1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * ipc.c
4  *	  POSTGRES inter-process communication definitions.
5  *
6  * This file is misnamed, as it no longer has much of anything directly
7  * to do with IPC.  The functionality here is concerned with managing
8  * exit-time cleanup for either a postmaster or a backend.
9  *
10  *
11  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
12  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
13  *
14  *
16  *	  src/backend/storage/ipc/ipc.c
17  *
18  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
19  */
20 #include "postgres.h"
22 #include <signal.h>
23 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <sys/stat.h>
26 #include "miscadmin.h"
28 #include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
29 #endif
30 #include "storage/dsm.h"
31 #include "storage/ipc.h"
32 #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
35 /*
36  * This flag is set during proc_exit() to change ereport()'s behavior,
37  * so that an ereport() from an on_proc_exit routine cannot get us out
38  * of the exit procedure.  We do NOT want to go back to the idle loop...
39  */
40 bool		proc_exit_inprogress = false;
42 /*
43  * Set when shmem_exit() is in progress.
44  */
45 bool		shmem_exit_inprogress = false;
47 /*
48  * This flag tracks whether we've called atexit() in the current process
49  * (or in the parent postmaster).
50  */
51 static bool atexit_callback_setup = false;
53 /* local functions */
54 static void proc_exit_prepare(int code);
57 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
58  *						exit() handling stuff
59  *
60  * These functions are in generally the same spirit as atexit(),
61  * but provide some additional features we need --- in particular,
62  * we want to register callbacks to invoke when we are disconnecting
63  * from a broken shared-memory context but not exiting the postmaster.
64  *
65  * Callback functions can take zero, one, or two args: the first passed
66  * arg is the integer exitcode, the second is the Datum supplied when
67  * the callback was registered.
68  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
69  */
71 #define MAX_ON_EXITS 20
73 struct ONEXIT
74 {
75 	pg_on_exit_callback function;
76 	Datum		arg;
77 };
79 static struct ONEXIT on_proc_exit_list[MAX_ON_EXITS];
80 static struct ONEXIT on_shmem_exit_list[MAX_ON_EXITS];
81 static struct ONEXIT before_shmem_exit_list[MAX_ON_EXITS];
83 static int	on_proc_exit_index,
84 			on_shmem_exit_index,
85 			before_shmem_exit_index;
88 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
89  *		proc_exit
90  *
91  *		this function calls all the callbacks registered
92  *		for it (to free resources) and then calls exit.
93  *
94  *		This should be the only function to call exit().
95  *		-cim 2/6/90
96  *
97  *		Unfortunately, we can't really guarantee that add-on code
98  *		obeys the rule of not calling exit() directly.  So, while
99  *		this is the preferred way out of the system, we also register
100  *		an atexit callback that will make sure cleanup happens.
101  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
102  */
103 void
proc_exit(int code)104 proc_exit(int code)
105 {
106 	/* Clean up everything that must be cleaned up */
107 	proc_exit_prepare(code);
109 #ifdef PROFILE_PID_DIR
110 	{
111 		/*
112 		 * If we are profiling ourself then gprof's mcleanup() is about to
113 		 * write out a profile to ./gmon.out.  Since mcleanup() always uses a
114 		 * fixed file name, each backend will overwrite earlier profiles. To
115 		 * fix that, we create a separate subdirectory for each backend
116 		 * (./gprof/pid) and 'cd' to that subdirectory before we exit() - that
117 		 * forces mcleanup() to write each profile into its own directory.  We
118 		 * end up with something like: $PGDATA/gprof/8829/gmon.out
119 		 * $PGDATA/gprof/8845/gmon.out ...
120 		 *
121 		 * To avoid undesirable disk space bloat, autovacuum workers are
122 		 * discriminated against: all their gmon.out files go into the same
123 		 * subdirectory.  Without this, an installation that is "just sitting
124 		 * there" nonetheless eats megabytes of disk space every few seconds.
125 		 *
126 		 * Note that we do this here instead of in an on_proc_exit() callback
127 		 * because we want to ensure that this code executes last - we don't
128 		 * want to interfere with any other on_proc_exit() callback.  For the
129 		 * same reason, we do not include it in proc_exit_prepare ... so if
130 		 * you are exiting in the "wrong way" you won't drop your profile in a
131 		 * nice place.
132 		 */
133 		char		gprofDirName[32];
135 		if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
136 			snprintf(gprofDirName, 32, "gprof/avworker");
137 		else
138 			snprintf(gprofDirName, 32, "gprof/%d", (int) getpid());
140 		/*
141 		 * Use mkdir() instead of MakePGDirectory() since we aren't making a
142 		 * PG directory here.
