1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
25 #ifndef MemoryChannel_H
26 #define MemoryChannel_H
28 //===========================================================================
29 //
31 //              Pointer based communication channel for communication between two
32 //              thread. It does not copy any data in or out the channel so the
33 //              item that is put in can not be used untill the other thread has
34 //              given it back. There is no support for detecting the return of a
35 //              item. The channel is half-duplex.
36 //              For comminication between 1 writer and 1 reader use the MemoryChannel
37 //              class, for comminication between multiple writer and 1 reader use the
38 //              MemoryChannelMultipleWriter. There is no support for multiple readers.
39 //
41 //              to communicate between threads.
42 //
43 // .EXAMPLE:
44 //              See AsyncFile.C
45 //===========================================================================
46 //
47 //
48 // MemoryChannel( int size= 256);
49 //   Constuctor
50 // Parameters:
51 //      size : amount of pointer it can hold
52 //
53 // void operator ++ ();
54 //   increments the index with one, if size is reached it is set to zero
55 //
56 // virtual void write( T *t);
57 //   Puts the item in the channel if the channel is full an error is reported.
58 // Parameters:
59 //      t: pointer to item to put in the channel, after this the item
60 //                        is shared with the other thread.
61 // errors
62 //                      AFS_ERROR_CHANNALFULL, channel is full
63 //
64 // T* read();
65 //      Reads a itemn from the channel, if channel is empty it blocks untill
66 //              an item can be read.
67 // return
68 //                      T : item from the channel
69 //
70 // T* tryRead();
71 //      Reads a item from the channel, if channel is empty it returns zero.
72 // return
73 //                      T : item from the channel or zero if channel is empty.
74 //
76 #include "NdbMutex.h"
77 #include "NdbCondition.h"
78 #include <NdbOut.hpp>
81 template <class T>
82 class MemoryChannel
83 {
84 public:
85   MemoryChannel();
86   virtual ~MemoryChannel();
88   void writeChannel(T *t);
89   void writeChannelNoSignal(T *t);
90   T* readChannel();
91   T* tryReadChannel();
93   /**
94    * Should be made class using MemoryChannel
95    */
96   struct ListMember
97   {
98     T* m_next;
99   };
101 private:
102   Uint32 m_occupancy;
103   T* m_head; // First element in list (e.g will be read by readChannel)
104   T* m_tail;
105   NdbMutex* theMutexPtr;
106   NdbCondition* theConditionPtr;
108   template<class U>
109   friend NdbOut& operator<<(NdbOut& out, const MemoryChannel<U> & chn);
110 };
112 template <class T>
operator <<(NdbOut & out,const MemoryChannel<T> & chn)113 NdbOut& operator<<(NdbOut& out, const MemoryChannel<T> & chn)
114 {
115   NdbMutex_Lock(chn.theMutexPtr);
116   out << "[ occupancy: " << chn.m_occupancy
117       << " ]";
118   NdbMutex_Unlock(chn.theMutexPtr);
119   return out;
120 }
MemoryChannel()122 template <class T> MemoryChannel<T>::MemoryChannel() :
123   m_occupancy(0), m_head(0), m_tail(0)
124 {
125   theMutexPtr = NdbMutex_Create();
126   theConditionPtr = NdbCondition_Create();
127 }
~MemoryChannel()129 template <class T> MemoryChannel<T>::~MemoryChannel( )
130 {
131   NdbMutex_Destroy(theMutexPtr);
132   NdbCondition_Destroy(theConditionPtr);
133 }
writeChannel(T * t)135 template <class T> void MemoryChannel<T>::writeChannel( T *t)
136 {
137   writeChannelNoSignal(t);
138   NdbCondition_Signal(theConditionPtr);
139 }
writeChannelNoSignal(T * t)141 template <class T> void MemoryChannel<T>::writeChannelNoSignal( T *t)
142 {
143   NdbMutex_Lock(theMutexPtr);
144   if (m_head == 0)
145   {
146     assert(m_occupancy == 0);
147     m_head = m_tail = t;
148   }
149   else
150   {
151     assert(m_tail != 0);
152     m_tail->m_mem_channel.m_next = t;
153     m_tail = t;
154   }
155   t->m_mem_channel.m_next = 0;
156   m_occupancy++;
157   NdbMutex_Unlock(theMutexPtr);
158 }
readChannel()160 template <class T> T* MemoryChannel<T>::readChannel()
161 {
162   NdbMutex_Lock(theMutexPtr);
163   while (m_head == 0)
164   {
165     assert(m_occupancy == 0);
166     NdbCondition_Wait(theConditionPtr,
167                       theMutexPtr);
168   }
169   assert(m_occupancy > 0);
170   T* tmp = m_head;
171   if (m_head == m_tail)
172   {
173     assert(m_occupancy == 1);
174     m_head = m_tail = 0;
175   }
176   else
177   {
178     m_head = m_head->m_mem_channel.m_next;
179   }
180   m_occupancy--;
181   NdbMutex_Unlock(theMutexPtr);
182   return tmp;
183 }
tryReadChannel()185 template <class T> T* MemoryChannel<T>::tryReadChannel()
186 {
187   NdbMutex_Lock(theMutexPtr);
188   T* tmp = m_head;
189   if (m_head != 0)
190   {
191     assert(m_occupancy > 0);
192     if (m_head == m_tail)
193     {
194       assert(m_occupancy == 1);
195       m_head = m_tail = 0;
196     }
197     else
198     {
199       m_head = m_head->m_mem_channel.m_next;
200     }
201     m_occupancy--;
202   }
203   else
204   {
205     assert(m_occupancy == 0);
206   }
207   NdbMutex_Unlock(theMutexPtr);
208   return tmp;
209 }
211 #endif // MemoryChannel_H