1.. _migration_14_toplevel:
4What's New in SQLAlchemy 1.4?
7.. admonition:: About this Document
9    This document describes changes between SQLAlchemy version 1.3
10    and SQLAlchemy version 1.4.
12    Version 1.4 is taking on a different focus than other SQLAlchemy releases
13    in that it is in many ways attempting to serve as a potential migration
14    point for a more dramatic series of API changes currently planned for
15    release  2.0 of SQLAlchemy.   The focus of SQLAlchemy 2.0 is a modernized
16    and slimmed down API that removes lots of usage patterns that have long
17    been discouraged, as well as mainstreams the best ideas in SQLAlchemy as
18    first class API features, with the goal being that there is much less
19    ambiguity in how the API is to be used, as well as that a series of
20    implicit behaviors and rarely-used API flags that complicate the internals
21    and hinder performance will be removed.
23    For the current status of SQLAlchemy 2.0, see :ref:`migration_20_toplevel`.
25Major API changes and features - General
28.. _change_5634:
30Python 3.6 is the minimum Python 3 version; Python 2.7 still supported
33As Python 3.5 reached EOL in September of 2020, SQLAlchemy 1.4 now places
34version 3.6 as the minimum Python 3 version.  Python 2.7 is still supported,
35however the SQLAlchemy 1.4 series will be the last series to support Python 2.
38.. _change_5159:
40ORM Query is internally unified with select, update, delete; 2.0 style execution available
43The biggest conceptual change to SQLAlchemy for version 2.0 and essentially
44in 1.4 as well is that the great separation between the :class:`_sql.Select`
45construct in Core and the :class:`_orm.Query` object in the ORM has been removed,
46as well as between the :meth:`_orm.Query.update` and :meth:`_orm.Query.delete`
47methods in how they relate to :class:`_dml.Update` and :class:`_dml.Delete`.
49With regards to :class:`_sql.Select` and :class:`_orm.Query`, these two objects
50have for many versions had similar, largely overlapping APIs and even some
51ability to change between one and the other, while remaining very different in
52their usage patterns and behaviors.   The historical background for this was
53that the :class:`_orm.Query` object was introduced to overcome shortcomings in
54the :class:`_sql.Select` object which used to be at the core of how ORM objects
55were queried, except that they had to be queried in terms of
56:class:`_schema.Table` metadata only.    However :class:`_orm.Query` had only a
57simplistic interface for loading objects, and only over the course of many
58major releases did it eventually gain most of the flexibility of the
59:class:`_sql.Select` object, which then led to the ongoing awkwardness that
60these two objects became highly similar yet still largely incompatible with
61each other.
63In version 1.4, all Core and ORM SELECT statements are rendered from a
64:class:`_sql.Select` object directly; when the :class:`_orm.Query` object
65is used, at statement invocation time it copies its state to a :class:`_sql.Select`
66which is then invoked internally using :term:`2.0 style` execution.   Going forward,
67the :class:`_orm.Query` object will become legacy only, and applications will
68be encouraged to move to :term:`2.0 style` execution which allows Core constructs
69to be used freely against ORM entities::
71    with Session(engine, future=True) as sess:
73        stmt = select(User).where(
74            User.name == 'sandy'
75        ).join(User.addresses).where(Address.email_address.like("%gmail%"))
77        result = sess.execute(stmt)
79        for user in result.scalars():
80            print(user)
82Things to note about the above example:
84* The :class:`_orm.Session` and :class:`_orm.sessionmaker` objects now feature
85  full context manager (i.e. the ``with:`` statement) capability;
86  see the revised documentation at :ref:`session_getting` for an example.
88* Within the 1.4 series, all :term:`2.0 style` ORM invocation uses a
89  :class:`_orm.Session` that includes the :paramref:`_orm.Session.future`
90  flag set to ``True``; this flag indicates the :class:`_orm.Session` should
91  have 2.0-style behaviors, which include that ORM queries can be invoked
92  from :class:`_orm.Session.execute` as well as some changes in transactional
93  features.   In version 2.0 this flag will always be ``True``.
95* The :func:`_sql.select` construct no longer needs brackets around the
96  columns clause; see :ref:`change_5284` for background on this improvement.
98* The :func:`_sql.select`  / :class:`_sql.Select` object has a :meth:`_sql.Select.join`
99  method that acts like that of the :class:`_orm.Query` and even accommodates
100  an ORM relationship attribute (without breaking the separation between
101  Core and ORM!) - see :ref:`change_select_join` for background on this.
103* Statements that work with ORM entities and are expected to return ORM
104  results are invoked using :meth:`.orm.Session.execute`.  See
105  :ref:`session_querying_20` for a primer.
107* a :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned, rather than a plain list, which
108  itself is a much more sophisticated version of the previous ``ResultProxy``
109  object; this object is now used both for Core and ORM results.   See
110  :ref:`change_result_14_core`,
111  :ref:`change_4710_core`, and :ref:`change_4710_orm` for information on this.
113Throughout SQLAlchemy's documentation, there will be many references to
114:term:`1.x style` and :term:`2.0 style` execution.  This is to distinguish
115between the two querying styles and to attempt to forwards-document the new
116calling style going forward.  In SQLAlchemy 2.0, while the :class:`_orm.Query`
117object may remain as a legacy construct, it will no longer be featured in
118most documentation.
120Similar adjustments have been made to "bulk updates and deletes" such that
121Core :func:`_sql.update` and :func:`_sql.delete` can be used for bulk
122operations.   A bulk update like the following::
124    session.query(User).filter(User.name == 'sandy').update({"password": "foobar"}, synchronize_session="fetch")
126can now be achieved in :term:`2.0 style` (and indeed the above runs internally
127in this way) as follows::
129    with Session(engine, future=True) as sess:
130        stmt = update(User).where(
131            User.name == 'sandy'
132        ).values(password="foobar").execution_options(
133            synchronize_session="fetch"
134        )
136        sess.execute(stmt)
138Note the use of the :meth:`_sql.Executable.execution_options` method to pass
139ORM-related options.  The use of "execution options" is now much more prevalent
140within both Core and ORM, and many ORM-related methods from :class:`_orm.Query`
141are now implemented as execution options (see :meth:`_orm.Query.execution_options`
142for some examples).
144.. seealso::
146    :ref:`migration_20_toplevel`
150.. _change_4639:
152Transparent SQL Compilation Caching added to All DQL, DML Statements in Core, ORM
155One of the most broadly encompassing changes to ever land in a single
156SQLAlchemy version, a many-month reorganization and refactoring of all querying
157systems from the base of Core all the way through ORM now allows the
158majority of Python computation involved producing SQL strings and related
159statement metadata from a user-constructed statement to be cached in memory,
160such that subsequent invocations of an identical statement construct will use
16135-60% fewer CPU resources.
163This caching goes beyond the construction of the SQL string to also include the
164construction of result fetching structures that link the SQL construct to the
165result set, and in the ORM it includes the accommodation of ORM-enabled
166attribute loaders, relationship eager loaders and other options, and object
167construction routines that must be built up each time an ORM query seeks to run
168and construct ORM objects from result sets.
170To introduce the general idea of the feature, given code from the
171:ref:`examples_performance` suite as follows, which will invoke
172a very simple query "n" times, for a default value of n=10000.   The
173query returns only a single row, as the overhead we are looking to decrease
174is that of **many small queries**.    The optimization is not as significant
175for queries that return many rows::
177    session = Session(bind=engine)
178    for id_ in random.sample(ids, n):
179        result = session.query(Customer).filter(Customer.id == id_).one()
181This example in the 1.3 release of SQLAlchemy on a Dell XPS13 running Linux
182completes as follows::
184    test_orm_query : (10000 iterations); total time 3.440652 sec
186In 1.4, the code above without modification completes::
188    test_orm_query : (10000 iterations); total time 2.367934 sec
190This first test indicates that regular ORM queries when using caching can run
191over many iterations in the range of **30% faster**.
193A second variant of the feature is the optional use of Python lambdas to defer
194the construction of the query itself.  This is a more sophisticated variant of
195the approach used by the "Baked Query" extension, which was introduced in
196version 1.0.0.     The "lambda" feature may be used in a style very similar to
197that of baked queries, except that it is available in an ad-hoc way for any SQL
198construct.  It additionally includes the ability to scan each invocation of the
199lambda for bound literal values that change on every invocation, as well as
200changes to other constructs, such as querying from a different entity or column
201each time, while still not having to run the actual code each time.
203Using this API looks as follows::
205    session = Session(bind=engine)
206    for id_ in random.sample(ids, n):
207        stmt = lambda_stmt(lambda: future_select(Customer))
208        stmt += lambda s: s.where(Customer.id == id_)
209        session.execute(stmt).scalar_one()
211The code above completes::
213    test_orm_query_newstyle_w_lambdas : (10000 iterations); total time 1.247092 sec
215This test indicates that using the newer "select()" style of ORM querying,
216in conjunction with a full "baked" style invocation that caches the entire
217construction, can run over many iterations in the range of **60% faster** and
218grants performance about the same as the baked query system which is now superseded
219by the native caching system.
221The new system makes use of the existing
222:paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.compiled_cache` execution
223option and also adds a cache to the :class:`_engine.Engine` directly, which is
224configured using the :paramref:`_engine.Engine.query_cache_size` parameter.
226A significant portion of API and behavioral changes throughout 1.4 were
227driven in order to support this new feature.
229.. seealso::
231    :ref:`sql_caching`
239.. _change_5508:
241Declarative is now integrated into the ORM with new features
244After ten years or so of popularity, the ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative``
245package is now integrated into the ``sqlalchemy.orm`` namespace, with the
246exception of the declarative "extension" classes which remain as Declarative
249The new classes added to ``sqlalchemy.orm`` include:
251* :class:`_orm.registry` - a new class that supersedes the role of the
252  "declarative base" class, serving as a registry of mapped classes which
253  can be referenced via string name within :func:`_orm.relationship` calls
254  and is agnostic of the style in which any particular class was mapped.
256* :func:`_orm.declarative_base` - this is the same declarative base class that
257  has been in use throughout the span of the declarative system, except it now
258  references a :class:`_orm.registry` object internally and is implemented
259  by the :meth:`_orm.registry.generate_base` method which can be invoked
260  from a :class:`_orm.registry` directly.   The :func:`_orm.declarative_base`
261  function creates this registry automatically so there is no impact on
262  existing code.    The ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base`` name
263  is still present, emitting a 2.0 deprecation warning when
264  :ref:`2.0 deprecations mode <deprecation_20_mode>` is enabled.
266* :func:`_orm.declared_attr` - the same "declared attr" function call now
267  part of ``sqlalchemy.orm``.  The ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declared_attr``
268  name is still present, emitting a 2.0 deprecation warning when
269  :ref:`2.0 deprecations mode <deprecation_20_mode>` is enabled.
271* Other names moved into ``sqlalchemy.orm`` include :func:`_orm.has_inherited_table`,
272  :func:`_orm.synonym_for`, :class:`_orm.DeclarativeMeta`, :func:`_orm.as_declarative`.
274In addition, The :func:`_declarative.instrument_declarative` function is
275deprecated, superseded by :meth:`_orm.registry.map_declaratively`.  The
276:class:`_declarative.ConcreteBase`, :class:`_declarative.AbstractConcreteBase`,
277and :class:`_declarative.DeferredReflection` classes remain as extensions in the
278:ref:`declarative_toplevel` package.
280Mapping styles have now been organized such that they all extend from
281the :class:`_orm.registry` object, and fall into these categories:
283* :ref:`orm_declarative_mapping`
284    * Using :func:`_orm.declarative_base` Base class w/ metaclass
285        * :ref:`orm_declarative_table`
286        * :ref:`Imperative Table (a.k.a. "hybrid table") <orm_imperative_table_configuration>`
287    * Using :meth:`_orm.registry.mapped` Declarative Decorator
288        * Declarative Table
289        * Imperative Table (Hybrid)
290            * :ref:`orm_declarative_dataclasses`
291* :ref:`Imperative (a.k.a. "classical" mapping) <classical_mapping>`
292    * Using :meth:`_orm.registry.map_imperatively`
293        * :ref:`orm_imperative_dataclasses`
295The existing classical mapping function :func:`_orm.mapper` remains, however
296it is deprecated to call upon :func:`_orm.mapper` directly; the new
297:meth:`_orm.registry.map_imperatively` method now routes the request through
298the :meth:`_orm.registry` so that it integrates with other declarative mappings
301The new approach interoperates with 3rd party class instrumentation systems
302which necessarily must take place on the class before the mapping process
303does, allowing declarative mapping to work via a decorator instead of a
304declarative base so that packages like dataclasses_ and attrs_ can be
305used with declarative mappings, in addition to working with classical
308Declarative documentation has now been fully integrated into the ORM mapper
309configuration documentation and includes examples for all styles of mappings
310organized into one place. See the section
311:ref:`orm_mapping_classes_toplevel` for the start of the newly reorganized
314.. _dataclasses: https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html
315.. _attrs: https://pypi.org/project/attrs/
317.. seealso::
319  :ref:`orm_mapping_classes_toplevel`
321  :ref:`change_5027`
326.. _change_5027:
328Python Dataclasses, attrs Supported w/ Declarative, Imperative Mappings
331Along with the new declarative decorator styles introduced in :ref:`change_5508`,
332the :class:`_orm.Mapper` is now explicitly aware of the Python ``dataclasses``
333module and will recognize attributes that are configured in this way, and
334proceed to map them without skipping them as was the case previously.  In the
335case of the ``attrs`` module, ``attrs`` already removes its own attributes
336from the class so was already compatible with SQLAlchemy classical mappings.
337With the addition of the :meth:`_orm.registry.mapped` decorator, both
338attribute systems can now interoperate with Declarative mappings as well.
340.. seealso::
342  :ref:`orm_declarative_dataclasses`
344  :ref:`orm_imperative_dataclasses`
350.. _change_3414:
352Asynchronous IO Support for Core and ORM
355SQLAlchemy now supports Python ``asyncio``-compatible database drivers using an
356all-new asyncio front-end interface to :class:`_engine.Connection` for Core
357usage as well as :class:`_orm.Session` for ORM use, using the
358:class:`_asyncio.AsyncConnection` and :class:`_asyncio.AsyncSession` objects.
360.. note::  The new asyncio feature should be considered **alpha level** for
361   the initial releases of SQLAlchemy 1.4.   This is super new stuff that uses
362   some previously unfamiliar programming techniques.
364The initial database API supported is the :ref:`dialect-postgresql-asyncpg`
365asyncio driver for PostgreSQL.
