1The following options may be given as the first argument:
2--print-defaults Print the program argument list and exit.
3--no-defaults Don't read default options from any option file,
4 except for login file.
5--defaults-file=# Only read default options from the given file #.
6--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read.
8 Also read groups with concat(group, suffix)
9--login-path=# Read this path from the login file.
11 --abort-slave-event-count=#
12 Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
13 replication.
14 --allow-suspicious-udfs
15 Allows use of UDFs consisting of only one symbol xxx()
16 without corresponding xxx_init() or xxx_deinit(). That
17 also means that one can load any function from any
18 library, for example exit() from libc.so
19 -a, --ansi          Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax. This mode
20 will also set transaction isolation level 'serializable'.
21 --auto-increment-increment[=#]
22 Auto-increment columns are incremented by this
23 --auto-increment-offset[=#]
24 Offset added to Auto-increment columns. Used when
25 auto-increment-increment != 1
26 --autocommit        Set default value for autocommit (0 or 1)
27 (Defaults to on; use --skip-autocommit to disable.)
28 --automatic-sp-privileges
29 Creating and dropping stored procedures alters ACLs
30 (Defaults to on; use --skip-automatic-sp-privileges to disable.)
31 --avoid-temporal-upgrade
32 When this option is enabled, the pre-5.6.4 temporal types
33 are not upgraded to the new format for ALTER TABLE
35 operation. This variable is deprecated and will be
36 removed in a future release.
37 --back-log=#        The number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can
38 have. This comes into play when the main MySQL thread
39 gets very many connection requests in a very short time
40 -b, --basedir=name  Path to installation directory. All paths are usually
41 resolved relative to this
42 --big-tables        Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets on
43 file (Solves most 'table full' errors)
44 --bind-address=name IP address to bind to.
45 --binlog-cache-size=#
46 The size of the transactional cache for updates to
47 transactional engines for the binary log. If you often
48 use transactions containing many statements, you can
49 increase this to get more performance
50 --binlog-checksum=name
51 Type of BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG. Include checksum for log
52 events in the binary log. Possible values are NONE and
53 CRC32; default is CRC32.
54 --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates
55 Causes updates to non-transactional engines using
56 statement format to be written directly to binary log.
57 Before using this option make sure that there are no
58 dependencies between transactional and non-transactional
59 tables such as in the statement INSERT INTO t_myisam
60 SELECT * FROM t_innodb; otherwise, slaves may diverge
61 from the master.
62 --binlog-do-db=name Tells the master it should log updates for the specified
63 database, and exclude all others not explicitly
64 mentioned.
65 --binlog-error-action=name
66 When statements cannot be written to the binary log due
67 to a fatal error, the server can either ignore the error
68 and let the master continue, or abort.
69 --binlog-format=name
70 What form of binary logging the master will use: either
71 ROW for row-based binary logging, STATEMENT for
72 statement-based binary logging, or MIXED. MIXED is
73 statement-based binary logging except for those
74 statements where only row-based is correct: those which
75 involve user-defined functions (i.e. UDFs) or the UUID()
76 function; for those, row-based binary logging is
77 automatically used. If NDBCLUSTER is enabled and
78 binlog-format is MIXED, the format switches to row-based
79 and back implicitly per each query accessing an
81 --binlog-group-commit-sync-delay=#
82 The number of microseconds the server waits for the
83 binary log group commit sync queue to fill before
84 continuing. Default: 0. Min: 0. Max: 1000000.
85 --binlog-group-commit-sync-no-delay-count=#
86 If there are this many transactions in the commit sync
87 queue and the server is waiting for more transactions to
88 be enqueued (as set using
89 --binlog-group-commit-sync-delay), the commit procedure
90 resumes.
91 --binlog-gtid-simple-recovery
92 If this option is enabled, the server does not open more
93 than two binary logs when initializing GTID_PURGED and
94 GTID_EXECUTED, either during server restart or when
95 binary logs are being purged. Enabling this option is
96 useful when the server has already generated many binary
97 logs without GTID events (e.g., having GTID_MODE = OFF).
98 Note: If this option is enabled, GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED and
99 GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED may be initialized wrongly in two
100 cases: (1) All binary logs were generated by MySQL 5.7.5
101 or older, and GTID_MODE was ON for some binary logs but
102 OFF for the newest binary log. (2) The oldest existing
103 binary log was generated by MySQL 5.7.5 or older, and SET
104 GTID_PURGED was issued after the oldest binary log was
105 generated. If a wrong set is computed in one of case (1)
106 or case (2), it will remain wrong even if the server is
107 later restarted with this option disabled.
108 (Defaults to on; use --skip-binlog-gtid-simple-recovery to disable.)
109 --binlog-ignore-db=name
110 Tells the master that updates to the given database
111 should not be logged to the binary log.
112 --binlog-max-flush-queue-time=#
113 The maximum time that the binary log group commit will
114 keep reading transactions before it flush the
115 transactions to the binary log (and optionally sync,
116 depending on the value of sync_binlog).
117 --binlog-order-commits
118 Issue internal commit calls in the same order as
119 transactions are written to the binary log. Default is to
120 order commits.
121 (Defaults to on; use --skip-binlog-order-commits to disable.)
122 --binlog-row-event-max-size=#
123 The maximum size of a row-based binary log event in
124 bytes. Rows will be grouped into events smaller than this
125 size if possible. The value has to be a multiple of 256.
126 --binlog-row-image=name
127 Controls whether rows should be logged in 'FULL',
128 'NOBLOB' or 'MINIMAL' formats. 'FULL', means that all
129 columns in the before and after image are logged.
130 'NOBLOB', means that mysqld avoids logging blob columns
131 whenever possible (eg, blob column was not changed or is
132 not part of primary key). 'MINIMAL', means that a PK
133 equivalent (PK columns or full row if there is no PK in
134 the table) is logged in the before image, and only
135 changed columns are logged in the after image. (Default:
136 FULL).
137 --binlog-rows-query-log-events
138 Allow writing of Rows_query_log events into binary log.
139 --binlog-stmt-cache-size=#
140 The size of the statement cache for updates to
141 non-transactional engines for the binary log. If you
142 often use statements updating a great number of rows, you
143 can increase this to get more performance
144 --binlog-transaction-dependency-history-size=#
145 Maximum number of rows to keep in the writeset history.
146 --binlog-transaction-dependency-tracking=name
147 Selects the source of dependency information from which
148 to assess which transactions can be executed in parallel
149 by the slave's multi-threaded applier. Possible values
151 --block-encryption-mode=name
153 --bootstrap         Used by mysql installation scripts.
154 --bulk-insert-buffer-size=#
155 Size of tree cache used in bulk insert optimisation. Note
156 that this is a limit per thread!
157 --character-set-client-handshake
158 Don't ignore client side character set value sent during
159 handshake.
160 (Defaults to on; use --skip-character-set-client-handshake to disable.)
161 --character-set-filesystem=name
162 Set the filesystem character set.
163 -C, --character-set-server=name
164 Set the default character set.
165 --character-sets-dir=name
166 Directory where character sets are
167 --check-proxy-users If set to FALSE (the default), then proxy user identity
168 will not be mapped for authentication plugins which
169 support mapping from grant tables.  When set to TRUE,
170 users associated with authentication plugins which signal
171 proxy user mapping should be done according to GRANT
172 PROXY privilege definition.
173 -r, --chroot=name   Chroot mysqld daemon during startup.
174 --collation-server=name
175 Set the default collation.
176 --completion-type=name
177 The transaction completion type, one of NO_CHAIN, CHAIN,
179 --concurrent-insert[=name]
180 Use concurrent insert with MyISAM. Possible values are
182 --connect-timeout=# The number of seconds the mysqld server is waiting for a
183 connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'
184 --console           Write error output on screen; don't remove the console
185 window on windows.
186 --core-file         Write core on errors.
187 -h, --datadir=name  Path to the database root directory
188 --date-format=name  The DATE format (ignored)
189 --datetime-format=name
190 The DATETIME format (ignored)
191 --default-authentication-plugin=name
192 The default authentication plugin used by the server to
193 hash the password.
