1 /**
2    Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4    Written by:  Richard Frith-Macdonald <rfm@gnu.org>
5    Date:	April 2004
7    This file is part of the SQLClient Library.
9    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
21    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
23 <title>SQLClient documentation</title>
24 <chapter>
25   <heading>The SQLClient library</heading>
26   <section>
27     <heading>What is the SQLClient library?</heading>
28     <p>
29       The SQLClient library is designed to provide a simple interface to SQL
30       databases for GNUstep applications.  It does not attempt the sort of
31       abstraction provided by the much more sophisticated GDL2 library, but
32       rather allows applications to directly execute SQL queries and
33       statements.
34     </p>
35     <p>
36       SQLClient provides for the Objective-C programmer much the same thing
37       that JDBC provides for the Java programmer (though SQLClient is a bit
38       faster, easier to use, and easier to add new database backends for
39       than JDBC).
40     </p>
41     <p>
42       The major features of the SQLClient library are -
43     </p>
44     <list>
45       <item>
46         Simple API for executing queries and statements ... a variable
47 	length sequence of comma separated strings and other objects
48 	(NSNumber, NSDate, NSData) are concatenated into a single SQL
49 	statement and executed.
50       </item>
51       <item>
52         Simple API ([SQLTransaction])for combining multiple SQL statements
53 	into a single transaction which can be used to minimise client-server
54 	interactions to get the best possible performance from your database.
55       </item>
56       <item>
57         Supports multiple sumultaneous named connections to a database
58 	server in a thread-safe manner.<br />
59       </item>
60       <item>
61 	Supports multiple simultaneous connections to different database
62 	servers with backend driver bundles loaded for different database
63 	engines.  Clear, simple subclassing of the abstract base class to
64 	enable easy implementation of new backend bundles.
65       </item>
66       <item>
67 	Configuration for all connections held in one place and referenced
68 	by connection name for ease of configuration control.
69 	Changes via NSUserDefaults can even allow reconfiguration of
70 	client instances within a running application.
71       </item>
72       <item>
73         Thread safe operation ... The base class supports locking such that
74 	a single instance can be shared between multiple threads.
75       </item>
76       <item>
77         Support for standalone web applications ... eg to allow data to be
78 	added to the database by people posting web forms to the application.
79       </item>
80       <item>
81         Supports notification of connection to and disconnection from the
82         database server.
83       </item>
84     </list>
85   </section>
86   <section>
87     <heading>What backend bundles are available?</heading>
88     <p>
89       Current backend bundles are -
90     </p>
91     <list>
92       <item>
93         ECPG - a bundle using the embedded SQL interface for postgres.<br />
94 	This is based on a similar code which was in production use
95 	for over eighteen months, so it should be reliable, but inefficient.
96       </item>
97       <item>
98         Postgres - a bundle using the libpq native interface for postgres.<br />
99 	This is the preferred backend as it allows 'SELECT FOR UPDATE', which
100 	the ECPG backend cannot support due to limitations in the postgres
101 	implementation of cursors.  The code is now well tested and known
102 	to be efficient.
103       </item>
104       <item>
105         MySQL - a bundle using the mysqlclient library for *recent* MySQL.<br />
106 	I don't use MySQL ... but the test program ran successfully with a
107 	vanilla install of the MySQL packages for recent Debian unstable.
108       </item>
109       <item>
110 	SQLite - a bundle using the sqlite3 library which supports an
111 	SQL-like API for direct access to a database file (rather than
112 	acting as a client of a database server process).<br />
113 	Not as functional as the other backends (doesn't support dates
114 	for instance), but good enough for many purposes and very
115 	'lightweight'.  See http://www.sqlite.org
116       </item>
117       <item>
118         Oracle - a bundle using embedded SQL for Oracle.<br />
119 	Completely untested ... may even need some work to compile ... but
120 	this *is* based on code which was working about a year ago.<br />
121 	No support for BLOBs yet.
122       </item>
123     </list>
124   </section>
125   <section>
126     <heading>Where can you get it? How can you install it?</heading>
127     <p>
128       The SQLClient library is currently only available via CVS from the
129       GNUstep CVS repository.<br />
130       See &lt;https://savannah.gnu.org/cvs/?group=gnustep&gt;<br />
131       You need to check out <code>gnustep/dev-libs/SQLClient</code>
132     </p>
133     <p>
134       To build this library you must have a basic GNUstep environment set up ...
135     </p>
136     <list>
137       <item>
138 	The gnustep-make package must have been built and installed.
139       </item>
140       <item>
141 	The gnustep-base package must have been built and installed.
142       </item>
143       <item>
144 	The Performance library (from the dev-libs area in GNUstep CVS)
145 	must have been built and installed.
146       </item>
147       <item>
148 	If this environment is in place, all you should need to do is run 'make'
149 	to configure and build the library, 'make install' to install it.
150       </item>
151       <item>
152 	Then you can run the test programs.
153       </item>
154       <item>
155 	Your most likely problems are that the configure script may not
156 	detect the database libraries you want ...  Please figure out how
157 	to modify <code>configure.ac</code> so that it will detect the
158 	required headers and libraries on your system, and supply na patch.
159       </item>
160       <item>
161         Once the library is installed, you can include the header file
162 	<code>&lt;SQLClient/SQLClient.h%gt;</code> and link your programs
163        	with the <code>SQLClient</code> library to use it.
164       </item>
165     </list>
166     <p>
167       Bug reports, patches, and contributions (eg a backend bundle for a
168       new database) should be entered on the GNUstep project page
169       &lt;http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnustep&gt; and the bug
170       reporting page &lt;http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gnustep&gt;
171     </p>
172   </section>
173 </chapter>
175    $Date: 2014-10-13 11:47:06 +0100 (Mon, 13 Oct 2014) $ $Revision: 38114 $
176    */
178 #ifndef	INCLUDED_SQLClient_H
179 #define	INCLUDED_SQLClient_H
181 #import	<Foundation/NSArray.h>
182 #import	<Foundation/NSObject.h>
184 @class	NSConditionLock;
185 @class	NSCountedSet;
186 @class	NSMapTable;
187 @class	NSMutableDictionary;
188 @class	NSMutableSet;
189 @class	NSString;
190 @class	NSThread;
192 @class	GSCache;
193 @class	SQLTransaction;
195 /**
196  * Notification sent when an instance becomes connected to the database
197  * server.  The notification object is the instance connected.
198  */
199 extern NSString * const SQLClientDidConnectNotification;
201 /**
202  * Notification sent when an instance becomes disconnected from the database
203  * server.  The notification object is the instance disconnected.
204  */
205 extern NSString * const SQLClientDidDisconnectNotification;
207 #if     !defined(SQLCLIENT_PRIVATE)
208 #define SQLCLIENT_PRIVATE       @private
209 #endif
211 /**
212  * <p>An enhanced array to represent a record returned from a query.
213  * You should <em>NOT</em> try to create instances of this class
214  * except via the +newWithValues:keys:count: method.
215  * </p>
216  * <p>SQLRecord is the abstract base class of a class cluster.
217  * If you wish to subclass it you must implement the primitive methods
218  * +newWithValues:keys:count: -count -keyAtIndex: -objectAtIndex:
219  * and -replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:
220  * </p>
221  * <p>NB. You do not need to use SQLRecord (or a subclass of it), all you
222  * actually need to supply is a class which responds to the
223  * +newWithValues:keys:count: method that the system uses to create
224  * new records ... none of the other methods of the SQLRecord class
225  * are used internally by the SQLClient system.
226  * </p>
227  */
228 @interface SQLRecord : NSArray
230 /**
231  * Create a new SQLRecord containing the specified fields.<br />
232  * NB. The values and keys are <em>retained</em> by the record rather
233  * than being copied.<br />
234  * A nil value is represented by [NSNull null].<br />
235  * Keys must be unique string values (case insensitive comparison).
236  */
237 + (id) newWithValues: (id*)v
238 		keys: (NSString**)k
239 	       count: (unsigned int)c;
241 /**
242  * Returns an array containing the names of all the fields in the record.
243  */
244 - (NSArray*) allKeys;
246 /**
247  * Returns the number of items in the record.<br />
248  * Subclasses must implement this method.
249  */
250 - (NSUInteger) count;
252 /**
253  * Return the record as a mutable dictionary with the keys as the
254  * record field names standardised to be lowercase strings.
255  */
256 - (NSMutableDictionary*) dictionary;
258 /**
259  * Optimised mechanism for retrieving all keys in order.
260  */
261 - (void) getKeys: (id*)buf;
263 /**
264  * Optimised mechanism for retrieving all objects.
265  */
266 - (void) getObjects: (id*)buf;
268 /** <override-subclass />
269  * Returns the key at the specified indes.<br />
270  */
271 - (NSString*) keyAtIndex: (NSUInteger)index;
273 /** <override-subclass />
274  * Returns the object at the specified indes.<br />
275  */
276 - (id) objectAtIndex: (NSUInteger)index;
278 /**
279  * Returns the value of the named field.<br />
280  * The field name is case insensitive.
