4 /* Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
8    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
11    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
12    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
13    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
14    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
15    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
17    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
22    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA */
27 /** @file Classes used for query optimizations */
29 /*
30    This structure is used to collect info on potentially sargable
31    predicates in order to check whether they become sargable after
32    reading const tables.
33    We form a bitmap of indexes that can be used for sargable predicates.
34    Only such indexes are involved in range analysis.
35 */
37 #include "sql_select.h"        // Item_null_array
39 class Cost_model_server;
42 typedef struct st_sargable_param
43 {
44   Field *field;              /* field against which to check sargability */
45   Item **arg_value;          /* values of potential keys for lookups     */
46   uint num_values;           /* number of values in the above array      */
49 typedef struct st_rollup
50 {
52   State state;
53   Item_null_array null_items;
54   Ref_ptr_array *ref_pointer_arrays;
55   List<Item> *fields;
56 } ROLLUP;
58 class JOIN :public Sql_alloc
59 {
60   JOIN(const JOIN &rhs);                        /**< not implemented */
61   JOIN& operator=(const JOIN &rhs);             /**< not implemented */
63 public:
JOIN(THD * thd_arg,SELECT_LEX * select)64   JOIN(THD *thd_arg, SELECT_LEX *select)
65     : select_lex(select),
66       unit(select->master_unit()),
67       thd(thd_arg),
68       join_tab(NULL),
69       qep_tab(NULL),
70       best_ref(NULL),
71       map2table(NULL),
72       sort_by_table(NULL),
73       tables(0),
74       primary_tables(0),
75       const_tables(0),
76       tmp_tables(0),
77       send_group_parts(0),
78       sort_and_group(false),
79       first_record(false),
80       // @todo Can this be substituted with select->is_explicitly_grouped()?
81       grouped(select->is_explicitly_grouped()),
82       do_send_rows(true),
83       all_table_map(0),
84       const_table_map(0),
85       found_const_table_map(0),
86       send_records(0),
87       found_records(0),
88       examined_rows(0),
89       row_limit(0),
90       m_select_limit(0),
91       fetch_limit(HA_POS_ERROR),
92       best_positions(NULL),
93       positions(NULL),
94       first_select(sub_select),
95       best_read(0.0),
96       best_rowcount(0),
97       sort_cost(0.0),
98   // Needed in case optimizer short-cuts, set properly in make_tmp_tables_info()
99       fields(&select->item_list),
100       group_fields(),
101       group_fields_cache(),
102       sum_funcs(NULL),
103       sum_funcs_end(),
104       sum_funcs2(NULL),
105       sum_funcs_end2(),
106       tmp_table_param(),
107       lock(thd->lock),
108       rollup(),
109       // @todo Can this be substituted with select->is_implicitly_grouped()?
110       implicit_grouping(select->is_implicitly_grouped()),
111       select_distinct(select->is_distinct()),
112       group_optimized_away(false),
113       simple_order(false),
114       simple_group(false),
115       ordered_index_usage(ordered_index_void),
116       no_order(false),
117       skip_sort_order(false),
118       need_tmp(false),
119       keyuse_array(thd->mem_root),
120       all_fields(select->all_fields),
121       tmp_all_fields1(),
122       tmp_all_fields2(),
123       tmp_all_fields3(),
124       tmp_fields_list1(),
125       tmp_fields_list2(),
126       tmp_fields_list3(),
127       fields_list(select->fields_list),
128       error(0),
129       order(select->order_list.first, ESC_ORDER_BY),
130       group_list(select->group_list.first, ESC_GROUP_BY),
131       explain_flags(),
132       /*
133         Those four members are meaningless before JOIN::optimize(), so force a
134         crash if they are used before that.