194 --default-password-lifetime=#
195 The number of days after which the password will expire.
196 --default-storage-engine=name
197 The default storage engine for new tables
198 --default-time-zone=name
199 Set the default time zone.
200 --default-tmp-storage-engine=name
201 The default storage engine for new explict temporary
202 tables
203 --default-week-format=#
204 The default week format used by WEEK() functions
205 --delay-key-write[=name]
207 --delayed-insert-limit=#
208 After inserting delayed_insert_limit rows, the INSERT
209 DELAYED handler will check if there are any SELECT
210 statements pending. If so, it allows these to execute
211 before continuing. This variable is deprecated along with
213 --delayed-insert-timeout=#
214 How long a INSERT DELAYED thread should wait for INSERT
215 statements before terminating. This variable is
216 deprecated along with INSERT DELAYED.
217 --delayed-queue-size=#
218 What size queue (in rows) should be allocated for
219 handling INSERT DELAYED. If the queue becomes full, any
220 client that does INSERT DELAYED will wait until there is
221 room in the queue again. This variable is deprecated
222 along with INSERT DELAYED.
223 --disable-partition-engine-check
224 Skip the check for non-natively partitioned tables during
225 bootstrap. This option is deprecated along with the
226 partition engine.
227 (Defaults to on; use --skip-disable-partition-engine-check to disable.)
228 --disabled-storage-engines=name
229 Limit CREATE TABLE for the storage engines listed
230 --disconnect-on-expired-password
231 Give clients that don't signal password expiration
232 support execution time error(s) instead of connection
233 error
234 (Defaults to on; use --skip-disconnect-on-expired-password to disable.)
235 --disconnect-slave-event-count=#
236 Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
237 replication.
238 --div-precision-increment=#
239 Precision of the result of '/' operator will be increased
240 on that value
241 --early-plugin-load=name
242 Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load
243 before storage engine initialization, where each plugin
244 is identified as name=library, where name is the plugin
245 name and library is the plugin library in plugin_dir.
246 --end-markers-in-json
247 In JSON output ("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" and optimizer
248 trace), if variable is set to 1, repeats the structure's
249 key (if it has one) near the closing bracket
250 --enforce-gtid-consistency[=name]
251 Prevents execution of statements that would be impossible
252 to log in a transactionally safe manner. Currently, the
253 disallowed statements include CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE
254 inside transactions, all updates to non-transactional
255 tables, and CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.
256 --eq-range-index-dive-limit=#
257 The optimizer will use existing index statistics instead
258 of doing index dives for equality ranges if the number of
259 equality ranges for the index is larger than or equal to
260 this number. If set to 0, index dives are always used.
261 --event-scheduler[=name]
262 Enable the event scheduler. Possible values are ON, OFF,
263 and DISABLED (keep the event scheduler completely
264 deactivated, it cannot be activated run-time)
265 -T, --exit-info[=#] Used for debugging. Use at your own risk.
266 --expire-logs-days=#
267 If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after
268 expire_logs_days days; possible purges happen at startup
269 and at binary log rotation
270 --explicit-defaults-for-timestamp
271 This option causes CREATE TABLE to create all TIMESTAMP
272 columns as NULL with DEFAULT NULL attribute, Without this
273 option, TIMESTAMP columns are NOT NULL and have implicit
274 DEFAULT clauses. The old behavior is deprecated. The
275 variable can only be set by users having the SUPER
276 privilege.
277 --external-locking  Use system (external) locking (disabled by default).
278 With this option enabled you can run myisamchk to test
279 (not repair) tables while the MySQL server is running.
280 Disable with --skip-external-locking.
281 --flush             Flush MyISAM tables to disk between SQL commands
282 --flush-time=#      A dedicated thread is created to flush all tables at the
283 given interval
284 --ft-boolean-syntax=name
285 List of operators for MATCH ... AGAINST ( ... IN BOOLEAN
286 MODE)
287 --ft-max-word-len=# The maximum length of the word to be included in a
288 FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt
289 after changing this variable
290 --ft-min-word-len=# The minimum length of the word to be included in a
291 FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt
292 after changing this variable
293 --ft-query-expansion-limit=#
294 Number of best matches to use for query expansion
295 --ft-stopword-file=name
296 Use stopwords from this file instead of built-in list
297 --gdb               Set up signals usable for debugging.
298 --general-log       Log connections and queries to a table or log file.
299 Defaults to logging to a file hostname.log, or if
300 --log-output=TABLE is used, to a table mysql.general_log.
301 --general-log-file=name
302 Log connections and queries to given file
303 --group-concat-max-len=#
304 The maximum length of the result of function
306 --gtid-executed-compression-period[=#]
307 When binlog is disabled, a background thread wakes up to
308 compress the gtid_executed table every
309 gtid_executed_compression_period transactions, as a
310 special case, if variable is 0, the thread never wakes up
311 to compress the gtid_executed table.
312 --gtid-mode=name    Controls whether Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs)
313 are enabled. Can be OFF, OFF_PERMISSIVE, ON_PERMISSIVE,
314 or ON. OFF means that no transaction has a GTID.
315 OFF_PERMISSIVE means that new transactions (committed in
316 a client session using GTID_NEXT='AUTOMATIC') are not
317 assigned any GTID, and replicated transactions are
318 allowed to have or not have a GTID. ON_PERMISSIVE means
319 that new transactions are assigned a GTID, and replicated
320 transactions are allowed to have or not have a GTID. ON
321 means that all transactions have a GTID. ON is required
322 on a master before any slave can use
323 MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1. To safely switch from OFF to ON,
324 first set all servers to OFF_PERMISSIVE, then set all
325 servers to ON_PERMISSIVE, then wait for all transactions
326 without a GTID to be replicated and executed on all
327 servers, and finally set all servers to GTID_MODE = ON.
328 -?, --help          Display this help and exit.
329 --host-cache-size=# How many host names should be cached to avoid resolving.
330 --ignore-builtin-innodb
331 IGNORED. This option will be removed in future releases.
332 Disable initialization of builtin InnoDB plugin
333 --ignore-db-dir=name
334 Specifies a directory to add to the ignore list when
335 collecting database names from the datadir. Put a blank
336 argument to reset the list accumulated so far.
337 --init-connect=name Command(s) that are executed for each new connection
338 --init-file=name    Read SQL commands from this file at startup
339 --init-slave=name   Command(s) that are executed by a slave server each time
340 the SQL thread starts
341 --initialize        Create the default database and exit. Create a super user
342 with a random expired password and store it into the log.
343 --initialize-insecure
344 Create the default database and exit. Create a super user
345 with empty password.
346 --interactive-timeout=#
347 The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an
348 interactive connection before closing it
349 --internal-tmp-disk-storage-engine[=name]
350 The default storage engine for on-disk internal tmp table
351 --join-buffer-size=#
352 The size of the buffer that is used for full joins
353 --keep-files-on-create
354 Don't overwrite stale .MYD and .MYI even if no directory
355 is specified
356 --key-buffer-size=# The size of the buffer used for index blocks for MyISAM
357 tables. Increase this to get better index handling (for
358 all reads and multiple writes) to as much as you can
359 afford
360 --key-cache-age-threshold=#
361 This characterizes the number of hits a hot block has to
362 be untouched until it is considered aged enough to be
363 downgraded to a warm block. This specifies the percentage
364 ratio of that number of hits to the total number of
365 blocks in key cache
366 --key-cache-block-size=#
367 The default size of key cache blocks
368 --key-cache-division-limit=#
369 The minimum percentage of warm blocks in key cache
370 --keyring-migration-destination=name
371 Keyring plugin to which the keys are migrated to. This
372 option must be specified along with
373 --keyring-migration-source.
374 --keyring-migration-host=name
375 Connect to host.
376 --keyring-migration-password[=name]
377 Password to use when connecting to server during keyring
378 migration. If password value is not specified then it
379 will be asked from the tty.
380 --keyring-migration-port=#
381 Port number to use for connection.
382 --keyring-migration-socket=name
383 The socket file to use for connection.
384 --keyring-migration-source=name
385 Keyring plugin from where the keys needs to be migrated
386 to. This option must be specified along with
387 --keyring-migration-destination.
388 --keyring-migration-user=name
389 User to login to server.
390 -L, --language=name Client error messages in given language. May be given as
391 a full path. Deprecated. Use --lc-messages-dir instead.
392 --lc-messages=name  Set the language used for the error messages.
393 --lc-messages-dir=name
394 Directory where error messages are
395 --lc-time-names=name
396 Set the language used for the month names and the days of
397 the week.
398 --local-infile      Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
399 (Defaults to on; use --skip-local-infile to disable.)