281  */
282 - (id) objectForKey: (NSString*)key;
284 /**
285  * Replaces the value at the specified index.<br />
286  * Subclasses must implement this method.
287  */
288 - (void) replaceObjectAtIndex: (NSUInteger)index withObject: (id)anObject;
290 /**
291  * Replaces the value of the named field.<br />
292  * The field name is case insensitive.<br />
293  * NB. You must be careful not to change the contents of a record which
294  * has been cached (unless you are sure you really want to), as you will
295  * be changing the contents of the cache, not just a private copy.
296  */
297 - (void) setObject: (id)anObject forKey: (NSString*)aKey;
299 /**
300  * Return approximate size of this record in bytes.<br />
301  * The exclude set is used to specify objects to exclude from the
302  * calculation (to prevent recursion etc).
303  */
304 - (NSUInteger) sizeInBytes: (NSMutableSet*)exclude;
305 @end
307 extern NSString	*SQLException;
308 extern NSString	*SQLConnectionException;
309 extern NSString	*SQLEmptyException;
310 extern NSString	*SQLUniqueException;
312 /**
313  * Returns the timestamp of the most recent call to SQLClientTimeNow().
314  */
315 extern NSTimeInterval SQLClientTimeLast();
317 /**
318  * Convenience function to provide timing information quickly.<br />
319  * This returns the current date/time, and stores the value for use
320  * by the SQLClientTimeLast() function.
321  */
322 extern NSTimeInterval	SQLClientTimeNow();
324 /**
325  * This returns the timestamp from which any of the SQLClient classes was
326  * first used or SQLClientTimeNow() was first called (whichever came first).
327  */
328 extern NSTimeInterval	SQLClientTimeStart();
330 /**
331  * A convenience method to return the current clock 'tick' ... which is
332  * the current second based on the time we started.  This does <em>not</em>
333  * check the current time, but relies on SQLClientTimeLast() returning an
334  * up to date value (so if you need an accurate tick, you should ensure
335  * that SQLClientTimeNow() is called at least once a second).<br />
336  * The returned value is always greater than zero, and is basically
337  * calculated as (SQLClientTimeLast() - SQLClientTimeStart() + 1).<br />
338  * In the event that the system clock is reset into the past, the value
339  * of SQLClientTimeStart() is automatically adjusted to ensure that the
340  * result of a call to SQLClientTimeTick() is never less than the result
341  * of any earlier call to the function.
342  */
343 extern unsigned	SQLClientTimeTick();
345 @class SQLClientPool;
347 /**
348  * <p>The SQLClient class encapsulates dynamic SQL access to relational
349  * database systems.  A shared instance of the class is used for
350  * each database (as identified by the name of the database), and
351  * the number of simultanous database connections is managed too.
352  * </p>
353  * <p>SQLClient is an abstract base class ... when you create an instance
354  * of it, you are actually creating an instance of a concrete subclass
355  * whose implementation is loaded from a bundle.
356  * </p>
357  */
358 @interface	SQLClient : NSObject
359 {
361   void			*extra;		/** For subclass specific data */
362   NSRecursiveLock	*lock;		/** Maintain thread-safety */
363   /**
364    * A flag indicating whether this instance is currently connected to
365    * the backend database server.  This variable must <em>only</em> be
366    * set by the -backendConnect or -backendDisconnect methods.
367    */
368   BOOL			connected;
369   /**
370    * A flag indicating whether this instance is currently within a
371    * transaction. This variable must <em>only</em> be
372    * set by the -begin, -commit or -rollback methods.
373    */
374   BOOL			_inTransaction;	/** Are we inside a transaction? */
375   /**
376    * A flag indicating whether leading and trailing white space in values
377    * read from the database should automatically be removed.<br />
378    * This should only be modified by the -setShouldTrim: method.
379    */
380   BOOL                  _shouldTrim;    /** Should whitespace be trimmed? */
381   NSString		*_name;		/** Unique identifier for instance */
382   NSString		*_client;	/** Identifier within backend */
383   NSString		*_database;	/** The configured database name/host */
384   NSString		*_password;	/** The configured password */
385   NSString		*_user;		/** The configured user */
386   NSMutableArray	*_statements;	/** Uncommitted statements */
387   /**
388    * Timestamp of completion of last operation.<br />
389    * Maintained by -simpleExecute: -simpleQuery:recordType:listType:
390    * and -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType:
391    * Also set for a failed connection attempt, but not reported by the
392    * -lastOperation method in that case.
393    */
394   NSTimeInterval	_lastOperation;
395   NSTimeInterval	_lastStart;	/** Last op start or connect */
396   NSTimeInterval	_duration;      /** Duration logging threshold */
397   unsigned int		_debugging;	/** The current debugging level */
398   GSCache		*_cache;	/** The cache for query results */
399   NSThread		*_cacheThread;	/** Thread for cache queries */
400   unsigned int		_connectFails;	/** The count of connection failures */
401   NSMapTable            *_observers;    /** Observations of async events */
402   NSCountedSet          *_names;        /** Track notification names */
403   SQLClientPool         *_pool;         /** The pool of the client (or nil) */
404   /** Allow for extensions by allocating memory and pointing to it from
405    * the _extra ivar.  That way we can avoid binary incompatibility between
406    * minor releases.
407    */
408   void			*_extra;
409 }
411 /**
412  * Returns an array containing all the SQLClient instances .
413  */
414 + (NSArray*) allClients;
416 /**
417  * Return an existing SQLClient instance (using +existingClient:) if possible,
418  * or creates one, initialises it using -initWithConfiguration:name:, and
419  * returns the new instance (autoreleased).<br />
420  * Returns nil on failure.
421  */
422 + (SQLClient*) clientWithConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)config
423 				  name: (NSString*)reference;
425 /**
426  * Return an existing SQLClient instance for the specified name
427  * if one exists, otherwise returns nil.
428  */
429 + (SQLClient*) existingClient: (NSString*)reference;
431 /**
432  * Returns the maximum number of simultaneous database connections
433  * permitted (set by +setMaxConnections: and defaults to 8) for
434  * connections outside of SQLClientPool instances.
435  */
436 + (unsigned int) maxConnections;
438 /**
439  * <p>Use this method to reduce the number of database connections
440  * currently active so that it is less than the limit set by the
441  * +setMaxConnections: method.  This mechanism is used internally
442  * by the class to ensure that, when it is about to open a new
443  * connection, the limit is not exceeded.
444  * </p>
445  * <p>If since is not nil, then any connection which has not been
446  * used more recently than that date is disconnected anyway.<br />
447  * You can (and probably should) use this periodically to purge
448  * idle connections, but you can also pass a date in the future to
449  * close all connections.
450  * </p>
451  * <p>Purging does not apply to connections made by SQLClientPool
452  * instances.
453  * </p>
454  */
455 + (void) purgeConnections: (NSDate*)since;
457 /**
458  * <p>Set the maximum number of simultaneous database connections
459  * permitted (defaults to 8 and may not be set less than 1).
460  * </p>
461  * <p>This value is used by the +purgeConnections: method to determine how
462  * many connections should be disconnected when it is called.
463  * </p>
464  * <p>Connections used by SQLClientPool instances are not considered by
465  * this maximum.
466  * </p>
467  */
468 + (void) setMaxConnections: (unsigned int)c;
470 /**
471  * Start a transaction for this database client.<br />
472  * You <strong>must</strong> match this with either a -commit
473  * or a -rollback.<br />
474  * <p>Normally, if you execute an SQL statement without using this
475  * method first, the <em>autocommit</em> feature is employed, and
476  * the statement takes effect immediately.  Use of this method
477  * permits you to execute several statements in sequence, and
478  * only have them take effect (as a single operation) when you
479  * call the -commit method.
480  * </p>
481  * <p>NB. You must <strong>not</strong> execute an SQL statement
482  * which would start a transaction directly ... use only this
483  * method.
484  * </p>
485  * <p>Where possible, consider using the [SQLTransaction] class rather
486  * than calling -begin -commit or -rollback yourself.
487  * </p>
488  */
489 - (void) begin;
491 /**
492  * <p>Build an sql query string using the supplied arguments.
493  * </p>
494  * <p>This method has at least one argument, the string starting the
495  * query to be executed (which must have the prefix 'select ').
496  * </p>
497  * <p>Additional arguments are a nil terminated list which also be strings,
498  * and these are appended to the statement.<br />
499  * Any string arguments are assumed to have been quoted appropriately
500  * already, but non-string arguments are automatically quoted using the
501  * -quote: method.
502  * </p>
503  * <example>
504  *   sql = [db buildQuery: @"SELECT Name FROM ", table, nil];
505  * </example>
506  * <p>Upon error, an exception is raised.
507  * </p>
508  * <p>The method returns a string containing sql suitable for passing to
509  * the -simpleQuery:recordType:listType:
510  * or -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: methods.