367The internal features of SQLAlchemy are fully integrated by making use of
368the `greenlet <https://greenlet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ library in order
369to adapt the flow of execution within SQLAlchemy's internals to propagate
370asyncio ``await`` keywords outwards from the database driver to the end-user
371API, which features ``async`` methods.  Using this approach, the asyncpg
372driver is fully operational within SQLAlchemy's own test suite and features
373compatibility with most psycopg2 features.   The approach was vetted and
374improved upon by developers of the greenlet project for which SQLAlchemy
375is appreciative.
377.. sidebar:: greenlets are good
379  Don't confuse the greenlet_ library with event-based IO libraries that build
380  on top of it such as ``gevent`` and ``eventlet``; while the use of these
381  libraries with SQLAlchemy is common, SQLAlchemy's asyncio integration
382  **does not** make use of these event based systems in any way. The asyncio
383  API integrates with the user-provided event loop, typically Python's own
384  asyncio event loop, without the use of additional threads or event systems.
385  The approach involves a single greenlet context switch per ``await`` call,
386  and the extension which makes it possible is less than 20 lines of code.
388The user facing ``async`` API itself is focused around IO-oriented methods such
389as :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncEngine.connect` and
390:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncConnection.execute`.   The new Core constructs strictly
391support :term:`2.0 style` usage only; which means all statements must be
392invoked given a connection object, in this case
395Within the ORM, :term:`2.0 style` query execution is
396supported, using :func:`_sql.select` constructs in conjunction with
397:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.execute`; the legacy :class:`_orm.Query`
398object itself is not supported by the :class:`_asyncio.AsyncSession` class.
400ORM features such as lazy loading of related attributes as well as unexpiry of
401expired attributes are by definition disallowed in the traditional asyncio
402programming model, as they indicate IO operations that would run implicitly
403within the scope of a Python ``getattr()`` operation.   To overcome this, the
404**traditional** asyncio application should make judicious use of :ref:`eager
405loading <loading_toplevel>` techniques as well as forego the use of features
406such as :ref:`expire on commit <session_committing>` so that such loads are not
409For the asyncio application developer who **chooses to break** with
410tradition, the new API provides a **strictly optional
411feature** such that applications that wish to make use of such ORM features
412can opt to organize database-related code into functions which can then be
413run within greenlets using the :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.run_sync`
414method. See the ``greenlet_orm.py`` example at :ref:`examples_asyncio`
415for a demonstration.
417Support for asynchronous cursors is also provided using new methods
418:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncConnection.stream` and
419:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.stream`, which support a new
420:class:`_asyncio.AsyncResult` object that itself provides awaitable
421versions of common methods like
422:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncResult.all` and
423:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncResult.fetchmany`.   Both Core and ORM are integrated
424with the feature which corresponds to the use of "server side cursors"
425in traditional SQLAlchemy.
427.. seealso::
429  :ref:`asyncio_toplevel`
431  :ref:`examples_asyncio`
437.. _change_deferred_construction:
440Many Core and ORM statement objects now perform much of their construction and validation in the compile phase
443A major initiative in the 1.4 series is to approach the model of both Core SQL
444statements as well as the ORM Query to allow for an efficient, cacheable model
445of statement creation and compilation, where the compilation step would be
446cached, based on a cache key generated by the created statement object, which
447itself is newly created for each use.  Towards this goal, much of the Python
448computation which occurs within the construction of statements, particularly
449that of the ORM :class:`_query.Query` as well as the :func:`_sql.select`
450construct when used to invoke ORM queries, is being moved to occur within
451the compilation phase of the statement which only occurs after the statement
452has been invoked, and only if the statement's compiled form was not yet
455From an end-user perspective, this means that some of the error messages which
456can arise based on arguments passed to the object will no longer be raised
457immediately, and instead will occur only when the statement is invoked for
458the first time.    These conditions are always structural and not data driven,
459so there is no risk of such a condition being missed due to a cached statement.
461Error conditions which fall under this category include:
463* when a :class:`_selectable.CompoundSelect` is constructed (e.g. a UNION, EXCEPT, etc.)
464  and the SELECT statements passed do not have the same number of columns, a
465  :class:`.CompileError` is now raised to this effect; previously, an
466  :class:`.ArgumentError` would be raised immediately upon statement
467  construction.
469* Various error conditions which may arise when calling upon :meth:`.Query.join`
470  will be evaluated at statement compilation time rather than when the method
471  is first called.
473Other things that may change involve the :class:`_orm.Query` object directly:
475* Behaviors may be slightly different when calling upon the
476  :attr:`_orm.Query.statement` accessor. The :class:`_sql.Select` object
477  returned is now a direct copy of the same state that was present in the
478  :class:`_orm.Query`, without any ORM-specific compilation being performed
479  (which means it's dramatically faster). However, the :class:`_sql.Select`
480  will not have the same internal state as it had in 1.3, including things like
481  the FROM clauses being explicitly spelled out if they were not explicitly
482  stated in the :class:`_orm.Query`. This means code that relies upon
483  manipulating this :class:`_sql.Select` statement such as calling methods like
484  :meth:`_sql.Select.with_only_columns` may need to accommodate for the FROM
485  clause.
487.. seealso::
489    :ref:`change_4639`
491.. _change_4656:
493Repaired internal importing conventions such that code linters may work correctly
496SQLAlchemy has for a long time used a parameter-injecting decorator to help resolve
497mutually-dependent module imports, like this::
499    @util.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.sql.dml")
500    def insert(self, dml, *args, **kw):
502Where the above function would be rewritten to no longer have the ``dml`` parameter
503on the outside.  This would confuse code-linting tools into seeing a missing parameter
504to functions.  A new approach has been implemented internally such that the function's
505signature is no longer modified and the module object is procured inside the function
514.. _change_1390:
516Support for SQL Regular Expression operators
519A long awaited feature to add rudimentary support for database regular
520expression operators, to complement the :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.like` and
521:meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.match` suites of operations.   The new features
522include :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_match` implementing a regular
523expression match like function, and :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_replace`
524implementing a regular expression string replace function.
526Supported backends include SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL / MariaDB, and Oracle.
527The SQLite backend only supports "regexp_match" but not "regexp_replace".
529The regular expression syntaxes and flags are **not backend agnostic**.
530A future feature will allow multiple regular expression syntaxes to be
531specified at once to switch between different backends on the fly.
533For SQLite, Python's ``re.search()`` function with no additional arguments
534is established as the implementation.
536.. seealso::
539    :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_match`
541    :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_replace`
543    :ref:`pysqlite_regexp` - SQLite implementation notes
549.. _deprecation_20_mode:
551SQLAlchemy 2.0 Deprecations Mode
554One of the primary goals of the 1.4 release is to provide a "transitional"
555release so that applications may migrate to SQLAlchemy 2.0 gradually.   Towards
556this end, a primary feature in release 1.4 is "2.0 deprecations mode", which is
557a series of deprecation warnings that emit against every detectable API pattern
558which will work differently in version 2.0.   The warnings all make use of the
559:class:`_exc.RemovedIn20Warning` class. As these warnings affect foundational
560patterns including the :func:`_sql.select` and :class:`_engine.Engine` constructs, even
561simple applications can generate a lot of warnings until appropriate API
562changes are made.   The warning mode is therefore turned off by default until
563the developer enables the environment variable ``SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20=1``.
565For a full walkthrough of using 2.0 Deprecations mode, see :ref:`migration_20_deprecations_mode`.
567.. seealso::
569  :ref:`migration_20_toplevel`
571  :ref:`migration_20_deprecations_mode`
575API and Behavioral Changes - Core
578.. _change_4617:
580A SELECT statement is no longer implicitly considered to be a FROM clause
583This change is one of the larger conceptual changes in SQLAlchemy in many years,
584however it is hoped that the end user impact is relatively small, as the change
585more closely matches what databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL require in any case.
587The most immediate noticeable impact is that a :func:`_expression.select` can no longer
588be embedded inside of another :func:`_expression.select` directly, without explicitly
589turning the inner :func:`_expression.select` into a subquery first.  This is historically
590performed by using the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.alias` method, which remains, however
591is more explicitly suited by using a new method :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.subquery`;
592both methods do the same thing.   The object returned is now :class:`.Subquery`,
593which is very similar to the :class:`_expression.Alias` object and shares a common
594base :class:`.AliasedReturnsRows`.
596That is, this will now raise::
598    stmt1 = select(user.c.id, user.c.name)
599    stmt2 = select(addresses, stmt1).select_from(addresses.join(stmt1))
603    sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column expression or FROM clause expected,
604    got <...Select object ...>. To create a FROM clause from a <class
605    'sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select'> object, use the .subquery() method.
607The correct calling form is instead (noting also that :ref:`brackets are no
608longer required for select() <change_5284>`)::
610    sq1 = select(user.c.id, user.c.name).subquery()
611    stmt2 = select(addresses, sq1).select_from(addresses.join(sq1))
613Noting above that the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.subquery` method is essentially
614equivalent to using the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.alias` method.
617The rationale for this change is based on the following:
619* In order to support the unification of :class:`_sql.Select` with
620  :class:`_orm.Query`, the :class:`_sql.Select` object needs to have
621  :meth:`_sql.Select.join` and :meth:`_sql.Select.outerjoin` methods that
622  actually add JOIN criteria to the existing FROM clause, as is what users have
623  always expected it to do in any case.    The previous behavior, having to
624  align with what a :class:`.FromClause` would do, was that it would generate
625  an unnamed subquery and then JOIN to it, which was a completely useless
626  feature that only confused those users unfortunate enough to try this.  This
627  change is discussed at :ref:`change_select_join`.
629* The behavior of including a SELECT in the FROM clause of another SELECT
630  without first creating an alias or subquery would be that it creates an
631  unnamed subquery.   While standard SQL does support this syntax, in practice
632  it is rejected by most databases.  For example, both the MySQL and PostgreSQL
633  outright reject the usage of unnamed subqueries::
635      # MySQL / MariaDB:
637      MariaDB [(none)]> select * from (select 1);
638      ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias
641      # PostgreSQL:
643      test=> select * from (select 1);
644      ERROR:  subquery in FROM must have an alias
645      LINE 1: select * from (select 1);
646                            ^
647      HINT:  For example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo.
649  A database like SQLite accepts them, however it is still often the case that
650  the names produced from such a subquery are too ambiguous to be useful::
652      sqlite> CREATE TABLE a(id integer);
653      sqlite> CREATE TABLE b(id integer);
654      sqlite> SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) ON a.id=id;
655      Error: ambiguous column name: id
656      sqlite> SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) ON a.id=b.id;
657      Error: no such column: b.id
659      # use a name
660      sqlite> SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) AS anon_1 ON a.id=anon_1.id;
662  ..
664As :class:`_expression.SelectBase` objects are no longer
665:class:`_expression.FromClause` objects, attributes like the ``.c`` attribute
666as well as methods like ``.select()`` is now deprecated, as they imply implicit
667production of a subquery. The ``.join()`` and ``.outerjoin()`` methods are now
668:ref:`repurposed to append JOIN criteria to the existing query <change_select_join>` in a similar
669way as that of :meth:`_orm.Query.join`, which is what users have always
670expected these methods to do in any case.
672In place of the ``.c`` attribute, a new attribute :attr:`_expression.SelectBase.selected_columns`
673is added.  This attribute resolves to a column collection that is what most
674people hope that ``.c`` does (but does not), which is to reference the columns
675that are in the columns clause of the SELECT statement.   A common beginner mistake
676is code such as the following::
678    stmt = select(users)
679    stmt = stmt.where(stmt.c.name == 'foo')
681The above code appears intuitive and that it would generate
682"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='foo'", however veteran SQLAlchemy users will
683recognize that it in fact generates a useless subquery resembling
684"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM users) WHERE name='foo'".
686The new :attr:`_expression.SelectBase.selected_columns` attribute however **does** suit
687the use case above, as in a case like the above it links directly to the columns
688present in the ``users.c`` collection::
690    stmt = select(users)
691    stmt = stmt.where(stmt.selected_columns.name == 'foo')
697.. _change_select_join:
699select().join() and outerjoin() add JOIN criteria to the current query, rather than creating a subquery
702Towards the goal of unifying :class:`_orm.Query` and :class:`_sql.Select`,
703particularly for :term:`2.0 style` use of :class:`_sql.Select`, it was critical
704that there be a working :meth:`_sql.Select.join` method that behaves like the
705:meth:`_orm.Query.join` method, adding additional entries to the FROM clause of
706the existing SELECT and then returning the new :class:`_sql.Select` object for
707further modification, instead of wrapping the object inside of an unnamed
708subquery and returning a JOIN from that subquery, a behavior that has always
709been virtually useless and completely misleading to users.
711To allow this to be the case, :ref:`change_4617` was first implemented which
712splits off :class:`_sql.Select` from having to be a :class:`_sql.FromClause`;
713this removed the requirement that :meth:`_sql.Select.join` would need to
714return a :class:`_sql.Join` object rather than a new version of that
715:class:`_sql.Select` object that includes a new JOIN in its FROM clause.
717From that point on, as the :meth:`_sql.Select.join` and :meth:`_sql.Select.outerjoin`
718did have an existing behavior, the original plan was that these
719methods would be deprecated, and the new "useful" version of
720the methods would be available on an alternate, "future" :class:`_sql.Select`
721object available as a separate import.
723However, after some time working with this particular codebase, it was decided
724that having two different kinds of :class:`_sql.Select` objects floating
725around, each with 95% the same behavior except for some subtle difference
726in how some of the methods behave was going to be more misleading and inconvenient
727than simply making a hard change in how these two methods behave, given
728that the existing behavior of :meth:`_sql.Select.join` and :meth:`_sql.Select.outerjoin`
729is essentially never used and only causes confusion.
731So it was decided, given how very useless the current behavior is, and how
732extremely useful and important and useful the new behavior would be, to make a
733**hard behavioral change** in this one area, rather than waiting another year
734and having a more awkward API in the interim.   SQLAlchemy developers do not
735take it lightly to make a completely breaking change like this, however this is
736a very special case and it is extremely unlikely that the previous
737implementation of these methods was being used;  as noted in
738:ref:`change_4617`, major databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL don't allow
739for unnamed subqueries in any case and from a syntactical point of view it's
740nearly impossible for a JOIN from an unnamed subquery to be useful since it's
741very difficult to refer to the columns within it unambiguously.
