1 //
2 //=======================================================================
3 // Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
4 // Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek
5 //
6 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
7 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 //=======================================================================
10 //
14 #include <utility>
15 #include <boost/config.hpp>
16 #include <boost/operators.hpp>
17 #include <boost/pending/detail/int_iterator.hpp>
18 #include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
20 namespace boost {
22   template <class Iter, class Vertex>
23   class matrix_adj_iterator;
25   template <class Iter, class Vertex>
26   class matrix_incidence_iterator;
28 }
31 namespace boost { \
32   template <> \
33   struct graph_traits< Matrix > { \
34     typedef Matrix::OneD::const_iterator Iter; \
35     typedef Matrix::size_type V; \
36     typedef V vertex_descriptor; \
37     typedef Iter E; \
38     typedef E edge_descriptor; \
39     typedef boost::matrix_incidence_iterator<Iter, V> out_edge_iterator; \
40     typedef boost::matrix_adj_iterator<Iter, V> adjacency_iterator; \
41     typedef Matrix::size_type size_type; \
42     typedef boost::int_iterator<size_type> vertex_iterator; \
43     \
44     friend std::pair<vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator> \
45     vertices(const Matrix& g) { \
46       typedef vertex_iterator VIter; \
47       return std::make_pair(VIter(0), VIter(g.nrows())); \
48     } \
49     \
50     friend std::pair<out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator> \
51     out_edges(V v, const Matrix& g) { \
52       typedef out_edge_iterator IncIter; \
53       return std::make_pair(IncIter(g[v].begin()), \
54                             IncIter(g[v].end())); \
55     } \
56     friend std::pair<adjacency_iterator, adjacency_iterator> \
57     adjacent_vertices(V v, const Matrix& g) { \
58       typedef adjacency_iterator AdjIter; \
59       return std::make_pair(AdjIter(g[v].begin()), \
60                             AdjIter(g[v].end())); \
61     } \
62     friend vertex_descriptor \
63     source(E e, const Matrix& g) {  \
64       return e.row();  \
65     } \
66     friend vertex_descriptor \
67     target(E e, const Matrix& g) { \
68       return e.column();  \
69     } \
70     friend size_type \
71     num_vertices(const Matrix& g) { \
72       return g.nrows();  \
73     } \
74     friend size_type \
75     num_edges(const Matrix& g) { \
76       return g.nnz(); \
77     } \
78     friend size_type \
79     out_degree(V i, const Matrix& g) { \
80       return g[i].nnz(); \
81     } \
82   }; \
83 }
85 namespace boost {
87   template <class Iter, class Vertex>
88   class matrix_adj_iterator
89     : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, Vertex >
90   {
91     typedef matrix_adj_iterator self;
92   public:
matrix_adj_iterator()93     matrix_adj_iterator() { }
matrix_adj_iterator(Iter i)94     matrix_adj_iterator(Iter i) : _iter(i) { }
matrix_adj_iterator(const self & x)95     matrix_adj_iterator(const self& x) : _iter(x._iter) { }
operator =(const self & x)96     self& operator=(const self& x) { _iter = x._iter; return *this; }
operator *()97     Vertex operator*() { return _iter.column(); }
operator ++()98     self& operator++() { ++_iter; return *this; }
operator ++(int)99     self operator++(int) { self t = *this; ++_iter; return t; }
operator ==(const self & x) const100     bool operator==(const self& x) const { return _iter == x._iter; }
operator !=(const self & x) const101     bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return _iter != x._iter; }
102   protected:
103     Iter _iter;
104   };
106   template <class Iter, class Vertex>
107   class matrix_incidence_iterator
108     : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, Iter >
109   {
110     typedef matrix_incidence_iterator self;
111   public:
matrix_incidence_iterator()112     matrix_incidence_iterator() { }
matrix_incidence_iterator(Iter i)113     matrix_incidence_iterator(Iter i) : _iter(i) { }
matrix_incidence_iterator(const self & x)114     matrix_incidence_iterator(const self& x) : _iter(x._iter) { }
operator =(const self & x)115     self& operator=(const self& x) { _iter = x._iter; return *this; }
operator *()116     Iter operator*() { return _iter; }
operator ++()117     self& operator++() { ++_iter; return *this; }
operator ++(int)118     self operator++(int) { self t = *this; ++_iter; return t; }
operator ==(const self & x) const119     bool operator==(const self& x) const { return _iter == x._iter; }
operator !=(const self & x) const120     bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return _iter != x._iter; }
121   protected:
122     Iter _iter;
123   };
125 } /* namespace boost */