511  * </p>
512  */
513 - (NSString*) buildQuery: (NSString*)stmt,...;
515 /**
516  * Takes the query statement and substitutes in values from
517  * the dictionary where markup of the format {key} is found.<br />
518  * Returns the resulting query string.
519  * <example>
520  *   sql = [db buildQuery: @"SELECT Name FROM {Table} WHERE ID = {ID}"
521  *                   with: values];
522  * </example>
523  * <p>Any non-string values in the dictionary will be replaced by
524  * the results of the -quote: method.<br />
525  * The markup format may also be {key?default} where <em>default</em>
526  * is a string to be used if there is no value for the <em>key</em>
527  * in the dictionary.
528  * </p>
529  * <p>The method returns a string containing sql suitable for passing to
530  * the -simpleQuery:recordType:listType:
531  * or -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: methods.
532  * </p>
533  */
534 - (NSString*) buildQuery: (NSString*)stmt with: (NSDictionary*)values;
536 /**
537  * Return the client name for this instance.<br />
538  * Normally this is useful only for debugging/reporting purposes, but
539  * if you are using multiple instances of this class in your application,
540  * and you are using embedded SQL, you will need to use this
541  * method to fetch the client/connection name and store its C-string
542  * representation in a variable 'connectionName' declared to the sql
543  * preprocessor, so you can then have statements of the form -
544  * 'exec sql at :connectionName ...'.
545  */
546 - (NSString*) clientName;
548 /**
549  * Complete a transaction for this database client.<br />
550  * This <strong>must</strong> match an earlier -begin.
551  * <p>NB. You must <strong>not</strong> execute an SQL statement
552  * which would commit or rollback a transaction directly ... use
553  * only this method or the -rollback method.
554  * </p>
555  * <p>Where possible, consider using the [SQLTransaction] class rather
556  * than calling -begin -commit or -rollback yourself.
557  * </p>
558  */
559 - (void) commit;
561 /**
562  * If the <em>connected</em> instance variable is NO, this method
563  * calls -backendConnect to ensure that there is a connection to the
564  * database server established. Returns the result.<br />
565  * Performs any necessary locking for thread safety.<br />
566  * This method also counts the number of consecutive failed connection
567  * attempts.  A delay is enforced between each connection attempt, with
568  * the length of the delay growing with each failure.  This ensures
569  * that applications which fail to deal with connection failures, and
570  * just keep trying to reconnect, will not overload the system/server.<br />
571  * The maximum delay is 30 seconds, so when the database server is restarted,
572  * the application can reconnect reasonably quickly.
573  */
574 - (BOOL) connect;
576 /**
577  * Return a flag to say whether a connection to the database server is
578  * currently live (the value of the 'connected' instance variable).<br />
579  * This is mostly useful for debug/reporting.
580  */
581 - (BOOL) connected;
583 /**
584  * Return the database name for this instance (or nil).
585  */
586 - (NSString*) database;
588 /**
589  * If the <em>connected</em> instance variable is YES, this method
590  * calls -backendDisconnect to ensure that the connection to the
591  * database server is dropped.<br />
592  * Performs any necessary locking for thread safety.
593  */
594 - (void) disconnect;
596 /**
597  * Perform arbitrary operation <em>which does not return any value.</em><br />
598  * This arguments to this method are a nil terminated list which are
599  * concatenated in the manner of the -query:,... method.<br />
600  * Any string arguments are assumed to have been quoted appropriately
601  * already, but non-string arguments are automatically quoted using the
602  * -quote: method.
603  * <example>
604  *   [db execute: @"UPDATE ", table, @" SET Name = ",
605  *     myName, " WHERE ID = ", myId, nil];
606  * </example>
607  * Where the database backend support it, this method returns the count of
608  * the number of rows to which the operation applied.  Otherwise this
609  * returns -1.
610  */
611 - (NSInteger) execute: (NSString*)stmt,...;
613 /**
614  * Takes the statement and substitutes in values from
615  * the dictionary where markup of the format {key} is found.<br />
616  * Passes the result to the -execute:,... method.
617  * <example>
618  *   [db execute: @"UPDATE {Table} SET Name = {Name} WHERE ID = {ID}"
619  *          with: values];
620  * </example>
621  * Any non-string values in the dictionary will be replaced by
622  * the results of the -quote: method.<br />
623  * The markup format may also be {key?default} where <em>default</em>
624  * is a string to be used if there is no value for the <em>key</em>
625  * in the dictionary.<br />
626  * Where the database backend support it, this method returns the count of
627  * the number of rows to which the operation applied.  Otherwise this
628  * returns -1.
629  */
630 - (NSInteger) execute: (NSString*)stmt with: (NSDictionary*)values;
632 /**
633  * Calls -initWithConfiguration:name: passing a nil reference name.
634  */
635 - (id) initWithConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)config;
637 /**
638  * Calls -initWithConfiguration:name:pool: passing NO to say the client is
639  * not in a pool.
640  */
641 - (id) initWithConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)config
642 			name: (NSString*)reference;
644 /**
645  * Initialise using the supplied configuration, or if that is nil, try to
646  * use values from NSUserDefaults (and automatically update when the
647  * defaults change).<br />
648  * Uses the reference name to determine configuration information ... and if
649  * a nil name is supplied, defaults to the value of SQLClientName in the
650  * configuration dictionary (or in the standard user defaults).  If there is
651  * no value for SQLClientName, uses the string 'Database'.<br />
652  * If pool is nil and a SQLClient instance already exists with the
653  * name used for this instance, the receiver is deallocated and the existing
654  * instance is retained and returned ... there may only ever be one instance
655  * for a particular reference name which is not in a pool.<br />
656  * <br />
657  * The config argument (or the SQLClientReferences user default)
658  * is a dictionary with names as keys and dictionaries
659  * as its values.  Configuration entries from the dictionary corresponding
660  * to the database client are used if possible, general entries are used
661  * otherwise.<br />
662  * Database ... is the name of the database to use, if it is missing
663  * then 'Database' may be used instead.<br />
664  * User ... is the name of the database user to use, if it is missing
665  * then 'User' may be used instead.<br />
666  * Password ... is the name of the database user password, if it is
667  * missing then 'Password' may be used instead.<br />
668  * ServerType ... is the name of the backend server to be used ... by
669  * convention the name of a bundle containing the interface to that backend.
670  * If this is missing then 'Postgres' is used.<br />
671  * The database name may be of the format 'name@host:port' when you wish to
672  * connect to a database on a different host over the network.
673  */
674 - (id) initWithConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)config
675 			name: (NSString*)reference
676                         pool: (SQLClientPool*)pool;
678 /** Two clients are considered equal if they refer to the same database
679  * and are logged in as the same database user using the same protocol.
680  * These are the general criteria for transactions to be compatoible so
681  * that an SQLTransaction object generated by one client can be used by
682  * the other.
683  */
684 - (BOOL) isEqual: (id)other;
686 /**
687  * Return the state of the flag indicating whether the library thinks
688  * a transaction is in progress.  This flag is normally maintained by
689  * -begin, -commit, and -rollback.
690  */
691 - (BOOL) isInTransaction;
693 /**
694  * Returns the date/time stamp of the last database operation performed
695  * by the receiver, or nil if no operation has ever been done by it.<br />
696  * Simply connecting to or disconnecting from the databsse does not
697  * count as an operation.
698  */
699 - (NSDate*) lastOperation;
701 /** Compares the receiver with the other client to see which one has been
702  * inactive but connected for longest (if they are connected) and returns
703  * that instance.<br />
704  * If neither is idle but connected, the method returns nil.<br />
705  * In a tie, the method returns the other instance.
706  */
707 - (SQLClient*) longestIdle: (SQLClient*)other;
709 /**
710  * Return the database reference name for this instance (or nil).
711  */
712 - (NSString*) name;
714 /**
715  * Return the database password for this instance (or nil).
716  */
717 - (NSString*) password;
719 /**
720  * <p>Perform arbitrary query <em>which returns values.</em>
721  * </p>
722  * <p>This method handles its arguments in the same way as the -buildQuery:,...
723  * method and returns the result of the query.
724  * </p>
725  * <example>
726  *   result = [db query: @"SELECT Name FROM ", table, nil];
727  * </example>
728  * <p>Upon error, an exception is raised.
729  * </p>
730  * <p>The query returns an array of records (each of which is represented
731  * by an SQLRecord object).
732  * </p>
733  * <p>Each SQLRecord object contains one or more fields, in the order in
734  * which they occurred in the query.  Fields may also be retrieved by name.
735  * </p>
736  * <p>NULL field items are returned as NSNull objects.
737  * </p>
738  * <p>Most other field items are returned as NSString objects.
739  * </p>
740  * <p>Date and timestamp field items are returned as NSDate objects.