135       */
136       where_cond((Item*)1),
137       having_cond((Item*)1),
138       having_for_explain((Item*)1),
139       tables_list((TABLE_LIST*)1),
140       cond_equal(NULL),
141       return_tab(0),
142       ref_ptrs(select->ref_ptr_array_slice(0)),
143       zero_result_cause(NULL),
144       child_subquery_can_materialize(false),
145       allow_outer_refs(false),
146       sj_tmp_tables(),
147       sjm_exec_list(),
148       set_group_rpa(false),
149       group_sent(false),
150       calc_found_rows(false),
151       with_json_agg(select->json_agg_func_used()),
152       optimized(false),
153       executed(false),
154       plan_state(NO_PLAN)
155   {
156     rollup.state= ROLLUP::STATE_NONE;
157     tmp_table_param.end_write_records= HA_POS_ERROR;
158     if (select->order_list.first)
159       explain_flags.set(ESC_ORDER_BY, ESP_EXISTS);
160     if (select->group_list.first)
161       explain_flags.set(ESC_GROUP_BY, ESP_EXISTS);
162     if (select->is_distinct())
163       explain_flags.set(ESC_DISTINCT, ESP_EXISTS);
164     // Calculate the number of groups
165     for (ORDER *group= group_list; group; group= group->next)
166       send_group_parts++;
167   }
169   /// Query block that is optimized and executed using this JOIN
170   SELECT_LEX *const select_lex;
171   /// Query expression referring this query block
172   SELECT_LEX_UNIT *const unit;
173   /// Thread handler
174   THD *const thd;
176   /**
177     Optimal query execution plan. Initialized with a tentative plan in
178     JOIN::make_join_plan() and later replaced with the optimal plan in
179     get_best_combination().
180   */
181   JOIN_TAB *join_tab;
182   /// Array of QEP_TABs
183   QEP_TAB *qep_tab;
185   /**
186     Array of plan operators representing the current (partial) best
187     plan. The array is allocated in JOIN::make_join_plan() and is valid only
188     inside this function. Initially (*best_ref[i]) == join_tab[i].
189     The optimizer reorders best_ref.
190   */
191   JOIN_TAB **best_ref;
192   JOIN_TAB **map2table;    ///< mapping between table indexes and JOIN_TABs
193   /*
194     The table which has an index that allows to produce the requried ordering.
195     A special value of 0x1 means that the ordering will be produced by
196     passing 1st non-const table to filesort(). NULL means no such table exists.
197   */
198   TABLE    *sort_by_table;
199   /**
200     Before plan has been created, "tables" denote number of input tables in the
201     query block and "primary_tables" is equal to "tables".
202     After plan has been created (after JOIN::get_best_combination()),
203     the JOIN_TAB objects are enumerated as follows:
204     - "tables" gives the total number of allocated JOIN_TAB objects
205     - "primary_tables" gives the number of input tables, including
206       materialized temporary tables from semi-join operation.
207     - "const_tables" are those tables among primary_tables that are detected
208       to be constant.
209     - "tmp_tables" is 0, 1 or 2 and counts the maximum possible number of
210       intermediate tables in post-processing (ie sorting and duplicate removal).
211       Later, tmp_tables will be adjusted to the correct number of
212       intermediate tables, @see JOIN::make_tmp_tables_info.
213     - The remaining tables (ie. tables - primary_tables - tmp_tables) are
214       input tables to materialized semi-join operations.
215     The tables are ordered as follows in the join_tab array:
216      1. const primary table
217      2. non-const primary tables
218      3. intermediate sort/group tables
219      4. possible holes in array
220      5. semi-joined tables used with materialization strategy
221   */
222   uint     tables;         ///< Total number of tables in query block
223   uint     primary_tables; ///< Number of primary input tables in query block
224   uint     const_tables;   ///< Number of primary tables deemed constant
225   uint     tmp_tables;     ///< Number of temporary tables used by query
226   uint     send_group_parts;
227   /**
228     Indicates that grouping will be performed on the result set during
229     query execution. This field belongs to query execution.
231     @see make_group_fields, alloc_group_fields, JOIN::exec
232   */
233   bool     sort_and_group;
234   bool     first_record;
235   bool     grouped;          ///< If query contains GROUP BY clause
236   bool     do_send_rows;     ///< If true, send produced rows using query_result
237   table_map all_table_map;   ///< Set of tables contained in query
238   table_map const_table_map; ///< Set of tables found to be const
239   /**
240      Const tables which are either:
241      - not empty
242      - empty but inner to a LEFT JOIN, thus "considered" not empty for the
243      rest of execution (a NULL-complemented row will be used).