743With the new implementation, :meth:`_sql.Select.join` and
744:meth:`_sql.Select.outerjoin` now behave very similarly to that of
745:meth:`_orm.Query.join`, adding JOIN criteria to the existing statement by
746matching to the left entity::
748    stmt = select(user_table).join(addresses_table, user_table.c.id == addresses_table.c.user_id)
752    SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user JOIN address ON user.id=address.user_id
754As is the case for :class:`_sql.Join`, the ON clause is automatically determined
755if feasible::
757    stmt = select(user_table).join(addresses_table)
759When ORM entities are used in the statement, this is essentially how ORM
760queries are built up using :term:`2.0 style` invocation.  ORM entities will
761assign a "plugin" to the statement internally such that ORM-related compilation
762rules will take place when the statement is compiled into a SQL string. More
763directly, the :meth:`_sql.Select.join` method can accommodate ORM
764relationships, without breaking the hard separation between Core and ORM
767    stmt = select(User).join(User.addresses)
769Another new method :meth:`_sql.Select.join_from` is also added, which
770allows easier specification of the left and right side of a join at once::
772    stmt = select(Address.email_address, User.name).join_from(User, Address)
776    SELECT address.email_address, user.name FROM user JOIN address ON user.id == address.user_id
779.. _change_5526:
781The URL object is now immutable
784The :class:`_engine.URL` object has been formalized such that it now presents
785itself as a ``namedtuple`` with a fixed number of fields that are immutable. In
786addition, the dictionary represented by the :attr:`_engine.URL.query` attribute
787is also an immutable mapping.   Mutation of the :class:`_engine.URL` object was
788not a formally supported or documented use case which led to some open-ended
789use cases that made it very difficult to intercept incorrect usages, most
790commonly mutation of the :attr:`_engine.URL.query` dictionary to include non-string elements.
791It also led to all the common problems of allowing mutability in a fundamental
792data object, namely unwanted mutations elsewhere leaking into code that didn't
793expect the URL to change.  Finally, the namedtuple design is inspired by that
794of Python's ``urllib.parse.urlparse()`` which returns the parsed object as a
795named tuple.
797The decision to change the API outright is based on a calculus weighing the
798infeasibility of a deprecation path (which would involve changing the
799:attr:`_engine.URL.query` dictionary to be a special dictionary that emits deprecation
800warnings when any kind of standard library mutation methods are invoked, in
801addition that when the dictionary would hold any kind of list of elements, the
802list would also have to emit deprecation warnings on mutation) against the
803unlikely use case of projects already mutating :class:`_engine.URL` objects in
804the first place, as well as that small changes such as that of :ticket:`5341`
805were creating backwards-incompatibility in any case.   The primary case for
806mutation of a
807:class:`_engine.URL` object is that of parsing plugin arguments within the
808:class:`_engine.CreateEnginePlugin` extension point, itself a fairly recent
809addition that based on Github code search is in use by two repositories,
810neither of which are actually mutating the URL object.
812The :class:`_engine.URL` object now provides a rich interface inspecting
813and generating new :class:`_engine.URL` objects.  The
814existing mechanism to create a :class:`_engine.URL` object, the
815:func:`_engine.make_url` function, remains unchanged::
817     >>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
818     >>> url = make_url("postgresql+psycopg2://user:pass@host/dbname")
820For programmatic construction, code that may have been using the
821:class:`_engine.URL` constructor or ``__init__`` method directly will
822receive a deprecation warning if arguments are passed as keyword arguments
823and not an exact 7-tuple.  The keyword-style constructor is now available
824via the :meth:`_engine.URL.create` method::
826    >>> from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
827    >>> url = URL.create("postgresql", "user", "pass", host="host", database="dbname")
828    >>> str(url)
829    'postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname'
832Fields can be altered typically using the :meth:`_engine.URL.set` method, which
833returns a new :class:`_engine.URL` object with changes applied::
835    >>> mysql_url = url.set(drivername="mysql+pymysql")
836    >>> str(mysql_url)
837    'mysql+pymysql://user:pass@host/dbname'
839To alter the contents of the :attr:`_engine.URL.query` dictionary, methods
840such as :meth:`_engine.URL.update_query_dict` may be used::
842    >>> url.update_query_dict({"sslcert": '/path/to/crt'})
843    postgresql://user:***@host/dbname?sslcert=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fcrt
845To upgrade code that is mutating these fields directly, a **backwards and
846forwards compatible approach** is to use a duck-typing, as in the following
849    def set_url_drivername(some_url, some_drivername):
850        # check for 1.4
851        if hasattr(some_url, "set"):
852            return some_url.set(drivername=some_drivername)
853        else:
854            # SQLAlchemy 1.3 or earlier, mutate in place
855            some_url.drivername = some_drivername
856            return some_url
858    def set_ssl_cert(some_url, ssl_cert):
859        # check for 1.4
860        if hasattr(some_url, "update_query_dict"):
861            return some_url.update_query_dict({"sslcert": ssl_cert})
862        else:
863            # SQLAlchemy 1.3 or earlier, mutate in place
864            some_url.query["sslcert"] = ssl_cert
865            return some_url
867The query string retains its existing format as a dictionary of strings
868to strings, using sequences of strings to represent multiple parameters.
869For example::
871    >>> from sqlalchemy.engine import make_url
872    >>> url = make_url("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname?alt_host=host1&alt_host=host2&sslcert=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fcrt")
873    >>> url.query
874    immutabledict({'alt_host': ('host1', 'host2'), 'sslcert': '/path/to/crt'})
876To work with the contents of the :attr:`_engine.URL.query` attribute such that all values are
877normalized into sequences, use the :attr:`_engine.URL.normalized_query` attribute::
879    >>> url.normalized_query
880    immutabledict({'alt_host': ('host1', 'host2'), 'sslcert': ('/path/to/crt',)})
882The query string can be appended to via methods such as :meth:`_engine.URL.update_query_dict`,
883:meth:`_engine.URL.update_query_pairs`, :meth:`_engine.URL.update_query_string`::
885    >>> url.update_query_dict({"alt_host": "host3"}, append=True)
886    postgresql://user:***@host/dbname?alt_host=host1&alt_host=host2&alt_host=host3&sslcert=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fcrt
888.. seealso::
890  :class:`_engine.URL`
893Changes to CreateEnginePlugin
896The :class:`_engine.CreateEnginePlugin` is also impacted by this change,
897as the documentation for custom plugins indicated that the ``dict.pop()``
898method should be used to remove consumed arguments from the URL object.  This
899should now be achieved using the :meth:`_engine.CreateEnginePlugin.update_url`
900method.  A backwards compatible approach would look like::
902    from sqlalchemy.engine import CreateEnginePlugin
904    class MyPlugin(CreateEnginePlugin):
905        def __init__(self, url, kwargs):
906            # check for 1.4 style
907            if hasattr(CreateEnginePlugin, "update_url"):
908                self.my_argument_one = url.query['my_argument_one']
909                self.my_argument_two = url.query['my_argument_two']
910            else:
911                # legacy
912                self.my_argument_one = url.query.pop('my_argument_one')
913                self.my_argument_two = url.query.pop('my_argument_two')
915            self.my_argument_three = kwargs.pop('my_argument_three', None)
917        def update_url(self, url):
918            # this method runs in 1.4 only and should be used to consume
919            # plugin-specific arguments
920            return url.difference_update_query(
921                ["my_argument_one", "my_argument_two"]
922            )
924See the docstring at :class:`_engine.CreateEnginePlugin` for complete details
925on how this class is used.
930.. _change_5284:
932select(), case() now accept positional expressions
935As it may be seen elsewhere in this document, the :func:`_sql.select` construct will
936now accept "columns clause" arguments positionally, rather than requiring they
937be passed as a list::
939    # new way, supports 2.0
940    stmt = select(table.c.col1, table.c.col2, ...)
942When sending the arguments positionally, no other keyword arguments are permitted.
943In SQLAlchemy 2.0, the above calling style will be the only calling style
946For the duration of 1.4, the previous calling style will still continue
947to function, which passes the list of columns or other expressions as a list::
949    # old way, still works in 1.4
950    stmt = select([table.c.col1, table.c.col2, ...])
952The above legacy calling style also accepts the old keyword arguments that have
953since been removed from most narrative documentation.  The existence of these
954keyword arguments is why the columns clause was passed as a list in the first place::
956    # very much the old way, but still works in 1.4
957    stmt = select([table.c.col1, table.c.col2, ...], whereclause=table.c.col1 == 5)
959The detection between the two styles is based on whether or not the first
960positional argument is a list.   There are unfortunately still likely some
961usages that look like the following, where the keyword for the "whereclause"
962is omitted::
964    # very much the old way, but still works in 1.4
965    stmt = select([table.c.col1, table.c.col2, ...], table.c.col1 == 5)
967As part of this change, the :class:`.Select` construct also gains the 2.0-style
968"future" API which includes an updated :meth:`.Select.join` method as well
969as methods like :meth:`.Select.filter_by` and :meth:`.Select.join_from`.
971In a related change, the :func:`_sql.case` construct has also been modified
972to accept its list of WHEN clauses positionally, with a similar deprecation
973track for the old calling style::
975    stmt = select(users_table).where(
976        case(
977            (users_table.c.name == 'wendy', 'W'),
978            (users_table.c.name == 'jack', 'J'),
979            else_='E'
980        )
981    )
983The convention for SQLAlchemy constructs accepting ``*args`` vs. a list of
984values, as is the latter case for a construct like
985:meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.in_`, is that **positional arguments are used for
986structural specification, lists are used for data specification**.
989.. seealso::
991    :ref:`migration_20_5284`
993    :ref:`error_c9ae`
998.. _change_4645:
1000All IN expressions render parameters for each value in the list on the fly (e.g. expanding parameters)
1003The "expanding IN" feature, first introduced in :ref:`change_3953`, has matured
1004enough such that it is clearly superior to the previous method of rendering IN
1005expressions.  As the approach was improved to handle empty lists of values, it
1006is now the only means that Core / ORM will use to render lists of IN
1009The previous approach which has been present in SQLAlchemy since its first
1010release was that when a list of values were passed to the
1011:meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` method, the list would be expanded into a series
1012of individual :class:`.BindParameter` objects at statement construction time.
1013This suffered from the limitation that it was not possible to vary the
1014parameter list at statement execution time based on the parameter dictionary,
1015which meant that string SQL statements could not be cached independently of
1016their parameters, nor could the parameter dictionary be fully used for
1017statements that included IN expressions generally.
1019In order to service the "baked query" feature described at
1020:ref:`baked_toplevel`, a cacheable version of IN was needed, which is what
1021brought about the "expanding IN" feature.  In contrast to the existing behavior
1022whereby the parameter list is expanded at statement construction time into
1023individual :class:`.BindParameter` objects, the feature instead uses a single
1024:class:`.BindParameter` that stores the list of values at once; when the
1025statement is executed by the :class:`_engine.Engine`, it is "expanded" on the fly into
1026individual bound parameter positions based on the parameters passed to the call
1027to :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`, and the existing SQL string which may have been
1028retrieved from a previous execution is modified using a regular expression to
1029suit the current parameter set.   This allows for the same :class:`.Compiled`
1030object, which stores the rendered string statement, to be invoked multiple
1031times against different parameter sets that modify the list contents passed to
1032IN expressions, while still maintaining the behavior of individual scalar
1033parameters being passed to the DBAPI.  While some DBAPIs do support this
1034functionality directly, it is not generally available; the "expanding IN"
1035feature now supports the behavior consistently for all backends.
1037As a major focus of 1.4 is to allow for true statement caching in Core and ORM
1038without the awkwardness of the "baked" system, and since the "expanding IN"
1039feature represents a simpler approach to building expressions in any case,
1040it's now invoked automatically whenever a list of values is passed to
1041an IN expression::
1043    stmt = select(A.id, A.data).where(A.id.in_([1, 2, 3]))
1045The pre-execution string representation is::
1047    >>> print(stmt)
1048    SELECT a.id, a.data
1049    FROM a
1050    WHERE a.id IN ([POSTCOMPILE_id_1])
1052To render the values directly, use ``literal_binds`` as was the case previously::
1054    >>> print(stmt.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
1055    SELECT a.id, a.data
1056    FROM a
1057    WHERE a.id IN (1, 2, 3)
1059A new flag, "render_postcompile", is added as a helper to allow the current
1060bound value to be rendered as it would be passed to the database::
1062    >>> print(stmt.compile(compile_kwargs={"render_postcompile": True}))
1063    SELECT a.id, a.data
1064    FROM a
1065    WHERE a.id IN (:id_1_1, :id_1_2, :id_1_3)
1067Engine logging output shows the ultimate rendered statement as well::
1069    INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT a.id, a.data
1070    FROM a
1071    WHERE a.id IN (?, ?, ?)
1072    INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine (1, 2, 3)
1074As part of this change, the behavior of "empty IN" expressions, where the list
1075parameter is empty, is now standardized on use of the IN operator against a
1076so-called "empty set".  As there is no standard SQL syntax for empty sets, a
1077SELECT that returns no rows is used, tailored in specific ways for each backend
1078so that the database treats it as an empty set; this feature was first
1079introduced in version 1.3 and is described at :ref:`change_4271`.  The
1080:paramref:`_sa.create_engine.empty_in_strategy` parameter, introduced in version
10811.2 as a means for migrating for how this case was treated for the previous IN
1082system, is now deprecated and this flag no longer has an effect; as described
1083in :ref:`change_3907`, this flag allowed a dialect to switch between the
1084original system of comparing a column against itself, which turned out to be a
1085huge performance issue, and a newer system of comparing "1 != 1" in
1086order to produce a "false" expression. The 1.3 introduced behavior which
1087now takes place in all cases is more correct than both approaches as the IN
1088operator is still used, and does not have the performance issue of the original
1091In addition, the "expanding" parameter system has been generalized so that it
1092also services other dialect-specific use cases where a parameter cannot be
1093accommodated by the DBAPI or backing database; see :ref:`change_4808` for
1096.. seealso::
1098    :ref:`change_4808`
1100    :ref:`change_4271`
1102    :class:`.BindParameter`
1106.. _change_4737:
1109Built-in FROM linting will warn for any potential cartesian products in a SELECT statement
1112As the Core expression language as well as the ORM are built on an "implicit
1113FROMs" model where a particular FROM clause is automatically added if any part
1114of the query refers to it, a common issue is the case where a SELECT statement,
1115either a top level statement or an embedded subquery, contains FROM elements
1116that are not joined to the rest of the FROM elements in the query, causing
1117what's referred to as a "cartesian product" in the result set, i.e. every
1118possible combination of rows from each FROM element not otherwise joined.  In
1119relational databases, this is nearly always an undesirable outcome as it
1120produces an enormous result set full of duplicated, uncorrelated data.