741  * </p>
742  */
743 - (NSMutableArray*) query: (NSString*)stmt,...;
745 /**
746  * Takes the query statement and substitutes in values from
747  * the dictionary (in the same manner as the -buildQuery:with: method)
748  * then executes the query and returns the response.<br />
749  * <example>
750  *   result = [db query: @"SELECT Name FROM {Table} WHERE ID = {ID}"
751  *                 with: values];
752  * </example>
753  * Any non-string values in the dictionary will be replaced by
754  * the results of the -quote: method.<br />
755  * The markup format may also be {key?default} where <em>default</em>
756  * is a string to be used if there is no value for the <em>key</em>
757  * in the dictionary.
758  */
759 - (NSMutableArray*) query: (NSString*)stmt with: (NSDictionary*)values;
761 /**
762  * Convert an object to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.<br />
763  * Normally the -execute:,..., and -query:,... methods will call this
764  * method automatically for everything apart from string objects.<br />
765  * Strings have to be handled specially, because they are used both for
766  * parts of the SQL command, and as values (where they need to be quoted).
767  * So where you need to pass a string value which needs quoting,
768  * you must call this method explicitly.<br />
769  * Subclasses may override this method to provide appropriate quoting for
770  * types of object which need database backend specific quoting conventions.
771  * However, the defalt implementation should be OK for most cases.<br />
772  * This method makes use of -quoteString: to quote literal strings.<br />
773  * The base class implementation formats NSDate objects as<br />
774  * YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm ?ZZZZ<br />
775  * NSData objects are not quoted ... they must not appear in queries, and
776  * where used for insert/update operations, they need to be passed to the
777  * -backendExecute: method unchanged.
778  */
779 - (NSString*) quote: (id)obj;
781 /**
782  * Produce a quoted string from the supplied arguments (printf style).
783  */
784 - (NSString*) quotef: (NSString*)fmt, ...;
786 /**
787  * Convert a big (64 bit) integer to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
788  */
789 - (NSString*) quoteBigInteger: (int64_t)i;
791 /**
792  * Convert a 'C' string to a string suitable for use in an SQL query
793  * by using -quoteString: to convert it to a literal string format.<br />
794  * NB. a null pointer is treated as an empty string.
795  */
796 - (NSString*) quoteCString: (const char *)s;
798 /**
799  * Convert a single character to a string suitable for use in an SQL query
800  * by using -quoteString: to convert it to a literal string format.<br />
801  * NB. a nul character is not allowed and will cause an exception.
802  */
803 - (NSString*) quoteChar: (char)c;
805 /**
806  * Convert a float to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
807  */
808 - (NSString*) quoteFloat: (float)f;
810 /**
811  * Convert an integer to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
812  */
813 - (NSString*) quoteInteger: (int)i;
815 /**
816  * Convert a string to a form suitable for use as a string
817  * literal in an SQL query.<br />
818  * Subclasses may override this for non-standard literal string
819  * quoting conventions.
820  */
821 - (NSString*) quoteString: (NSString *)s;
823 /**
824  * Revert a transaction for this database client.<br />
825  * If there is no transaction in progress, this method does nothing.<br />
826  * <p>NB. You must <strong>not</strong> execute an SQL statement
827  * which would commit or rollback a transaction directly ... use
828  * only this method or the -rollback method.
829  * </p>
830  * <p>Where possible, consider using the [SQLTransaction] class rather
831  * than calling -begin -commit or -rollback yourself.
832  * </p>
833  */
834 - (void) rollback;
836 /**
837  * Set the database host/name for this object.<br />
838  * This is called automatically to configure the connection ...
839  * you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
840  */
841 - (void) setDatabase: (NSString*)s;
843 /**
844  * Set the database reference name for this object.  This is used to
845  * differentiate between multiple connections to the database.<br />
846  * This is called automatically to configure the connection ...
847  * you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.<br />
848  * NB. attempts to change the name of an instance to that of an existing
849  * instance are ignored.
850  */
851 - (void) setName: (NSString*)s;
853 /**
854  * Set the database password for this object.<br />
855  * This is called automatically to configure the connection ...
856  * you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
857  */
858 - (void) setPassword: (NSString*)s;
860 /** Sets an internal flag to indicate whether leading and trailing white
861  * space characters should be removed from values retrieved from the
862  * database by the receiver.
863  */
864 - (void) setShouldTrim: (BOOL)aFlag;
866 /**
867  * Set the database user for this object.<br />
868  * This is called automatically to configure the connection ...
869  * you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
870  */
871 - (void) setUser: (NSString*)s;
873 /**
874  * Calls -backendExecute: in a safe manner.<br />
875  * Handles locking.<br />
876  * Maintains -lastOperation date.<br />
877  * Returns the result of -backendExecute:
878  */
879 - (NSInteger) simpleExecute: (NSArray*)info;
881 /**
882  * Calls -simpleQuery:recordType:listType: with the default record class
883  * and default array class.
884  */
885 - (NSMutableArray*) simpleQuery: (NSString*)stmt;
887 /**
888  * Calls -backendQuery:recordType:listType: in a safe manner.<br />
889  * Handles locking.<br />
890  * Maintains -lastOperation date.<br />
891  * The value of rtype must respond to the
892  * [SQLRecord+newWithValues:keys:count:] method.<br />
893  * If rtype is nil then the [SQLRecord] class is used.<br />
894  * The value of ltype must respond to the [NSObject+alloc] method to produce
895  * a container which must repond to the [NSMutableArray-initWithCapacity:]
896  * method to initialise itsself and the [NSMutableArray-addObject:] method
897  * to add records to the list.<br />
898  * If ltype is nil then the [NSMutableArray] class is used.<br />
899  * This library provides a few helper classes to provide alternative
900  * values for rtype and ltype.
901  */
902 - (NSMutableArray*) simpleQuery: (NSString*)stmt
903 		     recordType: (id)rtype
904 		       listType: (id)ltype;
906 /**
907  * Return the database user for this instance (or nil).
908  */
909 - (NSString*) user;
910 @end
912 /**
913  * This category contains the methods which a subclass <em>must</em>
914  * override to provide a working instance, and helper methods for the
915  * backend implementations.<br />
916  * Application programmers should <em>not</em> call the backend
917  * methods directly.<br />
918  * <p>When subclassing to produce a backend driver bundle, please be
919  * aware that the subclass must <em>NOT</em> introduce additional
920  * instance variables.  Instead the <em>extra</em> instance variable
921  * is provided for use as a pointer to subclass specific data.
922  * </p>
923  */
924 @interface	SQLClient(Subclass)
926 /** <override-subclass />
927  * Attempts to establish a connection to the database server.<br />
928  * Returns a flag to indicate whether the connection has been established.<br />
929  * If a connection was already established, returns YES and does nothing.<br />
930  * You should not need to use this method normally, as it is called for you
931  * automatically when necessary.<br />
932  * <p>Subclasses <strong>must</strong> implement this method to establish a
933  * connection to the database server process (and initialise the
934  * <em>extra</em> instance variable if necessary), setting the
935  * <em>connected</em> instance variable to indicate the state of the object.
936  * </p>
937  * <p>This method must call +purgeConnections: to ensure that there is a
938  * free slot for the new connection.
939  * </p>
940  * <p>Application code must <em>not</em> call this method directly, it is
941  * for internal use only.  The -connect method calls this method if the
942  * <em>connected</em> instance variable is NO.
943  * </p>
944  */
945 - (BOOL) backendConnect;
947 /** <override-subclass />
948  * Disconnect from the database unless already disconnected.<br />
949  * <p>This method is called automatically when the receiver is deallocated
950  * or reconfigured, and may also be called automatically when there are
951  * too many database connections active.
952  * </p>
953  * <p>If the receiver is an instance of a subclass which uses the
954  * <em>extra</em> instance variable, it <strong>must</strong> clear that
955  * variable in the -backendDisconnect method, because a reconfiguration
956  * may cause the class of the receiver to change.
957  * </p>
958  * <p>This method must set the <em>connected</em> instance variable to NO.
959  * </p>
960  * <p>Application code must <em>not</em> call this method directly, it is
961  * for internal use only.  The -disconnect method calls this method if the
962  * <em>connected</em> instance variable is YES.
963  * </p>
964  */
965 - (void) backendDisconnect;
967 /** <override-subclass />
968  * Perform arbitrary operation <em>which does not return any value.</em><br />
969  * This method has a single argument, an array containing the string
970  * representing the statement to be executed as its first object, and an
971  * optional sequence of data objects following it.<br />
972  * <example>
973  *   [db backendExecute: [NSArray arrayWithObject:
974  *     @"UPDATE MyTable SET Name = 'The name' WHERE ID = 123"]];
975  * </example>
976  * <p>The backend implementation is required to perform the SQL statement
977  * using the supplied NSData objects at the points in the statement
978  * marked by the <code>'?'''?'</code> sequence.  The marker saequences are
979  * inserted into the statement at an earlier stage by the -execute:,...
980  * and -execute:with: methods.
981  * </p>
982  * <p>Callers should lock the instance using the <em>lock</em>
983  * instance variable for the duration of the operation, and unlock
984  * it afterwards.
985  * </p>
986  * <p>NB. callers (other than the -begin, -commit, and -rollback methods)
987  * should not pass any statement to this method which would cause a
988  * transaction to begin or end.