244   */
245   table_map found_const_table_map;
246   /* Number of records produced after join + group operation */
247   ha_rows  send_records;
248   ha_rows found_records;
249   ha_rows examined_rows;
250   ha_rows row_limit;
251   // m_select_limit is used to decide if we are likely to scan the whole table.
252   ha_rows m_select_limit;
253   /**
254     Used to fetch no more than given amount of rows per one
255     fetch operation of server side cursor.
256     The value is checked in end_send and end_send_group in fashion, similar
257     to offset_limit_cnt:
258       - fetch_limit= HA_POS_ERROR if there is no cursor.
259       - when we open a cursor, we set fetch_limit to 0,
260       - on each fetch iteration we add num_rows to fetch to fetch_limit
261   */
262   ha_rows  fetch_limit;
264   /**
265     This is the result of join optimization.
267     @note This is a scratch array, not used after get_best_combination().
268   */
269   POSITION *best_positions;
271 /******* Join optimization state members start *******/
273   /* Current join optimization state */
274   POSITION *positions;
276   /* We also maintain a stack of join optimization states in * join->positions[] */
277 /******* Join optimization state members end *******/
280   Next_select_func first_select;
281   /**
282     The cost of best complete join plan found so far during optimization,
283     after optimization phase - cost of picked join order (not taking into
284     account the changes made by test_if_skip_sort_order()).
285   */
286   double   best_read;
287   /**
288     The estimated row count of the plan with best read time (see above).
289   */
290   ha_rows  best_rowcount;
291   /// Expected cost of filesort.
292   double   sort_cost;
293   List<Item> *fields;
294   List<Cached_item> group_fields, group_fields_cache;
295   Item_sum  **sum_funcs, ***sum_funcs_end;
296   /** second copy of sumfuncs (for queries with 2 temporary tables */
297   Item_sum  **sum_funcs2, ***sum_funcs_end2;
298   Temp_table_param tmp_table_param;
299   MYSQL_LOCK *lock;
301   ROLLUP rollup;                  ///< Used with rollup
302   bool implicit_grouping;         ///< True if aggregated but no GROUP BY
303   bool select_distinct;           ///< Set if SELECT DISTINCT
304   /**
305     If we have the GROUP BY statement in the query,
306     but the group_list was emptied by optimizer, this
307     flag is TRUE.
308     It happens when fields in the GROUP BY are from
309     constant table
310   */
311   bool group_optimized_away;
313   /*
314     simple_xxxxx is set if ORDER/GROUP BY doesn't include any references
315     to other tables than the first non-constant table in the JOIN.
316     It's also set if ORDER/GROUP BY is empty.
317     Used for deciding for or against using a temporary table to compute
319   */
320   bool simple_order, simple_group;
322   /*
323     ordered_index_usage is set if an ordered index access
324     should be used instead of a filesort when computing
326   */
327   enum
328   {
329     ordered_index_void,       // No ordered index avail.
330     ordered_index_group_by,   // Use index for GROUP BY
331     ordered_index_order_by    // Use index for ORDER BY
332   } ordered_index_usage;
334   /**
335     Is set only in case if we have a GROUP BY clause
336     and no ORDER BY after constant elimination of 'order'.
337   */
338   bool no_order;
339   /** Is set if we have a GROUP BY and we have ORDER BY on a constant. */
340   bool          skip_sort_order;
342   bool need_tmp;
344   // Used and updated by JOIN::make_join_plan() and optimize_keyuse()
345   Key_use_array keyuse_array;
347   List<Item> &all_fields; ///< to store all expressions used in query
348   ///Above list changed to use temporary table
349   List<Item> tmp_all_fields1, tmp_all_fields2, tmp_all_fields3;
350   ///Part, shared with list above, emulate following list
351   List<Item> tmp_fields_list1, tmp_fields_list2, tmp_fields_list3;
352   List<Item> &fields_list; ///< hold field list
353   int error; ///< set in optimize(), exec(), prepare_result()
355   /**
356     Wrapper for ORDER* pointer to trace origins of ORDER list
358     As far as ORDER is just a head object of ORDER expression
359     chain, we need some wrapper object to associate flags with
360     the whole ORDER list.