1122SQLAlchemy, for all of its great features, is particularly prone to this sort
1123of issue happening as a SELECT statement will have elements added to its FROM
1124clause automatically from any table seen in the other clauses. A typical
1125scenario looks like the following, where two tables are JOINed together,
1126however an additional entry in the WHERE clause that perhaps inadvertently does
1127not line up with these two tables will create an additional FROM entry::
1129    address_alias = aliased(Address)
1131    q = session.query(User).\
1132        join(address_alias, User.addresses).\
1133        filter(Address.email_address == 'foo')
1135The above query selects from a JOIN of ``User`` and ``address_alias``, the
1136latter of which is an alias of the ``Address`` entity.  However, the
1137``Address`` entity is used within the WHERE clause directly, so the above would
1138result in the SQL::
1140    SELECT
1141        users.id AS users_id, users.name AS users_name,
1142        users.fullname AS users_fullname,
1143        users.nickname AS users_nickname
1144    FROM addresses, users JOIN addresses AS addresses_1 ON users.id = addresses_1.user_id
1145    WHERE addresses.email_address = :email_address_1
1147In the above SQL, we can see what SQLAlchemy developers term "the dreaded
1148comma", as we see "FROM addresses, users JOIN addresses" in the FROM clause
1149which is the classic sign of a cartesian product; where a query is making use
1150of JOIN in order to join FROM clauses together, however because one of them is
1151not joined, it uses a comma.      The above query will return a full set of
1152rows that join the "user" and "addresses" table together on the "id / user_id"
1153column, and will then apply all those rows into a cartesian product against
1154every row in the "addresses" table directly.   That is, if there are ten user
1155rows and 100 rows in addresses, the above query will return its expected result
1156rows, likely to be 100 as all address rows would be selected, multiplied by 100
1157again, so that the total result size would be 10000 rows.
1159The "table1, table2 JOIN table3" pattern is one that also occurs quite
1160frequently within the SQLAlchemy ORM due to either subtle mis-application of
1161ORM features particularly those related to joined eager loading or joined table
1162inheritance, as well as a result of SQLAlchemy ORM bugs within those same
1163systems.   Similar issues apply to SELECT statements that use "implicit joins",
1164where the JOIN keyword is not used and instead each FROM element is linked with
1165another one via the WHERE clause.
1167For some years there has been a recipe on the Wiki that applies a graph
1168algorithm to a :func:`_expression.select` construct at query execution time and inspects
1169the structure of the query for these un-linked FROM clauses, parsing through
1170the WHERE clause and all JOIN clauses to determine how FROM elements are linked
1171together and ensuring that all the FROM elements are connected in a single
1172graph. This recipe has now been adapted to be part of the :class:`.SQLCompiler`
1173itself where it now optionally emits a warning for a statement if this
1174condition is detected.   The warning is enabled using the
1175:paramref:`_sa.create_engine.enable_from_linting` flag and is enabled by default.
1176The computational overhead of the linter is very low, and additionally it only
1177occurs during statement compilation which means for a cached SQL statement it
1178only occurs once.
1180Using this feature, our ORM query above will emit a warning::
1182    >>> q.all()
1183    SAWarning: SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM
1184    element(s) "addresses_1", "users" and FROM element "addresses".
1185    Apply join condition(s) between each element to resolve.
1187The linter feature accommodates not just for tables linked together through the
1188JOIN clauses but also through the WHERE clause  Above, we can add a WHERE
1189clause to link the new ``Address`` entity with the previous ``address_alias``
1190entity and that will remove the warning::
1192    q = session.query(User).\
1193        join(address_alias, User.addresses).\
1194        filter(Address.email_address == 'foo').\
1195        filter(Address.id == address_alias.id)  # resolve cartesian products,
1196                                                # will no longer warn
1198The cartesian product warning considers **any** kind of link between two
1199FROM clauses to be a resolution, even if the end result set is still
1200wasteful, as the linter is intended only to detect the common case of a
1201FROM clause that is completely unexpected.  If the FROM clause is referred
1202to explicitly elsewhere and linked to the other FROMs, no warning is emitted::
1204    q = session.query(User).\
1205        join(address_alias, User.addresses).\
1206        filter(Address.email_address == 'foo').\
1207        filter(Address.id > address_alias.id)  # will generate a lot of rows,
1208                                               # but no warning
1210Full cartesian products are also allowed if they are explicitly stated; if we
1211wanted for example the cartesian product of ``User`` and ``Address``, we can
1212JOIN on :func:`.true` so that every row will match with every other; the
1213following query will return all rows and produce no warnings::
1215    from sqlalchemy import true
1217    # intentional cartesian product
1218    q = session.query(User).join(Address, true())  # intentional cartesian product
1220The warning is only generated by default when the statement is compiled by the
1221:class:`_engine.Connection` for execution; calling the :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.compile`
1222method will not emit a warning unless the linting flag is supplied::
1224    >>> from sqlalchemy.sql import FROM_LINTING
1225    >>> print(q.statement.compile(linting=FROM_LINTING))
1226    SAWarning: SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM element(s) "addresses" and FROM element "users".  Apply join condition(s) between each element to resolve.
1227    SELECT users.id, users.name, users.fullname, users.nickname
1228    FROM addresses, users JOIN addresses AS addresses_1 ON users.id = addresses_1.user_id
1229    WHERE addresses.email_address = :email_address_1
1234.. _change_result_14_core:
1236New Result object
1239A major goal of SQLAlchemy 2.0 is to unify how "results" are handled between
1240the ORM and Core.   Towards this goal, version 1.4 introduces new versions
1241of both the ``ResultProxy`` and ``RowProxy`` objects that have been part
1242of SQLAlchemy since the beginning.
1244The new objects are documented at :class:`_engine.Result` and :class:`_engine.Row`,
1245and are used not only for Core result sets but for :term:`2.0 style` results
1246within the ORM as well.
1248This result object is fully compatible with ``ResultProxy`` and includes many
1249new features, that are now applied to both Core and ORM results equally,
1250including methods such as:
1252:meth:`_engine.Result.one` - returns exactly a single row, or raises:
1254.. sourcecode::
1256    with engine.connect() as conn:
1257        row = conn.execute(table.select().where(table.c.id == 5)).one()
1260:meth:`_engine.Result.one_or_none` - same, but also returns None for no rows
1262:meth:`_engine.Result.all` - returns all rows
1264:meth:`_engine.Result.partitions` - fetches rows in chunks:
1266.. sourcecode::
1268    with engine.connect() as conn:
1269        result = conn.execute(
1270            table.select().order_by(table.c.id),
1271            execution_options={"stream_results": True}
1272        )
1273        for chunk in result.partitions(500):
1274            # process up to 500 records
1276:meth:`_engine.Result.columns` - allows slicing and reorganizing of rows:
1278.. sourcecode::
1280     with engine.connect() as conn:
1281        # requests x, y, z
1282        result = conn.execute(select(table.c.x, table.c.y, table.c.z))
1284        # iterate rows as y, x
1285        for y, x in result.columns("y", "x"):
1286            print("Y: %s  X: %s" % (y, x))
1288:meth:`_engine.Result.scalars` - returns lists of scalar objects, from the
1289first column by default but can also be selected:
1291.. sourcecode::
1293    result = session.execute(select(User).order_by(User.id))
1294    for user_obj in result.scalars():
1295        # ...
1297:meth:`_engine.Result.mappings` - instead of named-tuple rows, returns
1300.. sourcecode::
1302     with engine.connect() as conn:
1303        result = conn.execute(select(table.c.x, table.c.y, table.c.z))
1305        for map_ in result.mappings():
1306            print("Y: %(y)s  X: %(x)s" % map_)
1308When using Core, the object returned by :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute` is
1309an instance of :class:`.CursorResult`, which continues to feature the same API
1310features as ``ResultProxy`` regarding inserted primary keys, defaults,
1311rowcounts, etc.   For ORM, a :class:`_result.Result` subclass will be returned
1312that performs translation of Core rows into ORM rows, and then allows all the
1313same operations to take place.
1315.. seealso::
1317    :ref:`migration_20_unify_select` - in the 2.0 migration documentation
1326.. _change_4710_core:
1328RowProxy is no longer a "proxy"; is now called Row and behaves like an enhanced named tuple
1331The :class:`.RowProxy` class, which represents individual database result rows
1332in a Core result set, is now called :class:`.Row` and is no longer a "proxy"
1333object; what this means is that when the :class:`.Row` object is returned, the
1334row is a simple tuple that contains the data in its final form, already having
1335been processed by result-row handling functions associated with datatypes
1336(examples include turning a date string from the database into a ``datetime``
1337object, a JSON string into a Python ``json.loads()`` result, etc.).
1339The immediate rationale for this is so that the row can act more like a Python
1340named tuple, rather than a mapping, where the values in the tuple are the
1341subject of the ``__contains__`` operator on the tuple, rather than the keys.
1342With :class:`.Row` acting like a named tuple, it is then suitable for use as as
1343replacement for the ORM's :class:`.KeyedTuple` object, leading to an eventual
1344API where both the ORM and Core deliver result sets that  behave identically.
1345Unification of major patterns within ORM and Core is a major goal of SQLAlchemy
13462.0, and release 1.4 aims to have most or all of the underlying architectural
1347patterns in place in order to support this process.   The note in
1348:ref:`change_4710_orm` describes the ORM's use of the :class:`.Row` class.
1350For release 1.4, the :class:`.Row` class provides an additional subclass
1351:class:`.LegacyRow`, which is used by Core and provides a backwards-compatible
1352version of :class:`.RowProxy` while emitting deprecation warnings for those API
1353features and behaviors that will be moved.  ORM :class:`_query.Query` now makes use
1354of :class:`.Row` directly as a replacement for :class:`.KeyedTuple`.
1356The :class:`.LegacyRow` class is a transitional class where the
1357``__contains__`` method is still testing against the keys, not the values,
1358while emitting a deprecation warning when the operation succeeds.
1359Additionally, all the other mapping-like methods on the previous
1360:class:`.RowProxy` are deprecated, including :meth:`.LegacyRow.keys`,
1361:meth:`.LegacyRow.items`, etc.  For mapping-like behaviors from a :class:`.Row`
1362object, including support for these methods as well as a key-oriented
1363``__contains__`` operator, the API going forward will be to first access a
1364special attribute :attr:`.Row._mapping`, which will then provide a complete
1365mapping interface to the row, rather than a tuple interface.
1367Rationale: To behave more like a named tuple rather than a mapping
1370The difference between a named tuple and a mapping as far as boolean operators
1371can be summarized.   Given a "named tuple" in pseudo code as::
1373    row = (id: 5,  name: 'some name')
1375The biggest cross-incompatible difference is the behavior of ``__contains__``::
1377    "id" in row          # True for a mapping, False for a named tuple
1378    "some name" in row   # False for a mapping, True for a named tuple
1380In 1.4, when a :class:`.LegacyRow` is returned by a Core result set, the above
1381``"id" in row`` comparison will continue to succeed, however a deprecation
1382warning will be emitted.   To use the "in" operator as a mapping, use the
1383:attr:`.Row._mapping` attribute::
1385    "id" in row._mapping
1387SQLAlchemy 2.0's result object will feature a ``.mappings()`` modifier so that
1388these mappings can be received directly::
1390    # using sqlalchemy.future package
1391    for row in result.mappings():
1392        row["id"]
1394Proxying behavior goes away, was also unnecessary in modern usage
1397The refactor of :class:`.Row` to behave like a tuple requires that all
1398data values be fully available up front.  This is an internal behavior change
1399from that of :class:`.RowProxy`, where result-row processing functions would
1400be invoked at the point of accessing an element of the row, instead of
1401when the row was first fetched.     This means for example when retrieving
1402a datetime value from SQLite, the data for the row as present in the
1403:class:`.RowProxy` object would previously have looked like::
1405    row_proxy = (1, '2019-12-31 19:56:58.272106')
1407and then upon access via ``__getitem__``, the ``datetime.strptime()`` function
1408would be used on the fly to convert the above string date into a ``datetime``
1409object.     With the new architecture, the ``datetime()`` object is present
1410in the tuple when it is returned, the ``datetime.strptime()`` function
1411having been called just once up front::
1413    row = (1, datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 31, 19, 56, 58, 272106))
1415The :class:`.RowProxy` and :class:`.Row` objects in SQLAlchemy are where the
1416majority of SQLAlchemy's C extension code takes place.   This code has been
1417highly refactored to provide the new behavior in an efficient manner, and
1418overall performance has been improved as the design of :class:`.Row` is now
1419considerably simpler.
1421The rationale behind the previous  behavior assumed a usage model where a
1422result row might have dozens or hundreds of columns present, where most of
1423those columns would not be accessed, and for which a majority of those columns
1424would require some result-value processing function.  By invoking the
1425processing function only when needed, the goal was that lots of result
1426processing functions would not be necessary, thus increasing performance.
1428There are many reasons why the above assumptions do not hold:
14301. the vast majority of row-processing functions called were to Unicode decode
1431   a bytestring into a Python Unicode string under Python 2.   This was right
1432   as Python Unicode was beginning to see use and before Python 3 existed.
1433   Once Python 3 was introduced, within a few years, all Python DBAPIs took
1434   on the proper role of supporting the delivering of Python Unicode objects directly, under
1435   both Python 2 and Python 3, as an option in the former case and as the only
1436   way forward in the latter case.  Eventually, in most cases it became
1437   the default for Python 2 as well.   SQLAlchemy's Python 2 support still
1438   enables explicit string-to-Unicode conversion for some DBAPIs such as
1439   cx_Oracle, however it is now performed at the DBAPI level rather than
1440   as a standard SQLAlchemy result row processing function.
14422. The above string conversion, when it is used, was made to be extremely
1443   performant via the C extensions, so much so that even in 1.4, SQLAlchemy's
1444   byte-to-Unicode codec hook is plugged into cx_Oracle where it has been
1445   observed to be more performant than cx_Oracle's own hook; this meant that
1446   the overhead for converting all strings in a row was not as significant
1447   as it originally was in any case.
14493. Row processing functions are not used in most other cases; the
1450   exceptions are SQLite's datetime support, JSON support for some backends,
1451   some numeric handlers such as string to ``Decimal``.   In the case of
1452   ``Decimal``, Python 3 also standardized on the highly performant ``cdecimal``
1453   implementation, which is not the case in Python 2 which continues to use
1454   the much less performant pure Python version.