400 --lock-wait-timeout=#
401 Timeout in seconds to wait for a lock before returning an
402 error.
403 --log-bin[=name]    Log update queries in binary format. Optional (but
404 strongly recommended to avoid replication problems if
405 server's hostname changes) argument should be the chosen
406 location for the binary log files.
407 --log-bin-index=name
408 File that holds the names for binary log files.
409 --log-bin-trust-function-creators
410 If set to FALSE (the default), then when --log-bin is
411 used, creation of a stored function (or trigger) is
412 allowed only to users having the SUPER privilege and only
413 if this stored function (trigger) may not break binary
414 logging. Note that if ALL connections to this server
415 ALWAYS use row-based binary logging, the security issues
416 do not exist and the binary logging cannot break, so you
417 can safely set this to TRUE
418 --log-bin-use-v1-row-events
419 If equal to 1 then version 1 row events are written to a
420 row based binary log.  If equal to 0, then the latest
421 version of events are written.  This option is useful
422 during some upgrades.
423 --log-builtin-as-identified-by-password
424 Controls logging of CREATE/ALTER/GRANT and SET PASSWORD
425 user statements in replication binlogs, general query
426 logs and audit logs.
427 --log-error[=name]  Error log file
428 --log-error-verbosity=#
429 How detailed the error log should be. 1, log errors only.
430 2, log errors and warnings. 3, log errors, warnings, and
431 notes. Messages sent to the client are unaffected by this
432 setting.
433 --log-isam[=name]   Log all MyISAM changes to file.
434 --log-output=name   Syntax: log-output=value[,value...], where "value" could
435 be TABLE, FILE or NONE
436 --log-queries-not-using-indexes
437 Log queries that are executed without benefit of any
438 index to the slow log if it is open
439 --log-raw           Log to general log before any rewriting of the query. For
440 use in debugging, not production as sensitive information
441 may be logged.
442 --log-short-format  Don't log extra information to update and slow-query
443 logs.
444 --log-slave-updates Tells the slave to log the updates from the slave thread
445 to the binary log. You will need to turn it on if you
446 plan to daisy-chain the slaves
447 --log-slow-admin-statements
448 Log slow OPTIMIZE, ANALYZE, ALTER and other
449 administrative statements to the slow log if it is open.
450 --log-slow-slave-statements
451 Log slow statements executed by slave thread to the slow
452 log if it is open.
453 --log-statements-unsafe-for-binlog
454 Log statements considered unsafe when using statement
455 based binary logging.
456 (Defaults to on; use --skip-log-statements-unsafe-for-binlog to disable.)
457 --log-syslog        Errors, warnings, and similar issues eligible for MySQL's
458 error log file may additionally be sent to the host
459 operating system's system log ("syslog").
460 (Defaults to on; use --skip-log-syslog to disable.)
461 --log-syslog-tag=name
462 When logging issues using the host operating system's
463 syslog, tag the entries from this particular MySQL server
464 with this ident. This will help distinguish entries from
465 MySQL servers co-existing on the same host machine. A
466 non-empty tag will be appended to the default ident of
467 'mysqld', connected by a hyphen.
468 --log-tc=name       Path to transaction coordinator log (used for
469 transactions that affect more than one storage engine,
470 when binary log is disabled).
471 --log-tc-size=#     Size of transaction coordinator log.
472 --log-throttle-queries-not-using-indexes=#
473 Log at most this many 'not using index' warnings per
474 minute to the slow log. Any further warnings will be
475 condensed into a single summary line. A value of 0
476 disables throttling. Option has no effect unless
477 --log_queries_not_using_indexes is set.
478 --log-timestamps=name
479 UTC to timestamp log files in zulu time, for more concise
480 timestamps and easier correlation of logs from servers
481 from multiple time zones, or SYSTEM to use the system's
482 local time. This affects only log files, not log tables,
483 as the timestamp columns of the latter can be converted
484 at will.
485 -W, --log-warnings[=#]
486 Log some not critical warnings to the log file
487 --long-query-time=# Log all queries that have taken more than long_query_time
488 seconds to execute to file. The argument will be treated
489 as a decimal value with microsecond precision
490 --low-priority-updates
491 INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than selects
492 --lower-case-table-names[=#]
493 If set to 1 table names are stored in lowercase on disk
494 and table names will be case-insensitive.  Should be set
495 to 2 if you are using a case insensitive file system
496 --master-info-file=name
497 The location and name of the file that remembers the
498 master and where the I/O replication thread is in the
499 master's binlogs.
500 --master-info-repository=name
501 Defines the type of the repository for the master
502 information.
503 --master-retry-count=#
504 The number of tries the slave will make to connect to the
505 master before giving up. Deprecated option, use 'CHANGE
506 MASTER TO master_retry_count = <num>' instead.
507 --master-verify-checksum
508 Force checksum verification of logged events in binary
509 log before sending them to slaves or printing them in
510 output of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS. Disabled by default.
511 --max-allowed-packet=#
512 Max packet length to send to or receive from the server
513 --max-binlog-cache-size=#
514 Sets the total size of the transactional cache
515 --max-binlog-dump-events=#
516 Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
517 replication.
518 --max-binlog-size=# Binary log will be rotated automatically when the size
519 exceeds this value. Will also apply to relay logs if
520 max_relay_log_size is 0
521 --max-binlog-stmt-cache-size=#
522 Sets the total size of the statement cache
523 --max-connect-errors=#
524 If there is more than this number of interrupted
525 connections from a host this host will be blocked from
526 further connections
527 --max-connections=# The number of simultaneous clients allowed
528 --max-delayed-threads=#
529 Don't start more than this number of threads to handle
530 INSERT DELAYED statements. If set to zero INSERT DELAYED
531 will be not used. This variable is deprecated along with
533 --max-digest-length=#
534 Maximum length considered for digest text.
535 --max-error-count=# Max number of errors/warnings to store for a statement
536 --max-execution-time=#
537 Kill SELECT statement that takes over the specified
538 number of milliseconds
539 --max-heap-table-size=#
540 Don't allow creation of heap tables bigger than this
541 --max-join-size=#   Joins that are probably going to read more than
542 max_join_size records return an error
543 --max-length-for-sort-data=#
544 Max number of bytes in sorted records
545 --max-points-in-geometry[=#]
546 Maximum number of points in a geometry
547 --max-prepared-stmt-count=#
548 Maximum number of prepared statements in the server
549 --max-relay-log-size=#
550 If non-zero: relay log will be rotated automatically when
551 the size exceeds this value; if zero: when the size
552 exceeds max_binlog_size
553 --max-seeks-for-key=#
554 Limit assumed max number of seeks when looking up rows
555 based on a key
556 --max-sort-length=# The number of bytes to use when sorting BLOB or TEXT
557 values (only the first max_sort_length bytes of each
558 value are used; the rest are ignored)
559 --max-sp-recursion-depth[=#]
560 Maximum stored procedure recursion depth
561 --max-tmp-tables=#  Maximum number of temporary tables a client can keep open
562 at a time
563 --max-user-connections=#
564 The maximum number of active connections for a single
565 user (0 = no limit)
566 --max-write-lock-count=#
567 After this many write locks, allow some read locks to run
568 in between
569 --memlock           Lock mysqld in memory.
570 --metadata-locks-cache-size=#
571 Has no effect, deprecated
572 --metadata-locks-hash-instances=#
573 Has no effect, deprecated
574 --min-examined-row-limit=#
575 Don't write queries to slow log that examine fewer rows
576 than that
577 --multi-range-count=#
578 Number of key ranges to request at once. This variable
579 has no effect, and is deprecated. It will be removed in a
580 future release.
581 --myisam-block-size=#
582 Block size to be used for MyISAM index pages
583 --myisam-data-pointer-size=#
584 Default pointer size to be used for MyISAM tables
585 --myisam-max-sort-file-size=#
586 Don't use the fast sort index method to created index if
587 the temporary file would get bigger than this
588 --myisam-mmap-size=#
589 Restricts the total memory used for memory mapping of
590 MySQL tables
591 --myisam-recover-options[=name]
592 Syntax: myisam-recover-options[=option[,option...]],
593 where option can be DEFAULT, BACKUP, FORCE, QUICK, or OFF
594 --myisam-repair-threads=#
595 If larger than 1, when repairing a MyISAM table all
596 indexes will be created in parallel, with one thread per
597 index. The value of 1 disables parallel repair
598 --myisam-sort-buffer-size=#
599 The buffer that is allocated when sorting the index when
600 doing a REPAIR or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX
602 --myisam-stats-method=name
603 Specifies how MyISAM index statistics collection code
604 should treat NULLs. Possible values of name are
605 NULLS_UNEQUAL (default behavior for 4.1 and later),
606 NULLS_EQUAL (emulate 4.0 behavior), and NULLS_IGNORED
607 --myisam-use-mmap   Use memory mapping for reading and writing MyISAM tables
608 --mysql-native-password-proxy-users
609 If set to FALSE (the default), then the
610 mysql_native_password plugin will not signal for
611 authenticated users to be checked for mapping to proxy
612 users.  When set to TRUE, the plugin will flag associated
613 authenticated accounts to be mapped to proxy users when
614 the server option check_proxy_users is enabled.
