1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright (c) 2003 Dr John Maddock
4  * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
5  * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
6  * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7  *
8  * This file implements the following:
9  *    void bcp_implementation::add_path(const fs::path& p)
10  *    void bcp_implementation::add_directory(const fs::path& p)
11  *    void bcp_implementation::add_file(const fs::path& p)
12  *    void bcp_implementation::add_dependent_lib(const std::string& libname, const fs::path& p, const fileview& view)
13  */
15 #include "bcp_imp.hpp"
16 #include "fileview.hpp"
17 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
18 #include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
19 #include <boost/filesystem/exception.hpp>
20 #include <iostream>
add_path(const fs::path & p)23 void bcp_implementation::add_path(const fs::path& p)
24 {
25    fs::path normalized_path = p;
26     normalized_path.normalize();
27    if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / normalized_path))
28    {
29       if(fs::is_directory(m_boost_path / normalized_path))
30          add_directory(normalized_path);
31       else
32          add_file(normalized_path);
33    }
34    else
35    {
36       std::cerr << "CAUTION: dependent file " << p.string() << " does not exist." << std::endl;
37       std::cerr << "   Found while scanning file " << m_dependencies[p].string() << std::endl;
38    }
39 }
add_directory(const fs::path & p)41 void bcp_implementation::add_directory(const fs::path& p)
42 {
43    //
44    // Don't add files created by build system:
45    //
46    if((p.leaf() == "bin") || (p.leaf() == "bin-stage"))
47       return;
48    //
49    // Don't add version control directories:
50    //
51    if((p.leaf() == "CVS") || (p.leaf() == ".svn"))
52       return;
53    //
54    // don't add directories not under version control:
55    //
56    if(m_cvs_mode && !fs::exists(m_boost_path / p / "CVS/Entries"))
57       return;
58    if(m_svn_mode && !fs::exists(m_boost_path / p / ".svn/entries"))
59       return;
60    //
61    // enermerate files and directories:
62    //
63    fs::directory_iterator i(m_boost_path / p);
64    fs::directory_iterator j;
65    while(i != j)
66    {
67       //
68       // we need to convert *i back into
69       // a relative path, what follows is a hack:
70       //
71       std::string s(i->path().string());
72       if(m_boost_path.string().size())
73          s.erase(0, m_boost_path.string().size() + 1);
74       fs::path np = s;
75       if(!m_dependencies.count(np))
76       {
77          m_dependencies[np] = p; // set up dependency tree
78          add_path(np);
79       }
80       ++i;
81    }
82 }
add_file(const fs::path & p)84 void bcp_implementation::add_file(const fs::path& p)
85 {
86    //
87    // if the file does not exist in cvs then don't do anything with it:
88    //
89    if((m_cvs_mode || m_svn_mode) && (m_cvs_paths.find(p) == m_cvs_paths.end()))
90       return;
91    //
92    // if we've already seen the file return:
93    //
94    if(m_copy_paths.find(p) != m_copy_paths.end())
95       return;
96    //
97    // add the file to our list:
98    //
99    m_copy_paths.insert(p);
100    //
101    // if this is a source file, scan for dependencies:
102    //
103    if(is_source_file(p))
104    {
105       add_file_dependencies(p, false);
106    }
107    if(is_jam_file(p) && m_namespace_name.size() && ((std::distance(p.begin(), p.end()) < 3) || (*p.begin() != "tools") || (*++p.begin() != "build")))
108    {
109       //
110       // We're doing a rename of namespaces and library names
111       // so scan for names of libraries:
112       //
113       static const boost::regex e(
114          "\\<lib\\s+(boost\\w+)\\s+[:;]"
115          );
117       fileview view(m_boost_path / p);
118       boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> i(view.begin(), view.end(), e, 1);
119       boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> j;
120       while(i != j)
121       {
122          m_lib_names.insert(*i);
123          ++i;
124       }
125       static const std::pair<fs::path, std::string> specials_library_names[] = {
126             std::pair<fs::path, std::string>("libs/python/build/Jamfile.v2", "boost_python"),
127             std::pair<fs::path, std::string>("libs/python/build/Jamfile.v2", "boost_python3"),
128       };
130       for(unsigned int n = 0; n < (sizeof(specials_library_names)/sizeof(specials_library_names[0])); ++n)
131       {
132          if(0 == compare_paths(specials_library_names[n].first, p))
133          {
134             m_lib_names.insert(specials_library_names[n].second);
135          }
136       }
137    }
138    //
139    // if this is a html file, scan for dependencies:
140    //
141    if(is_html_file(p))
142    {
143       static const boost::regex e(
144          "<(?:img[^>]*src=|link[^>]*href=)(\"[^\"]+\"|\\w+)[^>]*>"
145          );
147       fileview view(m_boost_path / p);
148       boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> i(view.begin(), view.end(), e, 1);
149       boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> j;
150       while(i != j)
151       {
152          //
153          // extract the dependent name:
154          //
155          std::string s(*i);
156          if(s[0] == '\"')
157          {
158             // remove quotes:
159             assert(s.size() > 2);
160             s.erase(0, 1);
161             s.erase(s.size() - 1);
162          }
163          //
164          // Remove any target suffix:
165          //
166          std::string::size_type n = s.find('#');
167          if(n != std::string::npos)
168          {
169             s.erase(n);
170          }
171          //
172          // if the name starts with ./ remove it
173          // or we'll get an error:
174          if(s.compare(0, 2, "./") == 0)
175             s.erase(0, 2);
176          if(s.find(':') == std::string::npos)
177          {
178             // only concatonate if it's a relative path
179             // rather than a URL:
180             fs::path dep(p.branch_path() / s);
181             if(!m_dependencies.count(dep))
182             {
183                m_dependencies[dep] = p; // set up dependency tree
184                add_path(dep);
185             }
186          }
187          ++i;
188       }
189    }
190    //
191    // now scan for "special" dependencies:
192    // anything that we can't automatically detect...