14564. Fetching full rows where only a few columns are needed is not common within
1457   real-world use cases  In the early days of SQLAlchemy, database code from other
1458   languages of the form "row = fetch('SELECT * FROM table')" was common;
1459   using SQLAlchemy's expression language however, code observed in the wild
1460   typically makes use of the specific columns needed.
1462.. seealso::
1464    :ref:`change_4710_orm`
1468.. _change_4753:
1470SELECT objects and derived FROM clauses allow for duplicate columns and column labels
1473This change allows that the :func:`_expression.select` construct now allows for duplicate
1474column labels as well as duplicate column objects themselves, so that result
1475tuples are organized and ordered in the identical way in that the columns were
1476selected.  The ORM :class:`_query.Query` already works this way, so this change
1477allows for greater cross-compatibility between the two, which is a key goal of
1478the 2.0 transition::
1480    >>> from sqlalchemy import column, select
1481    >>> c1, c2, c3, c4 = column('c1'), column('c2'), column('c3'), column('c4')
1482    >>> stmt = select(c1, c2, c3.label('c2'), c2, c4)
1483    >>> print(stmt)
1484    SELECT c1, c2, c3 AS c2, c2, c4
1486To support this change, the :class:`_expression.ColumnCollection` used by
1487:class:`_expression.SelectBase` as well as for derived FROM clauses such as subqueries
1488also support duplicate columns; this includes the new
1489:attr:`_expression.SelectBase.selected_columns` attribute, the deprecated ``SelectBase.c``
1490attribute, as well as the :attr:`_expression.FromClause.c` attribute seen on constructs
1491such as :class:`.Subquery` and :class:`_expression.Alias`::
1493    >>> list(stmt.selected_columns)
1494    [
1495        <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause at 0x7fa540bcca20; c1>,
1496        <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause at 0x7fa540bcc9e8; c2>,
1497        <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label object at 0x7fa540b3e2e8>,
1498        <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause at 0x7fa540bcc9e8; c2>,
1499        <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause at 0x7fa540897048; c4>
1500    ]
1502    >>> print(stmt.subquery().select())
1503    SELECT anon_1.c1, anon_1.c2, anon_1.c2, anon_1.c2, anon_1.c4
1504    FROM (SELECT c1, c2, c3 AS c2, c2, c4) AS anon_1
1506:class:`_expression.ColumnCollection` also allows access by integer index to support
1507when the string "key" is ambiguous::
1509    >>> stmt.selected_columns[2]
1510    <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label object at 0x7fa540b3e2e8>
1512To suit the use of :class:`_expression.ColumnCollection` in objects such as
1513:class:`_schema.Table` and :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`, the old "deduplicating"
1514behavior which is more critical for these objects is preserved in a new class
1517The change includes that the familiar warning ``"Column %r on table %r being
1518replaced by %r, which has the same key.  Consider use_labels for select()
1519statements."`` is **removed**; the :meth:`_expression.Select.apply_labels` is still
1520available and is still used by the ORM for all SELECT operations, however it
1521does not imply deduplication of column objects, although it does imply
1522deduplication of implicitly generated labels::
1524    >>> from sqlalchemy import table
1525    >>> user = table('user', column('id'), column('name'))
1526    >>> stmt = select(user.c.id, user.c.name, user.c.id).apply_labels()
1527    >>> print(stmt)
1528    SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name, "user".id AS id_1
1529    FROM "user"
1531Finally, the change makes it easier to create UNION and other
1532:class:`_selectable.CompoundSelect` objects, by ensuring that the number and position
1533of columns in a SELECT statement mirrors what was given, in a use case such
1536    >>> s1 = select(user, user.c.id)
1537    >>> s2 = select(c1, c2, c3)
1538    >>> from sqlalchemy import union
1539    >>> u = union(s1, s2)
1540    >>> print(u)
1541    SELECT "user".id, "user".name, "user".id
1542    FROM "user" UNION SELECT c1, c2, c3
1550.. _change_4449:
1552Improved column labeling for simple column expressions using CAST or similar
1555A user pointed out that the PostgreSQL database has a convenient behavior when
1556using functions like CAST against a named column, in that the result column name
1557is named the same as the inner expression::
1559    test=> SELECT CAST(data AS VARCHAR) FROM foo;
1561    data
1562    ------
1563     5
1564    (1 row)
1566This allows one to apply CAST to table columns while not losing the column
1567name (above using the name ``"data"``) in the result row.    Compare to
1568databases such as MySQL/MariaDB, as well as most others, where the column
1569name is taken from the full SQL expression and is not very portable::
1571    MariaDB [test]> SELECT CAST(data AS CHAR) FROM foo;
1572    +--------------------+
1573    | CAST(data AS CHAR) |
1574    +--------------------+
1575    | 5                  |
1576    +--------------------+
1577    1 row in set (0.003 sec)
1580In SQLAlchemy Core expressions, we never deal with a raw generated name like
1581the above, as SQLAlchemy applies auto-labeling to expressions like these, which
1582are up until now always a so-called "anonymous" expression::
1584    >>> print(select(cast(foo.c.data, String)))
1585    SELECT CAST(foo.data AS VARCHAR) AS anon_1     # old behavior
1586    FROM foo
1588These anonymous expressions were necessary as SQLAlchemy's
1589:class:`_engine.ResultProxy` made heavy use of result column names in order to match
1590up datatypes, such as the :class:`.String` datatype which used to have
1591result-row-processing behavior, to the correct column, so most importantly the
1592names had to be both easy to determine in a database-agnostic manner as well as
1593unique in all cases.    In SQLAlchemy 1.0 as part of :ticket:`918`, this
1594reliance on named columns in result rows (specifically the
1595``cursor.description`` element of the PEP-249 cursor) was scaled back to not be
1596necessary for most Core SELECT constructs; in release 1.4, the system overall
1597is becoming more comfortable with SELECT statements that have duplicate column
1598or label names such as in :ref:`change_4753`.  So we now emulate PostgreSQL's
1599reasonable behavior for simple modifications to a single column, most
1600prominently with CAST::
1602    >>> print(select(cast(foo.c.data, String)))
1603    SELECT CAST(foo.data AS VARCHAR) AS data
1604    FROM foo
1606For CAST against expressions that don't have a name, the previous logic is used
1607to generate the usual "anonymous" labels::
1609    >>> print(select(cast('hi there,' + foo.c.data, String)))
1610    SELECT CAST(:data_1 + foo.data AS VARCHAR) AS anon_1
1611    FROM foo
1613A :func:`.cast` against a :class:`.Label`, despite having to omit the label
1614expression as these don't render inside of a CAST, will nonetheless make use of
1615the given name::
1617    >>> print(select(cast(('hi there,' + foo.c.data).label('hello_data'), String)))
1618    SELECT CAST(:data_1 + foo.data AS VARCHAR) AS hello_data
1619    FROM foo
1621And of course as was always the case, :class:`.Label` can be applied to the
1622expression on the outside to apply an "AS <name>" label directly::
1624    >>> print(select(cast(('hi there,' + foo.c.data), String).label('hello_data')))
1625    SELECT CAST(:data_1 + foo.data AS VARCHAR) AS hello_data
1626    FROM foo
1631.. _change_4808:
1633New "post compile" bound parameters used for LIMIT/OFFSET in Oracle, SQL Server
1636A major goal of the 1.4 series is to establish that all Core SQL constructs
1637are completely cacheable, meaning that a particular :class:`.Compiled`
1638structure will produce an identical SQL string regardless of any SQL parameters
1639used with it, which notably includes those used to specify the LIMIT and
1640OFFSET values, typically used for pagination and "top N" style results.
1642While SQLAlchemy has used bound parameters for LIMIT/OFFSET schemes for many
1643years, a few outliers remained where such parameters were not allowed, including
1644a SQL Server "TOP N" statement, such as::
1646    SELECT TOP 5 mytable.id, mytable.data FROM mytable
1648as well as with Oracle, where the FIRST_ROWS() hint (which SQLAlchemy will
1649use if the ``optimize_limits=True`` parameter is passed to
1650:func:`_sa.create_engine` with an Oracle URL) does not allow them,
1651but also that using bound parameters with ROWNUM comparisons has been reported
1652as producing slower query plans::
1654    SELECT anon_1.id, anon_1.data FROM (
1655        SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(5) */
1656        anon_2.id AS id,
1657        anon_2.data AS data,
1658        ROWNUM AS ora_rn FROM (
1659            SELECT mytable.id, mytable.data FROM mytable
1660        ) anon_2
1661        WHERE ROWNUM <= :param_1
1662    ) anon_1 WHERE ora_rn > :param_2
1664In order to allow for all statements to be unconditionally cacheable at the
1665compilation level, a new form of bound parameter called a "post compile"
1666parameter has been added, which makes use of the same mechanism as that
1667of "expanding IN parameters".  This is a :func:`.bindparam` that behaves
1668identically to any other bound parameter except that parameter value will
1669be rendered literally into the SQL string before sending it to the DBAPI
1670``cursor.execute()`` method.   The new parameter is used internally by the
1671SQL Server and Oracle dialects, so that the drivers receive the literal
1672rendered value but the rest of SQLAlchemy can still consider this as a
1673bound parameter.   The above two statements when stringified using
1674``str(statement.compile(dialect=<dialect>))`` now look like::
1676    SELECT TOP [POSTCOMPILE_param_1] mytable.id, mytable.data FROM mytable
1680    SELECT anon_1.id, anon_1.data FROM (
1681        SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS([POSTCOMPILE__ora_frow_1]) */
1682        anon_2.id AS id,
1683        anon_2.data AS data,
1684        ROWNUM AS ora_rn FROM (
1685            SELECT mytable.id, mytable.data FROM mytable
1686        ) anon_2
1687        WHERE ROWNUM <= [POSTCOMPILE_param_1]
1688    ) anon_1 WHERE ora_rn > [POSTCOMPILE_param_2]
1690The ``[POSTCOMPILE_<param>]`` format is also what is seen when an
1691"expanding IN" is used.
1693When viewing the SQL logging output, the final form of the statement will
1694be seen::
1696    SELECT anon_1.id, anon_1.data FROM (
1697        SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(5) */
1698        anon_2.id AS id,
1699        anon_2.data AS data,
1700        ROWNUM AS ora_rn FROM (
1701            SELECT mytable.id AS id, mytable.data AS data FROM mytable
1702        ) anon_2
1703        WHERE ROWNUM <= 8
1704    ) anon_1 WHERE ora_rn > 3
1707The "post compile parameter" feature is exposed as public API through the
1708:paramref:`.bindparam.literal_execute` parameter, however is currently not
1709intended for general use.   The literal values are rendered using the
1710:meth:`.TypeEngine.literal_processor` of the underlying datatype, which in
1711SQLAlchemy has **extremely limited** scope, supporting only integers and simple
1712string values.
1716.. _change_4712:
1718Connection-level transactions can now be inactive based on subtransaction
1721A :class:`_engine.Connection` now includes the behavior where a :class:`.Transaction`
1722can be made inactive due to a rollback on an inner transaction, however the
1723:class:`.Transaction` will not clear until it is itself rolled back.
1725This is essentially a new error condition which will disallow statement
1726executions to proceed on a :class:`_engine.Connection` if an inner "sub" transaction
1727has been rolled back.  The behavior works very similarly to that of the
1728ORM :class:`.Session`, where if an outer transaction has been begun, it needs
1729to be rolled back to clear the invalid transaction; this behavior is described
1730in :ref:`faq_session_rollback`.
1732While the :class:`_engine.Connection` has had a less strict behavioral pattern than
1733the :class:`.Session`, this change was made as it helps to identify when
1734a subtransaction has rolled back the DBAPI transaction, however the external
1735code isn't aware of this and attempts to continue proceeding, which in fact
1736runs operations on a new transaction.   The "test harness" pattern described
1737at :ref:`session_external_transaction` is the common place for this to occur.
1739The "subtransaction" feature of Core and ORM is itself deprecated and will
1740no longer be present in version 2.0.   As a result, this new error condition
1741is itself temporary as it will no longer apply once subtransactions are removed.
1743In order to work with the 2.0 style behavior that does not include
1744subtransactions, use the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.future` parameter
1745on :func:`_sa.create_engine`.
1747The error message is described in the errors page at :ref:`error_8s2a`.
1749.. _change_5367:
1751Enum and Boolean datatypes no longer default to "create constraint"
1754The :paramref:`.Enum.create_constraint` and
1755:paramref:`.Boolean.create_constraint` parameters now default to False,
1756indicating when a so-called "non-native" version of these two datatypes is
1757created, a CHECK constraint will **not** be generated by default.   These
1758CHECK constraints present schema-management maintenance complexities that
1759should be opted in to, rather than being turned on by default.
1762To ensure that a CREATE CONSTRAINT is emitted for these types, set these
1763flags to ``True``::
1765  class Spam(Base):
1766      __tablename__ = "spam"
1767      id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
1768      boolean = Column(Boolean(create_constraint=True))
1769      enum = Column(Enum("a", "b", "c", create_constraint=True))
1774New Features - ORM
1777.. _change_4826:
1779Raiseload for Columns
1782The "raiseload" feature, which raises :class:`.InvalidRequestError` when an
1783unloaded attribute is accessed, is now available for column-oriented attributes
1784using the :paramref:`.orm.defer.raiseload` parameter of :func:`.defer`. This
1785works in the same manner as that of the :func:`.raiseload` option used by
1786relationship loading::
1788    book = session.query(Book).options(defer(Book.summary, raiseload=True)).first()
1790    # would raise an exception
1791    book.summary
1793To configure column-level raiseload on a mapping, the
1794:paramref:`.deferred.raiseload` parameter of :func:`.deferred` may be used.  The
1795:func:`.undefer` option may then be used at query time to eagerly load
1796the attribute::
1798    class Book(Base):
1799        __tablename__ = 'book'
1801        book_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
1802        title = Column(String(200), nullable=False)
1803        summary = deferred(Column(String(2000)), raiseload=True)
1804        excerpt = deferred(Column(Text), raiseload=True)
1806    book_w_excerpt = session.query(Book).options(undefer(Book.excerpt)).first()
1808It was originally considered that the existing :func:`.raiseload` option that
1809works for :func:`_orm.relationship` attributes be expanded to also support column-oriented
1810attributes.    However, this would break the "wildcard" behavior of :func:`.raiseload`,
1811which is documented as allowing one to prevent all relationships from loading::
1813    session.query(Order).options(
1814        joinedload(Order.items), raiseload('*'))
1816Above, if we had expanded :func:`.raiseload` to accommodate for columns  as
1817well, the wildcard would also prevent columns from loading and thus be  a
1818backwards incompatible change; additionally, it's not clear if
1819:func:`.raiseload` covered both column expressions and relationships, how one
1820would achieve the  effect above of only blocking relationship loads, without
1821new API being added.   So to keep things simple, the option for columns
1822remains on :func:`.defer`:
1824    :func:`.raiseload` - query option to raise for relationship loads
1826    :paramref:`.orm.defer.raiseload` - query option to raise for column expression loads
1829As part of this change, the behavior of "deferred" in conjunction with
1830attribute expiration has changed.   Previously, when an object would be marked
1831as expired, and then unexpired via the access of one of the expired attributes,
1832attributes which were mapped as "deferred" at the mapper level would also load.
