Status Element::setValueString(StringData value) {
1715     invariant(ok());
1716     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1718     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1720     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1721     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1722     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementString(fieldName, value);
1723     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1724 }
setValueObject(const BSONObj & value)1726 Status Element::setValueObject(const BSONObj& value) {
1727     invariant(ok());
1728     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1730     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1732     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1733     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1734     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementObject(fieldName, value);
1735     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1736 }
setValueArray(const BSONObj & value)1738 Status Element::setValueArray(const BSONObj& value) {
1739     invariant(ok());
1740     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1742     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1744     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1745     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1746     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementArray(fieldName, value);
1747     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1748 }
setValueBinary(const uint32_t len,mongo::BinDataType binType,const void * const data)1750 Status Element::setValueBinary(const uint32_t len,
1751                                mongo::BinDataType binType,
1752                                const void* const data) {
1753     invariant(ok());
1754     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1756     // TODO: Alias check for binary data?
1758     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1759     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1760     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementBinary(fieldName, len, binType, data);
1761     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1762 }
setValueUndefined()1764 Status Element::setValueUndefined() {
1765     invariant(ok());
1766     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1767     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1768     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1769     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementUndefined(fieldName);
1770     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1771 }
setValueOID(const OID value)1773 Status Element::setValueOID(const OID value) {
1774     invariant(ok());
1775     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1776     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1777     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1778     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementOID(fieldName, value);
1779     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1780 }
setValueBool(const bool value)1782 Status Element::setValueBool(const bool value) {
1783     invariant(ok());
1784     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1785     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1786     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1787     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementBool(fieldName, value);
1788     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1789 }
setValueDate(const Date_t value)1791 Status Element::setValueDate(const Date_t value) {
1792     invariant(ok());
1793     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1794     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1795     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1796     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementDate(fieldName, value);
1797     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1798 }
setValueNull()1800 Status Element::setValueNull() {
1801     invariant(ok());
1802     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1803     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1804     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1805     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementNull(fieldName);
1806     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1807 }
setValueRegex(StringData re,StringData flags)1809 Status Element::setValueRegex(StringData re, StringData flags) {
1810     invariant(ok());
1811     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1813     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(re));
1814     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(flags));
1816     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1817     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1818     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementRegex(fieldName, re, flags);
1819     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1820 }
setValueDBRef(StringData ns,const OID oid)1822 Status Element::setValueDBRef(StringData ns, const OID oid) {
1823     invariant(ok());
1824     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1826     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(ns));
1828     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1829     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1830     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementDBRef(fieldName, ns, oid);
1831     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1832 }
setValueCode(StringData value)1834 Status Element::setValueCode(StringData value) {
1835     invariant(ok());
1836     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1838     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1840     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1841     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1842     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementCode(fieldName, value);
1843     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1844 }
setValueSymbol(StringData value)1846 Status Element::setValueSymbol(StringData value) {
1847     invariant(ok());
1848     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1850     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1852     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1853     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1854     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementSymbol(fieldName, value);
1855     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1856 }
setValueCodeWithScope(StringData code,const BSONObj & scope)1858 Status Element::setValueCodeWithScope(StringData code, const BSONObj& scope) {
1859     invariant(ok());
1860     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1862     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(code));
1863     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(scope));
1865     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1866     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1867     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementCodeWithScope(fieldName, code, scope);
1868     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1869 }
setValueInt(const int32_t value)1871 Status Element::setValueInt(const int32_t value) {
1872     invariant(ok());