361   */
362   class ORDER_with_src
363   {
364     /**
365       Private empty class to implement type-safe NULL assignment
367       This private utility class allows us to implement a constructor
368       from NULL and only NULL (or 0 -- this is the same thing) and
369       an assignment operator from NULL.
370       Assignments from other pointers still prohibited since other
371       pointer types are incompatible with the "null" type, and the
372       casting is impossible outside of ORDER_with_src class, since
373       the "null" type is private.
374     */
375     struct null {};
377   public:
378     ORDER *order;  //< ORDER expression that we are wrapping with this class
379     Explain_sort_clause src; //< origin of order list
381   private:
382     int flags; //< bitmap of Explain_sort_property
384   public:
ORDER_with_src()385     ORDER_with_src() { clean(); }
ORDER_with_src(ORDER * order_arg,Explain_sort_clause src_arg)387     ORDER_with_src(ORDER *order_arg, Explain_sort_clause src_arg)
388     : order(order_arg), src(src_arg), flags(order_arg ? ESP_EXISTS : ESP_none)
389     {}
391     /**
392       Type-safe NULL assignment
394       See a commentary for the "null" type above.
395     */
396     ORDER_with_src &operator=(null *) { clean(); return *this; }
398     /**
399       Type-safe constructor from NULL
401       See a commentary for the "null" type above.
402     */
ORDER_with_src(null *)403     ORDER_with_src(null *) { clean(); }
405     /**
406       Transparent access to the wrapped order list
408       These operators are safe, since we don't do any conversion of
409       ORDER_with_src value, but just an access to the wrapped
410       ORDER pointer value.
411       We can use ORDER_with_src objects instead ORDER pointers in
412       a transparent way without accessor functions.
414       @note     This operator also implements safe "operator bool()"
415                 functionality.
416     */
417     operator       ORDER *()       { return order; }
418     operator const ORDER *() const { return order; }
420     ORDER* operator->() const { return order; }
clean()422     void clean() { order= NULL; src= ESC_none; flags= ESP_none; }
set_flag(Explain_sort_property flag)424     void set_flag(Explain_sort_property flag)
425     {
426       assert(order);
427       flags|= flag;
428     }
reset_flag(Explain_sort_property flag)429     void reset_flag(Explain_sort_property flag) { flags&= ~flag; }
get_flag(Explain_sort_property flag)430     bool get_flag(Explain_sort_property flag) const {
431       assert(order);
432       return flags & flag;
433     }
get_flags()434     int get_flags() const { assert(order); return flags; }
435   };
437   /**
438     ORDER BY and GROUP BY lists, to transform with prepare,optimize and exec
439   */
440   ORDER_with_src order, group_list;
442   /**
443     Buffer to gather GROUP BY, ORDER BY and DISTINCT QEP details for EXPLAIN
444   */
445   Explain_format_flags explain_flags;
447   /**
448     JOIN::having_cond is initially equal to select_lex->having_cond, but may
449     later be changed by optimizations performed by JOIN.
450     The relationship between the JOIN::having_cond condition and the
451     associated variable select_lex->having_value is so that
452     having_value can be:
453      - COND_UNDEF if a having clause was not specified in the query or
454        if it has not been optimized yet
455      - COND_TRUE if the having clause is always true, in which case
456        JOIN::having_cond is set to NULL.
457      - COND_FALSE if the having clause is impossible, in which case
458        JOIN::having_cond is set to NULL
459      - COND_OK otherwise, meaning that the having clause needs to be
460        further evaluated
461     All of the above also applies to the where_cond/select_lex->cond_value
462     pair.
463   */
464   /**
465     Optimized WHERE clause item tree (valid for one single execution).
466     Used in JOIN execution if no tables. Otherwise, attached in pieces to
467     JOIN_TABs and then not used in JOIN execution.
468     Printed by EXPLAIN EXTENDED.
469     Initialized by SELECT_LEX::get_optimizable_conditions().
470   */
471   Item       *where_cond;
472   /**
473     Optimized HAVING clause item tree (valid for one single execution).
474     Used in JOIN execution, as last "row filtering" step. With one exception:
475     may be pushed to the JOIN_TABs of temporary tables used in DISTINCT /
476     GROUP BY (see JOIN::make_tmp_tables_info()); in that case having_cond is
477     set to NULL, but is first saved to having_for_explain so that EXPLAIN
478     EXTENDED can still print it.
479     Initialized by SELECT_LEX::get_optimizable_conditions().
480   */
481   Item       *having_cond;
482   Item       *having_for_explain;    ///< Saved optimized HAVING for EXPLAIN
483   /**
484     Pointer set to select_lex->get_table_list() at the start of
485     optimization. May be changed (to NULL) only if opt_sum_query() optimizes
486     tables away.