1833This has been changed such that an attribute that is deferred in the mapping
1834will never "unexpire", it only loads when accessed as part of the deferral
1837An attribute that is not mapped as "deferred", however was deferred at query
1838time via the :func:`.defer` option, will be reset when the object or attribute
1839is expired; that is, the deferred option is removed. This is the same behavior
1840as was present previously.
1843.. seealso::
1845    :ref:`deferred_raiseload`
1849.. _change_5263:
1851ORM Batch inserts with psycopg2 now batch statements with RETURNING in most cases
1854The change in :ref:`change_5401` adds support for "executemany" + "RETURNING"
1855at the same time in Core, which is now enabled for the psycopg2 dialect
1856by default using the psycopg2 ``execute_values()`` extension.   The ORM flush
1857process now makes use of this feature such that the retrieval of newly generated
1858primary key values and server defaults can be achieved while not losing the
1859performance benefits of being able to batch INSERT statements together.  Additionally,
1860psycopg2's ``execute_values()`` extension itself provides a five-fold performance
1861improvement over psycopg2's default "executemany" implementation, by rewriting
1862an INSERT statement to include many "VALUES" expressions all in one statement
1863rather than invoking the same statement repeatedly, as psycopg2 lacks the ability
1864to PREPARE the statement ahead of time as would normally be expected for this
1865approach to be performant.
1867SQLAlchemy includes a :ref:`performance suite <examples_performance>` within
1868its examples, where we can compare the times generated for the "batch_inserts"
1869runner against 1.3 and 1.4, revealing a 3x-5x speedup for most flavors
1870of batch insert::
1872    # 1.3
1873    $ python -m examples.performance bulk_inserts --dburl postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
1874    test_flush_no_pk : (100000 iterations); total time 14.051527 sec
1875    test_bulk_save_return_pks : (100000 iterations); total time 15.002470 sec
1876    test_flush_pk_given : (100000 iterations); total time 7.863680 sec
1877    test_bulk_save : (100000 iterations); total time 6.780378 sec
1878    test_bulk_insert_mappings :  (100000 iterations); total time 5.363070 sec
1879    test_core_insert : (100000 iterations); total time 5.362647 sec
1881    # 1.4 with enhancement
1882    $ python -m examples.performance bulk_inserts --dburl postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
1883    test_flush_no_pk : (100000 iterations); total time 3.820807 sec
1884    test_bulk_save_return_pks : (100000 iterations); total time 3.176378 sec
1885    test_flush_pk_given : (100000 iterations); total time 4.037789 sec
1886    test_bulk_save : (100000 iterations); total time 2.604446 sec
1887    test_bulk_insert_mappings : (100000 iterations); total time 1.204897 sec
1888    test_core_insert : (100000 iterations); total time 0.958976 sec
1890Note that the ``execute_values()`` extension modifies the INSERT statement in the psycopg2
1891layer, **after** it's been logged by SQLAlchemy.  So with SQL logging, one will see the
1892parameter sets batched together, but the joining of multiple "values" will not be visible
1893on the application side::
1895    2020-06-27 19:08:18,166 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine INSERT INTO a (data) VALUES (%(data)s) RETURNING a.id
1896    2020-06-27 19:08:18,166 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00698s] ({'data': 'data 1'}, {'data': 'data 2'}, {'data': 'data 3'}, {'data': 'data 4'}, {'data': 'data 5'}, {'data': 'data 6'}, {'data': 'data 7'}, {'data': 'data 8'}  ... displaying 10 of 4999 total bound parameter sets ...  {'data': 'data 4998'}, {'data': 'data 4999'})
1897    2020-06-27 19:08:18,254 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT
1899The ultimate INSERT statement can be seen by enabling statement logging on the PostgreSQL side::
1901    2020-06-27 19:08:18.169 EDT [26960] LOG:  statement: INSERT INTO a (data)
1902    VALUES ('data 1'),('data 2'),('data 3'),('data 4'),('data 5'),('data 6'),('data
1903    7'),('data 8'),('data 9'),('data 10'),('data 11'),('data 12'),
1904    ... ('data 999'),('data 1000') RETURNING a.id
1906    2020-06-27 19:08:18.175 EDT
1907    [26960] LOG:  statement: INSERT INTO a (data) VALUES ('data 1001'),('data
1908    1002'),('data 1003'),('data 1004'),('data 1005 '),('data 1006'),('data
1909    1007'),('data 1008'),('data 1009'),('data 1010'),('data 1011'), ...
1911The feature batches rows into groups of 1000 by default which can be affected
1912using the ``executemany_values_page_size`` argument documented at
1918.. _change_orm_update_returning_14:
1920ORM Bulk Update and Delete use RETURNING for "fetch" strategy when available
1923An ORM bulk update or delete that uses the "fetch" strategy::
1925    sess.query(User).filter(User.age > 29).update(
1926        {"age": User.age - 10}, synchronize_session="fetch"
1927    )
1929Will now use RETURNING if the backend database supports it; this currently
1930includes PostgreSQL and SQL Server (the Oracle dialect does not support RETURNING
1931of multiple rows)::
1933    UPDATE users SET age_int=(users.age_int - %(age_int_1)s) WHERE users.age_int > %(age_int_2)s RETURNING users.id
1934    [generated in 0.00060s] {'age_int_1': 10, 'age_int_2': 29}
1935    Col ('id',)
1936    Row (2,)
1937    Row (4,)
1939For backends that do not support RETURNING of multiple rows, the previous approach
1940of emitting SELECT for the primary keys beforehand is still used::
1942    SELECT users.id FROM users WHERE users.age_int > %(age_int_1)s
1943    [generated in 0.00043s] {'age_int_1': 29}
1944    Col ('id',)
1945    Row (2,)
1946    Row (4,)
1947    UPDATE users SET age_int=(users.age_int - %(age_int_1)s) WHERE users.age_int > %(age_int_2)s
1948    [generated in 0.00102s] {'age_int_1': 10, 'age_int_2': 29}
1950One of the intricate challenges of this change is to support cases such as the
1951horizontal sharding extension, where a single bulk update or delete may be
1952multiplexed among backends some of which support RETURNING and some don't.   The
1953new 1.4 execution architecture supports this case so that the "fetch" strategy
1954can be left intact with a graceful degrade to using a SELECT, rather than having
1955to add a new "returning" strategy that would not be backend-agnostic.
1957As part of this change, the "fetch" strategy is also made much more efficient
1958in that it will no longer expire the objects located which match the rows,
1959for Python expressions used in the SET clause which can be evaluated in
1960Python; these are instead assigned
1961directly onto the object in the same way as the "evaluate" strategy.  Only
1962for SQL expressions that can't be evaluated does it fall back to expiring
1963the attributes.   The "evaluate" strategy has also been enhanced to fall back
1964to "expire" for a value that cannot be evaluated.
1967Behavioral Changes - ORM
1970.. _change_4710_orm:
1972The "KeyedTuple" object returned by Query is replaced by Row
1975As discussed at :ref:`change_4710_core`, the Core :class:`.RowProxy` object
1976is now replaced by a class called :class:`.Row`.    The base :class:`.Row`
1977object now behaves more fully like a named tuple, and as such it is now
1978used as the basis for tuple-like results returned by the :class:`_query.Query`
1979object, rather than the previous "KeyedTuple" class.
1981The rationale is so that by SQLAlchemy 2.0, both Core and ORM SELECT statements
1982will return result rows using the same :class:`.Row` object which behaves  like
1983a named tuple.  Dictionary-like functionality is available from :class:`.Row`
1984via the :attr:`.Row._mapping` attribute.   In the interim, Core result sets
1985will make use of a :class:`.Row` subclass :class:`.LegacyRow` which maintains
1986the previous dict/tuple hybrid behavior for backwards compatibility while the
1987:class:`.Row` class will be used directly for ORM tuple results returned
1988by the :class:`_query.Query` object.
1990Effort has been made to get most of the featureset of :class:`.Row` to be
1991available within the ORM, meaning that access by string name as well
1992as entity / column should work::
1994    row = s.query(User, Address).join(User.addresses).first()
1996    row._mapping[User]  # same as row[0]
1997    row._mapping[Address]  # same as row[1]
1998    row._mapping["User"]  # same as row[0]
1999    row._mapping["Address"]  # same as row[1]
2001    u1 = aliased(User)
2002    row = s.query(u1).only_return_tuples(True).first()
2003    row._mapping[u1]  # same as row[0]
2006    row = (
2007        s.query(User.id, Address.email_address)
2008        .join(User.addresses)
2009        .first()
2010    )
2012    row._mapping[User.id]  # same as row[0]
2013    row._mapping["id"]  # same as row[0]
2014    row._mapping[users.c.id]  # same as row[0]
2016.. seealso::
2018    :ref:`change_4710_core`
2022.. _change_5074:
2024Session features new "autobegin" behavior
2027Previously, the :class:`.Session` in its default mode of ``autocommit=False``
2028would internally begin a :class:`.SessionTransaction` object immediately
2029on construction, and additionally would create a new one after each call to
2030:meth:`.Session.rollback` or :meth:`.Session.commit`.
2032The new behavior is that this :class:`.SessionTransaction` object is now
2033created on demand only, when methods such as :meth:`.Session.add` or
2034:meth:`.Session.execute` are called.    However it is also now possible
2035to call :meth:`.Session.begin` explicitly in order to begin the transaction,
2036even in ``autocommit=False`` mode, thus matching the behavior of the
2037future-style :class:`_base.Connection`.
2039The behavioral changes this indicates are:
2041* The :class:`.Session` can now be in the state where no transaction is begun,
2042  even in ``autocommit=False`` mode. Previously, this state was only available
2043  in "autocommit" mode.
2044* Within this state, the :meth:`.Session.commit` and :meth:`.Session.rollback`
2045  methods are no-ops. Code that relies upon these methods to expire all objects
2046  should make explicit use of either :meth:`.Session.begin` or
2047  :meth:`.Session.expire_all` to suit their use case.
2048* The :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` event hook is not emitted
2049  immediately when the :class:`.Session` is created, or after a
2050  :meth:`.Session.rollback` or :meth:`.Session.commit` completes.
2051* The :meth:`.Session.close` method also does not imply implicit begin of a new
2052  :class:`.SessionTransaction`.
2054.. seealso::
2056    :ref:`session_autobegin`
2061The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior of ``autocommit=False``
2062historically has meant that there is always a :class:`.SessionTransaction`
2063object in play, associated with the :class:`.Session` via the
2064:attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute.   When the given
2065:class:`.SessionTransaction` was complete, due to a commit, rollback, or close,
2066it was immediately replaced with a new one.  The :class:`.SessionTransaction`
2067by itself does not imply the usage of any connection-oriented resources, so
2068this long-standing behavior has a particular elegance to it in that the state
2069of :attr:`.Session.transaction` is always predictable as non-None.
2071However, as part of the initiative in :ticket:`5056` to greatly reduce
2072reference cycles, this assumption means that calling upon
2073:meth:`.Session.close` results in a :class:`.Session` object that still has
2074reference cycles and is more expensive to clean up, not to mention that there
2075is a small overhead in constructing the :class:`.SessionTransaction`
2076object, which meant that there would be unnecessary overhead created
2077for a :class:`.Session` that for example invoked :meth:`.Session.commit`
2078and then :meth:`.Session.close`.
2080As such, it was decided that :meth:`.Session.close` should leave the internal
2081state of ``self.transaction``, now referred to internally as
2082``self._transaction``, as None, and that a new :class:`.SessionTransaction`
2083should only be created when needed.  For consistency and code coverage, this
2084behavior was also expanded to include all the points at which "autobegin" is
2085expected, not just when :meth:`.Session.close` were called.
2087In particular, this causes a behavioral change for applications which
2088subscribe to the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` event hook;
2089previously, this event would be emitted when the :class:`.Session` were  first
2090constructed, as well as for most actions that closed the previous transaction
2091and would emit :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end`.  The new behavior
2092is that :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` is emitted on demand,
2093when the :class:`.Session` has not yet created a  new
2094:class:`.SessionTransaction` object and mapped objects are associated with the
2095:class:`.Session` through methods like :meth:`.Session.add` and
2096:meth:`.Session.delete`, when  the :attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute is
2097called upon, when the :meth:`.Session.flush` method has tasks to complete, etc.
2099In addition, code which relies upon the :meth:`.Session.commit` or
2100:meth:`.Session.rollback` method to unconditionally expire all objects can no
2101longer do so. Code which needs to expire all objects when no change that has
2102occurred should be calling :meth:`.Session.expire_all` for this case.
2104Besides the change in when the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create`
2105event is emitted as well as the no-op nature of :meth:`.Session.commit` or
2106:meth:`.Session.rollback`, the change should have no other user-visible impact
2107on the :class:`.Session` object's behavior; the :class:`.Session` will continue
2108to have the behavior that it remains usable for new operations after
2109:meth:`.Session.close` is called, and the sequencing of how the
2110:class:`.Session` interacts with the :class:`_engine.Engine` and the database
2111itself should also remain unaffected, since these operations were already
2112operating in an on-demand fashion.
2116.. _change_5237_14:
2118Viewonly relationships don't synchronize backrefs
2121In :ticket:`5149` in 1.3.14, SQLAlchemy began emitting a warning when the
2122:paramref:`_orm.relationship.backref` or :paramref:`_orm.relationship.back_populates`
2123keywords would be used at the same time as the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly`
2124flag on the target relationship.  This was because a "viewonly" relationship does
2125not actually persist changes made to it, which could cause some misleading
2126behaviors to occur.  However, in :ticket:`5237`, we sought to refine this
2127behavior as there are legitimate use cases to have backrefs set up on
2128viewonly relationships, including that back populates attributes are used
2129in some cases by the relationship lazy loaders to determine that an additional
2130eager load in the other direction is not necessary, as well as that back
2131populates can be used for mapper introspection and that :func:`_orm.backref`
2132can be a convenient way to set up bi-directional relationships.