1873     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1874     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1875     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1876     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementInt(fieldName, value);
1877     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1878 }
setValueTimestamp(const Timestamp value)1880 Status Element::setValueTimestamp(const Timestamp value) {
1881     invariant(ok());
1882     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1883     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1884     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1885     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementTimestamp(fieldName, value);
1886     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1887 }
setValueLong(const int64_t value)1889 Status Element::setValueLong(const int64_t value) {
1890     invariant(ok());
1891     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1892     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1893     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1894     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementLong(fieldName, value);
1895     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1896 }
setValueDecimal(const Decimal128 value)1898 Status Element::setValueDecimal(const Decimal128 value) {
1899     invariant(ok());
1900     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1901     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1902     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1903     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementDecimal(fieldName, value);
1904     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1905 }
setValueMinKey()1907 Status Element::setValueMinKey() {
1908     invariant(ok());
1909     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1910     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1911     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1912     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementMinKey(fieldName);
1913     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1914 }
setValueMaxKey()1916 Status Element::setValueMaxKey() {
1917     invariant(ok());
1918     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1919     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1920     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1921     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementMaxKey(fieldName);
1922     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1923 }
setValueBSONElement(const BSONElement & value)1925 Status Element::setValueBSONElement(const BSONElement& value) {
1926     invariant(ok());
1928     if (value.type() == mongo::EOO)
1929         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Can't set Element value to EOO");
1931     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1933     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
1935     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1936     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1937     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementWithNewFieldName(fieldName, value);
1938     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1939 }
setValueSafeNum(const SafeNum value)1941 Status Element::setValueSafeNum(const SafeNum value) {
1942     invariant(ok());
1943     switch (value.type()) {
1944         case mongo::NumberInt:
1945             return setValueInt(value._value.int32Val);
1946         case mongo::NumberLong:
1947             return setValueLong(value._value.int64Val);
1948         case mongo::NumberDouble:
1949             return setValueDouble(value._value.doubleVal);
1950         case mongo::NumberDecimal:
1951             return setValueDecimal(Decimal128(value._value.decimalVal));
1952         default:
1953             return Status(ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat,
1954                           "Don't know how to handle unexpected SafeNum type");
1955     }
1956 }
setValueElement(ConstElement setFrom)1958 Status Element::setValueElement(ConstElement setFrom) {
1959     invariant(ok());
1961     // Can't set to your own root element, since this would create a circular document.
1962     if (_doc->root() == setFrom) {
1963         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
1964                       "Attempt to set an element to its own document's root");
1965     }
1967     // Setting to self is a no-op.
1968     //
1969     // Setting the root is always an error so we want to fall through to the error handling in this
1970     // case.
1971     if (*this == setFrom && _repIdx != kRootRepIdx) {
1972         return Status::OK();
1973     }
1975     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1976     ElementRep thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1977     const StringData fieldName = impl.getFieldNameForNewElement(thisRep);
1978     Element newValue = getDocument().makeElementWithNewFieldName(fieldName, setFrom);
1979     return setValue(newValue._repIdx);
1980 }
getType() const1982 BSONType Element::getType() const {
1983     invariant(ok());
1984     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1985     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1986     return impl.getType(thisRep);
1987 }
getFieldName() const1989 StringData Element::getFieldName() const {
1990     invariant(ok());
1991     const Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
1992     const ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
1993     return impl.getFieldName(thisRep);
1994 }
addChild(Element e,bool front)1996 Status Element::addChild(Element e, bool front) {
1997     // No need to invariant(ok()) since we are only called from methods that have done so.
1998     dassert(ok());
2000     invariant(e.ok());
2001     invariant(_doc == e._doc);
2003     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
2004     ElementRep& newRep = impl.getElementRep(e._repIdx);
2006     // check that new element roots a clean subtree.
2007     if (!canAttach(e._repIdx, newRep))
2008         return getAttachmentError(newRep);
2010     // Check that this element is eligible for children.
2011     ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
2012     if (impl.isLeaf(thisRep))
2013         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
2014                       "Attempt to add a child element to a non-object element");
2016     impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
2018     // TODO: In both of the following cases, we call two public API methods each. We can
2019     // probably do better by writing this explicitly here and drying it with the public
2020     // addSiblingLeft and addSiblingRight implementations.
2021     if (front) {
2022         // TODO: It is cheap to get the left child. However, it still means creating a rep
2023         // for it. Can we do better?
2024         Element lc = leftChild();
2025         if (lc.ok())
2026             return lc.addSiblingLeft(e);
2027     } else {
2028         // TODO: It is expensive to get the right child, since we have to build reps for
2029         // all of the opaque children. But in principle, we don't really need them. Could
2030         // we potentially add this element as a right child, leaving its left sibling
2031         // opaque? We would at minimum need to update leftSibling, which currently assumes
2032         // that your left sibling is never opaque. But adding new Elements to the end is a
2033         // quite common operation, so it would be nice if we could do this efficiently.
