2# Verify the orthogonality of iterators (table*::rnd_next()),
3# for every table and instruments.
5--source include/not_embedded.inc
6--source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc
7--source include/have_perfschema.inc
10drop procedure if exists check_instrument;
13# Print known global memory instruments (PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL),
14# see maintenance of count_global_expected below.
16# --echo "Known PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL memory instruments"
17# select name from performance_schema.setup_instruments
18#   where (name like "memory/%")
19#   and (name not like "memory/performance_schema/%")
20#   and (name not in
21#     (select event_name from
22#       performance_schema.memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name));
24delimiter $;
25create procedure check_instrument(in instr_name varchar(128))
27  declare save_count_expected integer;
28  declare count_expected integer;
29  declare count_builtin_expected integer;
30  declare count_global_expected integer;
31  declare is_wait integer;
32  declare is_wait_file integer;
33  declare is_wait_socket integer;
34  declare is_stage integer;
35  declare is_statement integer;
36  declare is_transaction integer;
37  declare is_memory integer;
38  declare is_wait_table integer;
39  declare is_wait_file_table integer;
40  declare is_wait_socket_table integer;
41  declare is_stage_table integer;
42  declare is_statement_table integer;
43  declare is_transaction_table integer;
44  declare is_memory_table integer;
45  declare is_memory_global_table integer;
46  declare pfs_table_name varchar(64);
47  declare msg varchar(512);
48  declare msg_detail varchar(512);
49  declare cmd_1 varchar(512);
50  declare cmd_2 varchar(512);
51  declare done integer default 0;
52  declare debug integer default 0;
54  declare pfs_cursor CURSOR FOR
55    select table_name from information_schema.tables
56      where table_schema= 'performance_schema'
57      and table_name like "%_by_event_name%";
59  declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000'
60    set done = 1;
62  select (instr_name like "wait/%") or (instr_name like "idle") into is_wait;
63  select (instr_name like "wait/io/file/%") into is_wait_file;
64  select (instr_name like "wait/io/socket/%") into is_wait_socket;
65  select (instr_name like "stage/%") into is_stage;
66  select (instr_name like "statement/%") into is_statement;
67  select (instr_name like "memory/%") into is_memory;
68  select (instr_name like "transaction") into is_transaction;
70  select instr_name, is_wait, is_wait_file, is_wait_socket, is_stage, is_statement, is_memory, is_transaction;
72  select count(name)
73    from performance_schema.setup_instruments
74    where (name like (concat(instr_name, "%")))
75    and (not name like "%/abstract/%")
76    and (not name like "memory/performance_schema/%")
77    into save_count_expected;
79  select count(name)
80    from performance_schema.setup_instruments
81    where (name like (concat(instr_name, "%")))
82    and (name like "memory/performance_schema/%")
83    into count_builtin_expected;
85  select count(name)
86    from performance_schema.setup_instruments
87    where (name like (concat(instr_name, "%")))
88    and (name in (
89      "memory/sql/buffered_logs",
90      "memory/sql/sql_acl_mem",
91      "memory/sql/sql_acl_memex",
92      "memory/sql/acl_cache",
93      "memory/sql/TABLE_SHARE::mem_root",
94      "memory/sql/TABLE",
95      "memory/sql/Query_cache",
96      "memory/sql/native_functions",
97      "memory/sql/Event_basic::mem_root",
98      "memory/sql/root",
99      "memory/sql/load_env_plugins",
100      "memory/sql/plugin_ref",
101      "memory/sql/plugin_mem_root",
102      "memory/sql/plugin_bookmark",
103      "memory/csv/TINA_SHARE",
104      "memory/sql/tz_storage",
105      "memory/sql/servers_cache",
106      "memory/sql/udf_mem"
107    ))
108  into count_global_expected;
110  set cmd_1= "select count(*) from (select distinct event_name from performance_schema.";
111  set cmd_2= concat(" where event_name like \"",
112                    instr_name,
113                    "%\") t into @count_actual");
115  open pfs_cursor;
116  repeat
117    fetch pfs_cursor into pfs_table_name;
118    if not done then
119      select (pfs_table_name like "%waits%") into is_wait_table;
120      select (pfs_table_name like "file_summary%") into is_wait_file_table;
121      select (pfs_table_name like "socket_summary%") into is_wait_socket_table;
122      select (pfs_table_name like "%stages%") into is_stage_table;
123      select (pfs_table_name like "%statements%") into is_statement_table;
124      select (pfs_table_name like "%memory%") into is_memory_table;
125      select (pfs_table_name like "memory_summary_global_by_event_name") into is_memory_global_table;
126      select (pfs_table_name like "%transaction%") into is_transaction_table;
128      set count_expected = save_count_expected;
130      if is_memory_global_table
131      then
132        set count_expected = save_count_expected + count_builtin_expected;
133      end if;
135      if is_memory_table = 1 and is_memory_global_table = 0
136      then
137        set count_expected = save_count_expected - count_global_expected;
138      end if;
140      select concat("Checking table ", pfs_table_name, " ...") as status;
141      select concat(cmd_1, pfs_table_name, cmd_2) into @cmd;
142      if debug = 1
143      then
144        select @cmd;
145      end if;
146      prepare stmt from @cmd;
147      execute stmt;
148      drop prepare stmt;