989  * </p>
990  * <p>Application code must <em>not</em> call this method directly, it is
991  * for internal use only.
992  * </p>
993  * <p>Where the database backend support it, this method returns the count of
994  * the number of rows to which the operation applied.  Otherwise this
995  * returns -1.
996  * </p>
997  */
998 - (NSInteger) backendExecute: (NSArray*)info;
1000 /** <override-subclass />
1001  * <p>Perform arbitrary query <em>which returns values.</em>
1002  * </p>
1003  * <example>
1004  *   result = [db backendQuery: @"SELECT Name FROM Table"
1005  *                  recordType: [SQLRecord class]]
1006  *                    listType: [NSMutableArray class]];
1007  * </example>
1008  * <p>Upon error, an exception is raised.
1009  * </p>
1010  * <p>The query returns an array of records (each of which is represented
1011  * by an SQLRecord object).
1012  * </p>
1013  * <p>Each SQLRecord object contains one or more fields, in the order in
1014  * which they occurred in the query.  Fields may also be retrieved by name.
1015  * </p>
1016  * <p>NULL field items are returned as NSNull objects.
1017  * </p>
1018  * <p>Callers should lock the instance using the <em>lock</em>
1019  * instance variable for the duration of the operation, and unlock
1020  * it afterwards.
1021  * </p>
1022  * <p>Application code must <em>not</em> call this method directly, it is
1023  * for internal use only.
1024  * </p>
1025  * <p>The rtype argument specifies an object to be used to
1026  * create the records produced by the query.<br />
1027  * This is provided as a performance optimisation when you want to store
1028  * data directly into a special class of your own.<br />
1029  * The object must respond to the [SQLRecord +newWithValues:keys:count:]
1030  * method to produce a new record initialised with the supplied data.
1031  * </p>
1032  * <p>The ltype argument specifies an object to be used to create objects to
1033  * store the records produced by the query.<br />
1034  * The should be a subclass of NSMutableArray.  It must at least
1035  * implement the [NSObject+alloc] method to create an instnce to store
1036  * records.  The instance must implement [NSMutableArray-initWithCapacity:]
1037  * to initialise itsself and [NSMutableArray-addObject:] to allow the
1038  * backend to add records to it.<br />
1039  * For caching to work, it must be possible to make a mutable copy of the
1040  * instance using the mutableCopy method.
1041  * </p>
1042  */
1043 - (NSMutableArray*) backendQuery: (NSString*)stmt
1044 		      recordType: (id)rtype
1045 		        listType: (id)ltype;
1047 /**
1048  * Calls -backendQuery:recordType:listType: with the default record class
1049  * and array class.
1050  */
1051 - (NSMutableArray*) backendQuery: (NSString*)stmt;
1053 /** <override-subclass />
1054  * Called to enable asynchronous notification of database events using the
1055  * specified name (which must be a valid identifier consisting of ascii
1056  * letters, digits, and underscore characters, starting with a letter).
1057  * Names are not case sensitive (so AAA is the same as aaa).<br />
1058  * Repeated calls to list on the same name should be treated as a single
1059  * call.<br />
1060  * The backend is responsible for implicitly unlistening when a connection
1061  * is closed.<br />
1062  * There is a default implementation which does nothing ... for backends
1063  * which don't support asynchronous notifications.<br />
1064  * If a backend <em>does</em> support asynchronous notifications,
1065  * it should do so by posting NSNotification instances to
1066  * [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] using the SQLClient instance as
1067  * the notification object and supplying any payload as a string using
1068  * the 'Payload' key in the NSNotification userInfo dictionary.
1069  * The userInfo dictionary should also contain a boolean (NSNumber) value,
1070  * using the 'Local' key, to indicate whether the notification was sent by
1071  * the current SQLClient instance or by some other client/
1072  */
1073 - (void) backendListen: (NSString*)name;
1075 /** <override-subclass />
1076  * The backend should implement this to send asynchronous notifications
1077  * to anything listening for them. The name of the notification is an
1078  * SQL identifier used for listening for the asynchronous data.<br />
1079  * The payload string may be nil if no additional information is
1080  * needed in the notification.
1081  */
1082 - (void) backendNotify: (NSString*)name payload: (NSString*)more;
1084 /** <override-subclass />
1085  * Called to disable asynchronous notification of database events using the
1086  * specified name.  This has no effect if the name has not been used in an
1087  * earlier call to -backendListen:, or if the name has already been
1088  * unlistened since the last call to listen. on it.<br />
1089  * There is a default implementation which does nothing ... for backends
1090  * which don't support asynchronous notifications.
1091  */
1092 - (void) backendUnlisten: (NSString*)name;
1094 /** <override-subclass />
1095  * This method is <em>only</em> for the use of the
1096  * -insertBLOBs:intoStatement:length:withMarker:length:giving:
1097  * method.<br />
1098  * Subclasses which need to insert binary data into a statement
1099  * must implement this method to copy the escaped data into place
1100  * and return the number of bytes actually copied.
1101  */
1102 - (unsigned) copyEscapedBLOB: (NSData*)blob into: (void*)buf;
1104 /**
1105  * <p>This method is a convenience method provided for subclasses which need
1106  * to insert escaped binary data into an SQL statement before sending the
1107  * statement to a backend server process.  This method makes use of the
1108  * -copyEscapedBLOB:into: and -lengthOfEscapedBLOB: methods, which
1109  *  <em>must</em> be implemented by the subclass.
1110  * </p>
1111  * <p>The blobs array is an array containing the original SQL statement
1112  * string (unused by this method) followed by the data items to be inserted.
1113  * </p>
1114  * <p>The statement and sLength arguments specify the datastream to be
1115  * copied and into which the BLOBs are to be inserted.
1116  * </p>
1117  * <p>The marker and mLength arguments specify the sequence of marker bytes
1118  * in the statement which indicate a position for insertion of an escaped BLOB.
1119  * </p>
1120  * <p>The method returns either the original statement or a copy containing
1121  * the escaped BLOBs.  The length of the returned data is stored in result.
1122  * </p>
1123  */
1124 - (const void*) insertBLOBs: (NSArray*)blobs
1125 	      intoStatement: (const void*)statement
1126 		     length: (unsigned)sLength
1127 		 withMarker: (const void*)marker
1128 		     length: (unsigned)mLength
1129 		     giving: (unsigned*)result;
1131 /** <override-subclass />
1132  * This method is <em>only</em> for the use of the
1133  * -insertBLOBs:intoStatement:length:withMarker:length:giving:
1134  * method.<br />
1135  * Subclasses which need to insert binary data into a statement
1136  * must implement this method to return the length of the escaped
1137  * bytestream which will be inserted.
1138  */
1139 - (unsigned) lengthOfEscapedBLOB: (NSData*)blob;
1141 @end
1143 /**
1144  * This category contains methods for asynchronous notification of
1145  * events via the database (for those database backends which support
1146  * it: currently only PostgreSQL).
1147  */
1148 @interface	SQLClient (Notifications)
1149 /** Adds anObserver to receive notifications when the backend database
1150  * server sends an asynchronous event identified by the specified name
1151  * (which must be a valid database identifier).<br />
1152  * When a notification (NSNotification instance) is received by the method
1153  * specified by aSelector, its <em>object</em> will be the SQLClient
1154  * instance to which anObserver was added and its userInfo dictionary
1155  * will contain the key 'Local' and possibly the key 'Payload'.<br />
1156  * If the 'Local' value is the boolean YES, the notification originated
1157  * as an action by this SQLClient instance.<br />
1158  * If the 'Payload' value is not nil, then it is a string providing extra
1159  * information about the notification.<br />
1160  * NB. At the point when the observer is notified about an event the
1161  * database client object will be locked and may not be used to query
1162  * or modify the database (typically a database query will already be
1163  * in progress).  The method handling the notification must therefore
1164  * handle any database operations in a later timeout.
1165  */
1166 - (void) addObserver: (id)anObserver
1167             selector: (SEL)aSelector
1168                 name: (NSString*)name;
1170 /** Posts a notification via the database.  The name is an SQL identifier
1171  * (for which observers may have registered) and the extra payload
1172  * information may be nil if not required.
1173  */
1174 - (void) postNotificationName: (NSString*)name payload: (NSString*)more;
1176 /** Removes anObserver as an observer for asynchronous notifications from
1177  * the database server.  If name is omitted, the observer will be removed
1178  * for all names.
1179  */
1180 - (void) removeObserver: (id)anObserver name: (NSString*)name;
1181 @end
1183 /**
1184  * This category contains convenience methods including those for
1185  * frequently performed database operations ... message logging etc.
1186  */
1187 @interface	SQLClient (Convenience)
1189 /**
1190  * Returns a transaction object configured to handle batching and
1191  * execute part of a batch of statements if execution of the whole
1192  * using the [SQLTransaction-executeBatch] method fails.<br />
1193  * If stopOnFailure is YES than execution of the transaction will
1194  * stop with the first statement to fail, otherwise it will execute
1195  * all the statements it can, skipping any failed statements.