2034         Element rc = rightChild();
2035         if (rc.ok())
2036             return rc.addSiblingRight(e);
2037     }
2039     // It must be the case that we have no children, so the new element becomes both the
2040     // right and left child of this node.
2041     dassert((thisRep.child.left == kInvalidRepIdx) && (thisRep.child.right == kInvalidRepIdx));
2042     thisRep.child.left = thisRep.child.right = e._repIdx;
2043     newRep.parent = _repIdx;
2044     impl.deserialize(_repIdx);
2045     return Status::OK();
2046 }
setValue(const Element::RepIdx newValueIdx)2048 Status Element::setValue(const Element::RepIdx newValueIdx) {
2049     // No need to invariant(ok()) since we are only called from methods that have done so.
2050     dassert(ok());
2052     if (_repIdx == kRootRepIdx)
2053         return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot call setValue on the root object");
2055     Document::Impl& impl = getDocument().getImpl();
2057     // Establish our right sibling in case it is opaque. Otherwise, we would lose the
2058     // ability to do so after the modifications below. It is important that this occur
2059     // before we acquire thisRep and valueRep since otherwise we would potentially
2060     // invalidate them.
2061     impl.resolveRightSibling(_repIdx);
2063     ElementRep& thisRep = impl.getElementRep(_repIdx);
2064     ElementRep& valueRep = impl.getElementRep(newValueIdx);
2066     if (impl.isInPlaceModeEnabled() && impl.canUpdateInPlace(valueRep, thisRep)) {
2067         // Get the BSONElement representations of the existing and new value, so we can
2068         // check if they are size compatible.
2069         BSONElement thisElt = impl.getSerializedElement(thisRep);
2070         BSONElement valueElt = impl.getSerializedElement(valueRep);
2072         if (thisElt.size() == valueElt.size()) {
2073             // The old and new elements are size compatible. Compute the base offsets
2074             // of each BSONElement in the object in which it resides. We use these to
2075             // calculate the source and target offsets in the damage entries we are
2076             // going to write.
2078             const DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType targetBaseOffset =
2079                 getElementOffset(impl.getObject(thisRep.objIdx), thisElt);
2081             const DamageEvent::OffsetSizeType sourceBaseOffset =
2082                 getElementOffset(impl.getObject(valueRep.objIdx), valueElt);
2084             // If this is a type change, record a damage event for the new type.
2085             if (thisElt.type() != valueElt.type()) {
2086                 impl.recordDamageEvent(targetBaseOffset, sourceBaseOffset, 1);
2087             }
2089             dassert(thisElt.fieldNameSize() == valueElt.fieldNameSize());
2090             dassert(thisElt.valuesize() == valueElt.valuesize());
2092             // Record a damage event for the new value data.
2093             impl.recordDamageEvent(targetBaseOffset + thisElt.fieldNameSize() + 1,
2094                                    sourceBaseOffset + thisElt.fieldNameSize() + 1,
2095                                    thisElt.valuesize());
2096         } else {
2097             // We couldn't do it in place, so disable future in-place updates.
2098             impl.disableInPlaceUpdates();
2099         }
2100     }
2102     // If we are not rootish, then wire in the new value among our relations.
2103     if (thisRep.parent != kInvalidRepIdx) {
2104         valueRep.parent = thisRep.parent;
2105         valueRep.sibling.left = thisRep.sibling.left;
2106         valueRep.sibling.right = thisRep.sibling.right;
2107     }
2109     // Copy the rep for value to our slot so that our repIdx is unmodified.
2110     thisRep = valueRep;
2112     // Be nice and clear out the source rep to make debugging easier.
2113     valueRep = ElementRep();
2115     impl.deserialize(thisRep.parent);
2116     return Status::OK();
2117 }
2120 namespace {
2122 // A helper for Element::writeElement below. For cases where we are building inside an
2123 // array, we want to ignore field names. So the specialization for BSONArrayBuilder ignores
2124 // the third parameter.