143 		 */
144 		mkdir("gprof", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
145 		mkdir(gprofDirName, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
146 		chdir(gprofDirName);
147 	}
148 #endif
150 	elog(DEBUG3, "exit(%d)", code);
152 	exit(code);
153 }
155 /*
156  * Code shared between proc_exit and the atexit handler.  Note that in
157  * normal exit through proc_exit, this will actually be called twice ...
158  * but the second call will have nothing to do.
159  */
160 static void
proc_exit_prepare(int code)161 proc_exit_prepare(int code)
162 {
163 	/*
164 	 * Once we set this flag, we are committed to exit.  Any ereport() will
165 	 * NOT send control back to the main loop, but right back here.
166 	 */
167 	proc_exit_inprogress = true;
169 	/*
170 	 * Forget any pending cancel or die requests; we're doing our best to
171 	 * close up shop already.  Note that the signal handlers will not set
172 	 * these flags again, now that proc_exit_inprogress is set.
173 	 */
174 	InterruptPending = false;
175 	ProcDiePending = false;
176 	QueryCancelPending = false;
177 	InterruptHoldoffCount = 1;
178 	CritSectionCount = 0;
180 	/*
181 	 * Also clear the error context stack, to prevent error callbacks from
182 	 * being invoked by any elog/ereport calls made during proc_exit. Whatever
183 	 * context they might want to offer is probably not relevant, and in any
184 	 * case they are likely to fail outright after we've done things like
185 	 * aborting any open transaction.  (In normal exit scenarios the context
186 	 * stack should be empty anyway, but it might not be in the case of
187 	 * elog(FATAL) for example.)
188 	 */
189 	error_context_stack = NULL;
190 	/* For the same reason, reset debug_query_string before it's clobbered */
191 	debug_query_string = NULL;
193 	/* do our shared memory exits first */
194 	shmem_exit(code);
196 	elog(DEBUG3, "proc_exit(%d): %d callbacks to make",
197 		 code, on_proc_exit_index);
199 	/*
200 	 * call all the registered callbacks.
201 	 *
202 	 * Note that since we decrement on_proc_exit_index each time, if a
203 	 * callback calls ereport(ERROR) or ereport(FATAL) then it won't be
204 	 * invoked again when control comes back here (nor will the
205 	 * previously-completed callbacks).  So, an infinite loop should not be
206 	 * possible.
207 	 */
208 	while (--on_proc_exit_index >= 0)
209 		on_proc_exit_list[on_proc_exit_index].function(code,
210 													   on_proc_exit_list[on_proc_exit_index].arg);
212 	on_proc_exit_index = 0;
213 }
215 /* ------------------
216  * Run all of the on_shmem_exit routines --- but don't actually exit.
217  * This is used by the postmaster to re-initialize shared memory and
218  * semaphores after a backend dies horribly.  As with proc_exit(), we
219  * remove each callback from the list before calling it, to avoid
220  * infinite loop in case of error.
221  * ------------------
222  */
223 void
shmem_exit(int code)224 shmem_exit(int code)
225 {
226 	shmem_exit_inprogress = true;
228 	/*
229 	 * Call before_shmem_exit callbacks.
230 	 *
231 	 * These should be things that need most of the system to still be up and
232 	 * working, such as cleanup of temp relations, which requires catalog
233 	 * access; or things that need to be completed because later cleanup steps
234 	 * depend on them, such as releasing lwlocks.
235 	 */
236 	elog(DEBUG3, "shmem_exit(%d): %d before_shmem_exit callbacks to make",
237 		 code, before_shmem_exit_index);
238 	while (--before_shmem_exit_index >= 0)
239 		before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index].function(code,
240 																 before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index].arg);
241 	before_shmem_exit_index = 0;
243 	/*
244 	 * Call dynamic shared memory callbacks.
245 	 *
246 	 * These serve the same purpose as late callbacks, but for dynamic shared
247 	 * memory segments rather than the main shared memory segment.
248 	 * dsm_backend_shutdown() has the same kind of progressive logic we use
249 	 * for the main shared memory segment; namely, it unregisters each
250 	 * callback before invoking it, so that we don't get stuck in an infinite
251 	 * loop if one of those callbacks itself throws an ERROR or FATAL.
252 	 *
253 	 * Note that explicitly calling this function here is quite different from
254 	 * registering it as an on_shmem_exit callback for precisely this reason:
255 	 * if one dynamic shared memory callback errors out, the remaining
256 	 * callbacks will still be invoked.  Thus, hard-coding this call puts it
257 	 * equal footing with callbacks for the main shared memory segment.
258 	 */
259 	dsm_backend_shutdown();
261 	/*
262 	 * Call on_shmem_exit callbacks.
263 	 *
264 	 * These are generally releasing low-level shared memory resources.  In
265 	 * some cases, this is a backstop against the possibility that the early
266 	 * callbacks might themselves fail, leading to re-entry to this routine;
267 	 * in other cases, it's cleanup that only happens at process exit.