193    //
194 static const std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>
195    specials[] = {
196       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/atomic/capabilities.hpp", "boost/atomic/detail"),
197       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/chrono/chrono.hpp", "libs/chrono/src"),
198       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/chrono/chrono.hpp", "libs/chrono/build"),
199       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/cerrno.hpp", "libs/system/build"),
200       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/cerrno.hpp", "libs/system/src"),
201       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("libs/thread/build", "boost/system"),
202       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("libs/thread/build", "boost/cerrno.hpp"),
203       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("libs/thread/build", "boost/chrono"),
204       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp"),
205       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem/exception.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp"),
206       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp"),
207       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem/operations.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp"),
208       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem/path.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp"),
209       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem.hpp", "libs/filesystem/build"),
210       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem.hpp", "libs/filesystem/v2"),
211       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/filesystem.hpp", "libs/filesystem/v3"),
212       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/config.hpp", "boost/config"),
213       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "Jamrules"),
214       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "project-root.jam"),
215       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "boost-build.jam"),
216       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "Jamfile.v2"),
217       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "boostcpp.jam"),
218       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "bootstrap.bat"),
219       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "bootstrap.sh"),
220       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "Jamroot"),
221       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "INSTALL"),
222       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("tools/build/boost-build.jam", "LICENSE_1_0.txt"),
223       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp", "boost/preprocessor/iteration"),
224       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/preprocessor/slot/slot.hpp", "boost/preprocessor/slot/detail"),
225       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/function.hpp", "boost/function/detail"),
226       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/regex/config.hpp", "boost/regex/user.hpp"),
227       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/signals/signal_template.hpp", "boost/function"),
228       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/list.hpp", "boost/mpl/list"),
229       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/list_c.hpp", "boost/mpl/list"),
230       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/vector.hpp", "boost/mpl/vector"),
231       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/deque.hpp", "boost/mpl/vector"),
232       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/vector_c.hpp", "boost/mpl/vector"),
233       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/map.hpp", "boost/mpl/map"),
234       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/set.hpp", "boost/mpl/set"),
235       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/set_c.hpp", "boost/mpl/set"),
236       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", "boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed"),
237       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/vector/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", "boost/mpl/vector/aux_/preprocessed"),
238       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/set/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", "boost/mpl/set/aux_/preprocessed"),
239       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/map/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", "boost/mpl/map/aux_/preprocessed"),
240       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/mpl/list/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", "boost/mpl/list/aux_/preprocessed"),
241       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("libs/graph/src/python/visitor.hpp", "libs/graph/src/python"),
242       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/test/detail/config.hpp", "libs/test/src"),
243       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/test/detail/config.hpp", "libs/test/build"),
244       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/typeof.hpp", "boost/typeof/incr_registration_group.hpp"),
245       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/function_types/detail/pp_loop.hpp", "boost/function_types/detail/pp_cc_loop"),
246       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/function_types/components.hpp", "boost/function_types/detail/components_impl"),
247       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/function_types/detail/pp_loop.hpp", "boost/function_types/detail"),
248       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/math/tools/rational.hpp", "boost/math/tools/detail"),