2125 template <typename Builder>
2126 struct SubBuilder;
2128 template <>
2129 struct SubBuilder<BSONObjBuilder> {
SubBuildermongo::mutablebson::__anon0bdfad420411::SubBuilder2130     SubBuilder(BSONObjBuilder* builder, BSONType type, StringData fieldName)
2131         : buffer((type == mongo::Array) ? builder->subarrayStart(fieldName)
2132                                         : builder->subobjStart(fieldName)) {}
2133     BufBuilder& buffer;
2134 };
2136 template <>
2137 struct SubBuilder<BSONArrayBuilder> {
SubBuildermongo::mutablebson::__anon0bdfad420411::SubBuilder2138     SubBuilder(BSONArrayBuilder* builder, BSONType type, StringData)
2139         : buffer((type == mongo::Array) ? builder->subarrayStart() : builder->subobjStart()) {}
2140     BufBuilder& buffer;
2141 };
appendElement(BSONObjBuilder * builder,const BSONElement & element,const StringData * fieldName)2143 static void appendElement(BSONObjBuilder* builder,
2144                           const BSONElement& element,
2145                           const StringData* fieldName) {
2146     if (fieldName)
2147         builder->appendAs(element, *fieldName);
2148     else
2149         builder->append(element);
2150 }
2152 // BSONArrayBuilder should not be appending elements with a fieldName
appendElement(BSONArrayBuilder * builder,const BSONElement & element,const StringData * fieldName)2153 static void appendElement(BSONArrayBuilder* builder,
2154                           const BSONElement& element,
2155                           const StringData* fieldName) {
2156     invariant(!fieldName);
2157     builder->append(element);
2158 }
2160 }  // namespace
2162 template <typename Builder>
writeElement(Element::RepIdx repIdx,Builder * builder,const StringData * fieldName) const2163 void Document::Impl::writeElement(Element::RepIdx repIdx,
2164                                   Builder* builder,
2165                                   const StringData* fieldName) const {
2166     const ElementRep& rep = getElementRep(repIdx);
2168     if (hasValue(rep)) {
2169         appendElement(builder, getSerializedElement(rep), fieldName);
2170     } else {
2171         const BSONType type = getType(rep);
2172         const StringData subName = fieldName ? *fieldName : getFieldName(rep);
2173         SubBuilder<Builder> subBuilder(builder, type, subName);
2175         // Otherwise, this is a 'dirty leaf', which is impossible.
2176         dassert((type == mongo::Array) || (type == mongo::Object));
2178         if (type == mongo::Array) {
2179             BSONArrayBuilder child_builder(subBuilder.buffer);
2180             writeChildren(repIdx, &child_builder);
2181             child_builder.doneFast();
2182         } else {
2183             BSONObjBuilder child_builder(subBuilder.buffer);
2184             writeChildren(repIdx, &child_builder);
2185             child_builder.doneFast();
2186         }
2187     }
2188 }
2190 template <typename Builder>
writeChildren(Element::RepIdx repIdx,Builder * builder) const2191 void Document::Impl::writeChildren(Element::RepIdx repIdx, Builder* builder) const {
2192     // TODO: In theory, I think we can walk rightwards building a write region from all
2193     // serialized embedded children that share an obj id and form a contiguous memory
2194     // region. For arrays we would need to know something about how many elements we wrote
2195     // that way so that the indexes would come out right.
2196     //
2197     // However, that involves walking the memory twice: once to build the copy region, and
2198     // another time to actually copy it. It is unclear if this is better than just walking
2199     // it once with the recursive solution.
2201     const ElementRep& rep = getElementRep(repIdx);
2203     // OK, need to resolve left if we haven't done that yet.
2204     Element::RepIdx current = rep.child.left;
2205     if (current == Element::kOpaqueRepIdx)
2206         current = const_cast<Impl*>(this)->resolveLeftChild(repIdx);
2208     // We need to write the element, and then walk rightwards.
2209     while (current != Element::kInvalidRepIdx) {
2210         writeElement(current, builder);
2212         // If we have an opaque region to the right, and we are not in an array, then we
2213         // can bulk copy from the end of the element we just wrote to the end of our
2214         // parent.
2215         const ElementRep& currentRep = getElementRep(current);
2217         if (currentRep.sibling.right == Element::kOpaqueRepIdx) {
2218             // Obtain the current parent, so we can see if we can bulk copy the right
2219             // siblings.