615 --named-pipe        Enable the named pipe (NT)
616 --named-pipe-full-access-group=name
617 Name of Windows group granted full access to the named
618 pipe
619 --net-buffer-length=#
620 Buffer length for TCP/IP and socket communication
621 --net-read-timeout=#
622 Number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection
623 before aborting the read
624 --net-retry-count=# If a read on a communication port is interrupted, retry
625 this many times before giving up
626 --net-write-timeout=#
627 Number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a
628 connection before aborting the write
629 -n, --new           Use very new possible "unsafe" functions
630 --offline-mode      Make the server into offline mode
631 --old               Use compatible behavior
632 --old-alter-table   Use old, non-optimized alter table
633 --old-passwords=#   Determine which hash algorithm to use when generating
634 passwords using the PASSWORD() function
635 --old-style-user-limits
636 Enable old-style user limits (before 5.0.3, user
637 resources were counted per each user+host vs. per
638 account).
639 --open-files-limit=#
640 If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to
641 reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this
642 value is 0 then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or
643 max_connections + table_open_cache*2 (whichever is
644 larger) number of file descriptors
645 --optimizer-prune-level=#
646 Controls the heuristic(s) applied during query
647 optimization to prune less-promising partial plans from
648 the optimizer search space. Meaning: 0 - do not apply any
649 heuristic, thus perform exhaustive search; 1 - prune
650 plans based on number of retrieved rows
651 --optimizer-search-depth=#
652 Maximum depth of search performed by the query optimizer.
653 Values larger than the number of relations in a query
654 result in better query plans, but take longer to compile
655 a query. Values smaller than the number of tables in a
656 relation result in faster optimization, but may produce
657 very bad query plans. If set to 0, the system will
658 automatically pick a reasonable value
659 --optimizer-switch=name
660 optimizer_switch=option=val[,option=val...], where option
661 is one of {index_merge, index_merge_union,
662 index_merge_sort_union, index_merge_intersection,
663 engine_condition_pushdown, index_condition_pushdown, mrr,
664 mrr_cost_based, materialization, semijoin, loosescan,
665 firstmatch, duplicateweedout,
666 subquery_materialization_cost_based, block_nested_loop,
667 batched_key_access, use_index_extensions,
668 condition_fanout_filter, derived_merge,
669 prefer_ordering_index} and val is one of {on, off,
670 default}
671 --optimizer-trace=name
672 Controls tracing of the Optimizer:
673 optimizer_trace=option=val[,option=val...], where option
674 is one of {enabled, one_line} and val is one of {on,
675 default}
676 --optimizer-trace-features=name
677 Enables/disables tracing of selected features of the
678 Optimizer:
679 optimizer_trace_features=option=val[,option=val...],
680 where option is one of {greedy_search, range_optimizer,
681 dynamic_range, repeated_subselect} and val is one of {on,
682 off, default}
683 --optimizer-trace-limit=#
684 Maximum number of shown optimizer traces
685 --optimizer-trace-max-mem-size=#
686 Maximum allowed cumulated size of stored optimizer traces
687 --optimizer-trace-offset=#
688 Offset of first optimizer trace to show; see manual
689 --parser-max-mem-size=#
690 Maximum amount of memory available to the parser
691 --performance-schema
692 Enable the performance schema.
693 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema to disable.)
694 --performance-schema-accounts-size=#
695 Maximum number of instrumented user@host accounts. Use 0
696 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
697 --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-current
698 Default startup value for the events_stages_current
699 consumer.
700 --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history
701 Default startup value for the events_stages_history
702 consumer.
703 --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history-long
704 Default startup value for the events_stages_history_long
705 consumer.
706 --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-current
707 Default startup value for the events_statements_current
708 consumer.
709 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-current to disable.)
710 --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history
711 Default startup value for the events_statements_history
712 consumer.
713 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history to disable.)
714 --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history-long
715 Default startup value for the
716 events_statements_history_long consumer.
717 --performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-current
718 Default startup value for the events_transactions_current
719 consumer.
720 --performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-history
721 Default startup value for the events_transactions_history
722 consumer.
723 --performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-history-long
724 Default startup value for the
725 events_transactions_history_long consumer.
726 --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-current
727 Default startup value for the events_waits_current
728 consumer.
729 --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history
730 Default startup value for the events_waits_history
731 consumer.
732 --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history-long
733 Default startup value for the events_waits_history_long
734 consumer.
735 --performance-schema-consumer-global-instrumentation
736 Default startup value for the global_instrumentation
737 consumer.
738 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema-consumer-global-instrumentation to disable.)
739 --performance-schema-consumer-statements-digest
740 Default startup value for the statements_digest consumer.
741 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema-consumer-statements-digest to disable.)
742 --performance-schema-consumer-thread-instrumentation
743 Default startup value for the thread_instrumentation
744 consumer.
745 (Defaults to on; use --skip-performance-schema-consumer-thread-instrumentation to disable.)
746 --performance-schema-digests-size=#
747 Size of the statement digest. Use 0 to disable, -1 for
748 automated sizing.
749 --performance-schema-events-stages-history-long-size=#
750 Number of rows in EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY_LONG. Use 0 to
751 disable, -1 for automated sizing.
752 --performance-schema-events-stages-history-size=#
753 Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY. Use 0
754 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
755 --performance-schema-events-statements-history-long-size=#
756 Number of rows in EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY_LONG. Use 0
757 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
758 --performance-schema-events-statements-history-size=#
759 Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY.
760 Use 0 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
761 --performance-schema-events-transactions-history-long-size=#
763 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
764 --performance-schema-events-transactions-history-size=#
765 Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY.
766 Use 0 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
767 --performance-schema-events-waits-history-long-size=#
768 Number of rows in EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY_LONG. Use 0 to
769 disable, -1 for automated sizing.
770 --performance-schema-events-waits-history-size=#
771 Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY. Use 0
772 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
773 --performance-schema-hosts-size=#
774 Maximum number of instrumented hosts. Use 0 to disable,
775 -1 for automated scaling.
776 --performance-schema-instrument[=name]
777 Default startup value for a performance schema
778 instrument.
779 --performance-schema-max-cond-classes=#
780 Maximum number of condition instruments.
781 --performance-schema-max-cond-instances=#
782 Maximum number of instrumented condition objects. Use 0
783 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
784 --performance-schema-max-digest-length=#
785 Maximum length considered for digest text, when stored in
786 performance_schema tables.
787 --performance-schema-max-file-classes=#
788 Maximum number of file instruments.
789 --performance-schema-max-file-handles=#
790 Maximum number of opened instrumented files.
791 --performance-schema-max-file-instances=#
792 Maximum number of instrumented files. Use 0 to disable,
793 -1 for automated scaling.
794 --performance-schema-max-index-stat=#
795 Maximum number of index statistics for instrumented
796 tables. Use 0 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
797 --performance-schema-max-memory-classes=#
798 Maximum number of memory pool instruments.
799 --performance-schema-max-metadata-locks=#
800 Maximum number of metadata locks. Use 0 to disable, -1
801 for automated scaling.
