1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * brin_xlog.h
4  *	  POSTGRES BRIN access XLOG definitions.
5  *
6  *
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
9  *
10  * src/include/access/brin_xlog.h
11  *
12  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13  */
14 #ifndef BRIN_XLOG_H
15 #define BRIN_XLOG_H
17 #include "access/xlogreader.h"
18 #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
19 #include "storage/bufpage.h"
20 #include "storage/itemptr.h"
21 #include "storage/relfilenode.h"
22 #include "utils/relcache.h"
25 /*
26  * WAL record definitions for BRIN's WAL operations
27  *
28  * XLOG allows to store some information in high 4 bits of log
29  * record xl_info field.
30  */
31 #define XLOG_BRIN_CREATE_INDEX		0x00
32 #define XLOG_BRIN_INSERT			0x10
33 #define XLOG_BRIN_UPDATE			0x20
35 #define XLOG_BRIN_REVMAP_EXTEND		0x40
36 #define XLOG_BRIN_DESUMMARIZE		0x50
38 #define XLOG_BRIN_OPMASK			0x70
39 /*
40  * When we insert the first item on a new page, we restore the entire page in
41  * redo.
42  */
43 #define XLOG_BRIN_INIT_PAGE		0x80
45 /*
46  * This is what we need to know about a BRIN index create.
47  *
48  * Backup block 0: metapage
49  */
50 typedef struct xl_brin_createidx
51 {
52 	BlockNumber pagesPerRange;
53 	uint16		version;
54 } xl_brin_createidx;
55 #define SizeOfBrinCreateIdx (offsetof(xl_brin_createidx, version) + sizeof(uint16))
57 /*
58  * This is what we need to know about a BRIN tuple insert
59  *
60  * Backup block 0: main page, block data is the new BrinTuple.
61  * Backup block 1: revmap page
62  */
63 typedef struct xl_brin_insert
64 {
65 	BlockNumber heapBlk;
67 	/* extra information needed to update the revmap */
68 	BlockNumber pagesPerRange;
70 	/* offset number in the main page to insert the tuple to. */
71 	OffsetNumber offnum;
72 } xl_brin_insert;
74 #define SizeOfBrinInsert	(offsetof(xl_brin_insert, offnum) + sizeof(OffsetNumber))
76 /*
77  * A cross-page update is the same as an insert, but also stores information
78  * about the old tuple.
79  *
80  * Like in xl_brin_insert:
81  * Backup block 0: new page, block data includes the new BrinTuple.
82  * Backup block 1: revmap page
83  *
84  * And in addition:
85  * Backup block 2: old page
86  */
87 typedef struct xl_brin_update
88 {
89 	/* offset number of old tuple on old page */
90 	OffsetNumber oldOffnum;
92 	xl_brin_insert insert;
93 } xl_brin_update;
95 #define SizeOfBrinUpdate	(offsetof(xl_brin_update, insert) + SizeOfBrinInsert)
97 /*
98  * This is what we need to know about a BRIN tuple samepage update
99  *
100  * Backup block 0: updated page, with new BrinTuple as block data
101  */
102 typedef struct xl_brin_samepage_update
103 {
104 	OffsetNumber offnum;
105 } xl_brin_samepage_update;
107 #define SizeOfBrinSamepageUpdate		(sizeof(OffsetNumber))
109 /*
110  * This is what we need to know about a revmap extension
111  *
112  * Backup block 0: metapage
113  * Backup block 1: new revmap page
114  */
115 typedef struct xl_brin_revmap_extend
116 {
117 	/*
118 	 * XXX: This is actually redundant - the block number is stored as part of
119 	 * backup block 1.
120 	 */
121 	BlockNumber targetBlk;
122 } xl_brin_revmap_extend;
124 #define SizeOfBrinRevmapExtend	(offsetof(xl_brin_revmap_extend, targetBlk) + \
125 								 sizeof(BlockNumber))
127 /*
128  * This is what we need to know about a range de-summarization
129  *
130  * Backup block 0: revmap page
131  * Backup block 1: regular page
132  */
133 typedef struct xl_brin_desummarize
134 {
135 	BlockNumber pagesPerRange;
136 	/* page number location to set to invalid */
137 	BlockNumber heapBlk;
138 	/* offset of item to delete in regular index page */
139 	OffsetNumber regOffset;
140 } xl_brin_desummarize;
142 #define SizeOfBrinDesummarize	(offsetof(xl_brin_desummarize, regOffset) + \
143 								 sizeof(OffsetNumber))
146 extern void brin_redo(XLogReaderState *record);
147 extern void brin_desc(StringInfo buf, XLogReaderState *record);
148 extern const char *brin_identify(uint8 info);
149 extern void brin_mask(char *pagedata, BlockNumber blkno);
151 #endif							/* BRIN_XLOG_H */