2220             const ElementRep& parentRep = getElementRep(currentRep.parent);
2222             // Bulk copying right only works on objects
2223             if ((getType(parentRep) == mongo::Object) && (currentRep.objIdx != kInvalidObjIdx) &&
2224                 (currentRep.objIdx == parentRep.objIdx)) {
2225                 BSONElement currentElt = getSerializedElement(currentRep);
2226                 const uint32_t currentSize = currentElt.size();
2228                 const BSONObj parentObj = (currentRep.parent == kRootRepIdx)
2229                     ? getObject(parentRep.objIdx)
2230                     : getSerializedElement(parentRep).Obj();
2231                 const uint32_t parentSize = parentObj.objsize();
2233                 const uint32_t currentEltOffset = getElementOffset(parentObj, currentElt);
2234                 const uint32_t nextEltOffset = currentEltOffset + currentSize;
2236                 const char* copyBegin = parentObj.objdata() + nextEltOffset;
2237                 const uint32_t copyBytes = parentSize - nextEltOffset;
2239                 // The -1 is because we don't want to copy in the terminal EOO.
2240                 builder->bb().appendBuf(copyBegin, copyBytes - 1);
2242                 // We are done with all children.
2243                 break;
2244             }
2246             // We couldn't bulk copy, and our right sibling is opaque. We need to
2247             // resolve. Note that the call to resolve may invalidate 'currentRep', so
2248             // rather than falling through and acquiring the index by examining currentRep,
2249             // update it with the return value of resolveRightSibling and restart the loop.
2250             current = const_cast<Impl*>(this)->resolveRightSibling(current);
2251             continue;
2252         }
2254         current = currentRep.sibling.right;
2255     }
2256 }
Document()2258 Document::Document() : _impl(new Impl(Document::kInPlaceDisabled)), _root(makeRootElement()) {
2259     dassert(_root._repIdx == kRootRepIdx);
2260 }
Document(const BSONObj & value,InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)2262 Document::Document(const BSONObj& value, InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)
2263     : _impl(new Impl(inPlaceMode)), _root(makeRootElement(value)) {
2264     dassert(_root._repIdx == kRootRepIdx);
2265 }
reset()2267 void Document::reset() {
2268     _impl->reset(Document::kInPlaceDisabled);
2269     MONGO_COMPILER_VARIABLE_UNUSED const Element newRoot = makeRootElement();
2270     dassert(newRoot._repIdx == _root._repIdx);
2271     dassert(_root._repIdx == kRootRepIdx);
2272 }
reset(const BSONObj & value,InPlaceMode inPlaceMode)2274 void Document::reset(const BSONObj& value, InPlaceMode inPlaceMode) {
2275     _impl->reset(inPlaceMode);
2276     MONGO_COMPILER_VARIABLE_UNUSED const Element newRoot = makeRootElement(value);
2277     dassert(newRoot._repIdx == _root._repIdx);
2278     dassert(_root._repIdx == kRootRepIdx);
2279 }
~Document()2281 Document::~Document() {}
reserveDamageEvents(size_t expectedEvents)2283 void Document::reserveDamageEvents(size_t expectedEvents) {
2284     return getImpl().reserveDamageEvents(expectedEvents);
2285 }
getInPlaceUpdates(DamageVector * damages,const char ** source,size_t * size)2287 bool Document::getInPlaceUpdates(DamageVector* damages, const char** source, size_t* size) {
2288     return getImpl().getInPlaceUpdates(damages, source, size);
2289 }
disableInPlaceUpdates()2291 void Document::disableInPlaceUpdates() {
2292     return getImpl().disableInPlaceUpdates();
2293 }
getCurrentInPlaceMode() const2295 Document::InPlaceMode Document::getCurrentInPlaceMode() const {
2296     return getImpl().getCurrentInPlaceMode();
2297 }
makeElementDouble(StringData fieldName,const double value)2299 Element Document::makeElementDouble(StringData fieldName, const double value) {
2300     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2301     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2303     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2304     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2305     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2306     return Element(this,
2307                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2308 }
makeElementString(StringData fieldName,StringData value)2310 Element Document::makeElementString(StringData fieldName, StringData value) {
2311     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2312     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2313     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2315     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2316     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2317     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2318     return Element(this,
2319                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2320 }
makeElementObject(StringData fieldName)2322 Element Document::makeElementObject(StringData fieldName) {
2323     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2324     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2326     Element::RepIdx newEltIdx;
2327     ElementRep& newElt = impl.makeNewRep(&newEltIdx);
2328     impl.insertFieldName(newElt, fieldName);
2329     return Element(this, newEltIdx);
2330 }
makeElementObject(StringData fieldName,const BSONObj & value)2332 Element Document::makeElementObject(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value) {
2333     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2334     dassert(impl.doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(fieldName));
2335     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2337     // Copy the provided values into the leaf builder.