1196  */
1197 - (SQLTransaction*) batch: (BOOL)stopOnFailure;
1199 /**
1200  * Convenience method to deal with the results of a query converting the
1201  * normal array of records into an array of record columns.  Each column
1202  * in the array is an array containing all the values from that column.
1203  */
1204 - (NSMutableArray*) columns: (NSMutableArray*)records;
1206 /**
1207  * Executes a query (like the -query:,... method) and checks the result
1208  * (raising an exception if the query did not contain a single record)
1209  * and returns the resulting record.
1210  */
1211 - (SQLRecord*) queryRecord: (NSString*)stmt,...;
1213 /**
1214  * Executes a query (like the -query:,... method) and checks the result.<br />
1215  * Raises an exception if the query did not contain a single record, or
1216  * if the record did not contain a single field.<br />
1217  * Returns the resulting field as a <em>string</em>.
1218  */
1219 - (NSString*) queryString: (NSString*)stmt,...;
1221 /**
1222  * Convenience method to deal with the results of a query where each
1223  * record contains a single field ... it converts the array of records
1224  * returned by the query to an array containing the fields.<br />
1225  * NB. This does not check that the contents of the records array are
1226  * actually instances of [SQLRecord], so you must ensure you don't
1227  * call it more than once on the same array (something that may happen
1228  * if you retrieve the array using a cache based query).
1229  */
1230 - (void) singletons: (NSMutableArray*)records;
1232 /**
1233  * Creates and returns an autoreleased SQLTransaction instance  which will
1234  * use the receiver as the database connection to perform transactions.
1235  */
1236 - (SQLTransaction*) transaction;
1238 @end
1242 /**
1243  * This category porovides basic methods for logging debug information.
1244  */
1245 @interface      SQLClient (Logging)
1246 /**
1247  * Return the class-wide debugging level, which is inherited by all
1248  * newly created instances.
1249  */
1250 + (unsigned int) debugging;
1252 /**
1253  * Return the class-wide duration logging threshold, which is inherited by all
1254  * newly created instances.
1255  */
1256 + (NSTimeInterval) durationLogging;
1258 /**
1259  * Set the debugging level to be inherited by all new instances.<br />
1260  * See [SQLClient(Logging)-setDebugging:]
1261  * for controlling an individual instance of the class.
1262  */
1263 + (void) setDebugging: (unsigned int)level;
1265 /**
1266  * Set the duration logging threshold to be inherited by new instances.<br />
1267  * See [SQLClient(Logging)-setDurationLogging:]
1268  * for controlling an individual instance of the class.
1269  */
1270 + (void) setDurationLogging: (NSTimeInterval)threshold;
1272 /**
1273  * The default implementation calls NSLogv to log a debug message.<br />
1274  * Override this in a category to provide more sophisticated logging.<br />
1275  * Do NOT override with code which can be slow or which calls (directly
1276  * or indirectly) any SQLCLient methods, since this method will be used
1277  * inside locked regions of the SQLClient code and you could cause
1278  * deadlocks or long delays to other threads using the class.
1279  */
1280 - (void) debug: (NSString*)fmt, ...;
1282 /**
1283  * Return the current debugging level.<br />
1284  * A level of zero (default) means that no debug output is produced,
1285  * except for that concerned with logging the database transactions
1286  * taking over a certain amount of time (see the -setDurationLogging: method).
1287  */
1288 - (unsigned int) debugging;
1290 /**
1291  * Returns the threshold above which queries and statements taking a long
1292  * time to execute are logged.  A negative value (default) indicates that
1293  * this logging is disabled.  A value of zero means that all statements
1294  * are logged.
1295  */
1296 - (NSTimeInterval) durationLogging;
1298 /**
1299  * Set the debugging level of this instance ... overrides the default
1300  * level inherited from the class.
1301  */
1302 - (void) setDebugging: (unsigned int)level;
1304 /**
1305  * Set a threshold above which queries and statements taking a long
1306  * time to execute are logged.  A negative value (default) disables
1307  * this logging.  A value of zero logs all statements.
1308  */
1309 - (void) setDurationLogging: (NSTimeInterval)threshold;
1310 @end
1312 /**
1313  * This category provides methods for caching the results of queries
1314  * in order to reduce the number of client-server trips and the database
1315  * load produced by an application which needs update its information
1316  * from the database frequently.
1317  */
1318 @interface      SQLClient (Caching)
1320 /**
1321  * Returns the cache used by the receiver for storing the results of
1322  * requests made through it.  Creates a new cache if necessary.
1323  */
1324 - (GSCache*) cache;
1326 /**
1327  * Calls -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: with the default
1328  * record class, array class, and with a query string formed from
1329  * stmt and the following values (if any).
1330  */
1331 - (NSMutableArray*) cache: (int)seconds
1332 		    query: (NSString*)stmt,...;
1334 /**
1335  * Calls -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: with the default
1336  * record class array class and with a query string formed from stmt
1337  * and values.
1338  */
1339 - (NSMutableArray*) cache: (int)seconds
1340 		    query: (NSString*)stmt
1341 		     with: (NSDictionary*)values;
1343 /**
1344  * Calls -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: with the default
1345  * record class and array class.
1346  */
1347 - (NSMutableArray*) cache: (int)seconds simpleQuery: (NSString*)stmt;
1349 /**
1350  * If the result of the query is already cached and has not expired,
1351  * return it. Otherwise, perform the query and cache the result
1352  * giving it the specified lifetime in seconds.<br />
1353  * If seconds is negative, the query is performed irrespective of
1354  * whether it is already cached, and its absolute value is used to
1355  * set the lifetime of the results.<br />
1356  * If seconds is zero, the cache for this query is emptied.<br />
1357  * Handles locking.<br />
1358  * Maintains -lastOperation date.<br />
1359  * The value of rtype must respond to the
1360  * [SQLRecord+newWithValues:keys:count:] method.<br />
1361  * If rtype is nil then the [SQLRecord] class is used.<br />
1362  * The value of ltype must respond to the [NSObject+alloc] method to produce
1363  * a container which must repond to the [NSMutableArray-initWithCapacity:]
1364  * method to initialise itsself and the [NSMutableArray-addObject:] method
1365  * to add records to the list.<br />
1366  * If ltype is nil then the [NSMutableArray] class is used.<br />
1367  * The list produced by this argument is used as the return value of
1368  * this method.<br />
1369  * If a cache thread has been set using the -setCacheThread: method, and the
1370  * -cache:simpleQuery:recordType:listType: method is called from a
1371  * thread other than the cache thread, then any query to retrieve
1372  * uncached data will be performed in the cache thread, and for cached
1373  * (but expired) data, the old (expired) results may be returned ...
1374  * in which case an asynchronous query to update the cache will be
1375  * executed as soon as possible in the cache thread.
1376  */
1377 - (NSMutableArray*) cache: (int)seconds
1378 	      simpleQuery: (NSString*)stmt
1379 	       recordType: (id)rtype
1380 	         listType: (id)ltype;
1382 /**
1383  * Sets the cache to be used by the receiver for storing the results of
1384  * requests made through it.<br />
1385  * If aCache is nil, the current cache is released, and a new cache will
1386  * be automatically created as soon as there is a need to cache anything.
1387  */
1388 - (void) setCache: (GSCache*)aCache;
1390 /** Sets the thread to be used to retrieve data to populate the cache.<br />
1391  * All cached queries will be performed in this thread (if non-nil).<br />
1392  * The setting of a thread for the cache also implies that expired items in
1393  * the cache may not be removed when they are queried from another thread,
1394  * rather they can be kept (if they are not <em>too</em> old) and an
1395  * asynchronous query to update them will be run on the cache thread.<br />
1396  * The rule is that, if the item's age is more than twice its nominal
1397  * lifetime, it will be retrieved immediately, otherwise it will be
1398  * retrieved asynchronously.<br />
1399  * Currently this may only be the main thread or nil.  Any attempt to set
1400  * another thread will use the main thread instead.
1401  */
1402 - (void) setCacheThread: (NSThread*)aThread;
1403 @end
1405 /** <p>An SQLClientPool instance may be used to create/control a pool of
1406  * client objects.  Code may obtain autoreleased proxies to the clients
1407  * from the pool and use them safe in the knowledge that they won't be
1408  * used anywhere else ... as soon as the client would be deallocated, it
1409  * is returned to the pool.
1410  * </p>
1411  * <p>All clients in the pool share the same cache object, so query results
1412  * cached by one client will be available to other clients in the pool.