487   */
488   TABLE_LIST *tables_list;
489   COND_EQUAL *cond_equal;
490   /*
491     Join tab to return to. Points to an element of join->join_tab array, or to
492     join->join_tab[-1].
493     This is used at execution stage to shortcut join enumeration. Currently
494     shortcutting is done to handle outer joins or handle semi-joins with
495     FirstMatch strategy.
496   */
497   plan_idx return_tab;
499   /*
500     Used pointer reference for this select.
501     select_lex->ref_pointer_array contains five "slices" of the same length:
502     |========|========|========|========|========|
503      ref_ptrs items0   items1   items2   items3
504    */
505   const Ref_ptr_array ref_ptrs;
506   // Copy of the initial slice above, to be used with different lists
507   Ref_ptr_array items0, items1, items2, items3;
508   // Used by rollup, to restore ref_ptrs after overwriting it.
509   Ref_ptr_array current_ref_ptrs;
511   const char *zero_result_cause; ///< not 0 if exec must return zero result
513   /**
514      True if, at this stage of processing, subquery materialization is allowed
515      for children subqueries of this JOIN (those in the SELECT list, in WHERE,
516      etc). If false, and we have to evaluate a subquery at this stage, then we
517      must choose EXISTS.
518   */
519   bool child_subquery_can_materialize;
520   /**
521      True if plan search is allowed to use references to expressions outer to
522      this JOIN (for example may set up a 'ref' access looking up an outer
523      expression in the index, etc).
524   */
525   bool allow_outer_refs;
527   /* Temporary tables used to weed-out semi-join duplicates */
528   List<TABLE> sj_tmp_tables;
529   List<Semijoin_mat_exec> sjm_exec_list;
530   /* end of allocation caching storage */
532   /** TRUE <=> ref_pointer_array is set to items3. */
533   bool set_group_rpa;
534   /** Exec time only: TRUE <=> current group has been sent */
535   bool group_sent;
536   /// If true, calculate found rows for this query block
537   bool calc_found_rows;
539   /**
540     This will force tmp table to NOT use index + update for group
541     operation as it'll cause [de]serialization for each json aggregated
542     value and is very ineffective (times worse).
543     Server should use filesort, or tmp table + filesort to resolve GROUP BY
544     with JSON aggregate functions.
545   */
546   bool with_json_agg;
548   /// True if plan is const, ie it will return zero or one rows.
plan_is_const()549   bool plan_is_const() const { return const_tables == primary_tables; }
551   /**
552     True if plan contains one non-const primary table (ie not including
553     tables taking part in semi-join materialization).
554   */
plan_is_single_table()555   bool plan_is_single_table() { return primary_tables - const_tables == 1; }
557   int optimize();
558   void reset();
559   void exec();
560   bool prepare_result();
561   bool destroy();
562   void restore_tmp();
563   bool alloc_func_list();
564   bool make_sum_func_list(List<Item> &all_fields,
565                           List<Item> &send_fields,
566                           bool before_group_by, bool recompute= FALSE);
568   /**
569      Overwrites one slice with the contents of another slice.
570      In the normal case, dst and src have the same size().
571      However: the rollup slices may have smaller size than slice_sz.
572    */
copy_ref_ptr_array(Ref_ptr_array dst_arr,Ref_ptr_array src_arr)573   void copy_ref_ptr_array(Ref_ptr_array dst_arr, Ref_ptr_array src_arr)
574   {
575     assert(dst_arr.size() >= src_arr.size());
576     void *dest= dst_arr.array();
577     const void *src= src_arr.array();
578     memcpy(dest, src, src_arr.size() * src_arr.element_size());
579   }
581   /// Overwrites 'ref_ptrs' and remembers the the source as 'current'.
