2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# This script builds unaccent.rules on standard output when given the
5# contents of UnicodeData.txt [1] and Latin-ASCII.xml [2] given as
6# arguments. Optionally includes ligature expansion and Unicode CLDR
7# Latin-ASCII transliterator, enabled by default, this can be disabled
8# with "--no-ligatures-expansion" command line option.
10# The approach is to use the Unicode decomposition data to identify
11# precomposed codepoints that are equivalent to a ligature of several
12# letters, or a base letter with any number of diacritical marks.
14# This approach handles most letters with diacritical marks and some
15# ligatures.  However, several characters (notably a majority of
16# ligatures) don't have decomposition. To handle all these cases, one can
17# use a standard Unicode transliterator available in Common Locale Data
18# Repository (CLDR): Latin-ASCII.  This transliterator associates Unicode
19# characters to ASCII-range equivalent.  Unless "--no-ligatures-expansion"
20# option is enabled, the XML file of this transliterator [2] -- given as a
21# command line argument -- will be parsed and used.
23# [1] http://unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt
24# [2] http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/export/12304/tags/release-28/common/transforms/Latin-ASCII.xml
27import re
28import argparse
29import sys
30import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
32def print_record(codepoint, letter):
33    print (unichr(codepoint) + "\t" + letter).encode("UTF-8")
35class Codepoint:
36    def __init__(self, id, general_category, combining_ids):
37        self.id = id
38        self.general_category = general_category
39        self.combining_ids = combining_ids
41def is_plain_letter(codepoint):
42    """Return true if codepoint represents a plain ASCII letter."""
43    return (codepoint.id >= ord('a') and codepoint.id <= ord('z')) or \
44           (codepoint.id >= ord('A') and codepoint.id <= ord('Z'))
46def is_mark(codepoint):
47    """Returns true for diacritical marks (combining codepoints)."""
48    return codepoint.general_category in ("Mn", "Me", "Mc")
50def is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
51    """Returns true for letters combined with one or more marks."""
52    # See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-14.html#General_Category_Values
54    # Letter may have no combining characters, in which case it has
55    # no marks.
56    if len(codepoint.combining_ids) == 1:
57        return False
59    # A letter without diacritical marks has none of them.
60    if any(is_mark(table[i]) for i in codepoint.combining_ids[1:]) is False:
61        return False
63    # Check if the base letter of this letter has marks.
64    codepoint_base = codepoint.combining_ids[0]
65    if (is_plain_letter(table[codepoint_base]) is False and \
66        is_letter_with_marks(table[codepoint_base], table) is False):
67        return False
69    return True
71def is_letter(codepoint, table):
72    """Return true for letter with or without diacritical marks."""
73    return is_plain_letter(codepoint) or is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table)
75def get_plain_letter(codepoint, table):
76    """Return the base codepoint without marks. If this codepoint has more
77    than one combining character, do a recursive lookup on the table to
78    find out its plain base letter."""
79    if is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
80        if len(table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]].combining_ids) > 1:
81            return get_plain_letter(table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]], table)
82        elif is_plain_letter(table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]]):
83            return table[codepoint.combining_ids[0]]
85        # Should not come here
86        assert(False)
87    elif is_plain_letter(codepoint):
88        return codepoint
90    # Should not come here
91    assert(False)
93def is_ligature(codepoint, table):
94    """Return true for letters combined with letters."""
95    return all(is_letter(table[i], table) for i in codepoint.combining_ids)
97def get_plain_letters(codepoint, table):
98    """Return a list of plain letters from a ligature."""
99    assert(is_ligature(codepoint, table))
100    return [get_plain_letter(table[id], table) for id in codepoint.combining_ids]
102def parse_cldr_latin_ascii_transliterator(latinAsciiFilePath):
103    """Parse the XML file and return a set of tuples (src, trg), where "src"
104    is the original character and "trg" the substitute."""
105    charactersSet = set()
107    # RegEx to parse rules
108    rulePattern = re.compile(ur'^(?:(.)|(\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})) \u2192 (?:\'(.+)\'|(.+)) ;')
110    # construct tree from XML
111    transliterationTree = ET.parse(latinAsciiFilePath)
112    transliterationTreeRoot = transliterationTree.getroot()
114    for rule in transliterationTreeRoot.findall("./transforms/transform/tRule"):
115        matches = rulePattern.search(rule.text)
117        # The regular expression capture four groups corresponding
118        # to the characters.
119        #
120        # Group 1: plain "src" char. Empty if group 2 is not.
121        # Group 2: unicode-escaped "src" char (e.g. "\u0110"). Empty if group 1 is not.
122        #
123        # Group 3: plain "trg" char. Empty if group 4 is not.