2134The solution then was to make the "mutation" that occurs from a backref
2135an optional thing, using the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref`
2136flag.  In 1.4 the value of :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref` defaults
2137to False for a relationship target that also sets :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly`.
2138This indicates that any changes made to a relationship with
2139viewonly will not impact the state of the other side or of the :class:`_orm.Session`
2140in any way::
2143    class User(Base):
2144        # ...
2146        addresses = relationship(Address, backref=backref("user", viewonly=True))
2148    class Address(Base):
2149        # ...
2152    u1 = session.query(User).filter_by(name="x").first()
2154    a1 = Address()
2155    a1.user = u1
2157Above, the ``a1`` object will **not** be added to the ``u1.addresses``
2158collection, nor will the ``a1`` object be added to the session.  Previously,
2159both of these things would be true.   The warning that
2160:paramref:`.relationship.sync_backref` should be set to ``False`` when
2161:paramref:`.relationship.viewonly` is ``False`` is no longer emitted as this is
2162now the default behavior.
2166.. _change_5150:
2168cascade_backrefs behavior deprecated for removal in 2.0
2171SQLAlchemy has long had a behavior of cascading objects into the
2172:class:`_orm.Session` based on backref assignment.   Given ``User`` below
2173already in a :class:`_orm.Session`, assigning it to the ``Address.user``
2174attribute of an ``Address`` object, assuming a bidirectional relationship
2175is set up, would mean that the ``Address`` also gets put into the
2176:class:`_orm.Session` at that point::
2178    u1 = User()
2179    session.add(u1)
2181    a1 = Address()
2182    a1.user = u1  # <--- adds "a1" to the Session
2184The above behavior was an unintended side effect of backref behavior, in that
2185since ``a1.user`` implies ``u1.addresses.append(a1)``, ``a1`` would get
2186cascaded into the :class:`_orm.Session`.  This remains the default behavior
2187throughout 1.4.     At some point, a new flag :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs`
2188was added to disable to above behavior, along with :paramref:`_orm.backref.cascade_backrefs`
2189to set this when the relationship is specified by ``relationship.backref``, as it can be
2190surprising and also gets in the way of some operations where the object would be placed in
2191the :class:`_orm.Session` too early and get prematurely flushed.
2193In 2.0, the default behavior will be that "cascade_backrefs" is False, and
2194additionally there will be no "True" behavior as this is not generally a desirable
2195behavior.    When 2.0 deprecation warnings are enabled, a warning will be emitted
2196when a "backref cascade" actually takes place.    To get the new behavior, either
2197set :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs` and
2198:paramref:`_orm.backref.cascade_backrefs` to ``False`` on any target
2199relationships, as is already supported in 1.3 and earlier, or alternatively make
2200use of the :paramref:`_orm.Session.future` flag to :term:`2.0-style` mode::
2202    Session = sessionmaker(engine, future=True)
2204    with Session() as session:
2205      u1 = User()
2206      session.add(u1)
2208      a1 = Address()
2209      a1.user = u1  # <--- will not add "a1" to the Session
2215.. _change_1763:
2217Eager loaders emit during unexpire operations
2220A long sought behavior was that when an expired object is accessed, configured
2221eager loaders will run in order to eagerly load relationships on the expired
2222object when the object is refreshed or otherwise unexpired.   This behavior has
2223now been added, so that joinedloaders will add inline JOINs as usual, and
2224selectin/subquery loaders will run an "immediateload" operation for a given
2225relationship, when an expired object is unexpired or an object is refreshed::
2227    >>> a1 = session.query(A).options(joinedload(A.bs)).first()
2228    >>> a1.data = 'new data'
2229    >>> session.commit()
2231Above, the ``A`` object was loaded with a ``joinedload()`` option associated
2232with it in order to eagerly load the ``bs`` collection.    After the
2233``session.commit()``, the state of the object is expired.  Upon accessing
2234the ``.data`` column attribute, the object is refreshed and this will now
2235include the joinedload operation as well::
2237    >>> a1.data
2238    SELECT a.id AS a_id, a.data AS a_data, b_1.id AS b_1_id, b_1.a_id AS b_1_a_id
2239    FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b AS b_1 ON a.id = b_1.a_id
2240    WHERE a.id = ?
2242The behavior applies both to loader strategies applied to the
2243:func:`_orm.relationship` directly, as well as with options used with
2244:meth:`_query.Query.options`, provided that the object was originally loaded by that
2247For the "secondary" eager loaders "selectinload" and "subqueryload", the SQL
2248strategy for these loaders is not necessary in order to eagerly load attributes
2249on a single object; so they will instead invoke the "immediateload" strategy in
2250a refresh scenario, which resembles the query emitted by "lazyload", emitted as
2251an additional query::
2253    >>> a1 = session.query(A).options(selectinload(A.bs)).first()
2254    >>> a1.data = 'new data'
2255    >>> session.commit()
2256    >>> a1.data
2257    SELECT a.id AS a_id, a.data AS a_data
2258    FROM a
2259    WHERE a.id = ?
2260    (1,)
2261    SELECT b.id AS b_id, b.a_id AS b_a_id
2262    FROM b
2263    WHERE ? = b.a_id
2264    (1,)
2266Note that a loader option does not apply to an object that was introduced
2267into the :class:`.Session` in a different way.  That is, if the ``a1`` object
2268were just persisted in this :class:`.Session`, or was loaded with a different
2269query before the eager option had been applied, then the object doesn't have
2270an eager load option associated with it.  This is not a new concept, however
2271users who are looking for the eagerload on refresh behavior may find this
2272to be more noticeable.
2276.. _change_4519:
2278Accessing an uninitialized collection attribute on a transient object no longer mutates __dict__
2281It has always been SQLAlchemy's behavior that accessing mapped attributes on a
2282newly created object returns an implicitly generated value, rather than raising
2283``AttributeError``, such as ``None`` for scalar attributes or ``[]`` for a
2284list-holding relationship::
2286    >>> u1 = User()
2287    >>> u1.name
2288    None
2289    >>> u1.addresses
2290    []
2292The rationale for the above behavior was originally to make ORM objects easier
2293to work with.  Since an ORM object represents an empty row when first created
2294without any state, it is intuitive that its un-accessed attributes would
2295resolve to ``None`` (or SQL NULL) for scalars and to empty collections for
2296relationships.   In particular, it makes possible an extremely common pattern
2297of being able to mutate the new collection without manually creating and
2298assigning an empty collection first::
2300    >>> u1 = User()
2301    >>> u1.addresses.append(Address())  # no need to assign u1.addresses = []
2303Up until version 1.0 of SQLAlchemy, the behavior of this initialization  system
2304for both scalar attributes as well as collections would be that the ``None`` or
2305empty collection would be *populated* into the object's  state, e.g.
2306``__dict__``.  This meant that the following two operations were equivalent::
2308    >>> u1 = User()
2309    >>> u1.name = None  # explicit assignment
2311    >>> u2 = User()
2312    >>> u2.name  # implicit assignment just by accessing it
2313    None
2315Where above, both ``u1`` and ``u2`` would have the value ``None`` populated
2316in the value of the ``name`` attribute.  Since this is a SQL NULL, the ORM
2317would skip including these values within an INSERT so that SQL-level defaults
2318take place, if any, else the value defaults to NULL on the database side.
2320In version 1.0 as part of :ref:`migration_3061`, this behavior was refined so
2321that the ``None`` value was no longer populated into ``__dict__``, only
2322returned.   Besides removing the mutating side effect of a getter operation,
2323this change also made it possible to set columns that did have server defaults
2324to the value NULL by actually assigning ``None``, which was now distinguished
2325from just reading it.
2327The change however did not accommodate for collections, where returning an
2328empty collection that is not assigned meant that this mutable collection would
2329be different each time and also would not be able to correctly accommodate for
2330mutating operations (e.g. append, add, etc.) called upon it.    While the
2331behavior continued to generally not get in anyone's way, an edge case was
2332eventually identified in :ticket:`4519` where this empty collection could be
2333harmful, which is when the object is merged into a session::
2335    >>> u1 = User(id=1)  # create an empty User to merge with id=1 in the database
2336    >>> merged1 = session.merge(u1)  # value of merged1.addresses is unchanged from that of the DB
2338    >>> u2 = User(id=2) # create an empty User to merge with id=2 in the database
2339    >>> u2.addresses
2340    []
2341    >>> merged2 = session.merge(u2)  # value of merged2.addresses has been emptied in the DB
2343Above, the ``.addresses`` collection on ``merged1`` will contain all the
2344``Address()`` objects that were already in the database.   ``merged2`` will
2345not; because it has an empty list implicitly assigned, the ``.addresses``
2346collection will be erased.   This is an example of where this mutating side
2347effect can actually mutate the database itself.
2349While it was considered that perhaps the attribute system should begin using
2350strict "plain Python" behavior, raising ``AttributeError`` in all cases for
2351non-existent attributes on non-persistent objects and requiring that  all
2352collections be explicitly assigned, such a change would likely be too extreme
2353for the vast number of applications that have relied upon this  behavior for
2354many years, leading to a complex rollout / backwards compatibility problem as
2355well as the likelihood that workarounds to restore the old behavior would
2356become prevalent, thus rendering the whole change ineffective in any case.
2358The change then is to keep the default producing behavior, but to finally make
2359the non-mutating behavior of scalars a reality for collections as well, via the
2360addition of additional mechanics in the collection system.  When accessing the
2361empty attribute, the new collection is created and associated with the state,
2362however is not added to ``__dict__`` until it is actually mutated::
2364    >>> u1 = User()
2365    >>> l1 = u1.addresses  # new list is created, associated with the state
2366    >>> assert u1.addresses is l1  # you get the same list each time you access it
2367    >>> assert "addresses" not in u1.__dict__  # but it won't go into __dict__ until it's mutated
2368    >>> from sqlalchemy import inspect
2369    >>> inspect(u1).attrs.addresses.history
2370    History(added=None, unchanged=None, deleted=None)
2372When the list is changed, then it becomes part of the tracked changes to
2373be persisted to the database::
2375    >>> l1.append(Address())
2376    >>> assert "addresses" in u1.__dict__
2377    >>> inspect(u1).attrs.addresses.history
2378    History(added=[<__main__.Address object at 0x7f49b725eda0>], unchanged=[], deleted=[])
2380This change is expected to have *nearly* no impact on existing applications
2381in any way, except that it has been observed that some applications may be
2382relying upon the implicit assignment of this collection, such as to assert that
2383the object contains certain values based on its ``__dict__``::
2385    >>> u1 = User()
2386    >>> u1.addresses
2387    []
2388    # this will now fail, would pass before
2389    >>> assert {k: v for k, v in u1.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")} == {"addresses": []}
2391or to ensure that the collection won't require a lazy load to proceed, the
2392(admittedly awkward) code below will now also fail::
2394    >>> u1 = User()
2395    >>> u1.addresses
2396    []
2397    >>> s.add(u1)
2398    >>> s.flush()
2399    >>> s.close()
2400    >>> u1.addresses  # <-- will fail, .addresses is not loaded and object is detached
2402Applications that rely upon the implicit mutating behavior of collections will
2403need to be changed so that they assign the desired collection explicitly::
2405    >>> u1.addresses = []
2409.. _change_4662:
2411The "New instance conflicts with existing identity" error is now a warning
2414SQLAlchemy has always had logic to detect when an object in the :class:`.Session`
2415to be inserted has the same primary key as an object that is already present::
2417    class Product(Base):
2418        __tablename__ = 'product'
2420        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
2422    session = Session(engine)
2424    # add Product with primary key 1
2425    session.add(Product(id=1))
2426    session.flush()
2428    # add another Product with same primary key
2429    session.add(Product(id=1))
2430    s.commit()  # <-- will raise FlushError
2432The change is that the :class:`.FlushError` is altered to be only a warning::
2434    sqlalchemy/orm/persistence.py:408: SAWarning: New instance <Product at 0x7f1ff65e0ba8> with identity key (<class '__main__.Product'>, (1,), None) conflicts with persistent instance <Product at 0x7f1ff60a4550>
2437Subsequent to that, the condition will attempt to insert the row into the
2438database which will emit :class:`.IntegrityError`, which is the same error that
2439would be raised if the primary key identity was not already present in the
2442    sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: product.id
2444The rationale is to allow code that is using :class:`.IntegrityError` to catch
2445duplicates to function regardless of the existing state of the
2446:class:`.Session`, as is often done using savepoints::
2449    # add another Product with same primary key
2450    try:
2451        with session.begin_nested():
2452            session.add(Product(id=1))
2453    except exc.IntegrityError:
2454        print("row already exists")
2456The above logic was not fully feasible earlier, as in the case that the
2457``Product`` object with the existing identity were already in the
2458:class:`.Session`, the code would also have to catch :class:`.FlushError`,
2459which additionally is not filtered for the specific condition of integrity
2460issues.   With the change, the above block behaves consistently with the
2461exception of the warning also being emitted.
2463Since the logic in question deals with the primary key, all databases emit an
2464integrity error in the case of primary key conflicts on INSERT.    The case
2465where an error would not be raised, that would have earlier, is the extremely
2466unusual scenario of a mapping that defines a primary key on the mapped
2467selectable that is more restrictive than what is actually configured in the
2468database schema, such as when mapping to joins of tables or when defining
2469additional columns as part of a composite primary key that is not actually
2470constrained in the database schema. However, these situations also work  more
2471consistently in that the INSERT would theoretically proceed whether or not the
2472existing identity were still in the database.  The warning can also be
2473configured to raise an exception using the Python warnings filter.
2478.. _change_4994:
2480Persistence-related cascade operations disallowed with viewonly=True
2483When a :func:`_orm.relationship` is set as ``viewonly=True`` using the
2484:paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` flag, it indicates this relationship should
2485only be used to load data from the database, and should not be mutated
2486or involved in a persistence operation.   In order to ensure this contract
2487works successfully, the relationship can no longer specify
2488:paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade` settings that make no sense in terms of
2491The primary targets here are the "delete, delete-orphan"  cascades, which
2492through 1.3 continued to impact persistence even if viewonly were True, which
2493is a bug; even if viewonly were True, an object would still cascade these
2494two operations onto the related object if the parent were deleted or the
2495object were detached.   Rather than modify the cascade operations to check
2496for viewonly, the configuration of both of these together is simply
2499    class User(Base):
2500        # ...
2502        # this is now an error
2503        addresses = relationship(
2504            "Address", viewonly=True, cascade="all, delete-orphan")
2506The above will raise::
2508    sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Cascade settings
2509    "delete, delete-orphan, merge, save-update" apply to persistence
2510    operations and should not be combined with a viewonly=True relationship.