802 --performance-schema-max-mutex-classes=#
803 Maximum number of mutex instruments.
804 --performance-schema-max-mutex-instances=#
805 Maximum number of instrumented MUTEX objects. Use 0 to
806 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
807 --performance-schema-max-prepared-statements-instances=#
808 Maximum number of instrumented prepared statements. Use 0
809 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
810 --performance-schema-max-program-instances=#
811 Maximum number of instrumented programs. Use 0 to
812 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
813 --performance-schema-max-rwlock-classes=#
814 Maximum number of rwlock instruments.
815 --performance-schema-max-rwlock-instances=#
816 Maximum number of instrumented RWLOCK objects. Use 0 to
817 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
818 --performance-schema-max-socket-classes=#
819 Maximum number of socket instruments.
820 --performance-schema-max-socket-instances=#
821 Maximum number of opened instrumented sockets. Use 0 to
822 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
823 --performance-schema-max-sql-text-length=#
824 Maximum length of displayed sql text.
825 --performance-schema-max-stage-classes=#
826 Maximum number of stage instruments.
827 --performance-schema-max-statement-classes=#
828 Maximum number of statement instruments.
829 --performance-schema-max-statement-stack=#
830 Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_STATEMENTS_CURRENT.
831 --performance-schema-max-table-handles=#
832 Maximum number of opened instrumented tables. Use 0 to
833 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
834 --performance-schema-max-table-instances=#
835 Maximum number of instrumented tables. Use 0 to disable,
836 -1 for automated scaling.
837 --performance-schema-max-table-lock-stat=#
838 Maximum number of lock statistics for instrumented
839 tables. Use 0 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
840 --performance-schema-max-thread-classes=#
841 Maximum number of thread instruments.
842 --performance-schema-max-thread-instances=#
843 Maximum number of instrumented threads. Use 0 to disable,
844 -1 for automated scaling.
845 --performance-schema-session-connect-attrs-size=#
846 Size of session attribute string buffer per thread. Use 0
847 to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
848 --performance-schema-setup-actors-size=#
849 Maximum number of rows in SETUP_ACTORS. Use 0 to disable,
850 -1 for automated scaling.
851 --performance-schema-setup-objects-size=#
852 Maximum number of rows in SETUP_OBJECTS. Use 0 to
853 disable, -1 for automated scaling.
854 --performance-schema-users-size=#
855 Maximum number of instrumented users. Use 0 to disable,
856 -1 for automated scaling.
857 --pid-file=name     Pid file used by safe_mysqld
858 --plugin-dir=name   Directory for plugins
859 --plugin-load=name  Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load,
860 where each plugin is identified as name=library, where
861 name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library
862 in plugin_dir.
863 --plugin-load-add=name
864 Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load,
865 where each plugin is identified as name=library, where
866 name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library
867 in plugin_dir. This option adds to the list specified by
868 --plugin-load in an incremental way. Multiple
869 --plugin-load-add are supported.
870 -P, --port=#        Port number to use for connection or 0 to default to,
871 my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, /etc/services, built-in default
872 (3306), whatever comes first
873 --port-open-timeout=#
874 Maximum time in seconds to wait for the port to become
875 free. (Default: No wait).
876 --preload-buffer-size=#
877 The size of the buffer that is allocated when preloading
878 indexes
879 --profiling-history-size=#
880 Limit of query profiling memory
881 --query-alloc-block-size=#
882 Allocation block size for query parsing and execution
883 --query-cache-limit=#
884 Don't cache results that are bigger than this. This
885 variable is deprecated and will be removed in a future
886 release.
887 --query-cache-min-res-unit=#
888 The minimum size for blocks allocated by the query cache.
889 This variable is deprecated and will be removed in a
890 future release.
891 --query-cache-size=#
892 The memory allocated to store results from old queries.
893 This variable is deprecated and will be removed in a
894 future release.
895 --query-cache-type=name
896 OFF = Don't cache or retrieve results. ON = Cache all
897 results except SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ... queries. DEMAND =
898 Cache only SELECT SQL_CACHE ... queries. This variable is
899 deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
900 --query-cache-wlock-invalidate
901 Invalidate queries in query cache on LOCK for write. This
902 variable is deprecated and will be removed in a future
903 release.
904 --query-prealloc-size=#
905 Persistent buffer for query parsing and execution
906 --range-alloc-block-size=#
907 Allocation block size for storing ranges during
908 optimization
909 --range-optimizer-max-mem-size=#
910 Maximum amount of memory used by the range optimizer to
911 allocate predicates during range analysis. The larger the
912 number, more memory may be consumed during range
913 analysis. If the value is too low to completed range
914 optimization of a query, index range scan will not be
915 considered for this query. A value of 0 means range
916 optimizer does not have any cap on memory.
917 --read-buffer-size=#
918 Each thread that does a sequential scan allocates a
919 buffer of this size for each table it scans. If you do
920 many sequential scans, you may want to increase this
921 value
922 --read-only         Make all non-temporary tables read-only, with the
923 exception for replication (slave) threads and users with
924 the SUPER privilege
925 --read-rnd-buffer-size=#
926 When reading rows in sorted order after a sort, the rows
927 are read through this buffer to avoid a disk seeks
928 --relay-log=name    The location and name to use for relay logs
929 --relay-log-index=name
930 File that holds the names for relay log files.
931 --relay-log-info-file=name
932 The location and name of the file that remembers where
933 the SQL replication thread is in the relay logs
934 --relay-log-info-repository=name
935 Defines the type of the repository for the relay log
936 information and associated workers.
937 --relay-log-purge   if disabled - do not purge relay logs. if enabled - purge
938 them as soon as they are no more needed
939 (Defaults to on; use --skip-relay-log-purge to disable.)
940 --relay-log-recovery
941 Enables automatic relay log recovery right after the
942 database startup, which means that the IO Thread starts
943 re-fetching from the master right after the last
944 transaction processed
945 --relay-log-space-limit=#
946 Maximum space to use for all relay logs
947 --replicate-do-db=name
948 Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
949 specified database. To specify more than one database,
950 use the directive multiple times, once for each database.
951 Note that this will only work if you do not use
952 cross-database queries such as UPDATE some_db.some_table
953 SET foo='bar' while having selected a different or no
954 database. If you need cross database updates to work,
955 make sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use
956 replicate-wild-do-table=db_name.%.
957 --replicate-do-table=name
958 Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
959 specified table. To specify more than one table, use the
960 directive multiple times, once for each table. This will
961 work for cross-database updates, in contrast to
962 replicate-do-db.
963 --replicate-ignore-db=name
964 Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified
965 database. To specify more than one database to ignore,
966 use the directive multiple times, once for each database.
967 This option will not work if you use cross database
968 updates. If you need cross database updates to work, make
969 sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use
970 replicate-wild-ignore-table=db_name.%.
971 --replicate-ignore-table=name
972 Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified
973 table. To specify more than one table to ignore, use the
974 directive multiple times, once for each table. This will
975 work for cross-database updates, in contrast to
976 replicate-ignore-db.
977 --replicate-rewrite-db=name
978 Updates to a database with a different name than the
979 original. Example:
980 replicate-rewrite-db=master_db_name->slave_db_name.
981 --replicate-same-server-id
982 In replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having
983 our server id. Default value is 0 (to break infinite
984 loops in circular replication). Can't be set to 1 if
985 --log-slave-updates is used.
986 --replicate-wild-do-table=name
987 Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
988 tables that match the specified wildcard pattern. To
989 specify more than one table, use the directive multiple
990 times, once for each table. This will work for
991 cross-database updates. Example:
992 replicate-wild-do-table=foo%.bar% will replicate only
993 updates to tables in all databases that start with foo
994 and whose table names start with bar.
995 --replicate-wild-ignore-table=name
996 Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the tables
997 that match the given wildcard pattern. To specify more
998 than one table to ignore, use the directive multiple
999 times, once for each table. This will work for
1000 cross-database updates. Example:
1001 replicate-wild-ignore-table=foo%.bar% will not do updates
1002 to tables in databases that start with foo and whose
1003 table names start with bar.
1004 --replication-optimize-for-static-plugin-config
1005 Optional flag that blocks plugin install/uninstall and
1006 allows skipping the acquisition of the lock to read from
1007 the plugin list and the usage of read-optimized
1008 spin-locks. Use only when plugin hook callback needs
1009 optimization (a lot of semi-sync slaves, for instance).
1010 --replication-sender-observe-commit-only
1011 Optional flag that allows for only calling back observer
1012 hooks at commit.