2338     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2339     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2340     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2341     Element::RepIdx newEltIdx =
2342         impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef);
2343     ElementRep& newElt = impl.getElementRep(newEltIdx);
2345     newElt.child.left = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
2346     newElt.child.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
2348     return Element(this, newEltIdx);
2349 }
makeElementArray(StringData fieldName)2351 Element Document::makeElementArray(StringData fieldName) {
2352     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2353     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2355     Element::RepIdx newEltIdx;
2356     ElementRep& newElt = impl.makeNewRep(&newEltIdx);
2357     newElt.array = true;
2358     impl.insertFieldName(newElt, fieldName);
2359     return Element(this, newEltIdx);
2360 }
makeElementArray(StringData fieldName,const BSONObj & value)2362 Element Document::makeElementArray(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value) {
2363     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2364     dassert(impl.doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(fieldName));
2365     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2367     // Copy the provided array values into the leaf builder.
2368     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2369     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2370     builder.appendArray(fieldName, value);
2371     Element::RepIdx newEltIdx =
2372         impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef);
2373     ElementRep& newElt = impl.getElementRep(newEltIdx);
2374     newElt.child.left = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
2375     newElt.child.right = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
2376     return Element(this, newEltIdx);
2377 }
makeElementBinary(StringData fieldName,const uint32_t len,const mongo::BinDataType binType,const void * const data)2379 Element Document::makeElementBinary(StringData fieldName,
2380                                     const uint32_t len,
2381                                     const mongo::BinDataType binType,
2382                                     const void* const data) {
2383     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2384     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2385     // TODO: Alias check 'data'?
2387     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2388     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2389     builder.appendBinData(fieldName, len, binType, data);
2390     return Element(this,
2391                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2392 }
makeElementUndefined(StringData fieldName)2394 Element Document::makeElementUndefined(StringData fieldName) {
2395     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2396     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2398     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2399     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2400     builder.appendUndefined(fieldName);
2401     return Element(this,
2402                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2403 }
makeElementNewOID(StringData fieldName)2405 Element Document::makeElementNewOID(StringData fieldName) {
2406     OID newOID;
2407     newOID.init();
2408     return makeElementOID(fieldName, newOID);
2409 }
makeElementOID(StringData fieldName,const OID value)2411 Element Document::makeElementOID(StringData fieldName, const OID value) {
2412     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2413     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2415     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2416     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2417     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2418     return Element(this,
2419                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2420 }
makeElementBool(StringData fieldName,const bool value)2422 Element Document::makeElementBool(StringData fieldName, const bool value) {
2423     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2424     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2426     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2427     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2428     builder.appendBool(fieldName, value);
2429     return Element(this,
2430                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2431 }
makeElementDate(StringData fieldName,const Date_t value)2433 Element Document::makeElementDate(StringData fieldName, const Date_t value) {
2434     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2435     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2437     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2438     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2439     builder.appendDate(fieldName, value);
2440     return Element(this,
2441                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2442 }
makeElementNull(StringData fieldName)2444 Element Document::makeElementNull(StringData fieldName) {
2445     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2446     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2448     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2449     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2450     builder.appendNull(fieldName);
2451     return Element(this,
2452                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2453 }
makeElementRegex(StringData fieldName,StringData re,StringData flags)2455 Element Document::makeElementRegex(StringData fieldName, StringData re, StringData flags) {
2456     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2457     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2458     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(re));
2459     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(flags));
2461     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2462     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2463     builder.appendRegex(fieldName, re, flags);
2464     return Element(this,
2465                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2466 }
makeElementDBRef(StringData fieldName,StringData ns,const OID value)2468 Element Document::makeElementDBRef(StringData fieldName, StringData ns, const OID value) {
2469     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2470     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2471     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2472     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2473     builder.appendDBRef(fieldName, ns, value);
2474     return Element(this,
2475                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2476 }
makeElementCode(StringData fieldName,StringData value)2478 Element Document::makeElementCode(StringData fieldName, StringData value) {
2479     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2480     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2481     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2483     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2484     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2485     builder.appendCode(fieldName, value);
2486     return Element(this,
2487                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2488 }
makeElementSymbol(StringData fieldName,StringData value)2490 Element Document::makeElementSymbol(StringData fieldName, StringData value) {