set_items_ref_array(Ref_ptr_array src_arr)582   void set_items_ref_array(Ref_ptr_array src_arr)
583   {
584     copy_ref_ptr_array(ref_ptrs, src_arr);
585     current_ref_ptrs= src_arr;
586   }
588   /// Initializes 'items0' and remembers that it is 'current'.
init_items_ref_array()589   void init_items_ref_array()
590   {
591     items0= select_lex->ref_ptr_array_slice(1);
592     copy_ref_ptr_array(items0, ref_ptrs);
593     current_ref_ptrs= items0;
594   }
596   bool optimize_rollup();
597   bool rollup_process_const_fields();
598   bool rollup_make_fields(List<Item> &all_fields, List<Item> &fields,
599 			  Item_sum ***func);
600   int rollup_send_data(uint idx);
601   int rollup_write_data(uint idx, TABLE *table);
602   void remove_subq_pushed_predicates();
603   /**
604     Release memory and, if possible, the open tables held by this execution
605     plan (and nested plans). It's used to release some tables before
606     the end of execution in order to increase concurrency and reduce
607     memory consumption.
608   */
609   void join_free();
610   /** Cleanup this JOIN. Not a full cleanup. reusable? */
611   void cleanup();
613   MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result))
614   bool clear();
616   bool save_join_tab();
617   void restore_join_tab();
618   bool init_save_join_tab();
619   /**
620     Return whether the caller should send a row even if the join
621     produced no rows if:
622      - there is an aggregate function (sum_func_count!=0), and
623      - the query is not grouped, and
624      - a possible HAVING clause evaluates to TRUE.
626     @note: if there is a having clause, it must be evaluated before
627     returning the row.
628   */
send_row_on_empty_set()629   bool send_row_on_empty_set() const
630   {
631     return (do_send_rows && tmp_table_param.sum_func_count != 0 &&
632 	    group_list == NULL && !group_optimized_away &&
633             select_lex->having_value != Item::COND_FALSE);
634   }
636   bool cache_const_exprs();
637   bool generate_derived_keys();
638   void drop_unused_derived_keys();
639   bool get_best_combination();
640   bool attach_join_conditions(plan_idx last_tab);
641   bool update_equalities_for_sjm();
642   bool add_sorting_to_table(uint idx, ORDER_with_src *order);
643   bool decide_subquery_strategy();
644   void refine_best_rowcount();
645   void mark_const_table(JOIN_TAB *table, Key_use *key);
646   /// State of execution plan. Currently used only for EXPLAIN
647   enum enum_plan_state
648   {
649     NO_PLAN,      ///< No plan is ready yet
650     ZERO_RESULT,  ///< Zero result cause is set
651     NO_TABLES,    ///< Plan has no tables
652     PLAN_READY    ///< Plan is ready
653   };
654   /// See enum_plan_state
get_plan_state()655   enum_plan_state get_plan_state() const { return plan_state; }
is_optimized()656   bool is_optimized() const { return optimized; }
set_optimized()657   void set_optimized() { optimized= true; }
is_executed()658   bool is_executed() const { return executed; }
set_executed()659   void set_executed() { executed= true; }
reset_executed()660   void reset_executed() { executed= false; }
662   /**
663     Retrieve the cost model object to be used for this join.
665     @return Cost model object for the join
666   */
cost_model()668   const Cost_model_server* cost_model() const
669   {
670     assert(thd != NULL);
671     return thd->cost_model();
672   }
674   /**
675     Check if FTS index only access is possible
676   */
677   bool fts_index_access(JOIN_TAB *tab);
679   Next_select_func get_end_select_func();
681 private:
682   bool optimized; ///< flag to avoid double optimization in EXPLAIN
683   bool executed;  ///< Set by exec(), reset by reset()
685   /// Final execution plan state. Currently used only for EXPLAIN
686   enum_plan_state plan_state;
687   /**
688     Send current query result set to the client. To be called from JOIN::execute
690     @note       Explain skips this call during JOIN::execute() execution
691   */
692   void send_data();
694   /**
695     Create a temporary table to be used for processing DISTINCT/ORDER
696     BY/GROUP BY.
698     @note Will modify JOIN object wrt sort/group attributes
700     @param tab              the JOIN_TAB object to attach created table to
701     @param tmp_table_fields List of items that will be used to define
702                             column types of the table.