1013 --report-host=name  Hostname or IP of the slave to be reported to the master
1014 during slave registration. Will appear in the output of
1015 SHOW SLAVE HOSTS. Leave unset if you do not want the
1016 slave to register itself with the master. Note that it is
1017 not sufficient for the master to simply read the IP of
1018 the slave off the socket once the slave connects. Due to
1019 NAT and other routing issues, that IP may not be valid
1020 for connecting to the slave from the master or other
1021 hosts
1022 --report-password=name
1023 The account password of the slave to be reported to the
1024 master during slave registration
1025 --report-port=#     Port for connecting to slave reported to the master
1026 during slave registration. Set it only if the slave is
1027 listening on a non-default port or if you have a special
1028 tunnel from the master or other clients to the slave. If
1029 not sure, leave this option unset
1030 --report-user=name  The account user name of the slave to be reported to the
1031 master during slave registration
1032 --require-secure-transport
1033 When this option is enabled, connections attempted using
1034 insecure transport will be rejected.  Secure transports
1035 are SSL/TLS, Unix socket or Shared Memory (on Windows).
1036 --rpl-stop-slave-timeout=#
1037 Timeout in seconds to wait for slave to stop before
1038 returning a warning.
1039 --safe-user-create  Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no
1040 write privileges to the mysql.user table.
1041 --secure-auth       Disallow authentication for accounts that have old
1042 (pre-4.1) passwords. Deprecated. Always TRUE.
1043 (Defaults to on; use --skip-secure-auth to disable.)
1044 --secure-file-priv=name
1045 Limit LOAD DATA, SELECT ... OUTFILE, and LOAD_FILE() to
1046 files within specified directory
1047 --server-id=#       Uniquely identifies the server instance in the community
1048 of replication partners
1049 --server-id-bits=#  Set number of significant bits in server-id
1050 --session-track-gtids=name
1051 Controls the amount of global transaction ids to be
1052 included in the response packet sent by the
1053 server.(Default: OFF).
1054 --session-track-schema
1055 Track changes to the 'default schema'.
1056 (Defaults to on; use --skip-session-track-schema to disable.)
1057 --session-track-state-change
1058 Track changes to the 'session state'.
1059 --session-track-system-variables=name
1060 Track changes in registered system variables.
1061 --session-track-transaction-info=name
1062 Track changes to the transaction attributes. OFF to
1063 disable; STATE to track just transaction state (Is there
1064 an active transaction? Does it have any data? etc.);
1065 CHARACTERISTICS to track transaction state and report all
1066 statements needed to start a transaction with the same
1067 characteristics (isolation level, read only/read write,
1068 snapshot - but not any work done / data modified within
1069 the transaction).
1070 --sha256-password-proxy-users
1071 If set to FALSE (the default), then the sha256_password
1072 authentication plugin will not signal for authenticated
1073 users to be checked for mapping to proxy users.  When set
1074 to TRUE, the plugin will flag associated authenticated
1075 accounts to be mapped to proxy users when the server
1076 option check_proxy_users is enabled.
1077 --shared-memory     Enable the shared memory
1078 --shared-memory-base-name=name
1079 Base name of shared memory
1080 --show-compatibility-56
1081 SHOW commands / INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables compatible with
1082 MySQL 5.6
1083 --show-create-table-verbosity
1084 When this option is enabled, it increases the verbosity
1086 --show-old-temporals
1087 When this option is enabled, the pre-5.6.4 temporal types
1088 will be marked in the 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' and
1089 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS' table as a comment in
1090 COLUMN_TYPE field. This variable is deprecated and will
1091 be removed in a future release.
1092 --show-slave-auth-info
1093 Show user and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this
1094 master.
1095 --skip-grant-tables Start without grant tables. This gives all users FULL
1096 ACCESS to all tables.
1097 --skip-host-cache   Don't cache host names.
1098 --skip-name-resolve Don't resolve hostnames. All hostnames are IP's or
1099 'localhost'.
1100 --skip-networking   Don't allow connection with TCP/IP
1101 --skip-new          Don't use new, possibly wrong routines.
1102 --skip-show-database
1103 Don't allow 'SHOW DATABASE' commands
1104 --skip-slave-start  If set, slave is not autostarted.
1105 --skip-stack-trace  Don't print a stack trace on failure.
1106 --slave-allow-batching
1107 Allow slave to batch requests
1108 --slave-checkpoint-group=#
1109 Maximum number of processed transactions by
1110 Multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is
1111 called to update progress status.
1112 --slave-checkpoint-period=#
1113 Gather workers' activities to Update progress status of
1114 Multi-threaded slave and flush the relay log info to disk
1115 after every #th milli-seconds.
1116 --slave-compressed-protocol
1117 Use compression on master/slave protocol
1118 --slave-exec-mode=name
1119 Modes for how replication events should be executed.
1120 Legal values are STRICT (default) and IDEMPOTENT. In
1121 IDEMPOTENT mode, replication will not stop for operations
1122 that are idempotent. In STRICT mode, replication will
1123 stop on any unexpected difference between the master and
1124 the slave
1125 --slave-load-tmpdir=name
1126 The location where the slave should put its temporary
1127 files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE command
1128 --slave-max-allowed-packet=#
1129 The maximum packet length to sent successfully from the
1130 master to slave.
1131 --slave-net-timeout=#
1132 Number of seconds to wait for more data from a
1133 master/slave connection before aborting the read
1134 --slave-parallel-type=name
1135 Specifies if the slave will use database partitioning or
1136 information from master to parallelize
1137 transactions.(Default: DATABASE).
1138 --slave-parallel-workers=#
1139 Number of worker threads for executing events in parallel
1140 --slave-pending-jobs-size-max=#
1141 Max size of Slave Worker queues holding yet not applied
1142 events.The least possible value must be not less than the
1143 master side max_allowed_packet.
1144 --slave-preserve-commit-order
1145 Force slave workers to make commits in the same order as
1146 on the master. Disabled by default.
1147 --slave-rows-search-algorithms=name
1148 Set of searching algorithms that the slave will use while
1149 searching for records from the storage engine to either
1150 updated or deleted them. Possible values are: INDEX_SCAN,
1151 TABLE_SCAN and HASH_SCAN. Any combination is allowed, and
1152 the slave will always pick the most suitable algorithm
1153 for any given scenario. (Default: INDEX_SCAN,
1155 --slave-skip-errors=name
1156 Tells the slave thread to continue replication when a
1157 query event returns an error from the provided list
1158 --slave-sql-verify-checksum
1159 Force checksum verification of replication events after
1160 reading them from relay log. Note: Events are always
1161 checksum-verified by slave on receiving them from the
1162 network before writing them to the relay log. Enabled by
1163 default.
1164 (Defaults to on; use --skip-slave-sql-verify-checksum to disable.)
1165 --slave-transaction-retries=#
1166 Number of times the slave SQL thread will retry a
1167 transaction in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed
1168 lock wait timeout, before giving up and stopping
1169 --slave-type-conversions=name
1170 Set of slave type conversions that are enabled. Legal
1171 values are: ALL_LOSSY to enable lossy conversions,
1172 ALL_NON_LOSSY to enable non-lossy conversions,
1173 ALL_UNSIGNED to treat all integer column type data to be
1174 unsigned values, and ALL_SIGNED to treat all integer
1175 column type data to be signed values. Default treatment
1177 specified, ALL_SIGNED will take higher priority than
1178 ALL_UNSIGNED. If the variable is assigned the empty set,
1179 no conversions are allowed and it is expected that the
1180 types match exactly.
1181 --slow-launch-time=#
1182 If creating the thread takes longer than this value (in
1183 seconds), the Slow_launch_threads counter will be
1184 incremented
1185 --slow-query-log    Log slow queries to a table or log file. Defaults logging
1186 to a file hostname-slow.log or a table mysql.slow_log if
1187 --log-output=TABLE is used. Must be enabled to activate
1188 other slow log options
1189 --slow-query-log-file=name
1190 Log slow queries to given log file. Defaults logging to
1191 hostname-slow.log. Must be enabled to activate other slow
1192 log options
1193 --slow-start-timeout=#
1194 Maximum number of milliseconds that the service control
1195 manager should wait before trying to kill the windows
1196 service during startup(Default: 15000).
1197 --socket=name       Socket file to use for connection
1198 --sort-buffer-size=#
1199 Each thread that needs to do a sort allocates a buffer of
1200 this size
1201 --sporadic-binlog-dump-fail
1202 Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
1203 replication.
1204 --sql-mode=name     Syntax: sql-mode=mode[,mode[,mode...]]. See the manual
1205 for the complete list of valid sql modes
1206 --standalone        Dummy option to start as a standalone program (NT).
1207 --stored-program-cache=#
1208 The soft upper limit for number of cached stored routines
1209 for one connection.