249       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/proto/repeat.hpp", "boost/proto/detail/local.hpp"),
250       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/signals/signal_template.hpp", "boost/function"),
251       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/preprocessor/slot/counter.hpp", "boost/preprocessor/slot/detail/counter.hpp"),
252       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/graph/distributed/detail/tag_allocator.hpp", "libs/graph_parallel"),
253       std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>("boost/graph/distributed/mpi_process_group.hpp", "libs/graph_parallel"),
254    };
256    for(unsigned int n = 0; n < (sizeof(specials)/sizeof(specials[0])); ++n)
257    {
258       if(0 == compare_paths(specials[n].first, p))
259       {
260          if(!m_dependencies.count(specials[n].second))
261          {
262             m_dependencies[specials[n].second] = p; // set up dependency tree
263             add_path(specials[n].second);
264          }
265       }
266    }
268 }
add_file_dependencies(const fs::path & p,bool scanfile)270 void bcp_implementation::add_file_dependencies(const fs::path& p, bool scanfile)
271 {
272    static const boost::regex e(
273       "^[[:blank:]]*(?://@bcp[[:blank:]]+([^\\n]*)\n)?#[[:blank:]]*include[[:blank:]]*[\"<]([^\">]+)[\">]"
274       );
276    if(!m_dependencies.count(p))
277       m_dependencies[p] = p; // set terminal dependency
279    fileview view;
280    if(scanfile)
281       view.open(p);
282    else
283       view.open(m_boost_path / p);
284    if(m_license_mode && !scanfile)
285       scan_license(p, view);
286    const int subs[] = { 1, 2 };
287    boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> i(view.begin(), view.end(), e, subs);
288    boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*> j;
289    while(i != j)
290    {
291       //
292       // *i contains the name of the include file,
293       // check first for a file of that name in the
294       // same directory as the file we are scanning,
295       // and if that fails, then check the boost-root:
296       //
297       fs::path include_file;
298       try{
299          std::string discart_message = *i;
300          ++i;
301          if(discart_message.size())
302          {
303             // The include is optional and should be discarded:
304             std::cout << "Optional functionality won't be copied: " << discart_message << std::endl;
305             std::cout << "Add the file " << *i << " to the list of dependencies to extract to copy this functionality." << std::endl;
306             ++i;
307             continue;
308          }
309          include_file = i->str();
310          fs::path test_file(m_boost_path / p.branch_path() / include_file);
311          if(fs::exists(test_file) && !fs::is_directory(test_file) && (p.branch_path().string() != "boost"))
312          {
313             if(!m_dependencies.count(p.branch_path() / include_file))
314             {
315                m_dependencies[p.branch_path() / include_file] = p;
316                add_path(p.branch_path() / include_file);
317             }
318          }
319          else if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / include_file))
320          {
321             if(!m_dependencies.count(include_file))
322             {
323                m_dependencies[include_file] = p;
324                add_path(include_file);
325             }
326          }
327          ++i;
328       }
329       catch(const fs::filesystem_error&)
330       {
331          std::cerr << "Can't parse filename " << *i << " included by file " << p.string() << std::endl;
332          ++i;
333          continue;
334       }
335    }
336    //
337    // Now we need to scan for Boost.Preprocessor includes that
338    // are included via preprocessor iteration:
339    //
340    static const boost::regex ppfiles("^[[:blank:]]*#[[:blank:]]*define[[:blank:]]+(?:BOOST_PP_FILENAME|BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS|BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF)(?:[^\\n]|\\\\\\n)+?[\"<]([^\">]+)[\">]");
341    i = boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*>(view.begin(), view.end(), ppfiles, 1);
342    while(i != j)
343    {
344       //
345       // *i contains the name of the include file,
346       // check first for a file of that name in the
347       // same directory as the file we are scanning,
348       // and if that fails, then check the boost-root:
349       //
350       fs::path include_file;
351       try{
352          include_file = i->str();
353       }
354       catch(const fs::filesystem_error&)
355       {
356          std::cerr << "Can't parse filename " << *i << " included by file " << p.string() << std::endl;
357          ++i;
358          continue;
359       }
360       fs::path test_file(m_boost_path / p.branch_path() / include_file);
361       if(fs::exists(test_file) && !fs::is_directory(test_file) && (p.branch_path().string() != "boost"))
362       {
363          if(!m_dependencies.count(p.branch_path() / include_file))
364          {
365             m_dependencies[p.branch_path() / include_file] = p;
366             add_path(p.branch_path() / include_file);
367          }
368       }
369       else if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / include_file))
370       {
371          if(!m_dependencies.count(include_file))
372          {
373             m_dependencies[include_file] = p;
374             add_path(include_file);
375          }
376       }
377       else
378       {
379          std::cerr << "CAUTION: Boost.Preprocessor iterated file " << include_file.string() << " does not exist." << std::endl;
380       }
381       ++i;
382    }
384    //
385    // Scan for any #include MACRO includes that we don't recognise.