703     @param tmp_table_group  Group key to use for temporary table, NULL if none.
704     @param save_sum_fields  If true, do not replace Item_sum items in
705                             @c tmp_fields list with Item_field items referring
706                             to fields in temporary table.
708     @returns false on success, true on failure
709   */
710   bool create_intermediate_table(QEP_TAB *tab, List<Item> *tmp_table_fields,
711                                  ORDER_with_src &tmp_table_group,
712                                  bool save_sum_fields);
713   /**
714     Create the first temporary table to be used for processing DISTINCT/ORDER
715     BY/GROUP BY.
716   */
717   bool create_first_intermediate_table();
718   /**
719     Optimize distinct when used on a subset of the tables.
721     E.g.,: SELECT DISTINCT t1.a FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.b=t2.b
722     In this case we can stop scanning t2 when we have found one t1.a
723   */
724   void optimize_distinct();
726   /**
727     Function sets FT hints, initializes FT handlers and
728     checks if FT index can be used as covered.
729   */
730   bool optimize_fts_query();
732   bool prune_table_partitions();
734 private:
735   void set_prefix_tables();
736   void cleanup_item_list(List<Item> &items) const;
737   void set_semijoin_embedding();
738   bool make_join_plan();
739   bool init_planner_arrays();
740   bool propagate_dependencies();
741   bool extract_const_tables();
742   bool extract_func_dependent_tables();
743   void update_sargable_from_const(SARGABLE_PARAM *sargables);
744   bool estimate_rowcount();
745   void optimize_keyuse();
746   void set_semijoin_info();
747   /**
748    An utility function - apply heuristics and optimize access methods to tables.
749    @note Side effect - this function could set 'Impossible WHERE' zero
750    result.
751   */
752   void adjust_access_methods();
753   void update_depend_map();
754   void update_depend_map(ORDER *order);
755   /**
756     Fill in outer join related info for the execution plan structure.
758       For each outer join operation left after simplification of the
759       original query the function set up the following pointers in the linear
760       structure join->join_tab representing the selected execution plan.
761       The first inner table t0 for the operation is set to refer to the last
762       inner table tk through the field t0->last_inner.
763       Any inner table ti for the operation are set to refer to the first
764       inner table ti->first_inner.
765       The first inner table t0 for the operation is set to refer to the
766       first inner table of the embedding outer join operation, if there is any,
767       through the field t0->first_upper.
768       The on expression for the outer join operation is attached to the
769       corresponding first inner table through the field t0->on_expr_ref.
770       Here ti are structures of the JOIN_TAB type.
772     EXAMPLE. For the query:
773     @code
774           SELECT * FROM t1
775                         LEFT JOIN
776                         (t2, t3 LEFT JOIN t4 ON t3.a=t4.a)
777                         ON (t1.a=t2.a AND t1.b=t3.b)
778             WHERE t1.c > 5,
779     @endcode
781       given the execution plan with the table order t1,t2,t3,t4
782       is selected, the following references will be set;
783       t4->last_inner=[t4], t4->first_inner=[t4], t4->first_upper=[t2]
784       t2->last_inner=[t4], t2->first_inner=t3->first_inner=[t2],
785       on expression (t1.a=t2.a AND t1.b=t3.b) will be attached to
786       *t2->on_expr_ref, while t3.a=t4.a will be attached to *t4->on_expr_ref.
788     @note
789       The function assumes that the simplification procedure has been
790       already applied to the join query (see simplify_joins).
791       This function can be called only after the execution plan
792       has been chosen.
793   */
794   void make_outerjoin_info();
796   /**
797     Initialize ref access for all tables that use it.
799     @return False if success, True if error
801     @note We cannot setup fields used for ref access before we have sorted
802           the items within multiple equalities according to the final order of
803           the tables involved in the join operation. Currently, this occurs in
804           @see substitute_for_best_equal_field().