1210 --super-read-only   Make all non-temporary tables read-only, with the
1211 exception for replication (slave) threads.  Users with
1212 the SUPER privilege are affected, unlike read_only.
1213 Setting super_read_only to ON also sets read_only to ON.
1214 -s, --symbolic-links
1215 Enable symbolic link support.
1216 --sync-binlog=#     Synchronously flush binary log to disk after every #th
1217 write to the file. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
1218 --sync-frm          Sync .frm files to disk on creation
1219 (Defaults to on; use --skip-sync-frm to disable.)
1220 --sync-master-info=#
1221 Synchronously flush master info to disk after every #th
1222 event. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
1223 --sync-relay-log=#  Synchronously flush relay log to disk after every #th
1224 event. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
1225 --sync-relay-log-info=#
1226 Synchronously flush relay log info to disk after every
1227 #th transaction. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
1228 --sysdate-is-now    Non-default option to alias SYSDATE() to NOW() to make it
1229 safe-replicable. Since 5.0, SYSDATE() returns a `dynamic'
1230 value different for different invocations, even within
1231 the same statement.
1232 --table-definition-cache=#
1233 The number of cached table definitions
1234 --table-open-cache=#
1235 The number of cached open tables (total for all table
1236 cache instances)
1237 --table-open-cache-instances=#
1238 The number of table cache instances
1239 --tc-heuristic-recover=name
1240 Decision to use in heuristic recover process. Possible
1241 values are OFF, COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
1242 --thread-cache-size=#
1243 How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse
1244 --thread-handling=name
1245 Define threads usage for handling queries, one of
1246 one-thread-per-connection, no-threads, loaded-dynamically
1247 --thread-stack=#    The stack size for each thread
1248 --time-format=name  The TIME format (ignored)
1249 --tls-version=name  TLS version, permitted values are TLSv1, TLSv1.1,
1250 TLSv1.2(Only for openssl)
1251 --tmp-table-size=#  If an internal in-memory temporary table exceeds this
1252 size, MySQL will automatically convert it to an on-disk
1253 MyISAM table
1254 -t, --tmpdir=name   Path for temporary files. Several paths may be specified,
1255 separated by a semicolon (;), in this case they are used
1256 in a round-robin fashion
1257 --transaction-alloc-block-size=#
1258 Allocation block size for transactions to be stored in
1259 binary log
1260 --transaction-isolation=name
1261 Default transaction isolation level.
1262 --transaction-prealloc-size=#
1263 Persistent buffer for transactions to be stored in binary
1264 log
1265 --transaction-read-only
1266 Default transaction access mode. True if transactions are
1267 read-only.
1268 --transaction-write-set-extraction[=name]
1269 This option is used to let the server know when to
1270 extract the write set which will be used for various
1271 purposes.
1272 --updatable-views-with-limit=name
1273 YES = Don't issue an error message (warning only) if a
1274 VIEW without presence of a key of the underlying table is
1275 used in queries with a LIMIT clause for updating. NO =
1276 Prohibit update of a VIEW, which does not contain a key
1277 of the underlying table and the query uses a LIMIT clause
1278 (usually get from GUI tools)
1279 -u, --user=name     Run mysqld daemon as user.
1280 --validate-user-plugins
1281 Turns on additional validation of authentication plugins
1282 assigned to user accounts.
1283 (Defaults to on; use --skip-validate-user-plugins to disable.)
1284 -v, --verbose       Used with --help option for detailed help.
1285 -V, --version       Output version information and exit.
1286 --wait-timeout=#    The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a
1287 connection before closing it
1289Variables (--variable-name=value)
1290abort-slave-event-count 0
1291allow-suspicious-udfs FALSE
1292auto-increment-increment 1
1293auto-increment-offset 1
1294autocommit TRUE
1295automatic-sp-privileges TRUE
1296avoid-temporal-upgrade FALSE
1297back-log 80
1298big-tables FALSE
1299bind-address *
1300binlog-cache-size 32768
1301binlog-checksum CRC32
1302binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates FALSE
1303binlog-error-action ABORT_SERVER
1304binlog-format ROW
1305binlog-group-commit-sync-delay 0
1306binlog-group-commit-sync-no-delay-count 0
1307binlog-gtid-simple-recovery TRUE
1308binlog-max-flush-queue-time 0
1309binlog-order-commits TRUE
1310binlog-row-event-max-size 8192
1311binlog-row-image FULL
1312binlog-rows-query-log-events FALSE
1313binlog-stmt-cache-size 32768
1314binlog-transaction-dependency-history-size 25000
1315binlog-transaction-dependency-tracking COMMIT_ORDER
1316block-encryption-mode aes-128-ecb
1317bulk-insert-buffer-size 8388608
1318character-set-client-handshake TRUE
1319character-set-filesystem binary
1320character-set-server latin1
1321character-sets-dir MYSQL_CHARSETSDIR/
1322check-proxy-users FALSE
1323chroot (No default value)
1324collation-server latin1_swedish_ci
1325completion-type NO_CHAIN
1326concurrent-insert AUTO
1327connect-timeout 10
1328console FALSE
1329date-format %Y-%m-%d
1330datetime-format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
1331default-authentication-plugin mysql_native_password
1332default-password-lifetime 0
1333default-storage-engine InnoDB
1334default-time-zone (No default value)
1335default-tmp-storage-engine InnoDB
1336default-week-format 0
1337delay-key-write ON
1338delayed-insert-limit 100
1339delayed-insert-timeout 300
1340delayed-queue-size 1000
1341disable-partition-engine-check TRUE
1343disconnect-on-expired-password TRUE
1344disconnect-slave-event-count 0
1345div-precision-increment 4
1346end-markers-in-json FALSE
1347enforce-gtid-consistency FALSE
1348eq-range-index-dive-limit 200
1349event-scheduler OFF
1350expire-logs-days 0
1351explicit-defaults-for-timestamp FALSE
1352external-locking FALSE
1353flush FALSE
1354flush-time 0
1355ft-boolean-syntax + -><()~*:""&|
1356ft-max-word-len 84
1357ft-min-word-len 4
1358ft-query-expansion-limit 20
1359ft-stopword-file (No default value)
1360gdb FALSE
1361general-log FALSE
1362group-concat-max-len 1024
1363gtid-executed-compression-period 1000
1364gtid-mode OFF
1365help TRUE
1366host-cache-size 279
1367ignore-builtin-innodb FALSE
1369init-file (No default value)
1371initialize FALSE
1372initialize-insecure FALSE
1373interactive-timeout 28800
1374internal-tmp-disk-storage-engine InnoDB
1375join-buffer-size 262144
1376keep-files-on-create FALSE
1377key-buffer-size 8388608
1378key-cache-age-threshold 300
1379key-cache-block-size 1024
1380key-cache-division-limit 100
1381keyring-migration-destination (No default value)
1382keyring-migration-host (No default value)
1383keyring-migration-port 0
1384keyring-migration-socket (No default value)
1385keyring-migration-source (No default value)
1386keyring-migration-user (No default value)
1387language MYSQL_SHAREDIR/
1388lc-messages en_US
1389lc-messages-dir MYSQL_SHAREDIR/
1390lc-time-names en_US
1391local-infile TRUE
1392lock-wait-timeout 31536000
1393log-bin (No default value)
1394log-bin-index (No default value)
1395log-bin-trust-function-creators FALSE
1396log-bin-use-v1-row-events FALSE
1397log-builtin-as-identified-by-password FALSE
1398log-error stderr
1399log-error-verbosity 1
1400log-isam myisam.log
1401log-output FILE
1402log-queries-not-using-indexes FALSE
1403log-raw FALSE
1404log-short-format FALSE
1405log-slave-updates FALSE
1406log-slow-admin-statements FALSE
1407log-slow-slave-statements FALSE
1408log-statements-unsafe-for-binlog TRUE
1409log-syslog FALSE
1411log-tc tc.log
1412log-tc-size #####
1413log-throttle-queries-not-using-indexes 0
1414log-timestamps UTC
1415log-warnings 0
1416long-query-time 10
1417low-priority-updates FALSE
1418lower-case-table-names 1
1419master-info-file master.info
1420master-info-repository FILE
1421master-retry-count 86400
1422master-verify-checksum FALSE
1423max-allowed-packet 4194304
1424max-binlog-cache-size 18446744073709547520
1425max-binlog-dump-events 0
1426max-binlog-size 1073741824
1427max-binlog-stmt-cache-size 18446744073709547520
1428max-connect-errors 100
1429max-connections 151
1430max-delayed-threads 20
1431max-digest-length 1024