1413  * </p>
1414  */
1415 @interface	SQLClientPool : NSObject
1416 {
1417   NSConditionLock       *lock;  /** Controls access to the pool contents */
1418   SQLClient             **c;    /** The clients of the pool. */
1419   BOOL                  *u;     /** Whether the client is in use. */
1420   int                   max;    /** Maximum connection count */
1421   int                   min;    /** Minimum connection count */
1422   NSDictionary          *_config;       /** The pool configuration object */
1423   NSString              *_name;         /** The pool configuration name */
1424   NSTimeInterval	_duration;      /** Duration logging threshold */
1425   unsigned int		_debugging;	/** The current debugging level */
1426   uint64_t              _immediate;     /** Immediate client provisions */
1427   uint64_t              _delayed;       /** Count of delayed provisions */
1428   uint64_t              _failed;        /** Count of timed out provisions */
1429   NSTimeInterval        _longest;       /** Count of longest delay */
1430   NSTimeInterval        _delayWaits;    /** Time waiting for provisions */
1431   NSTimeInterval        _failWaits;     /** Time waiting for timewouts */
1432 }
1434 /** Returns the count of currently available connections in the pool.
1435  */
1436 - (int) availableConnections;
1438 /**
1439  * Creates a pool of clients using a single client configuration.<br />
1440  * Calls -initWithConfiguration:name:pool: (passing NO to say the client
1441  * is not in a pool) to create each client.<br />
1442  * The value of maxConnections is the size of the pool (ie the number of
1443  * clients created) and thus the maximum number of concurrent connections
1444  * to the database server.<br />
1445  * The value of minConnections is the minimum number of connected clients
1446  * normally expected to be in the pool.  The pool tries to ensure that it
1447  * doesn't contain more than this number of idle connected clients.
1448  */
1449 - (id) initWithConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)config
1450 			name: (NSString*)reference
1451                          max: (int)maxConnections
1452                          min: (int)minConnections;
1454 /** Return the maximum number of database connections in the pool.
1455  */
1456 - (int) maxConnections;
1458 /** Return the minimum number of database connections in the pool.
1459  */
1460 - (int) minConnections;
1462 /** Fetches an (autoreleased) client from the pool.<br />
1463  * This method blocks indefinitely waiting for a client to become
1464  * available in the pool.
1465  */
1466 - (SQLClient*) provideClient;
1468 /** Fetches an (autoreleased) client from the pool.<br />
1469  * If no client is or becomes available before the specified date then
1470  * the method returns nil.<br />
1471  * If when is nil then a date in the distant future is used so that
1472  * the method will effectively wait forever to get a client.
1473  */
1474 - (SQLClient*) provideClientBeforeDate: (NSDate*)when;
1476 /**
1477  * Sets the cache for all the clients in the pool.
1478  */
1479 - (void) setCache: (GSCache*)aCache;
1481 /**
1482  * Sets the cache thread for all the clients in the pool.
1483  */
1484 - (void) setCacheThread: (NSThread*)aThread;
1486 /** Set the debugging level for all clients in the pool.
1487  */
1488 - (void) setDebugging: (unsigned int)level;
1490 /** Set the duration logging threshold for all clients in the pool.
1491  */
1492 - (void) setDurationLogging: (NSTimeInterval)threshold;
1494 /** Sets the pool size limits (number of connections we try to maintain).<br />
1495  * The value of maxConnections is the size of the pool (ie the number of
1496  * clients created) and thus the maximum number of concurrent connections
1497  * to the database server.<br />
1498  * The value of minConnections is the minimum number of connected clients
1499  * normally expected to be in the pool.  The pool tries to ensure that it
1500  * doesn't contain more than this number of idle connected clients.<br />
1501  * The value of maxConnections must be greater than or equal to that of
1502  * minConnections and may not be greater than 100.
1503  * The value of minConnections must be less than or equal to that of
1504  * maxConnections and may not be less than 1.
1505  */
1506 - (void) setMax: (int)maxConnections min: (int)minConnections;
1508 /** Returns a string describing the usage of the pool.
1509  */
1510 - (NSString*) statistics;
1512 /** Puts the client back in the pool.  This happens automatically
1513  * when a client from a pool would normally be deallocated so you don't
1514  * generally need to do it.<br />
1515  * Returns YES if the supplied client was from the pool, NO otherwise.<br />
1516  * If the swallowed client would take the count of idle client connections
1517  * in the pool above the configured minimum, the oldest (ie longest idle)
1518  * client in the pool is disconnected.
1519  */
1520 - (BOOL) swallowClient: (SQLClient*)client;
1522 @end
1524 /**
1525  * The SQLTransaction transaction class provides a convenient mechanism
1526  * for grouping together a series of SQL statements to be executed as a
1527  * single transaction.  It avoids the need for handling begin/commit,
1528  * and should be as efficient as reasonably possible.<br />
1529  * You obtain an instance by calling [SQLClient-transaction], add SQL
1530  * statements to it using the -add:,... and/or -add:with: methods, and
1531  * then use the -execute method to perform all the statements as a
1532  * single operation.<br />
1533  * Any exception is caught and re-raised in the -execute method after any
1534  * tidying up to leave the database in a consistent state.<br />
1535  * NB. This class is not in itsself thread-safe, though the underlying
1536  * database operations should be.   If you have multiple threads, you
1537  * should create multiple SQLTransaction instances, at least one per thread.
1538  */
1539 @interface	SQLTransaction : NSObject <NSCopying>
1540 {
1542   SQLClient		*_db;
1543   NSMutableArray	*_info;
1544   unsigned		_count;
1545   BOOL                  _batch;
1546   BOOL                  _stop;
1547   uint8_t               _merge;
1548 }
1550 /**
1551  * Adds an SQL statement to the transaction.  This is similar to
1552  * [SQLClient-execute:,...] but does not cause any database operation
1553  * until -execute is called, so it will not raise a database exception.
1554  */
1555 - (void) add: (NSString*)stmt,...;
1557 /**
1558  * Adds an SQL statement to the transaction.  This is similar to
1559  * [SQLClient-execute:with:] but does not cause any database operation
1560  * until -execute is called, so it will not raise a database exception.
1561  */
1562 - (void) add: (NSString*)stmt with: (NSDictionary*)values;
1564 /**
1565  * Appends a copy of the other transaction to the receiver.<br />
1566  * This provides a convenient way of merging transactions which have been
1567  * built by different code modules, in order to have them all executed
1568  * together in a single operation (for efficiency etc).<br />
1569  * This does not alter the other transaction, so if the execution of
1570  * a group of merged transactions fails, it is then possible to attempt
1571  * to commit the individual transactions separately.<br />
1572  * NB. All transactions appended must be using the same database
1573  * connection (SQLClient instance).
1574  */
1575 - (void) append: (SQLTransaction*)other;
1577 /**
1578  * Make a copy of the receiver.
1579  */
1580 - (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*)z;
1582 /**
1583  * Returns the number of individual statements and/or subsidiary transactions
1584  * which have been added to the receiver.  For a count of the total number
1585  * of statements, use the -totalCount method.
1586  */
1587 - (NSUInteger) count;
1589 /**
1590  * Returns the database client with which this instance operates.<br />
1591  * This client is retained by the transaction.
1592  */
1593 - (SQLClient*) db;
1595 /**
1596  * <p>Performs any statements added to the transaction as a single operation.
1597  * If any problem occurs, an NSException is raised, but the database connection
1598  * is left in a consistent state and a partially completed operation is
1599  * rolled back.
1600  * </p>
1601  * <p>NB. If the database is not already in a transaction, this implicitly
1602  * calls the -begin method to start the transaction before executing the
1603  * statements.<br />
1604  * The method always commits the transaction, even if the transaction was
1605  * begun earlier rather than in -execute.<br />
1606  * This behavior allows you to call [SQLClient-begin], then run one or more
1607  * queries, build up a transaction based upon the query results, and then
1608  * -execute that transaction, causing the entire process to be commited as
1609  * a single transaction .
1610  * </p>
1611  */
1612 - (void) execute;
1614 /** Convenience method which calls
1615  * -executeBatchReturningFailures:logExceptions: with
1616  * a nil failures argument and exception logging off.
1617  */
1618 - (unsigned) executeBatch;
1620 /**
1621  * <p>This is similar to the -execute method, but may allow partial
1622  * execution of the transaction if appropriate:
1623  * </p>
1624  * <p>If the transaction was created using the [SQLClient-batch:] method and
1625  * the transaction as a whole fails, individual statements are retried.<br />
1626  * The stopOnFailure flag for the batch creation indicates whether the
1627  * retries are stopped at the first statement to fail, or continue (skipping
1628  * any failed statements).
1629  * </p>
1630  * <p>If the transaction has had transactions appended to it, those
1631  * subsidiary transactions may succeed or fail atomically depending
1632  * on their individual attributes.
1633  * </p>
1634  * <p>If the transaction was not created using [SQLClient-batch:], then
1635  * calling this method is equivalent to calling the -execute method.
1636  * </p>
1637  * <p>If any statements/transactions in the batch fail, they are added to
1638  * the transaction supplied in the failures parameter (if it's not nil)
1639  * so that you can retry them later.<br />
1640  * NB. statements/transactions which are not executed at all (because the
1641  * batch is set to stop on the first failure) are <em>also</em> added to
1642  * the failures transaction.