805   */
806   bool init_ref_access();
807   bool alloc_qep(uint n);
808   void unplug_join_tabs();
809   bool setup_semijoin_materialized_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint tableno,
810                                          const POSITION *inner_pos,
811                                          POSITION *sjm_pos);
813   bool add_having_as_tmp_table_cond(uint curr_tmp_table);
814   bool make_tmp_tables_info();
815   void set_plan_state(enum_plan_state plan_state_arg);
816   bool compare_costs_of_subquery_strategies(
817          Item_exists_subselect::enum_exec_method *method);
818   ORDER *remove_const(ORDER *first_order, Item *cond,
819                       bool change_list, bool *simple_order,
820                       const char *clause_type);
822   /**
823     Check whether this is a subquery that can be evaluated by index look-ups.
824     If so, change subquery engine to subselect_indexsubquery_engine.
826     @retval  1   engine was changed
827     @retval  0   engine wasn't changed
828     @retval -1   OOM
829   */
830   int replace_index_subquery();
832   /**
833     Optimize DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY clauses
835     @retval false ok
836     @retval true  an error occured
837   */
838   bool optimize_distinct_group_order();
840   /**
841     Test if an index could be used to replace filesort for ORDER BY/GROUP BY
843     @details
844       Investigate whether we may use an ordered index as part of either
845       DISTINCT, GROUP BY or ORDER BY execution. An ordered index may be
846       used for only the first of any of these terms to be executed. This
847       is reflected in the order which we check for test_if_skip_sort_order()
848       below. However we do not check for DISTINCT here, as it would have
849       been transformed to a GROUP BY at this stage if it is a candidate for
850       ordered index optimization.
851       If a decision was made to use an ordered index, the availability
852       if such an access path is stored in 'ordered_index_usage' for later
853       use by 'execute' or 'explain'
854   */
855   void test_skip_sort();
856 };
858 /// RAII class to ease the call of LEX::mark_broken() if error.
859 class Prepare_error_tracker
860 {
861 public:
Prepare_error_tracker(THD * thd_arg)862   Prepare_error_tracker(THD *thd_arg) : thd(thd_arg) {}
~Prepare_error_tracker()863   ~Prepare_error_tracker()
864   {
865     if (unlikely(thd->is_error()))
866       thd->lex->mark_broken();
867   }
868 private:
869   THD *const thd;
870 };
872 bool uses_index_fields_only(Item *item, TABLE *tbl, uint keyno,
873                             bool other_tbls_ok);
874 bool remove_eq_conds(THD *thd, Item *cond, Item **retcond,
875                      Item::cond_result *cond_value);
876 bool optimize_cond(THD *thd, Item **conds, COND_EQUAL **cond_equal,
877                     List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list,
878                     Item::cond_result *cond_value);
879 Item* substitute_for_best_equal_field(Item *cond,
880                                       COND_EQUAL *cond_equal,
881                                       void *table_join_idx);
882 bool build_equal_items(THD *thd, Item *cond, Item **retcond,
883                        COND_EQUAL *inherited, bool do_inherit,
884                        List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list,
885                        COND_EQUAL **cond_equal_ref);
886 bool is_indexed_agg_distinct(JOIN *join, List<Item_field> *out_args);
887 Key_use_array *create_keyuse_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, uint keyparts,
888                                        Item_field **fields,
889                                        List<Item> outer_exprs);
890 Item_equal *find_item_equal(COND_EQUAL *cond_equal, Item_field *item_field,
891                             bool *inherited_fl);
892 Item_field *get_best_field(Item_field *item_field, COND_EQUAL *cond_equal);
893 Item *
894 make_cond_for_table(Item *cond, table_map tables, table_map used_table,
895                     bool exclude_expensive_cond);
897 /**
898    Returns true if arguments are a temporal Field having no date,
899    part and a temporal expression having a date part.
900    @param  f  Field
901    @param  v  Expression
902  */
field_time_cmp_date(const Field * f,const Item * v)903 inline bool field_time_cmp_date(const Field *f, const Item *v)
904 {
905   return f->is_temporal() && !f->is_temporal_with_date() &&
906     v->is_temporal_with_date();
907 }
909 bool substitute_gc(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *select_lex, Item *where_cond,
910                    ORDER *group_list, ORDER *order);