386    //
387    // Begin by declaring all of the macros that get #included that
388    // we know about and are correctly handled as special cases:
389    //
390    static const std::string known_macros[] = {
391       "AUX778076_INCLUDE_STRING",
392       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed/AUX778076_PREPROCESSED_HEADER)",
393       "BOOST_USER_CONFIG",
397       "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1",
399       "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_2",
401       "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_3",
403       "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_4",
405       "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_5",
408       "BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF()",
409       "BOOST_PP_ITERATE",
411       "BOOST_PP_ITERATE()",
413       "BOOST_PP_ASSIGN_SLOT(1)",
414       "BOOST_PP_ASSIGN_SLOT(2)",
415       "BOOST_PP_ASSIGN_SLOT(3)",
416       "BOOST_PP_ASSIGN_SLOT(4)",
417       "BOOST_PP_ASSIGN_SLOT(5)",
418       "BOOST_ABI_PREFIX",
419       "BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX",
420       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed/AUX_PREPROCESSED_HEADER)",
421       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/list/AUX778076_HEADER)",
422       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/list/AUX778076_LIST_C_HEADER)",
423       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/list/AUX778076_LIST_HEADER)",
424       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/map/aux_/preprocessed/AUX778076_HEADER)",
425       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/map/AUX778076_MAP_HEADER)",
426       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/set/aux_/preprocessed/AUX778076_HEADER)",
427       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/set/AUX778076_SET_HEADER)",
428       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/set/AUX778076_SET_C_HEADER)",
429       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/vector/AUX778076_VECTOR_HEADER)",
430       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/vector/aux_/preprocessed/AUX778076_HEADER)",
431       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/vector/AUX778076_DEQUE_HEADER)",
432       "BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(boost/mpl/vector/AUX778076_VECTOR_C_HEADER)",
435       "B1",
436       "B2",
444       "BOOST_FT_loop",
447       "__FILE__",
448       "BOOST_FT_cc_file",
449       "BOOST_FT_variate_file",
450       "BOOST_USER_CONFIG",
451       "BOOST_HEADER()",
452       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(utility)",
453       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(tuple))",
454       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(random))",
455       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(array))",
456       "BOOST_TR1_HEADER(cmath)",
457       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(complex))",
458       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(functional))",
459       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(memory))",
460       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(regex))",
461       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(type_traits))",
462       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(unordered_map))",
463       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(unordered_set))",
464       "BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(utility))",
468   };
470    static const boost::regex indirect_includes("^[[:blank:]]*#[[:blank:]]*include[[:blank:]]+([^\"<][^\n]*?)[[:blank:]]*$");
471    i = boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*>(view.begin(), view.end(), indirect_includes, 1);
472    while(i != j)
473    {
474       const std::string* known_macros_end = known_macros + sizeof(known_macros)/sizeof(known_macros[0]);
475       if(known_macros_end == std::find(known_macros, known_macros_end, i->str()))
476       {
477          std::cerr << "CAUTION: don't know how to trace depenencies through macro: \"" << *i << "\" in file: " << p.string() << std::endl;
478       }
479       ++i;
480    }
481    //
482    // if the file contains a cpp_main / unit_test_main / test_main
483    // it is dependent upon Boost.test even if it doesn't
484    // include any of the Boost.test headers directly.
485    //
486    static const boost::regex m("^\\s*int\\s+(?:cpp_main|test_main|unit_test_main)");
487    boost::cmatch what;
488    if(boost::regex_search(view.begin(), view.end(), what, m))
489    {
490       add_dependent_lib("test", p, view);
491    }
492    if(!scanfile)
493    {
494       //
495       // grab the name of the library to which the header belongs,
496       // and if that library has source then add the source to our
497       // list:
498       //
499       // this regex catches boost/libname.hpp or boost/libname/whatever:
500       //
501       static const boost::regex lib1("boost/([^\\./]+)(?!detail).*");
502       boost::smatch swhat;
503       std::string gs(p.generic_string());
504       if(boost::regex_match(gs, swhat, lib1))
505       {
506          add_dependent_lib(swhat.str(1), p, view);
507       }
508       //
509       // and this one catches boost/x/y/whatever (for example numeric/ublas):
510       //
511       static const boost::regex lib2("boost/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(?!detail).*");
512       gs = p.generic_string();
513       if(boost::regex_match(gs, swhat, lib2))
514       {
515          add_dependent_lib(swhat.str(1), p, view);
516       }
517    }
518    if(m_list_namespaces)
519    {
520       //
521       // scan for top level namespaces and add to our list:
522       //
523       static const boost::regex namespace_scanner(
524          "^(?<!\\\\\\n)[[:blank:]]*+namespace\\s++(\\w++)\\s++(\\{[^{}]*(?:(?2)[^{}]*)*\\})"
525          );
526       i = boost::regex_token_iterator<const char*>(view.begin(), view.end(), namespace_scanner, 1);
527       while(i != j)
528       {
529          if(m_top_namespaces.count(*i) == 0)
530          {
531             //std::cout << *i << " (Found in " << p << ")" << std::endl;
532             m_top_namespaces[*i] = p;
533          }
534          ++i;
535       }
536    }
537 }