2512Applications that have this issue should be emitting a warning as of
2513SQLAlchemy 1.3.12, and for the above error the solution is to remove
2514the cascade settings for a viewonly relationship.
2520.. _change_5122:
2522Stricter behavior when querying inheritance mappings using custom queries
2525This change applies to the scenario where a joined- or single- table
2526inheritance subclass entity is being queried, given a completed SELECT subquery
2527to select from.   If the given subquery returns rows that do not correspond to
2528the requested polymorphic identity or identities, an error is raised.
2529Previously, this condition would pass silently under joined table inheritance,
2530returning an invalid subclass, and under single table inheritance, the
2531:class:`_query.Query` would be adding additional criteria against the subquery to
2532limit the results which could inappropriately interfere with the intent of the
2535Given the example mapping of ``Employee``, ``Engineer(Employee)``, ``Manager(Employee)``,
2536in the 1.3 series if we were to emit the following query against a joined
2537inheritance mapping::
2539    s = Session(e)
2541    s.add_all([Engineer(), Manager()])
2543    s.commit()
2545    print(
2546        s.query(Manager).select_entity_from(s.query(Employee).subquery()).all()
2547    )
2550The subquery selects both the ``Engineer`` and the ``Manager`` rows, and
2551even though the outer query is against ``Manager``, we get a non ``Manager``
2552object back::
2554    SELECT anon_1.type AS anon_1_type, anon_1.id AS anon_1_id
2555    FROM (SELECT employee.type AS type, employee.id AS id
2556    FROM employee) AS anon_1
2557    2020-01-29 18:04:13,524 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
2558    [<__main__.Engineer object at 0x7f7f5b9a9810>, <__main__.Manager object at 0x7f7f5b9a9750>]
2560The new behavior is that this condition raises an error::
2562    sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Row with identity key
2563    (<class '__main__.Employee'>, (1,), None) can't be loaded into an object;
2564    the polymorphic discriminator column '%(140205120401296 anon)s.type'
2565    refers to mapped class Engineer->engineer, which is not a sub-mapper of
2566    the requested mapped class Manager->manager
2568The above error only raises if the primary key columns of that entity are
2569non-NULL.  If there's no primary key for a given entity in a row, no attempt
2570to construct an entity is made.
2572In the case of single inheritance mapping, the change in behavior is slightly
2573more involved;   if ``Engineer`` and ``Manager`` above are mapped with
2574single table inheritance, in 1.3 the following query would be emitted and
2575only a ``Manager`` object is returned::
2577    SELECT anon_1.type AS anon_1_type, anon_1.id AS anon_1_id
2578    FROM (SELECT employee.type AS type, employee.id AS id
2579    FROM employee) AS anon_1
2580    WHERE anon_1.type IN (?)
2581    2020-01-29 18:08:32,975 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ('manager',)
2582    [<__main__.Manager object at 0x7ff1b0200d50>]
2584The :class:`_query.Query` added the "single table inheritance" criteria to the
2585subquery, editorializing on the intent that was originally set up by it.
2586This behavior was added in version 1.0 in :ticket:`3891`, and creates a
2587behavioral inconsistency between "joined" and "single" table inheritance,
2588and additionally modifies the intent of the given query, which may intend
2589to return additional rows where the columns that correspond to the inheriting
2590entity are NULL, which is a valid use case.    The behavior is now equivalent
2591to that of joined table inheritance, where it is assumed that the subquery
2592returns the correct rows and an error is raised if an unexpected polymorphic
2593identity is encountered::
2595    SELECT anon_1.type AS anon_1_type, anon_1.id AS anon_1_id
2596    FROM (SELECT employee.type AS type, employee.id AS id
2597    FROM employee) AS anon_1
2598    2020-01-29 18:13:10,554 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
2599    Traceback (most recent call last):
2600    # ...
2601    sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Row with identity key
2602    (<class '__main__.Employee'>, (1,), None) can't be loaded into an object;
2603    the polymorphic discriminator column '%(140700085268432 anon)s.type'
2604    refers to mapped class Engineer->employee, which is not a sub-mapper of
2605    the requested mapped class Manager->employee
2607The correct adjustment to the situation as presented above which worked on 1.3
2608is to adjust the given subquery to correctly filter the rows based on the
2609discriminator column::
2611    print(
2612        s.query(Manager).select_entity_from(
2613            s.query(Employee).filter(Employee.discriminator == 'manager').
2614            subquery()).all()
2615    )
2617    SELECT anon_1.type AS anon_1_type, anon_1.id AS anon_1_id
2618    FROM (SELECT employee.type AS type, employee.id AS id
2619    FROM employee
2620    WHERE employee.type = ?) AS anon_1
2621    2020-01-29 18:14:49,770 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ('manager',)
2622    [<__main__.Manager object at 0x7f70e13fca90>]
2627Dialect Changes
2630pg8000 minimum version is 1.16.6, supports Python 3 only
2633Support for the pg8000 dialect has been dramatically improved, with help from
2634the project's maintainer.
2636Due to API changes, the pg8000 dialect now requires
2637version 1.16.6 or greater. The pg8000 series has dropped Python 2 support as of
2638the 1.13 series.  Python 2 users who require pg8000 should ensure their
2639requirements are pinned at ``SQLAlchemy<1.4``.
2643psycopg2 version 2.7 or higher is required for the PostgreSQL psycopg2 dialect
2646The psycopg2 dialect relies upon many features of psycopg2 released
2647in the past few years.  To simplify the dialect, version 2.7, released
2648in March, 2017 is now the minimum version required.
2650.. _change_5941:
2652psycopg2 dialect no longer has limitations regarding bound parameter names
2655SQLAlchemy 1.3 was not able to accommodate bound parameter names that included
2656percent signs or parenthesis under the psycopg2 dialect. This in turn meant
2657that column names which included these characters were also problematic as
2658INSERT and other DML statements would generate parameter names that matched
2659that of the column, which would then cause failures. The workaround was to make
2660use of the :paramref:`_schema.Column.key` parameter so that an alternate name
2661that would be used to generate the parameter, or otherwise the parameter style
2662of the dialect had to be changed at the :func:`_sa.create_engine` level. As of
2663SQLAlchemy 1.4.0beta3 all naming limitations have been removed and parameters
2664are fully escaped in all scenarios, so these workarounds are no longer
2673.. _change_5401:
2675psycopg2 dialect features "execute_values" with RETURNING for INSERT statements by default
2678The first half of a significant performance enhancement for PostgreSQL when
2679using both Core and ORM, the psycopg2 dialect now uses
2680``psycopg2.extras.execute_values()`` by default for compiled INSERT statements
2681and also implements RETURNING support in this mode.   The other half of this
2682change is :ref:`change_5263` which allows the ORM to take advantage of
2683RETURNING with executemany (i.e. batching of INSERT statements) so that ORM
2684bulk inserts with psycopg2 are up to 400% faster depending on specifics.
2686This extension method allows many rows to be INSERTed within a single
2687statement, using an extended VALUES clause for the statement.  While
2688SQLAlchemy's :func:`_sql.insert` construct already supports this syntax via
2689the :meth:`_sql.Insert.values` method, the extension method allows the
2690construction of the VALUES clause to occur dynamically when the statement
2691is executed as an "executemany" execution, which is what occurs when one
2692passes a list of parameter dictionaries to :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`.
2693It also occurs beyond the cache boundary so that the INSERT statement may
2694be cached before the VALUES are rendered.
2696A quick test of the ``execute_values()`` approach using the
2697``bulk_inserts.py`` script in the :ref:`examples_performance` example
2698suite reveals an approximate **fivefold performance increase**::
2700    $ python -m examples.performance bulk_inserts --test test_core_insert --num 100000 --dburl postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
2702    # 1.3
2703    test_core_insert : A single Core INSERT construct inserting mappings in bulk. (100000 iterations); total time 5.229326 sec
2705    # 1.4
2706    test_core_insert : A single Core INSERT construct inserting mappings in bulk. (100000 iterations); total time 0.944007 sec
2708Support for the "batch" extension was added in version 1.2 in
2709:ref:`change_4109`, and enhanced to include support for the ``execute_values``
2710extension in 1.3 in :ticket:`4623`.  In 1.4 the ``execute_values`` extension is
2711now being turned on by default for INSERT statements; the "batch" extension
2712for UPDATE and DELETE remains off by default.
2714In addition, the ``execute_values`` extension function supports returning the
2715rows that are generated by RETURNING as an aggregated list.  The psycopg2
2716dialect will now retrieve this list if the given :func:`_sql.insert` construct
2717requests returning via the :meth:`.Insert.returning` method or similar methods
2718intended to return generated defaults; the rows are then installed in the
2719result so that they are retrieved as though they came from the cursor
2720directly.   This allows tools like the ORM to use batched inserts in all cases,
2721which is expected to provide a dramatic performance improvement.
2724The ``executemany_mode`` feature of the psycopg2 dialect has been revised
2725with the following changes:
2727* A new mode ``"values_only"`` is added.  This mode uses the very performant
2728  ``psycopg2.extras.execute_values()`` extension method for compiled INSERT
2729  statements run with executemany(), but does not use ``execute_batch()`` for
2730  UPDATE and DELETE statements.  This new mode is now the default setting for
2731  the psycopg2 dialect.
2733* The existing ``"values"`` mode is now named ``"values_plus_batch"``.  This mode
2734  will use ``execute_values`` for INSERT statements and ``execute_batch``
2735  for UPDATE and DELETE statements.  The mode is not enabled by default
2736  because it disables the proper functioning of ``cursor.rowcount`` with
2737  UPDATE and DELETE statements executed with ``executemany()``.
2739* RETURNING support is enabled for ``"values_only"`` and ``"values"`` for
2740  INSERT statements.  The psycopg2 dialect will receive the rows back
2741  from psycopg2 using the fetch=True flag and install them into the result
2742  set as though they came directly from the cursor (which they ultimately did,
2743  however psycopg2's extension function has aggregated multiple batches into
2744  one list).
2746* The default "page_size" setting for ``execute_values`` has been increased
2747  from 100 to 1000.   The default remains at 100 for the ``execute_batch``
2748  function.  These parameters may both be modified as was the case before.
2750* The ``use_batch_mode`` flag that was part of the 1.2 version of the feature
2751  is removed; the behavior remains controllable via the ``executemany_mode``
2752  flag added in 1.3.
2754* The Core engine and dialect has been enhanced to support executemany
2755  plus returning mode, currently only available with psycopg2, by providing
2756  new :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.inserted_primary_key_rows` and
2757  :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.returned_default_rows` accessors.
2759.. seealso::
2761    :ref:`psycopg2_executemany_mode`
2767.. _change_4895:
2769Removed "join rewriting" logic from SQLite dialect; updated imports
2772Dropped support for right-nested join rewriting to support old SQLite
2773versions prior to 3.7.16, released in 2013.   It is not expected that
2774any modern Python versions rely upon this limitation.
2776The behavior was first introduced in 0.9 and was part of the larger change of
2777allowing for right nested joins as described at :ref:`feature_joins_09`.
2778However the SQLite workaround produced many regressions in the 2013-2014
2779period due to its complexity. In 2016, the dialect was modified so that the
2780join rewriting logic would only occur for SQLite versions prior to 3.7.16 after
2781bisection was used to  identify where SQLite fixed its support for this
2782construct, and no further issues were reported against the behavior (even
2783though some bugs were found internally).    It is now anticipated that there
2784are little to no Python builds for Python 2.7 or 3.5 and above (the supported
2785Python versions) which would include a SQLite version prior to 3.7.17, and
2786the behavior is only necessary only in more complex ORM joining scenarios.
2787A warning is now emitted if the installed SQLite version is older than
2790In related changes, the module imports for SQLite no longer attempt to
2791import the "pysqlite2" driver on Python 3 as this driver does not exist
2792on Python 3; a very old warning for old pysqlite2 versions is also dropped.
2797.. _change_4976:
2799Added Sequence support for MariaDB 10.3
2802The MariaDB database as of 10.3 supports sequences.   SQLAlchemy's MySQL
2803dialect now implements support for the :class:`.Sequence` object against this
2804database, meaning "CREATE SEQUENCE" DDL will be emitted for a
2805:class:`.Sequence` that is present in a :class:`_schema.Table` or :class:`_schema.MetaData`
2806collection in the same way as it works for backends such as PostgreSQL, Oracle,
2807when the dialect's server version check has confirmed the database is MariaDB
280810.3 or greater.    Additionally, the :class:`.Sequence` will act as a
2809column default and primary key generation object when used in these ways.
2811Since this change will impact the assumptions both for DDL as well as the
2812behavior of INSERT statements for an application that is currently deployed
2813against MariaDB 10.3 which also happens to make explicit use the
2814:class:`.Sequence` construct within its table definitions, it is important to
2815note that :class:`.Sequence` supports a flag :paramref:`.Sequence.optional`
2816which is used to limit the scenarios in which the :class:`.Sequence` to take
2817effect. When "optional" is used on a :class:`.Sequence` that is present in the
2818integer primary key column of a table::
2820    Table(
2821        "some_table", metadata,
2822        Column("id", Integer, Sequence("some_seq", optional=True), primary_key=True)
2823    )
2825The above :class:`.Sequence` is only used for DDL and INSERT statements if the
2826target database does not support any other means of generating integer primary
2827key values for the column.  That is, the Oracle database above would use the
2828sequence, however the PostgreSQL and MariaDB 10.3 databases would not. This may
2829be important for an existing application that is upgrading to SQLAlchemy 1.4
2830which may not have emitted DDL for this :class:`.Sequence` against its backing
2831database, as an INSERT statement will fail if it seeks to use a sequence that
2832was not created.
2835.. seealso::
2837    :ref:`defaults_sequences`
2842.. _change_4235:
2844Added Sequence support distinct from IDENTITY to SQL Server
2847The :class:`.Sequence` construct is now fully functional with Microsoft
2848SQL Server.  When applied to a :class:`.Column`, the DDL for the table will
2849no longer include IDENTITY keywords and instead will rely upon "CREATE SEQUENCE"
2850to ensure a sequence is present which will then be used for INSERT statements
2851on the table.
2853The :class:`.Sequence` prior to version 1.3 was used to control parameters for
2854the IDENTITY column in SQL Server; this usage emitted deprecation warnings
2855throughout 1.3 and is now removed in 1.4.  For control of parameters for an
2856IDENTITY column, the ``mssql_identity_start`` and ``mssql_identity_increment``
2857parameters should be used; see the MSSQL dialect documentation linked below.
2860.. seealso::
2862    :ref:`mssql_identity`