1643  * </p>
1644  * <p>If the log argument is YES, then any exceptions encountered when
1645  * executing the batch are logged using the [SQLClient-debug:,...] method,
1646  * even if debug logging is not enabled with [SQLClient-setDebugging:].
1647  * </p>
1648  * The method returns the number of statements which actually succeeded.
1649  */
1650 - (unsigned) executeBatchReturningFailures: (SQLTransaction*)failures
1651 			     logExceptions: (BOOL)log;
1653 /**
1654  * Insert trn at the index'th position in the receiver.<br />
1655  * The transaction trn must be non-empty and must use the same
1656  * database client as the receiver.
1657  */
1658 - (void) insertTransaction: (SQLTransaction*)trn atIndex: (unsigned)index;
1660 /** Remove the index'th transaction or statement from the receiver.
1661  */
1662 - (void) removeTransactionAtIndex: (unsigned)index;
1664 /**
1665  * Resets the transaction, removing all previously added statements.
1666  * This allows the transaction object to be re-used for multiple
1667  * transactions.
1668  */
1669 - (void) reset;
1671 /** <p>Use this method to enable merging of statemements subsequently added
1672  * or appended to the receiver.  The history argument specifies how many
1673  * of the most recent statements in the transaction should be checked for
1674  * merging in a new statement, with a value of zero meaning that no
1675  * merging is done.<br />
1676  * Returns the previous setting for the transaction.
1677  * </p>
1678  * <p>You may use this feature with an insert statement of the form:<br />
1679  * INSERT INTO table (fieldnames) VALUES (values);<br />
1680  * For databases which support multiline inserts such that they can be
1681  * merged into something of the form:
1682  * INSERT INTO table (fieldnames) VALUES (values1),(values2),...;
1683  * </p>
1684  * <p>Or may use this with an update or delete statement of the form:<br />
1685  * command table SET settings WHERE condition;<br />
1686  * So that statements may be merged into:<br />
1687  * command table SET settings WHERE (condition1) OR (condition2) OR ...;
1688  * </p>
1689  * If no opportunity for merging is found, the new statement is simply
1690  * added to the transaction.<br />
1691  * Caveats:<br />
1692  * 1. databases may not actually support multiline insert.<br />
1693  * 2. Merging is done only if the statement up to the string 'VALUES'
1694  * (for insert) or 'WHERE' (for update) matches.<br />
1695  * 3. Merging into any of the last N statements (where N is greater than 1)
1696  * may of course change the order of statements in the transaction,
1697  * so care must be taken not to use this feature where that might matter.<br />
1698  * 4. This is a simple text match rather than sql syntactic analysis,
1699  * so it's possible to confuse the process with complex statements.
1700  */
1701 - (uint8_t) setMerge: (uint8_t)history;
1703 /**
1704  * Returns the total count of statements in this transaction including
1705  * those in any subsidiary transactions.  For a count of the statements
1706  * and/or transactions directly added to the receiver, use the -count method.
1707  */
1708 - (unsigned) totalCount;
1710 /** Return an autoreleased copy of the index'th transaction or statement
1711  * added to the receiver.<br />
1712  * Since the returned transaction contains a copy of the statement/transaction
1713  * in the receiver, you can modify it without effecting the original.
1714  */
1715 - (SQLTransaction*) transactionAtIndex: (unsigned)index;
1716 @end
1720 /* A helper for building a dictionary from an SQL query which returns
1721  * key-value pairs (you can subclass it to handle other records).<br />
1722  * You create an instance of this class, and pass it as both the
1723  * record and list class arguments of the low level SQLClient query.<br />
1724  * The query (which must return a number of records, each with two fields)
1725  * will result in a mutable dictionary being built, with dictionary keys
1726  * being the first field from each record and dictionary values being the
1727  * second field of each record.<br />
1728  * You may use the same instance for more than one query, but a second query
1729  * will replace the content dictionary produced by the first.<br />
1730  * If you want to handle records containing more than two values, you
1731  * must create a subclass which overrides the -newWithValues:keys:count:
1732  * method to create the record objects and add them to the content
1733  * dictionary.<br />
1734  * See [SQLClient-simpleQuery:recordType:listType:] also.<br />
1735  * NB. When this class is used, the query will actually return an
1736  * [NSMutableDictionary] instance rather than an [NSMutableArray] of
1737  * [SQLRecord] objects.
1738  */
1739 @interface SQLDictionaryBuilder : NSObject
1740 {
1741   NSMutableDictionary   *content;
1742 }
1744 /** No need to do anything ... the object will already have been added by
1745  * the -newWithValues:keys:count: method.
1746  */
1747 - (void) addObject: (id)anObject;
1749 /** When a container is supposed to be allocated, we just return the
1750  * receiver (which will then quietly ignore -addObject: messages).
1751  */
1752 - (id) alloc;
1754 /** Returns the content dictionary for the receiver.
1755  */
1756 - (NSMutableDictionary*) content;
1758 /** Creates a new content dictionary ... this method will be called
1759  * automatically by the SQLClient object when it performs a query,
1760  * so there is no need to call it at any other time.
1761  */
1762 - (id) initWithCapacity: (NSUInteger)capacity;
1764 /** Makes a mutable copy of the content dictionary (called when a caching
1765  * query uses this helper to produce the cached collection).
1766  */
1767 - (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)aZone;
1769 /** This is the main workhorse of the class ... it is called once for
1770  * every record read from the database, and is responsible for adding
1771  * that record to the content dictionary.  The default implementation,
1772  * instead of creating an object to hold the supplied record data,
1773  * uses the two fields from the record as a key-value pair to add to
1774  * the content dictionary, and returns nil as the record object.
1775  * It's OK to return a nil object since we ignore the -addObject:
1776  * argument.
1777  */
1778 - (id) newWithValues: (id*)values
1779 		keys: (NSString**)keys
1780 	       count: (unsigned int)count;
1781 @end
1783 /* A helper for building a counted set from an SQL query which returns
1784  * individual values (you can subclass it to handle other records).<br />
1785  * You create an instance of this class, and pass it as both the
1786  * record and list class arguments of the low level SQLClient query.<br />
1787  * The query (which must return a number of records, each with one field)
1788  * will result in a counted set being built and a record of the number of
1789  * added objects being kept.<br />
1790  * You may use the same instance for more than one query, but a second query
1791  * will replace the content set produced by the first.<br />
1792  * If you want to handle records containing more than one value, you
1793  * must create a subclass which overrides the -newWithValues:keys:count:
1794  * method to create the record objects and add them to the content
1795  * set, and increment the counter.<br />
1796  * See [SQLClient-simpleQuery:recordType:listType:] also.<br />
1797  * NB. When this class is used, the query will actually return an
1798  * [NSCountedSet] instance rather than an [NSMutableArray] of
1799  * [SQLRecord] objects.
1800  */
1801 @interface SQLSetBuilder : NSObject
1802 {
1803   NSCountedSet  *content;
1804   NSUInteger    added;
1805 }
1807 /** Returns the number of objects actually added to the counted set.
1808  */
1809 - (NSUInteger) added;
1811 /** No need to do anything ... the object will already have been added by
1812  * the -newWithValues:keys:count: method.
1813  */
1814 - (void) addObject: (id)anObject;
1816 /** When a container is supposed to be allocated, we just return the
1817  * receiver (which will then quietly ignore -addObject: messages).
1818  */
1819 - (id) alloc;
1821 /** Returns the counted set for the receiver.
1822  */
1823 - (NSCountedSet*) content;
1825 /** Creates a new content set ... this method will be called
1826  * automatically by the SQLClient object when it performs a query,
1827  * so there is no need to call it at any other time.
1828  */
1829 - (id) initWithCapacity: (NSUInteger)capacity;
1831 /** Makes a mutable copy of the content dictionary (called when a caching
1832  * query uses this helper to produce the cached collection).
1833  */
1834 - (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)aZone;
1836 /** This is the main workhorse of the class ... it is called once for
1837  * every record read from the database, and is responsible for adding
1838  * that record to the content set.  The default implementation,
1839  * instead of creating an object to hold the supplied record data,
1840  * uses the singe field from the record to add to
1841  * the content set, and returns nil as the record object.
1842  * It's OK to return a nil object since we ignore the -addObject:
1843  * argument.
1844  */
1845 - (id) newWithValues: (id*)values
1846 		keys: (NSString**)keys
1847 	       count: (unsigned int)count;
1848 @end
1850 /* A helper for building a collection of singletons from an SQL query
1851  * which returns singleton values.<br />
1852  * You create an instance of this class, and pass it as the record
1853  * class argument of the low level SQLClient query.<br />
1854  * The query (which must return a number of records, each with one field)
1855  * will result in the singleton values being stored in the list class.<br />
1856  * See [SQLClient-simpleQuery:recordType:listType:] also.
1857  */
1858 @interface SQLSingletonBuilder : NSObject
1859 - (id) newWithValues: (id*)values
1860 		keys: (NSString**)keys
1861 	       count: (unsigned int)count;
1862 @end
1864 #endif