268 	 */
269 	elog(DEBUG3, "shmem_exit(%d): %d on_shmem_exit callbacks to make",
270 		 code, on_shmem_exit_index);
271 	while (--on_shmem_exit_index >= 0)
272 		on_shmem_exit_list[on_shmem_exit_index].function(code,
273 														 on_shmem_exit_list[on_shmem_exit_index].arg);
274 	on_shmem_exit_index = 0;
276 	shmem_exit_inprogress = false;
277 }
279 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
280  *		atexit_callback
281  *
282  *		Backstop to ensure that direct calls of exit() don't mess us up.
283  *
284  * Somebody who was being really uncooperative could call _exit(),
285  * but for that case we have a "dead man switch" that will make the
286  * postmaster treat it as a crash --- see pmsignal.c.
287  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
288  */
289 static void
atexit_callback(void)290 atexit_callback(void)
291 {
292 	/* Clean up everything that must be cleaned up */
293 	/* ... too bad we don't know the real exit code ... */
294 	proc_exit_prepare(-1);
295 }
297 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
298  *		on_proc_exit
299  *
300  *		this function adds a callback function to the list of
301  *		functions invoked by proc_exit().   -cim 2/6/90
302  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
303  */
304 void
on_proc_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function,Datum arg)305 on_proc_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function, Datum arg)
306 {
307 	if (on_proc_exit_index >= MAX_ON_EXITS)
308 		ereport(FATAL,
310 				 errmsg_internal("out of on_proc_exit slots")));
312 	on_proc_exit_list[on_proc_exit_index].function = function;
313 	on_proc_exit_list[on_proc_exit_index].arg = arg;
315 	++on_proc_exit_index;
317 	if (!atexit_callback_setup)
318 	{
319 		atexit(atexit_callback);
320 		atexit_callback_setup = true;
321 	}
322 }
324 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
325  *		before_shmem_exit
326  *
327  *		Register early callback to perform user-level cleanup,
328  *		e.g. transaction abort, before we begin shutting down
329  *		low-level subsystems.
330  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
331  */
332 void
before_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function,Datum arg)333 before_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function, Datum arg)
334 {
335 	if (before_shmem_exit_index >= MAX_ON_EXITS)
336 		ereport(FATAL,
338 				 errmsg_internal("out of before_shmem_exit slots")));
340 	before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index].function = function;
341 	before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index].arg = arg;
343 	++before_shmem_exit_index;
345 	if (!atexit_callback_setup)
346 	{
347 		atexit(atexit_callback);
348 		atexit_callback_setup = true;
349 	}
350 }
352 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
353  *		on_shmem_exit
354  *
355  *		Register ordinary callback to perform low-level shutdown
356  *		(e.g. releasing our PGPROC); run after before_shmem_exit
357  *		callbacks and before on_proc_exit callbacks.
358  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
359  */
360 void
on_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function,Datum arg)361 on_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function, Datum arg)
362 {
363 	if (on_shmem_exit_index >= MAX_ON_EXITS)
364 		ereport(FATAL,
366 				 errmsg_internal("out of on_shmem_exit slots")));
368 	on_shmem_exit_list[on_shmem_exit_index].function = function;
369 	on_shmem_exit_list[on_shmem_exit_index].arg = arg;
371 	++on_shmem_exit_index;
373 	if (!atexit_callback_setup)
374 	{
375 		atexit(atexit_callback);
376 		atexit_callback_setup = true;
377 	}
378 }
380 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
381  *		cancel_before_shmem_exit
382  *
383  *		this function removes a previously-registered before_shmem_exit
384  *		callback.  For simplicity, only the latest entry can be
385  *		removed.  (We could work harder but there is no need for
386  *		current uses.)
387  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
388  */
389 void
cancel_before_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function,Datum arg)390 cancel_before_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function, Datum arg)
391 {
392 	if (before_shmem_exit_index > 0 &&
393 		before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index - 1].function
394 		== function &&
395 		before_shmem_exit_list[before_shmem_exit_index - 1].arg == arg)
396 		--before_shmem_exit_index;
397 }
399 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
400  *		on_exit_reset
401  *
402  *		this function clears all on_proc_exit() and on_shmem_exit()
403  *		registered functions.  This is used just after forking a backend,
404  *		so that the backend doesn't believe it should call the postmaster's
405  *		on-exit routines when it exits...
406  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
407  */
408 void
on_exit_reset(void)409 on_exit_reset(void)
410 {
411 	before_shmem_exit_index = 0;
412 	on_shmem_exit_index = 0;
413 	on_proc_exit_index = 0;
414 	reset_on_dsm_detach();
415 }