2491     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2492     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2493     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2495     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2496     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2497     builder.appendSymbol(fieldName, value);
2498     return Element(this,
2499                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2500 }
makeElementCodeWithScope(StringData fieldName,StringData code,const BSONObj & scope)2502 Element Document::makeElementCodeWithScope(StringData fieldName,
2503                                            StringData code,
2504                                            const BSONObj& scope) {
2505     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2506     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2507     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(code));
2508     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(scope));
2510     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2511     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2512     builder.appendCodeWScope(fieldName, code, scope);
2513     return Element(this,
2514                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2515 }
makeElementInt(StringData fieldName,const int32_t value)2517 Element Document::makeElementInt(StringData fieldName, const int32_t value) {
2518     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2519     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2521     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2522     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2523     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2524     return Element(this,
2525                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2526 }
makeElementTimestamp(StringData fieldName,const Timestamp value)2528 Element Document::makeElementTimestamp(StringData fieldName, const Timestamp value) {
2529     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2530     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2532     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2533     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2534     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2535     return Element(this,
2536                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2537 }
makeElementLong(StringData fieldName,const int64_t value)2539 Element Document::makeElementLong(StringData fieldName, const int64_t value) {
2540     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2541     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2543     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2544     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2545     builder.append(fieldName, static_cast<long long int>(value));
2546     return Element(this,
2547                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2548 }
makeElementDecimal(StringData fieldName,const Decimal128 value)2550 Element Document::makeElementDecimal(StringData fieldName, const Decimal128 value) {
2551     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2552     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2554     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2555     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2556     builder.append(fieldName, value);
2557     return Element(this,
2558                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2559 }
makeElementMinKey(StringData fieldName)2561 Element Document::makeElementMinKey(StringData fieldName) {
2562     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2563     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2565     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2566     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2567     builder.appendMinKey(fieldName);
2568     return Element(this,
2569                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2570 }
makeElementMaxKey(StringData fieldName)2572 Element Document::makeElementMaxKey(StringData fieldName) {
2573     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2574     dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2576     BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2577     const int leafRef = builder.len();
2578     builder.appendMaxKey(fieldName);
2579     return Element(this,
2580                    impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2581 }
makeElement(const BSONElement & value)2583 Element Document::makeElement(const BSONElement& value) {
2584     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2586     // Attempts to create an EOO element are translated to returning an invalid
2587     // Element. For array and object nodes, we flow through the custom
2588     // makeElement{Object|Array} methods, since they have special logic to deal with
2589     // opaqueness. Otherwise, we can just insert via appendAs.
2590     if (value.type() == mongo::EOO)
2591         return end();
2592     else if (value.type() == mongo::Object)
2593         return makeElementObject(value.fieldNameStringData(), value.Obj());
2594     else if (value.type() == mongo::Array)
2595         return makeElementArray(value.fieldNameStringData(), value.Obj());
2596     else {
2597         dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(value));
2598         BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2599         const int leafRef = builder.len();
2600         builder.append(value);
2601         return Element(this, impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, value.fieldNameSize(), value.size()));
2602     }
2603 }
makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName,const BSONElement & value)2605 Element Document::makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName, const BSONElement& value) {
2606     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2608     // See the above makeElement for notes on these cases.
2609     if (value.type() == mongo::EOO)
2610         return end();
2611     else if (value.type() == mongo::Object)
2612         return makeElementObject(fieldName, value.Obj());
2613     else if (value.type() == mongo::Array)
2614         return makeElementArray(fieldName, value.Obj());
2615     else {
2616         dassert(getImpl().doesNotAliasLeafBuilder(fieldName));
2617         dassert(getImpl().doesNotAlias(value));
2618         BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2619         const int leafRef = builder.len();
2620         builder.appendAs(value, fieldName);
2621         return Element(
2622             this, impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef, fieldName.size() + 1, builder.len() - leafRef));
2623     }
2624 }
makeElementSafeNum(StringData fieldName,SafeNum value)2626 Element Document::makeElementSafeNum(StringData fieldName, SafeNum value) {
2627     dassert(getImpl().doesNotAlias(fieldName));
2629     switch (value.type()) {
2630         case mongo::NumberInt:
2631             return makeElementInt(fieldName, value._value.int32Val);
2632         case mongo::NumberLong:
2633             return makeElementLong(fieldName, value._value.int64Val);
2634         case mongo::NumberDouble:
2635             return makeElementDouble(fieldName, value._value.doubleVal);
2636         case mongo::NumberDecimal:
2637             return makeElementDecimal(fieldName, Decimal128(value._value.decimalVal));
2638         default:
2639             // Return an invalid element to indicate that we failed.