124        # Group 4: plain "trg" char between quotes. Empty if group 3 is not.
125        if matches is not None:
126            src = matches.group(1) if matches.group(1) is not None else matches.group(2).decode('unicode-escape')
127            trg = matches.group(3) if matches.group(3) is not None else matches.group(4)
129            # "'" and """ are escaped
130            trg = trg.replace("\\'", "'").replace('\\"', '"')
132            # the parser of unaccent only accepts non-whitespace characters
133            # for "src" and "trg" (see unaccent.c)
134            if not src.isspace() and not trg.isspace():
135                charactersSet.add((ord(src), trg))
137    return charactersSet
139def special_cases():
140    """Returns the special cases which are not handled by other methods"""
141    charactersSet = set()
143    # Cyrillic
144    charactersSet.add((0x0401, u"\u0415")) # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
145    charactersSet.add((0x0451, u"\u0435")) # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
147    # Symbols of "Letterlike Symbols" Unicode Block (U+2100 to U+214F)
148    charactersSet.add((0x2103, u"\xb0C")) # DEGREE CELSIUS
149    charactersSet.add((0x2109, u"\xb0F")) # DEGREE FAHRENHEIT
150    charactersSet.add((0x2117, "(P)")) # SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT
152    return charactersSet
154def main(args):
155    # http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-14.html#Character_Decomposition_Mappings
156    decomposition_type_pattern = re.compile(" *<[^>]*> *")
158    table = {}
159    all = []
161    # unordered set for ensure uniqueness
162    charactersSet = set()
164    # read file UnicodeData.txt
165    unicodeDataFile = open(args.unicodeDataFilePath, 'r')
167    # read everything we need into memory
168    for line in unicodeDataFile:
169        fields = line.split(";")
170        if len(fields) > 5:
171            # http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-14.html#UnicodeData.txt
172            general_category = fields[2]
173            decomposition = fields[5]
174            decomposition = re.sub(decomposition_type_pattern, ' ', decomposition)
175            id = int(fields[0], 16)
176            combining_ids = [int(s, 16) for s in decomposition.split(" ") if s != ""]
177            codepoint = Codepoint(id, general_category, combining_ids)
178            table[id] = codepoint
179            all.append(codepoint)
181    # walk through all the codepoints looking for interesting mappings
182    for codepoint in all:
183        if codepoint.general_category.startswith('L') and \
184           len(codepoint.combining_ids) > 1:
185            if is_letter_with_marks(codepoint, table):
186                charactersSet.add((codepoint.id,
187                             chr(get_plain_letter(codepoint, table).id)))
188            elif args.noLigaturesExpansion is False and is_ligature(codepoint, table):
189                charactersSet.add((codepoint.id,
190                             "".join(unichr(combining_codepoint.id)
191                                     for combining_codepoint \
192                                     in get_plain_letters(codepoint, table))))
194    # add CLDR Latin-ASCII characters
195    if not args.noLigaturesExpansion:
196        charactersSet |= parse_cldr_latin_ascii_transliterator(args.latinAsciiFilePath)
197        charactersSet |= special_cases()
199    # sort for more convenient display
200    charactersList = sorted(charactersSet, key=lambda characterPair: characterPair[0])
202    for characterPair in charactersList:
203        print_record(characterPair[0], characterPair[1])
205if __name__ == "__main__":
206    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script builds unaccent.rules on standard output when given the contents of UnicodeData.txt and Latin-ASCII.xml given as arguments.')
207    parser.add_argument("--unicode-data-file", help="Path to formatted text file corresponding to UnicodeData.txt. See <http://unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt>.", type=str, required=True, dest='unicodeDataFilePath')
208    parser.add_argument("--latin-ascii-file", help="Path to XML file from Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) corresponding to Latin-ASCII transliterator (Latin-ASCII.xml). See <http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/export/12304/tags/release-28/common/transforms/Latin-ASCII.xml>.", type=str, dest='latinAsciiFilePath')
209    parser.add_argument("--no-ligatures-expansion", help="Do not expand ligatures and do not use Unicode CLDR Latin-ASCII transliterator. By default, this option is not enabled and \"--latin-ascii-file\" argument is required. If this option is enabled, \"--latin-ascii-file\" argument is optional and ignored.", action="store_true", dest='noLigaturesExpansion')
210    args = parser.parse_args()
212    if args.noLigaturesExpansion is False and args.latinAsciiFilePath is None:
213        sys.stderr.write('You must specify the path to Latin-ASCII transliterator file with \"--latin-ascii-file\" option or use \"--no-ligatures-expansion\" option. Use \"-h\" option for help.')
214        sys.exit(1)
216    main(args)