1432max-error-count 64
1433max-execution-time 0
1434max-heap-table-size 16777216
1435max-join-size 18446744073709551615
1436max-length-for-sort-data 1024
1437max-points-in-geometry 65536
1438max-prepared-stmt-count 16382
1439max-relay-log-size 0
1440max-seeks-for-key 18446744073709551615
1441max-sort-length 1024
1442max-sp-recursion-depth 0
1443max-tmp-tables 32
1444max-user-connections 0
1445max-write-lock-count 18446744073709551615
1446memlock FALSE
1447metadata-locks-cache-size 1024
1448metadata-locks-hash-instances 8
1449min-examined-row-limit 0
1450multi-range-count 256
1451myisam-block-size 1024
1452myisam-data-pointer-size 6
1453myisam-max-sort-file-size 9223372036853727232
1454myisam-mmap-size 18446744073709551615
1455myisam-recover-options OFF
1456myisam-repair-threads 1
1457myisam-sort-buffer-size 8388608
1458myisam-stats-method nulls_unequal
1459myisam-use-mmap FALSE
1460mysql-native-password-proxy-users FALSE
1461named-pipe FALSE
1463net-buffer-length 16384
1464net-read-timeout 30
1465net-retry-count 10
1466net-write-timeout 60
1467new FALSE
1468offline-mode FALSE
1469old FALSE
1470old-alter-table FALSE
1471old-passwords 0
1472old-style-user-limits FALSE
1473optimizer-prune-level 1
1474optimizer-search-depth 62
1475optimizer-switch index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,engine_condition_pushdown=on,index_condition_pushdown=on,mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=on,block_nested_loop=on,batched_key_access=off,materialization=on,semijoin=on,loosescan=on,firstmatch=on,duplicateweedout=on,subquery_materialization_cost_based=on,use_index_extensions=on,condition_fanout_filter=on,derived_merge=on,prefer_ordering_index=on
1477optimizer-trace-features greedy_search=on,range_optimizer=on,dynamic_range=on,repeated_subselect=on
1478optimizer-trace-limit 1
1479optimizer-trace-max-mem-size 16384
1480optimizer-trace-offset -1
1481parser-max-mem-size 18446744073709551615
1482performance-schema TRUE
1483performance-schema-accounts-size -1
1484performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-current FALSE
1485performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history FALSE
1486performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history-long FALSE
1487performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-current TRUE
1488performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history TRUE
1489performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history-long FALSE
1490performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-current FALSE
1491performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-history FALSE
1492performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-history-long FALSE
1493performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-current FALSE
1494performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history FALSE
1495performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history-long FALSE
1496performance-schema-consumer-global-instrumentation TRUE
1497performance-schema-consumer-statements-digest TRUE
1498performance-schema-consumer-thread-instrumentation TRUE
1499performance-schema-digests-size -1
1500performance-schema-events-stages-history-long-size -1
1501performance-schema-events-stages-history-size -1
1502performance-schema-events-statements-history-long-size -1
1503performance-schema-events-statements-history-size -1
1504performance-schema-events-transactions-history-long-size -1
1505performance-schema-events-transactions-history-size -1
1506performance-schema-events-waits-history-long-size -1
1507performance-schema-events-waits-history-size -1
1508performance-schema-hosts-size -1
1510performance-schema-max-cond-classes 80
1511performance-schema-max-cond-instances -1
1512performance-schema-max-digest-length 1024
1513performance-schema-max-file-classes 80
1514performance-schema-max-file-handles 32768
1515performance-schema-max-file-instances -1
1516performance-schema-max-index-stat -1
1517performance-schema-max-memory-classes 320
1518performance-schema-max-metadata-locks -1
1519performance-schema-max-mutex-classes 210
1520performance-schema-max-mutex-instances -1
1521performance-schema-max-prepared-statements-instances -1
1522performance-schema-max-program-instances -1
1523performance-schema-max-rwlock-classes 50
1524performance-schema-max-rwlock-instances -1
1525performance-schema-max-socket-classes 10
1526performance-schema-max-socket-instances -1
1527performance-schema-max-sql-text-length 1024
1528performance-schema-max-stage-classes 150
1529performance-schema-max-statement-classes 193
1530performance-schema-max-statement-stack 10
1531performance-schema-max-table-handles -1
1532performance-schema-max-table-instances -1
1533performance-schema-max-table-lock-stat -1
1534performance-schema-max-thread-classes 50
1535performance-schema-max-thread-instances -1
1536performance-schema-session-connect-attrs-size -1
1537performance-schema-setup-actors-size -1
1538performance-schema-setup-objects-size -1
1539performance-schema-users-size -1
1540port ####
1541port-open-timeout 0
1542preload-buffer-size 32768
1543profiling-history-size 15
1544query-alloc-block-size 8192
1545query-cache-limit 1048576
1546query-cache-min-res-unit 4096
1547query-cache-size 1048576
1548query-cache-type OFF
1549query-cache-wlock-invalidate FALSE
1550query-prealloc-size 8192
1551range-alloc-block-size 4096
1552range-optimizer-max-mem-size 8388608
1553read-buffer-size 131072
1554read-only FALSE
1555read-rnd-buffer-size 262144
1556relay-log (No default value)
1557relay-log-index (No default value)
1558relay-log-info-file relay-log.info
1559relay-log-info-repository FILE
1560relay-log-purge TRUE
1561relay-log-recovery FALSE
1562relay-log-space-limit 0
1563replicate-same-server-id FALSE
1564replication-optimize-for-static-plugin-config FALSE
1565replication-sender-observe-commit-only FALSE
1566report-host (No default value)
1567report-password (No default value)
1568report-port 0
1569report-user (No default value)
1570require-secure-transport FALSE
1571rpl-stop-slave-timeout 31536000
1572safe-user-create FALSE
1573secure-auth TRUE
1574server-id 0
1575server-id-bits 32
1576session-track-gtids OFF
1577session-track-schema TRUE
1578session-track-state-change FALSE
1579session-track-system-variables time_zone,autocommit,character_set_client,character_set_results,character_set_connection
1580session-track-transaction-info OFF
1581sha256-password-proxy-users FALSE
1582shared-memory FALSE
1583shared-memory-base-name MYSQL
1584show-compatibility-56 FALSE
1585show-create-table-verbosity FALSE
1586show-old-temporals FALSE
1587show-slave-auth-info FALSE
1588skip-grant-tables TRUE
1589skip-name-resolve FALSE
1590skip-networking FALSE
1591skip-show-database FALSE
1592skip-slave-start FALSE
1593slave-allow-batching FALSE
1594slave-checkpoint-group 512
1595slave-checkpoint-period 300
1596slave-compressed-protocol FALSE
1597slave-exec-mode STRICT
1598slave-max-allowed-packet 1073741824
1599slave-net-timeout 60
1600slave-parallel-type DATABASE
1601slave-parallel-workers 0
1602slave-pending-jobs-size-max 16777216
1603slave-preserve-commit-order FALSE
1604slave-rows-search-algorithms TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN
1605slave-skip-errors (No default value)
1606slave-sql-verify-checksum TRUE
1607slave-transaction-retries 10
1609slow-launch-time 2
1610slow-query-log FALSE
1611slow-start-timeout 15000
1612sort-buffer-size 262144
1613sporadic-binlog-dump-fail FALSE
1615stored-program-cache 256
1616super-read-only FALSE
1617symbolic-links FALSE
1618sync-binlog 1
1619sync-frm TRUE
1620sync-master-info 10000
1621sync-relay-log 10000
1622sync-relay-log-info 10000
1623sysdate-is-now FALSE
1624table-open-cache-instances 16
1625tc-heuristic-recover OFF
1626thread-cache-size 9
1627thread-handling one-thread-per-connection
1628thread-stack 262144
1629time-format %H:%i:%s
1630tmp-table-size 16777216
1631transaction-alloc-block-size 8192
1632transaction-isolation REPEATABLE-READ
1633transaction-prealloc-size 4096
1634transaction-read-only FALSE
1635transaction-write-set-extraction OFF
1636updatable-views-with-limit YES
1637validate-user-plugins TRUE
1638verbose TRUE
1639wait-timeout 28800
1641To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type
1642'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --verbose --help'.