149      set msg_detail= concat("table ", pfs_table_name,
150                             ", instruments ", count_expected,
151                             ", found ", @count_actual);
153      if is_wait = 1
154      then
155        if is_wait_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
156        then
157          set msg= concat("Missing wait events: ", msg_detail);
158          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
159        end if;
161        if is_wait_table = 0
162           and is_wait_file_table = 0
163           and is_wait_socket_table = 0
164           and @count_actual <> 0
165        then
166          set msg= concat("Unexpected wait events: ", msg_detail);
167          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
168        end if;
169      end if;
171      if is_wait_file = 1
172      then
173        if is_wait_file_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
174        then
175          set msg= concat("Missing wait/io/file events: ", msg_detail);
176          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
177        end if;
179        if is_wait_table = 0 and is_wait_file_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
180        then
181          set msg= concat("Unexpected wait/io/file events: ", msg_detail);
182          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
183        end if;
184      end if;
186      if is_wait_socket = 1
187      then
188        if is_wait_socket_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
189        then
190          set msg= concat("Missing wait/io/socket events: ", msg_detail);
191          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
192        end if;
194        if is_wait_table = 0 and is_wait_socket_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
195        then
196          set msg= concat("Unexpected wait/io/socket events: ", msg_detail);
197          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
198        end if;
199      end if;
201      if is_stage = 1
202      then
203        if is_stage_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
204        then
205          set msg= concat("Missing stage events: ", msg_detail);
206          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
207        end if;
209        if is_stage_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
210        then
211          set msg= concat("Unexpected stage events: ", msg_detail);
212          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
213        end if;
214      end if;
216      if is_statement = 1
217      then
218        if is_statement_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
219        then
220          set msg= concat("Missing statement events: ", msg_detail);
221          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
222        end if;
224        if is_statement_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
225        then
226          set msg= concat("Unexpected statement events: ", msg_detail);
227          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
228        end if;
229      end if;
231      if is_memory = 1
232      then
233        if is_memory_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
234        then
235          set msg= concat("Missing memory events: ", msg_detail);
236          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
237        end if;
239        if is_memory_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
240        then
241          set msg= concat("Unexpected memory events: ", msg_detail);
242          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
243        end if;
244      end if;
246      if is_transaction = 1
247      then
248        if is_transaction_table = 1 and @count_actual <> count_expected
249        then
250          set msg= concat("Missing transaction events: ", msg_detail);
251          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
252        end if;
254        if is_transaction_table = 0 and @count_actual <> 0
255        then
256          set msg= concat("Unexpected transaction events: ", msg_detail);
257          signal sqlstate '05000' set message_text= msg;
258        end if;
259      end if;
261    end if;
262  until done
263  end repeat;
264  close pfs_cursor;
266  -- Dont want to return a 02000 NOT FOUND, there should be a better way
267  signal sqlstate '01000' set message_text='Done', mysql_errno=12000;
270delimiter ;$
272# Check the configuration is ok
273show global variables where
274    `Variable_name` != "performance_schema_max_statement_classes" and
275    `Variable_name` like "performance_schema%";
277call check_instrument("wait/synch/mutex/");
278call check_instrument("wait/synch/rwlock/");
279call check_instrument("wait/synch/sxlock/");
280call check_instrument("wait/synch/cond/");
281call check_instrument("wait/synch/");
282call check_instrument("wait/io/file/");
283call check_instrument("wait/io/socket/");
284call check_instrument("wait/io/table/");
285call check_instrument("wait/io/");
286call check_instrument("wait/lock/table/");
287call check_instrument("wait/lock/");
288call check_instrument("wait/");
289call check_instrument("stage/");
290call check_instrument("statement/com/");
291call check_instrument("statement/sql/");
292call check_instrument("statement/abstract/");
293call check_instrument("statement/");
294call check_instrument("idle");
295call check_instrument("memory/");
296call check_instrument("memory/performance_schema/");
297call check_instrument("transaction");
299drop procedure check_instrument;