2640             return end();
2641     }
2642 }
makeElement(ConstElement element)2644 Element Document::makeElement(ConstElement element) {
2645     return makeElement(element, NULL);
2646 }
makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName,ConstElement element)2648 Element Document::makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName, ConstElement element) {
2649     return makeElement(element, &fieldName);
2650 }
makeRootElement()2652 Element Document::makeRootElement() {
2653     return makeElementObject(kRootFieldName);
2654 }
makeRootElement(const BSONObj & value)2656 Element Document::makeRootElement(const BSONObj& value) {
2657     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2658     Element::RepIdx newEltIdx = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
2659     ElementRep* newElt = &impl.makeNewRep(&newEltIdx);
2661     // A BSONObj provided for the root Element is stored in _objects rather than being
2662     // copied like all other BSONObjs.
2663     newElt->objIdx = impl.insertObject(value);
2664     impl.insertFieldName(*newElt, kRootFieldName);
2666     // Strictly, the following is a lie: the root isn't serialized, because it doesn't
2667     // have a contiguous fieldname. However, it is a useful fiction to pretend that it
2668     // is, so we can easily check if we have a 'pristine' document state by checking if
2669     // the root is marked as serialized.
2670     newElt->serialized = true;
2672     // If the provided value is empty, mark it as having no children, otherwise mark the
2673     // children as opaque.
2674     if (value.isEmpty())
2675         newElt->child.left = Element::kInvalidRepIdx;
2676     else
2677         newElt->child.left = Element::kOpaqueRepIdx;
2678     newElt->child.right = newElt->child.left;
2680     return Element(this, newEltIdx);
2681 }
makeElement(ConstElement element,const StringData * fieldName)2683 Element Document::makeElement(ConstElement element, const StringData* fieldName) {
2684     Impl& impl = getImpl();
2686     if (this == &element.getDocument()) {
2687         // If the Element that we want to build from belongs to this Document, then we have
2688         // to first copy it to the side, and then back in, since otherwise we might be
2689         // attempting both read to and write from the underlying BufBuilder simultaneously,
2690         // which will not work.
2691         BSONObjBuilder builder;
2692         impl.writeElement(element.getIdx(), &builder, fieldName);
2693         BSONObj built = builder.done();
2694         BSONElement newElement = built.firstElement();
2695         return makeElement(newElement);
2697     } else {
2698         // If the Element belongs to another document, then we can just stream it into our
2699         // builder. We still do need to dassert that the field name doesn't alias us
2700         // somehow.
2701         if (fieldName) {
2702             dassert(impl.doesNotAlias(*fieldName));
2703         }
2704         BSONObjBuilder& builder = impl.leafBuilder();
2705         const int leafRef = builder.len();
2707         const Impl& oImpl = element.getDocument().getImpl();
2708         oImpl.writeElement(element.getIdx(), &builder, fieldName);
2709         return Element(this,
2710                        impl.insertLeafElement(leafRef,
2711                                               fieldName ? fieldName->size() + 1 : -1,
2712                                               builder.len() - leafRef));
2713     }
2714 }
getImpl()2716 inline Document::Impl& Document::getImpl() {
2717     // Don't use unique_ptr<Impl>::operator* since it may generate assertions that the
2718     // pointer is non-null, but we already know that to be always and forever true, and
2719     // otherwise the assertion code gets spammed into every method that inlines the call to
2720     // this function. We just dereference the pointer returned from 'get' ourselves.
2721     return *_impl.get();
2722 }
getImpl() const2724 inline const Document::Impl& Document::getImpl() const {
2725     return *_impl.get();
2726 }
2728 }  // namespace mutablebson
2729 }  // namespace mongo